Thespo INK - Colour it Theatre _Edition I

Page 26

“I’ll be honest I’ve not listened to you. You’ve certainly got the look of a pop star” So with this being a daily occurrence for young women in the arts, is it any wonder why young female directors are few and far between? Its often hard to admit to yourself, in this modern day and age in our modern and forward thinking profession that there is still gender inequality. Or maybe you already knew it was there but thought that you were the only one to notice? Or that you didn’t want to say anything because people might think you were being too sensitive? Or maybe you thought that “women are just not very good at Theatre”? (young man after my show, 2014) I have created a short list of tips for young female directors which are all based on actual events and scenarios, which I think will be as useful for young men as it is for young women and will, in the long run of your career, save a lot of time for everyone.

Picture courtesy: Josephine and Rachael during Diwali in India,2014

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