The Voice of the Maltese No. 171

Page 1

Issue 171

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fort nightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly

January 13, 2018

e new look ‘Tritoni Fountain’ at the entrance to Valletta

Aerial acrobatics over the Triton Fountain

Malta celebrates inauguration of Valletta 2018 (see pages 2, 3 and 4)

A bumper issue with 28 pages

Il-Funtana tat-Tritoni, ikona li tikkumplimenta lil Valletta 2018 2 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday January 23, 2018


’hemmx dubju li l-aktar ikona ffotografata f’Malta minn Maltin u barranin, hija tal-Port ilKbir mill-Barrakka ta’ Fuq lejn il-Forti Sant’Anġlu u l-Isla, u fuq ix-xellug ilbreakwater. Is-sbuħija tal-Port tiżdied meta jkun hemm sorġuti xi vapuri tatturisti, il-cruiseliners. Sa mit-12 ta’ Jannar hawn ikona oħra li tattira l-interess ta’ min jiġbed ir-ritratti, il-Funtana tat-Tritoni qabel id-daħla tal-kapitali Maltija, Valletta min-naħa tal-Mall fil-Furjana. Il-funtana rrestawrata tinsab fi pjazza ġganteska li tikkumplimenta l-prodott kulturali Malti, u li hi aċċessibbli. Kien xogħol li ħa 300 jum biex tlesta, bil-figuri tat-Tritoni sa anke jintbagħtu Firenze bħala parti mir-restawr. Il-funtana, xogħol l-iskultur Malti Antonio Sciortino saret fl-1959. Meta xi snin wara sofriet ħsarat, bħal sfat abbandunata u bdiet isservi biss ta’ ‘monument’ f’nofs venda tal-karozzi tallinja ħalli jduru magħha. Fl-2016 ġie deċiż li tiġi rrestawrata. Għaxar xhur wara ngħatat il-ħajja millġdid u mdawwla biex saret isbaħ minn qatt qabel u f’post mill-aktar xieraq fi pjazza riġenerata li tikkumplimenta u tixraq lid-daħla tal-belt. Fi ċkunitna l-belt, l-aktar Strada Rjali, illum Triq ir-Repubblika kienet il-mekka taż-żgħażagħ, tilgħin u niżlin jippassiġġaw tulha. Din it-triq rat il-bidu ta’ laqgħat bejn tfajliet u ġuvintur li wasslithom għaż-żwieġ. Maż-żmien tmewwtet tant ħafna saru jfissru l-belt wara s-6.00 p.m. bħala “belt mejta”. Fl-aħħar snin b’ħidma kbira, il-belt Valletta reġgħet ingħatat il-ħajja. Flamministrazzjoni l-oħra sar il-bini ta’ Parlament ġdid u bidla kbira f’Bieb ilBelt. Minkejja li ngħoġobx minn parti kbira mill-pubbliku xorta ta’ bidu għattras-formazzjoni tal-belt. Mal-bidla fl-amministrazzjoni l-gvern għamel ir-riġenerazzjoni tal-belt prijorita` u fl-aħħar erba’ snin beda jirrestawra bini storiku u b’ħarstu lejn Valletta 2018, il-belt bdiet għal darb’oħra tieħu l-ħajja. Issa għalkemm baqa’ xi jsir, it-trasformazzjoni hi kompleta. Valletta mhux biss mill-ġdid reġgħet il-mekka taż-żgħażagħ bħas-sittinijiet u s-sibgħinijiet, imma wkoll tal-kbar, b’attrazzjonijiet li jixirqu lil belt kosmopolitana b’postijiet ta’ divertiment differenti, fosthom ħwienet tax-xorb u ristoranti ta’ klassi bil-gżuż. Fl-istess waqt, li nbdiet ħidma qawwija biex il-kapitali Maltija turi li wara kollox hi denja tat-titlu tal-Kapitali Ewropeja tal-Kultura għall-2018, rajna fenomenu

Dehra oħra tal-Funtana tat-Tritoni flimkien malpupu ġgantesk li ġie mmanipulat madwar il-pjazza

ieħor, b’bini abbandunat jingħata l-ħajja minn prendituri li qed jittrasformaw kerrejja u djar kbar f’boutique hotels. Min qatt kien jobsor li l-belt setgħet tospita lukandi lussużi bħal dawn? Imma hekk hu, u l-għadd tagħhom, żgħar imma lussużi qed jinfirex ma’ kull rokna. Iżda mqabbel ma dak li kien qed isir fil-ġewwieni tal-belt dik il-funtana abbandunata u l-madwar ma kienux jixirqu, għax kif jgħidu, il-qoxra tal-ktieb trid tkun tixraq lill-kontenut.

Libsa ġdida

Wara 60 sena, il-Funtana tat-Tritoni ngħatat libsa ġdida biex tiġi ammirata minn kull min jaraha. Saret ikona importanti f’medda li tieħdok mill-Mall tal-Furjana għal ġnien tal-Biskuttin, li wkoll ngħata dehra ġdida mill-isbaħ u Bieb il-Belt. Għal min irid jimxiha saret medda ta’ kilometru mill-isbaħ li jinkludi żona pedonali qabel tidħol il-belt. Ir-restawr tlesta fil-ħin biex ikkumplimenta l-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-festi jiċċelebraw il-bidu tas-sena li fiha l-kapitali Maltija ġiet dikjarata mill-UE bħala l-Belt Kapitali Ewropeja tal-Kultura. Kif qal il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat fl-inawgurazzjoni tal-Funtana tatTritoni, Valletta mhix biss monument kulturali imma wkoll post fejn jgħixu, jaħdmu u jiddevertu n-nies, u filwaqt li t-toroq tal-belt huma simbolu ta’ varjeta` kbira ta’ nies ta’ kull nazzjonalita` u eta`, bil-għajnuna ta’ ħafna li qed jgħinu fit-teħid ta’ deċiżjonijiet important, il-belt qed ukoll issir kosmopolitana u aktar żagħżugħa. Intefqu miljuni kbar ta’ Ewro biex bini abbandunat jiġi/se jibqa’ jiġi rrestawrat ħalli s-sbuħija oriġinali tal-belt toħroġ fi-deher u titgawda aktar. Fost ir-restawr il-Forti Sant Iermu, palazzi, Auberges użati minn Ministeri, il-faċċata tal-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, Kastilja, fejn ikoll inħolqot pjazza im-

pressjonanti, is-swar tal-belt u l-Furjana, it-Teatru Manoel b’aktar aċċessibilita` u wkoll mużewijiet. B’riħet hekk, f’din il-belt barokka, nibtu ristoranti ta’ kwalita`. Hu mihum li madwar il-belt, sar hemm qrib il-mitt ristorant, jekk mhux aktar. Dan l-aħħar kellna wkoll il-ftuħ mill-ġdid tas-Suq tal-Belt, filwaqt li Strada Stretta li kont tistkerraħ tgħaddi minnha minħabba l-abbandun, qed timtela’ bilħajja bi ħwienet tal-ikel u x-xorb. Erġajna wkoll qed naraw divertiment mużikali fil-pjazez, u fost kollox il-popolari Festival tal-Barokk. Il-gvern għamel u qed jagħti kontribut f’dan il-qawmien tal-belt Valletta, imma l-privat qed ukoll jagħmel sehmu u jinvesti bil-kbir, mhux biss fir-ristoranti, imma b’kullana impressonanti ta’ lukandi ta’ ċertu lussu f’kull naħa tal-belt. Uħud kienu kerrejiet, issa lukandi li jattiraw tip ta’ turist speċifiku. Hu fatt li dan hu l-aktar żmien importanti għall-investiment fil-belt li wara l-ispettakli tas-Sibt li għadda għal ftuħ l-attivitajiet ta’ V18 ġejna mwiegħda li se nibqgħu niffesteġġjaw tul sena sħiħa biex jirrenja l-ispirtu ta’ għaqda fost il-popli. Se jibqa’ wkoll isir restawr f’inħawi oħra, l-aktar fin-naħa t’isfel tal-belt għaliex hemm il-ħsieb li l-Fondazzjoni ta’ Valletta 2018 ssir entita` permanenti li tieħu ħsieb il-wirt rikk tagħha. Fl-aħħarnett ftit tal-istatistika dwar ixxogħol fuq il-futana li biex jitħaddem l-ilma u d-dawl taħtha tpoġġew 1,300 metru ta’ kanen u katusi għall-ilma u d-drenaġġ, u 600 metru pajpijiet taddawl. Hemm ukoll 1,900 metru pajpijiet għal servizzi tal-komunikazzjoni u madwar 1,500 metru pajpijiet għattisqija tas-siġar imħawwla mad-dawra tal-pjazza. Qed anke jitpoġġew 18-il bank madwar il-pjazza biex fuqhom jistgħu jpoġġu dawk li jridu jitpaxxew b’dak kollu li sar.

Tuesday January 23, 2017

Il-buffi fit-triqat tal-belt ukoll taw is-sehem tagħhom

Il-ballet minn Zfin Malta fi Pjazza San Ġorġ

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Bit-tema il-Festa Waslet, fil-belt Valletta nhar is-Sibt li għadda ngħatat xhieda ta’ ħilet il-Maltin fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu l-kultura u d-divertiment. Il-folla ta’ ‘l fuq minn 120,000 daħlet il-belt biex tiċċelebra t-titlu ta’ Valletta 2018 bi spettaklu ta’ talent f’erba’ pjazez ewlenin. Fl-istampi (fuq) il-bini ta’ Kastilja, u (taħt) il-faċċata tal-KonKatidral ta’ San Ġwann bi projezzjonijiet viżwali li taw forma oħra ta’ kif inhuma dawn il-binjiet

Festa spettakolari ta' kultura fil-Belt Ewropeja 2018 4 The Voice of the Maltese


abel bdiet il-festa proprja aktar tard filgħaxija biex filBelt Valletta l-poplu Malti jiċċelebra t-titlu tal-Kapitali Ewropeja tal-Kultura għall-2018, sar il-ftuħ uffiċjali f’Dar il-Konferenzi fejn saru għadd ta’ diskorsi li fihom ġie spjegat xi jfisser dan l-unur għall-ġens Malti u x’wassal għal dan it-titlu. Il-kelliema ewlenin kienu l- President ta’ Malta l-Eċċellenza Tagħha Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, u l-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat. Il-President Coleiro Preca semmiet ixxogħol siewi li sar bi tħejjija għal dik li sejħitilha sena storika mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Jason Micallef bħala ċermen u l-mod kif qed jorganizzaw u jiffaċilitaw sena sħiħa ta’ proġetti u inizjattivi kulturali. Qalet li minkejja li l-Belt Valletta hija l-iżgħar kapitali f’kuntest ta’ daqs flUnjoni Ewropea, rnexxielna negħlbu l-isfidi biex inwettqu biċċa xogħol ġganteska ħalli jiġi kkoordinaw programm ta’ daqs impressjonanti. Qalet li konvinta li l-poplu Malti jħossu kburi li rnexxielna noħolqu serje ta’ inizjattivi kulturali tal-aqwa kwalità, li se jagħtu viżibilità mhux biss lill-kultura unika tal-gżejjer Maltin, imma jagħtu wkoll l-opportunità li wieħed japprezza talenti u kulturi diversi ta’ popli oħra fostna. “Il-pożizzjoni ġeostrateġika ta’ Malta, f’salib it-toroq tal-Mediterran, għamlitna pont naturali bejn il-konti-

II-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat waqt l-inawgurazzjoni

nenti u l-kulturi diversi. L-istorja unika tagħna għaġnitna f’poplu fejn ilkultura tagħna hija magħmula mill-aħjar elementi tal-valuri Ewropej u Semitiċi. “Il-kultura unika tagħna tirrappreżenta l-elementi diversi fi spirtu armonjuż ta’ paċi,” qalet il-President. Żiedet tgħid li minn “żmien missirijietna u ommijietna, aħna l-Maltin dejjem ħassejna l-bżonn li naqsmu dan l-ispirtu ta’ paċi mal-ħbieb u l-ġirien tagħna, u hi għal din ir-raġuni li din is-sena kulturali hija daqstant importanti.” Qalet li din is-sena kulturali se tagħti lil pajjiżna opportunità biex tkun destinazzjoni kulturali sostenibbli. Fl-aħħar ħeġġet lill-Maltin biex iħossuhom parteċipi u kburin matul din is-sena speċjali u stiednet lil dawk f’pajjiżi oħra li qed jippjanaw xi vjaġġ matul l-2018, biex jagħżlu lil Malta, ħalli jiċċelebraw magħna din is-sena ta’ festa. Min-naħa tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat dan qal li l-kultura hija aħna. “Kif ngħixu, fejn naħdmu, kif nirrikreaw ruħna u dak kollu li jagħmel minn Malta din l-art żgħira imma sabiħa, mogħnija bi ġmiel naturali, bi storja twila u ħajja”. Tenna li l-kultura f’Malta ngħixuha. Allura bil-Belt Valletta bħala l-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura għall-2018, bħala pajjiż se noffru awtentiċità, u lMaltin se juru eżatt dak li huma. Fil-fehma tiegħu l-marka ta’ din ilfesta Maltija u Ewropeja se tkun lawtentiċità. “Ma kellniex nibnu mill-ġdid. Kellna biss induru dawra madwarna biex nikxfu l-binjiet u nippreparaw dak li għal ħafna żmien – għax ngħixu fih bħala darna – ħadnih b’ovvju biex issa jarah kulħadd. “Il-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura għas-sena 2018 hija opportunità biex nuru l-wirt li ħallew missirijietna u ommijietna li ħadmu biex isawru dan ilpajjiż kif inhu llum, biex nuru fuq livell Ewropew u globali, il-Belt Valletta kontemporanja tal-lum li fuq is-sisien tal-imgħoddi żviluppat aktar,” qal Joseph Muscat. Qal li dan huwa poplu li għalkemm huwa żgħir fid-daqs, imma kbir filqalb, fil-valuri, u fl-imħabba lejn dak li għandna.

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Il-President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca fil-ftuħ uffiċjali

Huwa ta ħajr lil dawk kollha li ħadmu għal dan l-avveniment, fosthom mhux biss min mexxa imma wkoll lill-mijiet ta’ artisti u ħaddiema li taw u se jagħtu s-sehem tagħhom matul din is-sena. Sellem ukoll lill-Prim Ministru ta’ qabel, Lawrence Gonzi għall-ħidma biex il-Belt tasal għal dan il-jum. Qal li l-Belt tagħna hija mudell preċiż tal-pajjiż sħiħ u n-nies tiegħu. Poplu bieżel li għandu għal qalbu lkultura tiegħu u li permezz tal-forom differenti tal-arti jimmanifesta; il-ħsibijiet, l-ideat, u l-emozzjonijiet tiegħu. Fisser lill-belt Valletta bħala ġawhra arkitettonika, soċjali u kulturali. Punt ta’ referenza fejn tradizzjonalment ilpoplu Malti u Għawdxi jsemma’ leħnu, kemm kulturalment bl-avvenimenti kollha li jsiru matul is-sena, u anke b’mod politiku, permezz tarrappreżentanti tiegħu fil-Parlament. “Din is-sena eċċitanti għalina se tkompli tagħmel lil dan il-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kburi,” qal. Sostna li hu persważ li dan l-avveniment se jservi biex dak li jidher f’ħafna ritratti ma’ binjiet storiċi li nsibu f’diversi nħawi u li ġrew malerbat irjieħ tad-dinja, se jingħataw ilkulur permezz tal-ħajja tan-nies kollha, Maltin u Għawdxin u dawk kollha li jogħġobhom iżuruna sabiex jagħmlu lil din il-belt kapitali, din ilġawhra, il-Kapitali Ewropeja tal-Kultura Saru wkoll diskorsi mill-Ministru tal-Ġustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici, Dr Deo Debattista, isSegretarju Parlamentari għall-Protezzjoni tal-Konsumatur u Valletta 2018, Jason Micallef Ċermen tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, is-Sindku tal-belt Alexei Dingli, u Dr Tibor Navracsics Kummissarju Ewropew għallEdukazzjoni, Kultura, Żgħażagħ u Sport.

Tuesday January 23, 2017

The Maltese Islands offer an electric blend of local and international events to suit all tastes and ages. From the colourful fun-filled Carnival in February to the solemn Holy Week and Easter pageants, from the summertime village festas and open-air music festivals, to classical concerts and opera, sport tournaments, historical re-enactments, food and wine events, and so much more. There’s something for everyone, any time, any season

The Voice of the Maltese 5



Harsa lejn il-Kunsill għall-Maltin li jgħixu Barra minn Malta

6 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday January 23, 2018

inħabba li ilni sitt snin membru attiv tal- LawrenceDimech Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra, ħassejt li għandi nikteb dwar ix-xogħol li Sar xi projsir waqt il-laqgħat tal-Kunsill, li l-Gvern kien waqqaf sitt snin ilu fl-2011 b’liġi biex jieħu ħsieb l-interessi tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra gress iżda għad hemm minn pajjiżhom. L-Att jistabbilixxi li l-Kunsill għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra minn ħafna xi jsir Malta jħares u jippromovi d-drittijiet u l-interessi tal-Maltin li biex kull min jgħixu barra minn Malta, u biex jipprovdi għal ħwejjeġ konnessi imur l-iskola jitgħallem lma’, jew inċidentali għal dan. Il-ħatra tal-membri biex iservu fuq dan il-Kunsill kienet għal tliet istorja talsnin iżda wara l-ewwel terminu l-Ministru reġa’ ħatar lill-istess emigrazzjoni persuni biex iservu għal tliet snin oħra. Wara s-sitt sena dawk maħ- ta’ pajjizna li tura skont il-liġi ma jistgħux iservu aktar fuqu. Dan ifisser li wara hija parti integrali millLulju li ġej jinħatru membri ġodda. Mhux dejjem hu magħruf x’inhuma r-responsabbilitajiet ta’ dawk istorja tagħna Lawrence Dimech (xellug) jirċevi ċertifikat ta’ apli jiġu magħżula. Hawn min jaħseb li dawn jattendu laqgħa kull l - M a l t i n . prezzament mingħand il-Ministru Carmelo Abela sena f’Malta u daqshekk, iżda fil-fatt dawk magħżula jridu jkunu Saru wkoll ħafna protesti dwar id-dewmien fil-ħruġ taċ-ċittadita’ ċertu livell għax ikunu responsabbli li jagħtu lill-Ministru pariri nanza Maltija għax id-dewmien għadu esaġerat. Il-kunsill tħabat ukoll biex il-proġetti siewja tal-Ministeru taldwar kull abbozz ta’ liġi mressaq fil-Parlament li direttament jew indirettament jolqot id-drittijiet, il-jeddijiet jew l-interessi tal- Edukazzjon u l-Universita` ta’ Malta fejn jindħol it-tagħlim talMaltin li jkunu jgħixu barra, jew kull kwestjoni relevanti oħra li l- ilsien Malti fuq l-Internet ikunu lesti għall-użu ta’ kulħadd. Il-fatt li għandna komunita` li qed tixjieħ b’ritmu mgħaġġel u Ministru jirreferi lill-Kunsill. għandna nuqqas serju ta’ parteċipazzjoni mill-ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ Kif jinħatru l-membri wara kien suġġett imsemmi f’kull laqgħa iżda s-soluzzjonijiet Għalhekk ix-xogħol huwa intensiv u kontinwu tul is-sena kollha. suġġeriti nstab li meta tpoġġihom għall-prattika ma kienux għal Kull żmien ikun hemm ukoll xi video conference. Il-membri jiġu kollox addattati. Kulħadd jista’ jkollu idejat u proġetti izda dawn magħżula b’dan il-mod skont il-ligi stabbilijta. Ħames membri jiġu iridu jkunu akkumpanjati minn pjannijiet fis-sod u fil-prattika. maħtura mill-Prim Ministru wara li jikkonsulta l-Kap tal-Oppożiz- Dritt tal-vot zjoni. Imbagħad jiġu maħtura wkoll għaxar membri oħra biex lF’dawn l-aħħar sitt snin saru wkoll tentattivi ħalli jkun hemm għadd tagħhom jilħaq il-15. Fost dawn l-aħħar għaxra jkun hemm tnejn mill-istat ta’ Victoria u tnejn mill-Istat ta’ NSW fl-Awstralja reġistru uffiċjali aġġornat tal-għaqdiet Maltin kif ukoll ta’ persuni prominenti li jgħixu barra li jistgħu b’mod ikunu ta’ għajnuna, iżda kif ukoll tnejn mill-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika. Mir-Renju Unit, mill-Kanada u mill-istati Membri tal-Unjoni sfortunatament dan l-att li jidher sempliċi qatt ma ġie attwat, kif Ewropea (ħlief Malta u r-Renju Unit) jingħażel membru kull qatt ma ġiet ukoll maħluqa website għal dan il-Kunsill, u għalhekk wieħed. Membru ieħor jigi magħżul biex jirrappreżenta l-istati l- qatt ma seta’ jkollu leħen mal-massa. Saru talbiet biex iċ-ċittadini Maltin li jgħixu barra jkollhom idoħra fl-Awstralja (mhux minn Victoria u NSW). Dan inħoss li hu tagħrif meħtieġ biex jgħin li min jitħajjar iressaq dritt tal-vot u li jiġu mogħtija wkoll l-opportunita` li jivvutaw flelezzjonijiet ġenerali, lokali u tal-Kunsill Ewropew bis-sistema ismu ‘l quddiem ħalli jkollu stampa ċara ta’ dan il-Kunsill. F’dawn l-aħħar sitt snin il-Kunsill ftit ġie mogħti pubbliċita`, li hu tad-distance voting biex ma jkunx hemm għalfejn jivvjaġġaw pernuqqas serju ħafna. Kemm id-Direttorat u l-istess membri kellhom sonalment lejn Malta. Kien hemm proposta li dawk li japplikaw għaċ-ċittadinanza Maltija r-responsabbilia` li jinfurmaw lill-komunitajiet Maltin barra minn Malta b’dak kollu li jkun qed jiġri u speċjalment b’deċiżjonijiet im- li ma jkunux imwielda Malta jew mhumiex imrawwma fid-drawwiet Maltin, qabel jiġu mogħtija l-approvazzjoni taċ-ċittadinanza jkollportant meħuda li jeffettwaw lill-Maltin li jgħixu barra. hom jattendu, fejn hu possibbli, serje ta’ laqgħat ta’ tagħrif dwar ilConsul-on-the Move kultura, l-ilsien, l-istorja eċċ u wkoll jattendu personalment Progett utli ħafna li nħoloq u trawwem fi ħdan dan il-Kunsill kien ċeremonja uffiċjali biex jirċievu ċertifikat addattat tal-okkazjoni. il-programm pilota msejjaħ Consul-on-the Move. Minħabba regoli stretti assoċjati mal-ħruġ tal-passaport Malti, kull applikant ikollu Ix-xogħol għandu jitkompla Dan il-proġett jista’ jiftaħ tieqa wkoll biex dawk tat-tieni u ġenjmur personalment fl-uffiċċji tal-Gvern, fejn pereżempju, fl-Awstralja jinsabu biss fil-belt kapitali ta’ Canberra, u f’Melbourne u erazzjonijiet ta’ wara jsiru jafu aħjar il-komunita’ u x-xogħol utli li jsir biex it-tradizzjonijiet Maltin jibqgħu ħajjin fl-Awstralja.. Sydney. Dawn huma fil-qosor xi kummenti u osservazzjonijiet tiegħi Dan il-progett li beda jopera fl- 2017 kellu suċċess għax issa uffiċjal tal-gvern Malti seta’ jmur f’lokalitajiet imbiegħda ħalli jservi bħala membru ta’ dan il-Kunsill li tiegħu ilni membru għal sitt lil dawk li ma kienx possibbli għalihom li jintlaħqu mill-uffiċċji snin. Għalkemm ma nistax ngħid li jien sodisfatt b’dak li wettaqna, tal-Gvern fl-ibliet ewlenin. Saru wkoll suġġerimenti biex tonqos id-diskriminazzjoni kontra c- iżda bla dubju kienet esperjenza utli li ġabitni iktar qrib nies deċittadini Maltin li jgħixu barra waqt li jkuu Malta minħabba l-użu tal- terminati, u ta’ livell għoli minn pajjiżi oħra barra l-Awstralja. Tgħallimt ukoll li mhux dejjem faċli li tlaqqa’ flimkien persuni karta tal-identita`, taxxa, servizzi bankarji u fl-iżvillup tal-propjeta.` Saru wkoll tentattivi persistenti biex l-Att li jamministra dan il- minn pajjiżi mbiegħda għax l-interessi, l-asperazzjonijiet u l-ħtiġiKunsill jigi modifikat, iżda sfortunatament dejjem kien hemm jiet, hafna drabi jieħdu forom differenti. Għal dawk li jiġu magħżula biex iservu nħeġġiġhom li ikomplu skużi legali. Fil-fehma tiegħi, jekk dan ma jsirx, il-ġejjieni tal-Kunsill jissokta jiġi manipulat mill-burokrazija. Il-mod kif għandu jaħ- x-xogħol li beda biex il-Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta jibqgħu dem il-Kunsill b’mod iktar effettiv u prattiku kien suġġett im- dejjem u kemm jista’ jkun parti integrali minn pajjiżna Malta għax qajjem spiss iżda għalkemm sar xi tibdil għad irid isir ħafna iktar. wieħed mill-iskopijiet ewlenin ta’ dan il-Kunsill hu li jsaħħaħ, jifIlna għexieren ta’ snin nitolbu biex l-istorja tal-emigrazzjoni minn faċilita, u jikkoltiva r-rabtiet bejn il-komunitajiet Maltin barra minn Malta u l-ħajja politika, kulturali, ekonomika u socjali ta’ Malta. Malta tid-ħol fil-kurrikulu tal- edukazzjoni.

Onwards and Upwards!

Tuesday January 23, 2017


The Voice of the Maltese 7

long hard way to the top but her recent nomination as Best Supporting Actress in the 2017 Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards as a Muslim mum in the popular film Ali’s Wedding put the stamp of approval on Malta-born actress Frances Duca. Ali’s Wedding’s list of Awards includes the Audience Award at the Sydney Film Festival 2017 and AACTA Award for the Best Original Screenplay.


Frances Duca (Maltese actress)


riginally from Malta, Frances also lived in Berlin and London before settling in Sydney in 2003. She is a classically trained actress, graduating with a BA Hons in Acting and Theatre Studies from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Her acting debut was in the musical Buddy at the Strand Theatre in London’s West End, playing the female lead Maria Elena Holly for two years and then selected to perform the role on a subsequent European tour. Other theatre work includes Goneril in King Lear, Tunis in Clare McIntyre’s My Heart’s a Suitcase, and her portrayal of Jenny Marx in Frank McGuinness’ Mary and Lizzie resulted in acquiring representation in her final year at The Guildhall. Theatre was also where Frances embarked on establishing herself as an actress in Sydney, when she was commended for her strong performance as La Madre in Tango Masculino at the New Theatre. Frances has not yet graced the television screens in Australia – one hopes that the emerging trend for diversity on screen continues to flourish, and we get to see her bring exciting and colourful characters to Australian television - like the characters she played on British television, namely as Maria in the soap opera Crossroads, and for the BBC as Marina Finney in Doctors, Domenica in Chambers, and Queen Hatshepsut in Ancient Egypt. On the short film circuit Frances is best known for her role as Maria in Ave Maria, written and directed by the multi-award winner Australian Venetia Taylor. Their second short film together, Venice, in which Frances played The Maid, has been screened in several short film festivals worldwide, winning 13 awards. Frances has also featured in a variety of television commercials performed in multiple languages for different markets, including Europe and the Middle East, and has worked as a producer/broadcaster on the Maltese programme Frances in her role for SBS Radio. in Ali’s Wedding A multi-lingual actress, Frances is

fluent in Maltese and English with a good working- knowledge of Italian and French, and has been known to also dabble in Arabic, Spanish, German, Norwegian and Dutch. Other interests include dance, song writing and poetry. She actually considers herself to be a closet songwriter and poet – “Perhaps” she says, “it’s time to come out of my creative closet!” Matchbox Picture’s Ali’s Wedding is Frances’ first feature film, in which she plays Zahra (Ali’s mum). “I’m so glad that Ali’s Wedding is my first feature film. I couldn’t have wished for a better collaboration. It was worth the wait.” Frances Duca told The Voice of the Maltese. Scoring an AACTA nomination, which some regard as the Australian equivalent of the Oscars, is regarded as huge in the entertainment industry. The awards have honoured screen excellence in Australia since 1958. The AACTA Awards are held annually in Sydney in recognition and celebration of Australia’s highest achievements in film and television, as judged by the industry itself. Speaking to the Times of Malta recently Frances declared "When you live abroad you feel you are Maltese but then when you visit your home country you feel like a foreigner there. Receiving a nomination like this, however, makes makes me identify with the Maltese way of thinking that, yes we may come from a small country but we can achieve success as well. “It has been many years of struggle to stay active in the industry and with constantly asking myself whether or not to continue acting. This nomination feels like a reward in itself,” Ms Duca said. Frances hopes the nomination will raise her profile to such an extent that she would achieve her dream of earning a living purely from the performing arts

Fi Frar se terġa’ ssir il-Latrobe Valley Maltese Festa G 8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

ħalkemm il-Komunita` Maltija Maltija li tiġbed lejha lit-tieni u tielet ta’ Latrobe Valley hi xi ftit maq- ġenerazzjoni ta Maltin li jgħixu fl-istat tuha min ta’ Melbourne, min de- ta’ Victorja. Kienet suċċess u l-għadd jjem kienet u għadha attiva, u matul ta’ dawk li attendew issorprenda l-aħħar 50 sena baqgħet tistinka biex il- kemm lill-organizzaturi u wkoll lillawtoritajiet lokali. lingwa u l-Kultura Maltija tibqa’ ħajja. Din is-sena l-Latrobe Valley Maltese Din il-Komunita` kienet l-ewwel, wara ċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Parville, li kellha ċ- Il-Luzzu Malti li nħadem mill-membri Ċentru tagħha, li dis- tal-kumitat tal-festa ta’ Latrobe Valley sena jagħlaq 40 sena mit-twelid tiegħu u 30 sena minn meta tkabbar biex jakkomoda għadd kbir ta’ membri ġodda, Maltin u wkoll dawk ta’ nazzjonalitajiet oħra, fosthom anke Awstraljani. Għalkemm maqtugħin mill-Maltin ta’ Melbourne il-kuntatt qatt ma naqas, u ħafna minn dawk li Festa se terġa’ tiġi oganizzata miċ-Ċenjgħixu f’Melbourne spiss iżuru lil qra- tru Malti. Il-kumitat organizzattiv ilu bathom li kienu jgħixu u jaħdmu f'xi sena jħejji biex il-Festa tkun aktar iffukata fuq ikel u xorb Malti, divertiwaħda mill-Power Stations t’hemm. Fis-sebgħinijiet, f'Morwell kienet issir ment u ħbiberija. Il-qofol mistenni jkun il-Festa ta San Ġużepp li kienet tiġbed replika tal-Luzzu Malti l i nħadem milllejha għadd ġmielu ta’ Maltin minn Mel- membri tal-kumitat, u wirja unika ta’ bourne. Imbagħad fl-1987 saret l-Ewwel mudelli ta’ bini storiku f’Malta. Ta’ min isemmi fost l-oħrajn ir-replika Festa Maltija fil-Kampanja, f"Morwell, madwar taċ-Ċentru ta’ Latrobe Valley li tat-Teatru Rjal li ġġarraf fit-Tieni Gwkienet success kbir, b'Maltin minn madwar Melbourne jagħmlu il-vjaġġ ta madwar sagħtejn u nofs lejn Morwell. Fl-1988, bħala parti miċ ċelebrazzjonihousand of Maltese televiewers wait jiet tat-Tieni Ċentinarju tal-Awstralja limpatiently every Sunday morning komunita Maltija tal-Valley kellha for the Aħbarijiet minn Malta to appear sehem prominenti f'Festa kbira li saret on SBSTV. On Sunday 14th January at 8 f’Morwell b'ħafna talent Malti u bil- am the screen was blank as the SBSTV Banda Maltese Own. ran a special TV event – The Ghan: The Fl-2006 bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjoni- full Journey. It was Australia’s first foray jiet għall-Commonwealth Games ta’ into the ‘Slow TV’ movement showing Melbourne, il-Kunsill addotta t-tim the full journey of the entire Ghan rail Olimpiku Malti, u fl-istess waqt saru journey from Adelaide to Darwin. ċelebrazzjonijiet kbar f'ġiegħ Malta u lSlow TV indeed. Most viewers reMaltin, bit-toroq tal-Latrobe Valley jiġu garded it as the most boring television mżejna bi bnadar b'tema Maltija, u b’ ever. kunċert kbir b'talent Malti. The telecast special began at 0240 am Fl-2016 kien hemm ċaqlieqa ħalli and ended with the Ghan arrival in jerġa’ jibda jsir xi ħaġa biex il-Maltin ta’ Darwin at 2030 Sunday night. As a result, all SBS Viceland proLatrobe Valley jorganizzaw festa

Il-Festa Maltija ta’ Latrobe se ssir isSibt 17 ta Frar bejn l-10.00 am u s-6.00 pm. Waqtha se jsiru kunċerti kemm barra u wkoll fis-sala ta Kernot. Se ssir ukoll logħba futbol filgrawnd tal-Pegasus bejn tim Malti u ieħor magħmul minn “plejers mill-bqija tad-dinja”. Lanqas mhu se jonqos l-ikel, ixxorb, id-divertiment u l-ħbiberija, li magħrufin għalihom aħna l-Maltin.

erra Dinjija, tal-Knisja talMosta, tal-Bieb tal-Bombi, u ħafna oħrajn. Bħala poġett li se jidħol għalih iċ-Ċentru ta’ Latrobe Valley, hemm Mużew u Ċentru ta’ esebizzjoni ta’ dak li hu Malti, u li parti minnu se tkun fih. Għaċ-ċentru nstab post biswit iċ-Ċentru f'Morwell li jinħtieġ ħafna xogħol fuqu. Kif jinfetaħ, ikun l-ewwel wieħed tax-xorta tiegħu flAwstralja. Fih se jkun jista’ jinġabar il-wirt storiku li ħafna emigranti kienu ġabu magħhom minn Malta bħala tifkira ta’ art twelidhom u li wara mewthom x’aktarx li ma jibqax daqstant apprezzat mill-familjari li jħallu warajhom. Diġa` nġabru ħafna minn dawn ħalli jiffurmaw parti minn dan iċ-Ċentru, li mistenni jiġbed lejh Maltin u oħrajn minn madwar l-Awstralja kollha.

Why no Aħbarijiet on Sunday SBSTV



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grammes and WorldWatch news bulletins that include Malta news were displaced for the 17-hour broadcast of The Ghan special. The Voice of the Maltese in Australia immediately contact PBS (Malta), and they confirmed that in fact the news via satellite was received by SBSTV on Thursday, January 11th three days earlier. SBS said that the Malta news is available as usual on the SBS On Demand service and can be viewed at any time for the next 28 days. SBS has apologised for any inconvenience caused.

A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese Tel (02) 9622 7799

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday January 23, 2017

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:

Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

The Voice has been a godsend


Harry and Mary Bugeja from Golden Grove, South Australia write:

n the past the Maltese community in Australia had The Maltese Herald as the main source of information of local and Maltese news. Therefore it was a sad day for the Maltese community when it ceased being published. With the birth of The Voice of the Maltese the Maltese community received its greatest ever gift because now we have not only a free publication but all the information that one is interested in, in particular unbiased Maltese and Australian news, sports, local and overseas, and much more. Authors Peter Paul Ciantar, Ivan Cauchi, Barry York, Prof. Maurice Cauchi and a number of others enrich the value of this publication with their opinions and contributions on historical and interesting subjects. The reports about social activities by the Maltese community also make for very interesting reading. Another point of interest is that the publication is bilingual, in Maltese and English, which is of great benefit for all those who are not conversant with the Maltese language.

Maltese Living Abroad ...


– how come?

Mark Caruana from Blacktown NSW writes:

ow come no official announcement has been made in the Maltese Australian media about nominations to the Maltese Living Abroad Council for the next three years? What are the requirements for nomination and when is the closing date?

Keep up the good work and thank you for always being in the forefront whenever there is an issue that affects the Maltese community, like Dual Citizenship, the SBS, and suchlike. Thanks in particular to the editors, Joseph Cutajar and Lawrence Dimech and all those who in any way are contributing to The Voice of the Maltese. We wish all of you, and also all the members of the Maltese community a New Year full of happiness and delight in everyone’s life. May it bring you all, prosperity.

Is-saħħa ta’ The Voice


John Xuereb from Pendle Hill NSW jikteb:

-aħħar ħarġa tas-sena 2017 ta’ The Voice of the Maltese urietna s-saħħa u l-influwenza li din ir-rivista għandha malawtoritajiet tal-pajjiż fl-Awstralja meta sa anke il-Prim Ministru Awstraljan bagħat it-tislijiet tiegħu lill-komunitajiet Maltin fl-Awstralja, kif wara kollox għamlu wkoll bħas-snin li għaddew, il-President ta’ Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca u wkoll il-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Joseph Muscat Jien naf għax naqra The Voice ipprintjata miċ-Ċentru La Valette, li din hija l-unika gazzetta/magazine li tiġi stampata u mqassma ma’ dawk li m’għandhomx ilfaċilita’ tal-kompjuter. Jien u sħabi nkomplu nagħtu l-appoġġ tagħna għax din hi l-unika pubblikazzjoni li tiddefendi d-drittijiet tal-Maltin barra minn Malta u li dejjem tpinġi lil pajjiż fejn twelidna, Malta, bħal pajjiż li aħna, li ngħixu barra għandna nirrispettaw u nammiraw, u mhux inkasbruh minħabba lpolitka partiġjana li nħaddnu.

No honour for us


George Gatt from Hurstville NSW writes::

s it should be, the Malta Republic Day honours list in Malta pays public tribute to the citizens of Malta. It is indeed a huge honour to be recognised, particularly if you are not currently a resident of your mother’s land. Going through the 2017 list I could not notice names of any Maltese living in Australia on it. Reading all the messages by VIPs published in the last edition of 2017, they all talk about the continuous contribution Maltese in Australia give to the Republic of Malta. Let's ensure that they will not be left out when such an honours list is composed.

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday January 23, 2018

L-inċinerazzjoni D

in hija teknoloġija li minnha l-iskart jinħaraq taħt kundizzjonijiet kontrollati, l-ewwelnett biex jitnaqqas il-volum tal-iskart, u t-tieninett biex possibilment tintuża l-enerġija tal-ħruq għal affarijiet utli, bħall-ġenerazzjoni tal-elettriku. Idea tajba, fil-prinċipju. Mela allura għalfejn hemm tant oppożizzjoni għal din il-prattika, madwar id-dinja? Eżempju reċenti ta’ din l-oppożizzjoni qiegħda tidher bħalissa filpunent ta’ Sydney, fejn hemm proposta ta’ stabbilment f’Eastern Creek mill-kumpannija Dial A Dump.1 Il-kumpannija diġà topera impjant ta’ riċiklaġġ f’dak il-lokal. Il-proposta hi li jiġu ddevjati 500,000 tunnellata ta’ skart li s-soltu jispiċċaw f’xi miżbla u jintużaw biex jipprovdu enerġija lil 100,000 dar.2 Huwa mistqarr li jekk jinbena, l-impjant ikun l-ikbar wieħed fl-Awstralja.3 Id-dokumenti tal-proposta huma ddettaljati ħafna, jitkellmu fuq x’tip ta’ skart huwa propost jintuża, kunsiderazzjonijiet ambjentali, dak li jibqa’ wara l-ħruq, it-teknoloġija tal-ħruq u xi trattament isir lill-gassijiet, kif l-enerġija tiġi rkuprata, kontroll u mmonitorjar eċċ. Fi proġetti bħal dawn, il-problema tibqa’ dejjem l-istess waħda. Ilpoplu li jgħix madwar is-sit tal-impjant propost, kif se jafda lilliżviluppaturi, u lill-operaturi, li l-proġett se jopera perfettament skont id-dokumenti tad-disinn tiegħu? Per eżempju, għalkemm hemm għadd ta’ parametri li suppost iridu jiġu osservati l-ħin kollu (bħall-monossidu tal-karbonju, l-ammonja, il-partikulati eċċ) u oħrajn bi frekwenza miftiehma mar-regolatur (bħad-dijossina u metalli tossiċi), nistgħu nafdaw lill-operatur li jirrapporta mill-ewwel meta xi parametru jinqabeż, u li titwaqqaf loperazzjoni tal-impjant jekk ikun hemm il-ħtieġa? Kif tista’ tafda operazzjoni kummerċjali li tagħmel dak li hu suppost anke meta jkun kontra l-interess kummerċjali tagħha? U x’garanziji qatt jistgħu jingħataw kontra xi diżastru mhux mistenni li jolqot l-impjant? F’operat bħal dan, ir-riskju jinġarr kollu mill-persuni li jgħixu madwar l-impjant u mill-ambjent, filwaqt li l-benefiċċju ma jitteħidx mill-istess persuni imma mill-intrapriża kummerċjali. Ir-riskju mhux żgħir, u persważ li lkoll smajna f’każijiet fejn operaturi ħbew problemi, anke serjissimi, mill-awtoritajiet ukoll jekk kienu obbli-

Maltese Community Council NSW Australia Day 2018

Special event to be held on Sunday January 28. Time: 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. Venue: Holroyd Function Centre (Wattle Room) 17 Miller Street Merrylands NSW, Lv1. (parking available on site)

Light refreshments will be served

This function is sponsored by a grant from the NSW Government through Multicultural NSW.

A version of this series in English may be found in kitba ta’ IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.

Dehra artistika ta’ kif hu propost li se jidher jekk isir l-impjant f’Eastern Creek

gati li jgħarrfu b’dan u jieħdu l-passi neċessarji. Jidher li d-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa ta’ NSW, kif ukoll l-Awtorità dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent ukoll qed jopponu din il-proposta, bi tħassib dwar il-kwalità tal-arja, l-impatt fuq is-saħħa tal-bniedem u inċertezza fuq eżattament x’se jintefa’ għall-ħruq.4 Jien naħseb li l-problema ewlenija hi li l-impjant huwa propost qrib wisq taċ-ċentri tal-abitazzjoni tal-punent ta’ Sydney, inċidentalment qalb ‘Malta ż-Żgħira’ fejn joqogħdu tant nies jew imwielda Malta jew ta’ dixxendenza Maltija. Forsi jkun iktar għaqli li l-proposta tkun għal impjant iktar imwarrab minn hekk. Bħal ma ktibt f’The Voice Nru. 169, hemm bżonn nimmaturaw fl-attitudni tagħna tal-konsum, għax fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, meta oġġett m’għandniex bżonnu iktar, nistgħu narmuh (u niġġeneraw skart); jekk jinkiser nistgħu insewwuh minflok narmuh u nergħu nużawh; nistgħu nibagħtuh għar-riċiklaġġ; u fl-aħħarnett, nistgħu wkoll naħsbu jekk fil-fatt għandniex bżonnu wara kollox! Jien m’iniex wieħed minn dawk li jopponu proġett bħal dan akkost ta’ kollox. Nagħraf li s-soċjetà għandha problema preżenti ta’ skart, u soluzzjonijiet prattiċi biex dan jitnaqqas irid ikun hemm. Huwa veru li hemm eżempji ħżiena ta’ inċinerazzjoni, imma mhux bilfors ikun hekk. Benefiċċji potenzjali hemm ukoll, għalhekk proposta bħal din, imma f’post iktar imwarrab u b’kundizzjonijiet u awditjar strett, tista’ tiġi kkunsidrata. Irridu nkunu ċari madankollu li impjant bħal dan li jopera f’post imwarrab ma jfissirx li jista’ jintesa u li m’hemmx għalfejn inkunu daqshekk stretti, għax xorta rridu nevitaw xi diżastru ambjentali. Wara kollox, għandna nħarsu b’responssabbiltà lejn din l-art li ngħixu minna bħal ma jħarsu lejha l-ewwel Awstraljani (l-aboriġini) li jqisu lilhom infushom bħala l-kustodji tradizzjonali tal-art. Referenzi 1., retrieved 16/1/2017 2., retrieved 16/1/2017 3. Project Definition Brief, revision 3; The Next Generation NSW Pty Ltd; 25/10/2016. p. 7 4., retrieved 16/1/2017

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday January 23, 2017

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Family Law and Grandparents T

When the best way forward lies in the wisest hands:

he bond between children and their grandparents is uniquely profound. A short stroll through your local community and you will no doubt spot a doting grandparent treating their grandchildren to a day out. The bond is a source of comfort, love and security. For some children, the relationship will grow to mean a lot more. Children rely on the effective functioning of the family law system to keep them safe and under the guidance of the best possible parent-figure available to them. Unfortunately, this is not always the child’s biological parents. If the child’s parent has a history of severe violence it may be considered in the best interests of the child that they are placed with a grandparent rather than a parent. Grandparents can, and often do, step up and assume the daily care of vulnerable children. Normally, this occurs by way of informal arrangement between the grandparents and the parents of the child. At times the grandparents are left with little choice but to accept the enormous responsibility of raising a young child where their own children are no longer fit to parent, or simply choose not to parent. Nevertheless, it is a role that grandparents take on with noble commitment. In 2014, the ABC reported that nearly 30,000 families in Australia are made up of grandparents who have dependent children in their full-time care. ‘Grandparents as Parents’ is becoming a growing trend that has caught the eye of politicians, social workers and lawyers.

Can a grandparent approach the Court? Section 65C of the Family Law Act lists the grandparents of the child as persons who may apply for a parenting order in relation to a child. A parenting order can be made about matter such as: (a) who the child will live with (b) how much time the child will spend with each parent and with other people, such as other family members (c) the allocation of parental responsibility for decision making about long term issues relating to the child (such as religion, health, education) (d) how the child will communicate with a parent they do not live with, or other people (e) any other aspect of the care, welfare or development of the child. In making the parenting orders, the Court will consider whether the parenting arrangements proposed by the Order reflect the best interests of the child. The Court will primarily consider: (a) The benefit to children of having a meaningful relationship with their biological parents; and (b) The need to protect the child from physical or psychological harm from being subjected to, or exposed to, abuse, neglect or family violence. However, in the presence of a risk of harm, the Court is required to give greater weight to the consideration of the need to protect children from harm. This may mean that placing the child with the grandparent is the only practical solution that satisfies the Court.



Now at: 21 George Street

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by PaulSant

Can on Order in favour of the grandparents be challenged? Assuming that the grandparents have obtained, the biological parent may make an application to the Family Law Courts to change the existing parenting order. This is not an easy task. To change an existing court order, the biological parent will need to show that there has been a significant change of circumstances. This change must necessitate an amendment to the orders. This is a very high standard. What constitutes a significant change in circumstances will depend on the facts of each case. The Court has been careful to point out that change is an ever-present factor in life and needs to be of a serious nature to justify a review of Final Orders. Case Study: Scott & Holger and Anor [2017] In Scott & Holger and Anor the authority of a grandparent to make an application to the Family Court was affirmed by the Court. The central issue in this appeal was the amount of time a 10-year-old child should spend with his father, who has a history of serious violence. The child lived with the grandmother. The previous parenting orders provided for the child to spend time with the father one day per week. Out of concern for the child’s safety, the grandmother appealed the initial decision seeking the removal of the order providing for contact with the father. The appeal was conducted on the basis that the primary judge had not properly considered the evidence regarding the father’s history of violence. The full Court allowed the appeal, and remitted the matter back to Family Court for reconsideration of the father’s time with the child. It is worth noting that the Court of Appeal was careful to emphasise that in the presence of a serious and unacceptable risk of violence, Courts should not hesitate to place the children in the care of grandparents if appropriate. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Jan 26: Commemorating Australia Day

12 The Voice of the Maltese


anuary 26, Australia Day is the official National Day of Australia, marking the proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia (then known as New Holland). On this day in 1788 following the arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales Governor Arthur Phillip raised the flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove. This day was not known as Australia Day until over a century later, records of celebrations on January 26 date back to 1808, with the first official celebration of the formation of New South Wales held in 1818. The meaning and significance of Australia Day has evolved over time. Unofficially, or historically, the date has also been variously named "Anniversary Day", "Foundation Day" and "ANA Day". In 1935 all Australian states and territories adopted use of the term "Australia Day" to mark the date, but it wasn't until 1994 that the date was consistently marked by a public holiday by all states and territories. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians along with groups sympathetic to their cause entertain mixed feelings about celebrating this day. Some consider it as a day of mourning, as they see it as the invasion of their land by Europeans, and protest its celebration as a national holiday. These groups sometimes refer to the day as "Invasion Day" or "Survival Day" and advocate that the date should be changed. Others use the day to mark the survival of their on-

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Capt. Arthur Phillip raising the British flag at Sydney Cove, 26 January 1788

going traditions and cultures. It's important that these views are respected and that collectively one engages in constructive conversations about this history and seeks ways to move forward together as a nation. Australia’s history has changed over time: starting as a celebration for emancipated convicts and evolving into what is now a celebration of Australia that reflects the nation’s diverse people. Australia Day provides an opportunity for everyone to acknowledge and learn about the nation's past. It is also a time in which one needs to reflect on and also learn about the country’s national journey including the on-going history, traditions and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Australia’s First Peoples are the traditional custodians of the country and have a fundamental role in the great Australian story. Therefore, on this important day in history, on should aspire that this occasion can increasingly include a recognition and celebration by all Australians of the importance of the First Peoples. Aboriginal peoples had been living for more than 60 000 years on the continent now known as Australia. At least 1600 generations of these peoples had lived and died there. Europeans from the thirteenth century became interested in details from Asia about this land to the south. From the sixteenth century European cartographers and navigators gave the continent various names, including Terra Australis (Southern Land) and New Holland. On April 29, 1770, the British HM Bark Endeavour with Captain James Cook at the helm became the first European vessel to reach the east coast of Australia after it landed at Botany Bay near modern day Sydney, and on August 22 he raised the Union Jack on what is now called Possession Island to claim the eastern half of the continent as New South Wales for Great Britain. The holiday is marked by the presentation of the Australian of the Year Awards on Australia Day Eve, announcement of the Australia Day Honours list and addresses from the Governor-General, on behalf of the Queen and the Prime Minister. It is an official public holiday in every state and territory of Australia, unless it falls on a weekend. The day is celebrated in large and small communities and cities around the nation with community festivals, concerts and citizenship ceremonies. While recognising the country’s history, this national day, that has become the biggest annual civic event in Australia, is considered as being for all Australians, no matter where their personal stories began.

Brothers of Maltese descent die tragically in Queensland T

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday January 23, 2017

wo brothers of Maltese descent, 52-year-old Frank Vella and his brother George, 48, died tragically in Sarina, about 35 kilometres south of Mackay in Queensland, on the evening of Saturday January 13. Police believed the men, working for their own Vella Haulage Sarina, had been overcome by fumes while cleaning inside a tank at their haulage. The brothers were well known in the community, with their family living in the Sarina area for generations. The accident has left a tight-knit central Queensland community in shock. George, a long time drag bike racer, had just returned to the 400 Thunder Pro Stock Motorcycle scene competing at both East Coast Thunder and the previous week’s New Year's Thunder event at Willowbank Raceway. Emergency services found the brothers dead in the tank used to hold molasses. Workplace Health and Safety (WHSQ) has been investigating the incident in order to try to piece together exactly what went wrong and prepare a report for the coroner. It is presumed the two men were cleaning the residue in the tanks after unloading the day before. Reports indicated that the tanks had been used to carry fertiliser as well as molasses. It is presumed that the brothers were cleaning the residue in the tanks after

unloading the day before. Their last known load they had transported in their tanker is believed to have included 20 cubic metres of superflow [sugar cane byproduct] with 4 per cent urea mix. Describing the accident as “shocking”, Mackay Regional Councillor Martin Bella said it would have a huge impact on the community. “You can't take things for granted – it's over for Frank and George, but it's going to linger for a long time for those that were close to them. There are many of us that can see ourselves reflected in this tragedy,” he added. Meanwhile, another person of Maltese descent, Canegrowers chairman Paul Schembri described what happened as "an enormous tragedy for the whole region". He said that the Vella family is considered to be one of the most highly regarded and well respected families that has had extensive interests in sugar cane and transport haulage industries. "You can't come from a family like the Vellas and not be involved in the local community – you're raised in it, you're part of it – they literally are part of the fabric of the community”. He went on to say George Vella that it came as a great loss to all of them. “We

Frank Vella

live in close-knit communities and we as a community are feeling that pain. It has come as a great shock and is the worst possible news to have received – almost as if we're disbelieving what's actually happened," he said. Angelo Sorbello, George’s former boss for 10 years, described the Vellas as “top blokes”. Proof of how much the brothers were respected is the fact that many people posted tributes to the brothers on social media, describing them as hard working and generous.

Green infrastructure a must

n the first week of 2018, Sydney baked through 40-deIclocked gree temperatures, while Penrith, in the city's west, in at the hottest place on earth as the mercury hit

47.3 degrees. The scorching heatwave that cooked the city earlier this month raised the need for green infrastructure to complement Sydney's building boom. Architecture and sustainability experts say there is now an unprecedented opportunity to harness Sydney's everexpanding rooftop coverage by making green roofs and walls a standard feature on new residential and commercial buildings. Scientific research has repeatedly recognised the insulation benefits of living infrastructure, such as green roofs and walls, in reducing energy consumption both in summer and winter, lowering energy and electricity bills as a result. Astudy by UNSW professor Mat Santamouris found the large-scale application of green roofs could lower the ambient temperature by up to 3 degrees

Ways to make year 2018 a better one for everyone

14 The Voice of the Maltese


quick thought experiment: imagine if you’d been told on January 1 2017 of everything that lay ahead for the year. Would you have believed all that has happened? And yet, here we are, in the first few days of the New Year. Year 2017 has been a topsy-turvy, through-the-lookingglass year. Black is white, rich is poor, lies are truth. No matter what side of the debate one sits on in any of the 2017 events, they are seismic, disruptive events that will have profound effects on people’s lives. The key now is not to lament these events, but to work out how to respond to them. A starting point might be to ask what individuals and nations need to do to make sure they get the best out of 2018. Here are five suggestions by Andy Price Head of Politics, Sheffield Hallam University of areas that need attention, reflection and thought.

1. Accept compromise

First, consideration must be given to the concept of politics itself, of what politics in liberal democracies should look like. Perhaps most important here is to accept the first dictum of life in a democracy: you can’t always get what you want. That is, in societies made up of many millions of people who are politically represented by one equal vote, you are not going to always have things your own way. We all know this, deep down, so perhaps the real lesson here is: let’s concede that the fact we will not always get our own way is absolutely fine. It should not lead to rage, to anger, to emotional dismissals of the people we disagree with, as has all too often been the case in 2017. What tells us that this is fine? Well, in every other area of our personal lives, we know this is the case. Our individual wills and desires are thwarted at every turn, and rightly so. To make our lives work, we compromise constantly – with our parents and siblings when we are young and with our spouses, friends and children when we are older. We compromise with our neighbours, with whom we share our towns and cities, and with the colleagues with whom we share our offices and factories. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that our personal lives are one long succession of compromises. Why should politics be any different? The first thing we need to do in 2018 is refocus on this notion of compromise in the collective political realm.

2. A plea for honesty

Second, we should demand exactly the same of our politicians. For far too long, the strong politician who refuses to compromise has been an admired figure – heroic, even. But this, in truth, is, and always has been, nonsense. Behind the scenes, compromise is what makes liberal democratic politics work. Even in the most ardent cases of a public heroic commitment to principles, in the background, the channels of communication are open. We should demand of our politicians that they are open and honest with us about how government and politics works. No more grandstanding.

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Let’s cut out the intervening stage of political positioning and have an adult discussion of how we work together to make politics work for all. 3. Stop calling people losers

The third lesson for 2018 is, that we need to talk about the role of the minority position in democracy. This is a conversation for politicians and voters alike. Let’s dismiss the ludicrous claim that if you disagree with decisions taken by politicians, you are trying to subvert the democratic will of the people. In a democracy, the role of the minority position is essential. The role of the minority is to dissent and criticise the position of the majority. Every political thinker who has ever written on democracy tells us this.

4. Reassess what’s normal

The fourth thing we should insist on in 2018 stems from one of the more useful concepts introduced by the convulsions of 2017. We should ensure that the unacceptable misogyny and bullying of minorities should always and forever be called out. It is an excellent rule of thumb generally. Politicians who do not adhere to the basics of dignity and respect in polite society should be challenged. Could we all calm down a bit in 2018? Other problems should be de-normalised. When politicians lie or mislead, it should not be deemed a normal part of politics. For too long, the whole political system has accepted that what politicians say in public may be different from what they say in private. That not only encourages more mendacity, but also leads to the loss of legitimacy of the whole political class, as it just becomes par for the course that politicians are liars.

5. Get reading

Finally, there is one other thing we can all do in 2018 – perhaps the simplest of all of the five recommendations, and yet one that underpins the preceding four. We as citizens should pick up a book, a book chapter, a newspaper article, a journal article that argues for the very thing it is that we oppose. You do not have to agree with everything any side says; you just have to understand why they are saying it. And pretty soon, as you read this stuff, it is possible to move from distrust and fear of the other side to understanding, to seeing that there is merit in their position, too. We need to relearn the notion that the other side could be right, too, that they have quality in their arguments as we do in ours. This might help us challenge decades of falling engagement in political issues. It might help remind us that politics is ultimately a fascinating and rewarding part of our lives and that it’s worth investing time to follow it. So here’s to a bright, progressive 2018, where differences of opinions do not drive people apart but rather bring them together in an open and respectful discussion. The article is based on thoughts expressed by Andy Price Head of Politics, Sheffield Hallam University who has a PhD in Political Theory and has been teaching in the UK and Spain for 14 years.)

Hollywood could be next stop for Maltese-Australian Singing Priest Tuesday January 23, 2017


altese-Australian priest Fr Rob Galea who is currently serving St Killian’s Parish, in Bendigo, Victoria could soon become a Hollywood sensation after US film producers bought the rights to his new book. In just seven years the 36-year-old charismatic priest who caused a sensation three years ago with a TV appearance on the Australian X Factor programme, has released six albums, including one entitled "Dominoes” with popular Maltese singer Ira Losco, performed three world tours, written a book and sold his story called Breakthrough that is being adapted for the big screen. The story details Fr Rob’s struggle with addiction, suicidal thoughts and depression through his discovery of the Lord, his time in the seminary and now as a priest in a small rural community. His meteoric rise to fame is something he is struggling to come to terms with but says, “I will do whatever it takes to shout God’s fame”. He says that his book is based on his story of conversion, coming from a place of depression and anxiety to a place where he works with people with depression and anxiety. It also talks about his experiences travelling, and stories from when he was bullied as a school kid. “I know what it’s like to be young and in a bad place – I’ve been there which makes it a lot easier to relate to the young people of my parish. “It’s more of a reflection book. So it’s not just my story, it’s to help others reflect on their own story. I wrote the book to show the world redemption is possible, it’s about recovery and faith and serves to remind us all that anything is possible,” he says. During his time studying for the priesthood, he dedicated a song to a young, dying friend named Daniel, who had Muscular Dystrophy that became an unexpected European hit and his music career

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Fr Rob Galea performing during the X Factor TV production

took off. Fr Rob stresses he is a priest first and foremost and the potential film – like some of his other pursuits – are simply a “by-product of his relationship with God”. “This has all just happened so quickly, sometimes I can’t believe how far I have come,” he said. Such is Fr Rob's appeal, industry experts IMDb have linked superstars Ryan Gosling, Roberto Benigni and opera singer Andrea Bocelli as potential collaborators on the film. “Having some of the biggest names in the industry linked to the project is beyond flattering but if I had the choice I think I’d like to be portrayed by Mark Wahlberg. “He’s a man of faith, sincere and obviously looks after himself. Having someone like him who is a devout Catholic and a strong family man would be terrific.” Things have certainly come a long way for the Maltese-born priest who was ordained in 2010 and arrived in Australia for his fourth year sabbatical from the seminary and decided to stay. Fr Galea says that all profits earned go right back to the ministry, or to help employ his manager. He decided to use his music to spread the word of God to the younger generation in his parish. “Young people aren’t coming to church, so I live my life trying to bring the church to them,” he said. “It’s a simple approach which seems to be working and comes from a disciplined routine instilled in my heart from my time in the seminary. When he talked about his participation in the X Factor, during last year’s visit to Malta, Fr Rob said he was not a pop star. He did not ask to be on the programme but was asked to audition, so he auditioned and did well. “At the end of the day I’m not interested in fame, I’m interested in leaving a message. First I’m a Christian –that’s the most important thing. Then I’m priest. Then after that I’m a musician, a film-maker, and author. These are all by-products of my relationship with God and my call to give hope." Year 2018 is looking like another busy time for Fr Rob. He is currently preparing to head overseas to launch his book in Canada and the US before spending a month studying in Chicago and then embarking on a 30-day silent retreat in Pennsylvania. “I have a demanding schedule and I need to take some time out and discern my ministry and my relationship with God,” he said. He is expected to visit Malta again this year and even hopes to put on a concert.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Roundup of News About Malta

Diplomatic corps urged to promote messages of respect, peace, justice


uring the annual separate meetings at the start of the New Year with the Diplomatic corps, President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat urged the Ambassadors and honorary consuls to promote messages of respect, peace and justice in the performance of their duties. The President also said that a democratic nation is strong when the people feel a sense of connection with the country’s authorities, and can participate actively in the development of their country’s future. She reiterated that a nation is strong when the

Speaker re-elected on the C’wealth committee

he Speaker of Malta’s House of T Representatives, Dr Anglu Farrugia has been elected member of a Com-

people feel empowered. On his part, the Prime Minister called on the Maltese honorary consuls to continue to pull the same rope in a year full of challenges, and to continue to raise Malta’s profile as an example of prosperity and economic hope. He said that the success and strengthening of Malta’s profile is happening as a result of the actions of a number of persons, including the consuls, who he looks upon as an important link. He added that the country’s success is the result of several factors, including close collaboration with international partners. He said this year will be one full of what he described as ‘beautiful’ challenges, including Valletta 2018 that will be an opportunity for the Maltese to open their doors to

monwealth committee for a second term as representative of the Mediterranean Region. It followed an election. Representatives of the region were unanimous in their agreement. Dr Farrugia appointment is valid for the next two years. It has come at the same time that Malta would for the first time be hosting of the next meeting of the committee in January next year.

more visitors, and for Malta to promote the values of progress, solidarity and social change. The Honorary Consuls also had a meeting with Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Minister Carmelo Abela. In his address he said they have an important role with a valuable contribution to give, to present Malta as a destination of excellence in the fields of culture and creativity, in the countries they represent. He invited them to be active and continue to relay the message that Malta is a dynamic, creative and above all, open place, and that they should do their best to bring the countries which they represent, closer to Malta. *The members of the diplomatic corp were also hosted by the main political parties at their respective headquarters. At the Labour Party they were addressed by the deputy leader for party affairs, Chris Cardona. Opposition and Nationalist Party Leader, Adrian Delia, addressed them at the PN’s.

500 projects in last five years


ver the past five years Malta Enterprise approved just over 500 projects, including 111 new foreign investments that between them generated an investment of over €720m. Figures released by Malta Enterprise, ME, and presented during a business breakfast, indicate that all the projects that were approved generated an investment of over 720 million euro. Malta Enterprise Chief Executive Mario Galea stated that through this investment the Maltese economy continued to diversity. According to figures just released last year Malta Enterprise approved a total of 121 projects, the highest number in the past five years, when 501 projects were approved (2013-101, 2014-59, 2015-109, 2016-111, 2017-121). At a business breakfast in which the statistic was revealed, CEO Mario Galea stated ME was satisfied with the results, as investors had been attracted from various countries and sectors, which in turn help towards Malta not being dependent on just one sector. He said that results were good because of various factors, primarily because we have more value added projects that will offer more quality employment; secondly because there are more sectors, “which means projects are coming from sectors like manufacturing, logistics, maritime and aviation… and it is good to have such a spread,” he added, Economy Minister Chris Cardona said that results show that as a result of the increase in projects by foreign and Maltese investors, Malta is continuing to improve its competitiveness by exploring new economic niches.

“The Maltese economy is being motivated and diversified in a very sustainable manner; I think this is a very positive factor, which as a jurisdiction and country places us in strong competition with our competitors,” Cardona said. Meanwhile, Dr Nima Sanandaji (right), a Swedish counsellor who came to Malta two years ago, stated that during this period he carried out an international study that showed that Malta and Estonia are the two European countries that are mostly basing their growth on work offering added value and more skills. He pointed out that in a recent study that he has just published about mapping the brain business sectors of Europe, which is the most in-depth study on this subject, he found that Malta is the most knowledge intensive country in Southern Europe. Provisional estimates show that in value added manufacturing there was a record €800m in added value, which is an increase of more than 8% compared to 2016. It was also stated that 11% of all jobs are in the manufacturing sector.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday January 23, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta Malta records €222.6m surplus in first 9 mths

he Quarterly Accounts for General T Government, just published by the National Statistics Office, NSO, show that in the third quarter of 2017 Malta has succeeded in recording a surplus of €154.4 million and that between January and September, the surplus amounted to €222.6 million. Commenting on these results, Minis-

ter for Finance Edward Scicluna said a surplus of that magnitude shows beyond any doubt that Malta’s public finances are indeed sustainable, with public expenditure keeping within normal revenue streams. Compared to the same quarter in 2016, total revenue stood at €1,159.2m, an increase of €189.2m. The increase was

he Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, has placed Malta among world countries that implement international practices and standards against tax evasion. In a 50-page plus report, the OECD, which is in the forefront in the fight against tax evasion, carried out a detailed evaluation on how 140 countries implement their systems in international co-operation against tax avoidance.

It found that in three indicators Malta follows international regulations and in a general manner cooperates in relation to providing information about tax between jurisdictions. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna stated that the report is yet another confirmation of Malta’s seriousness in this sector and it continues to dispel unjust and malicious criticism levied against Malta because of its tax system.

Malta in forefront in practices against tax evasion


mainly driven by a combination of higher current taxes on income and wealth, with the latter reflecting the dynamic performance of the labour market. Higher proceeds were also recorded in other revenue components, including taxes on production and imports, net social contributions receivable, market output, and current transfers receivable. Malta’s total expenditure in the third quarter of 2017 amounted to €1,004.8 million, an increase of €57.8 million compared to the same period in 2016. The main increase was registered in intermediate consumption. Other increases were recorded in compensation of employees and social benefits and social transfers. General Government debt amounted to €5,831.6 million, which is an increase of €41.7 million over the third quarter of 2016.

Second lowest rate of inequality in Europe In five years gaming report by the Friedrich-Ebert- income workers and also between company increases its A Stiftung institute has concluded men and women. The report menthat Malta has the second lowest tions the widening of child care farate of inequality in Europe, second cilities to assist women, to remain work force from 2 to 650 only to Slovenia in the list of countries. It also has the seventh lowest rate of poverty in Europe among the working force. The Inequality in Europe report deals with the inequality situation in Europe and its factors. Among solutions to address the issue of inequality, between those with highest salaries and the lower

or enter the labour market. In its reaction the Government said that the report further confirms that Malta is in the forefront in its fight against poverty and inequality. It added that measures that were introduced in the country since 2014 are not only leaving results in Malta, but may be the solution for other countries.

Malta’s National Wartime Museum named one of 32 best museums of 2017


alta’s National War Museum at Fort St Elmo that is known for its fascinating glimpse into life and history of Malta has been nominated as one of the 32 absolute best museums of 2017 by Flight Network, the largest travel agency that is both owned and operated in Canada. At Malta’s War Museum one can take a ride far back to the Bronze Age of 2,500 BC in order to understand the inventions and course of history that pro-

pelled Malta through the Great Siege Period WWI, and WWII.


ust about five years since its inception, Gaming innovation Group (GIG:NO Oslo) founded in 2012 by Robin Reed with just two workers, now has a work force of 650 and is also planning to recruit around 90 more personnel At the inauguration of its headquarters over looking St George’s Bay, by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the group’s CEO, Robin Reed, said: “Our journey in Malta does not end here at GiG Beach”. He also revealed GiG’s plans to create an additional workspace at near-by office premises in the St Julian’s Pender Gardens development to accommodate the company's planned growth. With reference to the economic progress Malta is currently experiencing, Mr Reed said that there is a miracle going on in Malta. He added that Malta has been good for the company. Since its establishment in 2012, it has grown to more than 650 people, reaching millions of end users and empowering dozens of companies with their products and services. GIG recently posted its 13th consecutive financial quarter with all time high revenues as its 4000 shareholders saw the market cap exceed €500m. The new building is a state-of-the-art workspace overlooking St. George’s Bay extending over 6 floors, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat stated that GiG’s fast growth is a clear sign of how the Gaming Industry is fairing in Malta, a sector that is bound to keep growing. He said that the Government commits itself to facilitate Gaming companies to expand even further whilst having a strong regulatory framework to enable such growth. Commenting on the fact that 30% of the company employees are Maltese, Minister Muscat said that this is a clear indication that Malta is producing skilled workers for this sector, and in return quality jobs.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Traffikar tat-tfal mill-Knisja Maltija


majna u qrajna kemm-il darba dwar it-tfal li fis – sittinijiet intbagħtu lAwstralja taħt skema mħaddma mill-Gvern tal-ġurnata li suppost kellha tkun ta’ ġid għal dawn it-tfal u l-ġenituri tagħhom. L-allegazzjonijiet x’ġara meta dawn it-tfal waslu l-Awstralja mhux darba u tnejn kienu fl-aħbarijiet. Issa reġgħet tfaċċatt allegazzjoni oħra: dik li l-Knisja kienet attwalment taħtaf u tittraffika xi tfal. Dak li għamel din l-allegazzjoni huwa Manny Ellul li llum għandu 71 sena. Dan qed jgħid li meta kellu 14-il sena Manny Ellul ma’ martu kien maħtuf f'Malta millKnisja u ġie ittraffikat lejn l-Awstralja fejn kienet għadha ħajja, għax ltaqa’ magħha flkien sfurzat jaħdem mal-Congregation of 1995, lilu u lil ħutu kienu qalulhom li ommu Christian Brothers qisu skjav u ġie abbużat u missieru kienu mietu mentri lill-ġenituri kemm fiżikament kif ukoll sesswalment. qalulhom li huwa u t-tlieta minn ħutu li salHuwa jsostni li fl-1956 il-Knisja Kattolika paw lejn l-Awstraljan kienu mietu wara li kienet tieħu t-tfal lill-ġenituri u tpoġġihom għereq il-vapur. f'istituzzjonijiet bl-iskuża li kien għall-ġid Fl-aħħar snin Manny Ellul fetaħ kawżi tagħhom imma fil-verita kienet qed tib- kontra l-Congregation of Christian Brothers għathom l-Awstralja. fl-Istati Uniti talli ittraffikaw tfal lejn l-AwEllul jallega li fl-1960 wieħed qassis ħataf stralja u abbużaw minn dawk li suppost lilu u lil tlieta minn ħutu – Ray ta' 10 snin, kienu qed jieħdu ħsiebhom. Michael ta' 11-il sena u Peter ta' 16-il sena Huwa ħa daqqa ta' ħarta meta l-Qorti – mid-dar taz-zija tagħhom u tpoġġew fuq ċaħditlu t-talba għax laqgħet l-argument talil-bastiment Flaminia. Congregation of Christian Brothers li hija Isostni wkoll li filwaqt li attwalment ommu qatt ma eżistiet fl-Awstralja u għalhekk ma

Nifs ġdid għall-AirMalta G

ħal dawn l-aħħar snin il-linja nazzjonali tal-ajru l-AirMalta kienet għaddejja minn diffikultajiet serji. Minkejja li saru ħafna tentattivi l-linja xorta baqgħet tagħmel telf finanzjarju qawwi. Saħansitra kienu saru tentattivi biex il-linja tingħaqad ma’ xi oħra magħrufa. F’din l-aħħar sena sar sforz ieħor biex illinja tal-ajru Maltija toħroġ mid-diffikultajiet li tinsab fihom. Iżda biex dan iseħħ kien meħtieġ l-appoġġ tal-ħaddiema kollha tal-AirMalta. Wara diskussjonijiet iebsa l-Gvern wasal bħala parti mill-pjan tat-tkabbir tal-linja għall-ftehim mal-ħames unjons li jirrap- tal-ajru. Żied jgħid li bħalissa l-piloti kienu preżentaw lill-ħaddiema. Għall-ewwel qed itiru nofs dak li tistabbilixxi l-indusdeher intopp meta l-unjon tal-piloti (l- trija tal-avjazzjoni. ALPA) m’aċċettawx iż-żidiet offruti. Imma Propju dakinhar li Muscat stqarr dan, int-Tnejn tħabbar li l-istess piloti aċċettaw il- qalet kwestjoni oħra bl-unjon tal-piloti ftehim b’90 fil-mija favuru. thedded bi strajk, għalhekk f’pass mhux Minħabba l-ittitubar, il-Prim Ministru tas-soltu l-AirMalta kriet sitt ajruplani blMuscat kien anke wissa li l-Gvern ma kienx iskop li jekk iseħħ l-istrajk il-passiġġieri se jħalli mitt ruħ jipperikolaw kumpanija xorta jitwasslu fid-destinizzjoni tagħhom. jew l-għajxien tal-ekonomija Maltija. Fortunatament wara laqgħa fil-Ministeru Il-PM svela li l-Gvern offra żieda ta’ għat-Turiżmu bejn ir-rappreżentanti tal€72,000 lill-First officers fuq ħames snin Gvern, it-tim tan-negozjar tal-AirMalta u u żieda ta’ €105,000 lill-kaptana tal-Air- l-kumitat eżekuttiv tal-ALPA, intlaħaq fteMalta. him, li mbagħad ġie approvat bil-maġġoStenna wkoll li ta’ dan itiru aktar sigħat ranza kbira tal-piloti.

kellix istituzzjonijiet hemmhekk. Ellul għadu għaddej bilġlieda tiegħu u l-każ jidher li anke attira lill-kumpanija talfilms Paramount li dehret interessata taħdem film dwar l-istorja tiegħu. Kelliem għall-Kurja Maltija ċaħad li xi tfal kienu ġew maħtufa u mibgħuta l-Awstralja. Dan il-kelliem qal li Monsinsjur Philip Calleja mill-Kummissjoni Emigranti ma jaf bl-ebda każ ta’ tfal li ġew sfurzati jmorru l-Awstralja permezz tac-Child Migration Scheme. Zied jgħid li din kienet skema li kien iħaddem ilgvern tal-ġurnata biex jgħin lill-familji numerużi li kienu jeżistu, speċjalment wara t-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija.

Kurjuża l-biċċa


eru li ilu li għadda xi ftit żmien millpantomini tal-Milied u l-ewwel tassena, imma m’ilux ħarġet storja tassew kurjuża dwar pantomina li ssir fit-Teatru tas-Sależjani f’Tas-Sliema. Kif jaf kulħadd, ħafna drabi l-pantomina tintuża mill-atturi biex fin fin u b’mod li jdaħħak jgħaddu messaġġ kritiku lill-udjenza dwar xi personalita’ u jew entita. Fl-aħħar snin il-mira tal-atturi tal-kumpannija Comedy Knights dejjem kien ikun ilPrim Ministru u l-Gvern. Biss dis-sena dawwru l-mira tagħhom fuq il-mexxej ilġdid tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, Adrian Delia. Skont dawk li jattendu ta’ kull sena għal din il-pantomina, qatt ma kien hemm persunaġġ li ġie mgħoddi biż-żmien daqs Dr Delia. U tistaqsu, imma b’daqshekk? Inħalli l-fatt li din il-pantomina saret filqalba ta’ fejn il-Partit Nazzjonalista għandu appoġġ qawwi. It-tajba hi li dawn l-atturi mhux talli għamlu l-provi ta’ din il-pantomina fid-Dar Ċentrali (il-kwartieri) tal-Partit Nazzjonalista f’tal-Pieta`, talli saħansitra ġibdu filmati fl-istess post biex jintużaw waqt ir-reċta. Jidher li l-permess biex din il-kumpnija titħarreġ fid-Dar Ċentrali kien ingħata mill-amministrazzjoni ta’ qabel tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Meta sar jaf b’dak li ġara, kelliemi għallPN qal li dan juri kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista huwa tolleranti u jgħożż il-liberta`tal-istampa. Iżda mhux l-istess ħasbuha wħud minn dawk li jiffrenkentaw ilkwartieri tal-PN, għax ipprotestaw bl-ikrah.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday January 23, 2017

Inkwiet għall-MUT


Triq Gilormu Cassar li tieħdok minn Kastilja għall-Furjana mżejna għall-okkażjoni

Nafu niffesteġġjaw


ekk qatt kien hemm xi dubju dwar ħilet il-Maltin f’kull qasam, imma l-aktar f’dak kulturali u fejn jidħol id-divertiment żgur li ssokta jitneħħa s-Sibt li għadda fil-ftuħ uffiċjali tat-titlu ferm prestiġġjuż mogħti lill-kapitali Maltija, Valletta: Il-Belt Kapitali Ewropeja tal-Kultura għall- 2018. Intwera biċ-ċar li għalkemm fl-ispettakli ħadu wkoll sehem xi artisti barranin ilMaltin tassew nafu niffesteġġjaw. Għalkemm it-titlu se jitgawdu matul sena sħiħa, u l-kapitali se tkun iċ-ċentru tal-aqwa ċelebrazzjonijiet, il-festa xorta se tinqasam mal-ibliet u l-irħula l-oħra kollha f’Malta u Għawdex, u jekk li rajna s-Sibt se jkun ilmera tal-ġejjieni, tassew li l-Maltin u min iżur dil-gżira matul is-sena se jkollu fiex jixxala. Dak li seħħ s’issa u li mistenni jseħħ huwa frott ta’ tħejjija ta’ tliet snin li nvolviet eluf ta’ nies bejn artisti, tekniċi, ħaddiema, eċċ. Fil-ftuħ saru manifestazzjonijiet f’erba’ pjazez ewlenin fil-belt, dik il-ġdida tat-Tritoni fejn kien hemm il-qofol tal-ispettaklu, Pjazza San Ġorġ, il-Pjazza San Ġwann u Pjazza Kastilja. F’kull waħda sar spettaklu oriġinali denju tal-festa li ta wieħed iċ-ċans li jifhem aktar x’inhu dak li jagħmilna Maltin. Permezz tac-ċelebrazzjonijiet iddedikati għall-arti u l-kultura familji sħaħ u l-eluf li ħonqu l-belt setgħu jgawdu flimkien u forsi l-barranin ingħataw iċ-ċans li jifhmu aħjar il-karattru tal-Maltin fl-Ewropa u jqim il-kultura li l-Maltin jippossjedu. Ċertament li l-belt qatt ma rat dawk l-eluf kbar fi ħdanha li ttendaw għall-ispettakli tas-Sibt. Kull min attenda għandu għax jibqa’ jitfakar l-okkażjoni. L-ispettakli fil-pjazez imxew mat-tema magħżula mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, jiġifieri, dik tat-Tritoni, li ngħatat it-titlu ta’ “Il-qawwa tat-Tritoni”. Kienet wirja ta’

talenti akrobatici minn ġemgħa ta’ 60 artist, Maltin u barranin li ċċelebraw il-qawma tattritoni wara r-restawr tal-funtana fl-aktar post ċentrali ta’ Malta. Fil-Pjazza San Ġorġ, it-tema “Qalbna”, ippreżentat spettaklu ta’ żfin u dwal, fil-waqt li fi Pjazza San Ġwann quddiem il-Konkatidral, it-tema “Elfejn u tmintax”, kienet tikkonsisti fi proġettazzjoni ta’ effetti, fuq il-faċċata tal-Kon Kattidral. Hawn iddebuttat sinfonija ġdida flimkien ma’ kor. Fi Pjazza Kastilja, il-proġettazzjoni bid-dawl li mxiet mat-tema, “Minn qiegħ – imgħoddi għall-quċċata tal-ġejjieni,” sar rakkont talġrajjiet ta’ Malta b’ħarsa lejn il-futur. (Aktar dwar Valletta 18 u l-Funtana tatTritoni fil-paġni 2, 3 u 4

mwaqqfa fl-1919 il-Malta Union of Teachers hija laktar Unjon antika f’Malta. Veru li qabilha kien hemm xi oħrajn, l-aktar fitTrazna, iżda dawn ma żmien sfaxxaw filwaqt li l-MUT għadha għaddejja. Biss f’dawn l-aħħar żminijiet l-MUT iltaqgħet ma ċerti diffikultajiet. Is-sena l-oħra nħolqot kriżi meta flelezzjoni għat-tmexxija tagħha, meta qamet pika qawwija bejn dawk li kienu qed jikkontestaw għal President. Saħansitra l-elezzjoni kellha tiġi posposta wara li ċerti allegazzjonijiet. Finalment bħala President ġie elett Marco Bonnici li għadda lir-rival tiegħu bi ftit voti. Kif ngħidu bil-Malti, rebaħlu bi sbrixx. Meta kien jidher li kollox kien ikkwieta, tfaċċa nkwiet ġdid, għax jidher li xi membri allegaw li l-unjon tagħhom ma tathomx tagħrif korrett dwar il-ftehim li ntlaħaq dan l-aħħar mal-Gvern għal żidiet sostanzjali lis-settur tal-għalliema. Tliet membri tal-Kunsill irriżenjaw u pront ħabbru li kienu se jiffurmaw Unjon ġdid tal-għalliema. Biss skont l-President tal-MUT, minkejja li ngħata l-impressjoni li kien hemm ammont ta’ riżenji mill-MUT biex dawn imorru mal-ġdida, kien hemm biss madwar 50 riżenja. Hu anke sostna li attwalment it-tliet membri li rreżenjaw u kienu qed jippruvaw jiffurmaw unjon ġdida kien ilhom jippjanaw dan il-pass minn Awwissu.

Issa fuq il-Playboy I

l-Playboy, rivista magħrufa għal ritratti ta’ tfajliet bla ħwejjeġ għamlet snin twal ma titħallix tidħol f’Malta, għalkemm dejjem kien hemm dawk li b’xi mod jew ieħor kien jirnexxilhom jakkwistawha. Minn xi snin ‘l hawn din ir-rivista tfaċċat fuq l-ixkaffef talħwienet tal-kotba Maltin, għalkemm x’aktarx li tkun imgeżwra fil-plastic biex ma jkunx daqshekk faċli li wieħed jidħol fil-ħanut biss biex joqgħod iqallibha. Issa jidher li mxejna pass ieħor billi sar magħruf li din ir-rivista saħansitra ġabet

ritratti ta’ tfajla Maltija li ppużat ‘bil-libsa’ li biha wellditha ommha. It-tfajla hija Stella Paris (lemin). Ġie rrappurtat li din telqet minn Malta erba’ snin ilu. Minn radiographer spiċċat taħdem ilfilms, timmudella, ... imsomma spiċċat b’karriera fil-qasam tad-divertiment.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Youth crime in Victoria V

ictorian Premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to give police all the powers and resources they need to tackle youth crime, amid growing concerns

Financial elder abuse reported


report by the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit shows a 20 per cent increase in reported cases of financial abuse from 2014-15 to 2015-16. It also found that more than three-quarters of perpetrators reported between 2015–2016 were related to the victims. The NSW Elder Abuse Helpline was receiving up to 180 calls a month in 2017. It’s believed a major cause of financial abuse of the elderly is “inheritance expectation”. Many people expect to receive assets from their parents and will coerce seniors into signing wills or enduring power of attorney to get all of their assets before the older person’s death. Gold Coast lawyer Marie Fedorov “smelled a rat” when an elderly woman came into her office with her adult daughter to change her will. The daughter told Ms Fedorov that her mother wanted her to be the sole beneficiary of the will. “I recall seeing the daughter become very uncomfortable and she said: ‘Mum only has mild dementia, she is fine.’ But after I obtained the woman’s medical details from her doctor, and realised she was not able to make legal decisions, I refused to prepare the requested legal documents,” Ms Fedorov claims she’s seen a massive increase in financial elder abuse in recent months.

about gangs in Melbourne. Mr Andrews said he backed the permanent roll-out of a national gangs database to help identify and corral violent teens, and new measures to engage with the African community to help prevent crime. Mr Andrews said some of the language being used in the debate was fuelling racism. “I think it is always dangerous to look at the actions of a small number of people and then make sweeping comments to try and draw conclusions across a whole group,” Mr Andrews said. He had faced criticism for remaining on leave as the issue dominated political and media debate in Victoria, with Coalition MPs at a federal and state level attacking

his leadership on law and order. Mr Andrews lashed out at federal Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton for his suggestion Melburnians were too scared to go to restaurants at night. Federal frontbencher Kelly O'Dwyer, who represents Higgins in Melbourne's inner southeast, said Mr Andrews should back Opposition Leader Matthew Guy's law-and-order policies. Meanwhile, a tongue-in-cheek response to the controversy has taken off on social media, with members of Melbourne's African-Australian communities posting images (above) using the hashtag #AfricanGangs to poke fun at some elements of the debate.

Bill banning charities and foreign donation


he Turnbull Government’s proposed bill to ban foreign donations and tackle foreign interference in Australian politics extends to “political campaigners” – including charities that conduct advocacy. Charities, organised in a coalition against the laws by the Australian Council for International Development, are preparing a campaign against the Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform Bill (2017) that was introduced to parliament in the last

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sitting week of December. St Vincent de Paul has warned that under the proposed changes, all groups who spent $100,000 or more on political activities in the previous four years would have to register as a “political campaigner”. Political expenditure is broadly defined and includes the expression of “any views on an issue that is, or is likely to be, before electors in an election” whether it is during the campaign period or not. The cost of many charities’ advocacy on issues including homelessness, the age pension, low wages, refugees and the environment would be deemed political expenditure, forcing them to register. “The ultimate effect for charities will be a set of complex, cumbersome and costly administrative requirements,” St Vincent de Paul said in a briefing note on the changes. “This will force many charities to divert resources away from frontline services and advocacy. “For some charities, it may also have a ‘chilling’ effect, deterring them from speaking out about injustices in order to avoid the onerous administrative costs that such advocacy would incur.”

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday January 23, 2017

$45m plan to assist homelessness Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews


AlexVella denied visit to attend mum’s funeral

lex Vella, the exiled Maltese-Australian Rebel leader was refused entry back to Australia to attend his 91-year old mother’s Victoria funeral. Vella was on holidays in Malta when the Australian Government revoked his residency in 2014. Alex’s wife Heather called Immigration Minister Peter Dutton a “despicable despot. “Alex only wanted 48 hours stay, its not like he is a murderer” his wife said. Alex Vella lived in Australia since migrating to Sydney with his mother in 1967 but never became an Australian citizen.


he Andrew government of the State of Victoria will spend $13 million on 106 new accommodation units, $9 million to develop teams to support vulnerable people once they are housed, $19 million for outreach teams and $4.5 million for therapeutic services to improve health and wellbeing particularly in high-need regional centres including Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong. Minister for Housing, Martin Foley said the investment in

rapid housing and outreach teams would give vulnerable Victorians a pathway out of homelessness. “We want to break the cycle of homelessness in Victoria - that means intervening early, getting rough sleepers housed quickly and connecting them with services they need to turn their lives around.” Homelessness is believed to have skyrocketed 72 per cent in the past five years, with approximately 1100 Victorians sleeping rough across the state. Individuals leaving the prison system will also be assessed for homelessness and given support before they are released to prevent rough sleeping and reoffending.

ational Catholic Education Commission executive director Christian Zahra, a Malta-born former Labor MP has warned that the way Catholics are being treated is unfair and unjust. He has indicated that Coalition MP’s will be targeted if the Turnbull government doesn’t use the 2018 Budget to reverse a “$1.1 billion penalty” to their schools. Treasurer Scott Morrison

who will hand down his third budget in May is one of 13 Coalition MP’s who has seats in the 30 most highly Catholic electorates around the country. The NCEC has used the pre-Budget submission to call for the government to treat Catholic system schools as stand-alone schools under the Gonski 2.0 funding agreed to last year. Education Minister Simon Birmingham said funding was actually being increased by $300 million next year and by $3.5 billion over the decade. *SBSTV is now featuring new series Shane Delia’s Recipe for Life. The Melbourne based chef at Maha is of Maltese descent (parents from Zejtun) gives viewers a much closer look into his way of life away from the kitchen and what drives him both personally and professionally. * Lisa Curry, the former Olympic swimmer, 55 years mum of three is preparing for her wedding to Elvis impersonator Mark Tabone 51 years. Lisa who announced her engagement to Mark in October last year split from husband Grant Kenny in 2009.

School cash backlash


Third hottest year on record


ustralia posted its third-warmest year on record in 2017, with the eastern half including NSW and Queensland notching their hottest annual readings. The Bureau of Meteorology's annual report showed the nation's area-averaged mean temperatures – taking in daily highs and lows – were 0.95 degrees above its 1961-90 baseline at 22.75 degrees. Only 2013 and 2005 were warmer years in records going back to 1910. Just two of the 17 years since 2001 have reported cooler-than-average years, a trend that reveals a clear signal of the background warming from climate change, Karl Braganza, head of climate monitoring at the bureau, said. Much of southeastern Australia soared into the 40s, including 47.3 degrees in Penrith western Sydney, making it the secondhottest day in the Sydney Basin on record. Last year was especially warm for Australia's daytime temperatures, with average maximums hotter than any year but 2013, coming in at 1.27 degrees above the 196190 baseline. Brisbane clocked up its hottest year on record for maximums, while Canberra and Hobart both had one of their top-three warmest years.

For Sydney, it was the second warmest year on record for mean and maximum temperatures and included its hottest single month, last January. Richmond, to Sydney's northwest, set a record of 15 days above 40 degrees, while Observatory Hill's 12 days above 35 degrees equalled a record set in 1926.

It-tenur Paul Asciak, ħabib ta' veru...Tifkiriet H

22 The Voice of the Maltese

ija drawwa tal-Maltin li jgħollu fuq ‘pedestal għoli’, u bix-xieraq, lil dawk fosthom li għamlu isem lill-pajjiż, f’kull qasam, imma f’dan il-każ kulturali, u kemm jista’ jkun jiftaħru bihom mal-barranin. Fost dawn hemm ukoll kantanti liriċi li taw prova tal-ħila tagħhom anke mqabbel mal-barranin. Wieħed minn dawn hu appuntu t-tenur Paul Asciak. Mhux il-ħsieb tiegħi li nikteb dwar il-karriera ta’ dan it-tenur bravu li miet fl-eta`ta’ 92 sena fil-21 ta’April tal-2015. Nixtieq biss nirrakkonta xi esperjenzi tiegħi miegħu. L-ewwelnett nistqarr li qatt f’ħajti ma smajt leħen ta’ saħħa kbira daqs dak ta’ Paul Asciak. Kont iltqajt miegħu għall-ewwel darba fis-sala tal-iskola Sekondarja San Ġużepp f’Raħal Ġdid fil-bidu tas-snin 60 wara li lesta l-opra ‘Otello’ fl-Argotti l-Furjana. Jiena kont nattendi l-iskola sekondarja msemmija. Hemmhekk, bħala għalliem tal-mużika kelli lil Paul Asciak, bniedem pulit u li jżommha, samrani u dixxiplinat. Kien joqgħod Santa Lucia u kien jiġi l-iskola f’Raħal Ġdid b’karozza nadifa tazza. Jien minn dejjem kont inħobb ilmużika u kont nafha wkoll xi ftit, għaldaqstant bdejt inħares b’interess kbir lejn din l-ewwel lezzjoni tal-mużika. Waslet, u l-ewwel ħasda kienet li se jgħallimna lmużika bl-Ingliż u mhux bit-Taljan kif kont naf jien. Meta kien qed jispjegalna t-temp mużikali sempliċi ‘four four’ u kif jitħabbat, jiena pront qomt u għedtlu: “Mhux hekk, Sir. Is-Surmast Sammut iħabbtu differenti!” Hawnhekk is-Sur Asciak issoda. Lanqas naf x’qalli. Naf biss li dakinhar gerfixtlu l-lezzjoni. Paul Asciak (xellug) ma’ Joseph Calleja Ħbieb kbar u ta’ veru

Wara, l-lezzjoni sejjaħli u b’leħen żorr qalli, “Darb’oħra ssemmix ismijiet.” Kont għadni żgħir u bla esperjenza. Tgħallimt lezzjoni għal ħajti. Din kienet introduzzjoni biex it-Tenur sar jafni u biha rbatna ħbiberija kbira ta’ aktar minn 50 sena. Naħseb li Paul mill-ewwel intebaħ bl-interess tiegħi fil-mużika. Ressaqni għall-ewwel eżamijiet tar-Royal School of Music u kont qisni l-id il-leminija tiegħu fl-organizzazzjoni tal-kor tat-tfal taliskola. Darba, wara prova tal-kant fuq il-palk tas-sala tal-iskola, is-Sur Asciak newwel l-parti tal-pjanu lil Patri Caruso biex jakkumpanjah u beda jkanta. Kien hawn li venven is-sala bil-leħen qawwi tiegħu. Waqt li qed nikteb dan l-artiklu qed inħares lejn kwadru ta’ Asciak fil-parti ta’ Manrico (Trovatore), iffirmat minnu u b’kitba sabiħa li tgħid hekk: ‘Lill-ħabib Peter Paul Ciantar b’tifkira ta’ Paul Asciak 1985’. Perfezzjonist Paul kellu kitba sabiħa u preċiża. Ngħożż ħafna wkoll għadd ta’ ittri tiegħu għax dejjem xtaq li l-bijografija tiegħu tkun preċiza kemm jista’ jkun. Kien jiktibli biex iżid jew inaqqas. Kien perfezzjonist. Kien ukoll dejjem jibgħatli r-recordings tiegħu, wieħed fuq ieħor għax jgħidli li tal-aħħar kien ftit aħjar minn ta’ qablu. Kompla jaħdem f’dan il-qasam u ħareġ għadd ta’ recordings oħra antiki fuq it-tejp u ġabarhom CDs. Ma nafx kemm-il stedina għamilli. Kull stedina kienet tkun daqs tieġ. Niftakar sewwa l-wirja l-kbira li għamel fis-Sala ‘Nicolò Isouard’ tat-Teatru Manoel li kienet tiġbor memorji sbieħ tal-karriera brillanti (iżda qasira) tiegħu. Okkażjoni oħra tiegħu kienet tnedija tal-ktieb fil-Każin Malti.

Tuesday January 23, 2018


Paul Asciak kien Pawlin kbir u ħoloq l-għaqda ‘Festi Esterni Pawlini’ li għadha ħajja sal-lum. Kienet l-għaxqa tiegħu li meta kont immur nippreżenta l-marċi lġodda tal-Banda La Valette kien pront jiġi ħdejja u jfissirli r-ritratti u fl-aħħar kien ikun irid li nieħdu grokk tal-festa flimkien. Meta kelli l-ewwel tarbija Gabriella ried li mmorru d-dar tiegħu u hemm tani wieħed millisbaħ rigali. Baqa’ jsegwini bħala missier tal-familja u dejjem jistaqsini għat-tfal. Jien ukoll kont (u għadni) ħabib taċ-ċeramista Gabriel Caruana u taliskultur Anton Agius li t-tnejn koll inzertaw ħbieb kbar ta’ Paul Asciak. Esebixxa ħafna xogħlijiet tagħhom u għamel żmien jieħu ħsieb ilwirjiet artistiċi u kien jorganizzahom b’mod l-aktar professjonali. Meta Paul Asciak kien president tas-Soċjetà tal-Arti, kien igħidli li ried jagħti l-‘Midalja tad-Deheb’ lill-iskultur Anton Agius. Filfatt hekk għamel fl-2006. Jien kont għamilt id-diskors talokkażjoni. Tgħidx kemm ħa gost bid-diskors u beda jgħid ma’ kulħadd li jien kont student tiegħu. Meta Paul kien chairman tat-Teatru Manoel kont issuġġerejtlu jwaqqaf l-orkestra taż-żgħażagħ biex fil-ġejjieni dawn il-mużiċisti setgħu jgħaddu għall-orkestra l-kbira. L-orkestra twaqqfet Minkejja li kien kiber fl-età, Paul kien għadu mimli enerġija, u jekk kien joħlom b’xi ħaġa, żgur li kien iwettaqha. Kuntatti ma’ barra kellu kemm trid u kollha qishom ta’ ġewwa. Lokalment niftakru jgħidli: “Għandi żagħżugħ qed inħarrġu filkant; ’il quddiem illaqqgħek miegħu.” Kien qed jirreferi għatTenur Joseph Calleja li kien il-mimmi t’għajnejh. Ma’ Joseph laqqagħni u flimkien morna naraw opra f’Għawdex. Darba kien organizza lejla ta’ introduzzjoni fid-dar ta’ Joseph Calleja biex jintroduċih. Kien hemm il-ħbieb l-aktar intimi ta’ Paul Asciak, u hawn Joseph Calleja kellu introduzzjoni millaqwa. Paul kien qalilna li jekk Joseph jibqa’ sejjer kif kien żgur li għad nisimgħu ħafna dwaru. Hekk hu għax illum Joseph (li Paul Asciak mexxieh il quddiem) huwa wieħed mit-tenuri l-aktar magħrufa fl-Ewropa u fid-dinja operistika li qed jagħmel isem għal Malta. L-aħħar li tkellimt wiċċ imb’wiċċ ma’ Paul Asciak kien filPalazz tal-President, fit-13 ta’ Dicembru 2013 meta ngħata l-unur ‘Ġieħ ir-Repubblika’. Kien deher għajjien. F’Jannar ta’ tlett snin ilu kont bgħattlu email biex ngħidlu li flokkażjoni ta’ għeluq sninu kont se nsellimlu fil-programm tarradju ‘Għandi Pjaċir Nippreżentalek’, ma weġibnix. Tħassibt għax ma kienx solitu tiegħu. Ftit ġimgħat wara miet u b’hekk niżel is-siparju li fired il-ħbiberija ta’ bejnietna.

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday January 23, 2017

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta.

TISWIR FL-ISMIJIET U FL-AĠĠETTIVI Suriet ta’ għadd imkattar miksur, li fuqhom jinbnew kliem tal-istess għamla Kliem ta’ sillaba waħda (ikompli) (9) Sura: kàppa s., kápep pl. (plural bil-vokali maħtufa). Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb: balla, balal; ġarra, ġarar; sorra, sarar; labra, labar; bokka, bokok; borma, borom; borka, borok; dorga, dorog; ħolqa, ħoloq; kerha, koroh; għodda, għodod; fidda, fided; bajda, bojod; sewda, suwed; ħamra, ħomor; ħotba, ħotob; ħarxa, ħorox; għassa, għases; għalla, għalel; għarma, għarem; samra, somor; sodda, sodod; żoqma, żoqom. (10) Sura: ftîra s., ftàjjar pl.; qàtgħa s., qtajja(għ) pl. (plural bil-vokali maħtufa). Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb: żjara, żjajjar; sengħa, snajja(għ); tebgħa, tbajja(għ); qalgħa, qlajja(għ); xmara, xmajjar. Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb ukoll: bniqa, bnejjaq; ħliqa, ħlejjaq; diqa, dwejjaq; btala, btajjel; nħasa, nħajjes; ġbara, ġbajjar. Fuq dawn niktbu wkoll il-plurali: għrajjes, għdajjar, dgħajjes, mrajjes, ktajjen, għlejjel, xkejjer, għrejjex, għbejjer, bhejjem, ħxejjex, ġwejjef, ħġejjeġ, slejjef. (11) Sura: ġéru s., ġriewi pl. (plural bil-vokali twila). Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb: felu, fliewi; delu, dliewi. (12) Sura: mħàlla s., mħalel pl. (plural bil-vokali maħtufa). Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb: mħadda, mħaded; mkebba, mkebeb; msella, mselel. (13) Sura: brâmel pl., gniedes pl. (plural bil-vokali twila). Fuq il-plural ta’ mrâbat, ibni u ikteb ukoll: srabat, xfafar, swaba(għ), mqadef, għsafar, żgħażagħ, dgħaben, mgħażaq, mgħaref, mgħalef, twaġen, mradagħ (singular mreddgħa). Fuq il-plural ta’ ġwienaħ, żrieragħ (singular żerriegħa), żrieraq, qwiebel, ċwielaħ niktbu wkoll: wrieżaq (singular werżieq), għwietaq, għriebel, għnieqed, għsieleġ. Kif ukoll: briegħed, dwiemes, friegħen, kwiekeb, twiebet, żwiemel, mwielaq. x-xogħol tal-voluntarjat Iminuta fil-komunita’ iseħħ kull ta’ kull jum. Il-

(14) Sura: għâni s., għôni pl. Fuq din is-sura ibni u ikteb: târi, tori; agħma, għomi; għieri, għori. 38. Il-Għadd imżewweġjew imtenni jsir biżżieda ta’ ajn jew ejn f’tarf il-kelma ta’ għadd farrad li jispiċċa b’konsonanti. Ara: minn riġel, id, abt, għajn, difer nagħmlu riġlejn, idejn, abtejn jew abtajn, għajnejn, difrejn. Hekk ukoll minn xedaq, wirk nagħmlu xedqajn, wirkejn. Fuq dawn dirgħajn, ġwinħajn, ħwiġbejn, elfejn, qantarejn, rbgħajjen jew rbigħejn, sigħajn, ħaddejn, mnikbejn, mnifsejn. Jekk il-kelma tal-għadd farrad tispiċcȧ bil-vokali a tal-femminil, l-a taqa’ u tidħol flokha l-ittra t. (Ara Għadd 35 – itTieni Taqsima). Eż. qasba, qasbtejn; qamħa, qamħtejn; biċċa, biċċtejn; uqija, uqitejn; siegħa, sagħtejn. Jekk l-aħħar konsonanti tal-kelma tkun waħda mil-likwidi l, m, n, r, għ tidħol qabilha vokali tal-leħen. (Ara t-Tlieta u Tletin Regola – lEwwel Taqsima). Eż. għaxra, wiżna, ħofra, basla li jagħmlu għaxartejn, wiżintejn, ħofortejn, basiltejn. Hekk ukoll ġimgħa, ġimagħtejn; demgħa, demagħtejn; fergħa, feragħtejn. Joħorġu minn din ir-regola l-kelma tomna u widna li jagħmlu tomnejn, widnejn. Terġa’: kejla, bajda li jagħmlu aktarx keltejn, badtejn jew badtajn flok kejltejn, bajdtejn, blewwel j mixruba. Hekk ukoll minn qatta għandna qattejn flok qatttejn, b’waħda mit-t mixruba. (Ara Għadd 46 – it-Tieni Taqsima), imma minn wejba nsemmgħu u niktbu wejbtejn. Hekk ukoll minn daqqa, qoffa, xoffa, ħabba, insemmgħu u niktbu: daqqtejn, qofftejn, xofftejn, ħabbtejn, għalkemm jiġi li nsemmgħu u għalhekk nistgħu niktbu wkoll, daqtejn, qoftejn, xoftejn, ħabtejn, kif ukoll rkobtejn.

Min ħaqqu Veru li l-Maltin huma jiġi onorat? l-aktar nies storbjużi?

Maltin qalbhom tajba u jagħtu mill-aħjar li jistgħu. Hu għalhekk li kull sena għadd ta’ Maltin fi NSW jiġu mogħtija għarfien għax xogħol siwi tagħhom fost il-komunita’ ġenerali. Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc ilhom imwaqqfa 40 sena, sa mill-1977. Tul daż-żmien ħarġu diversi studji dwar ilMaltin fi NSW, jorganizzaw laqgħat ta’ tagħrif kull tlett xhur u darba fis-sena jorganizzaw il-Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition fejn xi Maltin jiġu mogħtija għarfien jew aħjar jiġu onorati għax-xogħol voluntarju li jkunu wettqu. Għal dawn l-aħħar 17-il sena dan l-avveniment kien immirat lejn l-anzjani Maltin izda missena l-oħra l-kumitat iddeċieda li r-regola tal-eta’ ma tibqax

tapplika. Dan ifisser li kulħadd jista’ jigi nnominat għal xi att voluntarju li jkun wettaq; ma hemm bżonn ikun anzjan. Din hija bidla sinifikanti għax fil-komunita` hemm ħafna persuni li tassew għandhom jiġu mogħtija għarfien mingħajr ma wieħed iħares lejn l-eta’ tagħhom. Jekk taf b’xi ħadd ta’ nisel Malti li ħaqqu li jiġi nnominat tal-ħidma volontarja tiegħu fil-komunita` ġenerali, tista’ tikkuntattja lil Lawrence Dimech (Tel: 02 9631 9295) ħalli tikseb formola tal-applikazzjoni. Din tista’ wkoll tinkiseb billi tidħol fil-website tal-Maltese Welfare:

Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-ħarġa li jmiss

add ma jista’ jgħid li l-ħadĦ diema tal-aġenzija tal-Istatistika tal-Unjoni Ewropeja,

l-EUROSTAT joqogħdu b’idejhom fuq żaqqhom għax dejjem jaraw x’se jistħarrġu. Dan l-aħħar din l-aġenzija ħarġet ir-riżultat ta’ stħarriġ dwar l-istorbju li joħolqu nnies, mhux, le, dawk il-ħsejjes tal-karozzi fit-toroq Maltin inkella dak iġġenerati millfabriki, eċċ. L-istatistika kkonfermat li lMaltin huma l-aktar nies b’ġirien storbjużi, xi ħaġa li bejnietna minn jaf kemm-il darba għedniha. Iċ-ċifri juru li wieħed minn kull erbà persuni f’Malta ma jistgħux, jew mhux jitħallew igawdu mis-silenzju ta’ djarhom. Madwar 26% talpopolazzjoni qalet li tiġi mde-

jjqa minn xi ġar storbjuż. Dan il-perċentwal hu l-ogħla minn fost it-28 pajjiżi msieħba fl-Unjoni Ewropeja. Warajna jiġu l-Ġermaniżi b’25% u lOlandiżi. L-istatistika wriet wkoll li laktar li jintlaqtu mill-istorbju huma dawk li jgħixu fl-ibliet, bi 23% mqabbel mal-10.4% f’żoni rurali. Il-maġġoranza ta’ dawk li rrappurtaw li qed jesperjenzaw problemi ta’ storbju millġirien, 20%, kienu persuni li jgħixu waħedhom.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Highly recommended: Maltese for Foreigners book series:

Maltese Grammar Essentials (in Context 3)


t The Voice of the Maltese we are often requested by readers from Maltese communities in Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA in particular, to recommend for them books that could help their siblings from the second and third generation to learn, or at least become more knowlegeable about the Maltese language. We do our best to help. With the publication of a new book by Charles Daniel Saliba, we are now in an even better position to do such a recommendation. Saliba, creator of the Maltese–English book series Maltese for Foreigners has published a new book that completes the series: Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3. Similar to the first and second grammar books in the series, this bilingual grammar book covers major Maltese grammatical concepts in depth using various readings and situations commonly encountered in daily life. It is designed to teach the language contextually in a cyclical manner, while enabling vocabulary acquisition and effective comprehension and communication skills. Accompanying the book is an updated CD or a dual USB containing audio files linked to the book’s content so that learners can listen to native Maltese speakers reading the text and performing the dialogues. Maltese Grammar Essentials in Con-

text 3 is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various readings and situations commonly encountered in daily life. The exercises and activities are designed to teach language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner, while helping in vocabulary acquisition and effective comprehension and communi- cations skills. It is perfect to use in an intermediate course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups, or at school. With this book one can: discover in detail the Maltese grammar; enrich one’s vocabulary; learn Maltese expressions, idioms, and proverbs; improve one’s reading, writavailable in Italian– ing, listening, Maltese versions: Le mie prime and speaking 750 parole in maltese, Grammatica skills, and exmaltese essenziale e contestuale 1, plore the Maland Parlo maltese 1. tese culture Charles Daniel Saliba, B.Ed. and geogra(Hons.) Maltese, Dip. Arabic phy. This year the Charles Daniel Saliba (Distinction), MA in Mediterranean three books in the A1 level of this series Historical Studies, PhD (Sheff.) UK. He (beginner–elementary) are being made received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Sheffield in 2015, specialising in teaching Maltese as a foreign language. He lectures on Maltese linguistics and literature at the intermediate and advanced levels at the Sir M.A. Refalo Centre for Further Studies, is also a visiting lecturer at the MCAST University College and a practicum visitor with the Institute for Education He has presented his research at several international conferences and was Free Health Education Sessions! Call: 1800 451 488 invited as keynote speaker on a num•To organise a free health ber of occasions and has published The Health Promotion Service for Older People is education session for your over 40 books on the Maltese language. a free service which coordinates volunteers in metgroup In 2007 Saliba won a prize for his book ropolitan Sydney, Central Coast/Newcastle, Blue • To volunteer Realtà in the Prose for Adolescents cate• For more information Mountains/Richmond, Camden and gory at the National Book Awards in Illawarra/Shoalhaven areas who are trained to conHealth Promotion Service for 2007. He specialises in teaching Maltese duct informative sessions in English and commuOlder People, CPSA as a foreign language. He has presented Lachlan Tower nity languages on health issues for independent Level 3, 17-21 Macquarie St his research at several international conliving seniors’ groups. Parramatta NSW 2150 ferences and was invited as keynote Topics cover: speaker on a number of occasions. Phone: 02 9281 3893 Country Callers: 1800 451 488 • Diabetes Awareness The Malta Government Scholarship Fax: 02 8836 2101/02 • Falls Injury Prevention Scheme Grant (MGSS) sponsored SalEmail: • Healthy Brain Ageing (Your Brain Matters) iba’s study. Last year he published his Web: •Medicine Management research, ‘Teaching Maltese as a second Auspice: language to adults’, as a chapter in In•Oral Health Care forming Educational Change: Research •Osteoporosis Awareness Voices from Malta, edited by D. Hyatt, Funder: South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) P. Clough and C. Nutbrown. The University of Sheffield published the book.

Prince Harry’s fiancée a great fan of Malta P

The Voice of the Maltese 25

Tuesday January 23, 2017

rince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36, recently announced their engagement and pre-parations for a wedding on May 19 are well underway. If anything, and as expected, the British media in particular that has always regarded the royalty as one of its favourite subjects, especially when it comes to the young members of the British monarchy, is having a field day. After so many speculations about the young unattached Prince’s amorous adventures as well as his social activity, the media has been given the fodder to fill a large section of its pages. That he would be marrying an “actress” and an American at that, gives the media the chance to follow more intensely the goings-on of the young couple leading to the big day at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in England. The Maltese have often been close to the British Monarchy, especially since the island became a Crown Colony on 23 July 1813, when Sir Thomas Maitland was appointed as Governor of Malta. Its status as a Crown Colony was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris of 1814, which was itself reaffirmed by the Congress of Vienna of 1815. Malta became an independent in 1964, and a Republic in 1974. In 2004 it also became a member state of the EU. However, it retained its place as a member of the Commonwealth. The connection between Malta and the British royal family was further cemented after Queen Elizabeth II, then a princess, married Prince Philip on November 20, 1947.The royal co-uple who have enjoyed the longest royal marriage in British history, the 70 years in November 2017 spent their first years as a married couple in Mal-

Meghan during her visit to Dwejra in Gozo in 2015 with the Azure Window (then still standing) in the background

ta where the prince, a member of the Royal Navy, was stationed. Since then they have visited Malta on at least five more occasions. Prince Charles and the princes William and Harry have also visited the island on royal duty. They have often reserved an admiration for Malta. With Meghan Markel (above) becoming a member of the Royal family, with her wedding to Prince Harry Malta will have an added admirer after it was revealed that Harry’s current fiancée’s great-great-grandmother Mary was born in Malta in 1862 and she herself is a massive fan of Malta, In 2015 Meghan spent time in the Maltese Islands during a photo-shoot for Elle magazine. At the time she visited Mdina, Valletta and Gozo and she “really loved it”. Recalling her visit, Meghan said, “Coming to Malta has been really important to me because my great-greatgrandmother lived here, so we’ve been trying to trace the ancestry. ‘Before I came, people were telling me, ‘When you go to Malta, everyone will look like you,’ and I started to say, ‘Oh my gosh I do sort of blend in,’ and it’s the loveliest feeling. “The people have been so kind, the food is amazing and the culture. I can’t wait to come back; it’s too short a time. Everything is picturesque. It is a great destination, really special.’ About her short trip to the sister island, she added: ‘In Gozo I loved the fresh goat’s milk cheeses, particularly the pickled ones with the black pepper on them.

Meghan with Prince Harry

Towards the end of the visit she said at the time, “I’m about to have the spaghetti with rabbit, which I’ve been waiting to try. This morning, for breakfast, I tried the pastizzi with peas and ricotta. Oh my goodness they’re delicious! “So my suitcase will be filled with all sorts of Maltese treats.” During the Christmas festivities, Meghan became the first fiancée to join the royal family for their Christmas Day morning church service. But despite the couple appearing happy and loved-up an Australian psychic has predicted 2018 doesn’t look good for ‘the actress and her prince’. Meanwhile, in its January 7 travel feature The Sunday Telegraph in NSW Australia wrote ”look no further than royal-to-be Meghan Markle to inspire your travel this year”. The newspaper included Malta in its list of eight places as must travel. The others are, Australia, Botswana, Canada, Iceland, Jamaica, Mexico and Norway.

26 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday January 23, 2018

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Connecting you with your community

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 years old etc.) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (including assisting clients with their shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas

For information call 88681400

Please Note

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write to:

La Valette Social Centre

Activities throughout the year

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847’ Email:

Every Thursday

Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday Kitchen and Bar open frm 5.00 p.m.Taditional Maltese cuisine, including rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi Boċċi from 6.00 p.m; Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of the month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________ MASS TIMES Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 4.45 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.


Organised by Friends of Providence House NSW IN AID OF ID DAR-TAL PROVIDENZA, MALTA Sunday, February 25 at 2.00 pm At La Vallette SC 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Special Guest Artists: Joe Galea and Stacey Saliba supported by Alee ,Martin Vella, the Vella sisters, and The popular MCA Choir

an afternnon of Great Entertainment, Prizes & fun Travel Voucher Prize for Lucky Donor Envelope Chocolate Wheel with Fabulous Prizes to be won! Maltese Food & Drinks available from 12 Noon Donation: Adults $10 Child u/15yrs: Free FOR BOOKINGS CONTACT: Greg & Agnese Caruana 9626 6753 or Jim Borg: 9636 7767 PROUDLY SPONSORED by Blacktown

Contact: 9622 7799

State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

P: (02) 9756 4766 E: 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in T Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: HCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is:

Join us on Facebook: roups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2018

Sunday March 11: Fete Sunday July 1: Lejla fil-Buskett Sunday October 14 : Fete Saturday November 10: Dinner Dance Sunday December 2:

St Nicholas Feast All the above events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW


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The Voice of the Maltese 27

Tuesday January 23, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

Maltese Radio Programmes

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2

(On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bilMalti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner PaMaltese Seniors Central Coast rade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Club). an appointment. For all information and Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- month at the George Preca Centre of th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 Gen- OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

28 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday January 23, 2018

Balzan sign CC Mariners defender T

tinue my dream is certainly an exciting one and a new experience for me,” Ashcroft said. Harry When it comes to the relationship with Balzan, Ashcroft ... Central Coast Mariners Head of Football, Nick from NSW Montgomery said it is great for them establish a to Balzan relationship with a club in Europe as that would in Malta give young Australians a chance to play regularly. “We will continue to work with Balzan and see this as a great pathway for Australians to be exposed to football in Europe,” Montgomery said. He added, “This gives young Australians like Harry an opportunity to play football abroad and to develop their game, whilst earning regular game time,” Harry, who favours the right centre back position with the ability to move into a wider defensive role expects to make his debut for his new c l u b Balzan Friday number of football teams from around Europe currently in their against winter break have chosen Malta as their venue for their training Ħamrun camps where they can use the local facilities away from their frozen Spartans pitches at home. Eight of them will also join locals to participate in to try to the Valletta 2018 International Football Tournament that is being orh e l p ganised as part of the V18 activities marking the Maltese capital as t h e m Europe’s capital of Culture. win their Premier League defending champions Hibernians, and current league first ever leaders Balzan are among the locals participating in the tournament. League One pmatch has been playd with Hibs beating Levski Sofia 3-0. title in The 12 foreign teams availing themselves of the island’s facilities 51 years. come from nine different countries. They are, Wolfsberger, Floridsdorfer and Kapfenberger SV (Austria), Jablonec, (Czech Republic), Levski Sofia (Bulgaria), Lokomotiv Tiflis (Georgia), FC Haladas (Hungary), FC Trnava (Slovakia), St Gallen and FC Winterthur (Switzerland), FC Stabaek (Norway) and IFK Norrkoping (Sweden). During their stay, as part of their training programmes they are also scheduled to face local football teams in friendly matches. n Round 16 of the Maltese Premier League Balzan once Levski Sofia, 26-time champions of Bulgaria will stay on Malta for again strengthened their commitment and in a short span a whole month, before they return home. in the top division they have managed to join the elite clubs on the island. In their latest out- A-League RESULTS – DAY 16 ing they narrowly but de2-1 W. Balzan v Sliema ith League leaders Sydney FC dropping four points in draws in the servedly defeated Sliema 1-0 Valletta v Naxxar L. last two outings, Newcastle Jets in second place managed to reduce 3-1 Wanderers 2-1 to retain the leadGżỉra v Tarxien R. the gap to seven points despite disappointingly losing last weekend’s Hibernians v Floriana 1-0 ership. home match against wooden-spoonists Wellington Phoenix. In the same round Valletta had 3-0 Mosta Birkirkara v However, the Jets still managed to increase their lead over the next two Ħamrun S v St Andrews 1-1 to work really hard to stave off 2-0 Naxxar’s challenge, win by a teams from Melbourne, the City (who have Senglea v Lija A RESULTS - DAY 17 single goal and stay within reach a game in hand) and the Victory to seven Sydney FC v CC Mariners 1-1 Premier League ladder of Balzan, only one point be- points in the last three rounds. Newcastle J v Wellington Ph 2-3 P W D L Pts hind. TEAMS Although the Wellington’s win at New- Melbourne C v Adelaide U 2-0 16 11 4 1 37 Balzan castle could be termed as surprising, how- W Sydney v Melbourne V 0-3 In other matches, in the pro16 11 3 2 36 Valletta Brisbane R v Perth G 3-2 Gżira U 16 10 3 3 33 gramme’s top game Hibernians ever, one has to say that the Phoenix have DAY 16 Floriana 16 8 5 3 29 ended their four-match goal been getting very good results of late and Sydney FC v Adelaide U 0-0 Hibernians 16 8 4 4 28 drought to see off Floriana with in the last three outings they managed Newcastle J v Brisbane R 1-0 Birkirkara 16 9 1 6 25 a late penalty, to push them- seven points, with two wins - the other Melbourne V v Perth G 3-2 Ħamrun S 16 7 4 5 25 selves within a point of the being 2-0 at home to Melbourne V. - and a CC Mariners v Melbourne C 2-2 Sliema W. 16 7 4 5 25 Greens in fifth place. Wellington P v W Sydney 1-1 1-1 home draw against Western Sydney. Senglea A 16 5 3 8 18 At Allianz against the Mariners, Sydney DAY 15 Gżira returned to winning ways 16 4 3 8 18 Mosta Brisbane R v Sydney FC 0-3 Naxxar L 16 2 5 9 11 with an easy victory over Tarx- FC were lucky to share the spoils. They Newcastle J v CC Mariners 2-0 were outshone by their opponents but still S. Andrews 16 3 2 11 11 ien while Birkirkara kept up Wellington P v Melbourne V 2-1 Tarxien R. 16 3 1 12 10 their recent good form with a managed to come back from a goal down Perth G v Melbourne C 0-2 at the break to draw 1-1 on Saturday night. W Sydney v Adelaide U 16 1 2 13 5 comfortable win over Mosta. Lija A. 1-1 he connection current Premier League leaders Balzan FC have with NSW was further cemented in the New Year with the signing from A-League club Central Coast Mariners of 22-year-old defender Harry Ashcroft who was granted his release to return to play in Europe to join a club whose president, is MalteseAustralian passionate football fan Anton Tagliaferro co-manager of the Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund. Sydney-born Aschroft played youth football with Bankstown City before starting his senior career with Sydney University. In 2013, aged 18 he jetted to the Netherlands to play for VVV-Venlo in the Eerste Divisie where he made seven appearances. There he was able to grow as both a player and person. In early 2015 due to the club's financial difficulties, the Dutch club released Him and fellow Australian Travis Cooper from their commitments. Ashcroft moved back to Australia in July that year to sign and play for Central Coast Mariners in the Hyundai A-League. Until his release recently, he had made 34 appearances, scoring four goals. Ashcroft’s trial and transfer is a result of a newly established relationship between the Central Coast Mariners and Balzan F.C. that is aimed to increase player pathway opportunities into Europe for young Australian players. Upon signing his contract with Balzan FC Harry thanked everyone at the Mariners for making him feel at home on the Central Coast and for giving him the opportunity to play in the Hyundai ALeague. “The opportunity to return to Europe and con-

Foreign, local teams feature in V18 football tournament A

Malta Football Premier League

Balzan confirm their challenge



Lucky escape for leaders Sydney FC

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