1 minute read


However, scaling your operations in a new location can be daunting, especially if you need to familiarize yourself with the local business landscape. That's where we come in. In this presentation, we'll show you how we can help you scale your software development operations in Bangalore, from finding the right talent to navigating the legal and cultural landscape.

1. We build your team


● Handpicked from the most talented developers in the world

● Years of experience in companies like Google, Amazon, and IBM

● Only the top 1% of 1.5 million engineers graduate in India every year make the cut with us

2. We run your operations

● Operational and administrative heavy lifting taken care of

● Freeing you to focus on working with your team, developing new products and services, and growing your business at speed

3. You scale without limits

● On-hand support to increase capacity and scale up

● Dedicated Chief Happiness Officer to implement your vision and culture throughout the team in Bangalore

● Engineers are continually engaged, ensuring your success and growth