The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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2018 Cultural Programme

Music Festivals

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Malta’s strategic geography at the crossroads of the Mediterranean has contributed to its rich history and ever-growing cultural diversity. With a myriad of influences from the Mediterranean and beyond, the Maltese Islands are an ideal meeting point for an event as diverse as the Malta World Music Festival, which celebrates the beauty of cultural diversity through the expressive medium of music. The year 2018 will see the second edition of the festival unfold with another great line up of local bands and a number of highly acclaimed international world music acts. Created and Organised by // Maħluq u Organizzat minn: Arts Council Malta // Kunsill Malti għall-Arti

c. Mario Casha

Supported by // Bl-Appoġġ ta’: Valletta 2018

MALTA WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL F’Mejju 2018 Il-post jitħabbar aktar tard

Il-ġeografija strateġika ta’ Malta f’salib it-toroq tal-Mediterran tat il-kontribut tagħha fl-istorja rikka tagħha u fid-diversità kulturali dejjem tikber li tħaddan. B’ħafna influwenzi mill-Mediterran u lil hinn, il-Gżejjer Maltin huma punt ta’ inkontru ideali għal avveniment tant varjat

bħall-Malta World Music Festival, li jiċċelebra s-sbuħija tad-diversità kulturali bil-mezz espressiv tal-mużika. Is-sena 2018 ser tara t-tieni edizzjoni tal-festival tiżvolġi b’elenku eċċellenti ieħor ta’ gruppi lokali u għadd ta’ esponenti internazzjonali tal-ġeneru world music b’reputazzjoni kritika tajba.

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