The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

Page 130



KENTARO!! Dates & Venues TBC

c. Bozzo

Award-winning Japanese choreographer and DJ Kentaro!! will be collaborating with one of Malta’s most exciting alternative bands, Plato’s Dream Machine, on a new work which challenges the status quo. With the participation of Japanese dancers from Kentaro!!’s dance company Tokyo Electrock Stairs and local hip hop dancers, the year 2018 hosts an exciting hip hop dance theatre performance that breaks genre stereotypes. Created by // Maħluq minn: Kentaro!!, Valletta 2018 Organised by // Organizzat minn: Valletta 2018 In Collaboration with // Bil-Kollaborazzjoni ta’: EU-Japan Fest Committee

c. Hiroyasu Daido

With the Participation of // Bil-Parteċipazzjoni tal-: Plato’s Dream Machine, the local hip hop community // komunità lokali tal-hip hop

KENTARO!! Id-dati u l-postijiet jitħabbru aktar tard

Il-koreografu u DJ Ġappuniż rebbieħ ta’ diversi premjijiet Kentaro!! se jikkollabora ma’ wieħed mill-aktar gruppi ta’ mużika alternattiva eċċitanti ta’ Malta, Plato’s Dream Machine, fuq xogħol ġdid li jisfida l-istatus quo. Bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ żeffiena Ġappuniżi mill-kumpanija ta’ żfin ta’ Kentaro!! - Tokyo Electrock Stairs u żeffiena tal-hip hop lokali, is-sena 2018 se tospita spettaklu eċċitanti ta’ żfin hip hop u teatru li jkisser l-isterjotipi tal-ġeneru.

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