The New Collectors Book 2014

Page 97

Alicia Imas

Dragon de Fuego, 2012. Oil on canvas, 100 cm by 80 cm.

I believe that art has always been a part of my life; maybe that is why I started studying architecture. When I left my studies I started working for an airline company, but I still kept in touch with my artistic side by taking a few decoration workshops, amongst others. Eventually, I got my BA in psychology, but my curious soul needed something else. I asked myself: How and where can I feed my creative desires? The answer was to start wandering around several art workshops where I began my journey. These days, I have found a way to free my artistic expression at Heriberto Zorilla and Helena Distefano’s research workshops. I feel that their proposal meets my artistic standard. To me, this means searching the depths of one’s being. Painting allows me to search and discover my true self. Letting the brush take its journey, being surprised by the colors are all acts of freedom. Freedom is maybe the most sought after aspect in my life and while I paint, I am undeniably free. 97

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