The Voice of the Maltese No. 106

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 106

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

July 21, 2015

Early July Malta hosted two highly popular activities for the masses. On July 12, the Grand Harbour was a delight to watch as over 500 people, including some 200 boat owners answered the call to be part of the first edition of The President’s Cruise for Solidarity. This was another fund raising event in aid of the Community Chest Fund. President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca accompanied the participants as they sailed from Valletta to St Paul’s Bay and then thanked all those who made it happen (right).

The President’s Cruise for Solidarity

Isle of MTV

For the 9th year running Malta once again hosted the Isle of MTV musical event at the Floriana Granaries that proved to be a huge success as thousands of Maltese youths and foreigners attended the show. (see report page 13)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Why the Maltese community feels cheated T

Tuesday July 21, 2015

The Radio saga

Any reduction in hours that SBS may radio programmes by the ethnic comhe Maltese community in Australia has responded with one be considering should come from munity and has not given sufficient voice against the unfair and un- trimming of the exorbitant time allot- importance to this aspect when allojust decision by SBS Radio (a network ted to the largest ethnic communities. cating the number of hours to the varThe submission continues that it is to ious communities. wholly funded by the Federal GovernIt is our understanding that the larger ment and therefore with our money) be emphasised, that the statistical into reduce the Maltese programmes al- formation of the 2011 Census clearly ethnic communities with abundant lotted for transmission to just two establishes that the Maltese commu- radio programmes in their language nity has a very high proportion of peo- on alternative stations are much less hours per week. The news reported on page 3 of the ple over 65 years of age. These people likely to listen to the SBS programmes last issue of The Voice of the Maltese rely heavily on SBS Maltese radio allotted to their language. brought immediate acTalkback segments on tion by both the ComSBS Maltese radio lanmunity Council of NSW guage programmes are and that of Victoria. very popular with As we go to press the members of our comtwo councils have comunity, who are always ordinated the collection keen to participate in of thousands of signathese on-air discussions. tures from around AusWe believe that this tralia that were prehigh level of Maltese sented as petitions to community participathe hierarchy of SBS tion mirrors the commuRadio, Ms Mandi Winity’s significant followcks, Director – Audio & ing of the weekly SBS Language Content, Mr TV news programme Michael Ebeid, SBS from Malta. Managing Director and In fact, last March the Mr Nihal Gupta, SBS Manager of the OverThe current presidents of the Maltese Community Councils Chairman. of NSW & Victoria, Lawrence Dimech (left) and Victor Borg seas News Service When we contacted the WorldWatch at SBS TV spokespersons of both the Council of broadcasts for information relating to confirmed to this e-magazine The NSW and that of Victoria they referred aged care services and other entitle- Voice of the Maltese that the news us to the submission they have released ments provided by the Common- programme from Malta is among the under the signatures of both current wealth and State Governments. highest rating programmes of SBS forpresidents stating what the objections Information is also relayed in these eign language news bulletins. to the latest cuts in Maltese language broadcasts in relation to specific servBasing criteria so heavily on census programmes are based on. ices provided and available to them data relating to the proportion of perThe submission insists that the distri- through the Maltese community and sons, who state that they speak Engbution of time on SBS radio should be religious organisations. Many of them lish at home, is a flawed way to based on equity criteria and not on cen- are reliant on these broadcasts for allocate radio time. Much more emsus data relating to the gross number their participation in community ac- phasis should be placed on the specific of persons purporting to speak that tivities. It provides them with a sense needs of a particular ethnic commulanguage. Compared to other much of comfort and security and a quality nity. larger communities, the Maltese com- of life that they would otherwise not The Voice of the Maltese is also of the munity in Australia is particularly un- enjoy. view that the criteria for distribution derprovided in other channels of It is surprising, therefore, that it ap- of language programme time on SBS communication, especially in print pears that when SBS made its decision radio should include specific commumedia, and in transmissions in their na- to slash two hours of Maltese pro- nity needs identified during consultative tongue from the mother country. grammes from an already nominal tion with community members and The submission also says that SBS number of four hours per week no re- not merely the size of the non-English should endeavour to distribute the gard has been taken of these factors. It speaking data from the 2011 Census. cake as widely as possible and as eq- appears heartless that especially the The Maltese community in Australia uitably as possible. It is strongly be- elderly in our community should be strongly urges the SBS Board to relieved that no ethnic group, whatever abandoned in this way at the time of view and reverse the decision to cease its size, should have an extraordinary their greatest needs. funding for two hours of Maltese lanamount of radio time allotted to it to The submission concludes that it is guage programs, half of the current althe detriment of the smaller commu- also a fact that SBS seems to be un- lotment, and to maintain these at the nities. aware of the size of the audience of its current level of four hours per week.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Daqqa ta’ ˙arta meta suppost qed niççelebraw g˙eluq l-40 sena ta’ xandir bil-Malti fuq l-SBS G

˙addew aktar minn sentejn mindu l-komunità Maltija flAwstralja rvellat u ng˙aqdet flimkien wara l-a˙bar fit-30 ta’ Novembru 2012 li l-iskeda l-©dida talprogrammi li kien se jadotta l-SBS fid-29 ta’April 2013, naqqset il-programmi Maltin minn disg˙a g˙al tnejn. Kien wara l-protesti tal-komunità u l-mexxejja g˙aqlija tag˙ha li lmani©ment tal-SBS alloka Ωew© programmi o˙ra lill-komunità Maltija fuq ir-radju di©itali. Il-ftehim mal-mexxejja tal-komunità kien li dawn iΩ-Ωew© programmi addizzjonali jing˙ataw g˙al sentejn u jkunu riveduti skont il-ba©it tal-SBS ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien. Is-sentejn g˙addew f’April u l-komunità Maltija x’aktarx insiet dan il-ftehim. Kienet drat is-sistema l-©dida ta’ xandir bil-Malti, b’˙afna Maltin jixtru radju di©itali apposta ˙alli jisimg˙u lprogramm Malti. F’daqqa wa˙da waqt li l-programm Malti kien qed jiççelebra g˙eluq l-40 sena ta’ xandir fuq l-SBS b˙al sajjetta fil-bnazzi l-komunità Maltija ng˙atat l-a˙bar li wara s-6 ta’ Awwissu ta’ din is-sena l-programmi Maltin fuq irradju di©itali se jispiççaw. Skont stqarrija g˙all-istampa mill-SBS ir-ra©uni li ng˙atat g˙al din id-deçiΩjoni kienet: ‘This change will bri-ng the SBS Radio Maltese program- me’s broadcast hours into line with allocations for languages of a similar size and need in Australia, as determined by the 2013 SBS Radio Schedule Review and 2011 Census data.’ Fi kliem ie˙or mhux g˙ax m’hemmx flus imma g˙ax kif dejjem sostniet Mandi Wicks, Direttur tal-Audio & Language Content, huma mxew malkomunità Maltija sewwa, skont ilkriterja tal-allokazzjoni tal-programmi g˙al kull lingwa u g˙alhekk ilproçess ori©inali mal-komunità Maltija, kien ©ust mill-ewwel. Fi Ωmien meta wie˙ed seta’ ja˙seb li l-SBS kellu kull skuΩa li jg˙id lill-komunità Maltija li l-programmi tne˙˙ew min˙abba qtug˙ ta’ fondi

mill-gvern federali u riçentament ilfalliment li tg˙addi mis-senat l-approvazzjoni fiΩ-Ωjieda tal-˙in tar-reklamar, l-SBS g˙aΩel l-iskuΩa ta’ ‘we stand by the process’.

Dan ifisser li l-mani©ment tal-SBS qatt ma fehem ir-ra©uni u l-qag˙da talkomunità Maltija kif tressqet quddiemu mill-mexxejja tal-komunità fid-ta˙didiet li kellhom, wara d-deçiΩjoni inizjali. Kif tista’ ssir reviΩjoni ming˙ajr ma nna˙at kollha li waslu g˙all-ftehim ikunu nvoluti? Din hija arroganza ta’ istituzzjoni li ta˙seb li ma jista’ g˙aliha ˙add. Qabel deciΩjoni b˙al din wie˙ed kien jistenna li l-SBS jg˙idilna x’inhu l-proporzjon tas-semmieg˙a Maltin imqabbla ma’ dawk li huwa jqis komunitajiet tal-istess daqs u mal-komunitajiet meqjusa mill-SBS b˙ala akbar. Ta’ min ifakkar lill-mani©ment li qed jinjora komunitajiet b˙all-Maltin, li huma qeg˙din hemm g˙ax kienu l-komunitajiet etniçi b˙al dik Maltija li ˙olqulhom dawn il-poΩizzjonijiet. Wie˙ed seta’ ˙aseb mod ie˙or meta kien hemm okkaΩjonijiet b˙al dik fiççentru tal-Maltese Association Hobsons Bay nhar il-25 ta’ Marzu 2014 meta quddiem sala mballata Maltin u membri talgvern statali u lokali, Peter Khalil, Director, Corporate Affairs, stqarr li lproçess li mexa bih l-SBS seta’ ma kienx ta’ vanta©© g˙all-komunità Maltija u li minbarra ç-çensiment g˙andu jkun hemm fatturi o˙ra meqjusa; waqt li ˙e©©e© lill-Maltin biex jimlew iç-çensiment sewwa. Din kienet dehra ta’ rikonçiljazzjoni fejn tat l-impressjoni li SBS g˙araf li kien Ωbalja u li l-qag˙da u l-˙tie©a tasservizz tal-SBS g˙all-komunità Mal-

tija kienu lil hinn mill-kriterji tal-allokazzjoni tal-programmi li wasslet lillMaltin f’din is-sitwazzjoni. Illum wie˙ed jista’ jg˙id, li l-SBS qed jg˙id lill-Maltin li fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar dejjem tg˙addi tieg˙u. F’dan iΩ-Ωmien, il-komunità Maltija, suppost qed tkompli tfakkar 40 sena ta’ xandir fuq l-SBS aktar minn kull lingwa o˙ra g˙ax kienet wa˙da mill-ewwel tmien lingwi li bdew ixandru f’Ìunju tal1975 u mhux tintefa’ f’luttu. Ironikament kellu jkun f’dan l-istess xahar, 40 sena wara, li l-SBS g˙aΩel li jag˙ti l-a˙˙ar daqqa tal-mewt. Ûgur li l-komunità Maltija ter©a’ tqum fuq tag˙ha u ssemmi le˙inha imma huwa Ωgur ukoll li din id-darba l-SBS jinstab f’poΩizzjoni li jΩomm iebes u g˙andu kollox f’postu biex jilqa’ g˙al kull mew©a u ma jer©ax lura mid-deçiΩjoni u j˙ammar wiççu. Kif jafu ˙afna dan l-a˙˙ar l-SBS kien fuq il-gazzetti ta’ spiss u quddiem issenat f’kontroversji imbarazzanti biex jispjega t-tberqiq ta’ flus il-poplu. Titli fuq il-gazzetti Awstraljani b˙al dak fuq The Australian, (25 ta’ Mejju 2015), ‘SBS head spares no travel expense’ u dak fuq il-Herald Sun, (4 ta’ Mejju 2015), ‘SBS has lost its way and must change’ jag˙tu ˙jiel tal-burokrazija, issalarji enormi tal-mani©ment, innumru ta’ poΩizzjonijiet eΩekuttivi b’salarji dejjem jiΩdiedu u dan waqt li li-g˙add ta’ dawk li jipproduçu l-kontenut g˙ar-radju u t-televiΩjoni u ssalarji tag˙hom dejjem jonqos. Il-komunità Maltija g˙andha tipprotesta b’kull mod, billi tikteb, iççempel u tag˙mel petizzjonijiet lill-SBS u r-rappreΩentanti tal-gvern lokali, statali u federali. Sfortunament, biex lSBS jit˙arrek minn deçiΩjoni b˙al din jekk ma jkunx hemm intervent minn fuq nett b˙all-Ministru tal-Komunikazzjoni, ftit ikun hemm progress. L-uniku mod biex il-komunità Maltija tirba˙ aktar programmi huwa li ©©ieg˙el bidla fil-kriterja li ntuΩat millSBS fl-allokazzjoni tal-program-mi li Ωvanta©©at lill-komunità Maltija u tat gwadan lil lingwi o˙ra.

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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Exhibition of Maltese & Gozitan Glass at Malta’s High Commission, Canberra


n exhibition of Maltese and Gozitan glass was recently held at the Malta High Commission’s Chancery, hosted for the Maltese-Australian Community in Canberra, Queanbeyan and its vicinity. It was well attended by the community, their families and friends, including new visitors to the High Commission who were made very welcome by Malta’s High Commissioner, HE Charles Muscat. Glass works from Mdina and Gozo that show the craftsmanship of the Maltese never cease to enthrall its viewers and they are often in great demand. In fact, the High Commissioner received a lot of inquiries about where they could be purchased. In order to complement the exhibition, a video from Mdina Glass explaining how these glass ornaments are made was also shown. At the end of the day, High Commissioner Mr. Charles Muscat thanked the visitors for attending the Exhibition-Afternoon Tea, while Deputy HC Dr. Joseph Pirotta outlined the future plans and upcoming events to be organised by the High Commission and also invited the public’s participation in some of the activities.

H.E. Mr. Charles Muscat and Mrs. Victoria Muscat (left) with his deputy Dr. J. Pirotta and Mrs. Mengjun Xie-Pirotta at the exhibition in Canberra On behalf of the Maltese Australian As- beyan, Mr. Joseph Micallef, the associasociation (MAA) in Canberra and Quean- tion’s president expressed, his appreciation for being given the opportunity to take part in the Maltese-Australian gathering.

Programme for the Festa tal-Vitorja at Greystanes (50th Anniversary) Wednesday 23, Thursday 24 and Friday September 25: Triduum of the Festa: 6.30pm: Rosary; 7.00pm: Mass. Saturday, September 26: 9.45am: Confessions. 6.00pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass in English with Maltese hymns. Principal Celebrant, Fr Paul Marshall, Parish Priest, accompanied by Fr Suresh Kumar, Mons. Carmelo Refalo, Fr Simon Cachia and Fr Paul Cahill O.Carm. At the conclusion of the Mass the Rosary will be recited and Benediction will be given. Sunday, September 27: 3.30pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass by Monsignor Carmelo Refalo, accompanied by Fr Paul Marshall, Fr Suresh Kumar, Fr Simon Cachia, Fr Tarcisio Micallef mssp, Fr Benedict Sant mssp and Fr Noel Bianco mssp. Monsignor Carmelo Refalo will deliver the Panegyric. Joe Galea will sing hymns during the Mass in Maltese. The procession, accompanied by the statue of Our Lady of Victories and devotees takes place at the conclusion of the Mass. Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band will take part in the procession. 6.00pm: First musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 7.00pm: Second musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 8.30pm: Fireworks display.

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The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday July 21, 2015

A place to call home when travelling


prominent Maltese businessman and philanthropist, Count Charles Said-Vassallo the CEO of Said-Vassallo Group Pty Ltd of Sydney “rents out his slice of paradise” in Prospect NSW, which is “a stone’s throw away from the mountains and the city” for $65 a night for guests to live in a house brimming with “suburban charm”. Said-Vassallo, who like other homeowners are opening their doors and beds for guests to explore the other side of Sydney life as part of Airbnb, was featured in the local newspaper Blacktown Advocate. Introducing the feature, Jessica Oxford says that “beyond the hectic city life or tourist-clogged beaches is the real Sydney, ready for travellers to explore – and hospitable locals are playing tour guide. Count Said-Vassallo, who describes his Prospect home, as “Roman Villa” was well positioned to other western Sydney attractions, such as the Skyline Drive-In cinema and Featherdale Wildlife Park. He goes on to say that “Prospect is

not Bondi Beach but it’s just as idyllic. There’s definitely more to Sydney than along the coast.” Homeowners like Count Said Vassallo are opening their doors and beds for guests to explore the other side of Sydney life as part of Airbnb, a scheme that began in 2008 when two designers who had space to share hosted three travellers looking for a place to stay. Now, millions of hosts and travellers choose this scheme so they can list their space and book unique ac-

commodation anywhere in the world.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Arosa Kulm’s last voyage to Australia with Maltese migrants in 1956 The SS Arosa Kulm...hard to believe it was used to carry Maltese migrants to Australia. No wonder it took it 46 days to arrive to its destination

More strenuous that one could T ever imagine

he Arosa Kulm made its final voyage to Australia with Maltese migrants before getting scrapped in May 1956. One of the passengers on board during that trip was Rosemary Attard, who currently serves as the secretary of the Maltese Literature Group in Victoria. Rosemary who was 16½ at the time, travelled along with her mother Giovanna, and three sisters, Iris (15), Pauline (12½), and Carmen (8). Her father, Paul Sapiano, had migrated to Australia seven months before in order to prepare a place for the family to live and to try to make life easier to settle. She recalls that voyage vividly and explained to me how hard it was for the Maltese migrants who sailed on board this ship that first departed from the port of Genoa in Italy on April 6, 1956 before entering Grand Harbour in Valletta two days later to pick 511 Maltese migrants, mostly women and children. Despite the hardship, Rosemary also had some happy moments on board. When the ship was crossing the equator, a festival was organised that included a beauty contest that she eventually won. She said she still has the winning sash to prove it. On the ship she was one of four teachers who conducted classes to children to continue with their schooling, especially with regard to the English language After leaving Malta, the Arosa Kulm sailed along towards the eastern Mediterranean, went through the Suez Canal, down the Red Sea and on to Colombo. It then left the port of Aden and sailed over the Indian Ocean in fair weather. A month after leaving Malta, on May 8, the ship arrived at the first port of call in Australia at Fremantle. All the passengers on board were excited to have reached their destination and that within a week or so would leave the

Paul Vella

ship to start start aanew newlife lifeininthis new country, this new Australia. country, Australia. The next day, on inspection, the lifesaving equipment on board the Arosa Kulm was found to be faulty and so inadequate. The ship had to do the repairs and it delayed the continuation of the voyage to Melbourne by five days. The passengers were largely disappointed and some even considered leaving the ship to try and reach their destination by train. It would have proved very expensive and would have also taken them a few more days to reach either Melbourne or Sydney where most of the passengers where most of them were meant to disembark.

*continued on page 7

A few weeks ago, the Voice of the Maltese recounted the sad story of the sinking of MS Skaubryn, which made a number of voyages from Malta to Australia to carry Maltese migrants to their final destination, Australia, where they hoped to start a new life for themselves and their families. Today Paul Vella looks back at yet another ship, the SS Arosa Kulm, that again served that purpose and like the Skaubryn lacked the conditions needed to make one’s long journey a comfortable one. In fact the long journey was more strenuous than one could ever imagine.

A group of the Maltese migrants on board the SS Arosa Kulm sailing for Australia

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday July 21, 2015

A trip that took 46 days to complete *from page 6 After meetings with Australian migration officers and representatives of the passengers, it was eventually agreed that they would wait for the ship to be proved sea-worthy and then continue the voyage on board to the Eastern ports of Australia. On May 16 the ship reached its destination and entered Port Phillip Bay. Then at 8.00 a.m. it berthed at Station Pier Port Melbourne. Many families were eagerly waiting to get their first glimpse of their loved ones. Names were called out and first eye contact be- Rosemary Attard on board the Arosa Kulm with the other teachers Fr Azzopardi, John Mirabitur and Mr Nolan (Australian Emigration Officer) on her right, and Anthony Vella tween relatives was made. The shrill and waving of hands from shore to ship and ship to shore was hair-raising. Tears of happiness streamed down the faces of adults and children in awe of what was happening around them. Following the formalities conducted by emigration/customs, all he SS Arosa Kulm was a passenger ship that the passengers started to disembark in groups. Those who were was launched at Hog Island, Pennsylvania in not settling Melbourne were to continue the their journey by train, 1919 and ended being sold for scrapping in 1959. as the ship once again encountered problems. This time they were Completed in 1920, Arosa Kulm started as the US financial and had to sail to Auckland, New Zealand. Army Transport Cantigny, a 7555 gross ton troopAfter five weeks, leaving family, friends and their home in Malta, ship with a speed of 17 knots. It was first sold in the voyage finally ended, and the Maltese migrants reached their 1923/1924 to a commercial transatlantic freight destination in order to start a new life full of hope in their new and passenger transport as American Banker. adoptive country, Australia. In 1940 the ship was transferred to a Belgian Rosemary’s family settled in Essendon in Melbourne. She took up shipping company as Ville d’Anvers together a job at the Commercial Bank of Australia while her sister, Iris, with seven other idle American ships and was the worked for Yakka, while her other two sisters, Pauline and Caronly one of the eight ships to survive World War men, who were still of school age, attended St. Theresa School in II to re-enter passenger service in 1946 with 200 Essendon. berths as City of Athens. Another passenger on the SS Arosa Kulm that same trip was my late brother Anthony. He was 18 when he migrated to Australia. In 1947 as Protea, it was refitted with berths for In Malta he worked for the daily evening newspaper, ‘The Bulletin’ over 965 persons. The accommodations were as a linotype operator. When he arrived in Australia he went to live probably the worst of any ship of that time. In with our uncle in Oak Flats, NSW and a few weeks later moved to 1952 the accommodations were adjusted to 900 Melbourne where he worked for the Taxation Office and then conand after being sold to Panama's Arosa Line, it tinued with his trade as a linotype operator with a printing firm. was renamed Arosa Kulm. It made four trips to He worked wholeheartedly among the Maltese Community and Australia. soon joined a drama company presenting stage shows for the MalIn addition to serving immigrants, the Arosa tese Community. For a few years he also published a Maltese Kulm was chartered by American Field Service, Newspaper in Melbourne. an exchange organisation taking numerous exIt is always interesting to meet members of the Maltese Commuchange students between Europe and the U.S. nity as most of them always have a story to tell about their trip to Arosa Kulm was scrapped at Bruges in Belgium Australia, and their efforts to settle down and work in such a vast in 1959. country

The SS Arosa Kulm


If you have a story to tell that you believe could make interesting reading and you would like to share it with The Voice readership,, either get in touch with or email: Paul Vella (Melbourne)

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8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Çerti nies ma jinbidlux; jekk ma jilag˙bux iridu j˙assru The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Charles Sammut minn Woodville, SA, Malta, jikteb: a rridx inkun politiku, imma patrijott. M Jien bniedem li g˙alkemm ˙allejt lil Malta meta kont qed noqrob it-tletin u g˙alkemm kelli post tax-xog˙ol tajjeb, ftit wara li ΩΩewi©na, jien u marti ddeçidejna li l-©ejjieni tag˙na jkun fl-Awstralja fejn di©a’ kelli xi qraba, b˙al ˙afna, Malta dejjem baqg˙et f’qalbna. Issa li qed noqrob ssebg˙in forsi ftit snin o˙ra ner©g˙u lura ngawdu l-pensjoni mal-˙bieb u l-ftit familjari li g˙ad g˙andna hemmhekk. Fl-Awstraljana m’g˙andix xi ngorr, anzi perswaΩ li konna g˙amilna pass g˙aqli meta ©ejna hawn. Imma Malta gejjem pajjiΩna u niddejjaq meta naqra jew nisma’ lil xi ˙add imaqdarha. Huwa dwar dan li nixtieq nikteb. Insegwi b’kull mezz li nista’ dak li jkun g˙addej Malta u nifra˙ bis-suççessi f’˙afna setturi li qed ise˙˙u. Nifra˙ ˙afna meta naqra artikli dwar barranin ifa˙˙ru lil Malta. Imma ninkwieta bis-serjeta’ meta nara jew nisma’ lil min min˙abba ra©unijiet politiçi jipprova jkisser it-tajjeb li jkun qed isir. Wa˙da mir-ra©unijiet li tlaqt minn Malta lejn tmiem is-sibg˙inijiet kien min˙abba li ndunajt li hemm nies li jekk ma jkunux filpoter jag˙mlu minn kollox biex jag˙mlu l-bsaten fir-roti. Forsi jag˙mlu dan bi skuΩa tal-politika, u hawn li f’waqtiet nemmen li l-politika hija ma˙mu©a. Issa qed nara li qed tirrepeti ru˙ha dik l-istorja. Donnu li jekk

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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minix nilg˙ab in˙assar. Il-politika mhix g˙al snieni u dak li kont nobg˙od f’dawk iΩ-Ωmienijiet meta kien hemm min, li la mhux fil-poter jipprova jtellef, qed ner©a’ narah b˙alissa. Hu dan li jgerrixxni. Ma nistax g˙aliha nara lil min jipprova jo˙loq xi feles jew inkella jnaffar l-investiment fil-pajjiΩ, l-aktar issa li donnu nqabad ir-ritmu li Malta ter©a’ tie˙u r-ru˙. G˙alkemm ma nafx kemm se jag˙tu kasi, imma b˙ala bniedem li ng˙oΩΩ lil art twelidi napella lil min qed jipprova jo˙loq ixxkiel biex jieqaf u ja˙seb l-ewwel u qabel kollox biex mhux ifarrak imma jinsa legoiΩmu u minflok jg˙in li tinbena fiduçja f’dan il-pajjiΩ çkejken imma ta’ stoffa. Wara kollox, illum jien u g˙ada int, g˙alhekk ir-riΩultati tal-˙sara li ssir b˙alissa wie˙ed ibatiha wkoll fil-©ejjieni g˙ax ma jkunx façli li tibni wara li tkun farrakt. Nie˙u gost nisma’ politiçi f’fora internazzjonali jfa˙˙ru lil Malta u lil nies barranin jg˙iru g˙aliha, imma nitnikket aktar meta nara Maltin imaqdru donnu g˙as-sempliçi ra©uni li jridu jil˙qu l-iskop tag˙hom li xejn ma jkunu ©enwini. Donnhom tfal li minkejja li jg˙addu s-snin minn fuqhom ma jikbru qatt.

Malta a Treasure Island in the Mediterranean Anth. Cassar minn Greenwich, NSW jikteb:

hen asked about my nationality, I alW ways like to say that I am Maltese born and bred, even though I have lived and raised a family in Australia longer that Ispent years in my native coutnry. My roots are Maltese and there’s no way anybody can change that. Therefore I am in seventh heaven when I read or hear good news about Malta. It seems that nowadays only good news comes out of Malta, which is well and good. Therefore it hurts that sometimes when I log on to some Maltese news portals I find negative comments, by those who for resons of their own, try to find fault in all that is Maltese. Every time I visit Malta and return to Australia always I like to tell my friends that I visited a Treasure Island in the Mediterranean where everybody is welcome and anybody can have a good time, where in general, the people happy and friendly; that they go out of their way to make everybody welcome. My earnest wish is that Malta does not lose the tag of a hospitable nation.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday July 21, 2015

SBS management’s decision is A truly wonderful experience disriminatory against Maltese O

Clayton Bartolo from Canberra writes:

It is shameful of SBS radio to reduce by two hours the Maltese language programmes. Little do they know, though they should, as I gather that after doing some research a few years back they found out at the time, that when it comes to numbers, the Maltese ethnic group might be a minority compared to others, but it is more loyal to the Maltese programmes on radio than most other ethnic groups. I myself am a Canberran. I was born in Australia of Maltese parents – so I form part of the younger generation. My parents are both Malta-born and are in their late fifties, while my grandparents are into their seventies. It is not only them who like to listen to the Maltese programmes. I too am an avid fan as it helps me to grasp the language and use it when I need to talk to my grandparents. Besides I can use it when I visit Malta and mix

with the natives. One cannot really find an answer to SBS’s decision. It is sickening for us Maltese to be treated as third class citizens. We should all unite in our protest. It is a great pity and I am afraid that if SBS stick to the current decision, they will keep on rolling over us. The SBS radio station’s decision is discriminatory against the Maltese, so let’s fight it, maybe they would eventually come to their senses and give us our dues. I am sick of it all for fear that in a few years’ time we won’t even be able to listen to a Maltese person talking in the Maltese language on a radio station that is funded by our taxes. It could also mean that us third generation Maltese won’t even be able to express our pride in our roots when we have children of our own. Because it is the language that makes a nation, and without it we are lost.

Alfred Flask from Canberra ACT writes:


n Issue No. 104 of The Voice of the Maltese, published a letter regarding the Sette Giugno. The writer asked why this day is referred to in Italian, and not 7th June or 7 ta’ Ìunju. What is the difference if we call it 7th June, changing it from Italian to English? In my humble opinion this day was always known as Sette Giugno, so why change it now. If there’s need to do something, it should be added to the name on the Monument: Sette Giugno – 7 ta’ Ìunju – 7th June. The day was always known as Sette

Clayton Bartolo from Adelaide writes: h to be in Malta now that summer is here is I was singing all the way from Floriana to my uncle’s place in Sliema after attending a most enjoyable evening at the Granaries a vast open area very close to the Maltese capital, Valletta where I joined thousands upon thousands of youths for the Isle of MTV musical show. I was told it was the 10th anniversary of the annual event. I made so many new friends, not only Maltese but also foreigners who I was told came to Malta just to attend the gig. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that no tickets were required to attend the event. Honestly, I did not want to make my first visit to Malta even though grandparents had volunteered to pay off my expenses. Then my dad mentioned that during the time of my visit, I could have the added bonus of being part of a music festival organised by MTV, the international music station. I thought he was just dangling a carrot in front of me. I was still sceptical. But as it turns out, I am not any more. I was in between jobs therefore I could afford three weeks on this beautiful island. Initially my intention was to visit New Zealand. But I don't regret the change of plans. Besides the well-organised event, during my stay I was also able to attend two more gigs, all for free. Now I will try my best to go back again next year, for the next Isle of MTV, on June 28. You see, we at Adelaide love to party. What a wonderful place Malta is! Thanks Malta, thanks dad, thanks grannies!

So what’s in a name? Giugno. There is history attached to the name and why it happened and what Malta gained through that unfortunate incident. Interesting enough on page 7 of the same issue their was an interesting article headed, “Yet another Rose for Sette Giugno”. If one travels to anywhere in Europe and visits historical monuments similar to the one in Malta, one normally finds the name on a monument the way it was originally

known. Then one could also find the same name in the respective language of that particular country, and sometimes then, also in the English language Even without a guide one could always know what the statue or monument is all about from reading the inscriptions. Don’t take me wrong I like to have things in the Maltese Language but let us not lose the original names of traitional and historical events.

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Perspettiva Grexit jew le

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.


˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar snin, ilna nisimg˙u dwar pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropea li jinsabu f'diffikultajiet finanzjarji. L-aktar li ssemmew kienu l-Irlanda, l-Italja, Spanja u l-iktar fit-tul ilGreçja. Il-kelma Grexit tintuΩa biex tirreferi g˙allpossibiltà li min˙abba d-diffikultajiet finanzjarji tag˙ha, ikollha t˙alli l-munita tal-UE, l-Ewro, u ter©a dda˙˙al il-munita li kellha qabel, id-drakma. Dawn id-diffikultajiet tista' tag˙sarhom g˙al attitudni wa˙da tal-gvernijiet li jmexxuhom, çioe t-tendenza li l-gvern matul is-sena jonfoq iktar milli jda˙˙al, li jissejja˙ defiçit. Biex jiffinanzja dan id-defiçit, il-gvern irid jissellef ilflus, li jissejja˙ dejn. G˙al dan il-privile©©, il-gvern irid i˙allas l-img˙ax lil min qed isellfu u meta jiskadi ΩΩmien ta' kull kuntratt tad-dejn, irid i˙allsu lura kollu. Biex tg˙axxaqha, dawn il-gvernijiet (u o˙rajn) g˙amlu hekk sena wara sena wara sena, anke g˙al g˙exieren ta' snin. G˙alhekk, id-dejn kiber u kiber, u sar tant kbir li l-gvernijiet ma baqg˙ux isibu mzazen li lesti li jsellfu l-flus iktar b'rati ta' img˙ax baxxi, u marru jittalbu ming˙and a©enziji kbar finanzjarji, b˙allIMF (Il-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali), l-ECB (Il-Bank Çentrali Ewropew) u l-Kummissjoni Ewropea, l'hekk imsej˙a trojka. Dan id-dejn kiber, minkejja li regola fil-Patt ta' Stabbiltà u Tkabbir li ffirmaw il-pajjiΩi tal-UE fil-1998 tg˙id li d-dejn m'g˙andux jikber iktar minn 60% tal-GDP (Gross Domestic Product - ilProdott Gross Domestiku). Sal-a˙˙ar tal-2014, il-Greçja kellha dejn daqs 177% tal-GDP, it-tieni l-ag˙ar pajjiΩ fid-dinja f'din listatistika wara l-Ìappun. B˙ala daqsxejn ta' paragun, il-medja tal-Ewropa kienet 91%, Malta kellha 67% u l-Awstralja 28%.1 Kif il-Greçja spiççat f'dan l-istat, g˙ad iridu jinkitbu teΩijiet. Jien m'inix ekonomista, imma jidher li ˙afna atturi preΩenti ta' din iddrama, kif ukoll xi o˙rajn, kollha taw daqqa t'id biex i˙awwdu din il-borma.2 Tista' tifhimha kif il-Greçja qeg˙da fl-a˙barijiet. Il-pajjiΩ di©à sab l-g˙ajnuna ming˙and it-trojka darbtejn (fl-2010 u l-2011) u din is-sena l-Greçja re©g˙et talbet l-g˙ajnuna g˙at-tielet darba. Din qisha storja drammatika li ma tispiçça qatt. Il-pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropeja re©g˙u ddeçidew li joffru g˙ajnuna lill-Greçja, ghat-tielet darba, b’kundizzjonijiet iebsin, u lgvern Grieg qed ikollu jiekol kliemu anke ta’ ftit tal-jiem ilu. Tassew li nstemg˙u ˙afna kummenti ˙ergin mill-Greçja li ma tantx kienu jag˙mlu kura©© lil min qed jikkunsidra jer©a’ jg˙in lildak il-pajjiΩ. L-ewwel kumment li g˙andi f'rasi kien wie˙ed li ng˙ad b'çerta persistenza, li l-Greçja tista' tiddeçiedi li ma t˙allasx id-dejn tag˙ha, sitwazzjoni li tissejja˙ default. Fil-fatt g˙adha kif g˙amlet hekk f'dan ix-xahar.3 Jekk il-Greçja ma tikkommettix ru˙ha biex t˙allas lura d-dejn tag˙ha, min se jie˙u r-riskju li jsellifha iktar? Kien hemm kumment li smajt waqt intervista fit-toroq tal-Greçja li l-Griegi ma kinux jafu x'dejn kien qed jid˙ol g˙alih il-gvern tag˙hom. Dan ma narahx li hu argument validu. F'sistema demokratika, huwa l-poplu li jtella' l-gvern, li g˙andu l-poter li jitkellem f'ismu u f'isem il-pajjiΩ, g˙at-tajjeb u g˙all-˙aΩin. Rajna diversi xeni ta' nies fil-kjuwijiet barra l-banek biex jippruvaw jo˙or©u xi flus ˙alli jkunu jistg˙u jg˙ixu, iddisprati jmorru minn ATM g˙all-ie˙or g˙ax il-flus kienu nixfu. L-u©ig˙ tan-nies u tal-pensjonanti li jg˙ixu minn çekk g˙al çekk i©©iblek ˙asra. Biss irid jing˙ad ukoll li l-pajjiΩi li minnhom qed ti©i mitluba lg˙ajnuna wkoll g˙andhom il-pensjonanti tag˙hom. Mhux il-pa-

kitba ta’





jjiΩi kollha huma g˙onja b˙all-Ìermanja u n-Norve©ja. Sal-a˙˙ar tal-2012, f'Malta l-pensjoni non-kontributorja ta' koppja fejn wie˙ed biss huwa eli©ibbli g˙aliha, jing˙ata €4,200 fissena, mentri r-romol jie˙du €5,200.4 Pensjonanti ta˙t is-sistema kontributorja fl-2014 t˙allsu medja ta' €7,500 fis-sena 5 u bis-sistema taΩ-Ωew© terzi jistg˙u jie˙du massimu ta' €14,500.6 Fil-Greçja, pensjonant medju jie˙u madwar €8,700 fis-sena.7 Jien m'inix kontra li pajjiΩ ji©i meg˙jun fis-sieg˙a tal-prova tieg˙u, anke jekk dak il-pajjiΩ ma jistax jissejja˙ fqir. Kul˙add jista' ji©i bΩonn l-g˙ajnuna g˙al xi ra©uni jew o˙ra. Madankollu ne˙odha bi kbira li nisma' kummenti ˙orox ˙er©in mill-Greçja dwar l-Ewropa.8 Malta wkoll tifforma parti minn dan il-kontinent, u ddeçidiet li tikkontribwixxi sa €511 miljun lill ESM (European Stability Mechanism - MekkaniΩmu g˙all-Istabbilta Ewropea), li minnhom t˙allsu €58 miljun.9 Kull Ewro li tat kien Ewro li minflok seta’ mar g˙all-pensjonanti Maltin. Minn dan il-fond, jekk taççewtta, se tibbenfika l-Greçja. Dan apparti l-garanziji li g˙amlet Malta, flimkien mal-pajjiΩi lo˙ra tal-UE, li minnhom di©a` bbenefikat il-Greçja. G˙alhekk, jien nixtieq li dan il-˙afna kliem Ωejjed li smajna minn dawn il-©irien tal-Maltin jieqaf. Veru li ©ej minn nies li qed ibatu, u anke li jista' jkun hemm xi verità fihom, imma min qed jisma' qed jag˙mel is-sagrifiççji tieg˙u wkoll, ming˙ajr ˙afna daqq ta' trombi u b'riΩultati poΩittivi. Iddardarx l-g˙ajn li tixrob minnha! Referenzi 1., retrieved 13/7/2015 2., retrieved 13/7/2015 3., retrieved 13/7/2015 4. Country Report Malta 2007-2012, Euromod, Pauline Saliba 5. Malta in Figures 2014, National Statistics Office 6., retrieved 13/7/2015 7. Pensions at a Glance 2013, OECD 8., retrieved 13/7/2015 9. EFSF ESM New Investor Presentation, July 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday July 21, 2015

The Wairarapa Daily Times that reported on Louis Cremona’s appeal in 1917; Right: the actual report

Louis Cremona, the only-known NZ-Maltese ANZAC

few issues ago, I wrote about a Maltese ANZAC from Wellington NZ who A joined the NZ Expeditionary Force in May 1917 as a rifleman. He was posted to the Western Front. Louis Cremona, from Rabat Gozo, is the only known Mal-

tese, who alongside Australian and New Zealanders participated in the WW1 war effort. I did a search at the Turnbull Library in Wellington NZ and found an entry to a news report on Louis Cremona. The background to this article is as follows: Louis must have heard of the inThe chairman:That has nothing to do with us. If you are by Mark Caruana

justice done to 214 Maltese (200 of whom were his countrymen from Gozo) who in October 1916 were refused entry to disembark in Australia. The incident is known in Maltese-Australian migration history, as the Maltese of New Caledonia incident. He must have been very upset at learning this and as a form of protest he withdrew his application to enlist with the NZ Army. The matter went before a military board and this is the outcome. A CHEF'S APPEAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXX, Issue 146239, 10 May 1917, Page 5

BORN IN MALTA. BOARD SAYS HE IS A BRITISH SUBJECT Louis Cremona, chef, Club Hotel, Masterton, appealed at the Military Service Board in Masterton yesterday, on the grounds of nationality. Cremona said he was born in Malta, which politically was a British country. He was, however, not of British blood, but Italian. "What I want to know is, if I am liable for service the same as Britishers" The chairman: Anybody born in the British dominions is in our reserve. Our Act says you are a British-born subject and liable for service. Appellant: Is a Maltese entitled to the same privileges as a man of British blood? The chairman:A British subject is not necessarily a British citizen, but a man born in Malta is a British subject. If that is so, why is it that recently about 300 Maltese were refused admission to Australia?

aggrieved with the Australians, that is another matter. Captain Cowlisbaw: How long have you been in New Zealand? Appellant: Five years. Captain Cowlisbaw: Have you voted here? Appellant:No. Appellant: I wish to say that it makes no difference to me. If I have to go, the same as the others, I am quite willing to go. The chairman: You are not a shirker and had better withdraw your appeal and go into camp. Appellant: I had enlisted, but after reading what happened in Australia, I withdrew my enlistment. The Board advised appellant to withdraw his appeal, and granted exemption till May 30th. Appellant seemed quite pleased, and left the box smiling.

The last sentence Louis left the box smiling says it all. One can only picture the grin on his face! He was vindicated. He made a stand, scored a very valid point with the authorities. He knew that the chairman would most likely respond, “If you are aggrieved with the Australians that is another matter”, but Louis Cremona showed great conviction, confidence and courage in not letting this injustice go unnoticed. Louis had received a good education for his time and in 1906 he was successfully granted a Papaffy passage subsidy to migrate to NZ. He migrated with another Papaffy awardee, a John Pillow, a Maltese born in Valletta and residing at Sliema, who had joined the NZ Army as a staff sergeant in 1914, on whom I will be writing at a later date.

Lest we forget !

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

International Credit Rating Agency upgrades Malta’s rating, outlook


nternational credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s has reaffirmed Malta’s stable outlook as well as its BBB+/A-2 rating. It stated that by means of effective governance, it has observed that the new administration, has begun registering concrete progress on its long-term reforms, and that hese positive prospects led the agency to reaffirm a stable outlook for Malta. Standard & Poor’s also affirmed that Malta is making good progress in its energy plan, It remarked that this reform will continue supporting economic growth, which is already improving and exceeding all expectations, including Standard & Poor’s own. S&P said that the conversion to gas as an energy source would enable Government to lower the cost of the generation of electricity by as much as half. Meanwhile, the government has stated that its plan for the energy sector is unfolding in a manner that is strengthening the country’s financial position, so much so that the economic growth registered during 2013 exceeded all expectations. The credit rating agency further welcomed the Chinese investment Malta secured for the

state-owned enterprise Enemalta, and said this investment will allow the Government to reduce the corporation’s losses, and consequently, the negative effect it has on Govt. finances. It remarked that this process is a positive sign that the Govt will address long-term issues such as pensions, and greater female participation in the labour force. S&P reported that the only factor that discouraged it from improving Malta’s credit rating was the accumulation of debt. It said Malta’s assessment would be further improved if the Government proceeds with its agenda that prioritises economic growth and, subsequently, reduction of the debt. The Maltese government remains determined that through responsible governance, it will keep creating wealth and ensuring that this wealth is distributed fairly among

Govt. signs partnership with world’s biggest IT device manufacturer


he Maltese government has signed a strategic agreement with China-based ICT global leader Huawei Technologies that will see 5G technology tested in Malta. Through this agreement that was signed at Smart City in the presence of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera, Malta business envoy to Asia Sai Mizzi and Edward Chan, the CEO of Huawei Italy, Huawei will be seeking a local partner while here in Malta to assist it in 5G testing. The 5G technology is still in its experimentation phase and Huawei are one of the leading corporations carrying out this testing. Malta will now be at the core of this process that will evolve existing 3G and 4G technologies to even higher speeds and capabilities. After the testing phase, Huawei will evaluate the possibility of establishing a Research & Development centre in Malta. One of the advantages of 5G, once introduced, is that mobile users can man their appliances through the use of their cell phone, since capabilities would be enhanced through such technology. Huawei employs as many as 170,000 employees, half of whom are employed in the research and development sector which it believes is important for achieving future success. Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said at the singing, “Malta is open for business and ready to test

Malta’s hardworking population. So that Malta becomes stronger and fairer. Meanwhile, the Finance Ministry has noted with satisfaction the updated ratings by Standard & Poor’s. Minister Edward Scicluna said that Standard & Poor’s’ decision to upgrade the outlook to positive re-affirms the solid performance of Malta’s economy and prospects for the upcoming years. “Of particular satisfaction is their remark about the Government’s success in reforming key sectors, mainly the energy sector, and the concrete efforts to diversify the economy,” the Minister said. He added S&P’s comments on public finances, confirms the downward trend of both the budget deficit and the debt ratio. The agency believes that Malta’s budgetary consolidation would continue in the coming years, primarily owing to increased revenue from strengthening domestic Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera (right) and demand and a decline in Edward Chan, the CEO of Huawei Italy at the signing expenditure. It expects the debt ratio to decline new frontiers. This Government takes pride in foreign to 62.8 per cent in 2018. investment. We are laying the ground for a new genS&P’s noted in its latest eration of growth and wealth for our country.” report, the strong econoHe added that the partnership with Huawei, the mic growth performance biggest telecommunications device manufacturer in in 2014 and expressed its the world, proves that Malta’s size is not an obstacle. view that the momentum He said, “During the past months we have been sowis set to continue in the ing the seeds for Malta to take a new direction in coming years, with Malterms of new niches for our economy”. ta’s economic growth “What you are seeing here is just the beginning; inoutpacing the Euro Area. vestment is flowing in from India, the Gulf, Italy and The agency expects this more. I take pride in promoting my country and I urge positive performance to my ministers and diplomats to spread the news that be sustained by a strong Malta is really open for business and to attract ininflow of investment and vestors,” Dr Muscat said. acknowledges the diverDr Jose Herrera reaffirmed that Mrs Sai Mizzi sification of our econplayed a vital role in getting things off the ground in omy, particularly in terms of this project. He said that talks kick-started medical tourism, that last year with Huawei. confirms Government’s In comments she made Mrs Mizzi said she was vision to explore new thrilled to introduce Huawei to Malta, and that she sectors that can give would like to see the friendship between China and Malta a competitive edge Malta continue to prosper. Such investments, she and sustain our growth said, means new jobs for future generations. model.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta The Malta Hilton, one of Malta’s top hotels. Inset: Tourism Minister Dr E. Zammit Lewis announcing the project

Tourism Minister announces €15m. refurbishment project at Hilton Malta


he Minister for Tourism Edward Zammit Lewis has announced an investment worth approximately €15 million by Hilton Malta that plans to embark on an extensive refurbishment project aimed at ensuring that the facilities it provides would continue to meet the highest expectations and standards expected by its guests and clients. Hilton Malta currently has around 450 full-time employees. The Hotel also has plans to enhance the amenities of its property, with a project worth €4 million and which is aimed for completion by April 2016. Stating this, the Tourism Minister said that “significantly, this development also comes hot on the heels of another investment of €6 million announced by the Tumas Group for the Hilton Malta last April, which focused on the refurbishment of 300 bedrooms. He went on to say that that it is with a huge sense of optimism that the Government looks towards the future of Malta’s tourism

850 enterprises benefit from new initiative


alta is to make available some €60 m. of new money which, over the next five years would benefit around 850 enterprises. The so-called SME initiative was launched by the Deputy PM, Mr Louis Grech and Parliamentary Secretary, Dr Ian Borg. It was also presented to the major financial institutions in Malta and to other stakeholders. The initiative will combine the different resources of the European Structural and Investment Fund, the EU Horizon 2020 programme, and the lending capacity of the European Investment Bank, and will be an important step in its push to make innovative financing tools available to the country’s small and medium enterprises. Malta is the second EU Member State, after Spain, to launch this initiative. Mr Grech said this is an initiative that complements existing facilities in Malta.

industry, encouraged by the trust that the private investor is continuously showing in the economy by announcing such projects. Edward Zammit Lewis also reiterated that the government has been keeping to its commitments in accordance with its electoral pledges, ensuring that Malta’s economic sectors, including tourism, have started to benefit from more cost-effective energy tariffs. The reductions in tariffs alone introduced by this Government to the tune of 25 per cent in electricity bills and a five per cent reduction in water bills - are expected to amount to around €50 million per year in savings that can be directed to fund new projects and investments’. He further expressed gratitude and congratulated the Tumas Group for their commitment to quality and towards enhancing the value of Malta’s tourism offer. At a press conference, Hilton Malta General manager Matthew Mullan said that the hotel will close down for 10 weeks between February 6 and April 10 next year for the works to be carried out. Works will include refurbishment of 293 rooms, the installation of advanced energy efficient features, and a new terrace overlooking the pool.

PM at Milan Expo 2015 aving been shown publications which Italian publishers printed in Malta as H he was visiting the Maltese pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015, during Malta Day, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said,” “This is the type of business we want to keep on attracting. We can convince the international community that Malta is an idyllic tourist attraction and also an ideal site for business. "From aviation to logistics, from the printing industry to microchip technology. Government is fully committed to further develop other sectors, such as health and education, through new investors who we have the potential to build relationships with”, Dr Muscat, said. On his tour of the Maltese Pavilion accompanied by a delegation from Trade Malta and representatives from Malta Enterprise, the PM could see that it was showcasing Malta as a modern island with a unique identity. He was told about the impress i v e amounts of people who are daily visiting this Pavilion through which various important contacts are being established. Dr. Muscat described Malta as an “island of sustainable economic growth”, quoting the European Commission forecast for its job creation and unemployment rate to outperform other Eurozone countries. “The European Commission may be surprised at Malta’s success but we are not at all surprised,” Muscat said. “It is a question of working hard and smartly, and of not trying to live beyond your means. It is also a question of having a bold but feasible vision and of having the will and determination to go for it.”

Isle of MTV 2015 edition huge success T

he 9th edition of the annual Isle of MTV music event, a free live concert on the Floriana Granaries in Malta earlier this month was another great success as thousands of Maltese youths, and even foreigners, some in Malta just to attend the event enthusiastically participated throughout the spectacle. The unique musical event, certainly summer’s most popular live gig that offers young people across Europe an exclusive opportunity to experience some of the world’s best new and established artistes in Malta, is an MTV Networks International (MTVNI) production. It was held in front of a crowd that topped the 50,000 mark. The organisers have already announced that next year, the 10th Anniversary of this event that has become an important annual destination for music lovers, would be held on June 28. The line-up for this summer’s edition included: OMI, DJ Martin Garrix, Jason Derulo, Echosmith and Tori Kelly.


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14 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday July 21, 2015

Vilifikazzjoni tar-Reli©jon

˙adu kif sar mag˙ruf li se jsiru emendi filLi©ijiet Kriminali li fost kollox se jne˙˙u l-artiklu 163 tal-Kodiçi Kriminali. Dan l-artiklu jitratta dwar il-vilifikazzjoni tar-Reli©jon Kattolika u ja˙seb g˙al sentenza ta’ ˙abs ta bejn sitt xhur u sena g˙al min b’xi mod jivvilifika din irreli©jon. It-t˙abbir ta’ dan it-tibdil malajr wassal g˙al ˙afna kummenti u sintendi ma naqsux dawk li semmew il-passat ta’ Gvernijiet Laburisti u tkaΩaw fuq li tkaΩaw b’dak li kien se ji©ri. Li ma kienux jafu dawn il-kummentaturi hu li fil-fatt dan ma jfissirx li min kien ser jivvelifika r-reli©jon Kattolika kien se je˙lisha ˙afif g˙ax biex ipatti g˙at-tne˙˙ija ta’ dan l-artiklu, hemm l-Artiklu 82A li se jibqa’ j˙ares ir-reli©jon Kattolika. Tg˙idu mela g˙ax tne˙˙a l-artiklu 163? Ir-ra©uni hi li l-artiklu 82A qed ikun estiΩ biex barra r-reli©jon Kattolika, dan l-artiklu j˙ares ukoll mill-vilifikazzjoni reli©jonijiet o˙ra, lil dawk ta’ karne©©jon, razza, orjentazzjoni, eçç differenti.

Skont dan l-artiklu kull azzjoni li tista; twassal g˙all-vjolenza jew mibeg˙da razzjali kontra persuna jew grupp ta’ persuni f’Malta definiti b’referenza g˙all-©eneru, identità tal- ©eneru, orjentazzjoni sesswali, razza, kulur, lingwa, ori©ini nazzjonali jew etnika, çittadinanza, reli©jon jew twemmin, jew opinjoni politika jew opinjoni o˙ra. Permezz ta’ dawn l-emendi se titne˙˙a wkoll il-projbizzjoni fuq is-satira tarreli©jon sakemm din ma tipperikolax lordni pubbliku. Fl-istess waqt t˙abbru wkoll emendi li g˙andhom l-g˙an li jag˙tu aktar liberta’ lill-artisti jesprimu l-arti tag˙hom ming˙ajr ma jkunu ççensurati ˙lief fi kwestjoni ta’ pornografija estrema u f’kaΩi fejn jista’ jkun hemm theddid

g˙all-ordni pubblika. Fejn tid˙ol il-pornografija mhux se jibqa’ llegali it-tqassim u Ω-Ωamma, fost l-adulti, ta’ materjal pornografu ˙lief f’kaΩi estremi b˙al stupru. Dan se jag˙ti lok g˙all-ftu˙ ta’ ˙wienet tal-pornografija li ma jistg˙ux jesponu materjal fil-pub-bliku u jkunu reservati biss g˙al dawk ta’ aktar minn 18-il sena. Minkejja li hemm min qed jiskandalizza ru˙u, na˙seb jekk kollna npo©©u saqajna mal-art u naççettaw l-affarijiet kif inhuma, illum, fl-era tal-Internett u mezzi o˙ra ta’ komunikazzjoni ma na˙sibx li din il-bidla se tag˙mel xi bidla kbir g˙al dawk li jridu jaraw stampi jew films pornografiçi. Spiçça iΩ-Ωmien li nies b˙al dawn biex jakkwistaw xi rivista jew film pornografu kienu jaraw kif bil-mo˙bi jda˙˙lu din ilkwalita’ ta’ materjal meta jsiefru. Illum g˙afsa ta’ buttuna... u m’hemmx bΩonn wie˙ed joqg˙od imur fil-˙wienet. Barraminhekk, minkejja l-˙afna kliem, ma na˙sibx li se jkun hawn xi ©irja biex jinfet˙u ˙wienet b˙al dawn.

Warrani i Braziljan e din mhux l-ewwel t˙addim tad-dritt li wie˙ed L ikun aktar laxk fil-kitba tieg˙u ming˙ajr ma jtajjar difrejh mal-li©i. Din hija propju storja ta’ tfajla Maltija

Óatra iebsa ˙afna


i tin˙atar Isqof hija xi ˙a©a sabi˙a u Ωgur dak li jkun jifra˙ hu, kif ukoll il-familja tieg˙u. G˙alhekk na˙seb li Patri George Bugeja ofm (stampa fuq), Superjur tal-Kunvent ta’ Sant’Antnin ta’ Padova f’G˙ajnsielem ˙a fer˙a kbira meta twasslitlu l-a˙bar li l-Papa Fran©isku kienu ˙atru Isqof. Iωda l-˙atra Ωgur mhix wa˙da façli g˙ax ©ie ma˙tur b˙ala Isqof Koadjutur tal-Vigarjat Appostoliku ta’ Tripli fil-Libja. Barra li s-sedja tieghu hija f’pajjiΩ iddominat mir-reli©jon musulmana, b˙alissa fil-Libja g˙addej ukoll minn inkwiet kbir. Biss jidher li l-Vatikan g˙andu fiduça qawwija f’membri tal-kleru Maltin fejn jid˙lu l-pajjiΩi Musulmani, billi hemm g˙add ta’ isqfijiet Maltin li jmexxu djoçeΩijiet f’pajjizi Musulmani fosthom l-Isqof Silvestro Magro li huwa Isqof tal-belt Libyjana, BengaΩi.. L-Ordinazzjoni Episkopali ta’ Bugeja li twieled fl-1 ta’ Lulju 1962 fixXag˙ra, G˙awdex mistennija ssir f’G˙awdex fl-4 ta’ Settembru li ©ej. Hu l-kbir fost ˙amest a˙wa subien, ulied il-mejjet Emmanuel minn Ta’ Kerçem u Marija mwielda Attard mix-Xag˙ra.

li xejn ma kienet kuntenta bil-warrani tag˙ha, g˙ax kontra dak li s-soltu jsir minn çerti nisa’, xtaqet tkabbar il-warrani tag˙ha. Insomma kif stqarret hi riedet li jkollha ‘warrani BraΩiljan’. ... warrani li forsi rat waqt il-karnival BraΩiljan. Meta stqarret ix-xewqa mat-tabib tag˙ha, dan malajr irran©alha ma’ kirurgu Taljan biex jag˙mlilha l-intervent me˙tie©. L-intervent sar... imma jidher li din ittfajla ma kienetx kuntenta bir-riΩultat. Mhux talli hekk, iΩda din spiççat biex kellha mill©did ti©i operata mill-istess kirrurgu min˙abba li kellha infezzjoni fuq in-na˙a tal-lemin tal-warrani tag˙ha. Wara dawn l-interventi, s-sinjorina Falzon marret lIngilterra f'Ottubru tal-2010 g˙al intervent kirur©iku ie˙or. Insomma wara din l-avventura kollha, din it-tfajla spiççat tfittex lil dan il-kirurgu Taljan – Marcello Stella - fil-Qorti Maltija, li wara kollox tat ra©un lil din it-tfajla mhux biss g˙ax sostniet li Stella ma rribattiex l-akkuΩa li saritlu, iΩda wkoll g˙ax kif irrappurtaw il-©urnali “Il-Qorti Ωiedet tg˙id li jirriΩΩulta çar, minn g˙ajn inesperta u mhux medika, li l-intervent ma la˙aqx ir-riΩultat mixtieq. Il-Qorti ordnat lil Stella j˙allas is-somma ta' €28,727 lill-vittma. Permezz tal-kawΩa l-vittma, kif jg˙id il-Malti mhux mitkellem u mhux stampat “kixfet so___ ma’ kul˙add” g˙ax il-©urnali kollha ©abu isimha.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2 Kultant taqra stejjer li bilkemm ma ta˙sibx li xi ˙add qed ji©bidlek saqajk. G˙ax kif qatt tobsor li omm tkun g˙addejja fit-triq u jersaq ra©el fuqha biex jipprova jixtri littifla li kellha mag˙ha? Dak li ©ara lil Anya Soldatova. Kienet g˙addejja ma bintha fix-Xatt tas-Sliema meta ra©el qalilha: “kemm trid?” Óasbet fuq kollox, minbarra li l-barrani kien qed jipprova jixtri lil bintha. L-omm ma tatux wiçç imma r-ra©el baqa’ jg˙olli l-offerta tieg˙u sakemm l-omm

Tfal g˙all-bejg˙? irnexxielha te˙les minnu. Jidher li din ma kienetx l-uniku offerta li g˙amel dan ir-ra©el g˙ax omm o˙ra rrappurtat g˙and il-pulizija li waqt li f’jum wie˙ed kienet miexja tul ix-Xarr ta’ TasSliema filg˙axija flimkien ma’ bintha ta’ seba’ snin, li wkoll hi bjonda b˙al bint Soldatova, resaq ra©el fuqha u beda jag˙mel offerta wara l-o˙ra biex jixtri lil bintha.

Il-qaΩba kienet skuΩa?

Nar tal-karti

inkejja dak li jg˙idu dawk li ma j˙obbux M in-nar, festa’ Maltija m’hix kompluta ming˙ajr n-nar tal-art u tal-ajru, u dwar dan, daΩ-Ωmien, f’˙afna lokalitajiet qed tid˙ol iddrawwa li in-nar ikun sikronizzat mal-muΩika biex tin˙oloq atmosfera aktar brijjuΩa. Biss g˙al dawk li ma j˙obbux in-nar, u na˙seb anke g˙al dawk li j˙obbuh, ˙asbu lpartitarji tal-festa ta’ San Pawl tar-Rabat Malta. Dawn jag˙mlu spettaklu b’differenza Minflok ma jin˙araq log˙ob tan-nar, sabiex jin˙olqu l-kuluri, fl-ispettaklu jintuΩaw karti u konfetti sabiex jin˙oloq effett simili. Il-karti ji©u sparati fl-ajru b'mod sinkronizzat mal-muΩika sabiex tin˙oloq qawsalla ta' kuluri li jsebb˙u l-atmosfera ferrie˙ija tal-març


ta' filg˙odu fir-Rabat. IΩda xorta wa˙da, biex iΩommu mat-tradizzjoni, xi nar tal-art u tal-ajru jag˙tu wkoll.

Nghixu mit-TuriΩmu nin ilu ftit kienu dawk S il-Maltin li kienu jqisu li t-turiΩmu b˙ala ndustrija li tista’ trendi. It-tentattivi biex nirriklamaw il-GΩejjer Maltin b˙ala çentru tatturiΩmu kienu ftit. Mal-kisba tal-Indipendenza, u aktar u aktar mattluq tas-Servizzi IngliΩi minn Malta, il-˙tie©a ta’ aktar industriji biex ipattu g˙all-impjiegi li kienu joffru s-Servizzi IngliΩi bdiet tin˙ass sew. G˙alhekk gvern wara lie˙or f’dan is-settur u llum, nistg˙u ng˙idu li t-turiΩmu huwa wie˙ed mill-pilastri tal-ekonomija Maltija li qed joffri wie˙ed minn kull seba’ postijiet tax-xog˙ol. Fortunatament Gvern wara l-ie˙or stinka kemm fela˙ biex din l-industrija tirnexxi u dawn l-isforzi qed i˙allu l-frott tag˙hom tant li kwaΩi ta’ kull sena qed ikollna aktar turisti jΩuru Malta u aktar d˙ul fi bwiet l-impjegati u l-kaxxa ta’ Malta. Dan jidher çar mill-a˙˙ar figuri li ©ew ippublikati

Is-sabi˙a hi li l-ewwel omm minflok ma marret dritt u rrappurtat il-kaΩ lill-pulizija... marret fuq il-kompjueter u rrakkuntat din l-istorja fuq is-social media. Ara kif din l-imbierka social media spiççat il-bibbja ta’ kul˙add, tant li f’kaΩ serju b˙al dan omm fdat l-istorja tag˙ha fuq dan il-mezz ta’ komunikazzjoni. Minflok marret biss g˙and il-puliΩija g˙ax xi ˙add qara l-istorja fuq il-facebook tag˙ha u ˙e©©i©ha tmur tirrapporta l-kaΩ lillpulizija.

dwar din l-industrija. Infatti f’Mejju li g˙adda waslu Malta 177,895 turist, li jfisser Ωieda ta' 5.5% fuq Mejju tas-sena li g˙addiet. Minn dawn, 153,104 persuna ©ew Malta g˙al btala filwaqt li 11,160 Ωaru pajjiΩna fuq xog˙ol. Kien hemm Ωieda qawwija ta’ turisti mill-pajjiΩi talUnjoni Ewropea li Ωdiedu bi 11.3% g˙al 155,306. Ûdiedu wkoll l-g˙add totali ta' ljieli li t-turisti qattg˙u f'Malta - Ωdieda ta’ 5.9% fuq Mejju li g˙adda. Dan wassal g˙al Ωieda ta’ kwaΩi 8% fil-flus li dawn ˙allew Malta, b’kollox €149.2 miljuni fil-kaxxa ta’ Malta. Jekk wie˙ed jag˙ti ˙arsa

lejn l-istatistika g˙at-turiΩmu bejn Jannar u Mejju ta' din is-sena, jara li b'kollox gew 579,693 turist, Ωieda ta' 5.9% fuq l-istess perjodu tas-sena ta' qabel. It-total tal-iljieli Ωdied b'4.2% u biex ammonta g˙al 4.1 miljuni. Fl-ewwel ˙ames xhur ta' din is-sena t-turisti nefqu b'kollox €460.4 miljun f'pajjiΩna, ji©ifieri 7.2% aktar mill-ewwel ˙ames xhur tassena l-o˙ra. Tassew suççess suççessun. L-importanti li nibΩg˙u g˙al din l-industrija u noqog˙du b’seba’ g˙ajnejn g˙ax din hi ndustrija li jekk wie˙ed ma joqg˙odx attent maljar tisfaxxa.

a˙seb li ˙afna minnkom g˙addejtu fi triqtkom lejn u minn Malta minn Dubai. Belt moderna fejn il-˙ajja tidher ixxaqqleb lejn il-Punent. Insomma bil-kemm ta˙seb li fiha jeΩistu çertu drawwiet li lilna ma tanx idoqqulna. Fost dawn id-drawwiet, dejjem skont ma ntqal fil-Qrati Maltin, hemm dik li jekk tnejn jin˙akmu jg˙ixu flimkien ming˙ajr ma jkunu miΩΩeww©in - issa ma nafx jekk dan jg˙oddx biss fejn jid˙lu çittadini tal-lokal jew le – jispiççaw biex jing˙ataw swat bil-qasba. Min˙abba dan, Maltija li kienet tg˙ix u ta˙dem mas-sie˙eb tag˙ha f’din il-Belt aççetat li tiΩΩeww© lill-partner (biex nuΩa kelma li issa saret popolari ˙afna).. u ΩΩew©itu bir-rit Muslman. Biss skont ma qalet il-mara, Ωew©ha ˙ajjarha biex ji©u jiΩΩew©u Malta, u ΩΩew©u biç-çivil imma m’g˙amlux riçeviment g˙ax il-mara kellha l-˙sieb li dan isir meta dawn jiΩΩew©u bil-Knisja. Sadanitant ir-ra©el applika u kiseb g˙ax akkwista dan id-dritt - il-kartita’ tal-identita’ Maltija, u donnu li din l-imbierka karta tal-identita’ bidlitlu ˙ajtu.. g˙ax f’daqqa wa˙da qalilha li ma riedx jibqa’ jg˙ix aktar Malta u li lanqas ried jiΩΩewwe© bil-Knisja. Hawn beda l-inkwiet li spiçça biex ilmara titlob l-annullament fil-Qorti talFamilja fejn xliet lil Ωew©ha li qarraq biha fuq diversi affarijiet fosthom jekk kellux tfal jew le u r-reli©jon. Insomma tg˙id fuq kollox is-swat bilqasba kienet skuΩa?

Il-Qorti tiffriΩa l-assi ta’ Ωew© ©urnalisti

a nafx jekk dan hux kaΩ bla preçedent. Tal-inqas M jien ma niftakarx kaΩ fejn il-qorti ffriΩat l-assi ta’ xi ˙add fil-©urnaliΩmu. Attwalment il-Qorti ffriΩat l-assi finanzjarji ta' Ωew© ©urnalisti tat-Times of Malta Steve Mallia (kap editor) u Ariadne Massa (kap tal-a˙barijiet). Dan sar fuq talba ta' uffiçjali u eksuffiçjali tal-unjin tal-infermiera u l-qwiebel l-MUMN li lmentaw li s-somma ta' €4000 mirbu˙a minnhom f'kawΩa ta' libell baqg˙et ma

t˙allsitx mit-Times. Biss sadanitant it-Times kienet appellat mis-sentenza u l-kawΩa g˙ada g˙addejja Attwalment, g˙ax sadanittant appellat quddiem ilQorti Kostituzzjonali. Is-somma mirbu˙a ori©inarjament kienet ta' €11,500 iΩda dan l-ammont ©ie deskritt b˙ala eççessiv mill-Qorti tal-Appell, li f'Jannar li g˙adda naqqsitu g˙al €4000. IΩda minkejja ttnaqqis fis-somma, dan il-©urnal xorta appella filQorti Kostituzzjonali u l-kwaΩa g˙adha ma ntemmitx.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Great silence in the Australian constitution


group of 40 indigenous leaders met recently at Kirribilli House, the PM’s Sydney residence in the presence of the Opposition leader, Bill Shorten to plot a road map to a referendum. The invited guests at this summit made it clear that symbolic recognition in the constitution will not be enough to secure the support of Indigenous Australia. “Symbolic change won’t be satisfactory. It’s got to have substance” declared Patrick Dodson, who co-chaired the expert panel that proposed an ambitious referendum question, including a ban on racial discrimination. According to public opinion most of the voters support recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of Australia to be included in the constitution. There was a collaborative tone at the Kirribilli gathering as the Prime Minister said “our mission is to correct the great silence in our constitution”. The PM emphasised that the Government wants to engage the whole of Australia in this task. Mr. Shorten who proposed the summit, said he hoped it would provide a “roadmap to recognition” declaring “I do not subscribe to the smaller target path of meaningless change, I don’t want us to lower our sights”. It is hoped that this summit would lay out a process for arriving at a referendum question that can be supported by both sides of politics.

ustralia has not been affected by A the huge losses on China’s sharemarket recently or by what is happen-

The Good News

ing in Greece despite billions being wiped from the value of Australian shares in recent weeks. The Federal Treasure Joe Hockey said that the government’s economic plan was still “on track” because the impact of Greece’ sovereign default and bank shutdowns on Australia’ economy had been “minimal”, while China’s sharemarket crash had not been severe enough to convince Treasury to change their forecasts for Chinese growth in the Commonwealth budget. Despite the recent huge falls in global iron ore prices and the plummeting value of shares on China’s stockmarket, Treasury is forecasting China’s economy will grow by 6.75 per cent this year, 6.5 per cent next year and 6.25 per cent the year after.

Silencing their evidence


nder the new Australian Border Force Act introduced recently, anyone working directly or indirectly for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, including teachers, social workers and doctors, is threatened with two years in jail if they disclose what happens inside detention facilities. Rallies were held around Australia in protest against this secrecy provision. Those involved are saying there is no justification for the provisions that went against medical codes of ethics. One of the protesters said, “How does reporting that a child has been raped by a guard or exchange sexual favours for food threatened national security? It’s a gag

law. It contradicts The Hippocratic Oath of medicos not to be able to report on the welfare of their patients. It’s unbelievable in this 21st century.” The protesters, including social workers, psychologists, nurses and doctors, signed an open letter to the Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

Not breaking bread

he Australian Federal Police has canT celled the Sydney Eid annual Ramadan dinner after Muslim community leaders vowed to boycott the event. There are signs of deepening fractures between the Muslim communities and Australian authorities. Muslims are saying that the dinner is a tokenistic attempt to create a false image of co-operation, harmony and trust which could not be further from the truth. Silma Ihram from the Australian Muslim Women’s Association said “I can’t break fast with those who authorise flash bombs to be used against families”. Concerned Muslims Association said police have targeted Muslims in “phony raids” and the government has introduced legislation to “demonise marginalise and victimise the Muslim community”. It is incredulous that the same agencies that harass, discriminate and target the Muslim community would expect it to break bread with them”.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday July 21, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Possible conflict of Interest

Opposition leader Bill Shorten


he Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten endured two gruelling days of giving evidence at Tony Abbott instigated trade union royal commission raising real questions about the Labor leader’s periods when he was with the Australian Workers Union, his broader political operation and his suitability for the job he has aspired for three decades. Mr. Shorten emerged battered and bruised. He faces serious conflict of interest over cosy deals struck with employers that delivered more than $1 million to the unions while he was secretary. There is no suggestion of personal benefit to Mr. Shorten or his officials. The Royal Commission was branded by Shadow employment minister Brendon O’Connor as an”$80 million witch-hunt”. The Commission is headed by High Court Judge Dyson Heydon who was appointed to the High Court by the Howard Government in 2003. There was a damaging intervention on day two when the Judge warned Shorten that his credibility as a witness was at risk, and chastising him for long-winded answers and for using the inquiry as a public platform.

The Opposition Leader is likely to have to appear at the commission again, probably in August or September, before a final report is handed down by the end of the year. Barristers and solicitors are raking in about $25 million of the taxpayers cash for their work on the commission with Jeremy Stoljar, who is doing the tough grilling of Mr. Shorten getting paid $3.3 million for his efforts. The law firm Minter Ellison, Attorney General George Brandis’ former employer will get $17 million. The royal commission began in March 2014 and is expected to conclude in December this year.

Open debate on national security he Federal Communication MinisT ter Malcolm Turnbull in a recent speech to the Sydney Institute said that

How to strip citizenship

he Abbott Government has requested T Senator Concetta Fieravanti-Wells and veteran MP Phillip Ruddock to recommend how best to present the controversial proposal to strip the citizenship of sole Australian nationals who took part in terrorist activities, if they are able to obtain the citizenship of another country. The Government is looking at legislation that would see terrorists who are dual nationals, both in Australia and overseas, stripped of their Australian by expanding the operation of section 35 of the Australian Citizenship Act. Under international law, Australia is required to not render a person stateless, but there have been suggestions that this roadblock could be worked around with a person being able to take our citizenship of another country. The discussion paper is also considering certain privileges of citizenship, such as the right to vote in elections and receive consular assistance, could instead be suspended for Australian citizens engaged in terrorism. Meanwhile in a poll taken by FairfaxIpsos of 1402 voters, three quarters supported the controversial proposal to strip the citizenship of sole Australian nationals who take part in terrorist activities, if they are able to obtain the citizenship of another country.

the Islamic State was not the worst threat Australia had faced. “Making tough national security policies might be popular but can still be a mistake” he said. Mr. Turnbull called for respectful, open debate on national security matters in which new measures could be questioned without inviting opprobrium. “The Islamic State was not Hitler’s Germany, Tojo’s Japan or Stalin’s Russia and despite the terror group’s own aspirations to world domination, we should be careful not to say or do things which can be seen to add credibility to those delusions”.

Regarding stripping citizenship from terrorists Mr. Turnbull said that laws should be updated, particularly as technology, changed, but stresses this must involve “respect for the rule of law through involvement of the courts”. Mr. Turnbull also touched on the Iraq invasion. “I suppose there is nothing tougher than invading a country, overthrowing its government and occupying its territory. But with the benefit of hindsight, few today contend that the 2003 invasion of Iraq, popular with the US public and the Congress at the time, was not a tragic error.” He said.

MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of

230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Dawn taf xi jfissru?

.Cikwejra [

L-a˙˙ar disa’xhur

Pjanta li tintuΩa b˙ala addittiv li jag˙ti tog˙ma itjeb lill-kafe` jew inkella ting˙ata b˙ala g˙alf lill-annimali. F’nofs is-seklu g˙oxrin iç-çikwejra kienet tinbieg˙ f’pakketti u mag˙hom kienet ting˙ata santa biex t˙ajjar aktar lix-xerrej.

` Mramma Óajt o˙xon jew doblu li ˙afna drabi jkun filpedament tad-djar. Il-©urdien tal-imramma jissejjah hekk g˙ax jg˙ix f’toqob li jkun hemm f’dawn il˙itan.

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Il-Pronom

(ikompli mala˙˙ar ˙ar©a)


Wara t-taghrif li tajna dwar ilPronom, biex nifnifhmu aktar, nag˙mlu tajjeb li naraw x’irqaqat dwar is-su©©ett a) Meta ma’ verbi li jispiççaw bl(‘) inΩidu l-Pronomi MehmuΩin, l-appostrofu jinbidel f’g˙. EΩ.: laqa’ = laqag˙ni laqg˙ek, laqg˙u, laqag˙ha, laqag˙na, laqag˙kom, laqag˙hom. b) Meta verb li jispiçça bil-vokali a jiΩdied bil-Pronomi MehmuΩin, ibiddel l-ittra a f’ie. EΩ.: nesa - nsieni, nsiek, nsieh, nsieha nsiena, nsiekom, nsiehom.

Ix-xhur tas-sena fil-qwiel Maltin

c) Xi nomi li jispiçaw b’a meta jiΩdiedu bil-Pronomi MehmuΩin, jie˙du (t) li g˙alhekk tissejja˙ Marbuta. EΩ: ˙ajja = ˙ajti, ˙ajtek, ˙ajtu, ˙ajjitha, ˙ajjitna, ˙ajjitkom, ˙ajjithom. d) Xi Pronomi o˙rajn: kul˙add, ie˙or, kollox, wie˙ed, kulma, ˙add, xi w˙ud, ˙addie˙or. e) Il-Pronomi Personali fin-negattiv huma m’iniex jew miniex, m’intix jew mintix, m’huwiex jew mhuwiex, m’hux jew mhux, m’hijiex jew mhijiex, m’hix jew mhix, m’a˙niex jew mahniex, m’intomx jew mintomx, m’huwiex jew mhuwiex.

Readers can now request a printed copy of The Voice In response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a cost. Anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us in order to work out the details.

Sa ftit tal-˙ar©iet ilu konna bdejn nippubblikaw xi qwiel Maltin li nnanniet tag˙na kienu juΩaw g˙axxhur tas-sena. Konna wasalna sax-xahar ta’ Marzu. Min˙abba f’tag˙rif ie˙or li ˙assejtnieh me˙tie©, minn dakinhar ftit sibna spazju g˙all-bqija. Imma llum wasal il-waqt li naraw il-bqija talqwiel marbutin max-xhur sa tmiem is-sena. Hekk se nkunu dorna mal-qwiel tax- xhur kollha tas-sena. APRIL April ix-xahar tal-boloh. F'April id-dubbiena tag˙mel Ωinn u s-s˙aba tmur lil hinn. April jag˙mel il-fjuri u Mejju jie˙u l-unuri. MEJJU F'Mejju a˙sad imqar kien plejju. ÌUNJU Ìunju Ìunjett ine˙˙i l-qmis u ddublett. Ìunju g˙all-g˙omma manju, fissodda jag˙tina banju. Ìunju xahar tad-dris u fis-sodda t˙oss il-qris. F'Ìunju l-bdiewa g˙arqana u luċu˙ da˙kana. F'Ìunju s-suq mimli ˙ut u s-sajjied bil-flus fil-but. LULJU Lulju x-xahar tal-g˙omma. Lulju l-˙ajjatin jibdew jaqilg˙u xi karlin. f'Lulju l-˙ajjata jiΩdidilhom ixxog˙ol. AWWISSU Awwissu x-xemx ta˙arqu u x-xita tmissu. F'Awwissu l-g˙eneb i˙allik tmissu. SETTEMBRU F'Settembru g˙as-salarju jmur kull membru. Settembru Settembrina, jibdlilna ssala mal-kantina. kienu jippreferu jinΩlu g˙all-frisk tal-kantina OTTUBRU Ottubru jid˙ol u jo˙ro© fit-tubru (il-qawl aktarx jirreferi g˙ad-dlam li jkollna f’Ottubru) NOVEMBRU Is-sajf ta’ San Martin il-biedja tifra˙ bih. F’Novembru jaqtg˙u, ikissru u jΩenblu. g˙all-proċess tal-Ìbir taΩ-Ωebbu© li jibda propju f’dan ix-xahar. DIÇEMBRU Sal-Milied la bard u lanqas ksie˙ Meta l-Milied ta˙t il-bejt, il-G˙id fuq il-bejt.

he Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Community News La Valette Social Centre

Il-Festa tal-Vitorja: mill-Fathers Maltin

Bus for Festa Sta Marija Central Coast

Il-Kommunita` Maltija hija mistiedna g˙all-festa tradizzjonalital-Vitorja (li ilha ssir 51 sena), nhar il-Hadd 13 ta’ Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purcissjoni u ssir il-quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ St Mary’s College Street Sydney. Predikattur: Fr Noel Bianco MSSP.

175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW SUNDAY August 16: Bus Leaves from Greystanes at 8am and at 8.30 from La Valette. Lunch at Wyong Leagues club at your own expense or bring you own. Cost: $25 includes Coach, Morning tea. 2p.m.: Mass; 3 pm: Procession, Afterwards,weather permitting Fireworks. Bus leaves after the fireworks For booking see Frances or any of the committee members. For information phone the Centre 9622 5847

Computer Class for the Elderly

The Maltese Community Council of NSWis conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376

Ejjew u ©ibu mag˙kom il-bnadar jew standardi tal-g˙aqda tag˙kom. Il-familji li g˙andom xi tfal jew Ωg˙aΩag˙ li jkunu jrridu jilbsu kostum Malti jew tal-preçett, biex jie˙du sehem fil-purçissjoni jçemplu lil Antoinette Mascari 9899 1938 jew 0438 639 986. Tarcisio Micallef MSSP (Chaplain g˙all-Komunita` Maltija fl-arcidjocesi ta’ Sydney)

G˙id lil s˙abek Jekk g˙andek xi ˙bieb li g˙ad mhumiex jirçevu The Voice of the Maltese u ta˙seb li jkun jinteressahom, ibg˙atilna l-email address tag˙hom ˙alli nibag˙tuhulhom

Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Inc.

Presents an afternoon of entertainment showcasing our top

Young Maltese Talent in Concert

James Cassar, Stacey Saliba, Martin Vella, Alee, Emmanuel & Miriam, and Dianne Camilleri. Wentworthville Leagues Club on Sunday August 30 at 2.00 p.m. Tickets: Adults $15; Children U/14: $10. For bookings contact: Jim Borg: 9636 7767; Doris Caruana: 9636 2295; Charles N. Mifsud: 0421 662 298 Proudly sponsored by: Wentworthville Leagues Club and

Our Lady of Victories Parish will be holding a Parish Feast Dinner Dance. We hope that you, your family and friends can join us on what promises to be a most enjoyable evening. OUR LADY OF VICTORIES, HORSLEY PARK  PARISH FEAST DINNER DANCE to be held at  MANDAVILLA FUNCTION CENTRE (The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park)

On Saturday September 5 at 7.00 p.m. Cost: Adults $65 per person; Children 3-10 yrs $45 Price includes 3-course meal, antipasto,  pastizzi, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea/coffee Raffle & Lucky door prizes. Entertainment by Charlie Muscat and Joe Xuereb Make up a table of 10 or more on your own. Book early as seating is limited. For bookings contact: Mario Bartolo: 0432886946; Parish Officer: 96201242 Our Parish Feast will be celebrated on September 20th Hope to see you all there for a community celebration

Holroyd Veterans of World War One Exbibition to commemorate the ANZAC’s at the Maltese Community Council of NSW Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School) September 5 and 6 from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Open days at the Centre to coincide with Malta National Day (8th September) Contact Emanuel Camilleri 0409 744 376

The Maltese Guild of SA Inc Cordially Invites You to

The Feast of Santa Maria For 2015 Tuesday August 11: Mass at 10.30 am at the Guild Hall celebrated by Fr. Gabriel Sunday August 16: from 12.15 pm Celebrating The Feast of St. Mary at The Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley Lunch: Free for members, ravioli Followed by dessert. Non Members $10, Children $5 There will be TV flash backs of festivities of Santa Maria from Malta Between 2-4 pm Music for entertaiment to celebrate the event. One must book for lunch, with Joe Briffa on 8254 6988 / 0421 791 327, Rita Bornhoeft on 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632, Mary Craus on 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617 or see anyone from the committee. ALL WELCOME

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Community News The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO :

Tal-Vitoria Dinner Dance Gues of honour: Rev. Mons. Carmelo Refalo (Archpriest of Xag˙ra) Date: Saturday September 19 Time: 6.30 pm onwards. Venue: Balmoral Function Centre 47-49 Balmoral Rd., BLACKTOWN Food: 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks

Entertainment: Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641


MALTA DAY On Sunday August 16 at Casey Hall on Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters on the GOLD COAST Qld. from 10.30 am- 4.00 pm This will be a Maltese style fiera, a festival with a variety of traditional dishes, including Fenkata (rabbit stew), timpana (baked macaroni), ross il-forn (baked savoury rice), pastizzi, and a selection of traditional cakes and sweets, including the much-loved ricotta cannoli, imqaret and the soft drink Kinnie. Other attractions will include: Live entertainment, raffles, displays,folklore music and DVD’S of MALTA and it’s history. Entry is free. Everybody is invited. Bring along family and friends. For further information contact: Margaret Grima on 55763441or Judith Padovani on 55290654


St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC Programme for the rest of 2015

AUGUST 21: (Fri.: Feast Mass at Ardeer AUGUST 22: (Sat.): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sun.): 35th Ann. feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Sat.): Functioin at Albion OCTOBER 24: (Sat.): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sun.): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Sat.): Xmas function at Melrose (For bookings or more information phone Victor: 0412 99 13 25)

A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Teachers Wanted

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Tinteressak il-kitba?

Community News You may be wondering how you can be assisted when it comes to:

How can we, as parents and grandparents hear more about these issues, have them explained to us in simple terms?

Maltese Welfare NSW Inc. Once again is here to support and guide you through these challenging times.

Wednesday September 2 from 7.30 p.m.

San Gorg Preca Hall at our Lady QQueen of Peace Church Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes NSW 2145 Ms Colleen Nicholas Dip. Couns. MACA, MAIPC from Connection Counselling will guide us through during another of our information nights. Free Entrance. All welcome. Tea & Coffee served

Tinteressak il-kitba?

Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©-©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙ossu li jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mh-ux biss, inkella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jistg˙u jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk u meta iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna tag˙na, inkella sempliçement jibag˙tu x- xog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese biex narawh. Email address: Lesti nuppubblikaw il-kitbiet taghkom

Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) Sunday 30th August 30: A 45km cruise on the Hawkesbury River, including a one- hour stopover at Bobbin Head. A mini-bus leaves Wenty Leagues Club at 9.30am; Returns 5.00-5.30 pm to the same place. For more information contact Joe Galea on 0415 477 254 or 4332 2165 ----------------------------Saturday October 24: 28th Annual Dinner Dance at Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive Horsley Park from 7pm Music by Joe Apap. Dress: semi formal Only few tables left. For booking: Marlene: 02 9631 9295

The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment,..... We get your message across... We fight for your rights...... We believe in freedom of expression... and We are read in the right places.


18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta.

Trid tirreklama?

For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3 or on demand. Saturdays Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 - 11.00 am: Other Maltese programmes In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND

On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FMwavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:, Maltese Programmes on TV and Web VIVA MALTA The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW VIVA MALTA on Central Coast on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Radio: July 30; August 13 and 17 Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.; Web streaming on: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2


Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong. For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.

The Maltese Language School of NSW Ótie©a ta’ G˙alliema tal-Malti

L-iskola tal-Malti ta NSW sa tifta˙ klassijiet ©odda fil Western Suburbs ta' Sydney g˙attag˙lim tal-lingwa Maltija. G˙alhekk hemm il-˙tie©a ta’ g˙alliema ©odda (l-g˙alliema jit˙allsu). Dawk kollha li jixtiequ jg˙allmu lMalti g˙andhom japplikaw billi jibag˙tu email lill:

Wanted: Teachers of Maltese language

The Maltese Language School of NSW is planning to open new classes in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the teaching of the Maltese Language. We need new teachers (paid positions) for these classes. Those who are interested in teaching this languageshould apply:

L-ahbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.

Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Sports 1

Fifteen years ago, in 2000 Sydney set a high benchmark for all future Olympic Games by hosting what then International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Juan Antonio Samaranch described as “the best Olympic Games ever”. The exceptionally well-organised Sydney Games were a true celebration of Olympic values and sporting excellence


Sydney 2000

Memorable Moments F

ollowing a lengthy journey by land, sea and air across the whole of the Oceania region, the Olympic flame finally arrived in Sydney’s Olympic Stadium on Friday September 15, 2000. Sydney 2000 marked a century of women’s participation in the Olympic Games. Six Australian sporting legends and the country’s finest female athletes carried the Olympic torch around the stadium at the Opening Ceremony, including Betty Cuthbert, Dawn Fraser, Shirley Strickland, Shane Gould, Debbie Flintoff-King. The latter then passed the flame on to one of the greatest legends of them all, Cathy Freeman. After climbing a flight of stairs, the 400m star made her way to the centre of a pool of water before lighting a partially submerged ring around her. The Olympic cauldron then rose from the water, above Freeman and into the night sky, a spectacular sight that marked the start of the Games of the XXVII Olympiad. The atmosphere as the Games unfolded over those next two weeks was truly amazing. Sydney lived and breathed the Olympics, with the giant screen that had been set up at Circular Quay, in the shadow of the city’s famous Opera House, attracting huge crowds around the clock, day after day. The Sydney Games, which saw the Olym-pic debuts of triathlon, taekwondo and women’s weightlifting and pole vaulting, produced no shortage of memorable moments: Australian sprinter Cathy Freeman provided a stunning climax to the Opening Ceremony when she was given the honour of lighting the Olympic cauldron. The choice of Freeman was highly significant for Australia, with this emotional moment symbolising the country’s desire to reconcile with its indigenous population, Ten days later, on September 25, Freeman

made a triumphant return to the Olympic Stadium, crossing the line first in the women’s 400m final to trigger ecstatic celebrations in the 110,000 capacity crowd’s victor in the 400m final. It was one of the highlights of the Games. * The Olympic teams of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea put their countries’ differences to one side for the Opening Ceremony, entering the stadium together under one flag for the first time. With a blue silhouette of the Korean peninsula on a white background, the flag represented an easing of tensions between the two nations, and the shared aspirations of the two teams, who competed separately in the Games. * The swimming events at the Olympic Park in Homebush Bay brought the host nation a string of medals, with the peerless Australian star Ian Thorpe leading the way. * Cuban boxer Felix Savon won his third consecutive men’s heavyweight gold, a feat matched by Greek weightlifter Pyrros Dimas in the 85kg category. * Dutch cyclist Leontien Van Moorsel scored a hat-trick of her own in winning the women’s road race, time trial and 3km pursuit, while France’s Felicia Ballanger claimed a golden sprint and time trial double on the track at the Dunc Gray Velodrome. * In tennis Venus and Serena Williams won their first of their three Olympic women’s doubles titles, and in track and field Great Britain’s silver-haired triple-jump world record holder Jonathan Edwards finally claimed gold at the fourth attempt. * On the wrestling mat, USA’s Rulon Gardner surprisingly beat Russia’s legendary three-time Greco-Roman champion Alexandre Kareline. * On the rowing lake, British athlete Sir Steven Redgrave rowed into Olympic folklore with his achievements in Sydney when

Cathy Freeman lighting the Olympic cauldron at the Opening Ceremony he secured his fifth consecutive gold for Team GB in the coxless fours. Leading for much of the race, Redgrave and his teammates held of a late challenge from Italy to claim victory by the tightest of margins. In doing so, Redgrave became the first and only Briton to win gold at five separate Olympic Games. * The final of the men’s 10,000m provided not only one of the most dramatic moments of the games, but also one of the greatest races in Olympic History. Reigning gold medallist Haile Gebreselassie trained Kenyan Paul Tergat as the pair entered the home straight on the final lap. With the finishing line inching closer, the Ethiopian edged in front of his rival to claim victory by just 0.09 seconds and become just the third athlete to retain an Olympic 10,000 m title. The Games were central to plans to reinvigorate Sydney and provided a catalyst for modernisation across the city. It also left an environmental legacy, with the building of the water-recycling scheme at the Olympic Park and the solar-powered Olympic Village. A sporting celebration high on colour, fun and music came to a spectacular end at the Closing Ceremony, when a giant firework made its way across Sydney Harbour from the Olympic Stadium and lit up the iconic Harbour Bridge.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Sports 2

Most prestigious results for Hibernians, Birkirkara in Europe

B’Kara lose to last-gasp goal while Hibernians claim Maccabi scalp


n Thursday (July 23) Malta’s remaining representatives in the UEFA Europa League, Birkirkara will have home advantage for their return tie against English Premiership side West Ham United after going down 1-0 to a 90-th minute goal at Upton Park last week in the first leg match. Having played such a good match away in front of a crowd of 33,048,Brikirkara might entertain some hopes of springing a surprise, but the tie is quite hard and turning the tables on the Hammers would be quite a feat. But the chances, though minimal, are there. The match could so easily have finished scoreless, and though losing, Birkirkara’s result should be regarded as one of the most prestigious by a Maltese club in a European competition. The all-important goal corner was scored by defender James Tomkins who chested the ball over the from a Mauro Zarate inswinging corner that was missed by goalkeeper Haber who had a great match as the Maltese defended in numbers. If anything, the slender-goal loss will ensure the Stripes of a financial bonanza, as

Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSW


CHAMPIONS LEAGUE nother Maltese club was in action in a European competition last week, A Champions Hibernians in the UEFA Cham-

James Tomkins of West Ham United celebrates scoring the winning goal they will be highly supported in the return with Maltese football fans eager to watch this attractive fixture. Birkirkara had reached this stage after beating Armenian side Ulisses 3-1 in Erevan in the previous round to qualify with a 3-1 aggregate score after finishing the first leg in Malta 0-0. The Maltese side paved the way for that win with two first half goals by Francesco Miccoli who also hit the crossbar from a freekick, and Mazzetti. In worse off with four matches to the second half Ulisses the end. Parramatta (five) and pulled one back from need all the help they can get. Morozov before BirkirParramatta’s next game at kara had Terence Vella Melita Stadium on July 26 is against Bonnyrigg at 3 p.m.

Eagles Rd 18 tie postponed

he Eagles of Parramatta need to pull their socks up to entertain hopes of survival. The 2-4 Rd 17 loss at South Coast was a great disappointment. Then Saturday’s home tie with Blacktown S. was postponement due to a waterlogged pitch. Parramatta have not gotten any points in the last five weeks. They lost their previous four games from Round 14 on, and then had to sit out the Round 18 gam To add to their woes, the team above them, South Coast (from 18 matches) have continued to widen the gap between them, which is now seven points. The only team worse off are Marconi who bring up the rear six points

sent off. They regained their two-goal lead 10 minutes from time from Paul Fenech. In the same competition the other two Maltese clubs involved were both eliminated, with Valletta’s home defeat by 1-2 for a 2-4 aggregate score against Wales’ Newtown FC a great disappointment. New boys in Europe Balzan were knocked out 0-3 on aggregate by Zeljeznicar after losing the return tie in Boznia-Herzegovina 1-0.

RESULTS: Round 18 Parramatta v Blacktown S ?-? Bonnyrigg v South Coast W. 3-1 Marconi S. v Sydney O 0-2 Manly U v Blacktown C ?-? APIA v Sydney U 58 ?-? Rockdale v Sutherland S, ?-? Round 17 South Coast W.v Parramatta 4-2 Sutherland S. v APIA 2-2 Sydney U 58 v Bonnyrigg 1-2 Sydney O v Manly U 1-5 Blacktown S v Marconi S. 2-1 Blacktown C v Rockdale 0-0 PS4N PL2 NSW -Round 16 Mounties W v St George 3-1 (Rd 17 game v Bansktown post.)

pions League, they also obtained a most prestigious 2-1 victory at the Hibernians Stadium. They will play the return tie Tuesday July 21 at Bloomfield Stadium, with Maccabi looking to turn around the twolegged tie in front of their home supporters. Maccabi shocked Hibernans by taking an early led through Nosa Igiebor. Hibernians defended grimly and the first half ended scoreless. But with 16 minutes left, Hibernians came from a goal down and first levelled the score at 1-1 through "Jorginho" Pereira and then took the bull by the horns to score their winning goal in the 85th minute off from a Jackson De Lima header off a perfect free kick. The Israeli side went in search of the equaliser but it was not to be as Hibernians continued to dominate the play until the final whistle. Hibs’ coach Branko Niševic said: “I am very happy and satisfied with the result and, as I've said, football is about what happens on the pitch. My players responded well and I am very happy.”

Hibernians’ players celebrate victory against Maccabi Tel Aviv

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