The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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Created by // Maħluq minn: Valletta 2018, La Monnaie (BEL), Le Festival International d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence (FRA)


Organised by // Organizzat minn: Valletta 2018

19 & 20 October 2018

In Collaboration with // Bil-Kollaborazzjoni ta’: La Monnaie (BEL), Le Festival International d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence (FRA), Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft (AUT), Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe (POL), Operadagen Rotterdam (NLD), Santa Maria da Feira (PRT) Co-funded by // Kofinanzjat mill-: the Creative Europe Programme of the European Commission // Programm Ewropa Kreattiva tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea

ORFEO & MAJNUN Fid-19 u fl-20 ta’ Ottubru 2018 F’Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi, Il-Belt Valletta

Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta

Drawing on the timeless themes of forsaken love, loss and longing, this interdisciplinary project in two parts connects the Middle Eastern legend of Layla and Majnun and the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Orfeo & Majnun is an exciting new retelling expressed through multiple textures; the narration interweaves Maltese, English and Arabic, while the score combines oriental and occidental styles – Dick van der Harst, Moneim Adwan, and Howard Moody. This poetic music theatre also encourages local citizens to take part in creative workshops; under the artistic direction of Martina Winkel and Airan Berg, the first part of the performance celebrates co-creation with associative stories and a cast of animal puppets conceived during workshops. The second part continues to unfold a unique and uniting spectacle, a theatre of emotions.

Filwaqt li jislet mit-temi li ma jispiċċaw qatt tal-imħabba abbandunata, telfien u xenqa, dan il-proġett interdixxiplinarju f’żewġ partijiet jgħaqqad il-leġġenda mil-Lvant Nofsani ta’ Layla u Majnun u l-ħrafa Griega ta’ Orpheus u Eurydice. Orfeo & Majnun huwa rakkont mill-ġdid eċċitanti espress permezz ta’ livelli differenti; in-narrattiva tinseġ flimkien Malti, Ingliż u Għarbi, filwaqt li l-mużika tgħaqqad stili orjentali u oċċidentali – Dick van der Harst, Moneim

Adwan, u Howard Moody. Dan it-teatru mużikali poetiku jinkoraġġixxi wkoll liċ-ċittadini lokali sabiex jieħdu sehem f’workshops kreattivi; taħt id-direzzjoni artistika ta’ Martina Winkel u Airan Berg, l-ewwel parti tal-prestazzjoni tiċċelebra l-kokreazzjoni bi stejjer assoċjattivi u kast ta’ pupazzi ta’ annimali mfassla waqt il-workshops. It-tieni parti tkompli tiżvolġi spettaklu uniku u ta’ għaqda, teatru ta’ emozzjonijiet.

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