The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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DANCE SHOWCASES May 2018 // ‘Open Art Surgery’ Workshops Summer 2018 // Final Dance Showcases

An open call for the two fastest growing genres globally - contemporary and hip hop dance – offers resident choreographers the chance to participate in Valletta 2018’s Dance Showcases. In Summer 2017, the winners of the open call for contemporary dance choreographers will be mentored by ŻfinMalta’s Artistic Director, Paolo Mangiola and other guest artists. The selected participants will create a new piece of work to be premiered in Malta in 2018 and then submitted to wider European platforms such as the Aerowaves network – which links dance houses and theatres from all over Europe. In May 2018, Breakin’ Convention presents Open Art Surgery, where choreographers will be mentored by Jonzi D, one of the world’s master hip hop artists and artistic directors. Through intense masterclasses, participants will work on experimenting and developing innovative ideas for a dedicated showcase event produced by Valletta 2018. Breakin’ Convention Created by // Maħluq minn: Jonzi D, Breakin’ Convention Organised by // Organizzat minn: Valletta 2018 New Contemporary Work in Collaboration with // Xogħol Kontemporanju bil-Kollaborazzjoni ta’: ŻfinMalta

ESPOŻIZZJONIJIET TA’ ŻFIN F’Mejju 2018 - ‘Open Art Surgery’ Workshops Fis-Sajf 2018 // Espożizzjonijiet Finali

Sejħa miftuħa għall-aktar żewġ ġeneri li qed jikbru globalment – żfin kontemporanju u hip hop – toffri lil koreografi residenti l-opportunità li jipparteċipaw fid-Dimostrazzjonijiet taż-Żfin ta’ Valletta 2018. Fis-Sajf tal-2017 ir-rebbieħa tas-sejħa miftuħa għal koreografi taż-żfin kontemporanju se jkunu mħarrġa mid-Direttur Artistiku ta’ ŻfinMalta, Paolo Mangiola u artisti mistiedna oħrajn. Il-parteċipanti magħżula se joħolqu biċċa xogħol ġdida li se titnieda f’Malta fl-2018 u mbagħad tiġi sottomessa fi pjattaformi

Ewropej usa’ bħan-netwerk Aerowaves - li jgħaqqad kumpaniji taż-żfin u teatri mill-Ewropa kollha. F’Mejju tal-2018 Breakin’ Convention tippreżenta Open Art Surgery, fejn il-koreografi se jkunu mħarrġa minn Jonzi D, wieħed mill-artisti u diretturi artistiċi tal-hip hop ewlenin fid-dinja. Permezz ta’ masterclasses intensi l-parteċipanti se jaħdmu fuq l-esperimentazzjoni u l-iżvilupp ta’ ideat innovattivi għal avveniment ta’ dimostrazzjoni ddedikat imtella’ minn Valletta 2018.

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