The New Collectors Book 2014

Page 90

Hans van Bentem

LOVE, Keep on Dreaming!, 2012. Chrystal porcelain, bronze, ceramics & wood installation.

Hans van Bentem (Born The Hague, The Netherlands 1965). To execute my sculptural works I search the world for craft, traditional techniques that have been around for centuries. Like a quest for endangered species I like to cherish my discoveries and build lasting relations with these craft studious. This way I work with, amongst others, Dutch Ceramic companies, make Bronzes in India, Wood in Senegal, Crystal in the Czech Republic and Porcelain in China. In this way I try to freeze images of the NOW in precious materials that will be cherished and can be showed and admired and will be hopefully kept to stay around and tell feature generations of our times‌


LOVE, Keep on Dreaming!, 2012. Detail.

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