Thespo INK - Colour it Theatre _Edition I

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The choice of themes are not really conscious, just that we believe there’s a right time for every play. And if there;’s something we feel that should be spoken about at that moment, that somehow gradually becomes the idea for our next play. And the choice of themes are always keeping in mind that we need to ensure variety and really challenge and push ourselves as artists.

A scene from the play ‘With Love Calcutta’

Our themes have been extremely varied. We initially dabbled in a psychological thriller called seven deaths and a funeral, then we moved on to a light hearted play about our situation as a youth theatre group, a play within a play called a good play. The next production was an adaptation of Bertolt Brecht’s Arturo Ui, we felt that the time was right to reinterpret the classic as C.H.U.T.I.Y.A. Then came With Love, Calcutta a vignette of short plays set against the backdrop of the city we grew up in, our way of paying a tribute to the city through it’s own heartwarming stories. And presently we are touring with Codename:SRK, an out and out comedy which talks about the story of three Bengali filmmakers in big, bad bollywood.

The Madhouse Project initiative

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