The Voice of the Maltese No. 165

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Issue 165

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly ora Fort nightly magazine for the Diasp Diaspora

October 24, 2017

Kalkara Creek

The village of Kalkara in the South Eastern Region of Malta, forming part of the inner harbour area. It occupies the area around Kalkara Creek and is bordered by the cities of Birgu and ŝabbar, as well as the town of Xgħajra.

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Niskata Responsabbilta`



ekk int tagħmel bħal Toni li hekk kif tqum filgħodu u sakemm tilbes toqgħod tara l-aħbarijiet talbieraħ, allura ħabib tistenniex li ma tkunx depressed. Iva, tajjeb li tkun up to date… imma jekk dak li tkun taf qiegħed jinkwetak, allura ara kif teħles minnu. Proverbju Ingliż jgħid ‘ignorance is bliss…. Imbierek int jekk ma tkunx taf. Issa wasalna fi stat li nafu ħafna u nikkompetu biex inkunu nafu. B’hekk nuri li jien naf, li jien bravu …insomma li jien qiegħed ngħix fil-millenju l-ġdid u …. sejrin. Tmerinix għax naf! U għax naf ……ninkwieta. Ngħidu li l-inkwiet jiġi waħdu. Jiġi waħdu sa certu punt. Ħafna millinkwiet inġibuh b’idejna. Għax ħafna minnu hu riżultat ta dak li nagħmlu. Hi ħaġa minn awl id-dinja. Naħseb li għalħekk li fl-aħħar tas-sena jew filbidu tal-oħra nagħmlu r-riżoluzzjonijiet, biex nżommu għat-triq tan-nofs;

Tuesday October 24, 2017

ma niekolx ħafna, ma niekolx ħafna ħobż, ma nixrobx daqshekk (mhux ilma) ma nilgħabx daqshekk flus fuq ilpokies u sejrin. Bħala eżempju, meta tifli ftit il-kaġun ta’ ħafna mill-incidenti tat-traffiku, x’aktarx li ttort jaqa fuq il-liwja kerha tat-triq jew għax it-triq dejqa. Imsomma ssib skuża. Le ma jistax ikun li hu tort taddrogi, jew tas-sokor jew tassewqan esaġerat tiegħi nnifsi! Insibu skuża għall-għemil żlugat tagħna u nwaħħlu f’xi ħaddieħor jew f’xi ħaġ’oħra …biex nuru kemm aħna ġħandna subgħajna dritt. L-apoloġija jew li tammetti li għamilt xi ħaġa mhix sewwa wisq tidher u tinħass umiljanti. Almenu turi li tammetti li int – ikollok tismagħha avolja mhix kelma sabiħa – li int żbaljajt, u li int għandek tort. Difficli tammettih. U l-konsegwenzi “li jiġu wara jiswew biex forsi tiftakar li ‘l-quddiem trid toqgħod attent. Illum f’ħafna każi l-avukati, għax jafu jirraġunaw u dak hu xogħolhom, jippruvaw jitfgħu l-kaġun fuq xi ħaġ’oħra jew xi ħadd ieħor, għax inti

Irġiel I Biss

Il-grupp tal-Irġiel li jiltaqa’ fiċ-ċentru tal-MCC NSW fi Franklin Street Parramatta West kull l-aħħar Tlieta tax-xahar filgħodu għadu popolari sew u l-għadd talmembri qed dejjem jikber. Fuq: Uħud minn dawn li attendew għal-laqgħa ta’ Settembru. Fuq ix-xellug (minn


“innocenti u tista teħlisha mil-liġi”. Il-psikoloġisti wkoll għandhom minnha. Dwar dawn tal-aħħar m’ilux smajt waħda tajba. Il- psikoloġisti ilhom mitt sena li daħlu fid-dinja, u ddinja sejra lura mhux il-quddiem! Biex ma ngħidx li rġajna lura għattwemmin ta elfejn jew iżjed snin, li kien jgħid xi ħaġa hekk, “mhux tort tiegħek imma t’ommok u ta missierek”. Jekk ma jmorrux lura sannanna u n-nannu. Its in the ġenes!! Hemm skop li tistudja u tipprova tifhem il-passat. Imma ma tridx tinsa li issa int il-kaptan. U hemm cans li ddaħħal ftit bilanċ, ftit kontroll u ftit responsabbilta fil-ħajja tiegħek. Il-ħajja mhix perfetta. Kultant inħarsu lejn is-sema u nistaqsu, imma għaliex għamiltna hekk? Xejn xejn għandna lliberta li niftaħru tant biha. U jekk tifli ftit l-ħajja tagħna lejn kif tikber jew tixjieħ, jew kif tħares lejn id-dinja, tifhem xi ftit li int u jien għandna parti kbira fiha u kif nagħmluha. Mhux biex timxi mal-moda u tagħmel dak li jitbiddel kull ġimgħa jew kull xahar u timxi mal-massa imma li taħseb b’moħħok u ddaħħal f’’ħajtek ftit bilanċ u niskata responsabbilta`.

quddiem): Joe Borg, Victor Fenech, Lawrence Dimech, Bill Schembri, Gerry Carabez, Sam Farrugia. Mil-lemin lura: Joseph Zerafa, Alfred Pace, Charles Agius, Patrick Bartolo u Joe Busuttil. Għal tagħrif dwar il-grupp wieħed jista’ ċempel 0409 744 376.

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The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Australia and the Immigration visas I by PaulSant

f you are a nonresident visiting, working, running a business, studying, or returning to live in Australia… Whatever your reason for coming to Australia may be, you will need an Australian visa. There are different types of visas and briefly they include: VISITOR VISAS Visitor visas are for those who wish to travel to Australia as tourists for sightseeing, visiting friends or relatives, or for permitted business purposes such as attending business meetings, negotiations, conferences… etc. for up to 1 year. Note that generally speaking visitor visas would not come with any work rights in Australia. According, if one is found working on a visitor visa regardless of hours worked, the person’s visa will be cancelled and s/he may be deported and barred from applying for Australian visas for a certain period of time. WORK VISAS If you have skills or qualifications that Australia needs, you may be eligible for a work visa that allows you to work and stay in Australia temporarily or permanently, based on the stream of visa you apply for. For most work visas, you will need to identify an occupation that is highly relevant to your skills or qualifications on relevant occupation lists. For example, if you are considering working in Australia for more than three months and you are not able to meet requirements for a skilled independent or state/territory nominated visas, in addition to finding an

eligible sponsor, you need to ensure that your skills, qualifications and/or experiences are highly relevant to an eligible occupation. If your occupation is on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List, you may be eligible for a four-year visa and transitioning to a permanent visa after you have worked with your sponsor for a specified period of time. If your occupation is on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List, the maximum visa period available to you would be two years unless a longer period is required to meet international trade obligations. You may be able to renew your twoyear visa under specified circumstances. However you will not be able to transition to a permanent visa if your occupation is on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List. BUSINESS INVESTMENT VISAS For those who wish to run their own businesses or invest in Australia and meet certain threshold criteria, you may be eligible for a business visa. Based on your business history and the amount of money you are prepared to invest in Australia, you may be eligible for a permanent visa, or a temporary visa with a permanent residence pathway. STUDENT VISAS If you intend to study in Australia, you will need to apply for a student visa. Note you must demonstrate that you meet the



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Genuine Temporary Entrant criteria prior to the grant of your student visa and at all times when you are on a student visa, until and unless your circumstances have changed and you become eligible for a permanent visa. RESIDENT RETURN VISAS Generally speaking, once you are granted an Australian permanent visa, you are entitled to work and stay in Australia indefinitely without having to apply for a Resident Return Visa. However, if you have plans to travel overseas after your original permanent residence visa expires, you will need to apply for this visa to ensure you can come back to Australia as a permanent resident. OTHER VISAS There are other types of visas available for people under different circumstances. For example, if you have children, partners or other eligible relatives who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, you may be eligible for one of the family reunion visas. If you arrived in Australia legally and are a refugee under the Australia Migration Act, you may be eligible for a protection visa. HEALTH AND CHARACTER Regardless of types of visas you apply for, you must pass the Australian government’s health and character tests. Note that health and character requirements do vary significantly for applicants applying for different types of visas. Australian migration law is one of the most complex areas of law that is constantly changing. If you are interested in visiting, studying or migrating to Australia and would like to learn more about your visa options, application process or your permanent visa pathways, please feel free to book a consultation with our team. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

4 The Voice of the Maltese

The Maltese Islands offer an electric blend of local and international events to suit all tastes and ages. From the colourful fun-filled Carnival in February to the solemn Holy Week and Easter pageants, from the summertime village festas and open-air music festivals, to classical concerts and opera, sport tournaments, historical re-enactments, food and wine events, and so much more. There’s something for everyone, any time, any season

Tuesday October 24, 2017



An active academic life leads to a seat on Brimbank City Council

Tuesday October 24, 2017


The Voice of the Maltese 5

Dr Victoria Borg


Dr Victoria Borg

rom academic life to representing the people of the local council of Brimbank in the heart of the Maltese community in Melbourne is a huge leap forward in Councillor Dr Victoria Borg’s career. “I feel deeply grounded and connected to this municipality and its people as a wife, mother, grandmother, neighbour, friend and member of this great community. Having lived in Brimbank for over 44 years, I literally and metaphorically have grown in Brimbank,” Dr Victoria Borg told The Voice of the Maltese. Victoria Borg, chosen by The Voice as the Personality of the Month for October was elected as a Councillor from the Grassland Ward for the city of Brimbank in October 2016. She currently chairs two Committees: the St. Albans Community Centre Committee and the Reconciliation Action Plan Committee. She is also a member of the Brimbank Learning and Employment Steering Committee Victoria was born in Xaghra, Gozo, the daughter of Guzeppa and Mikiel Bajada. She migrated to Australia in April 1972 on the Angelina Lauro one month after she got married. With husband Louie, they settled in North Sunshine. They have two children, Michelle and Mark and a grand daughter Monique who is turning 17 years this month. “Louie's family had been living in this suburb since the mid-50's. In 1975 we moved to St. Albans in our new house where we have been living (and still are) ever since. For the first three years we lived with my mother in law and her family”. Victoria has a strong connection with Brimbank at an academic level. She returned to study as a mature age student at Western Institute in 1987 and completed her tertiary studies, including a doctorate at Victoria University, St. Albans Campus in November 2005. She also taught and lectured there for many years. Have been very active in community affairs, Victoria initiated the Koala

Bear, and Boomerang projects. They involved students from some schools in Malta and Gozo, sending a small present to someone in Australia. The students made a number of cards that were distributed to students attending Maltese Language classes. She organised a Maltese exhibition called "Jewels of the Mediterranean" at Victoria University. This exhibition included some artefacts from Malta, including a piece of pottery that was found at the Ġgantija Temples, and is about 5,000 years old. As the co-ordinator, Victoria accompanied 25 students from the Victoria University on a three-week study tour in Malta. That was part of a subject “International Studies - Malta Study Tour|. The tour was held in conjunction with the Maltese Community Council of Victoria. Besides visiting interesting places in Malta and Gozo, the students participated in some lectures that were held by Maltese lecturers at the University of Malta. Together with other prominent Maltese, Victoria participated in a conference in Armidale NSW, representing the Maltese community, held by the CWA Study School. She is also an active member of the Xagħra-Australian Association of Victoria Inc.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Historic Milestone for Maltese at the NSW Minister’s Awards 2017

Tuesday October 24, 2017


he NSW Community Languages Schools Programme (NSW Department of Education) marked a very special occasion this year, the 25th Anniversary of the NSW Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Student Achievement – Community Language Schools. By the same token, Skola Maltija Sydney marked its 10th year of successfully serving the Maltese community in language and cultural education. Maltese schools have been a part of the community education landscape since 1999 and for the first time in 19 years a Maltese student has been selected to receive a prestigious Minister’s Award. The acclaimed award ceremony hosted by the NSW Community Languages School Board was held recently at the University of New South Wales’ Sir John Clancy Auditorium. Awards were presented to more than 150 outstanding students, who are committed to studying one of 58 languages that are currently being taught under the NSW Community Languages Schools programme. Dr Geoff Lee, MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Western Sydney and Multiculturalism, sitting in for Education Minister the Hon. Rob Stokes MP presented the awards. Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer, Aunty Fay Carroll, delivered the Welcome to Country. Special guests included consular officials, senior officers of the NSW Department of Education, as well as a large number of community leaders. School principals, teachers and supportive families of the award winners were also in attendance. Year student Michael Cuschieri, and Year 6 student, Dylan Bond, were recognised for achieving a very high level of success Noah Muscat receiving the award from Dr Geoff Lee MP.

Dylan Bond

in their studies of the Maltese language. The students also demonstrated their language ability in a variety of ways within their community. Michael, who has been studying Maltese for 12 years and has reached his final HSC year, was the recipient of a Highly Commended Award (Senior Section). Dylan was the recipient of a Commended Award (Junior Section). He has been studying Maltese for two years at Skola’s Rouse Hill campus.

Benefits of learning a language

In what can be seen as a historic milestone, Year 6 student, Noah Muscat, who has been studying Maltese for seven years at Skola’s Ringrose (Greystanes) campus was one of five students (Junior Section) to be awarded the prestigious Minister’s Award for outstanding achievement in the study of Maltese, for his contribution to the development of intercultural understanding and for his involvement in Skola Maltija Sydney and the wider Maltese community. At the event, Noah also addressed the audience in Maltese when he introduced the Presentation of the Commended Awards. Addressing the audience, Dr Geoff Lee MP espoused the benefits of learning languages such as preparing students for the 21st Century and international world, teaching students to learn better, preserving culture and heritage and making young people proud of their ancestors and where they have come from. Dr Lee also acknowledged and thanked the parents who make the sacrifice to transport their chil-

Michael Cuschieri

dren on the weekend to attend school and encourage their children to learn a language. He added that whist 25% of the population of NSW (and 36% in Greater Sydney) speak a language other than English at home, only 8-10% of students are taking up a community language at the Higher School Certificate (HSC) level. He said that through its commitment to extra funding for the Community Languages Schools programme, online curriculum development integration alignment, and validation of student learning to give formal recognition of their studies, the State Government is addressing this terminal decline. He announced that a signed deal with a university is in the pipeline. This teacher training initiative will empower over 2,700 volunteer Community Language teachers who are already doing a superb job to do their jobs better. Chair of the NSW CLS Board, Ms Jozefa Sobski, who addressed the audience via a video recording, as she was overseas at the time of the event, pointed out that 34,800 students are studying a community language after school hours and that languages have the power to promote universal understanding and allow us to embrace our common humanity. On the night the St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Elanora School Community entertained the guests by performing traditional Serbian dances.


Kilin – baqa’ Rabti sa mewtu

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Jekk hemm ktieb li ngħożż sewwa fil-librerija tiegħi, dan hu tal-ħabib tiegħi li llum m’għadux magħna, Kilin, ‘Fuq il-Għajn ta’ San Bastjan’. Hu ktieb ta’ mhux aktar minn 200 paġna li lili tassew jinfluwenzani għax isaħħaħ fija l-kitba f’dak li niftakar jiena (bħal ma jagħmel Kilin ‘Fuq il-Għajn ta’ San Bastjan’). Dal-ktieb ippublikat fl-1973, iħeġġiġni fis-sbuħija tal-Malti wżat fil-kitba. Barra minhekk, iżidli l-imħabba tiegħi lejn irRabat tal-imgħoddi. Jiena kont niltaqa’ ma’ Kilin meta dan kien jiġi r-Rediffusion House u aktar tard Xandir Malta. X’aktarx li Kilin l-ewwel kien imur isellem lil Charles Arrigo u dan kien ikun pront pront jaqbadlu fuq ir-Rabat ta’ l-imgħoddi għax Charles ukoll kien iħobb r-Rabat u għamel żmien jgħix hemm. Wara kien jiġi sa ħdejja fl-uffiċċju li kien biswit l-istudios għarrekording. X’ħin jidħol għandi Kilin (Mikiel Spiteri) kien jgħidli, “ara l-ħabib tagħna”. Kienet frażi li dejjem fuq fommu. Wara kien jaqbad siġġu vojt u jsorġi fuqu sa ma jsir il-ħin biex jirrekordja. Hawn kienet tkun l-għaxqa tiegħi. L-ewwel ma kien jistaqsini Kilin kien “kif inhuma r-Rabtin?” u minnufiħ kien jaqbad xi diskursata, li lewwel x’aktarx tkun dwar il-Banda Konti Ruġġieru u xi bandisti tagħha fis-snin l-imgħoddija. Wara mbagħad id-diskors kien idur fuq xi karattri Rabtin. Tbissima fir-rakkont ta’ xi praspura ma kienetx tonqos. Jiena dejjem kont nara f’Kilin għajn ta’ għerf kbir. Kien bniedem umli u ġenwin. Niftakru jgħidli, “jiena Kilin (mhux sur …)”. Kilin hu kif kienet issejjaħlu ommu. Kien jaf jitkellem dwar kollox…. Minbarra li Kilin kien kittieb l-aktar tal-Malti, kien ukoll pittur (iddisinja ħafna mill-kappelli tal-kampanja). Kien ukoll iħobb il-palk u kiteb għall-palk. Fejn tidħol ilmużika kien jgħidli li kien idoqq it-tamburlin mal-banda Konti Ruggieru fi żmien is-surmast Ciappara u għalhekk kien anke

The Voice of the Maltese 7


jaf jaqra l-mużika. Fuq kollox Kilin kien jaf, u jitkellem tajjeb bl-Ispanjol (u kien ukoll għallmu fl-iskola ta’ filgħaxija). Dan l-ilsien tgħallmu waħdu kif tgħallem ilsna oħra. Kien jgħaġġbek għax kien isib il-ħin għal kollox, il-fotografija, jikteb fuq ilġurnali u perjodiċi, u saħansitra kien iħobb u jistudja d-dijaletti (speċjali kien id-dijalett Rabti), u kien jaf sewwa l-logħba ta’ l-iskakki. Sa anke kien jikteb dwar l-isports fil-Leħen is-Sewwa (u aktar tard dwar il-kappelli filkampanja) u fit-Times of Malta. Dejjem, bla waqfien...jaqra u jistudja. Dan minbarra x-xogħol tiegħu proprja, fiċ-ċivil. Kilin kien iħobb ir-reliġjon u dak kollu li għandu x’jaqsam magħha: qaddisin, knejjes u festi. Ir-reliġjon ta’ Kilin kienet ir-reliġjon tal-ferħ. Ta’ Rabti ‘Ajklir’ kien iħobb ħafna lil San Pawl. Ma kienx baqa’ jgħix ir-Rabat, izda l-bżonn ħadu lejn l-Imsida. Fil-fatt martu kienet minn hemm. Huwa rabba familja sabiħa u wliedu baqgħu jirrispettawh salaħħar, tant li kienu strumentali biex fir-Rabat (raħal twelidu) jitpoġġa monument maħdum minn Joseph Scerri (skultur Rabti) mal-ħajt ta’ waħda mill-iskejjel Rabtin, dik ta’ Triq ilKulleġġ. Niftakar ukoll meta ngħata ‘Ġieħ ir-Rabat’ mill-kunsill tarRabat. Dakinhar kont hemm nippreżenta l-programm, kif kont ukoll preżentatur meta f’Jum ir-Rabat il-Banda Konti Ruggieru tagħtu tislima speċjali fi programm mużikali fl-awditorju ta’ Sant’Agata. Anke wkoll is-Serata Kilin f’waħda mill-attivitajiet ta’ Jum ir-Rabat fl-2008 L-aħħar li kellimtu kien meta ġie (jew ġabuħ mid-dar ta’ lanzjani fl-Imsida fejn kien fl-aħħar snin) biex isegwi l-play tiegħu stess, id-drama mtella mir-Rabat Dramatic Company, ‘Tinsiex Publius , tinsiex!’ Tgħidx kemm ħa pjaċir u kien sodisfatt bir-rappreżentazzjoni. Wara qgħadna nitkellmu ftit biswit it-tieqa kbira fit-taraġ tassala ‘Il-Kappillan Lia’ li tagħti għal ġol-foss. Il-ħarsa tiegħu lejn dan il-post kienet waħda ċassa iżda mimlija nostalġija. Kilin miet fid-9 ta’ Lulju tal-2008, fis-sena Pawlina, fl-eta` ta’ 90 sena. L-Akkademja tal-Malti flimkien mal-familja ta’ Mikiel Spiteri nhar il-Ħamis 26 ta’ Mejju tal-2016 inawguraw il-mafkar ta’ Kilin, skultura ta’ Joseph Scerri, li jinab fi Triq il-Kulleġġ, malfaċċata tal-Iskola Primarja tar-Rabat (xellug). Il-bust inkixef minn Evarist Bartolo, il-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol . Mikiel Spiteri; kien magħruf l-aktar bħala Kilin

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:

Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Liġi nġusta X’jogħġobni f’The Voice


Anthony Cassar minn St Albans jikteb: eta fil-ħarġa li għaddiet ta’ The Voice qrajt il-kummenti tal-Parlamentari Malti, Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici dwar iċ-ċittadinanza doppja fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu dawk li jkunu interessati li jkunu parlamentari tal-pajjiżi rispettivi, fejn anke qabbel il-liġijiet f’Malta u dawk fl-Awstralja f’dan ir-rigward, fhimt aktar l-inġustizzja li teżisti fl-Awstralja. Ħabib tal-familja tiegħi f’Melbourne li għandu ferm għal qalbu l-politika u kien beħsiebu li jikkontesta biex xi darba jkun fil-Parlament fejn jista’ jiġġieled għad-drittijiet taċ-ċittadini, qed jerġa’ jaħsibha għax għalkemm hu Awstraljan imwieled f’St Albans, ommu hi Maltija. Ġiet l-Awstralja mal-familja meta kien għad kellha biss erba’ snin. Dan ma jixtieqx jiġi fl-istess pożizzjoni inġusta li ġew fiha xi parlamentari fl-aħħar xhur u wara tant sforzi jsib li ma jistax jimxi ‘l quddiem. Jgħidli li hemm oħrajn bħalu li jixtiequ jagħtu kontribut fil-politika u li wkoll itwieldu fl-Awstralja iżda minn ġenituri jew nanniet imwielda barra li wkoll qed jiddarsu. Irraġuna miegħi li sakemm tibqa’ din lanomalija lanqas biss jażżardaw jibqgħu juru interess li jidħlu għall-impenn, birriżultat li nistgħu nitilfu nies ta’ valur kbir. Għalkemm jien Malti u kburi li twelidt Malta, imma għall-ġid tal-pajjiż nittama li l-liġi tinbidel u ma ddumx.

Avviż lill-qarrejja

Napellaw lil min ikun jixtieq juri lfehmiet tagħhom fuq din il-paġna biex ma jħallix għall-aħħar li jibgħat l-emails dwar is-suġġetti li jrid. Iktbu Letters to the editor (jew ittri lill-editur) bħala s-suġġett.


Maryrose Farrugia minn Kemps Creek, NSW ieħu gost ħafna meta f’The Voice of the Maltese naqra kummenti dwar dak li jkun qed iseħħ, kemm fl-Awstralja kif ukoll barra dan il-kontinent, għax minkejja li l-Awstralja tista’ tissejjaħ gżira kontinent, ma jfissirx li għandna naħsbu biss dwar dak li jigri fil-pajjiż li fih qed ngħixu. Minħabba f’hekk nilqa’ ħafna l-aħbarijiet u kummenti dwar il-pajjiż ta’ art twelidna, Malta u ninteressa ruħi f’dak kollu li jsir li bih Malta tikseb għarfien fl-isfera internazzjonali. X’ma titpaxxiex li Malta sa anke ġieli tkun minn ta’ quddiem fiddeċiżjonijiet li tieħu. Fost tal-aħħar fraħt meta Malta kienet minn tal-ewwel li daħħlet il-jeddijiet ċivili u anke bidlet il-liġi biex tati id-dritt lil dawk tal-istess stess li jistgħu jiżżewġu. Din xi ħaġa li fl-Awstralja tgħidx kemm ilna nittitubaw dwarha qabel forsi fi ftit tal-jiem oħra dan id-dritt jingħata wkoll (wieħed jittama) f’dan il-kontinent. Id-dispjaċir tiegħi hu li l-gvern abdika mir-responsabbilta` għal dan u poġġa d-deċiżjoni fuq spallejn iċ-ċittadin. Pereżempju għoġobni ferm il-mod kif Ivan Cauchi ittratta u ikkummenta dwar dan xi ftit tal-ħarġiet ilu. Fil-fatt, anke jekk ġieli kien hemm fejn ma qbiltx miegħu, imma jibqa’ l-fatt li Ivan għandu l-ħila jargumenta u jagħmlu tajjeb dawk il-qarrejja li jsegwu r-raġunar tiegħu, anke jekk f’ċerti waqtiet ma jaqblux. Anke l-mod kif The Voice ittrattajtu lkwestjoni taċ-ċittadinanza doppja fost ilparlamentari f’Awstralja kien ta’ min ifaħħru u l-kontribut minn Malta ta’ nies bħall-Onor Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici żied jagħti valur lil din ir-rivista. Interessanti ħafna wkoll meta jkollna lkummenti ta’ opinion writer internazzjonali bħal Gwynn Dyer. Jidher li dan hu intiż ferm f’dak li jgħid u l-mod mexxej u faċli kif ipoġġi l-argument ta’ min isegwih. Imma fuq kollox nogħxa naqra kif ta’ The Voice twasslu l-aħbarijiet u xi kummenti dwar dak li jiġri f’Malta. Anke jekk filverita` ġieli nkun segwejt l-istess aħbarijiet minn fuq l-Internet. Imma ngħid bla tlaqlieq li aktar jogħġobni l-mod kif jitwaslu minn The Voice għaliex jidher li jkun aktar veritier minn dak li naqra fuq xi portals tal-aħbarijiet ta’ Malta. Ta’ dan nagħtikom ħajr u nittama li tibqgħu żżommu dan l-istil.

Study suggests that artificial sweeteners raise risk of type 2 diabetes Tuesday October 24, 2017


study carried out by researchers at the University of Adelaide, in Australia and presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Lisbon, Portugal, found that artificial sweeteners, which many people with weight issues use as a substitute for sugar, might increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study was small and the detailed results have not yet been published, but experts said its findings fitted with previous research showing an association between artificial sweeteners and weight gain. Type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity and rates of the disease are soaring around the world. Its complications, if it is not controlled, can include blindness, heart attacks and strokes. In their study, the researchers wanted to investigate whether large amounts of no-calorie artificial sweeteners altered the ability of the body to control the levels of glucose in the blood. Some of the 27 healthy volunteers who were recruited for the study were given the equivalent of 1.5 litres of diet drink a day, in the form of capsules of two different sweeteners, sucralose and acesulfame K. They took the capsules three times a day for two weeks, before meals. The others in the study were given a placebo. Tests at the end of the two weeks showed that the body’s re-

WHO says Overweight, and obesity on the rise, tatistic issued S by the World Health Organisa-

tion (WHO) shows 41 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2016, while over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese. Once considered a high-income country problem, overweight and obesity are now on the rise in lowand middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. When it comes to adults ages 18 years and older, the report stats that in 2016, more than 1.9 billion were overweight. Of these over 650 million adults were obese. In 2016, 39% of adults aged 18 years and over (39% of men and 40% of women) were overweight. Overall, about 13% of the world's adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese in 2016. Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. Most of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. In Africa, the number of overweight children under 5 has increased by nearly 50 per cent since 2000. Nearly half of the children under 5 who were overweight or obese in 2016 lived in Asia. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents aged 5-19 has risen dramatically from just 4% in 1975 to just over 18% in 2016. The rise has occurred similarly among both boys and girls: in 2016 18% of girls and 19% of boys were overweight.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

sponse to glucose was impaired. The authors said that the study supports the concept that artificial sweeteners could reduce the body’s control of blood sugar levels and highlights the potential for exaggerated post-meal glucose levels in high habitual NAS (non-caloric artificial sweeteners) users, which could predispose them to develop type 2 diabetes.” Some experts said the findings were in line with previous research, while others said they did not support the conclusion that sweeteners could increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Dr Inês Cebola, from Imperial College London said that this study addresses a very important global human health issue, as artificial sweeteners are food additives commonly used not only by patients with diabetes but also by healthy individuals aiming to manage their sugar intake. She added: “Although generally thought as safe and even beneficial, artificial sweetener consumption has actually been previously associated with weight gain and development of glucose intolerance, which can lead to development of type 2 diabetes.”

10 The Voice of the Maltese



Tuesday October 24, 2017

A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.


’dieqa llum nirċievi telefonata li nfurmatni bil-qtil barbaru ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia, ġurnalista Maltija li kienet tispeċjalizza fil-kxif ta’ korruzzjoni allegata. Jidher li għamlet għedewwa sew, għax il-bomba li tpoġġiet mal-karozza tal-kiri li kienet qed issuq wara li telqet mid-dar tefgħet lill-karozza xi 50 metru ‘l bogħod minn fejn ħadet. Din l-istorja irriverberat madwar id-dinja, fejn issemmiet fuq l-ABC tal-Awstralja, u The Guardian. Mhux ta’ b’xejn, wara li kienet issemmiet mill-pubblikazzjoni Politico fost it-28 persuni li l-iktar li jiffurmaw, jheżżu u jħarrku lillEwropa.1 Xejn inqas minn persunaġġ ieħor involut kontroversjalment fil-kxif tal-korruzzjoni, Julian Assange, li għadu miżmum fl-Ambaxxata tal-Ekwador f’Londra, li joffri €20,000 għal tagħrif li jwassal għall-kxif ta’ min wettaq dan l-att. Kont ktibt dwar l-investigazzjoni tagħha fil-ħarġa numru Dan l-inċident tal-għajb jeħodni lura fi żmien ieħor, fit154 ta’ The Voice. Dakinhar, kienet qed tuża dokumenti tmeninijiet meta l-vjolenza politika kienet parti mill-istorja mill-imsejħa Panama Papers kif ukoll investigazzjonijiet tal-pajjiż. Din il-vjolenza kienet tinkludi swat, ħruq ta’ bini tagħha biex tallega korruzzjoni fl-ogħla livelli tal-gvern u anke qtil, inkluż notorjament fil-kwartieri ġenerali talLaburista, allegazzjoni li waslet sal-familja tal-kap pulizija. Laburista Joseph Muscat. Dik l-istorja għadha għaddejja. Bla dubju li dan l-att jirrifletti ikrah fuq il-pajjiż, u jkun Min dakinhar, Caruana Galizia kitbet bl-aħrax kontra l- tajjeb li l-poplu Malti jkun solidali u jappoġġja, b’mod kap il-ġdid Nazzjonalista, Adrian Delia, fosthom dwar il- mhux partiġġjan, lill-investigazzjoni li trid issir. ħbiberija kbira tiegħu u ta’ martu mat-tfajla ta’ persunaġġ Ma baqagħli xejn x’nikteb ħlief li nagħti l-kondoljanzi promisjub ħati ta’ offiżi ta’ droga,2 li bbenefika mill-prostituz- fondi tiegħi lill-familja Caruana Galizia. zjoni,3 u li għandu dejn personali kbir. Nitlob, għall-ġieħ ta’ Malta, li l-ġlieda kontra l-korruzzjoni Huwa ċar li Caruana Galizia kellha għedewwa fiż-żewġ ma tkun mittiefsa qatt. partiti kbar f’Malta, imma mhux biss. Min-naħa tiegħu, il-Prim Ministru Muscat jidher li qed Referenzi jieħu passi biex ma jiġix mixli li m’għamilx kull ma seta’ 1. l-investigazzjoni jkollha eżitu pożittiv, billi awtorizza son-dies-as-vehicle-goes-up-in-flames-in-Bidnija-6736180314, relill-pulizija jfittxu l-għajnuna tal-aġenzija FBI tal-Istati trieved 17/10/2017 2., 4 u esperti tal-forensika mill-Olanda. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni, ma qagħadx says-convicted-drug-dealers-girlfriend-one-closest-trusted-friendslura milli diġà jitfa’ parti mit-tort fuq il-Prim Ministru u l- ,drug-dealers-girlfriend-says-opposition-leaders-wife-close-friends-like/ retrieved 17/10/2017 gvern Laburista, fejn iddeskriva l-qtil bħala wieħed poli- 3. tiku. Jien jidhirli li stqarrija bħal din hija prematura. delia-to-sue-caruana-galizia-over-overseas-funds-claim.656364, reNaraw ‘il quddiem jekk l-investigazzjoni titfax xi dell ikrah trieved 17/10/2017 fuq persuni assoċjati mal-partit ta’ Delia. 4. qatt ma tkellimt ma’ Caruana Galizia. L-unika darba experts-have-been-contacted-for-assistance-Muscat-6736180317, reli niftakar li kont qrib tagħha kien meta poġġiet ħdejja waqt trieved 17/10/2017 xi konferenza f’Malta. Naturalment għaraftha, u bqajt sor- 5.ż bl-istatura fiżika żgħira tagħha. Tassew, bil-ħsieb jgħid news/Daphne-Caruana-Galizia-murder-Barbaric-attack-Muscat-politiil-Malti li l-essenza tinsab fil-fliexken iż-żgħar. cal-murder-Delia-6736180316, retrieved 17/10/2017

Att barbaru li wassal għal kundanna ta’ min irid joħnoq l-espressjoni ħielsa

l-qtil brutali tal-blogger/ġurnalista Iu rrabja Daphne Caruana Galizia xxokkja lil Malta kollha, imma

għall-inqas għaqqad lill-pajjiż, li b’mod ġenerali ikkundanna blakbar sinċerita` l-att krudili. Ħadd qatt ma basar li f’pajjiż fejn niftaħru u jfaħħruna li aħna poplu li jġib l-għira tal-barrani, għax ngħixu fi trankwillita` u li minkejja l-firda fil-politika, il-festi u l-futbol, be-

jnietna jsaltan sens ta’ ħbiberija seta’ jseħħ dak li seħħ. L-appelli ġenwini li saru mill-awtoritajiet biex tibqa’ tirrenja l-għaqda f’waqt bħal dan fejn ġie mfisser bħala theddida għall-espressjoni ħielsa minn xi ħadd li ma ħamilx dan il-ħelsien, għandhom jintlaqgħu. Anzi jkun għajb għal min jipprova jdaħħal xi feles bejn ilpoplu billi jażżarda joħloq xi mottiv

li s’issa mhemmx. Hu wkoll ta’ min jistmerr lil min jipprova jifred u bla provi jtih xi laqta politika biex forsi jieħu xi vantaġġ. Hu aktar xieraq li wieħed ikun solidali mal-familja tal-vittma u jittama li l-isforzi kbar daqs qatt qabel li qed isiru mill-awtoritajiet iwasslu biex jinqabad min wettaq dan l-att barbaru u li wara jieħu dak li ħaqqu bil-liġi. - L-editur

Tuesday October 24, 2017


The Voice of the Maltese 11

It-tmien laqgħa tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra

ħal jumejn sħaħ matul il-ġimgħa li - li jissaħħu r-relazzjonijiet politiċi u biex b'hekk inkomplu nsaħħu r-rabtiet tragħaddiet, il-kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ ekonomiċi mal-pajjiżi fejn hemm il- dizzjonali mal-ġenerazzjonijiet ġodda. Barra magħmul minn 15-il membru Maltin ltaqa’ fil-laqgħa li ssir f’Malta kull sena - l-inkoraġġiment tas-sehem tal-Maltin li Diskussa 32 tema taħt il-patroċinju tal-Ministru tal-Affarijiet jgħixu barra biex jiġu kkumplimentati l-isMatul il-laqgħa l-Kunsill iddiskuta 32 Barranin u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ, forzi favur il-promozzjoni ta’ Malta, b’mod Carmelo Abela. Hi t-tmien laqgħa u l- speċjali tal-faċilitajiet kummerċjali u tan- tema li tolqot fost l-oħrajn: it-tagħlim talilsien Malti u l-istorja ewwel waħda li ġiet tal-emigrazzjo-ni, itipprejeduta mill-Mitixrid tal-kul- tura nistru Abela li ġie Maltija, l-effett talmaħtur fil-kariga liġijiet dwar il-propwara l-elezzjoni ta’ jeta u t-taxxi fuq Ġunju li għadda. id-diaspora, iċ-ċittadFl-ewwel jum, waqt inanza Maltija u dik li inawgura l-ftuħ taldoppja, il-votazzjoni laqgħa, il-Ministru mill-bogħod għallAbela, iċ-Ċerpersin Parlament u wkoll ex officio tal-Kunsill, dik tal-Parlament talta merħba lill-memUnjoni Ewropeja. bri tal-kumitat u Fost temi oħra lf’diskors tal-ftuħ qal Kunsill iddiskuta, itli aktar kemm jgħaddi ż-żmien, f’laqgħat bħal dawn wieħed ikollu jagħraf li rrealtajiet jinbidlu. Il-Ministru semma li fl-aħħar snin għadd ta’ Maltin qed imorru barra minn Malta għal raġunijiet differenti minn ta’ qabel, u f’postijiet differenti wkoll, tant li huma aktar minn miljun ruħ il-Maltin ta’ diversi ġenerazzjonijiet li jgħixu barra minn Malta. Allura ħeġġeġ, li fid-dawl taċċirkustanzi ġodda li żviluppaw matul is-snin, il-Kunsill għandu jkun orjentat lejn il-futur. Dan billi jkun aktar konxju talħtiġijiet u l-aspirazzjonijiet talRitratt ta’ tifkira tal-membri tal-Kunsill tal-Maltin ta’ Barra Maltin, tad-diaspora tal-lum u flimkien mal-Ministru Carmelo Abela Ritratti: John Pisani - MFTP wkoll ta’ għada. Imbagħad daħal fid-dettal biex spjega l- negozju tagħha, fil-pajjiżi rispettivi fejn twaqqif ta’ reġistri ta’ organizzazzjonijiet, u prinċipji gwida tal-politika barranija ta’ jgħixu l-Maltin ta’ persuni prominenti Maltin li jgħixu barra Malta. Qal li l-ministeru tiegħu identifika - u l-iffaċilitar tax-xogħol u l-attivitajiet minn Malta, servizzi bankarji għall-komuseba’ oqsma ta’ importanza għall-politika tal-Kunsill għall-Maltin li jgħixu barra. nita`, fondi tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, twaqqif ta’ Il-Ministru qal li l-impenn tal-gvern stazzjon tar-radju u websajt, road map għallbarranija, u fosthom jisħaq dwar l-għarfien tal-importanza u r-relevanza tal-Maltin li qiegħed hemm, u li dan hu wkoll rifless fil- Kunsill, l-innu Malti, faċilitajiet għall-Maltin programm elettorali tiegħu. jgħixu barra. ta’ barra li jżuru Malta, u bdil ta’ talenti fidHuwa temm jgħid: “Insemmi biss ħaga diversi oqsma bejn Maltin li jgħixu Malta u Huwa elenka erba’ oqsma ewlenin: - il-garanzija ta’ konsultazzjoni regolari u waħda mill-programm elettorali, dik li dawk li jgħixu barra. nwessgħu u nsaħħu l-konsultazzjoni maleqreb mal-Maltin li jgħixu barra Il-Kunsill, imwaqqaf bl-Att XX tal-2011, komunita- b’rappreżentanti tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra Il-Ministru Carmelo Abela jmexxi d-diskussjoni jiet Maltin flimkien ma’ persuni oħrajn għandu l-għan waqt waħda mis-sessjonijiet barra minn li jħares u jippromwovi d-drittijiet u l-inMalta per- teressi tal-Maltin ta’ barra minn Malta. mezz talGħalkemm jiltaqa’ biss darba fis-sena K u n s i l l f’Malta, matul is-sena il-Kunsill xorta g ħ a l l - jibqa’ għaddej bil-ħidma tiegħu permezz Maltin li ta’ diskussjonijiet li jsiru permezz talJ g ħ i x u mezzi ta’ kommunikazzjoni u b’konsultazBarra minn zjoni mal-kommunitajiet ta’ Maltin li Malta, u li jinsabu mferrxa ma l-erbat irjieħ tad-dinja. naraw li Fil-laqgħat f’Malta jsiru diskussjonijiet f’dawn il- dwar proposti u rakkomandazzjonijiet, u konsultaz- jittieħdu deċiżjonijiet li jservu bħala bażi z j o n i j i e t biex fuqhom id-Direttorat għall-Maltin li n i n v o l v u Jgħixu Barra jaħdem mad-diversi minisiżjed liż- teri, dipartimenti u aġenziji tal-Gvern inżgħażagħ u voluti ħalli jitwettqu x-xewqat lit-tfal tal- tad-Diaspora Maltija u hekk jintlaħqu lemigranti, għanijiet li għalih ġie mwaqqaf il-Kunsill.

Bżonn li jissaħħu r-rabtiet mal-Maltin ta’ barra u wkoll il-ġenerazzjonijiet ġodda

12 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday October 24, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

n this day and age when social media seems to have taken over our lives, the horrific news of the killing of blogger/journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta spread like wildfire and for many readers of this magazine, there might be nothing new in the

following articles. However, we at The Voice still believe that it is our duty to update you on the current events, in some ways perhaps from a different point of view to that expressed by media outlets, some of whom might have their own agenda to follow.

Brutal killing of blogger/journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in car blast


alta is still in deep shock after that everyone should let justice to take its the killing perpetrated by a crim- course in the best interest of the family and inal act that resulted in the brutal Malta’s democracy.” killing of 53-year-old blogger and journalNationalist Party leader Adrian Delia, ist Daphne Caruana Galizia by the use of tweeted, "we shall not be silenced". a powerful explosive device that blew the That same evening Parliament had been vehicle she was driving into several pieces scheduled to hear the Opposition leader and sending the vehicle’s wreckage spiral- deliver his reaction to the 2018 Budget, ing over a wall and into a field about 50 but this was suspended to make way for a metres away. It Forensic experts searching for clues in occurred minutes a field after the car bomb. Inset: the after she left her late Daphne Caruana Galizia residence at Bidnija, limites of Targa Gap. While the general public expressed their disbelief, shock and outrage that a journalist could be murdered in such a way, most probably in order to silence her, public figures, politicians on both sides of the political divide and the public in general condemREUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi ned the barbaric attack against a member of the press, on special sitting in order for the Prime Minwhat could become known as Black Mon- ister and the Opposition leader to deliver day October 16. short messages about the tragic event earIn an immediate response to the killing, lier in the day. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat described The Prime Minister expressed shock at it as a “spiteful attack on a citizen and the murder and said he instructed invesfreedom of expression.” He said he would tigative authorities that resources and not rest until justice is done, that he would budgets should not be a concern in their leave no stone unturned for justice to be bid to get to the bottom of the murder. At done, and that the country deserves jus- the same time, he said he did not want to tice. respond to the Opposition leader’s “politMeanwhile, while expressing shock at ical comments” made earlier at a press the murder, in a statement, President conference, as this was a time for the Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, called for country to show it was much better than calm and appealed for everyone to con- this. sider well one’s reaction. “In these moMuscat also announced that he had asked ments, when the country is shocked by police to reach out to other countries’ sesuch a vicious attack, I call on everyone to curity services for help to identify the permeasure their words, to not pass judgment petrators. He also sought the help of the and to show solidarity with the husband US government and invited agents from and Caruana Galizia’s children.” the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Saying that this was a moment in which to Malta to help in the investigation to everyone lost, she added, “Decency entails, help boost Maltese resources and bring

with them expertise that was wide-ranging. The FBI agents arrived in Malta on the morrow to join other experts from The Netherlands who had arrived earlier. “What happened is unacceptable at all levels and cannot be excused… I stand here today as a Prime Minister of a hurt country. I was a favourite target of Daphne Caruana Galizia but this act is not excusable in any way. It is in everybody’s interest to have this murder solved,” the Prime Minister said. He also invited the Opposition leader to a meeting at the end of that sitting in order to reach consensus on a way forward so the investigation could be conducted in such a way that it would enjoy everybody’s trust. He added he believed common sense could prevail and government and Opposition should find the methods and mechanisms to ensure that no doubts are cast on the investigation even if this entailed appointing an independent inquiry by people who enjoy national trust. In turn, Dr Delia’s address was described by observers as being controversially political. He laid blame for the murder on what he termed as the collapse of rule of law, which he said has been going on for the past four years. He asked the Prime Minister to shoulder political responsibility and insisted in describing it as a “political murder”, while also reiterating his PN leadership campaign message that people were not living in a normal country. *Continued on page 13

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta Government offers €1 million PM committed reward for information to solving crime leading to finding the killer


*from page 12

n its determination to bring those responsible for the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia to justice, the Government has taken the unprecedented step of offering a €1 million reward to anybody who can come forward to give the Police information leading to the identification of the killer. The government is fully committed to solving the heinous crime. It recognises that this is a case of extraordinary importance and therefore requires extraordinary measures in order for justice to be done, whatever the cost. In a statement the government stated that whoever comes forward with information would be offered full protection when testifying under oath in front of an Inquiring Magistrate, and in all subsequent stages of the criminal procedures. It said that any information can also be passed to the Police confidentially, and the person doing it would still be eligible for the reward, as long as the information is corroborated with other independent evidence that would lead to the identification of the person or persons who committed this act. It will not be the Government to decide whether the information or testimony is sufficient, credible or complete. Instead, the point of reference will be the Magisterial Inquiry Report that is an act of the independent judicial authority. Among the conditions set for this offer, whoever is willing to come forward with information can phone a particular number (22942008) or do so through an email The Government has stated that that one may also make use of the Whistleblower’s Act and other ancillary amendments that were passed during the previous legislature by anyone who, despite his or her involvement, intends to collaborate with the Police in order to identify the culprit. Conditions of the reward The Government is offering the €1 million reward to any person or persons who provide the Police with concrete information which could lead to the identification of those responsible for the homicide of Daphne Caruana Galizia – whether murderer or accomplice – that occurred on October 16. This offer is made with the condition that whomever provides information will have to tell the truth and the whole truth, testifying under oath about everything they know about this homicide in front of the Inquiring Magistrate and during all the stages of the criminal procedures. A person with information about the homicide, who is not willing to testify in order to keep their identity confidential, may pass the information to the Police and still qualify for the reward. However, for this to happen, it must result from the report of the Magisterial Inquiry that the information has concretely and factually led to the identification of those who should respond to the accusation about the homicide, and that this information can be confirmed to be genuine on the basis of other independent proof. The payment of the reward would be based solely on whether the report of the Magisterial Inquiry states that the testimony, or the information given, was credible and led to the identification of those who have to respond to the accusation about the homicide.


s expected, the murder of Daph-ne Caruana Galizia, described as one of the most controversial journalists on the island, has been dominating Malta's media ever since, particularly on the following day when the brutal killing was featured on the front pages of every newspaper. In its banner headline, The Times of Malta called it a: Black Monday. On its front page Malta Independent titled: Daphne murdered, saying that the murder was an Attack on democracy and freedom of expression. In its main head-

Before adjourning, Speaker Anglu Farrugia also expressed his condolences. Many others turned to social media sites to express their shock and grief, so too a number of foreign politicians with European Parliament president Antonio Tajani saying that the brutal murder was a tragic example of a journalist who sacrificed her life to seek out the truth. He said, “She won’t be forgotten”. The act was also described as a threat to journalism, democracy and freedom of expression. In this sad moment, Bishop Charles Scicluna appealed “for a unified resolve to promote true democracy.” The Institute for Maltese Journalists said in a statement that the killing was a shocking case for journalists, directly impacting the right to freedom of expression. It expressed solidarity with the victim’s family, and appealed to the Police to do all it that is possible to find those culpable for this serious crime. It went on to describe it as an ugly day for democracy and affirmed the determination of journalists worthy of their name, not to let this tragedy undermine their will and instead to keep upholding their duty to society and report without fear or favour all that is in the public interest and to society.” Later in the evening the first of a number of candlelight vigils was held in Sliema in memory of Caruana Galizia and in solidarity with her family. It was also attended by several public figures and politicians from the political parties. Although many who had been targeted by her comments on her blog were among her harshest critics, they too expressed their anger and shock for her brutal murder. They could not accept the fact that anyone has the right to murder anyone just because he would not agree with one’s comments. A very strong appeal was also made for people not to jump to conclusions, even though PN politicians immediately began to describe it as a political murder. *Continued on page 14

Malta in outrage

ing l-orizzont focussed on the commitment by the priime minister not to rest until justice is done. The PN official newspaper In-Nazzjon was the only one to commit itself to a motiv, calling it a “Political murder”. “They killed Daphne Caruana Galizia,” it said.

14 The Voice of the Maltese


Roundup of News About Malta Who was Daphne?

ince the start of her career in 1987, opinion writer and blogger, Daphne Garuana Galizia targeted most of her criticism at the Labour Party. No Labour Party leader from Dom Mintoff to Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, Alfred Sant and Joseph Muscat and his family had managed to escape her arrows. Her allegations early in the year even led to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat calling a snap election, which he won by a massive majority. During the years, and particularly in the last four of the Labour government, libel suits were filed against her for a number of allegations. Some of them she was still facing before her tragic death. For the second general election running, opinion writers close to the PN partly blamed Caruana Galizia for the defeat, some claiming that she was allowed to set their political agenda. As a result of the PL’s landslide victory PN leader Simon Busuttil resigned opening the way for somebody else to take over. Four candidates, that included Dr Adrian Delia, put their names forward and the stage was set for three months of “not so clean” campaigning in the race for the leadership, which Delia won. During the campaign, and since his victory a month ago, Delia never managed to win the blogger DCG over to his side. In fact she was very critical of him. She even made “damaging allegations” against him and in one week in late August he filed four libel suits against her for linking him to a prostitution racket in London. She kept up her criticism of him and his close friends whom she used to describe as “members of Adrian Delia’s rabble. Then on September 3 she wrote that she had been getting treats from them. “Messages from them saying – with no punctuation except a lot of exclamation marks at the end – that I’m finished, RIP, take a

Murder discussed in Parliament/from page 13


Tuesday October 24, 2017

he next two days instead of discussing the Budget as scheduled, first the Leader of the Opposition, and then the Prime Minister took the sessions to talk about the murder. PN Leader Adrian Delia blamed the murder on the Prime Minister, the Police, and the Attorney Ge-neral, and called for them all to resign. In turn, Joseph Muscat refrained from being political. He instead expressed his and the nation’s resolve to solve the murder. Besides inviting investigators from The Netherlands and the FBI to help the local investigators, he said the government was considering offering a monetary reward for information leading to solving the heinous crime and bring the killer to justice. (See lead article on page 13

cyanide pill, and other remarks involving body parts which I have long been accustomed to from Labour supporters.” She went on to say: “My stock response, where I bother, is: I have been writing for three decades and have out-survived five Prime Ministers and Opposition leaders. There is nobody in parliament today who was there when I began writing. I have outsurvived the lot of them. “There were people telling me a lot worse in 1990 than they are now. Then, there was no Facebook, so they wrote to the editor instead. Almost every edition of The Sunday Times carried a page of letters from outraged citizens telling me where to shove my opinions... Many of those people are now dead through natural causes, as are my worst and most vicious enemies in the political class”. After explaining how popular her blog was by mentioning view-figures as to the number of hits - 321 million views since she began, she added, “It takes a very particular skill-set. Of course, the politicians have helped, because in 30 years the Labour Party has not stopped obsessing about me and mentioning my name in vain, and now I have additional publicity from Adrian Delia and his rabble, who incidentally include people of all social classes, but still rabble because they don’t think rationally.” “This irrational thinking manifests itself in the belief that I can somehow be controlled by anyone or any-

thing. The fact of the matter is that I set up this website for precisely the opposite reason: to be free of any form of control or interference.

“Adrian Delia and his friends in the Labour Party/PLPN need to note that I am not going anywhere until I decide to do so of my own volition for my own personal and private reasons, which is not on the horizon any time soon”. She wrapped up the article saying, “I promise to continue providing you with the oasis of sanity you want and need, as long as I am able to do so. And remember always that more and more people who are in the wrong do not become right by sheer force of numbers. “We live among people for whom politics is not about political ideology but about winning, as with football. “The price paid for living in a very unsophisticated society is a high one. Younger people may decide it’s not worth it, and we can’t blame them. They have many options and they don’t have to live in a place where the fate of the nation is decided in parliament by football fans and the corrupt. Meanwhile, after DCG’s murder, the Nationalist Party leader Adrian Delia said he has now dropped all libel cases he had instituted against her during his PN Leadership election campaign.

THE PEN CONQUERS FEAR ollowing last Monday’s murder, on journalists’ efforts in the quest for truth. F Sunday the local media in Malta joined On Sunday afternoon, thousands of people, forces in a united message in favour of including representatives of political parties

freedom of expression and press freedom. Every newspaper published on its front page the banner headline: The Pen ConCon-

It was a strong message of determination that no one and nothing would stop or silence the

turned up in Valletta for a ‘national demonstration for justice’ (above) organised by the Civil Society Network. In the end many expressed their disappointment that some of the “organisers” turned it into a partisan protest.

n its investigation, Police officials working closely with the Dutch forensic experts and FBI investigators in sharing information collected from different sources, have sought information by speaking to some people. However, although the motive behind the murder has not yet been established, as it is much too early to determine it, people close to the investigators have been reported saying

that they are harbouring suspicions that the murder could have been commissioned as revenge for her writings, and that foreigners could also been involved. As such, the police have also been investigating several articles she has published and others she has been working on about persons that could threaten their financial gains from illegal activities.

quers Fear, (Il-Pinna Tirbaħ lill-Biża`). lill-Biża`)

Foreigners ‘could be involved’ in DCG’s murder


Tuesday October 24, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 15

X’aktarx għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja...


Baġit bla taxxi

a’ kull sena qrib lejn tmiem is-sena, Il-Gvern Kif imwiegħed fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice, u minħabba li l-Ministru tal-ġurnata jħabbar l-estimi, għalkemm in- tal-Finanzi l-Profs Edward Scicluna ippreżentah kif konna lestejna nies terreferi għalih bħala l-Baġit, għas-sena l-ħarġa ta’ qabel din, illum se nikkumenta ftit dwar il-baġit għall-2018 li tkun ġejja. Din id-darba, minħabba r-regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, dan il-Baġit tħabbar ftit jiem qabel is-soltu. Għalkemm daż-żmien l-istennija għallqari tal-estimi naqset xi ftit, xorta waħda dak li jkun, jekk ma jismax id-diskors talMinistru tal-Finanzi minħabba t-tul tiegħu (tad-diskors mhux tal-Ministru), jipprova aġenda moħbija, u kultant mhux daqshekk be enough to change behaviour. jisma’ jew jara l-aħbarijiet fuq il-mezzi moħbija, tagħhom |One can only hope Adrian Delia will Dawn bħal dejjem għamlu l-emfasi dwar prove he has the mettle as the new Leader tax-xandir, fil-ġurnali, u forsi llum aktar minn qatt qabel, permezz tal-Internet biex il-partijiet tal-istqarrijiet tal-unjins, għaq- of the Opposition to be that naysayer, cajara kif ikun intlaqat. Fil-maġġoranza l- diet ta’ min iħaddem, eċċ, li jaqbel lilhom. joling and criticising to ensure that the aktar li jfittxu hu kif ikunu se jintlaqtu per- Allura tispiċċa biex meta taqra ġurnal issib economic boom will leave Malta a better li ċerta unjon Allajaf kemm faħħret il- place for all. But he too has some hard and mezz tal-miżuri li jkun se jieħu l-Gvern. Għal żmien twil il-mistoqsija kienet tkun: baġit, u tmur fuq ġurnal ieħor u issib li l- urgent decisions to make.” x’se jtini l-Gvern u x’se jeħodli biex im- istess unjon sabet difetti fih. L-Editur tal-Malta Independent fetaħ lBiss se nislet xi kummenti mill-editorjali editorjal tiegħu bit-titlu: Budget 2018 - Bebagħad nara hux se mmur minn fuq jew ta’ ġurnali li mhumiex direttament ta’ xi yond the no revenue measures increase, minn taħt? Saħansitra l-poplu kien dara l-istrateġija partit politiku, għalkemm dawn ukoll billi semma’ dak li ktibt aktar ‘il fuq jien tad-diversi Gvernijiet, li fl-ewwel sentejn għandhom l-aġenda tagħhom. (mhux qed ngħid li kkupjani jew li kkupL-Editur ta’ The Times taħt it-titlu jajtu) meta jiġi l-baġit, x’aktarx jiġbdu lejhom, u fis-sentejn ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni jagħmlu “Tweaks but no hard decisions” stqarr li “We usually measure the annual Budget xi ftit traxxix, dejjem skont ma jiflaħ il- fis-sitwazzjoni ekonomika tal-pajjiż kien Speech by calculating what’s in it for us. karus tal-Gvern li jkun If that is the case, this hemm. Budget is a good Budget Biss did-darba dan iċon all sides. No revenue ċiklu twaqqaf, għax measures have been inx’aktarx li għall-ewwel creased, not even those darba fl-istorja l-Gvern items on which succesta biss u għamel baġit sive Finance Ministers fejn ma żied l-ebda rely year after year to taxxa, la diretta u langet some revenue in, like qas indiretta. Lanqas the price of cigarettes, m’għamel xi żieda firwhisky or alcohol in rati tat-taxxi li kien general. hemm qabel (u dawk li “This is all the more ħasbu biex jaħżnu lremarkable in that it has pakketti tas-sigaretti u long been the practice xi fliexken tax-xorb – for the first Budget after prodotti li t-taxxa an election to carry with fuqhom kienet tiżdied it tax or revenue inkważi ta’ kull sena, creases to make up for mar żmerċ). the usual pre-election profligacy.” Il-Gvern seta’ jagħWara li kkumenta dwar mel dan għax għallid-deversi miżuri li ewwel darba f’ħafna snin spiċċa s-sena finanzjarja bi qliegħ - faċli għall-Gvern li jroxx il-bżar, il-pro- wiegħed dan il-Baġit temm l-editorjal il-famuż surplus – u allura kien jiflaħ lema hi jekk ‘il quddiem ikunx meħtieġ, hekk: “This is thus a Budget of continuity, a forgħaż-żidiet li se jagħti f’dan il-Baġit. minħabba ekonomija inqas soda, li l-miżuri li ħa jiġu rtirati. Filwaqt li kkritika l- ward-looking and an upward-looking Ir-Reazzjoni fatt li ma tnaqqsux il-kontjiet tal-ilma u Budget, a Budget that builds on an economy d-dawl, u li l-Baġit ma tkellimx dwar il- that is doing well, that has moved from a ’ghandux jonqos li r-reazzjoni ġenerali kienet pożittiva għall-aħħar. leave tal-jiem pubbliċi eċċ, temm l-editor- deficit situation to a surplus situation. No doubt, in future months, holes will be Imma għall-Oppożizzjoni dan il-Baġit jal tiegħu hekk: “No one wants to listen to predictions of picked out in the Budget or measures that kien wieħed ta’ bla pjan għall-futur, u doom when the sun is shining but eco- carry a lot of promise will be found to wieħed li jista’ ma jkunx sostenibbli. nomic cycles are almost inevitable and the have delivered less than they promised. Jekk niġu għall-unjons, għaqdiet ta’ min But seeing that previous Budgets had the iħaddem eċċ, żgur li mhux se noqgħod Finance Minister cannot put off some hard success they had, one is reasonably sure nikkwota x’qalu dawn kif irrapportat fil- decisions – on waste management, traffic, this one too will continue to contribute to ġurnali Maltin. Għax il-mod kif dawn environment degradation, overdevelop- further growth in the economy.” laqgħu l–baġit ivarja minn ġurnal għall- ment, inequality in wealth distribution – ieħor, sintendi għax dawn għandhom l- indefinitely. Polite tweaks will not always *Ikompli f’paġna 14


16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Miżuri li wasslu biex tissaħħaħ l-ekonomija

*minn paġma 12 Probabbli li dan l-editorjal ħalla impressjoni fuq dawk li jappoġġjaw lill-Partit Laburista, meta l-paritarji Laburisti jqisu lil dan il-ġurnal li ftit li xejn iħares b’lenti sabiħa lejn il-Gvern. It-titlu magħżul mill-Editur tal-Malta Today: Edward Scicluna’s strategy pays off ifisser kif l-istrateġija ekonomika wzata mill-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna tat riżultati tajbin billi l-Gvern spiċċa kellu surplus, xi ħaġa li gvernijiet kemm lokali kif ukoll barranin rari jirnexxielhom jiksbu. Dan irnexxielu jagħmlu bid-diversi miżuri li ħa matul l-erba’ snin li għaddew... miżuri li wasslu biex l-ekonomija ssaħħet, u l-impjiegi żdiedu tant li qed nimportaw għadd kbir ta’ ħaddiema barranin (skont laħħar figuri madwar 40,000). Din l-istrateġija tant ħadmet li din is-sena wkoll mistenni surplus u qed jiġi mbassar li listess se jseħħ fl-2018. Wara li jikkumenta dwar id-diversi miżuri li ttieħdu fil-Baġit jagħmel il-mistoqsija jekk dawn il-miżuri attwalment jilħqux l-aspettativi tal-poplu, l-aktar meta wieħed jieħu inkunsiderazzjoni l-kritika li saret kemm-il darba lill-Gvern li l-ġid li qed jinħoloq fil-pajjiż mhux qed jasal għand kulħadd u b’dawk li stanew ikomplu jistanew u min hu batut jibqa’ batut. L-editur ittemm il-kitba tiegħu hekk: “While Budget 2018 has an overall positive outlook and may represent an early Christmas, it does not splash out unnecessarily. It is evident that Scicluna wants to stay the course and maintain a general surplus over the medium term. “It would have been better had the surplus also been maintained in government’s ordinary income and expenditure.

Qtil barbaru!

L-Ewwel faċċati: Sintendi l-għada tad-diskors tal-Estimi, il-ġurnali ddedikaw l-ewwel faċċati tagħhom lil dan l-avveniment.


umment qasir dwar il-qtil tal-ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia fis-16 ta’ Ottubru. Hawn min qed isostni li dan kien qtil politiku... xi ħaġa li għad irridu naraw. Jekk inhu hekk hija ħasra li hawn nies li m’humiex jaslu bl-argumenti bilkliem jew bil-kitba, iżda jaslu għal atti barbari li jħammru wiċċ il-poplu Malti u jagħtuna fama ħażina ma’ pajjiżi barranin. Dan hu att kundanabbli għax tista’ ma taqbilx ma’ dak li jkun, iżda ma jfissirx li biex wieħed tgħaddi tiegħu u biex mingħalih jirbaħ l-argument hu jew isodd ħalq ħaddieħor jasal għal din l-estrimita’. Hija ħasra wkoll li għandna min diġa` ddeċieda li dan huwa qtil politiku għassempliċi raġuni li din l-artikolista kienet magħrufa għall-kritika tagħha lejn il-Partit Laburista u l-mexxej tiegħu, għalkemm flaħħar erba’ xhur ikkritikat bl-aħrax lillmexxej ġdid Nazzjonalista, Adrian Delia u għamlet għadd ta’ allegazzjonijiet xejn sbieħ kontrih. Biss fil-mira ta’ Caruana Galizia kien

Maltese nurses in Australia invited to international conference in Malta

n 2018, Malta would be hosting a most prestigious international conference Inursing in the world nursing and nurse education with the topic being, ‘Nursing and education from vision to action in a world in motion’. It would be held February 21-23 on the campus of the University of Malta. The opportunity is being extended to nurses of a Maltese connection in Australia. In fact, if there is a sizeable number of such nurses (with a Maltese connection) interested in attending, a social-cultural re Malta's and the Maltese heritage and tradition programme for their specific interest would be organised. The deadline of students/nurses interested in subscribing is on November 15. Submissions should be made on this link:

hemm nies oħra li m’għandhom x’jaqsmu xejn mal-politika. Għalhekk f’dan il-mument hekk delikat, wieħed jikkundanna wkoll lil min jipponta’ subgħajh, lejn xi ħadd, donnu hawn min li diġa` temm l-investigazzjonijiet tiegħu u sab il-ħati/ħatjin. (aktar dwar dan fil-pagni 12 u 13)

Enigma! U

indirettament marbut ma‘ dan il-qtil (dan għax dak li se nikteb intqal filParlament waqt id-diskorsi dwar il-qtil ta’ Caruana Galizia) hemm dak li stqarret iddeputata tal-Partit Demokratiku Marlene Farrugia meta fid-diskors mqanqal tagħha dwar il-qtil kkritikat bl-aħrax lll-Gvern Laburista u qalet li ħadd ma joqtol lil ħadd għalxejn. Żiedet tgħid li Illum għandna prova li dak li l-għan tagħhom hu li jnaqqru ddemokrazija fil-pajjiż, ma daqqitilhomx li Daphne tibqa’ ħajja. Qalet li Daphne nqatlet meta għandek in-naħa tal-gvern kontriha imma għandek ukoll ħafna minn nies li kienu fehmu l-messaġġ tagħha u nqatlek meta kienet l-inqas popolari fil-pajjiż. Appellat lill-Prim Ministru biex issir investigazzjoni serja. Xi ħaġa li l-Prim Ministru kien diġa’ wiegħed b’ċerta konvinzjoni fid-diskors tiegħu. Imma mbagħad lejn tmiem id-diskors tagħha staqsiet: “X’se nagħmlu aħna li la għandna fiduċja fil-Prim Ministru u lanqas fil-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni?” Għadni qed nipprova nifhem kif din ilmara għadha tagħmel parti minn koalizzjoni li ma għandhix fiduċja fil-mexxej tal-partit maġġur tal-istess koalizzjoni.

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Changes to rent laws in Victoria


andlords in Victoria will find it harder to increase rent or kick out tenants under contentious new reforms designed to make renting fairer. With more than one in four Victorians now renting a home, the Andrews government has unveiled a raft of changes giving tenants more rights while cracking down on unscrupulous landlords. Under the plan, agents will be required to advertise properties using a single price – rather than a range – and landlords will be restricted to increasing rent once every

year instead of every six months. They will also need a reason to end a tenancy – with the government scrapping the 120-day “no specified reason” notice to vacate – and will not be allowed to unreasonably refuse a tenants' request to keep pets or make minor modi-

Inquiry into family law system


wide-ranging inquiry into the strained family law system is being launched this month – the first since the Federal Government passed legislation establishing a national Family Court in 1976. The review has already been greeted with cautious optimism from those on the frontline of helping Australia's victims of family vi-

olence, but Federal Labor is warning there is a need for urgent action. The family law system has been criticised for being painstakingly slow and prohibitively expensive, putting undue pressure on those hoping the Family Court and its other services can resolve some of the most emotional legal disputes.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

fications, such as installing air conditioning or picture hooks. Consumer Affairs Minister Marlene Kairouz said, “More people are renting than ever before and for longer – that's why tenants need a fairer deal.” The changes come after a lengthy review of the Residential Tenancies Act but are likely to prove controversial because they swing so heavily in favour of tenants. While welfare groups and renters have welcomed a fairer deal, the Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) has warned that many of the reforms would unfairly penalise “mum and dad” investors who make up the bulk of landlords.

Changes to citizenship laws sunk in Senate he Australian government's planned T changes to citizenship eligibility laws have been torpedoed in the Senate. Draft

laws, which include extending the waiting time for permanent residents to apply for citizenship, tougher English language tests and extra powers for the minister, were listed among legislation to be debated. The legislation was struck out by default. Greens senator Nick McKim said it was a major win for people whose lives were

Z Minister Peter Dutton ...“he was humiliated” on citizenship laws

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put on hold when the government announced the changes in April. “Peter Dutton, the Immigration Minister has been humiliated by the Senate. He didn't even have the courage of his convictions to bring the bill on for debate. It's an indication of cowardice and lack of conviction from Peter Dutton.” The government attempted a last-ditch attempt at saving the legislation with an amendment that changed the level of English competency for citizenship applicants from “competent” to “modest”. But the alteration couldn't garner the support of the Nick Xenophon Team, which was vital; Labor and the Greens also opposed. When debate did not get underway by Wednesday evening, legislation was removed from the Senate notice paper, requiring the government to win a motion to restore it at a later stage. Labor leader Bill Shorten said the proposed citizenship changes were patently unfair and ridiculous. He suggested the government go back to the drawing board. Mr Shorten said the proposed requirement for university-level English competency - which the government has since agreed to water down - appalled working and middle-class migrants who had been in Australia for decades.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Australia elected to Human Rights Council E

nding a two-year campaign, Australia has been elected together with 15 nations to the Human Rights Council, and as of January 1 next year will start serving a three-year term on the body responsible for protecting human rights around the world. Others to be elected to the body include

Angola, Congo, Senegal, Slovakia, Ukraine, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Spain; Nigeria and Qatar won second terms. Ahead of its election, Australia was criticised in a report over its human rights

Multifaith representatives and the assisted dying legislation


ultifaith representatives gathered on the steps of the Victorian Parliament (above) to deliver a joint statement rejecting the state's Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill. The multifaith statement was delivered to Victorian Deputy Premier James Merlino. It was signed by Sheikh Isse Abdo Musse (president, board of Imams Victoria), Phra Khru Kampee-panya-withet (abbot, Melbourne Thai Buddhist Temple), Makarand Bhagwat (Victorian director, Hindu Council of Australia), Rabbi Daniel Rabin (president, Rabbinical Council of Victoria), Jasbir Singh Suropada (chairman, Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria) and Anglican Bishop Peter Danaher (president, Victorian Council of Churches). Kawalpreet Singh, from the Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria, stood next to Mr Merlino as he read the statement, before the faith representatives each said their names in support of the shared announcement. Asking parliament to reject the proposed assisted dying legislation, the statement highlighted the shared beliefs of the religious leaders. “We are of different faiths but, in our diverse communities, we believe in compassion,” read Mr Singh. “Compassion is best addressed to the alleviation of suffering and the care for life, which our traditions deem precious. We are concerned that de-

liberate interventions to end life tear at the fabric of our society. “We urge, for the good of the entire community, that the government extend access to palliative care to all Victorians who need it.” Mr Merlino, who has publicly expressed his opposition to the bill, commended the solidarity of the Multifaith gathering and said it was important to consider their perspective.

record in dealing w i t h refugees and Aboriginal peoples. Hugh de K r e s t e r, the executive director of the Australianbased Human Rights Law Centre said, “Australia owes those people obligations." But what was long seen as a three-legged race between Australia, France, and Spain for two available places began to look like an assured election for Australia following the withdrawal of France earlier this year. While Congo was elected uncontested to the 47-member Geneva-based council, it was criticised by Britain and the United States. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, who has called for the Human Rights Council votes to be competitive, said Congo's election harmed the credibility of the body. “Countries that aggressively violate human rights at home should not be in a position to guard the human rights of others," Ms Haley said in a statement. The US is reviewing its membership in the council. It is in the first year of a second term, but US President Donald Trump's administration has called for reforms to eliminate what it called its “chronic anti-Israel bias”.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Some Facts about Australian animals


Proġett ta’ Mark Caruana mogħti lill-Mużew tal-Emigrazzjoni f’Malta


-ewwel parti mill-proġett mibdi mill-istoriku Mark Caruana bl-appoġġ talMaltese Community Council ta’ NSW, fejn qed tiġi rrekordjata viżwalment l-istorja tal-emigranti Maltin fl-Awstralja ġiet mogħtija lill-Mużew tal-Emigrazzjoni f'Dar l-Emigrant fil-kapitali Maltija,Valletta. Fuq: Lawrence Dimech f'isem il-Kunsill Malti jidher jippreżenta l-ewwel sett ta' cds li gew irrekordjati fiċ-Ċentru Malti ta' Parramatta West, lid-Direttur talKummissjoni Emigranti Mons Alfred Vella. Il-proġett qed ikompli jsaħħaħ l-arkivji li jinsabu f'dan il-mużew li jirrekordjaw b'ħafna dettalji l-emigrazzjoni minn Malta u l-effetti tagħha fuq il-ħajja Maltija.

id you know that, there are three times as many sheep than people living in Australia. *The Australian Emu – a large, flightless bird – can run as fast as 45km/h (28mph). *Platypus are highly poisonous, and have enough poison to kill a dog or make a human seriously ill. *Wombat poo is shaped like a cube! *The Box Jellyfish – which is found in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef – is responsible for more deaths than snakes, sharks and saltwater crocodiles combined. *The Kangaroo and Emu were chosen to be the two animals on the Australian Coat of Arms because they can't walk backwards, reflecting a forward-thinking culture. *The record jump recorded by a kangaroo is a whopping nine metres (30 feet) in a single leap! *Two native Australian animals, Platypus and Echidnas, are the only two mammals in the world that lay eggs to give birth. *Koalas sleep for about 20 hours per day. *There are four different species of kangaroo in Australia, with the Red Kangaroo being the largest. The largest Big Red ever seen was 2.1m tall (6ft 9in) and weighed 91kgs (200lbs)! *The Australian Thorny Devil is one of the longest-lived lizards of its size in the world, with a lifespan of up to 20 years.

L-Ispeaker Anġlu Farrugia jospita grupp ta’ Maltin li jgħixu barra

-Onor. Dr Anglu Farrugia l-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tarL Rappreżentanti fil-Parlament Malti, laqa’ b'entużjażmu ġemgħa ta' Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta u li kienu jinsabu Malta mill-Awstralja, il-Kanada, l-Ingilterra, l-Istati Uniti u naħat oħra tad-dinja flimkien mal-editur f’Malta ta’ The Voice, Joseph Cutajar, u Mons

Alfred Vella, id-Direttur tal-Kummissjoni Emigranti. L-ispeaker spjega l-ħidma tiegħu u daħal fid-dettall dwar kif jitmexxa l-Parlament, u anke dawwar lil dawk li attendew mal-bini tal-Parlament, fosthom is-sala ewlenija fejn jiltaqa’ l-Parlament. Kien ġest li ġie ferm apprezzat.

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 24, 2017

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta.

Ismijiet ta’ erba’ konsonanti b’aċċent sħiħ wara l-ewwel konsonanti u bl-aċċent twil fl-aħħar taqsima (7) Fuq il-għamla ta’ qanfud, sarbut, karkur, fettul, faqqus, ġurdien, senduq, ġummiena, baħbuħ, żarġun, ħanżir niktbu wkoll kliem ta’ din il-għamla: għasfur, għanqud, għasluġ, fergħun, għarqub, għarnuq, tengħud, bergħud, żagħżugħ, għarbiel, dagħbien kif ukoll għattuqa, fergħuna, tengħuda. 31. L-ismijiet li jfissru l-lok u ż-żmien tal-għemil mill-verb, kif ukoll il-ħaġa (il-għodda) li biha jsir għemil il-verb, jitnisslu mill-Imperattiv bħall-partiċipju passat. (Ara l-Għadd 27 – it-Tieni Taqsima). Għalhekk minn aqbad, orbot, orqod, onfoħ, aħżen, aħbeż, israħ nagħmlu u niktbu maqbad, marbat, marqad, minfaħ, maħżen, maħbeż, misraħ u fuq dawn minn oqgħod, ogħtob, agħlaq, agħżel, agħlef, agħsar, itla(għ), itfa(għ), agħġen niktbu l-isem maskil maqgħad, magħtab, magħlaq, magħżel, magħlef, magħsar, matlagħ, matfagħ, magħġen. T.ċ. (1) Il-konsonanti m li tinhemeż mal-vokali ta’ bidu lkelma fis-sura tal-Imperattiv tiġi li tbiddel il-leħen talvokali f’kull taqsima. Ara: orbot, marbat; onfoħ, minfaħ. Din il-vokali tkun tridha l-ewwel konsonanti tal-għerq li tmiss mal-vokali ta’ bidu l-kelma. Jekk il-konsonanti tkun waħda mill-ittri talgerżuma q, għ u ħ, il-vokali hi aktarx dejjem a. Eż. oqgħod, ogħtob, agħlaq, aħbeż= maqgħad, magħtab, magħlaq, maħbeż. Jekk il-konsonanti tkun waħda mill-oħrajn, barra mill-ittra r, il-vokali hi aktarx i jew u. Ara: itħan, idħol, inten, onfoħ, li jagħmlu mitħna, midħla, mintna, minfaħ waqt li orbot jagħmel marbat. Terġa’: muqtal, munxar, munqar, musmar. (2) Minn taħan, daħal, niten, xaba(għ) nagħmlu itħan, idħol, inten, ixba(għ), imbagħad minn dawn, l- ismijiet femminili

Issa waslu wkoll is-Sereni f’Malta i tfulitna min jaf kemmF il darba qalulna u qarajna stejjer dwar is-sereni...

dawk il-kreaturi f’forma ta’ nofs mara u nofs ħuta li suppost jinsabu fil-baħar f’qiegħ il-baħar. Issa xi ħadd f’Malta qed jipprofitta ruħu minn dawn il-ħrejjef biex, kif jgħid ilMalti “jdawwar xi sold” minn fuqhom. Dan hekk kif mermaidsclub malta qed joffri kostumi ta’ sirena biex min irid ikun jista’ jgħum bħal waħda minnhom. Imma mhux biss biex tgħum iżda wkoll biex ikollok tifkira ta’ dan il-mument permezz ta’ photoshoot li tista’ tieħu fuq il-bajjiet Maltin. Din l-esperjenza innovattiva jistgħu jgħixuha wkoll it-tfal għax dan is-servizz m’huwiex biss għall-adulti.

mitħna, midħla, mintna, mixbgħa (imħassra f’miċbħa). Hekk ukoll mixtla, miżbla, merħla, magħġna, midra, miġra, mergħa kollha bilvokali wara l-konsonanti m. Kliem ta’ din il-għamla, bħal midilka, midinba, miġimgħa, għandhom it-tieni konsonanti ta’ għerq il-kelma l, n, m, wara vokali fuq it-tiswir ta’ mibegħda li ma tistax tinstema’ u lanqas tinkiteb b’mibgħda. Hekk ukoll maħanqa u mhux maħnqa. (Ara t-Tlieta u Tletin Regola – l-Ewwel Taqsima). Għalhekk ukoll niktbu mixegħla u mhux mixgħela jew mixgħla, kif ukoll mgħarfa (mill-verb Għarbi għâref = terfa’ jew tiggotta l-ilma) imqassra mill-kelma magħarfa u mhux magħrfa fejn il-likwida r titħaxken bejn iżżewġkonsonanti għ u f. (3) Minn ħarat, qadef, sebaħ, fetaħ għandna aħrat, aqdef, isbaħ, iftaħ u minn dawn moħriet, moqdief, musbieħ, muftieħ, kollha bil-vokali twila fl-aħħar taqsima. Fuq dawn ikteb ukoll mehrież(minn ehreż) u mhux mherież. Hekk ukoll munxâr, munqâr, mislûta, munħâr (minn onħor) magħrufa biss filplural mnieħer. (4) Verbi neqsin, bl-ewwel konsonanti dgħajfa, inisslu wkoll ismijiet ta’ din ix-xorta fuq l-istess għamla: minn iled, iżen nagħmlu u niktbu milied, miżien. (5) Verbi neqsin (torox) bħal radd, qass jagħtu l-maskil mradd, mqass. Hekk ukoll minn ħalla, ħakk, il- femminil mħalla, mħakka u fuqhom mħadda, msella. Fuqhom ukoll mill-verbi radda(għ) u rewwaħ niktbu mreddgħa, mrewħa, kif ukoll mtarfa jew mtarrfa, mserka, mselħa, mterqa. Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-ħarġa li jmiss

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Arts Council Malta and MCST to collaborate on the Creative Industries, Science and Technology


he Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and Arts Council Malta (ACM) recently signed an agreement in the area of the Arts and Science that in particular will encompass attempts to increase participation in culture and the creative industries, increase collaborations between Public Cultural Organisations and encourage interdisciplinary between the arts and Science. Commenting on the agreement, Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government Owen Bonnici remarked how this Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions builds on Government’s prior-

ities towards culture, more specifically in increasing job opportunities. Minister Bonnici emphasised on the importance of fostering the interdisciplinary of the cultural sector with other sectors such as sciences and technology. In fact, he stated that this can be envisaged on various levels such as better allocation of resources, exchange of experiences and knowledge between the two entities, new creative opportunities for artists and art organisations and more accessibility for varied audiences. This will result in a contribution of €125,000 from Arts’ Council Malta towards this Memo-

First National awards to celebrate Malta's artistic achievements launched


n the meantime, the Arts Council has launched a national awards programme to celebrate the achievements of Malta's cultural and creative sectors. Il-Premju għall-Arti will be Malta's most prestigious award that acknowledges excellence in artistic work premiered during the year. During the unveiling of the award, a sculpture in glass and ceramic (above) by Maltese artist Kane Cali, Minister Bonnici said, “artists and art organisations are the driving force of Malta's creative ecology”. He explained how Il-Premju għall-Arti, announced as a budgetary measure for 2017, is a unique opportunity to acknowledge and to celebrate the success of Maltese artists on a national level. He said that this appreciation towards Maltese artists is happening at a time when culture and the arts are flourishing. According to Albert Marshall, the awards reflect the objectives of the Council's Create2020 strategy. They would bring to the

fore the distinctive creative contributions made by artists and arts organisations and the impact of their work on the cultural sector, audiences and communities. Eleven awards will be lined up for the ceremony to be held in January 2018. The nomination process for eight of the awards will be based on an open call whereas the Lifetime Achievement award and the Ambassador for the Arts award will be recommended by Arts Council Malta. The first edition of Il-Premju għall-Arti covers projects, productions or activities in the cultural and creative sectors that have been premiered or presented between September 1 2016 and August 31 this year in the following categories: Best work for young audiences; Best project in the community; Best artistic programme or season; Production of the year; Best creative enterprise; Best international achievement; Young artist of the year, and Artist of the year.

randum of Understanding. Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri explained how through MCST, this agreement would help to join art and science together in order to attract investment of good quality towards Malta, since this makes us more attractive for foreign investors seeking innovation. He stressed on the importance of having an educational strategy that includes arts together with science, technology, engineering and mathematics to develop from STEM to STEAM system, wherein from a young age children are taught to express their ideas and form a critical mind. The Executive Chairman of the Arts’ Council Malta, Albert Marshall stated that this MoU is linked directly to the Arts’ Council Malta’s strategy CREATE2020. He explained that besides the strategic component, this document also creates new synergies between Arts Council Malta and the Malta Council for Science and Technology while strengthening already existing efforts towards common objectives such as already existing collaborations and initiatives. The MoU will serve to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions and through its funding programmes and initiatives, ACM shall encourage artists to pursue their interests in science and technology and to collaborate with individuals and organizations in these fields of knowledge. It will also encourage the integration of science and technology in the Kreattiv funding programme while Esplora, which forms part of the MCST, shall provide mentorship and assistance to beneficiary projects that include a science and technology component. MCST, CEO, Dr Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that the agreement would pave the road for a fruitful relationship between the entities involved and also promote a celebration of the Arts and Sciences. Esplora would be offering its premises to selected projects to exhibit their work where such events are open to the general public visiting the venue as well as jointly collaborate in activities and events organised by ACM including the Malta International Arts Festival. Moreover, ACM and Esplora shall co-organise networking and information sessions whereby artists, public cultural organisations, educators and individuals in the fields of Science and Technology would have the opportunity to discuss and explore potential ideas for future projects or other collaborations. The occasion also lent itself to the inauguration of two murals ‘Odyssey of the Observer’ and ‘Transience of Thought’ by local artist Dominique Cianco.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday October 24, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Up coming events at the Ħamrun Club

IS-SIBT 28 ta’ Ottubru: KIDS DISCO NIGHT Għall-familji tat-tieni ġenerazzjoni u t-tfal tagħhom. Dawn id-DISCOs saru popolari ħafna ejjew u ġibu t-tfal magħkom IL-ĦADD 29 ta’ Ottubru: THE ANNUAL CAR SHOW Se jibda fit-8.30a.m. Ikun hemm l-ikel bħal Hotdogs; bacon and eggs Rolls for breakfast u ikel Malti. Il-car show jispicca fl-4.00pm. Wara jkun hemm divertiment

MELBOURNE CUP LUNCHEON 2017 Join in the celebrations with the Horsley Park Community Social Group Mandavilla Events Centre Tuesday 7th November, from 10am

$55 pp. – inclusions: •Morning tea •Full buffet lunch •Soft drinks, tea and coffee •Chocolates and a glass of wine •Glass of champagne before race Get ready to showcase your creations in the hat parade! -Fashion presentation; Variety of stalls. Entertainment: Sweeps, raffle and lucky-door prizes. The race to be televised broadcast on the big screen All are welcome (including pre-schoolers) for what is set to be spectacular day of festivities! For bookings Theresa: 9620 1570 or 0402 178 78; Josephine: 9620 1680 or 0402 040 954

Join us on Facebook: groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

La Valette Social Centre Melbour ne Cup lunch

La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Melbourne Cup Lunch at the La Valette Social Centre. on Tuesday November 7. Centre opens at 10.30 am. Includes morning tea 2-course Lunch. Cost is $25 members; non-members $30 The race could be watched on the big screen. There will be sweeps; hat parade, and prizes to be won Entertainment by MIFSUD BROTHER’S For booking and info from committee members. Book early! Contact: 96225847 November 5: Mass at 5 p.m at Pinegrove OLQP Maltese Band will take part from 4pm. Bring your own chair. For information:Chapel 96225850 or Centre 96225847


Events: October - December

Oct. 22 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Nov. 12 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Dec. 16 – Sat.: Xmas Function at Melrose Tullamarene.

The Maltese Cultural Association in conjunction with the Maltese Community Council are commemorating a Mass on Friday November 10 at 7pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace, Old Prospect Rd Greystanes in honour of our deceased members. Your attendance will be appreciated to join us in communion to remember our departed members. afterwards refreshments will be served at the Saint George Preca Hall. For more info: Mary Ramundi: 9688 1432

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Remaining Main events for 2017

Saturday Nov. 11: Dinner Dance Sunday December 3: St Nicholas Feast

For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

P: (02) 9756 4766 E: 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday October 24, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television

The SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Maltese Radio Programmes

MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 56 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3.

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM.

Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet

(On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.

Web streaming on: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

memorial mass and service is being held on November 19 at 3:30 A pm at the hall behind the Catholic Centre for Fr Claude Borg, Mr Alfred Fenech and all those Maltese buried at Rookwood Cemetery.

Memorial mass by MCC NSW

The Maltese Community Council of NSW invites all to come and pay their respect on the day.

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at 10 am.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Cen-sina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.


Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357

29 ta’ Ottubru

Wentworthville Leagues Sunday 2pm

For tickets phone: Monica: 98960712 or 0414 859386 Joe Borg: 96242280; Julie: 96367679 DONATION of $12.00 Kids: $6.00

Results from Dinner Dance

Following is the result of the guessing competition held during the October 15 Association of Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco NSW Dinner Dance held at the Mandavilla Function Centre 1st prize: Mary Gatt (No 2569) 2nd prize: Frances Grima (2370) 3rd prize: Colleen Cassar (2543) Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday October 24, 2017

Belgian given Malta’s National football team coaching job


ess than a week after Pietro Ghedin wrapped up his commitments the Maltese Football Association appointed 44-year-old Belgian by the name of Tom Saintfiet as the new natioanl team coach with immediate effect. Many have expressed their disappointment that despite the fact that about 25 Maltese coaches hold the necessary qualifications for the job, they have all been overlooked. At a news conference to introduce Saintfiet the president of the MFA, Norman Darmanin Demajo said he is a UEFA Pro qualified coach with a wealth of experience in international football. Having worked as national coach mostly in Africa and Asia, Saintfiet was handed the job because in Darmanin Demajos’ opinion, following a thorough evaluation exercise carried out by the MFA‘s Technical Centre over the past months, Saintfiet was the standout candidate. The MFA president said that the Belgian’s footballing knowledge and qualifications allied with his vast experience in international football with several developing nations made him the right candidate for the post. The MFA is convinced that he will do an excellent job for the national side and as a prominent member of the Associations’ technical sector. Saintfiet, a former defender with a number of Belgian clubs until injuries forced him out of the game at the age of 24, said he was honoured to get the appointment,. He said that it was his ambition to help the Maltese national team to move forward and with the

backing of all the stakeholders also assist in the long-term development of Maltese football. He said,“My decision to become Malta coach is a clear choice for stability. I want to build something on the long term here.” His first match in charge of the national team will be the friendly against Estonia, at the Ta’ Qali National Stadium on November 12. With his career as a footballer over, at the age of 24 Saintfeit embarked on a coaching career. His first appointments as coach were with clubs in The Netherlands, Finland and

Melbourne C. only team with maximum points


fter watching Australia’s na- A-League Two former champions that are normally considered as front-runners, tional football team come within two matches away from qualification to the Melbourne Victory and Brisbane Roar, parforthcoming Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup, ticualrly the latter had disappointing starts Australia will now meet Honduras who fin- with The Roar still pointless. ished fourth, in a two-legged play-off next Results so far: month. Day 3 The Socceroos will make the perilous jour- Adelalaide v Melbourne V 2-2 ney to an Pedro Sula in Honduras without Melbourne C v Wellington P 1-0 2-2 key players Mark Milligan and Mathew Sydney FC v W Sydney W. 1-2 Leckie. Both are suspended for the first leg Brisbane R v Newcastle J after picking up their second yellow cards Perth G v CC Mariners v v 2-1 in the the continental play-off matches Day 2 Brisbane R v Adelaide U 1-2 against Syria. Meanwhile, football fans have shifted their W Sydney W v CC Mariners 2-2 Melbourne V v Melbourne C 1-2 interest in the game by following the first Newcastle J v Perth G 2-2 three matches in A-League that once again Sydney FC v Wellington Ph 3-2 promises to be highly balanced. Day 1 Each of the 10 participating teams have W Sydney W. v Perth G 2-1 thus far played three matches, yet only one Wellington Ph v Adelalaide 1-1 team, Melbourne City enjoy maximum Melbourne V v Sydney FC 0-1 points after Sydney FC dropped pints in CC Mariners v Newcastle J 1-5 2-0 their home game last weekend against Melbourne C v Brisbane R * Melbourne lead the standing with 9 pts crosstown rivals West. Sydney Wanderers.

New Malta national team coach Tom Saintfiet addressing the media

Qatar before getting short-term jobs as national coach with Namibia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Malawi and Togo in Africa, and Yemen and Bangladesh in Asia. His last commitment was national coach of Trinidad & Tobago.

Top spot is shared as Gżira suffer first loss


n the eighth day of Malta’s Premier League two-goal Bojan Kaljevic, his second in added time, ended Gżira United’s run of unbeaten matches. His tallies earned Balzan a 2-1 win. In the same round, Valletta hit six goals without reply past Tarxien to share the top billing with Gżira. In other matches, Hibernians suffered a second defea, this tiem against Sliema who followed their Day 7 victory over Birkirkara. With this success that are now level on points with Hibs and Floriana. The latter were surprsingly held to a 2-2 draw by Mosta. Ħamrun inflicted the third successive defeat on Senglea, RESULTS – DAY 8 and Naxxar- Balzan v Gżira U 2-1 6-0 r e g i s t e r e d Valletta v Tarxien R 2-2 their first win. Floriana v Mosta

Standing: 19 pts - Valletta, Gżira; 15 Balzan;14 - Floriana, Sliema, Hibernains; 13 Ħamrun; 10 Birkirkara, Mosta; 8 - Senglea; 7 - Tarxien; 6 - Naxxar, St Andrews; 1 Lija

Sliema W. v Hibernians Birkirkara v Lija Ath Naxxar L v St Andrews Ħamrun S. v Senglea DAY 7 Gżira U v Ħamrun S. Floriana v Balzan Valletta v Lija Ath Sliema W. v Birkirkara Hibernians v Senglea Tarxien R v Naxxar L Mosta v St Andrews

1-0 2-0 3-1 3-1 4-0 1-1 4-2 ?-? 1-0 2-1 1-0

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