The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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THE MEDITERRANEAN DIMENSION March 2018 St James Cavalier, Valletta

c. Rene Rossignaud

This collaborative platform presented by Valletta 2018 deals with themes of conflict and exile, extending a hand of friendship to Mediterranean artists affected by the struggles of war in their own country. As part of the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence hosted by the Egyptian Centre, the project scouts for talent through auditions, workshops and strategic networking. These spaces are designed to create a safe space for dialogue where all Mediterranean artists are free to share their experiences creatively and develop their professional practice together. Created by // Maħluq minn: ARC Research & Consultancy In Collaboration with // Bil-Kollaborazzjoni tal-: Arts Council Malta // Kunsill Malti għall-Arti Supported by // Bl-Appoġġ tal-: Arts Council Malta and Valletta 2018 Foundation - Malta Arts Fund Multi-Annual Support Grant // Kunsill Malti għall-Arti u l-Fondazzoni Valletta 2018 – Malta Arts Fund Multi-Annual Support Grant.

THE MEDITERRANEAN DIMENSION F’Marzu 2018 Fil-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, Il-Belt Valletta

Din il-pjattaforma kollaborattiva ppreżentata minn Valletta 2018 tittratta temi ta’ kunflitt u eżilju, filwaqt li testendi id ta’ ħbiberija lejn l-artisti Mediterranji milquta mill-ġlied tal-gwerra f’pajjiżhom stess. Bħala parti mill-Festival d’Aix-en-Provence ospitat miċ-Ċentru Eġizzjan, il-proġett jesplora

t-talent permezz ta’ provi, workshops u netwerking strateġiku. Dawn l-ispazji tfasslu apposta biex joħolqu spazju ta’ djalogu sigur fejn l-artisti Mediterranji kollha jkunu ħielsa li jaqsmu l-esperjenzi tagħhom b’mod kreattiv u jiżviluppaw flimkien il-prattika professjonali tagħhom.

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