Love Yourself Weight Loss Booklet

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Love Yourself

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WELCOME to our Guide to Self-Love! Many of us embark on a weight loss journey in order to find our confidence and the ability to love ourselves again. For a lot of the patients at The Slimming Clinic, somewhere along the line of gaining weight, they have developed a negative attitude towards themselves, which often, sets them into a downward spiral. We spend more time thinking about the parts of us we don’t like, allowing negative thoughts to set in and not this can often lead to more weight gain. But what if we were able to turn those negative thoughts about ourselves, into positive ones and find a path of selflove and self-care? Often, simply by starting a weight loss journey, you are showing yourself a type of selflove and care as we are deciding to dedicate our time and efforts into improving our health and weight. But if you’re not sure where to start with self-care and looking after yourself, why not sit back and unwind with the pages of our booklet! Full of lovely ideas to start you on the path to taking care of you – you should find all you need inside our Self-Love Guide to help turn your negative thoughts to more positive ones, as well as learn to take a little time out for yourself.

“I lost

5st 3lbs” Winnie


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Inside this issue PAGE 04


AT THE SLIMMING CLINIC we care about your emotional and mental health too.

START TO FEEL motivated and positive by giving yourself a reset!



FIND OUT HOW our weight loss programmes ensure you’re on a path to finding your confidence, self-esteem and willpower again.

LOST YOUR confidence? Don't worry, we're here to help!





cycle and stop procrastinating!






OUR WEIGHT LOSS GUARANTEE LOSE 10% of your bodyweight in 6 months.


APPOINTMENT VS ONLINE WHICH is the best path for you.



USE THIS self-care tracker to get you back on track and feeling good.



HOW MANY of us rely on other people to fill the gap of self-love we are missing? Read more to find out the importance of loving yourself!


BOOST YOUR HAPPY HORMONES KICK YOUR happy hormones into shape, by following our top tips!




WHEN IT COMES to healthy living, by now, you should have seen it isn’t always just about eating well and moving more. Real, holistic healthy living, like we talk about at The Slimming Clinic, focuses on your emotional and mental health too. We believe it is just as key that you focus on how you feel mentally, as much as how you feel physically. So often, we are at the bottom of our own priority list, with others needs coming way above ours. However, how can we put others needs first when we are on a path to burnout, because we’re not looking after ourselves?

“I lost 3st 12lbs” Kirsty


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AT THE SLIMMING CLINIC, we think it is really

important to take time out for yourself, especially as self-care can benefit you by reducing stress and anxiety, boost energy levels, increase immunity and improve your mood, resilience and well-being. When we find ourselves stressed, our willpower is often tested, and we can find ourselves turning to comfort foods and perhaps eating things we shouldn’t.

HOW BUT WHAT IS SELF-CARE AND CAN WE ADOPT IT? Self-care is just the general term that is used to describe things you do to actively improve your mental, physical and emotional well-being. Self-care is crucial on a weight loss journey, as it ensures you build and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. How can you support others, if you’ve nothing left to give and are emotionally and physically exhausted? If you constantly put others before you and don’t take time out to help yourself, you will eventually be trying to ‘pour from an empty cup’. The thought of self-care should never make you feel guilty, either! When you take time to look after yourself, you are making yourself the best version of you, for all those around you! This means that those you come into contact with, live with and work with will benefit greatly from the energy and happiness you now have.

-CARE BUT HOW CAN YOU MAKE SELF E? A PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTIN It’s all about finding things that you enjoy and making a plan for the day to fit time in to do them. It could be 10 minutes, it could be half an hour, or it could be more time you have to look after yourself. Self-care doesn’t require hours of free time, just a few moments each day will help keep you boosted and feeling motivated. Remember, The Slimming Clinic team are always on hand to help you with ways to support you on your weight loss journey. Whether you need help with self-care, body image, dietary or activity advice, they are there for YOU!




There are many ways a weight loss programme can help with improving your self-love, selfcare and self-worth and just by taking the very first step to ring The Slimming Clinic, you are showing yourself that you care for your own health enough, to make a positive change. But once you’ve joined us, how can our weight loss programmes help you with self-love and self-care? How does each pillar of our weight loss programmes ensure you’re on a path to finding your confidence, self-esteem and willpower again?

Doctors who get to the rootcause of your weight gain: We know that weight loss isn’t about picking at your flaws or trying to ‘fix’ yourself, but that it is about helping you become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself. From your first appointment with our doctor, we will begin exploring your reasons for weight loss and how you got to where you are in your journey. They will spend quality, 1-to-1 time with you, to ensure they know you, know any ways you’ve tried to lose weight in the past and explore the causes of your weight gain. We will take the time to get to know your story, your challenges and your goals for being a patient with The Slimming Clinic. We will use these to find the best programme we can for your unique needs and, as your lifestyle, goals and needs change over the course of your weight loss journey, we will adapt, to ensure you are always getting the right support.

Experts who help you overcome challenges: We know that weight loss is not linear and that there are always going to be bumps along the road to your goals. Sometimes, when we’ve had a weekend off healthy eating, or we miss an exercise day, we can be our own worst enemies and allow a bad day, to become a bad week, to become a bad month. However, with the support and help of our team of weight loss experts


in diet, mindset and movement, we can keep you motivated to continue towards your aims. Our experts won’t let a stumbling block stop you from reaching your aims. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you form new relationships with food, exercise and your own mind and will gently guide you back on the right path!

Medical Weight Loss Supportive Supplements Our online weight loss programmes can also include additional weight loss supplements. As part of the personalisation of your weight loss programmes, your doctor will recommend the supplements that are best suited to your lifestyle and weight loss goals. These supplement will not only help your weight loss but also improve your health. These include: •

Chromium Supportive Supplement

Zinzino Zinobiotic

Zinzino Balance Oil


HbA1c Diabetes Blood Test

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Medication that gives you the boost you need to get your eating on track:


Body Diet

Sometimes, we know how to eat and what we should be eating - we know to get our 5-a-day, and we know to eat lean cuts of meat and have complex carbohydrates with our meals. It’s just those ‘in-between’ meal snacks that seem to be sabotaging our weight loss. Or sometimes it is the size of our meals that is our downfall. For that extra boost of motivation, we Group BodySupport Group Diet Diet Mind give you the support ofSupport our appetite suppression medication. Not designed to remove your need to eat entirely, but to gently support you from feeling those hunger pangs you can’t seem to shake off. Our appetite suppressants give you back the confidence to make the healthiest, best choices when it comes to your diet, ensuring that when the time comes that you no longer need them, your healthy lifestyle is second-nature to you! Group Support Mind Mind Supportive Remember, self-love canDiet be Doctor the cause, not the result Supplements of your weight loss and that just by taking that first step to calling The Slimming Clinic, talking to our team and finding out how we can help you, you’re making positive progress towards finding the you that you love again!

Mind Doctor

Doctor Prescriptive Medication

GIVE US A CALL TODAY – show yourself some love!

0800 917 9334



“Do not put off until tomorrow, what you can do today.” Benjamin 8

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n Franklin

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed with the daily challenges of life? Are you finding that you’re procrastinating more and more and that you just can’t seem to locate your motivation to just get things done? One of the biggest obstacles to finding our self-worth can be procrastination. Procrastination allow us to begin a negative thought pattern about ourselves that we are worthless, or can’t do something, or are lazy. What’s important to remember, that just because you’re putting it off, doesn’t equate to laziness or devalue you at all. Often, it is not laziness stopping us, in fact, there is a big difference between procrastination and laziness. Laziness is defined as you having absolutely no intention of ever doing the task you should be doing, or if you do the task, you do it with little to no effort, thus not having to exert ourselves too much. However, when you procrastinate, you are actively putting off or postponing something that you know needs to be done, in favour of something you *want* to do. Think in an exercise term – you know you should get your workout gear on and head out for a walk, or do a quick indoor workout, but you would much rather be on the sofa watching last night’s telly you missed out on. You know the exercise will make you feel better, and ultimately help your health and weight loss, but it’s not as favourable as doing something you really enjoy.

Have you told yourself ‘diet starts Monday’ when you’ve not had a great week with your diet and activity? Does Monday roll around and you just can’t find the motivation to start? A great place to start when you’re procrastinating, is to look at what you’re putting off. Is it everything? Or is it certain tasks? If you are putting everything off, then you will need more support to change your overall mindset, but if it is just a few things, then you might just need to change the way you approach them. We know that breaking the cycle can be tricky if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and unmotivated, but at The Slimming Clinic – we have the experts and support you need to get back on track with your health and weight loss goals, and helping you find your self-worth. Sometimes, breaking the cycle of procrastination and low self-esteem can be as simple as making one small decision, like the decision to call The Slimming Clinic and get the help you need from our experts and doctors.


0800 9 17 9334

But is there a way to stop the cycle of procrastination and get back into a motivated mindset? Unfortunately, the more you procrastinate, the more the tendency to do so grows. Every time you postpone something, the will to procrastinate strengthens, so much so, that it creates an inner resistance to whatever it is you’ve been putting off. Procrastinating has also been shown to lead to higher levels of guilt or anxiety, which can add to feelings of lower self-worth and self-esteem, which, in the long run can really affect how we see ourselves and treat ourselves. Can you relate this feeling to your diet and weight loss journey in the past?

Top tips to get you started: 1.

Write down all the things you should do today and highlight all the ones you’re thinking of putting off until tomorrow.


Look at your list. Do one small thing on it right now.


Ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen if I try and get these tasks done today?


Imagine the feeling you will have once the task is done. Often, the thought is worse than the actual doing!


SelfCIdaearse 5

1 2

List five things you’re grateful for today. Breathe in and out deeply – counting in for 4 seconds and out for 4 seconds. ean Wash your face and cl y. off the stress of the da

3 4

Send a kind message to someone.

Listen to your favourite song (maybe even dance around!)

Take a walk (it doesn’t have to be strenuous!)

6 7

Cuddle your pet.



Do a face mask.


Give yourself a manicure.

Have a bath.

11 12 13 14 10

Plan out your meals for the week and make a shopping list.

Do an online workout video.

Call that friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with.


s to your Write out positive note in a jar to future self and put them mood boost. open when you need a

Read some chapters of a book.

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Fill in what you will do to help your mind, heart, body and soul this week to ensure you are getting some self-care.


e v o l o t n r a e L

f l e s r u yo CAN WE GET A SHOW OF HANDS FOR HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN TRULY SAY THAT THEY LOVE THEMSELVES? We’ll bet there is not many of us that can say that we love who we are or how we look. How many of us rely on other people to fill the gap of self-love we are missing? Do you rely on what others think of you to feel like you have value? Whilst the love we receive from others is important, the people around us cannot solely change how we see ourselves and our own self-worth. As individuals, it’s up to us to change our own thought patterns about how we feel for ourselves. However, for most of us on a journey to making our health better, and losing weight, it almost seems counter-intuitive to try and teach you to love yourself, as you’re looking to change it, in order to love yourself, yes? When you start a weight loss journey, you have, in some way, already shown yourself some love, in that you have consciously made a decision that you want to change the way you are living to improve your health and well-being.


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Starting from this position, and knowing you are already showing some self-love, can be the boost you need at the beginning, to give you the motivation to begin. Remember, learning to love yourself is not about neglecting others, either.



Self-love is simply showing the same kindness, compassion and respect to yourself, that you show to others. Not belittling who you are and picking at the faults you perceive in yourself, but taking time to reassure yourself that you are a valued and wonderful human being, in any form you take. Think about some of the negative things you think about yourself. Would you ever say those things to a friend or loved one?

Sometimes one of the best ways to love yourself more is to simply appreciate what your body has given you, in every size it’s been. It might be children, it could be a half marathon you ran, it could be getting in 10,000 steps a day. Enjoy the experiences that your body has given you already, appreciate what is has done, and what is still to come. And if all that seems a little hard to practice right now, sometimes, self-love is a simple as focussing on the things we don’t mind about ourselves, rather than looking at the things we don’t like.

Chances are, you wouldn’t dream of it! So why do we say those things to ourselves?



Another way to start loving yourself more is to set realistic expectations. Stop worrying about how beautiful or slim or muscularly that person you’ve seen online is and certainly don’t compare yourself to a stranger!

Write down your achievements and note down next to them the skills it took to get there. These skills are your personal strengths and enable you to see what you’re good at, a great place to start when you’re trying to find reasons to love yourself!

Perfection is an illusion in most cases and can be incredibly deprecating for your mental health. What’s more, comparing yourself to others will not help you reach your future goals. When you look to what you want to achieve in life, why not also think about the goals you have already achieved - big and small.

Don’t forget - when you achieve more successes in your life, make sure to pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for those too. Remind yourself of what you can accomplish!


BOOST YOUR HAPPY HORMONES Hormones are chemicals that we all naturally produce from various different glands throughout our bodies. Once they are produced, they travel through our bloodstream, delivering messages and enabling many functions, to ensure the smooth running of our bodies. In some cases, there are hormones that can help promote feelings of positivity, happiness, pleasure, reward and motivation. These are commonly known as your ‘Happy Hormones’. These are the hormones we can rely on to make us feel better, even when we’re not feeling at our best.

1. SEROTONIN Serotonin is a chemical in your body that is produced by your nerve cells. It is mostly found within your digestive system but has an effect on almost every part of your body. It is known to naturally help stabilise your mood – having too little serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety - and it helps you day-to-day with your sleeping, eating and digesting. Boost your serotonin: •

Aerobic exercises like swimming, cycling, jogging, brisk walking.

Meditation and giving yourself quiet, downtime.

Getting sun exposure – or in winter, investing in a light therapy box.

Having a massage.

Including foods that contain tryptophan, which is an amino acid and can be found in: Salmon, chicken, turkey, eggs, spinach, seeds, soy products.


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2. DOPAMINE Dopamine is the chemical messenger that, when released in large amounts, creates the feelings we get of pleasure, reward and motivation. It is often released when we have achieved something good and it helps us to keep repeating good behaviours, to create positive habits. Whilst typically, dopamine is well-regulated in the body, there are a few ways we can boost it! Boost your dopamine: •

Complete a task (or a few) on your to-do list.

Get a good night’s sleep.

Listen to your favourite music.

Do regular physical activities – such as yoga and pilates.

Eat foods rich in protein – such as: Eggs, lean meats, yoghurt, oily fish, avocado, lentils.

3. OXYTOCIN Oxytocin is known as the ‘love’ hormone and it is often found in high amounts when we are in the throes of a new relationship! Oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus and having higher levels of it can lead to feeling more relaxed, less stressed and anxious and more psychologically stable. It can help you adapt to social and emotional situations and has been shown to improve communication between you and loved ones. Boost your oxytocin: •

Try wellness practices like yoga.


Tell someone how much you love them.

Spend time with those you love the most.

Do you ever feel fantastic after a workout? Or complete a physical task and feel like a superhero? That feeling is made by your endorphins! Endorphins promote a sense of wellbeing throughout the body and have been known to reduce the pain we feel. Having raised levels can reduce depression, stress and anxiety, boost your self-esteem and can help with weight reduction by helping to naturally regulate your appetite.

Give and receive a hug or cuddle.

Do a nice gesture for someone.

Boost your endorphins: •

Exercise – in any form Tell someone how much you love them.

Create something – art, music.

Eat something spicy or eat dark chocolate.

Relax with some aromatherapy .

Watch something funny – or find something that makes you laugh.


RECHARGE YOUR BATTERIES One of the best ways we can learn to love ourselves is to give ourselves time to rest, recuperate and allow time for self-care. So, are you forever busy with more and more to do? Jumping from one job to the next? It might feel like you never stop, and life is constantly moving at a pace that is exhausting you. But in this fast-paced world, we are always hearing people saying they are already constantly rushing around or exhausted, and often, both! But is this a good thing? If you’re finding yourself permanently drained of energy, enthusiasm, productivity and totally stressed out, you could be wearing your personal batteries down, which can have a detrimental effect on both your mental and physical health and self-esteem. These days, we are reliant on gadgets that require charging regularly and we wouldn’t let them run out of juice, so why would we let our own internal batteries wear down to empty?The good news is that just like our modern gadgets, our personal batteries are also re-chargeable and whilst boosting them back up is personal process, there are some really simple things you could try to see if they help you on the road to feeling a bit less worn-out. (Take a look at page 10 of this booklet for our favourite self-care ideas!) Before we tackle how we can feel less fatigued, we should investigate the reasons as to why it happens in the first place. So why do we feel so drained?

To recharge your batteries: PHRASE Definition: To rest and relax for a period of time so that you feel energetic again “She wanted to recharge her batteries and come back feeling fresh and positive.”

STRESS Whilst it’s unlikely you can remove all causes of stress from your life, stress is one of the biggest reasons for mental and physical burnout. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to try and relieve some of the stresses in your life, without making drastic changes. Writing down your stresses, rather than internalising them can really help you visualise how you can tackle them. Whether you choose to share your worries, or keep them to yourself, writing them down can sometimes ease the pressure you’ve been feeling over what’s been worrying you. Alternatively, you can focus on the positive and write down the things that you are grateful for – things that relax you, make you happy or contribute to reducing your stress levels. Some of those positive things could be Face-timing or calling the ones that you love. Belonging to a network of people improves self-worth and boosts your moods, helping put you into a better mindset for taking on stressful situations.

In the vast majority of cases, mental and physical exhaustion is caused by our overly demanding lifestyles and not by any pre-existing medical conditions that we may be suffering from. Some of the most common reasons we hear for feeling drained are: •

Too little physical activity.

Lack of sleep.

Poor eating habits.


So, let’s take a look at what small changes can you try to see if you can recharge your body and mind and challenge some of these common issues.


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What will you try? Like any part of a journey to improving your health and lifestyle and just like your weight loss journey, unfortunately, these changes will not drastically improve your life overnight. However, regularly implementing them into your daily routines will eventually all add up and you should find your mood and energy levels feeling boosted. Of course, if you try out these methods and are still finding yourself feeling unwell, you should seek the advice of your Doctor who might be able to identify medical reasons for your permanent exhaustion.

TOO LITTLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY How often have you promised to exercise and woken up too tired and snoozed the alarm, or found it easier to slump on the sofa when you get in from work instead of exercising? Conversely, sitting down to recharge your batteries can have an adverse effect on your exhaustion and make you more tired. Exercising, even if only for 20 minutes, can leave you feeling energised and improve your mood for hours after you’ve finished, giving your batteries the boost they need. Exercise is also linked to an improved sleep pattern too.

LACK OF SLEEP A really important part of being able to recharge is to get into a decent sleeping pattern – easier said than done in some cases! However, sleep is crucial to helping you feel better mentally and physically. NHS guidelines recommend that we get between 6 – 9 hours of sleep a night and that anything under that can put us at risk of burnout. If you’re finding your sleep is a little sporadic, setting up a sleep schedule where you go to bed and get up at the same time every day can help re-programme your brain and internal body clock and build a good sleep habits. Appropriately winding down after a stressful day can also help you drift off a bit easier too. Try taking a bath, reading a book or meditating before bed to clear your mind.

POOR EATING HABITS As you probably know, your energy levels are directly impacted by your diet. Food = Fuel. The best way to boost your batteries with your diet is to eat nourishing foods full of the vitamins and minerals we need for a healthy body and mind. Eating high-calorie foods can feel comforting when you are feeling exhausted, but filling our bodies with these types of foods mean they are absorbed quickly and give us a spike in blood sugar levels. This in turn gives a short, sharp energy boost, that then creates a bigger energy comedown and leaves us feeling sluggish and bloated. Eating a good balanced diet of complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrains and vegetables with lean proteins and healthy fats at each meal will ensure there is a gradual release of energy into the body that will ensure you feel energetic throughout the day.


r ou ty Ge

CONFIDENC Back How confident do you feel? What would it take to make you feel like the best, most confident version of yourself? Is it losing a certain amount of weight? Fitting into a certain size clothing? Or maybe it’s wanting to improve your own health and well-being? One of the biggest reasons we find that people come to us at The Slimming Clinic is because they are lacking in the confidence to do the things they really want to do, due to weight-related issues. We have heard countless stories about how people don’t like to wear certain clothes or are embarrassed to run around with their kids or avoid social situations due to not feeling confident enough to meet with friends.

“I lost 3st 11lbs”

We would like to think that this booklet has given you a good start and some ideas on how you can begin to find your confidence and self-worth again. But if you need a little more help and support, then contact us and speak to our caring team who can tell you more about what we can do for you and your confidence.



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No matter your personal end-goal, we can help you. We take your weight loss journey personally and will work with you to ensure that you achieve whatever goal you set out to accomplish. These appointments aren’t just for you to ‘check-in’ and give us your weight, but to talk to the doctor and experts about any obstacles or issues you are facing in your journey. Our experts are all trained to help in anyway they can. This could be making amendments to your food intake and dietary advice, to talking through how you are feeling and what changes to your mindset you can make or looking into how you can increase your activity. At The Slimming Clinic, we want to give you back your confidence. We take pride in being able to help, whether you have a little or a lot of weight to lose and love hearing your feedback as your health, well-being and overall body positivity improves. your confidence.

“I lost 6st 2lbs” Frances

The best step you can take towards getting there, is to just pick up the phone and call 0800 917 9334.


WEIGHT LOSS GUARANTEE 6 Month Weight Loss Guarantee We are thrilled to announce a brand new weight loss programme. It’s something that we have been working on for a while, using the best research available and analysis of what we know works for our most successful patients. It is a truly comprehensive 6-month programme. In fact we are so certain of it’s power, we have added a Weight Loss Guarantee.* Join our new Six Month Weight Loss Programme today and lose 10% of your starting weight in just 6 months* It’s super easy to get started. Follow the link and simply select a date and time that suits you.


Registered with

Weigh TH t Loss Guara ntee

To give you peace of mind


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What’s Included: •

Daily weight loss injection Wegovy or daily weight loss tablet medication

3 follow appointments with our GMC-registered UK based Doctors, all of whom are specialists in weight loss, to discuss your medical history, previous weight struggles, health issues and to design the best medical weight loss plan for you.

3 dietitian appointments to discuss your health and weight concerns, food preferences and dietary requirements. You will receive tailor-made advice on improving your diet and maintain long-term weight loss. Plus two follow up appointments.

6 months meal replacement – so you can replace 7 meals a week to suit your schedule To find out more book an appointment with one of our specialist GMC-registered Doctors We’re so confident that if you don’t lose 10% of your starting weight in 6 months, we will treat you for free for a further 3 months!!

THE MENOPAUSE PROGRAMME Did you know that on average woman gain 5-8% of their baseline body weight in the first two years of menopause. We are therefore pleased to launch our new Menopause 6-month weight loss programme. The programme includes everything in the regular programme plus •

Access to our brand new Membership portal when it launches

Balance Oil

Balance Test

Complete Health Test

Daily Multi Vitamins


APPOINTMENT We have two ways in which you can access weight loss programmes from us


Appointment: You can book an appointment with one of our wonderful Weight Loss Doctors. These are conducted via Zoom and are a great opportunity to not only get a weight loss programme uniquely built for you, you will also get all the tips and advice that you need.


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ONLINE Online Or if time is tight, our Online Prescription Service is ideal for you. You request your medication, add supporting elements and build your own bespoke programme. You then supply your medical history via our secure forms for our Doctors to review. This Online Service is available anytime, 24/7.

And of course you can switch between the two services to suit your needs.


Need more help with self-care and additional support with finding a happier, healthier version of yourself? We have a range of programmes available so we can tailor your weight loss journey even further. Contact The Slimming Clinic on 0800 917 9334


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