The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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KIRANA 14 – 20 October 2018 // KIRANA in Leeuwarden Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie, Leeuwarden 21 – 26 October 2018 // KIRANA in the City of Sneek Theater Sneek in collaboration with Kunstencentrum Atrium, Sneek

c. Martins Vilcens

c. Agnete Schlichtkrull

KIRANA is an interdisciplinary performance conceived and directed by composer Ruben Zahra and produced by Soundscapes. This project is designed to connect children from the community with creative professionals from Malta through a series of workshops leading to a multi-media production. From workshops in contemporary music and dance to percussion sessions, digital animation and light painting, KIRANA empowers children to contribute towards the artistic content of the performance with their own creativity. Over the past two years, KIRANA has been presented in opera houses and festivals in Malta, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Latvia, Cyprus and Australia. During the European Capital of Culture year, KIRANA will be touring The Netherlands with performances in the cities of Leeuwarden and Sneek, Friesland. Created and Organised by // Maħluq u Organizzat minn: Ruben Zahra, Soundscapes Supported by // Bl-Appoġġ ta’: Valletta 2018

KIRANA 14 - 20 ta’ Ottubru 2018 // KIRANA f’Leeuwarden Fi Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie, Leeuwarden 21 - 26 ta’ Ottubru 2018 // KIRANA fil-Belt ta’ Sneek Teatru Sneek b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Kunstencentrum Atrium fi Sneek

KIRANA hija prestazzjoni interdixxiplinarja b’ħolqien u b’direzzjoni tal-kompożitur Ruben Zahra u bi produzzjoni ta’ Soundscapes. Il-proġett huwa mfassal biex jgħaqqad tfal mill-komunità ma’ professjonisti fil-qasam tal-kreattività minn Malta permezz ta’ sensiela ta’ workshops li jwasslu biex issir produzzjoni multimedjali. Permezz ta’ workshops dwar il-mużika kontemporanja u żfin b’sessjonijiet tal-perkussjoni, minn animazzjoni diġitali għal tpinġija bid-dawl,

KIRANA tħeġġeġ lit-tfal biex jikkontribwixxu għall-kontenut artistiku tal-prestazzjoni permezz tal-kreattività tagħhom stess. Fl-aħħar sentejn, KIRANA kienet ippreżentata f’numru ta’ teatri tal-opra u festivals f’Malta, fi Franza, fil-Ġermanja, fl-Italja, fid-Danimarka, fil-Latvja, f’Ċipru u fl-Awstralja. Matul is-sena tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura, KIRANA se tkun qed issir fl-Olanda permezz ta’ prestazzjonijiet f’Leeuwarden u Sneek, fil-provinċja ta’ Friesland.

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