The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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2018 Cultural Programme

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The Valletta 2018 Foundation Evaluation & Monitoring Research Plan is structured around five research themes, with each theme containing separate studies. These themes are (i) Cultural & Territorial Vibrancy, analysing the cultural programme, cultural participation and changes in European identity; (ii) Governance & Finance, evaluating the investment and management in Valletta 2018 and the related impact on Malta’s creative sector; (iii) Community & Space, assessing impact of Valletta 2018 and of cultural and infrastructural regeneration projects on various community groups; (iv) the Tourist Experience, looking at the changes in visitor profile, tourist expenditure and visitor motivation to travel as a result of Valletta 2018; and, (v) the Valletta brand, documenting the Valletta 2018 communication strategy across different communities. The Foundation has set up an Evaluation & Monitoring Steering Committee composed of four public entities (Economic & Policy Department within the Ministry for Finance, Jobsplus, Malta Tourism Authority and National Statistics Office) and five researchers who are conducting research of a quantitative and qualitative manner. The process is coordinated and managed by the Valletta 2018 Foundation’s Research Department. The research process will run for the period 2015-2019, with results being presented annually. The final impacts will be presented in mid-2019.

Il-Fondazzjoni waqqfet Kumitat ta’ Tmexxija għall-Evalwazzjoni u Monitoraġġ magħmul minn erba’ entitajiet pubbliċi (id-Dipartiment tal-Ekonomija u l-Politika fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi, Jobsplus, l-Awtorità tat-Turiżmu ta’ Malta u l-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika) u ħames riċerkaturi li qed iwettqu riċerka

kwantitattiva u kwalitattiva. Il-proċess huwa kkoordinat u mmaniġġjat mid-Dipartiment tar-Riċerka tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018. Il-proċess ta’ riċerka se jkompli għaddej għall-perjodu 2015-2019, b’riżultati li jiġu ppreżentati kull sena. L-impatti finali se jiġu ppreżentati f’nofs l-2019.

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