The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme

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2018 Cultural Programme

Children & Young People

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SOUNDS OUT LOUD Scholastic Year // Workshops Various Locations in Malta & Gozo April 2018 // Final Performance Johann Strauss School of Music, St. Venera

c. Emma Micallef

Empowering, moving, liberating; music can help us to connect with our communities – as well as our most powerful selves. The Sounds Out Loud series works with young people with different abilities and their caregivers to discover valuable creative tools for self-development. Music therapist Rosetta Debattista, Senegalese musician and peace-maker Mousse Ndiaye and the San Miguel Primary Education Resource Centre collaborate on this innovative programme that uses the sound of the djembe to elicit powerful community sounds and rhythms. Over the course of three years, Sounds Out Loud has expanded its outreach, offering its resources to diverse communities; the project also acts as a platform for local percussionists to expand their skills. As part of our European Capital of Culture celebrations, Mousse Ndiaye will lead a final collaborative performance by participants and professional percussionists. Coordinated by // Maħluq u Organizzat minn: Rosetta Debattista, Valletta 2018, Johan Strauss School of Music // Skola tal-Mużika Johann Strauss With the Participation of // Bil-Parteċipazzjoni ta’: Mousse Ndiaye

SOUNDS OUT LOUD Matul is-Sena Skolastika // Workshops F’Bosta Siti Madwar Malta u Għawdex F’April 2018 // L-Aħħar Prestazzjoni Fl-Iskola tal-Mużika Johann Strauss, Il-Ħamrun

Marbuta mas-saħħa, il-moviment u l-ħruġ ta’ talenti; il-mużika tista’ tgħinna biex tgħaqqadna mal-komunitajiet tagħna – kif ukoll magħna nfusna. Is-serje Sounds Out Loud hija mmirata għal żgħażagħ b’ħiliet differenti u għal dawk li jieħdu ħsiebhom biex jiskopru għodod kreattivi utli għall-iżvilupp personali. Rosetta Debattista, terapista fil-qasam tal-mużika, Mousse Ndiaye, mużiċista mis-Senegal u medjatur tal-paċi u ċ-Ċentru tar-Riżorsi Eduakattivi fil-Livell Primarju ta’ San Miguel se jikkollaboraw

flimkien f’dan il-programm innovattiv fejn se jintuża d-djembe biex bil-ħoss tiegħu jinħolqu kemm ħsejjes kif ukoll ritmi qawwija fi ħdan din il-komunità. Fi tliet snin, il-proġett Sounds Out Loud infirex u qed joffri r-riżorsi tiegħu lil diversi komunitajiet biex ikabbru l-ħiliet tagħhom. Mousse Ndiaye se jmexxi wkoll prestazzjoni flimkien ma’ parteċipanti tal-programm u mużiċisti professjonali bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura.

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