Thespo INK - Colour it Theatre _Edition I

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A Note from Team Thespo The idea of Thespo Ink emerged out of the need to combat the meagre amount of writing that is available on theatre and its allied arts. We believe we are living in exciting times which are conducive to the creation of new work by young practitioners of theatre but there exists a lack of good writing to support their work. Today, theatre does manage to generate curiosity amongst wide-eyed youngsters curious about all that theatre has to offer them.That said, there isn’t an easily available source to turn to, to cultivate that curiosity into a better awareness of the medium.To be able to rejoice in the space theatre gives you to learn and to explore the world and yourself. Thespo Ink is a small step towards creating a gateway to that world of innovation and wonder. The first edition brings to you stories from a younger theatre of opportunities, dreams and ideas. We would like to thank Soham Majumdar from Mad About Drama, Kolkata ; Abhishek Pattnaik of Out of the Box productions, Amrisha Sinha, Revati Deshpande,Ilina Acharya, Josephine Joy and Arghya Lahiri for unquestioningly whacking drafts together and sharing their stories and opinions with our readers.

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