The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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2018 Cultural Programme

City Highlights

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MALTA FASHION WEEK & AWARDS 28 May - 2 June 2018 Fort St Elmo, Valletta

c. Ivan Borg

2018 marks the 20th edition of the Malta Fashion Awards and the 8th Edition of Malta Fashion Week, an event presented in the heart of Valletta. During this week, the capital city becomes a platform for unveiling Malta’s top-shelf talent and all that the local fashion industry has to offer the international scene. Designers, catwalk models, stylists, makeup artists and many other creative professionals set a glamorous scene while photographers and bloggers capture the essence of each showcase. Malta Fashion Week also offers a unique opportunity for guests and influencers to network and exchange ideas over awards parties, fashion shows and exhibitions, design workshops, pop-up shops and much more. Created and Organised by // Maħluq u Organizzat minn: Unique Promotions

c. Kurt Paris

Supported by // Bl-Appoġġ ta’: Valletta 2018

MALTA FASHION WEEK & AWARDS 28 ta’ Mejju - 2 ta’ Ġunju 2018 Fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, Il-Belt Valletta

L-2018 timmarka l-20 edizzjoni tal-Malta Fashion Awards u t-8 Edizzjoni ta’ Malta Fashion Week, attività ppreżentata fil-qalba tal-Belt Valletta. Matul din il-ġimgħa, il-belt kapitali ssir pjattaforma għall-ogħla talent u għal dak kollu li l-industrija tal-moda għandha x’toffri lix-xena internazzjonali f’Malta. Disinjaturi, mudelli tal-catwalk, stilisti, artisti tal-makeup u bosta persuni

kreattivi professjonali oħra joħolqu xena attraenti filwaqt li fotografi u bloggers jirriflettu l-essenza ta’ kull esibizzjoni. Malta Fashion Week toffri wkoll opportunità unika biex il-mistednin u l-persuni influwenti biex jiddiskutu u jagħmlu skambju tal-ideat fil-festini tal-awards, fl-ispettakli u l-esibizzjonijiet tal-moda, fil-workshops tad-disinn, fil-pop-up shops u aktar.

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