The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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A TALE OF TWO CITIES: FIRST EXHIBITION // BROKEN DREAMS 20 April - 13 May 2018 // BROKEN DREAMS - The Architecture of War - 2009 – 2012 Malta Postal Museum and Arts Hub, Valletta

c. David Pisani

Documented between 2009 and 2012, Broken Dreams is a haunting photographic essay on the city of Nicosia and conflict areas in the north of Cyprus that was exhibited during Pafos 2017. The exhibition is part of A Tale of Two Cities – a cross-cultural photography exhibition by artist and photographer David Pisani, whose work explores architectural poetry as a metaphor for the human condition. Pisani’s work has been exhibited at the prestigious Biennale of Photography in Paris in 1996 and was entered in the Permanent collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in June 2000. Created by // Maħluq minn: David Pisani In Collaboration with // Bil-Kollaborazzjoni ta’: Valletta 2018, Pafos 2017 Sponsored by // Sponsorjat minn: MaltaPost P.L.C., the Malta Postal Museum & Arts Hub // MaltaPost P.L.C., il-Mużew Postali ta’ Malta u Arts Hub Supported by // Bl-Appoġġ ta’: Emirates Airlines, SO Galerie

A TALE OF TWO CITIES: L-EWWEL ESIBIZZJONI // BROKEN DREAMS Mill-20 ta’ April sat-13 ta’ Mejju 2018 // BROKEN DREAMS - The Architecture of War - 2009 – 2012 Fil-Mużew Postali ta’ Malta u ċ-Ċentru Ewlieni tal-Arti, il-Belt Valletta

Dokumentat bejn l-2009 u l-2012, ‘Broken Dreams’ huwa komponiment fotografiku tal-biża’ li jnissel tifkiriet dwar il-belt ta’ Nikosija u ż-żoni ta’ kunflitt fit-Tramuntana ta’ Ċipru li kien għall-wiri matul Pafos 2017. L-esibizzjoni tagħmel parti minn A Tale of Two Cities – esibizzjoni fotografika transkulturali tal-artist u fotografu David Pisani, li x-xogħol tiegħu jesplora l-poeżija arkitettonika bħala metafora għall-kundizzjonijiet umani. Ix-xogħol ta’ Pisani kien għall-wiri fil-Biennale of Photography f’Pariġi fl-1996 u saret parti minn Kollezzjonijiet Permanenti tal-Biblijoteka Nazzjonali ta’ Franza f’Ġunju tal-2000.

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