The Jewish Weekly Issue 318 - March 21st

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Global prayers for hostages

Global leading Rabbis have called for Shema to be recited at 3pm UK time around the world today for the release of hostages held in Gaza and the ongoing security situation in Israel.

The assembly will be attended by representatives of the families of the hostages and missing, along with many others who will gather as one - with one heart - to arouse heavenly mercy for the cancellation of the decrees hanging over Israel.

The prayer assembly will be broadcast live to tens of thousands of people in Israel and around the world, in collaboration with Jewish communities worldwide, who will also participate in the recitation of the Shema Yisrael simultaneously with the prayer at the Western Wall.

Yeshivah rabbonim visited HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau who instructed prayers to also be held on Purim.

They stated: “When such a

large number of Jews are in exile from their homes and many hostages are in captivity, these days are very special and a time for


HaRav Landau asked HaRav Dan Segal to set the order of prayers for Purim. 10 Pirkei Tehillim should be recited. They are numbers 20, 22, 25, 27, 79, 83 and 94 in addition to 121, 142, and 130.

It is also important to say 91 with everyone directing their heart to the heavens.

It is said that on Purim, our tefilla can reach greater heights than on Yom Kippur, so we should all join together to daven as one nation.

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Israel-US tensions remain over Rafah operation

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the War cabinet during a whistle-stop Middle East tour on Friday.

Blinken travelled yesterday to meet Saudi leaders in Jeddah and Egyptian leaders in Cairo, the State Department confirmed in a statement. It is his sixth trip since the October 7 terror attack by Hamas.

Defense Ministers Yoav Gallant and Lloyd Austin will meet at the Pentagon in the coming days when the US will present plans for ‘targeted’ Israeli operations in Rafah and an end to weapons smuggling at the Egypt to Gaza Philadelphi corridor.

Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and National Security Council chief Tzachi Hanegbi will hold meetings on a potential Rafah operation with senior Washington officials.

The high level discussions follow growing tensions between Biden and Netanyahu, who addressed a pro-Israel AIPAC meeting this week.

In a 45-minute conversation, the first in a month, Biden reportedly reassured Netanyahu he was not attempting to hasten his departure from office after backing comments by Senate Majority

Leader Chuck Schumer and War minister Benny Gantz’ trip to Washington earlier this month.

Schumer criticised Netanyahu’s handling of the war and called for new elections in Israel.

Biden in a meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said Schumer gave a “good speech” that expressed American concerns.

Netanyahu updated Israeli citizens on his conversation with Biden last night.

also approve the plan to evacuate the civilian population from the battle zones.”

Netanyahu added that Biden had asked to present Israel with proposals regarding the ‘humanitarian sphere and other topics’.

He said in a statement: “At the beginning, we agreed that Hamas needs to be eliminated. But during the war, it is no secret, there have been disagreements between us on the best way to achieve this goal. At the outset, I told the President it is impossible to defeat Hamas without the IDF entering the Gaza Strip. In our latest conversation, I told him, it is impossible to complete the victory without the IDF entering Rafah in order to eliminate the remnants of Hamas’s battalions. I have already approved the IDF’s operational plan, and soon we will

He continued: “We have always done what is vital for our security, and this is what we will do this time as well. As we are preparing to enter Rafah, and this will take a little time, we are continuing to operate with full force. We are continuing to operate in Khan Yunis, in the camps in the center, in eliminating and capturing senior Hamas

officials as we have just done in Shifa, and in eliminating hundreds of terrorists. As I have promised you time and again, we are determined to achieve total victory.”

Netanyahu blasted Schumer’s comments as “inappropriate” in TV interviews at the weekend.

He told CNN: “The only government we should bring down now is the Hamas tyranny in Gaza who murdered over 1,000 Israelis, including dozens of Americans, and is holding Americans and Israelis hostage, that’s what we should be focusing on… The majority of Israelis support our government, the policies that we’re leading. It’s not a fringe government, it represents the majority of the people. If Sen. Schumer opposes these policies, he’s not opposing me, he’s opposing the Israeli people.”

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PM Netanyahu addresses an AIPAC meeting

Support Torah this Purim

Find out why over 20,000 people tune in daily online to watch Reb Eli Stefansky’s Daf Hayomi shiur, and donate today to help spread Torah around the world.

The Jewish Weekly is helping to raise money for Mercaz Daf Yomi in Israel.

The ever popular Daf Hayomi shiur is given twice daily in English and Hebrew by Reb Eli Stefansky, in Ramat Bet Shemesh. As well as up to 100 people who attend live daily, ranging from young children to people in their 90s, a staggering 20,000 people tune in online to watch the shiur every day, making it the biggest shiur in the world.

Reb Eli has nearly 19 million hits on Youtube, an astounding amount for any Rabbi, let alone a gemoroh shiur!

The reason for the astonishing success lies in Reb Eli’s personality and the tremendous effort he puts in to making the

daily shiur as enjoyable as can be. He effortlessly communicates with all types of Jews, from the most religious to the completely unreligious and everyone in-between.

The fundraiser takes place on Tuesday April 2 and donations can already be given on the link of the editor’s page at the end of this article.

To produce the shiur with its high level of graphics and animations alongside colourful charts, pictures and even

games, a team of 12 employees are needed including graphic artists and video editors.

Other costs include the salaries of the kollel that sit in the Beit Hamidrash each day and the worldwide distribution of the free gemoroh campaign. Thousands of people have returned to learning Torah each day simply by receiving a free gemoroh upon signing up.

Reb Eli told The Jewish Weekly that donating to this important cause will give the best ROI - return on investment. He explained that each free gemoroh that attracts a new person to Torah learning means that for just £40, you receive lifelong reward for all the learning they ever do because of you!

The recent Siyumim held in London and Manchester last year attracted over 700 people.

To help spread the light of Torah around the world, donate at the bottom of the page or contact our office.

For readers who wish to discuss potential legacies and the opportunity for loved ones names to be remembered on the building, Aron Kodesh, Sefer Torah etc, contact us below to arrange an appointment with editor Yossi Saunders

and Reb Eli Stefansky himself. YossiSaunders 0203 906 8488

To find out more, you can sign up at and receive a free gemoroh or search on Youtube, Alldaf, Torah Anytime, Kol Haloshon and other streaming sites.

All donations on the editor’s page enter a raffle to win a £10,000 advertising package

Reb Eli preparing the daf Reb Eli being Sandek at a recent Bris for a member of United Hatzalah

Hamas murder Mizrachi Executive Chairman’s son

The heavens opened as hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Captain Daniel Perez at Mount Herzl military cemetery on Monday.

Eldest son of Rabbi Doron Perez, Executive Chairman of the global Mizrachi movement, and Shelley Perez, Daniel, from Yad Binyamin, was a platoon commander in the 7th Armoured Brigade’s 77th Battalion.

The IDF informed the 22-year-old’s family, who made aliyah from South Africa in 2014, of his murder by Hamas on October 7 just 24 hours after a rally in Hostages’ Square for families of hostages in Tel Aviv where Rabbi Perez broke down whilst reciting a prayer for peace, the soldiers and kidnapped.

Daniel’s blood, found on a tank and jacket, was in his coffin as directed by rabbinical authorities.

Rabbi Perez told mourners that Daniel battled Hamas terrorists at Kibbutz Nahal Oz, the Nahal army base and Kibbutz Saad. His brother, Yonatan, was fighting at Nahal Oz.

Daniel’s body was taken by Hamas to Gaza.

“You not only saved the lives of many others, but you may have also saved the life of your brother,” he said. “I thank G-d for saving Yonatan, but I don’t know why He chose you for that mission. It is as if your whole life’s journey led you to be ready for that mission and you were.”

After speaking about Daniel’s virtues, Rabbi Doron addressed the Israeli and United States governments, allies and “fair-minded people around the world” for the release of all hostages.

“Every single one needs to be returned

without any conditions,” he said. “Hamas are hiding as cowards underground while their children and our civilians are killed. We differentiate between civilians and combaters. We are doing our bit. It is time for the world and our friends to say yes there is a humanitarian issue and they (Hamas) are wholly responsible.”

Rabbi Doron ended by stating there was a “blood covenant” between the Israeli government and its people.

Yonatan, an officer in the paratroopers, was wounded on the first day of fighting in Nahal Oz and rushed to hospital with just a flesh wound to the leg.

He told mourners that his brother knew the responsibility of fighting Hamas.

Tomer Liebowitz, Itai Chen and Matan Angrest were in Perez’ tank team. Liebowitz was declared dead on October 7, the IDF confirmed Chen’s death earlier this month. A released hostage has reportedly seen Angrest in captivity.

Yonatan said: “I will miss our talks about the army and just sitting and talking with you in your room but mostly I will miss my best friend.”

Daniel’s sisters, Shira and Adina, spoke movingly.

Shira said: “The minute they told us the worst news, a stone was lifted from me because I know that these days you were with us all the time protecting us. Every day that goes by I will think of my hero, my amazing brother who put aside his personal desires in honour of G-d, the nation and the country.”

Adina said of her brother: “Your selflessness and dedication to our country was evident from your actions and as a result you saved countless Jewish lives. You strengthened others when they felt weak and cared for those around you and

left an everlasting impression upon their lives. You sacrificed your life to protect us. You were a true soldier and a true hero. You will never truly be gone because a part of you lives in every one of us. We will celebrate your life because you continue to live within our hearts.”

Chief Rabbi David Lau noted: “We have a wonderful generation of soldiers who do everything to protect the nation, to protect Torah, to protect the land. Daniel, you came here as a child and came to defend the country on the day of the Torah, on Simchat Torah. Against those who came to destroy the nation, you and your friends went out to defend the country.”

“The IDF shares in the family’s grief and will continue to support them,” the IDF said in the announcement.

Rabbi Danny Mirvis, son of Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, and acting CEO Mizrachi UK, said: “Over the past 163 days we have desperately davened for better news. Throughout that time, the Perez family has inspired us and strengthened us as we have sought to strengthen them. The global tefillot for his wellbeing will now become global wishes of comfort.

“This news came to the family on 7 Adar, the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu whose burial place is unknown, and has such become

a date associated with mourning for all those whose burial places are unknown. As we have prayed and hoped for Daniel’s return until now, we continue to pray and hope for his return to a Kever Yisrael. May Hashem comfort Rabbi Doron, Shelley and entire family amongst all mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim. May we see every single hostage return home.”

Shortly after Daniel was listed as missing, Rabbi Perez explained to Israeli media the family’s dilemma of whether to hold Yonatan’s wedding.

“We felt it was the right thing, to hold the wedding despite everything,” he reportedly said. “It was a painful and sad moment, we cried, and then we dried our faces and we entered into joy.”

1,000 attend Herts solidarity event

Over 1,000 people from Hertfordshire and around London attended a pro-Israel rally calling for the immediate return of 134 hostages who remain in captivity.

The ‘Israel in our Herts’ event saw prominent speakers including Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Michael Wegier of the Board of Deputies and Hertsmere Borough Council leader Jeremy Newmark.

Sharon Lipchitz described how her parents were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. Oded was taken with his wife

Yocheved, aged 85. On October 23 Yocheved was released. The couple, among the founders of Kibbutz Nir Oz, are peace activists and regularly transported patients from Gaza to receive medical treatment in hospitals across Israel. Oded is a passionate advocate for human rights. Sharon called for a hostage deal and said her father was already elderly and frail and “didn’t have time”. She moved the crowd to tears when reading the names of hostages from her parent’s kibbutz including the Bibas family, including Kifir who celebrated his first birthday in captivity and his four-yearold brother, Ariel.

Chief Rabbi Mirvis addressed the audience: “The hostages remain at the forefront of our minds until the last one comes home. We will cry out to the world’s leaders, ‘Bring Them Home’. They are our brothers and sisters, part of the global Jewish family. We are so

heartened and encouraged that it’s not just us.” He added: “We are joined globally by so many good friends of the Jewish people who are showing solidarity with us, some of whom are here today, I say thank you so very much”.

Josh Moont, one of the organisers of the event, commented: “It was so important to bring together people from across the many Jewish communities, Christian friends, and those of all faiths and no faith, to show our unwavering support for Israel. The world must not forget about the plight of the hostages who remain in captivity.”

He added: “Our rally was one of solidarity where we sang songs of peace, demonstrating our proud Britishness underpinned by core Jewish values. We hope and pray for a speedy end to the war, peace for all peoples and the immediate return of the hostages to their families.”

Rabbi Alex Chapper, Borehamwood & Elstree United Synagogue, said: “You feel very proud when over a thousand people

gather in your local park to show solidarity with Israel and call for the release of all the hostages.”

Hannah Curtis who spoke of her experiences of antisemitism at university. Organisers have been holding events since October 13 and gather each week in Borehamwood to hold a vigil for the hostages. The cross-communal gathering included support from the Israeli Embassy, United Synagogue, Board of Deputies, StandWithUs UK, CAA, UJS and Hertfordshire Jewish Forum.

Bring Them Home banner held by local children PHOTO: STANLEY KAY Organiser Nivi Feldman PHOTO: STANLEY KAY Captain Daniel Perez Zt”l
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Extremism definition welcomed

An updated definition of extremism by Communities Secretary Michael Gove has been welcomed but could have gone further according to Jewish organisations.

New terminology will be used by government departments to ensure they are not providing a platform, funding or legitimacy to groups or individuals attempting to advance extremist ideologies that negate fundamental rights and freedoms and overturn the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy. The definition is not statutory and has no effect on existing criminal law.

Since October 7 the government has been concerned over increased radicalisation.

The Community Security Trust recorded over 4,000 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2023.

A Campaign Against Antisemitism spokesperson described the announcement as a “very belated admission” that the Government had “engaged with and even funded” extremists but would no longer do so.

A spokesman said: “That is welcome, but that is as far as this announcement goes. It proposes no sanction whatsoever for extremists caught by the new definition other than a loss of state support that they should never have had in the first place, and far too many extremists will not be caught under this definition at all.

“It is particularly ironic that the definition draws on the work of Sir Mark Rowley, who has become one of the country’s foremost enablers of extremism by his refusal to use his existing powers in relation to the weekly marches that are threatening the fabric of our society. Ultimately, today’s move by the Government amounts to yet more words at a time when firm action is already decades late.”

Laurence Julius, National Jewish Assembly, said the definition had the benefit of being “simple and easy” to test against.

“It should effectively cover all threats from extreme left, right or Islamists to the Jewish community,” he noted. “The wording is, however, very wide and there is the potential risk that it could be used to try and cancel legitimate freedom of expression.”

Julius added: “By adopting a more focused definition, the government demonstrates its dedication to preserving democratic values and safeguarding against the empowerment of extremist entities.”

Jonathan Metliss, Action Against Administration: “We have seen awful and threatening pro-Palestinian marches and activities on our streets with overt and undiluted antisemitism. Muslim Brotherhood ideology is rife in Britain and globally, and cannot live alongside Western values. There are statutory provisions such as the Public Order Acts and the

Racial and Religious Hatred Act but enforcement of the law has been a problem, especially by the Metropolitan Police. It is imperative the Government defines extremism, extremist organisations and proscribes them accordingly. Gove is the one minister who has sought to understand the threat we face and should be applauded. Others must follow his lead. The Government and relevant authorities must enforce this new definition.”

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner said the party would “challenge and probe” the new definition and called for more detail on how it would “work in practice”.

Former Home Office Minister Robert Jenrick added that Gove’s definition was “well-intentioned” but “lands in no man’s land”.

The new definition and engagement principles ensures those who promote extreme ideologies or spread hate in communities are not legitimised through interactions with government.

The government is to undertake a ‘robust process’ to assess groups for extremism against the definition. It is a step to promote ‘social cohesion, democratic resilience and to counter extremism and religious hatred’.

Gove listed organisations to be assessed as a concern under the new definition.

They are Patriotic Alternative, British National Socialist Movement, Muslim Association of Britain, Cage and Mend. Both Cage and Mend have reportedly called on Gove to repeat allegations about them outside parliament in order to take legal action.

Gove noted: “The pervasiveness of extremist ideologies has become increasingly clear in the aftermath of the October

This is the work of Extreme Right-Wing and Islamist extremists who are seeking to separate Muslims from the rest of society and create division within Muslim communities. They seek to radicalise individuals, deny people their full rights, suppress freedom of expression, incite hatred, and undermine our democratic institutions.”

The definition reads: ‘Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to (1) negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others, (2) undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights (3) intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve results in (1 or 2).’

It also noted: ‘Extremism involves advancing or promoting an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, a high bar that only captures the most concerning of activities. It is not about silencing those with private and peaceful beliefs, nor will it affect free speech, which will always be protected.

7 attacks and poses a real risk to the security of our citizens and our democracy.

‘It does not create new powers, it instead helps the government and our partners better to identify extremist organisations, individuals and behaviours.’

Communities Secretary Michael Gove PHOTO: GOV.UK

J7 meet Guterres

The Anti-Defamation League has launched a new resource to illustrate global antisemitism.

Called Atlas, it will combine data from the ADL, Jewish organisations, communities, academic and governmental bodies. The initiative was launched during the Anti-Defamation League’s annual Never Again Is Now conference in New York earlier this month.

The Joint Task Force J-7 to Combat Antisemitism, comprising leaders of the seven largest Jewish communities globally, strategised about surging antisemitism and safeguarding Jewish communities.

Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO said: “In a time when antisemitism is a pressing global issue, Atlas will be instrumental in identifying the regions where antisemitism is most prevalent and understanding governmental responses. We are proud to spearhead this initiative, alongside numerous international partners. In this fight against antisemitism, we are indeed stronger together.”

Marina Rosenberg, ADL senior International Affairs vice president, added: “Having precise and current data is the initial step in combating antisemitism. Atlas is a refined source of all-encompassing information on antisemitism, aiding our comprehension of this issue. By grasping the scope of antisemitism through the integration of various information sources,

we can better devise targeted initiatives to counter antisemitism.”

Rosenberg welcomed collaboration with international partners to customise educational programs to counter anti-Jewish hatred.

Since October 7, Jewish organisations globally have reported record levels of antisemitism on a monthly, quarterly and annual data. J7 leaders met with United Nations Secretary General António Guterres at UN headquarters.

The delegation raised global antisemitism since October 7, the plight of the hostages in Gaza, the UN’s inadequate approach to Israel following the terror attack and response to Hamas’ abuse of Israeli women.

UN action in response to the explosion of antisemitism across the globe, which threatens Jewish communities everywhere. We urged the Secretary General to use the power of his position to work for the immediate release of the hostages still being held in Gaza, and to address the systemic failures of UNRWA, including its inherent anti-Israel bias and the shocking

hostages held by Hamas and showed great empathy for the hostages and their families. He condemned all forms of antisemitism, and asserted unequivocally that there is no justification for the Hamas attack on October 7.’

The meeting concluded three days of consultations where the J7 Campus Working Group, led by Jewish student leaders, also met for the first time.

Delegates also raised the need for the UN to address systemic failures of UNWRA and Guterres to consider options to meet humanitarian needs in Gaza.

A J7 statement noted: ‘We called for

revelations that UNRWA staff participated in the October 7 atrocities.

‘The Secretary General expressed his commitment to doing all he can to work for the immediate release of all the

‘The J7 is alarmed and mobilised in the face of the explosion and pervasiveness of global antisemitism,’ noted a statement.

‘Anti-Zionism is antisemitism and that its normalisation is an alarming reality in each of our communities. Our communities will continue to advocate for the adoption of and, more importantly, the implementation of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism.

‘Our universities must not serve as safe havens for antisemitism. Academic institutions must enact and enforce codes of conduct to address antisemitism. Governments must hold these institutions accountable. There is no context in which antisemitism, including anti-Zionism, can be excused or justified.’

The J7 Task Force comprises the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Argentina and Australia.

Herzog welcomes Ambassadors to Israel

President Isaac Herzog has accepted diplomatic credentials of new ambassadors to Israel from Equatorial Guinea, Paraguay, Georgia, Burundi, and Eswatini.

Addressing Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea, Eustaquio Nseng Esono, Herzog welcomed Guinea’s support at the African Union Summit.

“It was extremely important to Israel,” he said. “We want to enhance the friendship between our countries dramatically in commerce, business and trade.”

Esono said, “We opposed radically the position to condemn Israel at the African Union, and proposed to create a commission instead of taking others’ opinions. This proposal was not adopted but there were others who joined us in opposing condemnation of Israel.”

Herzog told Ambassador of Paraguay Alejandro Rubin Cymerman: “We appreciate Paraguay for its friendship and achievements. You’re also a brother of ours, representing the Jewish community.”

Herzog welcomed Ambassador of Georgia Zaza Kandelaki: “We have good relations between our countries. There is a golden opportunity to double and triple the commerce between our nations.”

Kandelaki responded, “I want to express our unconditional support for Israel. This is the opinion of my

government and of the Georgian people. We have a unique relationship which goes back centuries.”

Newly appointed Ambassador of Burundi Willy Nyamitwe told Herzog he was looking forward to visiting again the holy city.

Herzog spoke of the importance of Israel’s relations with nations across Africa.

Addressing the Ambassador of

Eswatini, Mahlaba Almon Mamba, Herzog stressed: “Eswatini is a great friend of Israel. Thank you for being with us in these most difficult times when we fight terror. We believe in Africa. We see it as a continent that is very close to our hearts.”

Mamba said: “Our friendship goes back many years. We have similar common interests in seeking global peace and working for dialogue.”

President Herzog and Eswatini Ambasador Mamba PHOTO: GPO President Herzog and Georgia Ambassador Kandelaki PHOTO: GPO Secretary General Guterres PHOTO: UN PHOTO
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Australia, like many nations globally, has witnessed a surge in antisemitism since the Hamas terror attack on Israel last October.

Just as London, New York and Paris have been hit by a wave of hate incidents, Sydney and Melbourne, where Jews have contributed to the Aussie way of life for over 200 years, has experienced a shocking rise of anti-Israel protests, threats and vandalism at major tourist landmarks.

In London there was outrage from Jewish organisations when the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’ was projected onto Big Ben. Days after the 10/7 attack Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong condemned a pro-Palestine march to the iconic Sydney Opera House, which was lit up in white and blue to show solidarity with Israel.

The Australian national newspaper reported a 482% rise in antisemitic incidents. Over 600 leaders, including former state premiers, industry heads and media personalities signed an open letter denouncing antisemitism and called for all citizens to be treated with respect, inclusivity and dignity.

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies is the voice of the Jewish community of New South Wales.

On a recent trip ‘down under’, I met up with former acting CEO Michael

Gencher, who told me: “Our remit covers every area of Jewish life across politics, religion, cemeteries, fighting antisemitism and public affairs. A big part of my job is the government relations side with the sole purpose of advocacy for the community. And that is usually in fighting antisemitism.”

How have things changed since 10/7?

Michael noted. “Antisemitism is always there and like the rest of the world we have seen it come to the surface like a phoenix. I’m very cautious but it’s the worst Australia has seen across every community from graffiti to hate speech, vilification, incitement to physical assaults. We are also seeing new forms, which are really old types in a more technological way in terms of a ‘Jew list’. We are witnessing things from pre-World War II Nazi Germany. There is unprecedented levels of antisemitism and concern among communities. People are anxious.

“A big part of our work is in the multi-cultural, inter-cultural, interfaith space. The Christian community organised a rally against antisemitism. But there is a feeling of despondency in the Jewish community, like the rest of the world, the conflict is ongoing, we don’t see an end to it and antisemitism is on the rise.”

Michael explained how security has been increased. Jewish schools have armed security, unique in Australia, and university campuses are under the close eye of the police.

“Everyone is aware of the atmosphere and climate,” Michael explained. “Everyone is ready.”

Looking ahead, Michael said: “Our role has changed forever following 10/7. It’s been a huge wake up call for everyone. We are seeing increases in synagogues attendance and public gatherings, which is positive. For some people it’s the first time they have experienced antisemitism. For my generation it’s a realisation what our parents and grandparents talked about. We are now experiencing it.

“The despondency comes from disbelief. We are not going to cure antisemitism or get rid of it. Strategies many communal organisations around the world used have been window dressing for good feelings and headlines. We have to shift our focus. The essential thing is to educate our people and kids to speak confidently, to be proud of our Judaism and Zionism on campuses, for our youth and in the workplace.

They need support to challenge the conversation and narrative.”

Michael is aware this is challenging.

“We have people who are afraid to raise their voice in the workplace,” he noted. “That is a legitimate fear. We all have our way of dealing with it. There is an amazing Jewish life here with a tremendous history and culture. It’s an amazing community, because we have had a wonderful life so it’s been a big shock since 10/7”.

Michael, who moved the Australia in the early 1990s, was appointed executive director at Stand With Us Australia at the beginning of March to head up the recently-established office.

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GIFT Gala Dinner Celebrates 20 Years of Giving and Inspiring Change

GIFT hosted a spectacular gala dinner at the iconic Roundhouse in Camden. The event brought together 650 guests and supporters to celebrate GIFT’s remarkable journey over the past two decades.

The evening was marked by heartfelt speeches, captivating performances, and inspiring stories of how GIFT impacts so many lives on myriad of levels.

Michelle Barnet MBE, the esteemed Director of GIFT, welcomed the guests with profound gratitude, and thanking all those who have developed GIFT into the charity it is today. Reflecting on GIFT’s inception Michelle said: “20 years ago, a pressing question bothered me, where were the givers? Where was the framework for young people to volunteer their time and energy to help others?

So, GIFT was born, led by the visionary Rabbi Naftali Schiff and supported by the dedicated Howard Jackson, and a handful of like-minded individuals. Our aim was simple: to foster a culture of ‘We’ over ‘Me,’ to aid the less fortunate not just monetarily but by instilling a spirit of giving.”

The gala also featured speeches by Rabbi Naftali Schiff, Founder and Chairman of GIFT who said: “In a world in which we have been shockingly reminded that fundamental values need deliberate cultivation, we can’t assume anything, not even the innate Jewish principle of giving. Recognising society’s zeitgeist of

blurring lines between good and bad, kindness and selfishness, we as a community are compelled to act to educate our young people to know right from wrong. Thus, we established GIFT with a profound purpose: to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to embody a culture of giving. GIFT’s mission extends beyond donations; it’s about encouraging a lifelong commitment to selflessly giving, not just in the giving of things but also the giving of self.”

Rabbi Milun expressed gratitude for his journey with GIFT over the past five years, and the impact that GIFT is having on our community; “GIFT is reaching a record number of school children and I am immensely proud that we are one of the broadest charities in the UK today, engaging the most diverse range of Jews in our community, and our education department is working flat out, connecting with thousands of school children ever year, with a wide variety of relevant and cutting-edge initiatives.”

The evening was further enriched by captivating performances, including an awe-inspiring rendition of Shir Hamalos by Yoni Shine and Robbie Staffler, and a mesmerising shadow dance performance by Tumbelina, an all-male shadow dancing troupe. Guests were also moved by the screening of “The Hero,” a poignant film created by GIFT that left not a dry eye in the house.

A highlight of the evening was the

touching story shared by Miriam Ibigi, a shining example of the impact of GIFT’s work. Miriam, who as one of 11 children, once relied on GIFT for meals and support during challenging times, shared her journey from receiving assistance to becoming a dedicated volunteer, culminating in the creation of the Giving Kitchen, an initiative that provides hundreds of meals weekly from the GIFT kitchen.

Miriam’s story exemplifies the transformative power of giving and the profound impact of GIFT’s mission. As Michelle Barnet MBE remarked to the dinner guests, “With your support, we ensure that future generations will be cared for, self-sustaining, and mindful of the needs of others.”

The gala also served as a platform to rally support for GIFT’s ongoing initiatives, including its vital educational programmes and community outreach efforts. Rabbi Sandor Milun urged guests to

emphasising the importance of collective action in shaping a better world. Sharon Coppel, a dedicated GIFT volunteer who has been bringing her children to volunteer at GIFT for the last 5 years, urged more people to support GIFT’s mission through active participation together with generous contributions in order for GIFT to continue its essential work within the community.

As the evening concluded, guests left with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to continue supporting GIFT’s mission to create the next generation of givers.

For more information about GIFT and to support their initiatives, please visit<>

How to Create, Launch and Manage a Jewish Employee Resource Group (ERG) in Your Company TO REGISTER workshop An initiative of 26 MARCH from 9:30am to 12:00pm NW London Location IN PE RSON AND O NLINE

What is the hardest part of Pesach?

The Cleaning

Pesach “Ketchup”

Bubby’s Cinnamon Balls

No Whisky!

i n f o @ d s t a y m a n c o m W W W D S T A Y M A N C O M

NJA concludes successful second solidarity mission to Israel

The National Jewish Assembly (NJA) held its second solidarity mission to Israel towards the end of February 2024, aimed at fostering deeper understanding, support, and advocacy for the Jewish state amidst the ongoing challenges and conflicts. The mission, which lasted several days, was marked by poignant experiences, illuminating encounters, and profound reflections on the realities facing Israel and its people since the brutal October 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas. In addition to 16 of its members, the NJA was honoured to welcome media personalities André Walker, who presents shows on Talk TV four times a week, and Lois Perry, a regular contributor to both GB News and Talk TV.

The mission commenced with a visit to Har Herzl, a poignant tribute to the brave soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of Israel, including the hero of the Entebbe rescue in 1976, Yoni Netanyahu. From fallen soldiers in wars to victims of terrorist attacks, their unwavering courage and commitment were deeply honoured and remembered. Following this solemn tribute, the delegation proceeded to the Knesset, the heart of Israeli democracy. Engaging with Israeli lawmakers and witnessing the democratic process first hand provided invaluable insights into the nation’s governance. Next was a visit to the

historic Zion Gate, where the delegation learned about the profound Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, reaffirming the enduring bond between the Jewish people and their ancestral homeland.

On the following day, the NJA delegation engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue with Deputy British Ambassador Simon O’Donnell at the British Ambassador’s residence, exploring the nuances of the ongoing conflict and understanding the British stance on the war. This exchange of perspectives and insights served to deepen understanding and foster constructive engagement. The day continued with visiting wounded soldiers at the hospital, standing in

solidarity at Hostage Square with families affected by Hamas hostage-taking, and gaining invaluable insights from Colonel Richard Kemp’s inspiring briefing.

On the next day, the mission paid a sobering visit to Kfar Aza, where the delegation learned about the tragic events of October 7th and witnessed the enduring impact first hand. The delegation also paid a visit to a unique rest stop run by two brothers, providing support to Israeli soldiers and volunteers, and then the site of the Nova festival, with its memorials to fallen soldiers and hostages

One of the highlights of the trip was an address, in his office at the Knesset, from Amir Ohana, Speaker of the Knesset. Mr

Ohana explained the latest developments in the war, emphasised the strategy of the IDF in seeking to bring the hostages home and the elimination of Hamas, and setting out possible developments fpr the region in the medium to long term.

Finally, on the last evening, the NJA was honoured to welcome Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, for an informal discussion on the latest developments in Israel and the region.

Gary Mond, NJA Chairman who participated in the mission, said: “It is important that the NJA provides opportunities to its members to join a trip to Israel which is rich in experiences of Israeli people, places and events, and also to engage in political debate with Israeli figures. Moreover, bringing with us British TV personalities who regularly interview politicians and political analysts in the UK is a huge boon to the group.”

The NJA is planning further missions for its members to Israel this year. Those organised by the NJA will include (as well as plenty of important visits and meetings) (i) face to face conversations with Israeli government ministers and (ii), among the delegation, figures from television and the press in the UK. To find out more and to join the NJA please visit our website at uk.

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The NJA delegation, including Talk TV star presenter Andre Walker and regular GB News and Talk TV contributor Lois Perry, meeting with the Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana MK

What is the hardest part of Pesach?

Bubba’s Cinnamon Balls

Too much family time

Pesach “Ketchup”

Bubby’s Cinnamon Balls

i n f o @ d s t a y m a n c o m W W W D S T A Y M A N C O M
No Whisky! The Cleaning T 0 3 7 % 90 % % %

Dirty linen

The opposition occupies the benches in front of you, but the enemy sits behind you. These were the words used by Winston Churchill when apparently explaining the workings of the House of Commons.

They could just as easily apply to our community at present, given the level of

in-fighting at the moment. Some have called for an end to the public criticism of one organisation or another, on the basis it is better the outside world does not see our disunity, and the disputes should be dealt with internally. It sounds good if you say it quickly but sadly, the concept of issues being resolved within a community has proven to be wholly destructive.

There is an historic propensity to keep issues within the community even when criminal issues are involved. History though has taught us that this was and remains a poor idea.

So what has this go to do with the current arguments between various groups?

Plenty, since the principle is the same. We don’t want our enemies to see us bickering amongst ourselves when there is a war on. Again, sounds good but what do you do when one group refuses to call for a release of the hostages or another refuses to condemn Islamist terrorism?

Do you just let it go or do you push back knowing that the outside world might see our differences.

Push back. Every time. If you don’t, then the wider community will only see one view and believe that to represent us all. It’s not about being divided, it’s about having a legitimate alternative view. Think also about the calls for a ceasefire. There are some amongst us who are openly demanding this. No apparent thought for Hamas remaining in power and just as importantly the return of the remaining hostages. How that latter issue cannot be front and centre of everyone’s thinking is a mystery to me, yet for some it is not. It is in my view a small number and that is the nub of the problem.

A shrill call for a ceasefire from a tiny number of Jews might be loud but it is not representative. The benefit of opposing this is that such a campaign should develop enough momentum in an open society to show the outside world that the bulk of the community will not countenance a ceasefire without at least the unconditional release of the hostages.

Too often there is also the idea that each side has something to say, and both sides are promoting a legitimate argument. This is the problem we have with the BBC. In order to demonstrate balance – they say – they will present both sides of an argument, even though the numbers do not support that. If 99% commentators support one idea and 1% of commentators another, the BBC have been known to present the two ideas as being equal when they clearly are not.

Opposing ideas from the 1% is not about washing dirty linen in public, it is about allowing a free debate in a democratic society which should allow a majority view to develop.

Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper IT STARTS WITH A FREE CONSULTATION READY FOR A ONE-ON-ONE ABOUT ALIYAH? INDEPENDENT ALIYAH CONSULTANT • E d u c a t i o n • F i n a n c e s • H e a l t h c a r e • R e a l E s t a t e • S h i p p i n g • M o v i n g M o n e y • A n d m o r e … OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIE NCE Get insider information about: Schedule your FREE in-person meeting with Dov Newmark London: APRIL 2 nd , 3 rd & 4 th Register at (QR code) m a k e a l i y a h e a s y c o m or call 020-8150-2245

AS PESACH draws near, there's a sentiment familiar to many whisky enthusiasts a longing for the amber nectar that, traditionally, takes a brief hiatus during the holiday But fear not, for a solution has emerged: the world's inaugural Kosher for Passover Single Malt Scotch Whisky

DS Tayman, a brand synonymous with excellence, has been at the forefront of crafting award winning spirits Distilled at the AuchentAshan distillery, and working closely with Rav Mordy Chai from the KLBD, DS Tayman presents this ground-breaking Single Malt Scotch Whisky

At the core of this revolutionary dram lies the classified P-Rim technology; a fusion of mystery and innovation in the spirit industry.

While the exact details of their distillation process remain a closely guarded secret, we can share that their master distiller, Dr B. Tan has employed the latest in food technology and molecular science to fashion a whisky that not only respects kashrut but also pushes the boundaries of what is achievable in the world of spirits.

Discover an unparalleled maturation process, a classified secret that imparts layers of complexity to their whisky.

Prepare for a culinary experience that initially perplexes but ultimately enchants your palate Savour the malty, oaky notes of the whisky as they dance alongside the familiar

flavours charoset leave an Pesach ex The extends vigilant authoriti their w Kashrut laws

Given the complexities surrounding production, only 127 bottles will be available this year. The whisky will be offered first to DS Tayman subscribers, and then to the general public (subscription is highly recommended).

B B U th F K P S S W Sign

Pesach as this ground-breaking creation awaits an experience transcending tradition, designed to be enjoyed with the people you love, value and appreciate the most.

bottle at:

Letters to the Editor

Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

A definition is imperative

Dear Editor

Critics have claimed that Michael Gove’s quest to find a definition of extremism that would be workable for all in a culturally diverse and multi faith country where opinions differ wildly and fundamentally is an impossibility, that his definition falls in “ no man’s land” and limits Government discretion.

Having said that, Michael Gove clearly understands that the Islamic threat is all too real and needs tackling. We have seen awful and threatening pro Palestinian marches and activities on our streets with overt and undiluted antisemitism. Muslim Brotherhood ideology is rife in Britain and globally and cannot live alongside Western values.

The Muslim Association of Britain is one of several organisations declared extremist by Michael Gove in Parliament last week It is among the organisations pushing for an official definition of “ Islamophobia”, a one religion blasphemy law that would be used to limit the scrutiny of Islamists.

That is why it is vital that the Government defines extremism , identifies extremist organisations and punishes and proscribes them accordingly.

It could be argued that there are existing statutory provisions such as the Public Order Acts and the Racial and Religious Hatred Act which address these issues including incitement to racial hatred but enforcement of the law has been a problem , especially by the Metropolitan Police.

This is why it is imperative that the Government defines extremism , identifies extremist organisations and punishes and proscribes them accordingly Whatever the concerns about Gove’s definition, he is the one minister who has sought to understand the threat we face and he should be applauded for doing so.

Others must follow his lead and the Government and the relevant authorities must act strongly and positively in enforcing this new definition of extremism.

Purim this spring

It seems like such a long time since we had our last Jewish festival

The Winter one of Chanukah – which celebrated a historic miracle

During those months it’s been a difficult time for the Jewish people

Still at war with some of our enemies

Who still hold some of us as hostages

We so deserve to try and enjoy the opportunity

To be grateful for our living friends and family

Who are here, as we are, because of our history

Yes, at last it is, Spring

When we celebrate Purim

I believe that this year, however, 5724 / 2024, surely, Purim

As in our lifetime, like never before, takes on a new meaning

While Hamas and Hezbollah and various other Islamist terrorists

Do their worst, brutally, to have the State of Israel no longer exist

Hamas declared war on Israel on 7th October 2023

A date, now sadly etched, in our collective memory

This Hamas – Israel War, has led to a spike in worldwide anti – Semitism

And challenging for us in the diaspora –our observance of our Judaism

As we will no doubt do our best to celebrate the festivities

We also think of, and pray for, all the remaining hostages

To be returned home as safely, and healthily, as possible

And the Jewish Homeland to witness a modern-day miracle

I will end my poem - Baruch Hashem, sooner rather than later

May all our enemies be defeated, and Israel again prosper

Chag Purim Sameach to everyone

And, of course, Shabbat shalom

Enough is enough

Since October 7th and before, The Jewish Community has been subject to vile anti-Semitism on Social Media, in publications and violence against Jews on our streets. Areas of the UK have now become nogo areas for Jews. Many of us say it’s safer for Jews to live in Israel than here.

How has the community acted against this onslaught?

Most of the British public do not read the Jewish Press and one would not expect them to.

Except for a few statements from the CST and the Board Of Deputies? Virtually nothing!! The Jews of Germany in 1933 who proudly stated, “We are Germans first and Jews second.

Didn’t stop the Nazi onslaught, did it?

This is only going to get worse. At this time, The Conservative and Labour Parties say they are supporting Israel and the British Jewish Communities. But, when this becomes a vote loser for them, they will change their attitude towards us.

Afterall, a General Election is pending, and we don’t want a repeat of Rochdale appearing up and down the UK.

The time has now to stand up and let our voice be heard. A thriving Jewish radio station is now essential.

I have been at the forefront of Jewish radio since the early 2000’s presenting Jewish Spectrum Radio and bringing a limit service to the Community with Shalom FM, and I am prepared to initiate a much-needed Jewish Radio station.

But I can’t do this on my own. I am part of a small team of previous organisers and presenters, but this is not enough.

If you have something to offer us to bring Shalom FM back on the air to talk to, not only the Jewish listener but to the whole of the UK, please contact this publication and they will pass your message on to us.

We need technical people, young presenters, a sales team, and others who believe there can be a future for British Jews here in UK.

If we are back on the air, we will be able to answer all the poisonous anti—Israel and anti-Jewish Rhetoric.

07958 037 459 - 0207 268 4928
GO TO For men. T&C apply. £500 fundraising commitment (£250 for under-18s). Prebooking essential. THE ONLY RUNNING EVENT IN THE COMMUNITY FOR MEN! This June, take on a running challenge to improve your health while strengthening the community. You can run 5km, 10km or even a half marathon. Free running vest phone holder or £25 voucher toward running shoes if you sign up by 30/04!

Rav Nadel uplifts Edgware

Mizrachi UK was honoured to host Rabbi Shimshon Nadel, esteemed scholar and educator, as he inspired the Edgware community with his insightful teachings last Shabbat. Rabbi Nadel, serving as Mizrachi UK’s Scholar in Residence, delivered captivating lectures at various shuls, igniting thought-provoking discussions on pertinent topics facing the Jewish community today.

Rabbi Nadel’s engaging discourse delved into a myriad of subjects, including a fascinating talk at Seuda Shlishit titled: Identity, Assimilation, Anti-Semitism, and Advocacy in Megillat Esther. His eloquence and depth of knowledge resonated with attendees, inspiring dialogue within the community.

Throughout the weekend, Rabbi Nadel spoke at several prominent congregations in Edgware, including Edgware United, Ahavat Yisrael, and Edgware Adath.

Hailing from Jerusalem, Rabbi Nadel serves as Rav Kehila of Har Nof’s Kehilat Zichron Yosef. His scholarly contributions have been featured in esteemed publications such as

Techumin, and Hakirah.

Joel Silberstein, in loving memory of his late mother Mazal Tov Bat Shalom, supported and helped facilitate this event, allowing the Edgware community to benefit from Rabbi Nadel’s teachings.

Reflecting on the success of Rabbi Nadel’s visit, David Reuben, Executive Director of Mizrachi UK, expressed gratitude to Rabbi Nadel for his impactful contributions to the Edgware community. Reuben stated, “Rabbi Nadel’s visit was an outstanding success, raising meaningful discussions and deepening our connection to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. We are immensely grateful for his insightful teachings and look forward to future collaborations with him.”

Mizrachi UK continues to be committed to bringing esteemed scholars and educators to communities across the UK, encouraging growth, inspiration, and unity within Jewish communities. Communities across the country will be able to once again take advantage of this in May for their annual Weekend of Inspiration.

JWA Smashes target

Jewish Women’s Aid (JWA) held an event for major donors at St. John’s Wood Synagogue on March 14th.

The evening was hosted by Jewish Women’s Aid ambassador, Rachel Riley MBE.

Guests gave a standing ovation after listening to a powerful and moving very personal interview of Anthony Metzer KC by Times Radio host, Jane Garvey.

Guests also heard from two recent graduates of the JWA School Ambassadors programme about the importance and impact of learning about healthy relationships and consent at school.

An audience of 200 people took part in an interactive myth-busting session to dispel common myths about the effects of domestic abuse and sexual violence in the Jewish community.

Anthony Metzer KC, said: “Had JWA been around when I was growing up, my early life would have been very different. The work they do empowering and life-saving. They are also all such wonderful people. It is a tremendous honour and privilege to have had the opportunity to share my story to help the awareness-raising and fundraising efforts of the organisation.”

With the incredible support of 129 champions, the charity ran a

36-hour match funding campaign raising over £500,000 for the specialist service JWA provides to Jewish women and children who have been affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Caroline Ratner, JWA Chair, said: “It’s been an amazing few days. I am so proud that our, “Protect All Jewish Women from Abuse” campaign has been such a success. We are so thankful to our supporters for rallying around the vulnerable women in our community and for helping us ensure that we can continue our vital work.” Caroline Ratner, Chair of Trustees, JWA.

Rachel Riley said: “I am very proud to say that I am an ambassador for JWA in its 30th year. My motivation for supporting JWA runs very deep for me. I know how bad the problems are in fighting domestic abuse and that they are not well understood or given the spotlight they deserve. JWA are literal life-savers.”

Chaplaincy’s “crisis on campus” campaign exceeds goals

In an overwhelming show of solidarity and commitment to student welfare, University Jewish Chaplaincy’s ambitious 36-hour “Crisis on Campus” online crowdfunding campaign has not only reached but exceeded its fundraising target, amassing over £809,051 thanks to the generosity of over 3,055 donors. Aimed at bolstering Chaplaincy services and programmes amidst growing challenges on campuses, this campaign has set a new benchmark in community-led initiatives, with contributions pouring in from all corners of the United Kingdom, including student hubs in Nottingham and Scotland and abroad.

The initiative, championed by 142 dedicated “Champions” across the UK, was launched in response to the increasing need for support services for students combating antisemitism and anti-Zionism on a daily basis across campuses which has grown significantly post October 7th. The success of the campaign ensures that Chaplaincy can continue its critical work, offering guidance, support, and community engagement to Jewish students navigating the complexities of campus life.

University Jewish Chaplaincy CEO, Sophie Dunoff, highlighted the significance of this achievement, stating, “Chaplains have been going above and beyond to support students, and this campaign is a reflection of the community’s deep respect and recognition of the indispensable role Chaplaincy plays in students’ lives. It’s a

powerful endorsement of our work and the impact we have.”

Chairman, Uri Goldberg echoed these sentiments, remarking, “This campaign is a testament not only to the dedication of our Chaplains but also to the strength and generosity of our community. We are profoundly grateful for the support and trust shown by our donors, allowing us to raise our largest amount ever in a matched

funding campaign”

The success of the “Crisis on Campus” campaign marks a historic milestone for University Jewish Chaplaincy, enabling the organisation to expand and enhance its offerings to meet the evolving needs of Jewish students across the UK. It is a clear message of unity, compassion, and commitment to the well-being of future generations.

University Jewish Chaplaincy extends its heartfelt thanks to all who participated in this monumental effort. The support ensures that Chaplaincy can continue to make a difference in the lives of students during these challenging times.

For more information about University Jewish Chaplaincy and its services, or to get involved, please visit

Staff and trustees celebrating a succeful campaign gathering unprecedented support across the UK Rabbi Shimshon Nadel The organising committee of the JWA dinner in St. John’s Wood

Aish UK raises £2.4m

Aish UK, an organisation which has been on the forefront of outreach for the last three decades raised an incredible £2.4 million pounds in their Proudly JewAish campaign. The campaign focused on moving away from antisemitism as the current way to galvanize younger generations to feel connected, and instead inspiring positive means of connection, creating proud Jews. This remarkable achievement reflects the unwavering support and commitment of individuals and the Jewish community across the UK for the work that Aish UK has done and continues to do.

At a time of crisis, the response from Aish has been constantly to double down on positivity, purpose and the inspiration of Jewish pride and connection. Aish continues to engage with thousands of young Jews every year creating a real, deep and lasting Jewish connection.

The funds raised during this campaign will be instrumental in further expanding Aish UK’s reach and enhancing its ability to foster genuine and enduring human connection. It will allow Aish to expand

its resources especially in campus deployment, where Jewish connection is vital now more than ever.

Since October 7th young Jews have felt increasingly alienated and fearful across schools, campuses and workplaces nationwide. They are facing negative and disparaging choices in their Judaism, but Aish is there for them in all remits providing safe, inviting, relevant and positive opportunities and reasons to belong. The demand for Aish’s programmes has increased since October 7th, with young Jews feeling judged, isolated, and distanced from their identity, Aish has become a place of hope, connection and safety for them, helping them to feel confident, connected, and proudly Jewish.

“We are immensely grateful for the overwhelming support we have received during our fundraising campaign,” said Rabbi Naftali Schiff, Chief Executive Aish UK and Jewish Futures. “ The stark reality is that if organisations like Aish UK are not fully supported and empowered today, thousands of young Jews across the UK will simply drift away from any meaningful affiliation and identification. The generosity of the community will enable Aish to continue its vital work responding to crisis with connection and helping young Jews today feel proudly JewAish.”

BoD elections

Board of Deputies’ Honorary Officer elections take place on Sunday, May 12.

Four candidates are standing for President and five for Vice Presidential positions. Candidates will release personal statements this week. The election takes place on

Standing for President: Amanda Bowman, Sheila Gewolb, Phil Rosenberg and Michael Ziff.

Standing for Vice President: Adrian Cohen, Andrew Gilbert, Denise Lester, Jeremy Michelson and Owen Power.

Standing unopposed for Treasurer will be Ben Crowne.

Board of Deputies Chief Executive

Michael Wegier said: “Every three years, there is an opportunity to elect individuals who will act as key representatives of the UK Jewish community. More than 300 Deputies, themselves elected by their synagogues and organisations, will choose the honorary officers they believe will best champion our community to Government, the Opposition, the media, other faith communities and the general British public. The elections will be keenly contested and totally transparent. This is democracy in action.”

Hustings take place in London, Manchester, Leeds and Glasgow. Registration:

Zarum Book launch

Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum’s UK book launch for ‘Questioning Belief: Torah and Tradition in an Age of Doubt’ took place last Sunday.

He was interviewed by Gila Sacks, who contributed the foreword for the book, and discussed its origins, purpose and contemporary relevance.

There were 500 people registered online and Rabbi Dr Zarum and Gila spoke to a

JEWEL presents trophies to winners

For the 3rd year running JEWEL launched their highly anticipated and exciting Jewel training awards. This year however, there was a twist. In previous years’ applicants entered for a chance to win £3000 towards training costs for a course of their choosing. This year however there were to be 3 winners each receiving a £1500 award.

An independent panel thoroughly reviewed tens of applications from applicants across the UK including Manchester, London and Gateshead and shortlisted 6 finalists. The finalists included A Photographer, Bookkeeper, Singing Coach, Dyslexia Specialist Teacher, Pilates Instructor and a driving instructor.

The finalists then had their work cut out; for their chance to win the award money they needed to receive the most votes from the public. The finalists being creative placed adverts in local advertisers, reached out to business contacts and asked family and friends to spread the word. Votes were received via email, JEWEL’s website, WhatsApp and text messages with a number of these votes coming from overseas. The finalists’ hard work paid off with JEWEL receiving more votes than ever before with a total of 4560 votes received.

The winners of the award were the Photographer planning on studying to improve their portfolio of specialist skills, the bookkeeper who has now started a course working towards becoming ICB-certified and a singing coach who will be undertaking training to become qualified in this field to further support clients.

On Thursday 29th February, the winners of the award were able to meet the sponsors of the training award; the trustees of the SBH Charitable trust to express their appreciation for being able to have such an opportunity take part in the JEWEL training award and receiving the grant towards their training. The winners also received a trophy from JEWEL that they can proudly put on display.

One finalist commented as to how they have become somewhat of a celebrity

thanks to the training award, being recognised in their local shop as one of the winners. Another winner who started their career in Manchester thanks to the support of JEWEL’s services explained after years of wanting to start their course but being unable to due to financial restrictions did not delay after receiving their award and is now in the thick of studying.

At the event, Yitzy Ginsbury of JEWEL explained how on a near daily basis JEWEL receives enquiries about training and which courses people should consider. This was put down to the awareness around training that the award creates.

The sponsors of the award expressed their happiness at being able to be the ones to provide such opportunities to those who are so well deserving.

David Zucker, Trustee of Jewel thanked everyone for making the award such a success and commented how great it is to see Jewel continuously adapting to meet the needs of the Community.

The Jewel Foundation have been supporting the Community in Manchester with employment, business and training support for over 16 years.

JEWEL’s services include facilitating regular workshops focusing on different topics relating to training, employment and business, providing one to one careers and training advice including CV support, interview technique guidance, psychometric skills assessments, course application support as well as one to one business support. Jewel also provide online training courses in Microsoft Office, digital skills and bookkeeping.

JEWEL is regularly working on expanding their services to meet the needs of the community. JEWEL provide their services free of charge and are proud to have already helped thousands of people.

To find out more about the services Jewel offers please call the office on 0161 798 2123, email or visit our website

Lubavitch Boys Shabbaton

packed out room.

The book responds to 12 challenging questions that confront the Torah today, questions about the veracity of its narratives, the morality of its laws, and the theology it engenders.

Rabbi Zarum is Dean of LSJS and the Rabbi Sacks Chair of Modern Jewish Thought.

Lubavitch Boys Minyan of Manchester, held their annual Shabbaton this past weekend. 28 boys joined together at the Chabad Retreat Centre in Llandudno, Wales. Rabbi Levi Wineberg the Rov of the Boys Minyan accompanied the boys with his wife Rifka and were joined by Max and Leah Cohen. The weekend was jam packed with activities, singing and amazing food, including an unlimited supply of Leah’s famous cholent. The atmosphere with the singing and dancing over the weekend surpassed

any of the past Shabbatons from the last 20 years. The boys all came back rejuvenated and inspired and are already looking forward to next years!

The group outside the Chabad Centre in Llandudno Rabbi Schiff, the team and volunteers are all smiles

Games Bridge

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Hand 4 Dealer: East Vuln: E/W

1. Transfer to Spades

This was another deal from a team game. After their partners promised a balanced 23/24 points with their 2NT rebid, both North players transferred into the spade game.

The lead was the same at both tables, the ♣2. At both tables, East took his ace of clubs and returned the queen of clubs.

At the first table, declarer played the king of clubs and when this was ruffed he was in trouble. As West did not want to return a red suit into the South hand, that player got off play with ace and another trump. Now declarer could do no better than take the diamond finesse for his contract. When West took South’s jack of diamonds with the queen, declarer had to go one down

At the other table, the declarer was more careful. He saw that the only danger to the contract was if he played the king of clubs at trick two was that if the suit were distributed 1:6 and the Diamond queen was wrong had the ace of spades as well. Instead this declarer played a low club under East’s queen at trick two. East continued with a third round of clubs, in the hope of promoting a trump in West’s hand. It was not to be as declarer was able to ruff in dummy and lead a trump to his king. As expected, West took this with the ace and, like his counterpart at the other table, exited with a trump. Declarer was then able to draw the remaining trumps with his queen and jack. Now he could claim ten tricks: 5 trumps, 4 red-suit winners and the king of clubs losing just 2 Clubs and the top Spade.

Lead ♣2 E S N W ♠ A 6 ♥ Q 10 5 4 ♦ Q 10 9 4 3 ♣ 2 ♠ K Q J ♥ A K 2 ♦ A K J ♣ K 8 6 4 ♠ 10 9 8 7 4 3 ♥ 9 8 3 ♦ 8 6 ♣ J 5 ♠ 5 ♥ J 7 6 ♦ 7 5 2 ♣ A Q 10 9 7 3 W Pass Pass End N 2♦ 4♥1 E Pass Pass Pass S 2♣ 2NT 4♠

NJA hosts Zoom speaker event

The National Jewish Assembly (NJA) hosted another successful Zoom speaker event, this time with Steve McCabe, Labour MP for Birmingham Selly Oak and Parliamentary Chair for Labour Friends of Israel, in conversation with Gary Mond, Chairman of the NJA. The March 11 event, titled “Is the Labour Party rid of antisemitism?”, was held online with over 120 guests in attendance.

During the event, Steve McCabe MP addressed the issue of antisemitism within the Labour Party, emphasising that it is a perpetual issue that large political groups and organisations need to be vigilant against. He highlighted that Labour’s antisemitism problem did not simply begin with Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and discussed the party’s efforts to take its zero-tolerance policy on antisemitism seriously.

Mr. McCabe also expressed his hope that the United Kingdom will continue to stand with Israel during this challenging time. He emphasised the importance of maintaining strong relations with Israel and supporting

its right to exist in peace and security.

The event included a dynamic question-and-answer session, where participants had the opportunity to engage directly with Mr. McCabe and Mr. Mond on a wide range of relevant topics. Discussions ranged from the impact of antisemitism on British politics to the role of grassroots activism in combating discrimination.

Gary Mond, Chairman of the NJA, expressed his gratitude to Steve McCabe MP for his insightful contributions to the discussion. He commended the engagement of the attendees and reiterated the NJA’s commitment to fostering dialogue and understanding on issues relevant to the Jewish community.

The NJA looks forward to hosting more engaging and informative events in the future, bringing together diverse voices to address pressing issues facing the Jewish community and society as a whole.

For more information about the National Jewish Assembly and upcoming events, please visit the NJA’s website.

Eradicate Amalek

As we celebrate Purim this year still in the midst of a tragic war in Israel instigated by Hamas and antisemitism on our streets, let us reflect on how we can learn vital lessons from the difficulties we have journeyed through.

Within the ranks of those British Jews who have served in the military and during conflict - whether in the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX JMA) or the Armed Forces Jewish Community (AFJC) - it is well understood that wars happen through tragic human failings even as victories - physical and spiritualare often about the human correction of those failings.

Our Sages believe that everything that happens in the world has some spiritual root cause and lessons to be learned. This is why we attribute spiritual reasons to

physical conflicts with our enemies - such as in the Purim story itself. This approach sees external threats as an outer manifestation of internal spiritual issues and challenges within ourselves. Thus, by studying an enemy we can gain insight into our own deficiencies that may have invited the challenge and then ‘correct’ these. This knowledge, according to the Talmud, will usually be reflected ‘measure-for-measure’ when properly analysed. This approach allows us to begin to speculate on the spiritual root cause of Haman’s attack on the Jewish nation. This is also the reason we read ‘Parshat Zachor’ on the Shabbat before Purim, describing the attack of Amalekites (from which people we believe Haman derived) on the Israelites and their subsequent defeat - which focuses us on the spiritual lessons of those events.

For us to ‘defeat’ the challenges Amalek poses, therefore, we must spiritually represent the opposing force. Just as Amalek will often attribute even signs of providence to coincidence, the Jewish People must go to the other extreme, and show their conviction that behind the natural order lies a miraculous design with much to teach us. Through reading the Megillah, which doesn’t mention G-d openly, we are meant to put the ‘coincidences’ together ourselves and thereby reveal a divine presence and deep life lessons in seemingly ‘natural’ events. This is the true way to ‘eradicate’ the memory of Amalek today and derive the lessons for the significant challenges we are living through. Purim Sameach!

AJEX JMA details or to make a Purim donation:

Young NJA hosts event featuring Israeli teens

On 10th March, the Young NJA was privileged to host a delegation of 4 brave Israeli 16-17 year olds from the Gaza Envelope, all of whom have been evacuated from their homes following the awful events of the 7th October.

At short notice, a large number of attendees came to hear their stories, hopes for peace and passion to return to their homes in safety and security. After each panellist spoke about their experience on and since October 7th, they took questions from the audience. These discussed topics including how their lives have changed since the attacks and their hopes for the future. A striking part was how each of the 4 panellists were even more determined to join the IDF, to defend both their homes and their Country.

Matan Bar

Noy, the head of World Zionist Organisation UK & Europe who helped to facilitate this event, said “Since October 7th, we’ve

seen solidarity from the British Jewish community with Israel as never before. It reflects what Theodor Herzl said during the first Zionist Congress in Basel: ‘We are a people - one people’. I thank the community and the Young NJA for their wonderful hospitality of our amazing teens from the Gaza envelope.”

This very moving and insightful event left all present with a better understanding of the experiences and mindset of young people in Israel, and with a passion to help them in our shared battle for peace.

The YNJA would like to thank the WZO and the JLE for their support with this event, as well as all who attended, who we look forward to welcoming at another event soon.

Hero Raz tells of October 7 horror

Last week, JNF UK was privileged to be joined by Israeli hero Raz Frohlich who shared his incredible personal story of the events of October 7, including how he fought and saved the lives of residents in Kibbutz Be’eri. The talk was part of JNF UK’s Voices from Israel - a series of exclusive speaker events with Israelis on the ground, sharing their first-hand experiences of the current crisis and their hopes for the future.

During the interview, Frohlich recounted the remarkable story of how upon hearing of the October 7 attacks whilst he was holidaying with friends in Greece, he returned to his home in Kochav Yair where he had 15 minutes to say his goodbyes to his wife and children, before joining up with his unit and boarding a helicopter to Kibbutz Be’eri.

After 12 gruelling hours of battle, Frohlich was shot in the chest three times in an unexpected attack from a terrorist in an IDF uniform, resulting in him being unable to speak or breathe. He was rescued and had an emergency field operation which saved his life before being rushed to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, where he

For more information about the YNJA and the National Jewish Assembly, as well as upcoming events, please visit the NJA’s website,

underwent life-saving surgery. The doctors said that if he had arrived at the hospital a few minutes later than he did, he would not be alive today.

When asked what is next for the State of Israel, Frohlich remarked “I’m not concerned about Israel’s future in terms of security, we will beat Hamas and whoever threatens to hurt us. My real concern is about our solidarity. That is why my mission in life is to educate and that’s why I joined ORT Israel so I could dedicate my life to education”.

Currently, Frohlich is employed as the General Director of ORT, the largest Technology & Science Educational Network in Israel. His previous roles include General Director of the Israeli Ministry of Culture and Sports (2020-2023).

JNF UK CEO Elan Gorji said, “We are incredibly grateful that Raz Frohlich could share his inspirational story. The tragic events in Kibbutz Be’eri would have been more devastating if not for Raz and his courageous team. Raz’s actions reflect the bravery of many other heroic Israelis who selflessly defend Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the heroes and families who continue to make immense sacrifices for the people of Israel.”

To watch the recording of JNF UK’s Voices from Israel Series with Raz Frohlich go to: https://www.jnf.

Raz Frohlich in the place he was shot Rabbi Reuven Livingstone CF LLM Senior Jewish Chaplain to HM Armed Forces and AJEX JMA

ImpACT Teen celebrate 22,000th meal

The Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis KBE visited Project ImpACT’s new Youth Kitchen, in NW11 to celebrate its milestone 22,000th meal.

Project ImpACT is an award-winning youth volunteering charity which connects young Jewish teens, empowering them to work together and make a positive impact. The charity is at the forefront of inspiring and engaging teens to volunteer and contribute to the community and beyond in meaningful ways. Hundreds of ImpACT teens come together each week to volunteer at the new ImpACT Youth Kitchen and other programmes.

making sure it’s such an enormous success and to all of you volunteering your time and your commitment to this amazing project. When you give selflessly to others, you make a positive impact on their lives

and also on your own.”

A packed room of enthusiastic and energetic teens from 28 schools joined last night’s celebration to prepare healthy and nutritious meals including the 22,000th meal using surplus food from Barnet Food Hub and The Felix Project. The meals prepared at the new ImpACT Youth Kitchen, the charity’s flagship programme for local food banks and homeless shelters supports people of all faiths. The room was buzzing as teens piled in and rolled up their sleeves to eagerly cook for those in need. The motivated and dedicated ImpACT youth are a powerful force and a reminder of the transformative impact of volunteering and its ability to bring communities together.

Speaking at the event the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis KBE said: “I would like to thank all of you for the inspiration that you give to me and to our entire Jewish community. Project ImpACT is one of the most wonderful opportunities that exists for young Jewish people in Britain today. Congratulations to everybody here for

At a time when 25% of people in London are living in poverty and food banks are experiencing a huge increase in demand, ImpACT teens have provided 22,000 vegetarian meals to local food banks and shelters, helping to feed some of the most vulnerable members of society.

Marcin Nocek - Together in Barnet said: “The food provided by Project ImpACT tonight is going to be delivered to our Winter night shelter for people experiencing homelessness. This season the food has a double meaning because it’s going to be served as lunch boxes for those homeless people who work and for our Muslim guests who observe Ramadan as a meal to break their fast. It’s incredible how Project ImpACT’s Jewish teens provide healthy meals for those in need and supporting our clients from all faiths”.

Teen volunteers also heard from Marilyn, a client of Together in Barnet’s night shelter who said: “I want to commend you on the wonderful work you are doing. You are indeed making a great impact on us homeless

Nightingale Hammerson

Spring has definitely sprung for the teams at Nightingale Hammerson. Our Head Gardener, Phil White, was announced as the winner of the ‘Compassion Award’ at the 3rd Sector Care Awards on Friday 15 March. Phil was recognised for his exceptional compassion which goes far above and beyond the role he holds within the charity.

He spoke to actress Sally Lindsay (of Coronation Street and Madame Blanc Mystery fame) when he collected his award about the beautiful relationship he has built with one of our Residents, Collette, who has lost her sight. He told the visibly emotional audience how he brought our garden to life, through smell, touch and his voice descriptions, so she can continue to enjoy nature. Phil also described how he records sounds whilst on holiday to share

people. I have been using the night shelter for four weeks and have been street homeless since last November. Being homeless we all need to have proper food because we are on the move all the time and the food you provide for us is the energy to keep us moving and to help keep us warm. I would like to reiterate what the Chief Rabbi said: action speaks louder than words and your actions are speaking louder than words. Your choice of vegetarian meals helps us to cater for the dietary needs of people of different faiths. It’s amazing to see young people with such a good heart and humanitarian heart. I thank you all very much on behalf of all the people in the shelter.”

Founder and Director of Project ImpACT, Chayli Fehler said: “We are proud of everything that Project ImpACT has achieved and are delighted to have reached this incredible milestone. Our volunteers are the driving force behind the ImpACT Youth Kitchen, their enthusiasm, dedication, and desire to make a positive impact is inspiring. Our vision is for all Jewish teenagers to be actively involved in social action and volunteering as part of their journey into adulthood, contributing to their community and beyond. ”

Since 2020, over 3000 teens have volunteered 15,000 hours of their time. Project ImpACT is proud to have developed long standing partnerships with over 30 charities and, plans to develop additional volunteering initiatives next term to fulfil the demand of teens wanting to volunteer.

91% of Project ImpACT teens felt that volunteering had positively affected their emotional wellbeing. (2023).

Alex, ImpACT teen volunteer from Highgate School, “Participating in Project Impact is truly amazing. Every week that I come to volunteer I get to see the difference we make helping people which is really inspiring and humbling. Volunteering makes me feel like what I do has meaning and seeing the impact we make makes it all worth it!.”

Heidi ImpACT teen volunteer from South Hampstead School “It’s been such a great lively evening bursting with people. It’s been so inspirational to hear from a homeless person and know the impact of what we are doing here.”

Teens looking to get involved in volunteering can find details of Project ImpACT’s forthcoming projects at Volunteering hours can be credited towards the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

with Collette. She is able to recall and enjoy the noise from the sea, waterfalls and other sounds associated with his travels. Phil told Lindsay that Collette used to travel and by sending her sound recordings from his journeys reminds her of her travels. They use these to discuss the wonderful experiences she has had.

The teams at Nightingale Hammerson were recognised as finalists out of hundreds of entries for both the Dementia Care Award and End-of-Life Care Award.

This week we were also recognised for the compassionate care delivered by our teams at Hammerson House, Wohl Campus at the Barnet Care Awards. Mannya Odimba was awarded the ‘Care Home Nurse’s Award’ and Jackie Morrison ‘The Front-Line Leader Award’ by the Mayor of Barnet.

Chief Executive, Jenny Pattinson said,

“It was an incredible privilege to see Phil recognised for his years of compassionate care at Nightingale House. The difference he makes to the lives of Residents is incredible and goes well above and beyond his role looking after our beautiful gardens. For our care leaders to be recognised locally is also well deserved. I am proud to work with such wonderful individuals and the team that support them in their roles.

Director of Care, Chipema Chitambala said, “I am so grateful to have such compassionate, talented and motivated team members. Your hard work and dedication have been the driving force to you all achieving the success we are celebrating at Nightingale Hammerson. You are an inspiration to your team members and the organisation.”

Jo Black and Paul Althasen, Co-chairs

said, “The teams at Nightingale Hammerson deserve this recognition of the work they do every day to deliver exceptional care to older members of our community. Being involved in supporting this work is a source of immense pride to the trustees.”

Nightingale Hammerson is committed to the continual improvement of care delivered to Residents across both of our Homes, Nightingale House and Hammerson House, Wohl Campus.

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Purim: Our Existential Battle Against Amalek

As we encounter Purim, let us delve deeper into the unique spiritual and existential battle that the Jewish People must continue to wage against the philosophy of Amalek. Amalek first appeared on the scene when they attacked Klal Yisrael in the midbar, on their journey to Har Sinai. The most striking aspect of this attack was its timing.

Hashem had just performed the makkos and split the Yam Suf for the Jewish People — acts that had worldwide reverberations. The Jewish People were viewed as invincible and untouchable, and exactly at this moment, Amalek chose to attack the Jewish People, undertaking a (practically) suicidal battle with zero provocation. What was their motivation to undertake such a mission? This question can be extended to the Purim story as well. Haman, suddenly promoted to second in command, makes it his mission to wipe out the entire Jewish People. As a descendant of Amalek, he is clearly continuing their legacy of Jewish obliteration. Why is it that, throughout history, people have made it their singular focus to wipe out the Jewish People? And why is this the spiritual legacy of Amalek? In order to answer this question, we must examine the fundamental principles of Jewish belief, based on the thirteen ikarei emunah (principles of faith) delineated by the Rambam in his commentary on perek Chelek in Sanhedrin.

aspect of life that is random, rather each and every occurrence and interaction is part of an infinitely beautiful grand plan, a cosmic symphony, a masterpiece designed by Hashem.

While Amalek does not tend to focus on the first of these principles, their entire existence is devoted toward destroying the second and third of these principles. Amalek claims that although Hashem may exist, He has absolutely no connection to us or our world. Our lives are therefore meaningless, and this world is devoid of spirituality.

Divine providence. Anything that happens to you, whether bad or good, has no deeper meaning or significance behind it. Amalek implied that they just “happened” to be there with swords in hand, ready for battle; they simply “chanced” upon the Jewish People as they were on the way.

This is the exact approach that Haman took when plotting to kill the Jews. He did not rationally calculate a date on which to kill the Jews, but rather he specifically chose one through a pur (lottery). A lottery represents and embodies random-

oneness where potential is developed and actualized.

Amalek, however, claims that marriage is no more than animalistic mating, a relationship devoid of higher meaning and spirituality. The name Amalek shares its root with the word melikah, which is the process of removing the head from the body of a bird before it is offered as a sacrifice. The head is the highest part of the body, representing the mind and the spiritual; the body is the lower part, representing the physical. Ideally, the two are harmoniously connected (And the head [spiritual] influences the outer expression of the body [physical]). Amalek attempts to disconnect the head from the body, to disconnect the spiritual (head) from the physical (body), claiming that there is no spirituality within the physical world, no meaning, and no connection to Hashem or anything higher.


• The first fundamental principle of Jewish belief is that Hashem is the Creator of the world. He is the Source of time, space, and all of existence.

• The second principle is that Hashem has a direct relationship with this physical world. This is the concept of hashgachah — that Hashem oversees and controls the events of this world.

• The third fundamental principle is that there is a purpose to this world and our lives within it. There is not a single

This destructive conviction is embodied in the pasuk describing Amalek’s attack on the Jewish People. As we read in Parashas Zachor, we must remember what Amalek did to us, “Asher korcha ba’derech — How they happened upon us while we were traveling” (Devarim 25:18). The word korcha is peculiar, and Rashi therefore quotes three interpretations of this word, each fundamental and significant.


The first explanation of the word “korcha” is based on its connection to the word “karah” (happenstance). This interpretation reflects Amalek’s claim that everything in this world is random and meaningless. There is no hashgachah, no

ness and chance. Haman let the luck of the draw determine when he would kill the Jews, an act of devotion to “karah.” The gematria of Amalek is the same as that of the word safek (doubt). Amalek represents doubt and uncertainty, randomness and chaos.


The second interpretation offered by Rashi connects the word “korcha” to “keri,” a concept linked to marital impurity. Judaism views marriage as a lofty mitzvah; the relationship between husband and wife holds incredible spiritual potential. The Ramban explains that the relationship between man and wife ideally reflects the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People. It is a relationship of spiritual and existential


Rashi’s third explanation of the word “korcha” is based on a Midrash that relates the word to “kor” (cold). The Midrash describes the mashal of a boiling hot bath of water that nobody dares jump into for fear of being scalded. Along comes a man and boldly jumps into the boiling water, severely burning himself in the process. Although he burned himself, he has now cooled the water enough to allow others to follow suit and jump in as well.

This is what Amalek did as the Jewish People traveled from Egypt to Har Sinai. After Hashem performed the ten makkos and took the Jewish People out of Mitzrayim, Hashem’s providence was flamingly clear in the world. The nations of the world were ready to accept Hashem and His Torah, and they began flocking toward Har Sinai to join the Jewish People in accepting the Torah.

(The Ramchal explains at the end of Derech Hashem that until the Torah was given, any nation could have joined Klal Yisrael. See Zevachim 116a.) The Jewish People were at the height of their success, about to receive the Torah, and the other nations were ready to accept the Torah along with them. At this point, Amalek attacked the Jewish People, undertaking a nearly suicidal mission.


Although the Jewish People won, Amalek showed the other nations that the Jews were not as invincible as they seemed. They “jumped into the scalding bath,” i.e., attacked the Jewish People, and “cooled the waters,” i.e., showed the other nations that the Jewish People were vulnerable to attack. Why did Amalek do this? Why were they willing to burn themselves simply to weaken the Jewish People?


Amalek rejects Hashem’s connection to this world or any connection between the spiritual and the physical. Essentially, Amalek denies Hashem’s control of this world and the ability for man to uplift himself to the level of the spiritual. Torah is the epitome of both of these principles, and it provides the guidelines for how to achieve this spiritual elevation. It is based on the axiom of Hashem’s connection with this world, and it is the means for elevating ourselves and all of physicality to a higher purpose. Amalek stands in direct opposition to this, and when they saw that not only the Jewish People but the entire world was ready to adopt the Torah way of life, they had no choice but to attack. Amalek’s entire existence is

predicated on a lack of connection between Hashem and this world, therefore a complete acceptance of that principle by all the nations of the world would mean the cessation of Amalek’s existence.

Amalek attacked the Jewish People in order to prevent Matan Torah — to stop the world from accepting Hashem’s Torah and the truth that lies within it. And although Amalek was sorely beaten with only a few survivors, they still managed to slay a few Jewish warriors. They showed that the Jews were not invincible, “cooling” down the excitement of all the nations of the world and paralyzing their readiness to accept the Torah.

Continues on page 29

Continued from page 28

Amalek won. Physically, they lost, but in a deeper way, they won. The nations of the world walked away, turning down the opportunity to accept Hashem and His Torah.


Megillas Esther is unique in that it is one of the only books in Tanach in which Hashem’s name is not mentioned. This

is because Purim marks a transition in history, when our battle against Amalek manifested in a new form. Until Purim, history was permeated with consistent open miracles, nevuah was common, and Hashem was openly revealed in the world

The second stage, ushered in by Purim, is characterized by hidden miracles. In our present world, Hashem is no longer openly manifest and clearly visible. In this stage, we must choose to see Hashem within the darkness — to peer past the façade of a meaningless world. It is in this stage that Amalek’s claims are all the more tempting to believe, as it is so easy to ignore Hashem’s involvement in this world. Our challenge is to see past the surface, to see the miraculous within the natural, the ethereal within the mundane, and the infinite within the finite.


Amalek fights for a God-less reality, devoid of spirituality and meaning; a world of Haman, of doubt, where a gap exists between us and Hashem. Only when you look closer, deepening your gaze, do you see the deeper layer of reality, the transcendent root. Hashem is echadone - and our goal is to see the spiritual oneness inherent within every event and

object in this world. Amalek seeks to hide the truth, to disconnect us from our Source, and thus to strip all meaning from life. Only when we see past the surface, when we trace everything that happens in this world back to Hashem- our spiritual Source, will we ultimately defeat Amalek and all that they stand for.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:


Escape From Shushan

Things in Shushan appeared to be humming along. Seventy years earlier, Yerushalayim fell to the invading Babylonian armies, and we scattered across the Middle East. Most Jews landed in Bavel and, gradually, we reconstructed our lives and our communities. For the first time Judaism proved to be a portable religion, capable of traveling beyond the boundaries of Israel. We embedded ourselves into the local culture and began to enjoy a semblance of normalcy.

We also inserted ourselves into local government. The navi Daniel rose to prominence as the most celebrated advisor of several Babylonian tyrants. His supernatural ability to decipher dreams won him the respect of a temperamental and brutal tyrant named Nevuchadnezar. Even as the Persian empire overthrew Babylonia, Daniel continued to be an admired advisor. His influence, and that of his successor Zerubavel, were partially responsible for our return to Israel as Koresh, a Persian king, was lobbied to authorize and fund this project. Jews had every right feeling confident and optimistic about their future in the Persian empire.

After Daniel retired, a new Jewish political figure emerged. Mordechai, an elderly survivor from the generation of Yerushalayim refugees was appointed as one of Achashverosh’s advisors and he frequented the palace courtyards. With the queening of Esther, our political influence surged, as we now had “one of our own” sitting on the throne. The Jews of Shushan could sleep comfortably, knowing that they had an insider who had the ear of the king. Additionally, Mordechai and Esther uncovered a conspiracy to assassinate the King and their heroic efforts were entered into the public record. Mordechai was now a public celebrity, having prevented Shushan from falling into political anarchy.


Not only did we enjoy political influence in Persia, but we lived in a society perfectly suited to our cultural needs. Persia was a tolerant and inclusive society in which every race and ethnicity was welcomed. At the festive palace meals every traditional cuisine was accommodated. Official palace documents and decrees were translated into every language. No one including the Jews were meant to feel an outsider in the multi-cultural society of Persia.

Though we settled across the expansive Persian kingdom our population was concentrated in the capital of Shushan, which gradually became a predominantly Jewish city. Unsurprisingly, we were also invited to the gala eight-day celebration, and we dined alongside fellow Persians. Being that Shushan was so pluralistic,

Jewish dietary laws were strictly maintained at this party. Imagine the scene: only seventy years after being marched out of Jerusalem in chains we had “made it”, dining alongside fellow Persians in the royal palace, while eating mehadrin kosher food.

We had dramatically transformed from a rag-tag bunch of refugees into a prominent community, living peacefully in Shushan, eagerly participating in national celebrations, and positioning ourselves within the inner chambers of power.


Abruptly everything shifted. Achashverosh promoted a relatively unknown named Haman to the second highest office in the land, effectively catapulting him above Mordechai and other government officials. Haman, a megalomaniac, had a tense altercation with Mordechai who refused to bow in his honor. This personal encounter incensed Haman who escalated their personal rivalry into all all-out assault against our people. Haman convinced Achashverosh to launch a genocide against his own citizens and not only did the king concede, but he mustered the entire Persian government to implement this heinous pogrom. From soldiers to scribes to letter writers, the entire government apparatus was mobilized. At the local level our former neighbors and friends suddenly turned against us, eagerly preparing for the bloody massacre of the 13th of Adar. All the political influence and social goodwill we had amassed over the previous seventy years proved worthless in preventing this calamity.

realize how quickly the situation could turn and how deep latent antisemitism runs. Sadly, we often didn’t realize our fragility in exile until it was too late.


It happened in Spain. For approximately five centuries Jewish communities thrived, while delivering unprecedented prosperity to the Iberian peninsula. Jewish merchants and financiers built profitable interna tional financial networks which helped fund discovery expeditions such as the Columbus mission. Jewish intellectu als were major contributors in almost every sector of Spanish culture while Jewish doctors served in prominent po sitions, both in academia and in royal courts. In 1391 violence erupted, as political instability combined with seething hostility toward Jewish success triggered horrific pogroms which obliterated dozens of Spanish Jewish communities. One hundred years later the Expulsion of 1492 brought our golden era to a crashing halt. The political influence and social positioning which we developed over five centuries proved meaningless in the face of hatred and religious intolerance. Many didn’t realize this until it was too late.



The collapse in Shushan foreshadowed Jewish history, as the exact same scenario repeated itself throughout our tortured exile. During exile, we faced intermittent violence and religious persecution, but we also enjoyed extended periods of relative calm and stability, during which we recovered from tragedy and rebuilt our lives. Often, within a few generations of expulsions or violence, we entrenched ourselves in both local culture and local politics, bringing an exceptional blend of talents and benefits to our host societies. However, as we amassed political clout and social goodwill, we became too confident and too comfortable. We didn’t

It happened again in modern Europe. Toward the end of the 18th century the Enlightenment invited us into mainstream Gentile society, offering full rights and citizenship. Eagerly accepting this warm invitation, we spearheaded meteoric growth across the continent, driving progress in art, culture, science, industrialization, and finance. Democracy replaced outdated monarchies and offered political freedom and freedom of worship. A new day was dawning in Europe and, for the first time in three hundred years, we felt at home on the continent.

One madman changed everything. Hitler’s rise to power also awakened dormant antisemitism in neighboring European countries. In just a few years everything we built vanished into thin air. Once again, we learned this lesson too late. Despite the goodwill and despite the progress we authored, life in modern day


October 7th reminded us of this painful lesson, yet again. The Jewish experience in the USA has been spectacularly successful. We have built prosperous and thriving Jewish communities while attaining previously unimaginable liberties and security. We have embedded ourselves within American culture while eagerly participating in the democratic process. We spearheaded the crusade for social justice and for racial equality, rallying to protect vulnerable members of society against bigotry and hate. We have ignited phenomenal intellectual growth, powering American academia to worldwide prominence.

On October 7th everything came crashing down, as we realized, once again, how fragile Jewish life is outside of our homeland. We have watched, in horror, as previous allies and colleagues have turned their backs on us, distorting truth and spewing hate. The academic strongholds we so diligently and lovingly constructed have turned into cesspools of racism and bigotry. The monster of antisemitism has awakened and proven again how quickly it can devour political clout and social goodwill.

Hopefully, in the post October 7th world, Jews will be a bit more circumspect and less naïve. Hopefully Jewish communities will continue to remain stable and prosperous but see through the façade of Shushan.

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

Shushan was brittle and could be washed away in an instant.

The Ultimate Way to Save Money on Kosher Food

Food is expensive. Visit a grocery store and walk up and down the aisles and you’ll be shocked to see how the prices have increased over the years. However, kosher food is insanely expensive. You know that. I know that. We all know that. Go into any Jewish restaurant and peek at the menu. Make sure your eyeballs don’t pop out. Not to mention the gratuity and mandatory tips. We understand though. People need to pay rent, pay their workers, feed their families, and survive. At the end of the day, we are all trying to survive. We are aware that the price of kosher food in restaurants has spiked recently. The pricing of kosher food in comparison to non-kosher food is ridiculous. People can go to McDonald’s and order a meal for their family of four for $20. A Jew cannot do that anywhere, unless they want to starve with the small portions. Purchasing a kosher meal for a Jewish family range anywhere from $60100. Not to mention the price difference of fast-food restaurants versus steakhouses and fancy restaurants. If only there was a way to get kosher food for a cheaper price, where both restaurant owner and customer can benefit.

Luckily, there is. I don’t know if you’ve heard about Kosher GPS, the “smartphone app containing over 3,000 locations. Consisting of places to find kosher food and orthodox minyans and mikvahs…” The Kosher GPS app is perfect

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips

if you’re looking for a good deal in our neighborhood restaurants, traveling for any Jewish holiday, going on vacation, or just visiting out of town. Now, you can easily search hundreds of kosher restaurants closest to your GPS location and find the perfect fit for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Pretty convenient right? Locations include anywhere in the USA from Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Florida, New Jersey, Monsey, Brooklyn, Queens, Arizona, and Ohio. We are currently working on enlisting more locations so that more Jews can be accommodated for. That means if you’re visiting Panama, Mexico, France for winter break or Miami for summer break and you don’t know where to eat, just pull up the Kosher GPS app. Not only will all the restaurants be listed for you, but there is a promos section. A way to save money, everyone’s favorite.

Once you click on the promos sections, loads of promotions for each restaurant

Lotus Spread Hamantaschen


Using soft and fluffy challah dough, this is a hamantaschen shaped pastry that has three braids around the triangle, stuffed with lotus spread. The centre is filled with lotus biscuits, which look like both a hamantaschen and misloach manot basket. It’s a really treat for the taste buds!

will appear enabling you and your family to save money on your next meal. Each promotion that is listed on the Kosher GPS app is exclusive and unique to Kosher GPS. Meaning you will not find that promotion anywhere else. So, use it and take advantage of it! Luckily, there is no expiration date, so you can use that promotion at any time with whoever! Additionally, each promotion is at no extra charge to the consumer. Although some promotions are eligible through spending a certain amount of money at a restaurant or some percentage off your overall order. Some examples include a free fountain drink with any order, 20% off on your order, free bottle of wine for a table of four or more, free fries with any purchase, and so on. Keep in mind that each promotion is ONLY eligible once you show the installed Kosher GPS app on your phone. We want to make sure that you are completely benefitting from this wonderful promotion. We are

currently working on bringing on more promotions for more restaurants, so even more money can be saved!

Now you may be wondering, why would restaurant owners give free promotions if the food that they are serving in their restaurant is super expensive? For many reasons. First off, we all love a good deal. If you can get some percentage off, a free appetizer, or a free dessert- you would take it, wouldn’t you? So, restaurant owners know that they want you to come visit their store and indulge in their mouthwatering dishes while keeping your wallet happy. Additionally, these promotions are at no cost to the restaurant owners. Because it counts as a marketing expense, so they aren’t losing any money! It’s a win-win situation for both restaurant owner and employee.

In addition, you can now leave reviews directly on the app so people won’t have to search for opinions it will be right at your fingertips.

So, the next time you hear your stomach grumble, or you want to grab a quick bite with friends, download the Kosher GPS app and save money today. Your wallet will thank you! Kosher GPS is a My Jewish Listings partner, your source for everything Kosher Travel, Kosher Vacations, Pesach Programs, Shavuot Programs, Sukkot Programs and all Jewish Travel.

For more recipes and inspiration visit my website: denises_kitchen

Preparation Time: 30 minutes plus 2 hours rising time

Cooking Time: 20 minutes Serves: 10


Details about forthcoming events, email:

600g strong white flour

7g 1 sachet active dried yeast

1 tablespoon clear honey

2 teaspoons salt

50ml vegetable oil

1 egg

250ml warm water

300g Lotus Spread

200g Lotus biscuits – to fill the centre


3. Grease a large bowl with oil and place the dough inside. Cover and leave for 2 hours or until double in size.

4. Knock out the air in the dough. Take 100g from the dough and using a rolling pin, roll into a triangle. This is the centre of the hamantaschen.

1. Mix the yeast with 50ml warm water, leave for 2-3 minutes until the yeast starts to bubble.

2. Place the flour, honey, salt, oil and egg into a large mixing bowl. Add the yeast and combine together to form a ball. Remove the dough, knead by hand briefly until the dough is smooth.

5. Transfer to a large oven tray lined with parchment. Divide the remaining dough into 9 equal pieces. Roll into strips and apply the lotus spread on top, leaving a 2cm border. Fold over the dough so the lotus spread is sealed and the strips are long and thin, ready to braid. Take each group of 3 strips and plait into braids. Place on each side of the triangle.

6. Preheat the oven to 200°C / 400°F / Gas mark 6.

7. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Fill the centre with lotus biscuits left whole or crush and enjoy.



Looking for answers? Send your question to


Dear Rabbi

I have read many of your remarks about Israel which I vehemently disagree with. Did you know that your comments last week, using the analogy of the fly in the coffee was especially upsetting. In my opinion, your views about Israel are wrong and you would be better off just not sharing them with readers.


Dear Salomon

Did you know that if you close your mouth, you can actually shut up and not give your opinion that no one asked for. Crazy how the human body works. Thanks for writing in.


Dear Rabbi

What happens if I left my tallit in my car before Shabbat which I now need on Shabbat. Am I allowed to ask a non-Jew to open the car and retrieve it for me?



For the benefit of readers, your name stands for Guy In Virgin Upper Class. That’s right – last week I was returning from 36 hours in Florida where I was lecturing, and you’re the guy who kept looking at me every time I got out of my seat (talk about feeling a little uncomfortable). Until just an hour before landing when you blurted out, “Ask the Rabbi! I knew I recognised you from somewhere!” I guess one can run but can’t hide! Well, I invited you to ask a question though didn’t quite expect such a halachic one. So here goes:

Generally, asking a non-Jew to do a forbidden Shabbat activity on your behalf on Shabbat, is forbidden. There are a few explanations for this, but at a basic level, it would otherwise demean the broader sanctity of Shabbat.

According to several opinions, in principle, it would be permissible to open a car door and go into a car on Shabbat, if this would not activate lights or an alarm. Since the door is not moved from one point to another, but merely swings around hinges, this does not violate the prohibition of muktsa.

Nevertheless, going into one’s car is forbidden for “mar’is ayin” – arousing suspicion. People who see an individual

going into his car on Shabbat will naturally assume that he enters the car to drive. It is therefore forbidden to open a car door on Shabbat. However, one may ask a nonJew to retrieve the item from the car, especially it is essential. This applies even if the non-Jew will have to turn on lights and deactivate an alarm. Since the person requested simply that the non-Jew retrieve something from the car – which is essentially permissible – this request does not violate the prohibition of asking a non-Jew to perform forbidden Shabbat activity. (It’s similar to asking a non-Jew to retrieve something from the refrigerator where a light inside will be activated. You’re not asking him to turn on the light, rather simply to retrieve your food item). PS: Bet you never thought I would actually remember and publish your question.


Dear Rabbi

Is it appropriate to be celebrating Purim this year, what with everything going on in Israel? Also, can you share some good Purim humour for the benefit of readers?


Dear Georgina

Jack is on his deathbed, and he says to his wife, “Can you give me one last wish?” She says, “Anything you want.” He says, “After I pass on I want you to marry Larry!” She replies: “But I thought you hated Larry?” With his last breath he says, “I do!”

We are of course in very difficult times. But some of the more inspiring images emerging from Israel are various events, be they chupahs, including soldiers who had scheduled wedding dates being given a night off; Torah readings in Gaza; IDF soldiers celebrating Friday night –Kabbalat Shabbat services; soldiers with religious books in hand, studying. At a time when there’s so much darkness we

look to counter with light; when there’s much sadness, we focus on the pockets of joy that present themselves. In the timeless words of King Solomon, “there is a time to grieve and a time to dance.” People tend to wonder, “What can I do to help?” And while there are many things we can do and there any many things that many people are doing, in a compelling display of unity, the one thing that we can all do is add in mitzvot. And on Purim there are particularly special mitzvot to perform. Whether it is giving money for the poor, exchanging food parcels with at least one other friend, listening to the reading of the megillah both and night and by day, and celebrating Purim with a big party – these are all special mitzvot that present themselves once a year. Indeed, there may be many soldiers who won’t be able to celebrate in that same way, and they would surely want that we do so on their behalf. So, rather than think it inappropriate, do so with extra vigour. Maybe you’ll have to dig a little deeper, but that’s what makes the mitzvah that much greater. So, I urge you, on Purim dig deep and party hard.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

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Four aspects of thanksgiving Weekly Dvar Torah FROM ERETZ

The Korban Todah, Thanksgiving Offering, is basically a Shelamim, a peace offering. But unlike any other Shelamim it is brought with four different types of flour offerings, ten of each type. Three are types of matzah, and the fourth is chametz. In addition, the normal timespan within which the Shelamim had to be eaten – two days and one night – is reduced to one day and one night for the Todah.

The Gemara (Berachos 7b) relates that from the day Hashem created the world, no one thanked Him until Leah thanked Him for the birth of her fourth son Yehudah. At first glance, this Gemara defies understanding. Didn’t Adam, Noach, Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivkah, and Rachel have countless reasons and opportunities to thank Hashem? And why didn’t Leah herself thank Hashem for her first three children?

Thanksgiving is a recognition of receiving something undeserved and

feeling indebted to repay the giver with gratitude. The more one feels that the bounty received was indeed earned or deserved, the less necessary the show of gratitude.

From the time the world was created, no one ever felt that the bounty given to them by Hashem was totally undeserved. Even the greatest people thought that what was given to them was part of G-d’s plan for the world, and therefore not completely undeserved. But G-d’s plan could have been equally fulfilled if the fourth son born to Leah had been born to any of her sisters. Thus, Leah felt his birth was totally unearned, and required the full measure of gratitude.

Usually we offer thanksgiving to G-d for a salvation from a misfortune or calamity. But, if we truly believe that everything that occurs in this world is the result of Divine Providence, then it is hard to understand why we should thank Hashem for saving us from misfortune, since He Himself caused that misfortune.

The answer is that we have chosen the wrong analogy. Consider an orthopedic



The Book of Vayikra starts by detailing the olah (elevation) offering. One who brought an offering had to lay their hands upon it (semicha). The shechita (slaughter) of the animal could be done by a non-Kohen, but the processes thereafter (catching the blood and sprinkling it on the altar) were performed only by the Kohanim. The olah offering was cut up and all of the pieces were burned on the mizbeach (altar). The verses detail an olah offering brought from cattle, sheep or goats.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 1:14-2:6

The Torah now details the laws of an olah offering brought from fowl. The

process of killing the fowl differed from an animal offering; notably, the Kohen used his fingernail (melika) instead of a knife. It was also possible to bring an offering from fine flour (mincha), a handful of which was mixed with oil and thrown onto the altar’s fire. The rest was baked and eaten by the Kohanim.

Point to Consider: From what stage could the service of the meal offering be performed only by Kohanim (see Rashi to 2:2)

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 2:7-16

Several voluntary meal offerings are listed, some baked, some fried. These offerings had to be unleavened. Every offering – whether animal, fowl or flour –had salt added to it. The laws of the Torah of the parched Omer offering are stated, which was brought on 16 Nisan (Rashi).

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 3:1-17

A voluntary peace offering (shelamim) could be brought from cattle, sheep or goats. Only parts of it were burned on the mizbeach – other parts were eaten by the Kohanim and by the person who brought the offering (see Rashi).

surgeon who notices someone walking in a manner that is symptomatic of a rare, crippling bone disease. The condition can only be cured if the bones are broken and reset before the disease progresses to the point of no return. Realizing that the patient’s gait reveals that not too much time is left before his condition is irreversible, the surgeon takes an iron pole and swiftly breaks both of his legs and then proceeds to set them and nurture the patient back to health. In this instance the surgeon deserves thanks both for breaking and setting the legs.

So, too, when we cause ourselves spiritual illnesses because of our sins and shortcomings, Hashem brings misfortune and calamity to atone and correct the situation. Thus, our gratitude for the salvation can only be significant if it includes a confession that the misfortune and calamity was also deserved. Full, uninhibited thanksgiving required both confession of the justice of the misfortune and admission that the salvation was undeserved.

One’s feelings of gratitude must be


People were commanded to bring sin offerings (chata’ot) for various inadvertent transgressions. A Kohen Gadol whoaccidentally contravened specific serious prohibitions had to bring a bull, parts of which were burned on the mizbeach; the rest were burned outside the camp. A similar process had to be done if the High Court’s (Sanhedrin) ruling caused an accidental transgression by the people. If a king (referred to here as Nasi) accidentally transgressed certain mitzvot, he had to bring a male goat as an offering.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 4:27-5:10

The variable offering (korban oleh ve’yored) was dependent on the financial means of the person who brought it – it could be an animal, birds or flour. This offering was brought by someone who intentionally refused to testify as a witness or who made a false oath. It was also brought by one who accidentally entered parts of the Temple (Beit Hamikdash) or touched sanctified objects when in a state of ritual impurity.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 5:11-26

An individual who unintentionally derived benefit from sanctified objects

expressed publicly. That expression of gratitude then becomes a lesson to others in recognizing G-d’s goodness and intimate involvement in the events of this world. We say in Shemoneh Esrei: “nodeh lecha – we will thank You, Hashem; u’nesapair tehelasecha – and we recount Your praises.” It is not sufficient to thank Hashem quietly; one must recount his debt of gratitude to others.

In Eretz Yisroel today we must both thank Hashem for this magnificent present and at the same time recognize that the travails and misfortune especially now at time of suffering and war are all part of the Divine plan and deserve deep contemplation and self-searching and improvement.

Rabbi Zev Leff is the rabbi of Moshav Matityahu, and a renowned author, lecturer and educator. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.

had to bring a male ram as a guilt offering (asham), as well as paying for the ‘damage’ and adding an additional fifth to the cost. An asham was also brought by someone who was not sure whether they had inadvertently committed the type of sin for which one would normally bring a chatat.


The special reading for Parashat Zachor is from the end of Parashat Ki Tetze, commanding us to remember how the Amalekite nation started a war against the Israelites after they left Egypt, as well as the imperative to eradicate Amalek.


The prophet Shmuel (Samuel) relates how King Shaul (Saul) defeated Amalek, but took pity on their king, Agag. In defiance of a Divine command, Shaul refrained from killing Agag, as well as sparing his cattle. Shmuel rebuked Shaul and told him that he would lose the monarchy because of this misplaced mercy. Shmuel himself then killed Agag.




This year our competition seeks to highlight the innocent Israeli victims of the brutal October 7 massacre, and the resilience and defiance of Israel since that tragic day.

We need you to create a Sefer Torah cover for use on Simchat Torah

The winning design will be turned into a real Sefer Torah cover

The winner can give this cover to their school or shul at a special ceremony

The designs should be relevant to the tragic events of October 7 2023

Our theme is Am Yisrael Chai and the safe return of the remaining hostages

The competition is open to students from Years 6-9. Entrants should apply via their schools or shuls

Design specialaSefer Torah cover to honour the victims ofOctober 7 2023

Deadline for entries 12 April 2024

Send your entries to:

Beyond the headlines

A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read in the news

An Enduring Legacy

Lt. Com. Amishar Ben-David fell in combat in Gaza. During the shiva, his family received a condolence visit from a unique visitor, Ido Yogev. Ido was the recipient of Amishar’s kidney, several years earlier.

During their conversation, Shlomit, Amishar’s wife, said to Ido and his family, “There’s no need for thanks; we are just as thankful to you. Amishar was overjoyed during the period he donated his kidney; he radiated happiness.”

Ayelet, Amishar’s sister, told Ido, “He was an extraordinary brother—kind and compassionate. Now, his goodness lives on in you. You carry a part of Amishar within.”


Reut Zukerman, principal of the elementary school in Peduel, shared a schoolwide event celebrated by the entire student body called The Ultimate Siyum. “We encouraged all the students to find a subject that they could start and finish, to experience the satisfaction of completion,” she said.

An unexpected visitor was Rebbetzin Rachel Haber, leader of Matnat Chaim, the organization that has facilitated hundreds of kidney donations including Amishar’s. The Rebbetzin recounted, “When I inquired about the meaning of his unique name, he responded, ‘Ami shar — my people sing.’

He embodied a life of melody and generosity. His commitment to his people defined not just his passing but his entire life.”

On Thursday, when Amsihar’s army unit came to offer condolences, Shlomit, the widow, asked them to sing Shalom Aleichem, the song sung on Shabbat before Kiddush.

“Amishar was always so happy to sing this song with you in Gaza,” she said. After they sang, Shlomit said that she felt sad during Kiddush last Shabbat, but now they had brought the joy of Amishar’s singing back into her home in a way that she will always remember.

Each student, from first to sixth grade, set a personal learning goal, aiming to see it through, from start to finish. For some, the goal was modest, but the emphasis was on the journey of beginning and completing.

Younger children tackled a single Torah portion, while the older ones took on more challenging projects, such as studying an entire book of Navi or even a tractate of Gemara.

Last week, parents joined the children in celebrating their achievements. The names of all students who met the challenge – every single student in the school – were displayed proudly in the auditorium. All the learning was dedicated to the safety of the soldiers, the safe return of the hostages, and the wellbeing of the entire Jewish People.


Tzofit Libman is the sister-in-law of Elyakim Libman, captive in Gaza for over five months, now. On Oct. 7, Elyakim had been providing security for the Nova festival at Re’im. The last they heard from him was at 9:06 a.m., when he called his father Eliyahu, and reported seeing large numbers of terrorists on motorcycles, and many gunshot victims. He asked him to send help and rescue forces.

Later they learned that from 6:30 a.m., when the attack started, and until his kidnapping, Elyakim had helped people escape, treated the wounded (he was a medic in the army), and did all he could to save as many lives as possible.

“Purim is approaching,” Tzofit wrote, “and this year, we approach the holiday with mixed feelings. The worry, the longing and the pain are mixed with great pride in Elyakim, and all of Israel, which has now revealed itself in all its glory.”

Tzofit sent me a page that the family prepared for the merit of Elyakim Shlomo ben Avishag, that he return home quickly and in good health, together with all the captives. “It is our call to the people of Israel not to forget the captives, and precisely because of this, to rejoice. We believe that beyond the commandment to rejoice, joy has the power to change reality, to break through all barriers and reach the highest places.”

She continued, “The holy Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement, said that sadness locks the gates of heaven, whereas prayer opens locked gates; but joy has the power to break down walls. We invite everyone to print the attached page, hang it in the streets and include it with their Mishlo’ach Manot. Wishing all a happy Purim!”


This week, we marked the seventh day of Adar. Here are five points to remember about this date, which is of even greater significance this year:

1) It is Moshe Rabbeinu’s birthday as well as his yahrtzeit. The exact place of his burial is unknown.

2) The seventh of Adar has been designated for all whose date

and place of death are unknown, and any Jew who did not receive a Jewish burial. Sadly, so many more names have been added to this list, this year. Yael Adar, mother of Tamir Adar whose body is still being held in Gaza, asked me to raise awareness about this terrible situation.

3) It is customary to commemorate those who have passed away by praying, learning Torah, and lighting a yahrzeit candle.

4) Over the years, this has also become a special day for the Chevra Kadisha. Some members have taken on the custom of fasting on this day. We have an even deeper appreciation this year for these incredible people who devote themselves to performing this heartbreaking, holy task. On October 7, our enemies endeavored not only to murder but to mutilate their victims; this group worked hard to restore their dignity.

5) This year, we can look back thousands of years and think about Moshe’s story, his long journey. Was Moshe able to accomplish his life’s mission?

Indeed, he has —but through us. Many of his prophecies have come true, but there have also been painful setbacks along the way. He led us for 40 years in the desert but never merited entering the Land of Israel. We, who have the great merit of living in the Promised Land, are fulfilling his dream. These words are devoted to Moshe’s memory and the memory of so many beloved others, with the fervent hope that this Adar will be transformed into a month of joy and besorot tovot!

ריאמ-בהר ןויס
Amishar’s company Widow and Rebbetzen Haber Elyakim Libman

Go and Gather all the Jews

It was not by chance that Hamas chose to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023. One of the captured terrorists said: “We saw that the Israeli people were divided and figured that this would be the best time to attack.”

These words are all too familiar to us from the Book of Esther, where Haman asks King Achashveros for permission to kill all the Jews, describing them as a people that are “scattered and divided” (Esther 3:8). Presumably Haman believed that division among the Jews in the Persian Empire would enable a swift and fruitful victory for him and the King.

We are now, once again, under attack from a Persian proxy who defined us as “divided”. What if anything can we learn from our Sages about the solution?

When Esther finally accepts upon herself the responsibility to take control of the situation, her first command to Mordechai is to “Go and assemble all the Jews… and fast for three days” (Esther 4:16).

The Maharal of Prague in the 16th century suggested that, just as all the Jews had assembled to feast in the King’s palace for six months at the beginning of the Megillah, the remedy should be to assemble in order to fast and repent for that previous indulgence. Similarly, just as Israelis assembled on the streets during the flag marches of 2023 to

emphasise the differences between the different sectors of our population, on October 8th our brave reserve soldiers assembled in huge numbers, and all sectors of the population gathered to pack food and supplies for them and for those displaced and injured by the war.

We can also learn from Megillat Esther that we Jews are likely to become a little more observant during our troubled times than during our times of joy. The Maharal explains that Esther’s call for assembly was more than just a gathering, but actually a prayer fest, where Jews throughout the Persian Empire committed themselves to keeping more of the Torah and doing more acts of kindness. The Talmud (in Shabbat 88a) explains that the acceptance of the Torah at Mount Sinai may not have been binding because it was compelled through a tangible revelation of Hashem which meant that the Jewish people could not refuse. However, the acceptance of the Torah in

the times of Esther (where Hashem was most hidden and not even mentioned once in the Megillah) became binding for future generations.

And we see this move towards greater observance in our generation. Remember how many thousands of sets of tzitzit and tefillin were sent to the battle front, and how many Tel Aviv restaurants koshered their kitchens to provide food for the IDF? Around the Jewish world, Rabbis have reported an increase in the number of Jews assembling in their synagogues, drawn together by the need to pray and to feel united. One of the most startling and heartwarming outcomes of this war has been the assembly of the Jewish people in battle and in support of one another. When the reservists were first called up in the days following Simchat Torah, the IDF was anticipating a 60% turnout, due to the number who had threatened not to serve during the protests. In fact, the turnout was well over 120% because everyone who was called presented themselves for

service, and another 20% came without being called up. Organisations that had been financed to rally against the government transformed themselves within 24 hours to become logistical supply factories for soldiers on the various fronts and to provide aid for families seeking refuge. Jewish communities around the world sent aid of all kinds and in overwhelming quantities, and continue to support Israel through mission visits, and through sending messages and treats for our soldiers and gifts for displaced families, keeping our economy functioning and boosting our morale.

We are a truly wonderful people - undivided, fully assembled, and ready to take on anything. Two and a half thousand years ago the Persian Empire and its proxies desired to perpetuate genocide against divided Jews, but we united, strengthened ourselves, fought back and won. If this is the model for success against today’s Iranian (Persian) proxies and their genocidal actions, then we are surely on the path to the greatest of victories. May this be His will. Amen.

Rabbi Leo Dee is an educator living in Efrat. His book “Transforming the World: The Jewish Impact on Modernity” has been republished in English and Hebrew in memory of his wife Lucy and daughters Maia and Rina, who were murdered by terrorists in April 2023.

Rabbi Dee looking at a photo


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Family FunVayikra

The Jewish people had set up their Mishkan and now it was time to put it to good use! Moshe is called into the area of the Mishkan by Hashem and is taught all the laws of the sacrifices. Some were offered up daily, others weekly or on special festival days

but the majority of this week’s Parsha discusses other sacrifices. Some are brought in the form of animals, birds or a meal offering. Some have parts of the animal eaten by the Kohanim and some are entirely consumed by the fire on the Mizbeach. Bringing an offering to
















Hashem was sometimes done to atone for a sin, or on other occasions, but it would always have been accompanied with strong feelings of closeness to Hashem and true happiness to be part of a nation so proud to serve Him always! This is a message we can

remember even today, when we cannot bring up the sacrifices in the Beit Hamikdash but we pray for it’s return speedily in our day!

Parasha Stats

Facts about Parashat Vayikra

Number of Lines - 215

Number of Verses - 111

Number of Words - 1,673

Number of Letters - 6,222

Jewish Riddle

This week’s Question:

What important word in the Megillah does this represent: 8888888

Last week’s Answer: Halacha of Shabbat is different than the rest of the year. What day is it?

The Shabbat during Sukkot. On Shabbat it is forbidden to carry from a "private domain" to a public "domain". Usually, a private domain must have at least 3 walls. On the Shabbat of Sukkot, however, this is the ruling of the turn (orach chaim 630)

Email your name, age, where you live and the answer to!

Next week’s paper will feature the answer and will mention one person who gave the correct answer!

1 2 3 4 5 6

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes, can you make the shape on the right?

Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Last edition’s words

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!

Use the area below to write the words you have found.

infers infest insert inters ratify refits resift retain retina rifest sanity satiny satire sifter strain strife trains fainter fairest nastier retains retinas retsina snifter stainer fainters

Jokes Riddles

Q: Why did the boy throw a bucket out the window? A: He wanted to see the waterfall.

Q: Why did the girl throw butter out the window? A: She wanted to see the butterfly.

Q: Why did the boy throw his watch out the window? A: He wanted to see time fly.

Q: What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A: A Maybe

1. How far can a fox run into a garden?

2. I can be hot, I can be cold, I can run and I can be still, I can be hard and I can be soft. What am I?

3. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words “Wednesday,” “Friday,” or “Sunday”?

3. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

2. (salt)Water!

1. Only halfway—then he’s running out of it!


Dingbat Answers 1. Forgive and forget 2. See eye to eye 3. Unfinished Business 4. Skate on thin ice 5. A bit of this and that 6. Honour among thieves air fin fir fit ire its nit sin sir sit tie tin airs airy anti fain fair fiat fine fins fire firs fist fits ires nits rain rein rife rift rise rite sari sift sine sire site stir tier ties tine tins tiny tire yeti afire anise antis arise faint fairs fairy feint fiats fiery finer fines fires first fries inert infer infra inset inter irate naifs nifty nitre rains rainy raise refit reins resin resit rifts rinse risen rites saint satin serif siren
tiers tines tires train
sitar stain stair stein
tries yetis airest arisen faints feints feisty fiesta




We all react differently to what is going on in Israel now. Some people have said they won’t make Aliyah ever, others delay their plans and will not come until things are worked out, and some people deliberately want to make Aliyah at this very moment! So for those coming during the war, or even in the months following the war, what do Olim need to know regarding shipping during such times?

1. Safety First

During challenging times like a war or conflict, safety remains the top priority. Olim should closely monitor the security situation in their intended destination in Israel. Before making any shipping arrangements, check with relevant authorities and experts to assess the safety of shipping routes.

2. Communication Is Key

Stay in close contact with your shipping company. They should provide you with up-todate information on the status of your shipments. Make sure you have multiple points of contact for the shipping company to ensure efficient communication.

3. Delays Are Possible

Shipping during a war or conflict may result in delays. Ports and transportation routes may face disruptions, affecting the timeline for your shipments. Be mentally prepared for these delays and stay flexible in your planning.

4. Insurance Is Crucial

Ensure that you have comprehensive insurance coverage for your shipments. In uncertain times, the risk of damage or loss to your belongings may increase. Adequate insurance will provide financial protection in case of unforeseen events.

5. Proper Documentation

Verify that all your shipping documents are in order. This includes bills of lading, customs documents, and any permits required for shipping. Keep digital and physical copies of essential documents for reference.

6. Shipping Routes

Discuss the available shipping routes with your shipping company. During challenging times, some routes may be more secure or efficient than others. Your shipping provider can advise you on the best options.

7. Storage Facilities

In case your shipments arrive in Israel during a period of heightened security concerns, you might need storage facilities for your belongings. Discuss storage options with your shipping company in advance.

8. Customs and Regulations

Understand Israel’s customs regulations and any specific requirements related to shipping during challenging times. Familiarize yourself with the customs process and be prepared for potential inspections.

9. Seek Professional Assistance

Consider hiring a customs broker or a relocation expert who can guide you through the process. They have the knowledge and experience to ensure a smooth transition for your shipments.

10. Emotional Support

Moving during challenging times can be emotionally taxing. Seek support from friends, family, and support networks to help you through the transition. Reach out to local support groups in Israel to connect with others who have experienced similar challenges.


Shipping during a war or conflict presents unique challenges, but with careful planning and the support of professionals, it’s possible to navigate the process successfully. Your safety and the safety of your belongings should always be the top priority. By staying informed, communicating effectively, and being prepared for potential delays, you can make your Aliyah a successful and secure transition, even during challenging times.



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