The Voice of the Maltese No. 181

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Issue 181

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora

The Valletta Pageant of the Seas, organised by Valletta 2018, held against the majestic backdrop of Valletta’s Grand Harbour proved to be a huge success with the organisers estimating the presence of a crowd of over 50,000. The participation of 640 people took part in a six-hour long spectacle that kicked off late afternoon until at around 11pm. The main

June 12, 2018

The The Pageant Pageant of of the the Seas Seas 2018 2018

attraction was a 100-long bargethat acted as a stage for all sorts of entertainment, including acrobatics by various Maltese performers to a special choreography within the structure of the Venus of Malta (left). It followed another spectacle offered by 28 yachts (above) flying the colours of the EU states. See report on page 12

Inawgurat il-monument ta’ Dom Mintoff f’Kastilja

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018


l-aħħar ta’ Mejju fi Pjazza Kastilja fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta faċċata tal-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru, ġie inawgurat il-monument tal-eks Prim Ministru, il-Perit Dom Mintoff li għal 51 sena sħaħ ta kontribut mill-aktar siewi biex Malta tibda titqies bħala nazzjon b’ħiliet li jwasslu lill-barranin li jagħtu kasha. Mintoff li serva filParlament Malti, kemm bħala Prim Ministru, f’erba’ leġislaturi, kif ukoll bħala kap tal-Oppożizzjoni u membru ‘normali’ miet fl-2012 fl-eta`ta’ 96 sena, F’għadd ta’ diskorsi waqt iċ-ċerimonja tal-kxif tal-monument, wieħed seta’ jisma’ għaliex dan il-politikant, statistika ta’ livell dinji jistħoqqlu li jibqa’ mfakkar għas-sehem tiegħu biex ġab il-quddiem lill-Gżejjer Maltin u lill-poplu Malti u tah id-dinjita` li jistħoqqlu. Żgur li ħadd ma jista’ jmeri l-mod kif il-Prim Ministru Dr. Joseph Muscat iddeskriva lil Mintoff bħala ġgant u li x’aktarx qatt ma ried monument li jfakkar il-memorja tiegħu. Qal li l-monument ta’ Mintoff “jagħmel ġustizzja għall-memorja kollettiva tagħna”. Dr Muscat qal li Mintoff jibqa’ mfakkar għall-bidliet li ġab fil-pajjiż, u li kienu kruċjali fit-tmexxija tiegħu. Sostna li kien Mintoff li mill-bidunett ra l-potenzjal li kellu l-pajjiż, u li b’ħidmietu wassal ħalli jingħataw għajnuna “nies li nqalgħu mill-għanqbut tal-faqar u l-injoranza”. Il-Prim Ministru qal li l-Perit Mintoff ħoloq setturi ġodda bħall-manifattura u t-turiżmu li minnhom kielu eluf ta’ Maltin, u li, “Il-viżjoni ta’ Mintoff kienet li pajjiżna ma joffrix opportunità ta’ xogħol lill-Maltin biss imma wkoll lill-ħaddiema barranin.” Huwa semma wkoll kumment li għamel dwar Mintoff l-eks Prim Ministru u Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Eddie Fenech Adami, meta qal li fil-fehma tiegħu “meta wieħed jikkunsidra kollox, il-kontrbut ta’ Mintoff fl-iżvilupp politiku kien aktar pożittiv milli negattiv.” Dr. Muscat qal li l-Perit Mintoff ħalla pajjiż b’saħħtu għall-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġew wara u li għal-kemm Mintoff jibqa’ persuna kontroversjali m’hemmx dubju li għamel il-ġid għal Malta. “Il-monument ta’ Mintoff jagħmel ġustizzja miegħu u ma’ familtu,” qal il-Prim Ministru. F’din l-okkażjoni tal-kxif tal-monument, b’għoli ta’ żewġ metri u nofs li sar fuq disinn tal-artist Noel Galea Bason u nħadem f’funderija fl-Italja, taw ukoll ġieħ lil Mintoff f’diskorsi mqanqla, il-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja u l Kultura Owen Bonnici, il-Pro-Rettur tal-Università, il-Profs. Carmen Sammut, u l-Patri Duminkan Mark Montebello. Il-Ministru Owen Bonnici qal li l-Perit Mintoff, kien ilpolitiku li ta leħen liż-żgħir u li ra li l-ġid jasal għand liċken fis-soċjetà. Fisser lil Mintoff bħala dik il-persuna li wittiet t-triq biex il-poplu Malti jkun kburi bih innifsu. Sostna li l-inawgurazzjoni tal-monument ta’ Mintoff mhijiex ċelebrazzjoni ta’ fanatażma imma mument li jfakkar il-kisbiet soċjali u ekonomiċi li għamel għal Malta. Il-Prof Carmen Sammut irrakkontat kif hi kienet taf lil Mintoff sa minn ċkunita u semmiet waqtiet li anke ġabu tbissima lil dawk preżenti għaċ-ċerimonja, fosthom familjari ta’ Mintoff, inkluż iż-żewġ uliedu bniet, u ħutu. Saħħqet li r-riformi li għamel l-eks Prim Ministru Mintoff għadna ngawduhom sal-lum. Fost dawn semmiet ledukazzjoni, is-settur tas-saħħa b’xejn u l-pensjonijiet. Patri Mark Montebello qal li l-Perit Mintoff, kien il-politiku li ta leħen liż-żgħir u li ra l-ġid jasal għand l-iċken fissoċjetà. Fl-eloġju tiegħu fissru bħala l-persuna li wittiet it-triq biex il-poplu Malti jkun kburi bih innifsu.

Il-lejla tal-inawgurazzjoni tal-monument saret waqt programm li nkluda wkoll qari ta’ siltiet letterarji, produzzjoni awdjo-viżiva b’filmati storiċi ta’ mumenti ewlenin minn ħajjet l-eks Prim Ministru Mintoff, u żfin, imżewwqa b’mużika ipprovduta minn orkestra mmexxijja missurmast Paul Abela, li wkoll sawwar silta ġdida impressjonanti għall-mument li fih lejn tmiem il-lejla, ilPrim Ministru Joseph Muscat kixef il-il-monument. Għalkemm iċ-ċerimonja f’Kastilja kienet riservata għallmistednin u l-bqija tal-poplu seta’ jsegwiha diretta minn fuq it-televiżjoni, l-għada fil-għodu l-monument kien lat- trazzjoni ewlenija fil-belt b’Maltin u barranin jiġbdu rritratti tal-monument tal-persunaġġ li mhemmx dubju li tul ħajtu seraq ix-xena Maltija.

PM Joseph Muscat promises an even better tomorrow than today

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday June 12, 2018


t a mass meeting in Paola organised as part of the celebrations marking the 10th Anniversary of Dr Joseph Muscat as leader of the Labour Party, the Prime Minister while promising that “tomorrow will be even better than today” called on the Maltese society to open its doors to “everyone who wants to live and work” on the island. Arguing that he is simply following in the footsteps of former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff, he said that in the 1970s, Mintoff had a vision that Malta would grow and open its doors, and those who truly believe in what we used to say and do 40 years ago now have a responsibility to ensure that our society keeps opening its doors and embracing change.” He said Malta must open its doors to ‘everyone who wants to live and work on the island. "My wish for a cosmopolitan Malta is rooted in Dom Mintoff's vision" He added, “We must embrace change and diversity and we must convert Malta into a cosmopolitan society that is both proud to be Maltese and proud to welcome everyone who wants to live and work here to help raise our country up.”

He said the party had to continue to build on its achievements, that it should admit the mistakes it made, and despite all the achievements, not rest on its laurels. “The party had become a movement because it gave space to everyone’s ideas, something it would continue to do, Joseph Muscat said. He highlighted the Labour government’s achievements, including job creation, higher pensions, new civil rights based on equality, free childcare, lower utility tariffs, higher credit ratings for the country and a financial surplus. He said that families were enjoying a better standard of living, and there

The massive crowd at Raħal Ġdid that celebrated 10 years of PL leadership by Joseph Muscat

was also a better business environment. It has also improved air quality; improved workers’ rights for those in uniform, lifted the censorship laws, and given the vote for those aged 16. “Our vision remains focused on the best time for the country. We continue to have an ambitious programme for the country,” Dr Muscat said. The Prime Minister went on to say that Malta’s success and its economic growth has created a pressing problem amongst employers who are struggling to find Maltese and EU workers and often have to go through the bureaucracy of employing third-country nationals instead. Dr Muscat also talked about major institutional reform planned to increase women's presence in parliament, saying that one major challenge yet to be met was to see that women had a bigger role in decision-making. He said that in decades hardly any progress had been regarding women’s representation in parliament and an institutional earthquake was needed to remedy this situation. “The changes could be controversial, but the government had the mandate and the commitment to bring about this change,” he said. He believed that the institutions and the Constitution itself needed reform. But to achieve this progress there was need for national unity was. “The politics of red and blue needed to be replaced by the politics of the national colours,” he said. “We are only half way, and we will continue to move forward,” Dr Muscat said. To the chants of “Joseph, Joseph”, he told the enthusiastic crowd, “Tomorrow will be even better than today,” Other speakers preceded Dr Muscat’s address. They included former deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech, who spent years with Joseph Muscat in Brussels when they served as European Parliamentarians and used to discuss the future for Malta.

Two Maltese from Melbourne among 1007 Queen’s Birthday 2018 honourees 4 The Voice of the Maltese


wo people born in Malta now residing in the state of Victoria are among the 1007 honourees of the Order of Australia on the Queen’s birthday, the pre-eminent means of recognising Australians who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement. Christian John Zahra and Frances M. Bonnici are the only awardees that have declared they were born in Malta. There are four levels of awards that are made on the recommendation of the Council for the Order of Australia and with the Governor- General’s approval. The Queen’s Birthday 2018 Honours List recognises 1007 Australians across a wide range of professions and industries, from all States and Territories. Referring to the 2018 Queens’s birthday Order of Australia awards, the Governor-General and Chancellor of the Order of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) told the Voice of the Maltese: “We are fortunate as a community to have so many outstanding people willing to dedicate themselves to the betterment of our nation, and it is only fitting that they have been recognised through the Australian Honours system. “Since 1975 these awards have helped to define, encourage and reinforce Australian goals and values. They identify role models who give without thought of recognition or personal gain”.

There have been 778 General Division appointments and awards in the 2018 Honours List, in the Order of Australia. A further 229 Australians were recognised through meritorious and military awards, while 186 have been awarded the Member of the Order and 509 the Medal of the Order. Anybody can nominate any Australian within the general division. The Council for the Order of Australia, which recommends awards for the Governor-General’s approval, considers all nominations. They are then announced during the Queen's birthday and on Australia Day. Among this year’s awardees is Christian John Zahra from Trentham in Victoria. He received the Australian Medal. In 1998, at the age of 25, Christian was elected to the House of Representatives as the Federal Member for McMillan in regional Victoria, a position he occupied until 2004. In 2001 he was promoted to Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Minister for Communications and in 2002 became Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Development. At the time, he was the youngest person ever to be appointed Parliamentary Secretary. Zahra was born at St Luke’s Hospital Pieta (Gwardamangia) in Malta. He migrated to Australia with his family when he was three. He grew up and was educated in Traralgon, Victoria. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from La Trobe University and is a Master of Assessment and Evaluation from the University of Melbourne. Before entering Parliament, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Aboriginal Health Service in Morwell, Victoria. Christian is currently Principal, Impact Partners Australia, and Executive Director, National Catholic Education Commission, 2017-2018. He has been a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors since 2011, and was honoured with AM for significant service to rural and regional development, to the advancement of Indigenous welfare, and to the Parliament of Australia. Frances M Bonnici from WatChristian John Zahra AM sonia in Victoria was awarded

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Frances M. Bonnici OAM

the OAM for services to the Maltese community and education. She was born in Paola, Malta and emigrated to Melbourne Australia in 1986 with husband Mario and family. She is a teacher by profession, having trained as a teacher at the Mater Admirabilis Training College in Malta. For 12 years (2002-214) she occupied the post of President of the Maltese Historical Association, and is the founder and coordinator of the Language Immersion Mornings. Her CV also includes: Tutor, Italian Language Classes, University of the Third Age, Box Hill, since 2013. Victorian School of Languages, 2004-2013. Area Coordinator, Italian Teachers (Primary level), Diamond Valley area schools, 1999-2002. Assistant Class Teacher, Lalor West Primary School, 2003-2005. Teacher, LOTE Italian, Panton Hill Primary School, 1989-2002. Teacher, Fawkner Primary School, 1997. She attended as a Victorian delegate at meetings of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools held in Canberra and Sydney. Going through the list we also noticed another Maltese-sounding name, that of Ms Grima Vicki Ann from Botany NSW who received the OAM. When contacted she told The Voice of the Maltese that she is Australian. Her husband too was born in Australia but is of Maltese descent.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Moving on and moving out:

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

– to downsize, or head to the village


by PaulSant

ith the introduction of a new scheme, the “Downsizing contributions into superannuation” in July 2018, the federal government will be allowing persons over 65 to contribute up to $300,000 from the sale of their homes into superannuation, so long as the amount contributed is not greater than the entire proceeds of sale of the home. If part of a couple, spouses are both able to contribute $300,000. The eligibility criteria stipulate the contract of sale must be exchanged on or after 1 July 2018: – The home must have be owned for 10+ years (from the date of settlement of the purchase, to the date of settlement of the sale), – The home is in Australia (and is not a caravan, houseboat or other mobile home), – The contribution is made within 90 days of receiving the proceeds of the sale, the proceeds are CGT exempt (all or partial), and the appropriate form has been provided to your super fund. The proceeds of one home only can be done as a downsizer contribution. Given this new policy may be the icing on the cake in making the decision as to downsizing or entering a retirement village, community or resort, this article conveys some of the pros and cons of moving into a smaller property versus entering a retirement village, as well as highlighting some simple ways to see if a ‘good deal’ really is a good deal.

Pros – No stamp duty payable when moving into a retirement village - $30,000 on a $750,000 property – Entry price into a retirement village is usually 8085% of comparable properties in the area - Bills and maintenance costs are collective of all residents – invariably cheaper than for an individual property in a comparable suburb – Some offer a range of active pursuits, such as swimming pools, golf courses, gyms and workshops – Some are built to allow residents to move on to arrangements with more support should their health so require. Cons – On-going costs – Hefty departure or leaving fees – Risk of operator insolvency (currently no government refund guarantee scheme as with Aged Care) – Downsizing to an apartment may free up funds for going on holidays – lock it up and leave – Other people – this comes down to you or your family member’s personal preference of being around other people. Another option is a reverse mortgage. If you have a strong emotional connection to your property, and it is not excessively large for your needs, overly costly to upkeep and maintain, a reverse mortgage may improve your lifestyle, freeing up



Now at: 21 George Street

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funds and providing a bit of peace of mind. Reverse mortgages are often by some Banks which provide a limited loan facility subject to meeting certain criteria which do not require repayment of principal or interest during the borrower’s life time although interest and charges are added to the loan facility until the property is sold. A less popular option is selling a part of the property to a third party loan provider. Again the borrower is not obliged to pay principal or interest but is obliged to maintain the property and pay all outgoings solely. There are a number of issues that a borrower should be made aware of if you are considering such an option including the financier’s sole determination of value for an equity share of the property. Whichever way you decide to go, you should seek the appropriate legal and financial advice. Moving into a retirement home is essentially entering a contract with an operator that outlines the provision of and payment for services across what is likely to be a long-term relationship. Should you opt to downsize, you would seek advice on the purchase and sale, and if you think a reverse mortgage sounds suitable, you would talk this through with suitable advisors. To get in touch with Paul or any of our expert Lawyers, contact Longton Legal on 1800 959 999 24 hours, 7 days a week. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

he second arT ticle about the set of fourteen Tapestries at St John’s CoCathedral in which we try to grasp the message each representation wants to convey deals with the Nativity of our Saviour.

The Nativity of our Saviour T

he Nativity of Jesus in a manger presents the birth of the Prince of the world in a very poor and humble way. There is a host of angels coming down from heaven, beaming a stream of strong light on the Holy Family.

The Light of the world dwells among us. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8, 12). Jesus reflected God’s light into a sinful world, dispelling the darkness of sin, unbelief and ignorance: “I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (John 12, 46). This light depicts the strongest light ever, the light which shines forever. It is the light that accompanies man throughout his spiritual journey. “Light” could be an obvious analogy to the illumination of conversion and achievement of knowledge of God. Through this woven tapestry, one can exclaim: “Divine Sun, O Jesus! You came to tear us from eternal night! Be forever blessed! O Sun of justice!” The shepherds are admiring the beauty of the Baby; amidst the adoring group, one takes off his hat, another clasps his hands. There is a general attitude of adoration. A child is holding the hand of one of the shepherds as if to lead him and show him the way to meet the Saviour. Could certain characters in the scene represent sects at the time of the painting? One of the figures in the centre brings to mind the attire of a Calvinist (Rubens’s father was a Calvinist). The person kneeling close to the

The Flemish Tapestries in the Conventional Church of the Order of St John in Valletta

newborn is wearing a red garment. Could it be possible that the Catholic painter wanted to bring out the hidden royalty of Baby Jesus by the use of touches of red? When our Saviour was born Mary called him Jesus. This name was chosen by God, it was God’s command as the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary: “Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus.” The admirable mystery of conception of Jesus exceeds man’s comprehension. By means of his nativity God wanted to become man in order that man may be born again as a child of God. Like his conception, the nativity of Jesus transcends the order of nature. Born of the Virgin Mary – the birth of our Lord presents to our contemplation nothing but what is divine. Jesus is born of his Mother “without any diminution of her maternal virginity.” Just as Christ came out of the sepulcher on Easter Sunday while it was closed and sealed, and entered the room with closed doors in which his disciples were gathered, in the same way, Jesus came out from his mother’s womb without causing any injury to her maternal virginity. This was the work of the Holy Spirit,

Dr. DorisCannataci

who at the conception and birth of the Son favoured Mary “as to impart to her fecundity while preserving inviolate her perpetual virginity.” The lesson that Baby Jesus wanted to teach us in this image was the humility and poverty of Christ. He taught us the first lesson before he began to speak. He was born in poverty in a cave, born in a manger instead of a crib, in the cold weather – in the depth of winter. Luke described Jesus’s humble birth and said that there was no room in the inn; while John did not say that there was no room in the inn, but “He came unto his own, and his own received him not” (John 1, 11). It is the duty of every Christian to reflect on the humility of Jesus and to practise this virtue. If not, just as there was no room for him in the inn at Bethlehem, likewise now, he should find no room in man’s heart in which to be born spiritually. Spiritual birth is the most precious way that leads man to salvation. This is the object of Christ’s most earnest concern. References

1. Catechism of Council of Trent for Parish Priests, 34 2. Ibid., 45. 3. Ibid., 45-46. 4. Ibid., 46.

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Pomegranate contamination kills woman

A 64-year-old woman died in South Australia a few days ago in what state health authorities described as a "rare and tragic" case, after contracting hepatitis A from a packet of frozen pomegranate. Local officials issued a warning about the Australian-owned Creative Gourmet product in April that has been linked to 24 cases of hepatitis A nationally. Australians have been urged to check their freezers and discard packets of the frozen fruit. About 2,000 packets of the Egyptian-grown pomegranate arils were sold. Fresh pomegranate and locally grown products were not affected, authorities said. South Australia chief medical officer Prof Paddy Phillips said, "The woman's death is the only death linked to this recalled product nationally to date. " Most other people affected had made a full recovery and no further cases were expected, he said.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Grants for Australia Day function he Maltese Community Council of the community, would not be able to NSW was one of the beneficiaries exist. T The Australia Day function has been of a grant by the newly named Cumberland City Council (formerly Holroyd), in order to be able to stage events commemorating Australia Day 2019 at a reception held at the Merrylands Community Centre. Opening the procedures, Deputy Mayor Eddy Sarkis welcomed the 300 guests, including representatives from the Maltese Community Council of NSW, some wearing their traditional costumes, by outlining the council’s role and the grant programme. Emanuel Camilleri, who as president received the grant on behalf of the MCC, told The Voice of the Maltese that without the generosity of the local Councils and Club grants, the multitude of community organisations who provide an excellent service to

Għal serħan il-moħħ f’ambjent indipendenti Nelsons Grove Jekk bħalissa qed issibha diffiċli tkopri mal-ħajja. Jekk fejn toqgħod sar kbir wisq għalik u ma tistax tlaħħaq aktar, qed noffrulek alternattiva.

Kompli għix ħajja indpendenti f’ambjent ta’ komunita` familjari u attiva, fejn għandek issib serħan il-moħħ, sigurta`, kura u attenzjoni. Tirtira iżda żżomm id-dinjita’ u l-indipendenza tiegħek.

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one of the main events held by the Maltese Community Council annually. Local politicians, members of the local councils and the community, attend it. They all come together to celebrate Australia day as part of multicultural Australian. “The Cumberland City Council is a life-saver for the community it represents” Mr. Camilleri said. Last year’s grant by the Cumberland City Council’s to community organisations under its jurisdiction amounted to $591,923.00. Below: All the recipients of the grants

Alterna t għal da tiva w qabżu l k li -55

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Malta has become a land of opportunity

Carlo Mangion from Ipswich, Queensland, writes: needed to see for myself the progress Malta has made in the past few years that we keep hearing and reading about. My recent visit to Malta was my first since 2005. That was at a time when unemployment figures were of great concern with little or no openings in sight and a number of sectors of the economy stagnant. Despite their high grades at school and University, very few young people that I met at the time, seemed that eager to drop their anchors in Malta as opening were at the barest minimum. Most of the young people, including close relatives were more intent on seeking pastures new; foreign lands beckoned. This time round I could see that a lot of water has passed under the bridge. What a difference a few years make! Me being a newsakolic, since my last visit to Malta I kept abreast of the goings-on on the island though the Internet. Computer streaming of the Maltese TV stations became an everyday occurrence with me. Being an avid media follower, I also spend a lot of my free time (which I have a lot of) navigating from one Maltese website to the next. I am sad to say that some of the news websites in Malta are set on painting a dark side of Malta. They seem to follow a similar agenda, that of tarnishing the country’s recent achievements. However, I have become very selective and they won’t fool me. I can understand why some sites, in particular those belonging to newspapers, push and follow an identical attitude based on obscuring the achievements of the past few years. Having said that, now that I am on holiday


in Malta, I can say that so far, my stay has been mostly positive. There has been very little negativity; they were two days of averse weather when I thought it was going to be sunny all the time, and the high rent I had to pay for my stay; but no complaints really, I never expected to pay the same rent as 13 years ago. Malta has become a hive of activity and the people are mostly happy as they enjoy free education, free health (I learned that if you are forced to wait for two months for an operation, the government sends you to a private hospital and pays for it.), electricity bills are cheap, the government provides child care in order for women to join the employment sector, economy is at its best, infrastructure has improved by leaps and bounds, and tourism and business are booming. One other thing that really impressed me is that the island has become a hive of activity. Each weekend towns and villages around Malta organise cultural and social activities and Valletta has once again come alive. What more could you want? So what is there not to love about the new Malta? I also met many foreigners, not just tourists, but workers who believe that the island has become a land of opportunity Along with friends from Australia on May 31 we watched the unveiling of the monument for Dom Mintoff at Castille. A well organised activity. It brought back memories of this leader who dominated the Malta scene. It was a joy to be back.

Ħasejtni lura għal żmien l-Ingliżi


Cikku Pisani minn Kellyville NSW jikteb: ttendejt għall-produzzjoni speċjali li ġabulna minn Malta, l-iStilla ta’ Strada Stretta. Din hi storja ta’ tfajla Ingliża li tmur Malta biex tkanta fi Strada Stretta u tieħu grazzja ma’ pilota Ingliz. Saret taf li kien miżżewweġ meta rċeviet l-aħbar ta’ mewtu. Imsomma, kull ma kien hemm Malti fl-istorja hi, li dawn il-maħbubin kienu f’Malta fi żmien il-gwerra. Ftit hemm kultura fiha. Taħseb li m’hemm xejn aħjar li jistgħu jibagħtulna minn Malta? Dawk l-atturi li ħadu sehem fil-produzzjoni kienu tassew ta’ ħila u għamlu dmirhom millaqwa, izda naħseb li l-Maltin fl-Awstralja laktar li jixtiequ huma attivitajiet li jagħmluna kburin li aħna Maltin. Ix-xkiliet kolonjali warrabnihom, almenu hekk kont naħseb.

The Royal Wedding and the Duke of Sussex

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday June 12, 2018


n May 19 more than a quarter of the world’s population tuned in their television sets to the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The couple were the subject of detailed media reportage. However, something that the media largely overlooked was the fascinating story behind the titles ‘Duke and Duchess of Sussex’. On the morning of the wedding, the titles were recreated for, and accepted by, both. Prior to that morning, the title Duke of Sussex hadn’t been used for 175 years. The last Duke of Sussex was Prince Augustus Frederick, who lived from 1773 to 1843. He was a progressive thinker who supported parliamentary reform, the abolition of slavery, repeal of the Corn Laws* and an end to official discrimination against Catholics and Jews. In 1815 he became patron of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum in London and in 1833, during parliamentary debates on Jews’ civil and political rights, presented to parliament a petition in their favour. This was bold stuff back then. Augustus was strongly committed to the Arts and Science and

Dr BarryYork

had a massive personal library. He was elected President of the Society of Arts in 1816 and, from 1830 to 1838, was President of the Royal Society. He was the sixth son and ninth child of King George III and Queen Consort Charlotte. Portrait of Prince Augustus FrederAugustus Freder- ick, Duke of Sussex, by Guy Head, ick lived during a 1798. time of National Portrait Gallery, London massive change in the world: the American War of Independence, the Napoleonic War, the Industrial Revolution and rise of Chartism in England. His progressive outlook strained his relationship with his father. The title of Duchess of Sussex is new. This is because the first wife of Augustus Frederick, Lady Augusta Murray, was a Catholic and King George III annulled his son’s marriage (technically because he hadn’t sought consent). Nonetheless, as Augustus Frederick was a rebellious type, he remained with his wife for several years despite the annulment. They had married secretly, in Rome, in 1793 and then married again in London. On both occasions, the king’s consent was not sought, which meant the marriage was in breach of the Royal Marriages Act of 1772. The Act allowed veto by the monarch over royal marriages and was only repealed seven years ago, in 2011. Augustus and Lady Murray had two children, a boy and a girl, but their children were illegitimate according to the law and thus the boy could not inherit his father’s title. After leaving his wife in 1801, Augustus remarried – again without seeking royal consent. His second marriage, to Lady Cecilia Buggin, produced no children. Even in death, the Duke of Sussex proved remarkable. In his Will, he left instructions that he did not want to be interred with the Royal Family at Windsor but preferred burial in a public cemetery. He was buried at Kensal Green ceme- * The Corn Laws were tariffs on imtery, a move that ‘asported food and grain, which tounded the nation’, favoured local producers and kept according to the news- the price of bread high during times papers of the day. of shortage. Dr Barry York worked on the museum’s Oral History Programme for many years before retiring in May 2016. He was awarded a PhD in History by the University of New South Wales in 1988. He has authored and co-authored several books of political history and immigration history. He was awarded the Order of Australia in 2005 for his services to the recording of immigration history. (Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House)

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday June 12, 2018

It-tpattija tad-dnubiet


an l-aħħar seħħew xi avvenimenti li ġegħluni naħseb mhux ftit dwar suġġetti bħat-tolleranza, it-talbiet għall-maħfra, u l-proporzjonalità ta’ kastig ma’ att offensiv. Min jafni forsi jkun sorpriż li l-kuntest ta’ dan kollu mhux il-ġustizzja kriminali. Waħda minnhom bdiet minn kummidjanta konservattiva Amerikana, Roseanne Burr, li kellha programm regolari tad-daħk jismu Roseann fuq itteleviżjoni pubblika tal-Istati Uniti, l-ABC, li kien ukoll imxandar fuq l-istazzjoni televisiv Awstraljan Network Ten. Barr mhix l-ewwel darba li għaddiet kummenti offensivi, ġeneralment kontra persunaġġi fuq ix-’xellug’ tax-xena politika Amerikana1. Tal-aħħar tagħha kienet messaġġ fuq Twitter fejn qabblet lil konsulent tal-eks-President Amerikan Barack Obama, Valerie Jassett, li hija sewda u twieldet l-Iran minn ġenituri Amerikani, bħala l-wild tax-Xirka tal-Musulmani (Muslim Brotherhood) u l-pjaneta tax-xadini (Planet of the Apes). L-ABC Amerikana mallewwel iddeċidiet li tikkanċella l-programm, u stqarret li l-kumment kien aborrenti, jumbuttak u inkonsistenti mal-valuri tal-organizzazzjoni. Network Ten fl-Awstralja ukoll ikkanċella l-programm. Għalxejn Barr għamlet apoloġiji ddisprati, li mhux kollha kienu konvinċenti, għax il-programm telaq u miegħu dawk kollha impjegati fil-produzzjoni tiegħu.2 Bla dubju li l-kumment kien wieħed razzist u ikrah għall-aħħar, aborrenti u l-bqija. Imma ngħid jien, huwa tajjeb jew l-uniku riżultat possibbli li twaqqaf il-programm tagħha? Tajjeb li l-għixien ta’ ħafna nies jintilef mill-aġir irresponsabbli ta’ persuna waħda? Ma setatx ixxandret apoloġija maqbula fil-bidu tal-programm ta’ wara fejn l-aġir razzist jiġi spjegat għalfejn mhux aċċettabbli? Nies razzisti fid-dinja hawn kemm trid. Li wieħed jagħlqilhom il-bieb f’wiċċhom mhux se jikkonvinċihom biex ma jibqgħux razzisti, anzi jżidilhom ir-rabja li qiegħdin jiġu ddiskriminati kontra. Fil-fehma tiegħi, jekk hemm ċans (żgħir, u probabbli żgħir ħafna) li min hu razzist ma jibqax tali, dan jiġi meta r-razziżmu jiġi affrontat bi djalogu fejn il-preġudizzji li jwasslu għal dan irrazziżmu jiġu diskussi, fejn l-aġir ta’ minoranza tiġi murija li hija biss aġir ta’ minoranza u mhux dik tal-maġġoranza, eċċ. Fi kliem ieħor, ir-razziżmu jiġi miġġieled bl-edukazzjoni, u mhux bl-intolleranza. In-nies razzisti huma nies ukoll. Għandhom fehma (li wieħed jista’ ma jaqbilx magħha) u vot fl-elezzjoni li jiswa mhux inqas minn tiegħi u tiegħek. Jekk nagħlqulhom il-bibien, dan jirriżulta biss li l-uniku ċans li għandhom biex jitkellmu ma’ min ma jaq-


A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.

bilx magħhom, ikun itteħdilhom. Imbagħad x’ċans jibqa’ ta’ fidwa? Każ ieħor seħħ fid-dinja sportiva, fejn il-plejer Awstraljan tar-ragbi Israel Folau, meta mistoqsi x’kien ilpjan t’Alla għall-omosesswali, stqarr fuq Instagram li sakemm ma jindmux dawn kienu sejrin l-infern. Dan ilkumment qajjem kjass sħiħ, u diffikultajiet lill-organizzazzjoni tar-ragbi li qed tagħmel minn kollox biex tikkreja ambjent fejn dawk li huma omosesswali jħossuhom milqugħin mill-isport. Folau kiteb artiklu rraġunat, u anke bbilanċjat (fil-fehma tiegħi), fejn spjega minn fejn ġejja l-pożizzjoni tiegħu (il-fidi Nisranija u l-Bibbja) u offra li jekk is-sitwazzjoni tiegħu ma titqiesx tenibbli, kien lest li jitlaq mill-kuntratt tar-ragbi tiegħu.3 L-organizzazzjoni Rugby Australia ħabbret li mhix se tikkastiga lil Folau għall-kummenti tiegħu, għax trid tipprovdi spazju kemm għall-komunitajiet tal-omosesswali u għal dawk b’veduti reliġjużi4, li għalija hija attitudni matura. Il-bieb ma ngħalaqx. Il-pożizzjoni ta’ Folau mhix differenti minn dik ta’ tant Insara oħra (mhux kollha naturalment), li jħarsu lejn il-Bibbja bħala litteralment il-kelma t’Alla. Għalhekk per eżempju fi kwotazzjoni li semma Folau, ladarba San Pawl jgħid li l-omosesswali huma wieħed mill-gruppi ta’ nies li mhumiex se jidħlu fis-saltna t’Alla,5 din hija r-rieda t’Alla. Punt. Hemm bżonn li fis-soċjetà tagħna nħallu spazju għal min ma jaqbilx magħna biex ikun jista’ jitkellem. Irridu nħalluh jitkellem, nisimgħuh b’attenzjoni, nifhmuh u ngħarblu jekk għandux punti li nistgħu naqblu magħhom, xejn inqas milli nixtiequ li hu jagħmel magħna. Imbagħad nistgħu jkollna diskussjoni abbażi tar-rispett. Il-libertà tal-espressjoni ma ssirx meta żewġ naħat ta’ argument ikunu jistgħu jgħidu (jew jgħajtu) l-pożizzjoni tagħhom mingħajr ma jisimgħu l-oħra u li t-tnejn jibqgħu ħajjin sad-darba ta’ wara. U din lanqas mhi d-definizzjoni tat-tolleranza. Roseanne Burr


1., retrieved 4/5/2018 2., retrieved 4/5/2018 3. D8UsuM5CQUtC.97, retrieved 4/6/2018 4., retrieved 4/6/2018 5. 1 Cor 6:9-10

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Is-surmast Carmleo Pace: 25 sena minn mewtu Tuesday June 12, 2018


l-20 ta’ Mejju li għadda s-Surmast Carmelo Pace għalaq 25 mejjet. Kien miet fl-eta` ta’ 86 sena b’infezzjoni fil-pulmun fl-1993 fl-Isptar San Luqa. Kien bniedem umli u kalm ħafna u ħadem bissħiħ fil-qasam mużikali f’Malta. Dwar Carmelo Pace kont diġa`ktibt (Ħarġa 140), imma dakinhar kien biex infakkar il-50 sena minn meta tTeatru Manuel kien ippreżenta ‘I Martiri’, dik li filfehma tiegġi kellha tkun l-aħjar opra tiegħu. Illum f’dan l-artiklu qed niffoka l-aktar b’mod ġenerali, dwar ħajjet dan issurmast li baqa’ jissemma fl-istorja mużikali ta’ Malta. Is-Surmast Pace kien joħroġ il-flus mill-but biex jiġu esegwiti l-opri tiegħu li kienu l-mimmi ta’ għajnejh. Il-ftit flus li kien jaqla’ biex jgħix kienu mit-tagħlim tal-mużika li kien jagħti fid-dar tiegħu stess fi Triq San Duminku, f’Tas-Sliema. Jiena kont wieħed mill-istudenti tiegħu. Kien jistqarr miegħi li ma marx għalliem tal-mużika mal-gvern biex jikkonċentra aktar fuq dawk il-ftit li veru riedu jitgħallmu l-mużika. B’sodisfazzjoni kien jgħidli li “bis-saħħa t’hekk hawn ħafna surmastrijiet talbaned u ħafna oħrajn fil-qasam talmużika li bdew minn din il-kamra tal-lezzjonijiet”. Din il-kamra kienet kamra mimlija mużika, bi pjanu antik fil-ġenb mimli karti u rivisti tal-mużika, mejda żgħira fin-nofs fejn kien jgħallem. F’Malta għamilna snin li biex ikollok ċertifikat tajjeb ta’ bażi tat-tagħlim tal-mużika trid tmur għand is-Surmast Carmelo Pace. Kien bniedem iħobb jitkellem dwar ilmużika fl-imgħoddi u jsemmi ħafna ismijiet marbuta max-xena mużikali Maltija. Kien isemmi ħafna lis-surmast u Vincenzo Ciappara li kien jiġi ħu ommu. Kien hu li daħħlu t-Teatru Rjal bil-vjola u jqabbdu jikkopja l-mużika. Forsi għalih kien ukoll l-ewwel taħriġ fil-qasam tal-kompożizzjoni. Minkejja li kkompona madwar 500 biċċa xogħol mużikali, kien jistqarr li l-akbar sodisfazzjon tiegħu kien it-tagħlim tal-mużika … wara l-kompożizzjoni. Peress li jien kont midħla tal-kitba fuq il-ġurnali u fil-qasam tax-xandir, allura forsi naf lis-Surmast Pace ftit aktar. Kien ikun dejjem attent x’jinkiteb dwaru u x’jingħad fil-midja. Kien ftit riservat f’dan ir-rigward: naturalment kien jieħu pjaċir meta jara xi ħaġa sabiħa dwaru iżda fl-istess waqt kien jibża’ li jkun hemm xi ħaġa li tiftiehem ħażin … kien sensittiv ħafna f’dan ir-rigward. Ħaġa li ma tantx kien iniżżel fl-istonku tiegħu kienet meta niġu biex nitkellmu dwar l-għeruq tal-mużika folkloristika f’Malta. Kien jgħidli li kien l-ewwel kompożitur Malti li għamel użu mill-mużika folkloristika Maltija fil-kompożizzjoni. Kien isemmi (u jurini bil-fatti) li fl-1931 (allura 25 sena) kien ikkompona il‘Maltesina’ - fantasija għall-banda sinfonika bbażata fuq melodiji folkloristiċi Maltin. Ħames snin wara għamel ukoll arranġament għall-orkestra. L-Orkestra tal-MCI Is-Surmast Pace kien bniedem li jqum kmieni u jorqod kmieni. Kien jibda l-ħidma tiegħu jikkomponi jew inkella jikkopja u jaddatta l-mużika għall-Orkestra tal-MCI li kienet ħafna għal qalbu. Kien jagħmlu bla ħlas, anzi kien hu stess li jħallas l-abbonament annwali u joħroġ il-flus għall-karti tal-mużika

The Voice of the Maltese 11


Fil-ħidma tiegħu s-surmast Pace kellu forċina fis-sinjorina Georgette Caffari. Kienet twasslu bil-karozza tagħha, tieħu ħsieb l-organizzazzjoni ta’ ħidmietu, u fuq kollox tieħu ħsieb l-irrekordjar tax-xogħlijiet mużikali tiegħu. Kienu jkunu rekordings ‘misruqa’: xi tape recorder moħbi fil-handbag tagħha għax kien dejjem jibża’ li l-mużiċisti jaqlgħulu xi nkwiet u jitolbuh ħlas żejjed għall-irrekordjar. Konxju dan il-biża’ tiegħu dejjem qgħadt lura milli ndoqq xi xogħlijiet mużikali reċenti tiegħu. L-aħħar intervista li kont għamiltlu kienet fl-1985, is-Sena Ewropea talMużika. Kien għadu kif irtira mittagħlim tal-mużika għax qalli bi tbissima li nista’ mmur nintervistah xħin irrid minħabba li ma kienx għadu marbut bil-lezzjonijiet. Kien tani intervista tajba ħafna. Jiddispjaċini li ma żammejtx kopja tagħha għal-librerija tiegħi. Kont ħallejtha biss għal-librerija tax-xandir. Nimmaġina li hemm għadha. Ma żammejtx rekording tal-intervista ta’ bniedem li tant kont nammira għax ftit wara kienet saret intervista oħra lisSurmast fuq it-televiżjoni u kont irrekordjajt lilha fuq video cassette li wara ġralu xi ħsara. Is-sena l-oħra għaddejtu lill-Arkivji Nazzjonali (Santu Spirtu) fir-Rabat biex forsi jsalvawh. Il-lista ta’ xogħlijiet mużikali tas-Surmast Pace tinkludi opri bi tliet atti, oratorji, għanjiet klassiċi, sinfoniji, kunċerti għal diversi strumenti, balletti, mużika da camera (li kienet ferm għal qalbu u rebħitu diversi premjijiet fil-mużika), suites orkestrali u aktar. Imma bla dubju li ismu jibqa’ marbut mal-opri li kkompona u ppreżenta (ħafna mal-librettista Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini) li llum qegħdin fuq fl-Arkivji tal-Mużew tal-Katidral. Is-Surmast kien irregala l-mużika tiegħu lil dan il-Mużew ftit qabel ma miet biex ħalla wkoll b’wirt li jsir kunċert annwali tal-mużika tiegħu. Stabat Mater Fleta`ta’ 76 sena fl-1982, is-surmast Pace ikkompona ‘Stabat Mater’, xogħol li jiena u Joseph Vella Bondin, studjuż u riċerkatur tal-mużika ta’ Pace, inqisuh bħala l-aħjar xogħol mużikali fil-qasam tas-sagru. Donnu li fih Pace ġabar l-esperjenzi mużikali tiegħu f’dak li huwa sagru u rabathom ma’ din il-kompożizzjoni miktuba għal soprano, tenur, baxx, kor u orkestra kbira. Is-Surmast Pace kien devot ħafna, l-aktar tal-Madonna, u xxogħol ta’ Stabat Mater ddedikah lill-Madonna tar-Rużarju. Il-fidi u t-twemmin qawwi tiegħu jinħass sew f’din il-kompożizzjoni. Fuq xewqa tiegħu, il-partitura oriġinali ippreżentata minn Helen De Gabriele lill-Papa (illum qaddis) Ġwanni Pawlu ll. Ix-xewqa tiegħi hi li tingħata aktar ħeġġa fl-eżekuzzjoni għaxxogħlijiet mużikali ta’ Carmelo Pace, l-aktar f’din is-sena li qed infakkru 25 sena minn mewtu.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Roundup of News About Malta

The Speaker Dr Anġlu Farrugia saluting the June 7 Monument at St George’s Square in Valletta

Call for MPs not to abuse of Parliamentary privilege


arliamentary Speaker Dr. Anglu Farrugia reiterated the need for the citizens to be given the right of reply inside the House of Representatives, intended to hold MPs to account and to curb any abuse of their parliamentary privilege. In his address on the eve of the Sette Giugno, (June 7) 1919 “bread riots” that commemorates the death of four protestors at the hands of British soldiers, the Speaker said that “year after year [we] remain without an established procedure that ensures that anyone guilty of abuse is held responsible for his actions.” He said that MPs should always bear the responsibility to speak honestly and in the best interest of the country and that no member should abuse of this right. Therefore he believes that it is high time that the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives be revised in order

One year on, PM affirms Govt’s one, common vision


n a joint message with his Members of Cabinet, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat marked the occasion of this Government’s first anniversary by affirming the Government’s common vision. He underlined that, as a country, as families, and as businesses, are prospering, and that while normally countries undergo declines after periods of significant growth, this Government is doing the opposite: instead of slowing down, Malta is gaining momentum. He said the country is gaining momentum because the Government has a strategy, a vision and a plan, and because it is driven by a united and capable team. “The Government has a single goal; to keep improving the country, and prepare it for tomorrow,” the Prime Minister said.

Joseph Muscat believes there is no greater satisfaction than seeing this plan resulting in a stronger middle class; in more elderly receiving better pensions; more young people benefiting from more opportunities; more women entering the job market for the first time; and for the first time, giving families the opportunity to become parents. The Prime Minister maintained that the Government will keep moving forward with its vision, which is that of creating more and better-quality jobs, in order for business owners and employers to also have greater opportunities, and to keep on working to eradicate poverty from the country. He said, “This can all be done because the people placed its trust in us. We are, and will remain, a Government united by one vision”.

to provide a remedy for those citizens who feel aggrieved by the abuse of parliamentary privilege. In his address, the Speaker recalled that next year Malta would be celebrating the centenary of the June 7 riots that were sparked in the wake of the hike in wheat prices and bread during the food shortage following the end of World War I. Recounting the historical context leading to the killing, the Speaker said that in its first meeting of the National Assembly on February 25 that year a faction led by Nationalist leader Enrico Mizzi submitted a resolution calling for Malta to be granted rights in accordance with the Versailles Treaty, namely independence from the British Empire. A few days before the riots, a new governor, Lord Plumer, was assigned to Malta to evaluate the possibility of Malta getting more self-governing rights. Following that, on May 16 Mizzi’s followers organised a protest that led to threats of a national strike. During the riots, British officers shot dead four Maltese men, Manwel Attard, Ġuże Bajada and Wenzu Dyer. Another, Carmelo Abela was stabbed with a bayonet by two arresting army officers. Two other Maltese citizens, were also killed weeks later, possibly as a result of those events. Two years later Malta was granted a new Constitution and in October that same year, elections were held. As a result, a month later, in November, the first Maltese Parliament was inaugurated. Event also commemorated in NSW The Maltese community in Australia commemorated the historic event of June 7 at the Maltese Bicentennial Monument Civic Park f’Pendle Hill NSW. (full report in the next issue)

Pageant of the Seas spectacle wows the crowds et against the majestic backdrop of Valletta’s Grand Harbour, that attracted a crowd of over 50,000 (including a huge number on June 7 the Valletta 2018 Foundation organised the Pageant of tourists) that sought out the best viewpoints in the Grand HarS of the Seas, its largest project out of a programme of 400 events bour and the water’s edge at the Three Cities Area (Isla, Bormla organised throughout the year, with a programme teeming with exciting daytime activities – competitive races, visual demonstrations and water acts – and a colourful celebration by night. The combined effort of around 640 participants varying from artists, logistics personnel, dance companies, sports groups, Local Councils and officials responsible for order, public health and safety, resulted in a six-hour long spectacle of colourful activity

and Birgu to enjoy the show. Various Maltese acrobats who took part in this occasion were part of this special choreography inside the structure of the Venus of Malta. They were trained by the international group La Fura Dels Baus, who also participated in the event that wrapped up with a spectacular fireworks display that lit up various areas of the Grand Harbour. (see pictures on front page)

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta acting to international obligations in migrants’ problem ‘created’ by Italy


rime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat responded to comments by the Interior Minister of the newly formed Italian Government, Matteo Salvini and his government’s actions the past weekend when they tried to upload a problem of 630 migrants by the humanitarian ship Aquarius onto Malta’s lap. Salvini is insisting that Malta should take them, but PM Muscat said that Malta is acting in full conformity with international obligations. Therefore it will not take the said vessel in its ports The Maltese Prime Minister late Sunday evening also held a telephone conversation with the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, on the developing situation of the vessel, again reiterating Malta’s position. Nevertheless, without prejudice to its position, and in conformity with its policy throughout the past years, the Prime Minister said that Malta has always been willing, where possible, to carry out emergency medical evacuations of persons requiring urgent medical care for humanitarian reasons. Italy had asked the Maltese government to declare Malta as the safest port of call for the humanitarian ship and to allow it to disembark the migrants onto the island.

In the meantime, the Maltese governments said it is concerned at the Italian authorities’ directions being given to Aquarius on the high seas, currently 70 kilometres off Malta's coast, that go against international rules, and risk creating a dangerous situation for all those involved. The rescue by NGO boat Aquarius was conducted in the Libyan Search and Rescue region and coordinated by Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) Rome. Therefore in this case Malta is neither the competent, nor the coordinating authority. The Italian authorities have requested the Aquarius to stay put in international waters, which is illegal, as Italy has no jurisdiction in international waters to order a ship to stay put. The migrants on board the ship the Aquarius were rescued from smaller boats after leaving Libya, and taken them on board. They include 123 unaccompanied minors, 11 children and seven pregnant women. In a tweet Joseph Muscat said: “We are concerned at Italy authorities’ directions given to Aquarius on high seas. They maniiestly go against international rules and risk creating a dangerous situation for all those involved.

President MLCP calls for need to empower girls, young women to become women who lead n a keynote speech at the WPL Summit 2018, organised by Women Political Leaders Global in Vilnius, Lithuania, the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, who is IalsoForum the Patron of the #Girl2Leader campaign spoke about the urgency to widen the opportuPresident Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca addressing the WPL Summit in Lithuania

Malta shows economic growth of 4.4 in 1Q 2018


n the first three months of this year (January-March), the Maltese economy grew by 4.4% in real terms and by 6.5% in nominal terms. The increase remains double the rate observed across the EU Provisional estimates by the National Office of Statistics (NSO) show that in the first quarter of 2018, the Gross Domestic Product increased by €171 million to just over €2,795 million. In the same period, the rhythm of growth was almost as much as the economic growth that Malta had in the last three months of last year. The increase in the economic growth remains doubt the rate observed across the EU.

London-based blockchain company YOVO to establish its HQ in Malta

nities open for girls and young women, empowering them to become women who lead. “We must raise our daughters to think of themselves as potential leaders and innovative thinkers, to make a worthwhile contribution, in the best interest of our societies,” the President said. The President encouraged tthem to mobilise their resources and capacities, to make a difondon-based global mobile phone netference in the lives of girls and young work YOVO, built on the blockchain, women, by creating a context for young has joined other international companies in women to share their aspirations and to build choosing Malta as its global headquarters. stronger networks. With an investment of €20 million the comMLCP said that education would always be pany will initially employ 30 team people. the key for the empowerment of women and Expressing his satisfaction over YOVO’s girls who must be assured of equitable access decision, Parliamentary Secretary for Fito opportunities in all aspects of their lives, nancial Services, Digital Economy and Infrom education to employment. novation Silvio Schembri said that the The President maintained that girls and decision has come at a perfect timing, on young women are essential stakeholders in the day that the three bills, Malta Digital the global journey towards positive Innovation Authority Bill, Innovation Techchange,“we must set our girls on a journey nological Arrangements Services Bill and in which they are given the same opportuni- Virtual Financial Assets Bill are at the secties to thrive, and to reach their potential.” ond reading stage in Parliament. Schembri


added that it was evident, “that operators within this field are looking for legal certainty and that is what we, as a government, intend to provide.” He thanked YOVO for putting their trust in Malta, for creating new jobs in this field, and for their commitment and input in making Malta The Blockchain Island”. YOVO’s Co-Founder and CEO Richard Skaife, CEO said they were proud to call Malta, the global leader in blockchain, its home. He added that his company would serve millions of digital money customers with mobile service from Malta as its headquarters and be an active part of the broader blockchain community

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Polemika dwar kollox! Is-siġar


an l-aħħar is-Segretarjat għall-Anzjani u l-Kumitat talWelfare qassam għadd ta’ kuruni tar-Rużarju mbierka mill-Papa Franġisku lil madwar 3,100 persuna esidenti f’disat djar tal-Anzjani. Dawn swew lill-Gvern biex jixtrihom, €31,980. Mal-aħbar mill-ewwel ħarġu dawk li s-soltu jikkummentaw fuq il-portals ta’ ġurnali online u bħas-soltu, ma naqsitx ilbixra politika, b’uħud anke jaqgħu tassew fil-baxx fil-kummenti tagħhom, tant li tasal tistaqsi kif ċerti edituri jaċċettaw kummenti bħal dawn. Imma l-istorja ma waq-


la dubbju li s-siġar huma sbieħ (għalkemm xi wħud idejjaqhom il-fatt li jwaqqgħu ħafna weraq u jkollhom joqogħdu jikinsu. Is-siġar inaddfu l-arja minn ħafna dħaħħen li jħallu l-karozzi... u għahekk huma meħtieġa. Imma bħalissa anke ssiġar jinsabu fil-qalba ta’ polemika. F’Malta l-għadd ta’ siġar huwa limitat kemm minħabba t-temp u ċċokon tal-Gżejjer. Għalhekk aktar u aktar li kull siġra hija prezzjuża, u lVatikan iġibu prezz mhux liġi Maltija taħseb biex is-siġar jiġu ħażin, u jvarjaw bejn lprotetti. Imma x’jiġri meta s-siġar $A460 għal dawk li ż-żibeġ jinsertaw fil-qalba ta’ xi proġett? ... tagħhom huma magħmula X’aktarx li s-siġra tmur minn taħt. mill-fidda, għal prezz ferm Sakemm is-siġar kienu f’xi post orħos ta’ $A24 għal kuruni fejn issir xi binja privata, ftit li xejn li huma magħmulin millkienu jsiru lmenti, imm’issa li bilinjam. proġetti tat-toroq arterjali kbar u kultant anke żgħar, is-sitwazzjoni Insomma, bħal dejjem, nbidlet u sikwit naqraw ilmenti kulħadd japprofitta ruħu minn individwi, entitajiet u għaqdiet mis-sitwazzjoni. li jitkellmu dwar il“massakru” tas-siġar, speċjalment fi proġetti fejn l-għadd ta’ siġar li olemika oħra, li saħansitra il-varjeta’ ta’ frott hi limita kif jinqalgħu jkun kbir. Minkejja li għadd minn MEP Malti wassalha qud- ukoll marbuta mal-istaġun. dawn is-siġar jinqalgħu diem l-Unjoni Ewropeja, hija ta’ Għalhekk l-Awtoritajiet qalu li bil-galbu u jitħawwlu f’skema li l-Gvern beda jħaddem bdew l-proċess biex jiġi evalwat postijiet oħra, it-tneħħija dan l-aħħar (fil-fatt introdotta xi kif l-iskema tat-Tqassim tal- tas-siġar xorta qed tqajsnin ilu, imma minħabba xi dif- Frott, Ħaxix u Ħalib fl-iskejjel jem il-protesti. fikultajiet damet sena biss) fejn tista’ tiġi mtejba. Se jkun diffiċli Iżda wieħed jistaqsi l-istudenti kollha li jattendu fl- li ma jiġix inkluż frott impurtat x’inhu l-aktar importanti iskejjel tal-Gvern, tal-Knisja u bħal ma hi l-banana, frotta tant li wieħed ikollu toroq tal-Privat qed jingħataw frott, popolari fost l-istudenti. aħjar biex it-traffiku jimħaxix u ħalib. Dan il-proġett qed jiġi mgħe- xi aħjar, jew li biex tħalli Filwaqt li l-ħalib qed jingħata jjun mill-fondi tal-Unjoni Ewro- s-siġar fejn huma tħalli f’pakketti fejn it-tfal jingħataw pea u MEP Malti malajr mar kollox kif inhu? straw biex ikunu jistgħu jixor- jiġri jilmenta mal-UE għax Dawk li jilmentaw buh, il-frott jingħata f’konteni- sostna li l-Gvern mhux jimxi dwar il-qlugħ tas-siġar turi individwali. mad-direttivi tal-istess Unjoni mill-ewwel wieġbu li Bilkemm beda jsir it-tqassim li għax fost kollox mhux juża mhux sew li l-Gvern ma bdietx il-kritika li l-Gvern prodott lokali. jagħti aktar importanza kien qed jmur kontra l-ħidma Ma nafx (imma fil-fatt faċli lit-traffiku milli lis-siġar; tiegħu li jitnaqqas il-pastik (l-is- tifhem) għaliex kwestjonijiet imma l-maġġoranza ta’ traws tal-plastik – u l-frott ukoll bħal dawn ma nsolvuhomx be- dawk li jsuqu jaħsbuha ippakjat fil-plastik). Xi skejjel jnietna minflok neħduhom barra xort’oħra. mal-ewwel ħadu l-inizjattiva u minn xtutna. Tgħid jista’ jinħoloq xi talba lill-istudenti biex jieħdu tforma ta’ bilanċ? tazzi magħhom ħalli minflok jużaw l-istraw jużaw it-tazzi. Il-polemika nfirxet fuq ilkwalita’ tal-frott offrut għax intqal li kellu jkun jiġi offrut frott u ħaxix imkabbar lokalment. Attwalment l-Awtoritajiet qalu li preferenza kienet qed tingħata lill-prodott lokali, iżda wieħed jifhem li huwa diffiċli li s-suq Forsi jistgħu jinqallokali jlaħħaq mal-kwantita’ ta’ għu xi siġar fi proġett frott u ħaxix meħtieġ biex jiġu li se jiswa €55 miljun fornuti l-iskejjel kollha. Jerġa’,

fitx hemm għax saħansitra fil-Parlament ilMinistru Michael Falzon ġie mistoqsi jekk kinetx intalbet kwotazzjonit biex jinxtraw dawn il-kuruni. Il-Ministru wieġeb finnegattiv, għax skont hu, ma tantx kien hemm minn fejn tagħżel minħabba li l-kuruni riedu jkun imbierka mill-Papa u bi speċifikazzjonijiet partikulari. Ma kontx naf, li wieħed jista’ jixtri kuruna tar-Rużarju mbierka u lesta millPapa. Imma għadni kif qrajt li l-kuruni tar-rużarju mbierka mill-Papa li wieħed isib fil-ħanut tal-

It-toroq Frott, ħaxix eċċ


nke hawn inħolqot polemika, għax hawn min isostni li bittwessiegħ ta’ toroq, il-bini ta’ pontijiet u t-tħaffir ta’ mini biex it-traffiku jkun jista’ jimxi aħjar, minflok isolvi l-problema tat-traffiku se jżidha għax dan l-iżvillup se jħajjar aktar nies jixtru aktar vetturi. Saħansitra, fil-Parlament il-Viċi Kap Nazzjonalista, David Agius, kkritika is-Central Link Project – Proġett b’investiment ta’ €55 miljun maħsub biex jindirizza lproblema tat-traffiku fiċ-ċentru ta’ Malta. Dan wassal għal kritika saħansitra mill-Editur tal-gazzetta Malta Independent (li s-soltu ma tantx tħalliha lixxa lill-Gvern) li sostna li Agius ipprova jirrappreżenta lill-kostitwenti tiegħu, iżda falla bil-kbir, għax fi kliem l-editur, minflok jgħin biex il-proġett isir, qed jippolitiċizza proġett meħtieġ għallkostitwenti tal-istess deputat. Dan għax minkejja li forsi veru li l-providiment ta’ toroq u sistema aħjar jistgħu jħajjru lil xi wħud li jixtru karozza, wieħed irid iżomm quddiem għajnejh il-fatt li l-Maltin għandhom kultura li jmorru minn post għall-ieħor bil-karozza personali tagħhom... kultura li hi diffiċli li tibdel sempliċament billi ma’ tiżvillupax aħjar is-sistema tattoroq


The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday June 12, 2018

...Iva anke dwar is-Sette Giugno


ħadna kif fakkarna l-ġrajjiet tas-Sette Giungo (7 ta’ Ġunju) li fih sar diskors mill-ispeaker Anġlu Farrugia (ara rapport f’paġna 12). Anke dwar l-irvellijiet ta’ dakinhar, tal-1919, inaqlet polemika, għalkemm din iddarba hija waħda pjuttost pożittiva. Fuq il-monument li jfakkar il-ġrajja, u li jinsab fi Pjazza San Ġorġ, fil-kapitali Maltija, hemm l-ismijiet tal-erba’ vittmi ta’ dan l-irvell: Manwel Attard, Ġuże Bajada, Lorenzo Dyer u Carmelo Attard. Imma mill-ġdid, reġgħet tqajjmet ilpolemika dwar jekk l-ismijiet kellhomx ikunu sitta minflok erbgħa. Fis-sebgħijiet, il-Professur Henry Frendo kien qal li barra minn dawn l-erbgħa, kien hemm żewġ persuni oħra li tilfu ħajjithom b’riżultat tal-irvell: Francesco Darmanin u Antonio Cassano. Skont dan l-istoriku, u oħrajn, l-ismijiet tal-mejtin kienu erbgħa biss għax huma biss erbgħa li tilfu ħajjithom fil-jum u l-għada, u mhux fil-jiem ta' wara. It-tnejn l-oħra mietu ġimgħat wara, wieħed minnhom tliet xhur wara. Min-naħa l-oħra hemm storiċi li huma xi ftit xettiċi dwar dan, billi s’issa m’hemm xejn li juri li dawn attwalment mietu bil-feriti li ġarrabu waqt l-irvell. Jidher li issa twaqqfet kummissjoni biex teżamina l-kwestjoni kollha biex fori twassal għal-soluzzjoni għal din ilpolemika.

Jinħtieġ jitnaqqas l-użu tal-plastik

Minkejja l-ħafna twissijiet dwar il-ħsara li jagħmel il-plastik, speċjalment meta dan jintrema fil-baħar, l-ammont ta’ plastik użat ta’ kuljum kulma jmur qed jiżdied. Biżżejjed ngħid li matul l-2016 inġabru kważi disa’ tunnellati ta’ plastik, li hu 108.2% aktar mis-sena ta’ qabel (2015). Dan ma jinkludix dak ilplastik, speċjalment flixkien, li jintremew f’postijiet different, fosthom fil-baħar, u plastik

JM 10 Snin mexxej tal-PL

– u skont stħarrig għadu minn fuq sew S aru diversi avvenimenti biex ifakkru għeluq l-10 snin mill-ħatra ta’ Joseph Muscat (lemin) bħala mexxej tal-Partit Laburista... mexxej li biddel partit minn wieħed tellief (li qatta’ kważi 25 sena flOppożizzjoni) għal wieħed rebbieħ. M’hemm l-ebda dubju li bħal kull mexxej ieħor Joseph Muscat għamel dak li hu meqjus bħala pożittiv, kif ukoll dak li mhux daqshekk. Li forsi differenti minn mexxejja oħra hu l-fatt li filwaqt li maż-żmien ċerti mexxejja jibdew inaqqsu fl-appoġġ, fil-każ tiegħu l-istorja hi differenti għal kollox. Fil-fatt, jekk kellna noqogħdu fuq laħħar stħarriġ li sar mill-gazzetta Malta Today, Joseph Muscat qed igawdi l-fiduċja ta’ 52.6% tal-poplu, filwaqt li huma biss 23.5% li għandhom fiduċja fil-kap tal-PN Adrian Delia. Jidher li l-fiduċja li hemm f’Joseph Muscat hi wkoll riflessa fil-Partit Laburista, tant li skont l-istess stħarriġ ilPL qed igawdi l-appoġġ ta’ 48.8% talMaltin fil-waqt li l-PNgħandu l-fiduċja ta’ 27.6%. Għal darb’oħra skont il-Malta Today dan ifisser distakk bejn iż-żewġ partiti ta’ aktar minn it-80,000 vot. Forsi dan ir-riżultat hu mgħejjun millfatt li Delia għadu ma ġiex aċċettat

minn dawk kollha li jappoġġjaw il-partit tiegħu, li allura hu partit maqsum, xi ħaġa li issa saħansitra qed jgħiduha nies promineti fl-istess partit. “Never in its long history has the Nationalist Party ever had such a divided family as today”, Albert Buttigieġ Deputat Sindku ta’ San Ġiljan u kandidat Nazzjonalista kiteb f’The Times (06.06.18).

ieħor li ma jiġix separat millbqija tal-iskart. Issa l-Gvern Malti ppreżenta tibdil fil-liġijiet ta’ Malta li fost kollox jgħollu sew il-pieni għal dawk li jinqabdu jarmu l-iskart fejn mhux suppost jew ma jagħmlux is-separazzjoni taliskart. Qed tiġi studjata sistema ta’ ritorn ta’ flixken tal-plastik, li tixbaħ is-sistema li kellna xi snin ilu, fejn meta nixtru flixkun minerali, imbid, birra eċċ, konna nħallsu xi ħaġa aktar, li mbagħad tiġi mogħtiha lura meta nirritorna l-flixkun. Din sistema li kważi spiċċat għal kollox minħabba li l-Unjoni Ewropeja kienet insistiet li l-flixkien il-kbar tal-minerali (litru, litru u nofs, eċċ) jkunu tal-plastik. Illum l-istess Unjoni Eropeja qed tintroduċi miżuri ġodda biex l-użu tal plastik jonqos, u oġġetti tal-plastk li jintużaw darba biss – per eżempju kuċċarini, frieket u skieken – jitneħħew mis-suq. Insomma mill-iżbalji nitgħallmu!

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Human rights class action -$70 million in compensation


he $70 million in compensation under Australia's largest human rights class action settlement has been paid to former Manus Island detainees. Most of the 1700 people sharing in the settlement have already received their money. The final payments are being sent to the remaining 340 former detainees, with that process expected to be completed over the next week. The Victorian Supreme Court is expected to issue the final orders to officially end the three-and-a-half-year legal action before June 30. The court heard a representative for two class action group members raise concerns overnight, although at this stage the complaints were not expected to delay the finalisation of the case. The Australian government and operators of the now-closed offshore immigration detention centre settled the class action a year ago without any admission of liability. Slater and Gordon principal lawyer Andrew Baker said it was one of the most complex settlement distributions in the firm's 25-year history of class actions in Australia. The full $70 million amount plus all interest earned in the settlement ac-

The Victorian Supreme Court

count is expected to be paid out by June 15 to the 1693 group members who registered to participate in the scheme. The payments made across 39 countries will have been completed in less than six months, Mr Baker noted. “These figures and time frames are the best we have seen for an action of this size and type, especially considering the added complexities of paying the funds to as diverse a group as this in so many different locations,” he said. The individuals received between a few thousand dollars and almost $100,000 each, mainly for false imprisonment after a Papua New Guinea court ruled their detention on Manus was illegal.

Australia’s minimum wage raised


ustralia's lowest-paid workers are set to get a pay rise of $24.30 a week from July 1. The Fair Work Commission handed down its annual ruling on the national minimum wage, raising it by 3.5 per cent to $719.20 a week, or $18.93 an hour. Unions had been calling for a $50 rise, while employers were arguing for a $13 a week increase for more than 2.3 million Australians. President Justice Iain Ross said that compared to this time last year, economic indicators now point more “unequivocally to a healthy national economy and labour market”. He said in Sydney, “The circumstances are such that it is appropriate to provide a real wage increase to those employees who have their wages set by the national minimum wage or by a modern award." The panel decided an increase as large as that proposed by the ACTU and the Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations, believing it would have caused a substantial risk to employment for low income earners. The commission also decided to increase all modern award minimum wages by 3.5 per cent.

Close the refugee camps NOW


he political difference between the Turnbull Government and the Shorten Opposition is no longer over stopping the boats. The political brawl is about keeping refugees on Nauru and Manus Island without a permanent solution. Peter Dutton, the Minister for Home Affairs smelt blood after Labor’s newest recruit in the House of Representatives, Ged Kearney, told Parliament in her first

speech: “I doubt we can afford the ongoing cost to our national psyche of subjecting men, women, and children to years of punitive indefinite detention. “We must, as a priority, move the asylum seekers off Manus and Nauru to permanent resettlement and ensure that indefinite detention never happens again.” Then following the death of a refugee on Manus Island, the Greens’ Adam Bandt

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had a go at Mr Dutton in Question Time. Mr Dutton has no time for what he regards as the moral superiority of the Greens and the Labor left when it comes to refugee policy. “I haven’t put anyone on Manus Island; you did. I am charged with getting those people off, and I’m doing it,” Mr Dutton responded. “This government – not the government that you were in coalition with, the Rudd and the Gillard governments – has brokered a deal to get 1200 people off Manus and Nauru.” Fr Frank Brennan SJ in Eureka Street wrote that for the good of the refugees who have languished for five years on Nauru and Manus Island, and for the good of the Australian body politic, it’s time to put an end to this inhumane chapter in Australian history. Keep the boats stopped. Bring New Zealand into the mix now. Empty the camps. And fight your elections on matters of substance which don’t impose untold harm on defenceless children. Both Messrs Shorten and Turnbull need to acknowledge that Ged Kearney is right.

Tuesday June 12, 2018

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Survey reveals Christians support euthanasia


any Christians are at odds with religious leaders on euthanasia, with some denominations more

supportive of voluntary assisted dying than others. An ACT parliamentary inquiry into the end-of-life choices continues, a survey of 1004 people has revealed how nearly half (48%) of people with religious beliefs supported assisted dying laws. This is despite a hardline stance from he Catholic Church has announced it will sign some religions against legalising up to the $3.8 billion compensation scheme for the practice. victims of institutional child sex abuse. The AusOne of the report's authors, Antralian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) and thony Hogan – who is an adjunct Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) confirmed the research professor with the Auschurch will enter the scheme when it becomes pos- tralian Centre for Christianity and sible under national legislation. Culture – said the findings sup“Given the diverse structure of the Catholic ported the idea that some formal Church, Catholic officials have been working with theological positions do not reflect the commonwealth government to enable church au- the “views of the pews”. thorities to work effectively with the independent Overall, around two-thirds (65%) National Redress Scheme Operator. of people surveyed believed eu“We are grateful for the commonwealth’s support thanasia should be legalised while in helping create the best possible solution to sim- about a quarter (24%) remained plify the process for survivors who will seek redress uncertain, and 29% identified as from a Catholic institution." ACBC president Arch- religious, 28% as spiritual, 15% bishop Mark Coleridge said the Catholic Church had agnostic, 21% atheist and 7%as called for the national redress scheme since 2013. other.

Scheme for survivors of child abuse


Top Universities T

he University of Melbourne (right) is the nation's highest ranking university, with just three other Australian higher education centres making the top 100 in the latest world rankings. The University of Melbourne rose 25 places to be placed 57th nudging out the University of Sydney as Australia's top institution after it was ranked 71st, the Centre for World University Rankings show. Both universities improved their rankings on last year's figures of 82 and 74 respectively. The University of Queensland was ranked 74th while the Australian National University in Canberra secured 82nd spot. The universities were ranked across eight categories including the quality of education, alumni employment, research output, influence, quality publications, citation and quality of faculty. Universities in the US dominated the top 10 spots, with Harvard topping the list, followed by Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The University of Cambridge and University of Oxford placed fourth and fifth respectively. The University of Tokyo was the highest placed Asian institution. Other Australian entries included the University of New South Wales, which placed 119th, Monash University in 125th, and the University of Western Sydney in 145th.

When asked if euthanasia should be legalised, 64% of Uniting Church members surveyed agreed, as did 50% of Catholics, 60% of Anglicans, 25% of other Christians and 36% of other religious respondents. Sixty-eight per cent of Uniting Church members and Catholics agreed euthanasia was an acceptable solution for terminal or extreme physical illnesses, as did 63% of Anglicans, 44% of other Christians and 59% of other religious respondents. When asked if euthanasia should be legalised for anyone who wants to end their life, 41 per cent of Catholics agreed, as did 38 per cent of Anglicans, 8 per cent of other Christians and 41 per cent of other religious respondents. Archbishop Christopher Prowse (Camberra-Goulburn) told the inquiry assisted dying was an “ill-considered and dehumanising” practice, while Little Company of Mary Health Care – which runs Calvary Hospital and Clare Holland House – said it will not offer the service.

No glasses for passports


nder new Australian Government rules, as of July 1, people who wear glasses will have to ditch their specs in new passport photos. The new rule “further strengthens the integrity of the Australian passport”, the Australian Passport Office said. “Research has shown that glasses adversely affect passport facial matching. Matching is more accurate without glasses,” the department said. The new rule applies only to new passport applications. Severe sensitivity to light and recent eye surgery may be among the rare exemptions to the new rule, the department said. Vision impairment alone will not be accepted a reason for medical exemption, however.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Sam E. Vella OAM: he made a Obituaries:

positive difference in many areas


am E. Vella was a true icon, a legend, a man who made a positive difference. His contribution to the Maltese community was enormous. He was also very well known for his contribution to the game of football in NSW. Sam died at the Westmead Hospital on June 6 at the age of 86. In 1948, Sammy ’s parents, Frank (a fitter at the Malta Drydocks) and his wife Josephine, with a family of seven, faced an uncertain future in his job, They, like a thousand others, decided to try Australia. Sam was, born at Haz Zabbar but grew up at Raħal il-Ġdid. At age 15 he found himself on board the Strathnaver bound for Australia. On June 14 1953, Sammy (as he was known) was amongst a group of youngsters who met under a tree at Centennial Park to form the Melita Soccer Football Club. At 18 he was conscripted into the Army as the war was raging in Korea. Sam possessed leadership material, but his driving force remained his beloved Melita. He soon found himself as player, coach and club secretary. He married Myrl in June 1956.They had five children, Janene, Joanne, Lynne, Alan and Michelle, eight grand children and one great grand child. In 1995, Sam’s contribution was recognised by the Federal Government. He was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for this lengthy service to soccer and the Maltese community. It was also in the same year that Parramatta Melita Eagles FC with Sammy Vella as its President was left out of the National Soccer League. It was such a huge shock that his whole life was affected. He had a stroke and ended in hospital for treatment. Sam Vella served Parramatta Melita Eagles as manager, secretary and president. He established many contacts and was respected for his dedication and leadership by the soccer fraternity. In 2009 he was inducted in the Football Hall of Fame. His involvement was not only in soccer. For 28 years he occupied the position of treasurer of the Maltese Community Council of NSW. In August 1998, he organised the 50th-anniversary re-union at the Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour of the passengers who arrived in Australia on the m/v Strathnaver. His voice could be heard on Radio SBS in the sports segment as well as on 2GLF FM 89.3, and the old 2Ser FM. Sam’s contribution will never be forgotten. The many mes-

sages/condolences from Malta and all parts of Australia received by The Voice of the Maltese is a clear indication that Sammy Vella is indeed a legend. His funeral will be held this Thursday June 14 at 1.30 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Old Prospect Road Greystanes NSW 2145.

Monica Busuttil 1949-2018


Sam E. Vella 1932-2018

onica Mamo was born 68 years ago at Mosta. As a kid of four years, she arrived in Sydney with her mother and three older brothers on m/v Sorriento to reunite with their father. Monica was always by the side of her husband Eddie in his various Maltese cultural activities including Eddie Busuttil’s musical spectaculars. They lived in Wentworthville NSW, and travelled extensively around the world, and often to Malta. Monica’s health issues finally caught up with her, and on the June 4 she died at Westmead Hospital surrounded by her family. She has left to mourn her husband Eddie, three children, Mark, Marija, Angela and seven grandchildren.


Emanuel Pullicino 1946-2018


ith sadness we announce the death of EMANUEL PULLICINO born in Birkirkara, Malta, who passed away on April 21 in Sydney aged 74. Emanuel ‘s contribution to the football community in NSW is well remembered. In the seventies and eighties he served as a director of the Parramatta Melita Eagles FC. His son, Peter played football in Malta with Hibernians, Msida St Joseph and Marsaxlokk. He also played 22 times for Malta’s National team. On behalf of the readers and the editorial staff of The Voice the Maltese we convey our condolences to Emanuel’s family.

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday June 12, 2018

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. TIBDIL FIL-KONSONANTI LI JIXXIEBĦU (ikompli) Il-Pronom ikompli)

T.ċ. Fuq dan li wrejna, għal min irid jifli sewwa fuq il-kitba tal-pronom mehmuż tat-tielet persuna fil-ġens raġel, nistgħu nżidu u ngħidu wkoll, illi: (1) Wara vokali bla aċċent, il-konsonanti h f’tarf il-kelma tibqa’ siekta (quiescente) bħalma jiġri (a) fil- kliem kollu li jispiċċa bl-a talfemminil, ngħidu aħna: kelmah, siġrah, werqah, xewqah (ara “Il-He-te jew Te mar-buta”), li niktbuhom kelma, siġra, werqa, xewqa, u bħalma jiġri wkoll meta (b) il-għ ma tinstemax wara vokali bla aċċent u għalhekk lanqas ma tinkiteb fi kliem bħal dan: rafa(għ), ġama(għ), qala(għ), xaba(għ) li niktbuhom: refa’, ġama’, qala’, xaba’ (ara Għadd 59 – it-Tieni Taqsima). Għalhekk flok qàbduh (hu qabad lilu), ġìbduh (hu ġibed lilu), insemmgħu u niktbu: qàbdu, ġìbdu. (2) Meta mbagħad il-pronom h f’tarf il-kelma jaħbat wara

vokali bl-aċcė nt twil, jiġri illi l-leħen jinħass bħalma jinħass dak tal-konsonanti ħ u għ f’tarf il-kelma fi kliem bħal wċûħ, dmûgħ, qlûgħ, merfûgħ u għalhekk insemmgħu u niktbu fîh, għalîh, ħadûh (huma ħadu lilu), qatlûh (huma qatlu lilu). (Ara Għadd 59 – it-Tieni Taqsima). (3) Meta l-konsonanti tal-gerżuma għ tmiss mal-konsonanti seħbitha h, tingħaqad fil-leħen wieħed ta’ ħ mtennija jew ħħ. Nieħdu l-verb refagħ li mehmużmal-pronomi mnisslin -ha, -hom, jagħmlu refagħha, refagħhom u jinħassu refaħħa, refaħħom, waqt li mehmużin mal-pronomi tat-tielet persuna, għadd farrad h, il-konsonanti h tinxorob fil-leħen tal-vokali u u għalhekk minn refagħ insemmgħu refgħu u mhux refagħhu, bil-leħen ta’ refaħħu. Dan jurina illi hawnhekk l-h tibqa’ siekta, u flokha għandha tidħol il-vokali u. (4) Dak li għedna għall-kliem ta’ żewġtaqsimiet jew iżjed, jiswa wkoll fil-kliem ta’ sillaba waħda. Il- prepożizzjonijiet magħ u tagħ mehmużin mal-pronomi -na u -kom, fil-Malti, jibqgħu bla mittiefsa u jagħmlu magħna, tagħna, magħkom, tagħkom. Mehmużin mal-pronom -ha, hom jagħmlu wkoll magħha, tagħha, magħhom, tagħhom u jsemmgħu l-leħen magħqud ta’ ħħ (bħal maħħa, taħħa, maħħom, taħħom). Meta mbagħad jinhemeż mal-pronom tat-tielet persuna, ġens farrad h, flok il-leħen ta’ h magħqud mal- konsonanti għ, insemmgħu, f’tarf il-kelma, il-leħen tal-vokali u li tixrob l-h u hekk minn magħ, tagħ għandna miegħ-u(h) = miegħu, tiegħ-u(h) = tiegħu flok magħħu, tagħħu. (Qabbel dawn il-kelmiet ma’ dawk fil-Għarbi Tripolin, illi wkoll isemma’ u jikteb mtâgħ-äh = mtagħa(h), imma mbagħad mtagħ-ha, mtagħ-hom – Griffini). Minn dan għandna niġbdu illi fi kliem ta’ sillaba waħda bħal ras, fuq, duq (verb), suq (verb), ilpronom h jieħu wkoll il-leħen tal-vokali u u għalhekk niktbu sewwa rasu, fuqu, duqu, suqu u mhux rashu, fuqhu, duqhu, suqhu, waqt li mbagħad mehmużin mal-pronomi -ha, -hom niktbuhom rasha, rashom bħalma niktbu rasna (ras-na), raskom (ras-kom). (5) Meta l-kelma tispiċċa bil-konsonanti dgħajfa j jew w, billi dawn għandhom il-leħen ta’ vokali, il- pronom h jinhemeż waħdu u jsemma’ leħnu. Għalhekk niktbu riġlejh, idejh, qaddejh, ħallewh, messewh, bħalma niktbu riġlejk, idejk, qaddejk, ħallewk, messewk, fejn is-sura tal-pronomi jidhru h u k weħidhom mingħajr vokali qabilhom.

Printed copies of The Voice of the Maltese available at your home by mail


e are now in a position to arrange for you to receive a printed full-colour hard copy of The Voice of the Maltese at home every fortnight (24 publications) at the low cost of $120. (Australia only, other countries by request). A printed copy would be an ideal present for mum, dad or a relative who either do not have Internet access or are not computer literate. If interested, contact us on: for further information. We are not only an online publication, but also print on demand.

Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-ħarġa li jmiss.

Zagħżugħ Għawdxi aċċettat f’istitut tal-mużika fl-Amerka


harles Buttiġieg, Għawdxi ta’ 18-il sena, kantant talopra, baritonu, li beda jkanta ta’ 11-il sena mal-Chorus Urbanus, nhar il-Ħamis li ġej se jagħti kunċert biex isellem lill-Għawdxin u l-Maltin qabel jibda esperjenza ġdida f’istitut prestiġuż Curtis Institute of Music f’Filandelfja, -Istati Uniti. Il-kunċert, qabel jibda l-avventura tiegħu fl-Amerka, organizzat mill-Fondazzjoni Papa Ġwanni Pawlu t-Tieni se jsir fil-Knisja tal-Madonna ta’ Loreto f’Għajnsielem. Permezz tal-kunċert irid isellem lill-Maltin lill-Għawdxin. Din l-hekk imfissra bħala ħolma, għall-Għawdxi hija frott tal-borża ta’ studju li ngħata mill-fondazzjoni BOV Joseph Calleja biex ikompli l-istudji mużikali tiegħu.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Malta’s contribution to Australia

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Famous sons and daughters


hey have made their mark in the Australian history. They are all of Maltese descend and proud of it. Featured prominently in the latest issue of the Australian Women’s Weekly one could notice two stories about prominent Australian-Maltese. Both proudly mention that they are of Maltese heritage. But there are more than just these two.


Mark Tabone and wife Lisa

Mark Tabone

ark Tabone, an Elvis Presley entertainer married Olympic swimmer Lisa Curry at their romantic hideaway 25-hectare property in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. Both of them watch the TV series, Game of Thornes. In one of the viewings, Mark noticed that one of the wedding scenes had been filmed on the island of Gozo in Malta, where he lived for nine years as a child. So he organised a trip with his new love to see his family in Malta. Mark proposed to Lisa on a yacht at sunset with an old friend playing the guitar. More than that, Lisa and Mark spoke their vows in Maltese (which Lisa says took her months to learn). Mark is really proud of his heritage.

champion ironwomen. She was born in Australia to Maltese immigrants In April 2015 Candice, now 33, married Australian cricketer Dave Warner who was recently involved in the infamous ball-tampering incident. They have two children Ivy Mae and Indi Rae. Candice spoke to The Weekly about her past mistakes. She first competed professionally at the age of 14 in the Ironman series. At 16 she was a NSW state ironwoman champion, and in January 2008 she qualified for a spot in the 2008 Nutri-Grain Ironman & Ironwoman Series. Candice was born in Australia in1985. Her dad Michael, now 74, who worked for the local Council was also born in Australia to Maltese immigrants.

andice Ann Falzon is a surf life saver, model and a retired professional

Jeff Fenech

Jeff (born May 28 1964) is a retired Australian-Maltese professional boxer. He won world titles in three weight divisions and is best known for his trilogy with Ghanaian boxer Azumah Nelson. He is currently a

Shaun Micallef


Shaun Micallef

or 25 years Shaun Micallef, 55, has been a presence in living rooms across Australia. His most recent project is hosting the Nine Network’s reboot of intergenerational quiz show Talking ’Bout your Generation. Over at the ABC, Shaun stars in the comedy news programme Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell. He has been a producer, actor, director and producer, and even wrote a children’s book. He was born in Adelaide and left a career as a lawyer to become a comedian at 30. He is married to Leandra, and they have three sons.

Candice FalzonWarner


Shaun won a Logie in 2010 as the most popular presenter. His father is Maltese and mother is Irish. He visited Malta as a guest of the SBS TV programme “Who do you think you are” and wondered the streets of Gzira where his father was born.

Candice and husband David

Jeff Fenech

boxing trainer. Inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2002, Jeff was the 2003 Inductee for the Australian National Boxing Hall of Fame Moderns category and the fourth person to be elevated to Legend status in 2013. Former world champion boxer Jeff Fenech grew up at the St Peters NSW home that he has now sold for $1.5 million. He sold it as executor for his late mum Mary’s estate. It was the first time the Florence Street home that dates back to 1930s had been on the market for 45 years. It has four bedrooms on its 410-sqm parcel. Jeff now owns property at Five Dock, Brighton Le Sands and Redfern.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday June 12, 2018

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Be better informed and prepare for your future Another information session on Wednesday August 15 at the Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road Blacktown NSW at 7.30 pm (after the mass at the Chapel) Subject: Highlight of the Federal Budget 2018 Downsizing your Home: Is this the right move for you? Guest speaker: Ms Marie-Louise Muscat (Fiducian Financial Services) Free entrance Organised by the Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti

Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem. Dan hu xogħol volontarju, bla ħlas. Min hu interessat jibgħat l-applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura

The Ċittadini

present direct from Malta:

Malta’s Queen of Country Music

Also brilliant comedy by The Cittadini: Is-Senduq in Sydney on October 14 at 2pm at the Wentworthville League Club

For tickets phone: Monica Ledger: 9896 0712 or 0414 859386; Joe Borg: 96 242280; Julie Farrugia: 96 367679; Dorothy Gatt: 96 361834. Donation of $20. Kids: $12

Boroż ta’ Studju:



l-Kunsill Malti tal- Victoria qed iniedi l-iskema ta’ boroż ta’ studju biex jinkoraġġixxi żżgħażagħ jieħdu interess fil-kultura Maltija. Il-Kunsill qed jipprovdi fondi ħalli persuna jew persuni jżuru Malta u jieħdu sehem f’attivitajiet kulturali Maltin u biex wieħed ikun jista’ japprezza ilkultura Maltija mill-qrib. Min irid jirċevi tagħrif u u formola ta’ applikazzjoni uffiċjali għandu jibgħat email lill-Kunsill Malti tal-Victoria fuq: Il-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria qed jilqa’ l-applikazzjonijiet għalMCCV Maltese Cultural Scholarship sat-30 ta’ Ġunju liġej. Edwidge Borg

(Maltese Language Classes Co-ordinator Maltese Community Council of Victoria)

ta’ Malta L-aħbarijiet PBS (Malta) Il-PBS tforni lill-SBS fl-

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter

Il-website hija aġġornata tul il-jum kollu għalhekk wieħed jista’ jieħu stampa ċara tal-ġrajjiet li anke jkunu qed iseħħu f’dak il-waqt

Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers.

Awstralja bis-servizz tagħ-ha, imma l-qarrejja xorta qed jiġu mħeġġa biex x’ħin iridu jistgħu jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż:

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new T Facebook page, and the High

La Valette Social Centre

The feast of St Peter & St Paul

The feast of St Peter and St Paul (L-Imnarja) is to be celebrated at the La Valette Social Centre, 1 75 Walters Road, Blacktown on Sunday June 24. Mass at 10.30 a.m. will be said in the main hall. Entertainment by Uncle Sam DJ. There will also be traditional folk singing (għana), participation of the OLQP Band, Jumping Castle; and FREE “Fairy Floss for kids. The bar and kitchen will be open for the convenience of the attendees. There will also be an exhibition of arts and crafts, farm animals and fresh produce. Those wishing to exhibit or hold stalls should contact the Centre on 9622 5847 or Joe Abela on 0416 971 484 For all other information contact the Centre on 9622 5847

The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2018

Sunday July 1: Lejla fil-Buskett Sunday October 14 : Fete Saturday Nov. 10: Dinner Dance Sunday Dec. 2: St Nicholas Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

Please Note

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write to:

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 12, 2018

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

Maltese Radio Programmes

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00

(On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

97.7fm SBS 2. To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bank-stown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Maltese Group

Join us and make new friends.

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator:

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

The Voice of the Maltese 23

S p o r t s. . on 2 pages

Tuesday June 12, 2018

The eyes of the globe on Russia for FIFA World Cup 2018


osts Russia will bring up the curtain in Moscow for the Russia World Cup 2018 on Thursday June 14, when they face Saudi Arabia in FIFA’s most important competition. From then until the end of the final on July 15 at the Luzhnik Stadium in Moscow, the world’s best 32 football teams, divided into eight groups, between them would have played 64 matches to determine the world’s top team. The whole set up includes 14 UEFA members and 18 teams from other continents, namely, the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Confederation of African Football (CAF), Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF), South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL), and Oceania Football Confederation (OFC). An outstanding campaign of domestic and continental action has seen the stars of world football shine. Now, the eyes of the globe turn to the event in Russia as with the nominees to be announced just a few weeks after the Russia 2018 champions will be crowned, this is the final chance for players and coaches to prove themselves worthy of being candidates for The Best FIFA Football Awards 2018. It is no use dropping names as potential World Cup winners in the globe’s biggest footballing stage. The usual nations will keep up surfacing. Russia as hosts are among the favourites but not as much as defending champions Germany, Spain, Brazil, despite their disappointing performances four years ago in the last edition on their home ground, fellow South Americans Argentina and perhaps Uruguay. They all readily spring to mind. Other Europeans vying for the top honour could be France and Belgium, while Portugal and England are considered as rank outsiders. When it comes to minnows, including Australia, one would expect them to cause some surprises, but that is where they would stop. Eight World Cup records ranging from all-but-certain-to-be-smashed to potential long shots are under serious threat in Russia. If Egypt’s 45-year-old goalkeeper Essam El-Hadary, starts for his nation he will break three records. He would be the oldest debutant, the oldest player and the oldest captain, given he leads The Pharaohs out. There's a chance Mexico’s Rafael Marquez will break one of his own records.

It would be his fifth tournament, and if he were to be given the armband, it would be his fifth as captain. England’s champions Manchester City have a record number of players at the World Cup, totalling a whopping 17, beating Arsenal's 2006 record of 15, which has stood for over a decade. Spain’s Barcelona will be the first club to send at least one player to each of the eight FIFA World Cup groups in Russia. The full World Cup fixture schedule Germany's goalkeeper, ast December's draw determined the eight Manuel Neuer stands a groups making up the first stage: chance of breaking England legend Peter Group A: Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay Shilton's and France's Fa- Group B: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran bian Barthez clean sheet Group C: France, Australia, Peru, Denmark record, that stands at 10. Group D: Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria Neuer has clocked seven Group E: Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia through the 2010 and Group F: Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Sth Korea 2014 editions so far. He Group G: Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England needs just four more to Group H: Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan The group matches will involve 48 matches. claim the record for himGROUP STAGE FIXTURES self. Any team meeting Ar- Thursday June 14: Russia v Saudi Arabia (A) Friday June 15: Egypt v Uruguay (A); Morocco v Iran (B); gentina or Germany in Portugal v Spain (B). the knockout stages has Saturday June 16: France v Australia (C); Argentina v Icebetter dispense with them land (D); Peru v Denmark (C): Croatia v Nigeria (D). before it goes to penalties. Sunday June 17: Costa Rica v Serbia (E); Germany v Mexico (F); Brazil v Switzerland (E). Both sides have shown an Monday June 18: Sweden v South Korea (F); Belgium v ability to keep their nerve Panama (G); Tunisia v England (G). from the spot and have a Tuesday June 19: Poland v Senegal (H); Colombia v Japan habit of coming out victo- (H); Russia v Egypt (A). rious. They are tied for Wednesday June 20: Portugal v Morocco (B); Uruguay v Saudi Arabia (A); Iran v Spain (B). the most shootout wins at Thursday June 21: France v Peru (C); Denmark v Australia finals with four each. (C); Argentina v Croatia (D). There's every chance one Friday June 22: Brazil v Costa Rica (E); Nigeria v Iceland (if not both) are subjected (D); Serbia v Switzerland (E). Saturday June 23: Belgium v Tunisia (G); Germany v Sweto spot-kicks later on. One den (F); South Korea v Mexico (F). win for either would give Sunday June 24: England v Panama (G); Japan v Senegal them the outright record. (H); Poland v Colombia (H). Some teams always Monday June 25: Uruguay v Russia (A); Saudi Arabia v seem to meet one another Egypt (A); Spain v Morocco (B); Iran v Portugal (B). Tuesday June 26: Denmark v France (C); Australia v Peru in international football. (C); Nigeria v Argentina (D); Iceland v Croatia (D). Sweden must be sick of Wednesday June 27: South Korea v Germany (F); Mexico v the sight of Brazil by now. Sweden (F); Serbia v Brazil (E); Switzerland v Costa Rica (E). They've played them sev- Thursday June 28: Japan v Poland (H); Senegal v Colombia en times, with some of (H); England v Belgium (G); Panama v Tunisia (G). those matches ending in At the end of the group matches, two teams from heavy defeats for the each will qualify to the last 16 stage, that kicks off on June 30 with the following schedule: Scandinavians. Argentina and Germany Saturday June 30: 1C v 2D (Match 50); 1A v 2B (Match 49) July 1: 1B v 2A (Match 51); 1D v 2C (Match 52) have also met seven Sunday Monday July 2: 1E v 2F (Match 53); 1G v 2H (Match 54) times. Tuesday July 3: 1F v 2E (Match 55); 1H v 2G (Match 56) If you are backing GerThe winners will go through to the QUARTER-FINAL stage: many to go deep into this July 6: Winner 49 v winner 50 (57); Winner 53 v winner 54 (58) tournament, then it's pos- July 7: Winner 55 v winner 56 (60); Winner 51 v winner 52 (59) sible Miroslav Klose's The last four will face each other in the SEMI-FINALS top-scorer status is under July 10: Winner 57 v winner 58. July 11: Winner 59 v winner 60 threat. He netted 16 The losing teams play in the THIRD-PLACE PLAY-OFF across four tournaments, Losers of two semi-finals but Thomas Muller who Saturday July 14: FINAL is on 10 will be eager to Winners of two semi-finals Sunday July 15: break that record.


24 The Voice of the Maltese

S po r ts.. on 2 pages

First medals assigned

ISSF World Shooting Championships


he first medals – both in skeet have been assigned following the first two competitions at the ISSF

World Shooting Championships currently being held at Malta’s newly-inaugurated Shooting Range at Ta’ Kandia. Britain’s Amber Hill won the women’s event and the USA’s Vincent Hancock the men’s. No Maltese competed in the women’s event, while the Maltese shooters who “received” a wild card failed to reach the final stage in the men’s. Hopes are high for the locals when the top shooters will go into action in the trap events. Malta’s only women was competing Monday, while William Chetcuti, Brian Galea, Mario Buhagiar, Żaren Attard u Gianluca Chetcuti go into action Tuesday. The championships wrap up on Parliamentary Secretary for Sports Dr Wednesday Clifton Grima at the inauguration

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Draw, narrow defeat for Farrugia’s Malta


n his international debut match as Malta’s national team coach against Armenia in Austria, Ray ‘Zazu’ Farrugia was heartened with his team’s performance in the 1-1 result. It was Malta’s first of two friendly internationals during a sevenday taining camp in Austria as part of the preparation for the new UEFA Nations League. The Maltese fell behind on 13 minutes

when Ivan Yargan scored, but Andrei Agius levelled on the stroke of half time from a penalty. Armenia finished the match with 10 men following the dismissal of Varasdat Haroyan. In the second game three days later Malta lost 1-0 against Georgia. Late in the game Georgia had Valerian sent off but in the 88th minute scored from a penalty for Georgia’s winner.

A most creditable result that follows Parramatta Eagles’ disastrous defeat


fter the previous week’s disastrous performance at the end of the first round when they lost 5-0 to St George, SaturdayParramatta Eagles managed a most creditable 3-3 away draw (their fifth of the season) against high-flying Hills United. It was a perfect start to the second round. Before the kick off, a minute’s silence in respect to Eagles’ co-club founder, Sam E. Vella, was observed. Parramatta took a third-minute lead through Neram Yalda, and Parramatta looked in control, on 17 minutes Huseyin Jasli doubled their lead directly from a free kick. But Hills reduced the arrears

from a penalty on 38 minutes, and a minute from half time equalised. Eagles’ again put then ahead (69th). But when it looked as if Parramatta could hold on to their third win in four, Hills United scored an injury time goal * Parramatta FC would do well to forget their 5-0 defeat at Ilinden Sports Centre against St George that arrived when their fans had thought that recent form would erase the bad days. They were already 30 down by half time against a St George decimated by suspension and injury. Defensive errors resulted in soft goals; lack of punch up front, with only one scoring opportunity created.

Malta’s Andrei Agius (right) in a duel with the Arsenal winger and Armenia captain Henrikh Mkhitaryan

Green Gully in mini-slump; Sunshine George Cross unlucky

NPL Vic: Port Melbourne v Green Gully 3-2 Avondale. v Green Gully 3 -0 Kingston C v Green Gully 1-1 reen Gully's mini slump continued following their second loss on the trot, 3-2 to Port Melbourne Sharks. As such they have only managed to pick up one point from their last three matches. The Sharks took an interval lead with a goal after 38 minutes. The Greens responded well with two quick goals early in the second half through Nicholas Krousoratis (51st) and Matthew Breeze (62). But they collapsed in the final five minutes to concede two goals, on 85 and 89 minutes. *In earlier matches Kieren Dover gave Gully the lead at Kingston City, but the home team spoilt the party by levelling on 82 min-


utes. Then came the 3-0 defeat against Avondale with the first half proving disastrous. The Greens had Callum Richardson sent-off and within four minutes they collapsed to concede two quick goals just before halftime. Avondale added a third goal in the 90th minute. As a result Green Gully slip to sixth. NPL 2 West: Sunshine GC v Brunswick C. 2-2 Sunshine GC v Box Hill 2-1 unshine George Cross dropped two points in their struggle to avoid the drop by drawing against Brunswick City 2-2 . The Georgies dominated the first half but failed to turn their supremacy into goals. After a low key first half, all changed in the second. Brunswick scored on 51 minutes, Barry Devlin levelled on 54 and GC took the


lead on 58 through Danny Baraket. A third goal by Sunshine within three minutes by David Younan was wrongly disallowed by referee Dean Stafrace who later admitting his mistake. He also harshly awarded the visitors a freekick on 72 minutes and Brunswick equalised. * In a stirring contest against Box Hill, Sunshine George Cross registered their first home win of the season. In the first half with Georgies completely dominating but scored only one through David Younan (24th min). The visitors equalised in the 75th minute that swung the game in their favour. On 83 minutes Box Hill took the lead but the Cross rallied to produce a thrilling finale with two goals in the last six minutes, from Ahmet Abdilahnan and Su-Beom An.

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