The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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c. Fernando Ibarra

Guitarra de Tierras Imaginarias offers an exquisite journey into the fascinating world of the classical guitar. Apart from an opening performance by local band Tact, the concert will feature Maestro Carlos Eduardo Bojarski, an accomplished Argentinean musician of international repute with an interest in contemporary sounds. Maestro Bojarski is renowned for his inquisitive bent – a trait which he employs in his live interpretations, making each of his performances one-of-a-kind. The concert hosted by Valletta 2018 is unique in that Maestro Bojarski – amid his repertoire of works by Berio, and the Latin-American world renowned composers Alberto Ginastera and Hèitor Villa-Lobos – will also be performing two major guitar compositions by the contemporary Maltese composer Maestro John Zammit Pace, including the world premiere of his brand new Third Sonata. Created by // Maħluq minn: Maestro Carlos Eduardo Bojarski Organised by // Organizzat minn: Valletta 2018 In Collaboration with // Bil-Kollaborazzjoni ta’: Tact

GUITARRA DE TIERRAS IMAGINARIAS 5 ta’ Mejju 2018 Il-Bacchus, l-Imdina

Guitarra de Tierras Imaginarias joffri vjaġġ mill-isbaħ fid-dinja affaxxinanti tal-kitarra klassika. Apparti l-ftuħ mill-grupp lokali Tact, il-kunċert ser jinkludi lill-Maestro Carlos Eduardo Bojarski, mużiċist Arġentin stabbilit ta’ fama internazzjonali b’interess fil-ħoss kontemporanju. Il-Maestro Bojarski huwa magħruf għax-xeħta kurjuża tiegħu – karatteristika li jħaddem fuq il-palk biex b’hekk kull prestazzjoni tiegħu ssir

eċċezzjonali. Il-kunċert ospitat minn Valletta 2018 huwa uniku għax il-Maestro Bojarski – qalb ir-repertorju tiegħu ta’ xogħlijiet minn Berio u mill-kompożituri magħrufa mad-dinja Latina-Amerikana Alberto Ginastera u Hèitor Villa-Lobos – ser idoqq ukoll żewġ kompożizzjonijiet maġġuri bil-kitarra mill-kompożitur kontemporanju Malti l-Maestro John Zammit Pace, inkluża l-premiere dinjija ġdida tiegħu Third Sonata.

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