The Jewish Weekly Issue 296 - October 12th

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The people of Israel are giving their blood. Please will you give generously. Since the massacre in southern Israel last weekend, Magen David Adom has been stretched to full capacity. Whilst our teams of paramedics and volunteers have been on the front line saving lives, Israelis of all backgrounds have queued to give their blood, as levels run perilously low. For every day the country is at war, we need an additional ONE MILLION SHEKELS to operate. Magen David Adom UK is leading the global fundraising effort to raise these funds – and to do this we need your urgent and ongoing support. Please give now and give generously.

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11/10/2023 12:54








@TheJewishWeekly 296

World Jewry prays for Israel BY DAVID SAFFER

SUCCOT PARASHAT BERESHIT SHABBAT & YOM TOV SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS YOM TOV SHABBAT DAY 2 ENDS London 17:57 19:00 BEGIN ENDS London 19:25 Manchester 18:29 18:0219:2719:08 Manchester 18:36 19:35 Leeds 17:5619:3819:05 Leeds 18:30 19:36 Liverpool 18:0319:3919:11 Liverpool: 18:36 19:44 19:41 Birmingham 18:00 19:07 Birmingham: 18:32 19:39 19:36 Antwerp 18:36 19:42 Antwerp 19:07 20:13 20:10 Bournemouth 18:32 18:0219:3819:08 Bournemouth 19:35 Gateshead 17:5519:4019:05 Gateshead 18:30 19:37 Jerusalem 17:51 19:01 Jerusalem 17:3419:0318:45

Jewish communities across the world have held mass prayer events for the IDF. Israel Defence Forces are primed for a ground assault of Gaza to crush Hamas’ infrastructure. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched Operations Swords of Iron last Shabbat after the terror organisation massacred over 1,200 Israelis and took over 150 hostages from southern communities. Over 3,000 Israelis are hospitalised. Seventeen Brits are amongst the dead or missing. The scale and brutality of the atrocities not seen since the Holocaust has come to light day by day. World leaders have condemned Hamas for its savagery. Netanyahu and National Unity party Benny Gantz chairman

announced an emergency government yesterday. The ‘war management cabinet’ includes Netanyahu, Gantz and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. A place is reserved for Opposition Leader Yair Lapid if he decides to join. King Charles III yesterday expressed his shock at the “criminal and barbaric actions of Hamas against Israeli citizens” to President Isaac Herzog. The Prince and Princess of Wales “utterly condemned” Hamas in a statement. “The horrors inflicted by Hamas’s terrorist attack upon Israel are appalling,” they noted. Netanyahu, also yesterday, told US President Joe Biden, who has vowed to stand by Israel and recognised its right to defend its citizens, “We’ve never seen such savagery in the history of the State. They’re even worse than ISIS and

we need to treat them as such.” Biden in a second presidential address on Tuesday night, said: “We must be crystal clear. We stand with Israel. We will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has joined allies around the world offering unwavering support. The Israeli Air Force have struck over 2,500 Hamas targets. Over 1,000 Hamas terrorists have been killed inside Israel’s border. Terrorists inside Israel had maps and instructions. The Hamas-run health ministry has reported over 1,000 people killed. Hamas have launched over 5,000 rockets into central and southern Israel since Shabbat. Netanyahu addressed the nation to launch the operation, stating:

“We didn’t want this war. It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way. Hamas is ISIS and just as the forces of civilisation united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilisation must support Israel in defeating Hamas.” Netanyahu told the IDF, police and security forces they were fighting for the “future of us all”. Herzog told the international community: “We will act with full force and unwavering commitment to eliminate this threat to our people.” Northern communities in Israel were ordered into shelters yesterday evening after drones were identified. The IDF later ruled out a ‘suspected infiltration’. This came after Tel Aviv and cities in central Israel came under attack in the afternoon.


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World leaders condemn Hamas BY DAVID SAFFER

World leaders have condemned terror attacks by Hamas as barbaric and savage. The growing Israeli death stands at over 1200 with an estimated 150 hostages and over 3,000 hospitalisations. Seventeen British nationals are reported missing. In hard-hitting addresses from the White House US President Joe Biden has vowed to give “rock solid” support to the State of Israel. Speaking in a first presidential address after the massacre that started at the weekend, Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US “unequivocally” condemns the assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists and has offered “all appropriate means of support” to the people of Israel. “Terrorism is never justified,” he said. “Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. My administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.” Biden has spoken with Netanyahu a number of times and expressed outrage for those missing, wounded and killed. He has called on allies to stand united in the face of brutal atrocities. In a presidential address on Tuesday night, he described Hamas as “pure unadulterated evil” and atrocity on an “appalling scale”. “The brutality of Hamas brings to mind

the worst rampages of ISIS,” Biden raged. “We must be crystal clear, we stand with Israel. We will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, to defend itself and respond to this attack.” He added: “There is no justification for terrorism, there is no excuse. Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and murder of Jewish people. They use Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to innocent life.” Biden’s said that his administration was in constant communication with Israeli partners, the region and world. He also US President Joe Biden addressing the world confirmed that the US would supply mili- “The United States has also enhanced tary assistance, including ammunition and our military force posture in the region to interceptors to replenish Iron Dome. strengthen our deterrence.” “We’re going to make sure that Israel And in a warning to Iran and its proxies, does not run out of these critical assets to Biden said: “To any country, any organisadefend its cities and its citizens”, he said. tion, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, I have one word: Don’t.” Biden also spoke of homeland security with local law enforcement and Jewish community partners to identify and disrupt any domestic threat in connection with the attacks. “This is a moment for the US to come together, to grieve with those who are mourning,” he said. “There is no place for hate in America against Jews, Muslims or anyone. We reject terrorism.” Biden recalled meeting former Prime Minister Gold Meir as a newly elected senator before the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Meir told Biden that Israel had a ‘secret weapon’. When he asked what it was, Meir told him, “we have no place else to go.” Biden concluded: “Let there be no doubt, the US has Israel’s back. We will make sure the Jewish and democratic State of Israel can defend itself today, tomorrow as we always have. The atrocities are sickening. Matthew Lachs We are with Israel, let’s make no mistake.” US Vice President Kamala Harris has spoken with President Isaac Herzog, condemned the attacks and offered unwavering

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12 OCTOBER 2023


commitment to Israel’s security. Meantime, Israel’s United Nations Ambassador Gilad Erdan accused Hamas of ‘war crimes’ against Israeli citizens when the UN Security Council discussed ‘the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question’ on Sunday. Erdan called for the Hamas terror infrastructure to be obliterated. He said: “These are war crimes, blatant documented war crimes.” Erdan later told reporters: “The era of reasoning with these savages is over. Now is the time to obliterate Hamas terror infrastructure, to completely erase it, so that such horrors are never committed again.” He added. “This unimaginable atrocity must be condemned. Israel must be given steadfast support to defend ourselves.” Global organisations blasted Hamas’ attack with World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder vehemently denouncing a “heinous” terrorist onslaught. “Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to stand as one, unified and resolute, to bolster the success of the IDF and Israel during this conflict unjustly thrust upon us on Simchat Torah,” he said. “Let it be known, unequivocally, that the entire Jewish diaspora stands in unwavering support of Israel and its valiant security forces during these challenging times. In unity lies WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 02 04 News 12 15 Opinion 14 16 Games 15 18 Community 18 26 Judaism Feature

20 Feature 28 Cookery 28 Cookery 30 Judaism 30 Family Fun 36 Kids 32 Expert Advice 38 Youth 34 Sport

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TO DONATE NOW TO THE COMMUNITY APPEAL, VISIT UJIA.ORG OR SCAN THE QR CODE BELOW. The UJIA Israel at War Community Appeal is raising funds to provide an immediate response to the terrorist massacre and ongoing war in Israel. Our focus right now is to support the thousands of victims of terror and trauma in the affected communities. Over the coming days, weeks and months we will continue to work with our partners on the ground to do all that we can for the people of Israel in these tragic times.

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United Jewish Israel Appeal is a registered charity no. 1060078 (England & Wales) and SC 039181 (Scotland).


4 NEWS   our indomitable strength.” The European Jewish Congress called for the European Union and member states to prevent funds reaching Gaza as long as territory is controlled by Hamas. EJC President Ariel Muzicant said: “Gaza is a terror state that has declared and implemented brutal and total war against a democracy. We must not continue to treat it with kid gloves. Hamas commits its full resources to its principal objective, which is the destruction of the Jewish State and the killing of Jews. If there was any shred of doubt about that fact, it has clearly been removed after the barbaric events of yesterday.” Emmanuel Macron He added: “There is no one terrorist Hamas and one humanitarian Hamas, one political and one military. There is a single terror organisation ruling a whole territory, Gaza, a de facto state dedicated to the eradication of the Jewish State. If the protection of Jews means anything at all to the international community, it must start with the uncompromising protection of Israel. “The world’s democracies cannot continue to pour in resources into a country making a brutal war against its neighbour. And

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 that means all resources. That is the way we react with all countries making war on their neighbours, in Europe and elsewhere. No funds, no aid. Because we understand that resources given for so-called humanitarian aid in time of war to countries pursuing that war only aid the war effort and divert resources to more killing.” The EJC commended European governments and the European Union for strong condemnation of acts of terror and called on political European forces to delegitimise Hamas. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen noted. “Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.” NATO condemned PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS “terrorist attacks by Hamas against NATO partner Israel”, a spokesman said. The UK supported Israel’s “right to defend itself” said Foreign Minister James Cleverly. French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the “terrorist attacks” against Israel. The French Embassy in Israel was “horrified” by developments. “We stand side by side alongside Israel and Israelis,” the embassy noted. “Germany condemns these attacks by

From the Editor’s Desk Last Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah morning I was on my way to shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh when I saw a friend from England. As we started talking, we heard the biggest bang I had ever heard in my life and the whole ground shook. We looked up into the sky and saw the iron dome take out a rocket above our heads, flashing a bright orange fireball across the sky. 100 people suddenly ran out of a local shul into a block of flats to shelter as their shul didn’t have a safe room. My friend ran into a school and I ran back to the family to get into the shelter. Are we going to die Daddy? What are you supposed to say to that? As the day wore on, soldiers in shul started hearing more about the tragic events and were getting called up and sent off to war. One father informed his daughter he

was shortly to be picked up and sent down south, and she hugged him tightly saying ‘I don’t let you go!’ He tearfully explained that he had no choice and blessed her by reciting Yu v a re c h a c h a .


A friend of mine from my Daf HaYomi shiur is on the front line. A rabbi friend of mine has a son who’s currently missing in action. My bank manager and a client both told me their sons are serving; one in Gaza, one in Lebanon. Magen David Adom medics put their lives on the line, as do their counterparts at United Israel Hatzalah and Zaka. These are all real people with worried family at home putting their lives on the line for us and as well as being grateful we must pray for their safe return.

12 OCTOBER 2023

Hamas and stands by Israel,” said Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “Greece stands with Israel and is deeply concerned by this unacceptable escalation of violence,” the Greek Foreign Ministry posted. Belgium Foreign Affairs Minister Hadja said: “Violence and terror only perpetuates suffering and hinders the path to dialogue. Our thoughts are with all those affected.” “The attack conducted from the Gaza Strip is a deplorable act of terrorism against the State of Israel and the civilian population,” Czech President Petr Pavel said in a statement. Quint leaders, made up of the UK, US, France and Germany released a statement offering “steadfast and united support to Israel and unequivocal condemnation of

Volodymyr Zelenskyy



The last few days have been amongst the most tragic for the Jewish nation since the second Temple was destroyed. Over TishaB’Av, we read about the horrors that took place around the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, and the atrocities committed by the Romans. We all know the crimes committed against our people by the Germans during the Holocaust and we have seen what the Spanish did to us during the Inquisition. Crusaders have killed us and there has been sadly been far too many terrorists attacks over the last few decades. Yet what happened this week on the holy soil of Eretz Yisrael on Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah is a new level which will change the world as we know it forever. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. The fact that Hamas were able to invade our country and carry out their terrible acts of murder, kidnapping, torture and the rest is deeply devastating as well as an absolutely petrifying new reality for all world Jewry to accept. Where was the great army, security and intelligence that Israel is famous for? Hashem showed us that people are wrong to put all their trust in human rulers and army generals, and if G-d wills it, our land can be breached with dizzying speed culminating in thousands of dead, injured and missing people despite our fences, technology and espionage. We must renew our faith in Hashem


Hamas. They noted: “The terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy and must be universally condemned. There is never any justification for terrorism. Our countries will support Israel in its efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities. We further emphasise that this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. All of us recognise the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people, and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians alike. But make no mistake: Hamas does not represent those aspirations, and it offers nothing for the Palestinian people other than more terror and bloodshed.” Italy backed “Israel’s right to defend itself” against the “brutal attack” by Hamas. “I strongly condemn Hamas’ ongoing attacks on Israel. This baseless aggression and acts of violence, especially against civilians, are unacceptable,” Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau commented. Spain’s acting Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares was overwhelmed by “indiscriminate violence”. President Volodymr Zelenskyy condemned the “terror attack” on Israel and said Israel’s right to defend itself “cannot be doubted”. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India stood “in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour”.

rather then a goverment or soldier and pray from the bottom of our hearts that this war will end in victory and with the coming of Mashiach.


The BBC is an utter disgrace as usual, still referring to Hamas as militants not terrorists. Jews should switch off that channel once and for all. At times like this the anti semites from across the world crawl out of their woodwork and show their true colours. Mass rallies across the world have seen countless people who appear to have no problems with what Hamas did on Sunday, and indeed celebrate it. From ‘Gas the Jews’ being shouted at the Sydney Opera House, to ‘Free Palestine’ scribbled across a bridge in Golders Green, you never know if your neighbours are really your friends.


The Jewish News Newspaper once ran an oped where the female rabbi author said she was proud to have led Kaddish for Hamas terrorists outside Westminster. In light of this week’s atrocities carried out by Hamas terrorists against Jewish men, women and children including toddlers and babies, we wonder if the sentiment has changed?


The people of Israel are giving their blood. Please will you give generously. Since the massacre in southern Israel last weekend, Magen David Adom has been stretched to full capacity. Whilst our teams of paramedics and volunteers have been on the front line saving lives, Israelis of all backgrounds have queued to give their blood, as levels run perilously low. For every day the country is at war, we need an additional ONE MILLION SHEKELS to operate. Magen David Adom UK is leading the global fundraising effort to raise these funds – and to do this we need your urgent and ongoing support. Please give now and give generously.

Donate now at

Registered Charity No. 1113409

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11/10/2023 12:54


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12 OCTOBER 2023

Sunak will “stop at nothing” for communal safety BY DAVID SAFFER

Prime Minister Rishi Runak and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis addressed a vigil for Israeli victims of the Hamas terror attack at Finchley United Synagogue on Monday night. The event was attended by 1,100 people, 600 in an overflow and over 20,000 online. Israel’s UK Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely, community leaders and representatives of major political parties were present. Vigils have also taken place in Jewish communities around the UK. The Prime Minister said he wanted to stand with the Jewish community to mourn

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

victims of an “utterly abhorrent” act of terror. He told the gathering: “The people who support Hamas are fully responsible for this appalling attack. They are not militants they are not freedom fighters. They are terrorists. Their barbaric acts are acts of evil.” Noting the teenagers at a festival of peace gunned down in cold blood, innocent men, women and children slaughtered, a Holocaust survivor taken away as a captive and sickening evidence posted online, Sunak said there was no question of balance, “I stand with Israel,” he said. Sunak continued: “The United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism today, tomorrow, and always. And let me also say this to you, as the Jewish community here in Britain. I know that at moments like this, when the Jewish people are under attack in their homeland Jewish people

everywhere can feel less safe. We’ve al- way for peace for us and the entire region. ready seen vile words on our streets, and And the chaos and confusion will lead to a attempts to stir up community tensions. period or order and of peace.” I say, not here, not in Britain, not in our Jo Gross, United Synagogue CEO, said country, not in this the community was century. My first devastated and in duty is to protect shock. Ambassador Hotovely lit a you. We will not memorial candle tolerate this hate, we will not tolerate to mourn those this antisemitism. I murdered. promise you, I will Chief Rabbi stop at nothing to Mirvis led a vigil, keep you safe”. organised by the Chief Rabbi Board of Deputies and Jewish LeaderMirvis spoke of ship Council, with the “heinous politicians outside crimes” perpetrated by Downing Street, Hamas. also on Monday. “Hardly a Chief Rabbi Mirvis said that while single Jewish he speaks of peace, family in the Hamas want war. UK does not “Hamas is about have a direct Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis KBE connection to Israel at this time,” he violence, dread, terrorism, to carry out tersaid. “Israel is the very heart of the rific, inhumane acts,” he said. Jewish people and Jewish faith.” Ambassador Hotovely said supporters Sending a message to those in Is- were true friends of Israel and of the values rael, he said: “You are not alone, we share of life and peace. your pain, anguish, fate and destiny. We “Everyone here is fighting for Israel,” will always stand shoulder to shoulder with she said. “This is a fight between good and you in your time of stress.” evil, and good will prevail. This is a time for The Chief Rabbi welcomed messages of unity when all Israelis and diaspora Jews support from faith and political leaders, stand together as a family. We will never and noting the sight of Downing Street be- let Hamas win. It will be a long battle but ing lit up, thanked the Prime Minister, Keir we will win it.” Security Minister Tom Tugenthart said Starmer and political leaders for support. “Prime Minister, you are a great and won- Sunak’s commitment to Israel had doubled derful friend of our Jewish community and since his discussions with PM Benjamin State of Israel,” he said. Netanyahu. The Jewish people, he added, were syn“This country has stood against evil beonymous with peace but Hamas was only fore, stood against hatred before and stood interested in war. Israel had a responsibility against antisemitism before. We will always to defend herself, the Chief observed, to stand against hatred, evil and antisemimake the country secure. tism,” he noted. Speaking of this week’s sedra, he conImmigration Minister Robert Jenrick said cluded: “Our prayer is that the darkness the government share the community’s we are currently experiencing will pave the pain.


Regarding Hamas, he noted: “These are not militants or fighters as some in media say. They were terrorists”, he added. “We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community here in the UK. We stand with Israel. Israel will prevail. And the UK will do everything in its power to ensure this.” Jenrick continued: “The story of Israel is one of the most inspiring in the history mankind. It is a story of unparalleled resilience, of perseverance and faith. Violence will not weaken that, hatred will not dampen that irresistible spirit and terror will not supress the hopes and dreams of Israelis. The UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

Robert Jenrick MP

“The miracle of Israel stands as a shining beacon of hope in a region marked by extremism and fundamentalism. And that beacon burns brighter than ever when confronted with evil at moments like this. Israel must prevail against terrorism,” he said. As for antisemitism, Jenrick was forthright, noting: “Valorising Hamas on the streets of the UK is a serious criminal offence, those that engage in it or other forms of antisemitic attack must be hunted down, arrested and prosecuted. There will be no tolerance here in the UK.” Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy travelled from Liverpool and Labour’s conference. He said in the UK all parties stood with Israel. “There can be no mincing your words with terror, with murder, carnage and brutality,” he said. “We stand with Israel in these dark days and say to Hamas, what you are doing sets back the course of peace. It undermines peace. Only dialogue and understanding and tolerance gets peace. The Labour Party and Keir Starmer stands with you.” Sir Ed Davey, Leader Liberal Demorats also said that the government and opposition stood with Israel and the Jewish people There will be “dark days ahead” but we will defeat terrorism, he added. Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: “Of course we stand with Israel because a freedom loving country must have the support of the freedom loving world against terrorists.” Board of Deputies President, Marie van der Zyl also addressed the crowd.

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Board blast BBC ‘Hamas’ description

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lucy Frazer has backed a call by The Board of Deputies for Hamas to be described as ‘terrorists’ by broadcasters including the BBC. Frazer responded to The Board’s President Marie van der Zyl about the matter. Ms van der Zyl has written to BBC Director General Tim Davie and awaits a reply. Frazer informed the BoD leader she was horrified at the attacks by Hamas terrorists against Lucy Frazer KC MP Israel and Israeli citizens. Regarding the BBC coverage, she wrote: “I made extremely clear my view that these were acts of terror carried out by a terrorist organisation. I noted that, as you have, Hamas have been proscribed as a terrorist organisation since 2021 by the UK Government, and are designated as such by many other international organisations and governments. I asked the Director General whether the BBC was considering, in the light of this and recent events, if it was now appropriate to review their guidelines, and, if not, whether they were confident that

they were in fact abiding by their own BBC News Style Guide which specifically refers to the fact that “an action or event can be described as a terror attack or an act of terror. I strongly believe that the language used to describe these horrific attacks matters and I highlighted this to the Director General.” Frazer noted the BBC is editorially and operationally independent. Decisions around its editorial policies and guidelines are a matter for the BBC not the Government. Ms van de Zyl informed the minister the UK Jewish community was in a state of deep shock and mourning. Most had friends and family in Israel, and were horrified at the scenes of Hamas infiltrating Israeli territory. Regarding the BBC guidelines, she said it was clear they contained no acknowledgement or understanding of a situation where an organisation is involved which has been proscribed as a terror group by the British Government itself. “This sort of attitude is clearly prevalent among British news organisations,” she noted: “This attitude is incredibly insulting

to the many British Jews whose friends and families are currently under attack by genocidally antisemitic terrorists and performs a profound disservice to millions of viewers.” Ms van de Zyl added: “It is clear, particularly given the Government’s full


12 OCTOBER 2023

proscription, that Hamas should be described as what they are, terrorists.” The National Jewish Assembly are protesting outside the BBC over their bias and inaccurate coverage of the atrocities committed by Hamas on Monday. Details:

12 OCTOBER 2023

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STANDING TOGETHER WITH ISRAEL JNF UK and KKL are devastated by the tragic events unfolding in our beloved Israel. For decades JNF UK has devoted its efforts to developing the Negev, building and strengthening both new and existing communities who have chosen to make the Negev their home. Tragically many of those we have supported have endured unimaginable loss. JNF UK is providing immediate relief to these communities in crisis and is supporting our partner organisations working on the ground. Now more than ever we need your help. Just as we have done in the past, we will overcome, rebuild, and emerge stronger and greater than before.

Stand with us as we stand with them.


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Security stepped up after terror attacks BY ADAM MOSES

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has told the Community Security Trust that the Government will protect Jewish communities. Security has been increased at Jewish schools, shuls and community buildings as an increase in antisemitic incidents have been reported following the atrocities in Israel. Police will use the “full force” of the law against demonstrators showing support for Hamas. Anti-Israel slogans were heard at a rally outside the Israeli Embassy on Monday, the Met Police have reassured communities whilst British Transport Police are investigating ‘Free Palestine’ graffiti in Golders Green whilst some schools reported low attendance over parental concern. “No one should be subjected to violence or harassment because of who they are,” Braverman said in a statement. Braverman posted: “Whenever Israel is attacked, Islamists and other racists use Israeli defensive measures as a pretext to stir up hatred against British Jews. There must be zero tolerance for antisemitism or glorification of terrorism on the streets of Britain.” Scotland Yard observed in a statement: “We are aware of a number of incidents, including those that have been shared on social media, in relation to the ongoing conflict in Israel and the border with Gaza. The Met has increased policing patrols across parts of London in order to provide a visible presence and reassurance to our communities. Anyone who experiences threatening behaviour or is worried about their safety is urged to contact police. We will ensure that an appropriate policing plan is in place in order to balance the right to protest against any disruption to Londoners.” Campaign Against Antisemitism has called for swift action by British law enforcement to protect the Jewish community. CAA promised legal action if enforcement is lacking and called for the proscription of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. A spokesperson said: “CAA is appalled by the barbarism of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, both of which are proscribed terrorist organisations whose express goal is the genocide of Jews. In the past, attacks on Israel and their aftermath have been used as a pretext by antisemites and extremists in the UK to incite against and attack British Jews. To our regret, we have seen such outbreaks of antisemitism met with an utterly inadequate response by our criminal justice system. The law must be enforced, and if necessary we will take action to ensure that the authorities are held to account.” CAA added: “British Jews are over 600% more likely to be targeted by hate crime than any other individual faith group on a per capita basis, according to the Home Office, despite the fact that we comprise just 0.5% of the UK’s population. If antisemitic attacks on British Jews and expressions of support for terrorism are not acted on CAA intends to conduct private prosecutions and judicial reviews in order to secure justice. That includes bringing terrorism charges against anyone expressing support for Hamas or

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and we have already reported a number of instances to the police. Additionally, if the British Government is serious about defending British Jews from terrorism, then James Cleverly, the Foreign Secretary, must stop blocking the proscription of Iran’s IRGC and ban it as a terrorist organisation immediately. It is a critical instigator of the terrorism conducted by its proxies, of which Hamas is just one.” CAA concluded: “Those who glorify terrorism and delight in the massacre of Jews, and those who use the events still unfolding as cover for antisemitic acts should be under no misapprehension, we will pursue justice against you. We will do whatever it takes to defend the Jewish community.” Borehamwood in Hertfordshire has one of the UK’s largest Jewish communities. Council leader, Cllr Jeremy Newmark, has called for solidarity. A council statement

Suella Braverman MP

said that an Israeli flag would be flown at Elstree and Borehamwood Town Council. He reportedly noted: “I’m incredibly proud of the way in which colleagues from across the political spectrum and beyond have reacted to reassure the community that we will not allow the politics of hatred espoused by Hamas and Hezbollah to spill over onto our streets.” Newmark added that Hamas and Hezbollah were monstrous terrorist groups who posed a threat to the State of Israel and Jewish people around the world. Barnet also has a huge Jewish presence locally. Cllr Barry Rawlings, Barnet Council Leader, and Cllr Dan Thomas, Opposition Leader joined forces to support the local community. They said in a statement: “Our thoughts are with everyone caught up in the conflict in the Middle East and, in particular, those who are awaiting information on the safety of loved ones and those in our twin town of Ramat Gan. It’s been shocking to see the sheer numbers of innocent people who have been killed and injured over the last few days. “Barnet’s strength has always been in its diversity and many of our residents will be affected by the violence in some way. But we

must not let the hate spill over into our borough. We are working with our partners and our faith leaders to look at what we can do to support our communities locally and with the police to ensure our residents feel safe and protected. Anyone who experiences or witnesses a hate crime should report it to the Police or to one of the 11 independent hate crime reporting centres in our borough.” The Chief Rabbi after Simchat Torah said that British Jews had been confronted by the “unimaginable scale and unprecedented brutality” of terrorist attacks on innocent civilians across Israel. The Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council thanked Prime Minster Rishi Sunak and Opposition leader Keir Starmer for “unequivocal support” to Israel. They wrote: “At a time when the Jewish community should be partaking in the annual celebration of the renewal of our Torah, we are instead in mourning for those killed by murderous Hamas terrorists. “We stand with Israel as it seeks to restore security and reunite families. Previous conflicts have shown us that we are likely to see an increase in antisemitism here in the UK. We are in touch with the government and will be working to ensure the police support the Jewish community at this time. We urge any incidents be reported to the police and CST.” Over 300 cross-party parliamentarians sent a message of support to President of Israel Isaac Herzog. MPs and Lords from main political parties backed a statement by the All-Party Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group condemning Hamas terrorism and backing Israel’s right to self-defence. Bob Blackman, Chair of the Britain-Israel APPG, stated: “We are united in condemning Hamas’s unprovoked, surprise attack against Israel and its civilians. The footage is deeply disturbing and will have horrified people across the UK and within our constituencies and communities. We welcome the UK’s strong condemnation of Hamas’s barbaric attack and pledge to protect the UK’s vibrant Jewish community. “The attack by Iran’s Hamas proxy is a futile attempt to harm the movement for peace across the region as Israel and its Arab neighbours work jointly for a future of shared prosperity. The Abraham Accords have shown that a future of peace is possible and we celebrate the historic opportunity it presents and call for redoubled efforts to expand them. As members of all of the UK’s main political parties we stand in solidarity with Israel and its right to self defence at this time of great need.”


12 OCTOBER 2023

Chaplains stand strong in support of Jewish Students BY ADAM MOSES

Jewish Chaplains at universities across the UK are supporting students following the recent atrocities in Israel. Chaplains are ensuring Jewish students on campus feel supported, safe and valued. The news comes as social media reports illustrated students were too scared to attend a vigil at Manchester University Jewish Society. There have been solidarity gatherings on campuses organised with Jewish societies and UJS. In Birmingham, 150 students came together to offer prayers and support for Israel. In Leeds, an assembly of 200 students united in prayer and song to express their solidarity. At a local event in Oxford some 200 people were in attendance, Nottingham saw 110 students sharing concerns while Edinburgh saw 50 students coming together for a heartfelt get-together. Jewish Chaplains throughout the UK are going beyond regular responsibilities to provide guidance, comfort and a sense of belonging to Jewish students affected by the crisis. Their dedication to combating antisemitism and protecting students is essential at a challenging time. With a clear message of unity, University Jewish Chaplaincy is a beacon of support for students. Rabbi Fishel Cohen, Birmingham and West Midlands Universities Chaplain, said: “We are here for the students. No matter the circumstances, we stand with you, our students, support you, and are committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, empathy, and understanding especially at times like these when campus life can be challenging for all Jewish students.” A chaplaincy spokesman said: “The Chaplains’ unwavering commitment to students highlights the resilience and unity within the UK’s Jewish student communities. Chaplains and students plan on holding further vigils and events during this time to show support to Israel.”

A night of Chizzuk on campus

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12 OCTOBER 2023

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Chesed Within the Jewish Community The amount of Chesed coming out of average Israeli home towards the war effort is truly remarkable. The IDF have called up hundreds of thousands of reservists on a scale never seen before. Important as this is, they simply don’t have enough equipment and food for everyone. The Jewish Weekly has seen first hand accounts on the ground of desperate whatsapp messages going doing the rounds asking for all manner of items for the soldiers. As well as huge shortages in food and drink, soldiers have been sleeping rough near Gaza and Lebanon. Local civilians on the ground have raised thousands of shekels to buy much needed basic necessities such as socks, underwear, tents, mattresses, helmets, bullet proof vests, trousers, and toiletries. Individuals have driven down to army bases laden with hundreds of hot pizzas and other foods.

Letters to our heros

Financial Support

Children across the world have been writing messages of hope and respect to soldiers. Tzahal are so grateful - the are parading them on their tanks.

Companies across the globe have been giving their income to charities supporting Israel at this difficult time. Others have been giving substantial discounts when products have been purchased to be distributed to soldiers in Eretz Yisrael.

Everyone is chipping in Gur Chassidim from Arad suprised the IDF soldiers in the Nahal Brigade with dozens of pizzas and chips.

Sweet gestures!

Children in the Old City of Jerusalem have been selling candy floss, not for money but rather the payment is for the purchaser to say Tehillim.

Donate to Ezrat Achim through the Amud Hatzdokoh Trust. Call Sam 00972525565489 or email


The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper


Last Saturday, the 7th October 2023, the Jewish people suffered the worst loss of life in a single day since the Shoah. Over 1,000 are known to have been murdered in a horrific attack by Hamas when they came over the border from Gaza. I remember when they last tried to cross the border by amassing at the fence and trying to cut their way through. This was repelled by the IDF who were criticised for using lethal force to prevent these attempts. Material was found on some of the terrorists which pointed to their aims, namely to kill Jews though also as I remember no-one seemed to take this seriously. Last Saturday tragically, this aim was satisfied, to a horrific extent. There have been condemnations from political leaders and serious promises of support from the Government. By the time you read this there will have been a number of vigils around the country to remember those murdered by the brutality which is Hamas. It might be that the IDF have already gone into Gaza to deal with Hamas

once and for all. So what now? I remember that last time there was an incursion into Gaza the levels of Jew hatred soared. The demonstrations outside Kedem on King Street in central Manchester have not been forgotten by me or indeed many others who turned up to support the shop owned by Jews. More recently when there were the attempts to come through the fence, there was a dreadful example of anti-Semitism when cars from Bradford, draped with Palestinian flags drove through Jewish areas in London calling for women to be raped and murdered. Chillingly this is exactly what happened last week in those towns and villages near the border with Gaza. The world knew by Sunday morning what had happened as did our enemies here in the UK. In Manchester last Sunday the Palestine Solidarity Campaign arranged a march celebrating Hamas and their perceived victory over the Israelis. How they were allowed to do this is a complete mystery to me. Supporting the attacks in Israel could only be interpreted as one thing – supporting Hamas. Yet Hamas is a proscribed organisation and supporting it is a criminal offence, yet it was still allowed to go ahead. Similarly in

London there were a number of recorded incidents where the incursions by Hamas were openly supported and the police appear to have done nothing. I am certain that a march openly supporting the Ku Klux Klan would not go ahead so why did the police permit the Hamas supporters to walk the streets and cheer the deaths of our brothers and sisters in Israel. I have no idea, or rather I do. The idea that only people with white skin can be racist has been embedded for some time with various institutions and it appears the Greater Manchester and Metropolitan Police are no exception. That is just unacceptable. In answer to my original question as to what we do no, the answer is easy. Make donations to organisations which will directly help the injured and their families in Israel, such as Magen David Adom. At the same time complain loudly to the council and the police about allowing Hamas supporters to walk the streets. It is bad enough to have to suffer the loss of all those lives taken but to have that celebrated is not only


disgusting, it drives a coach and horses through all the promises that our community will be protected. Our voices need to be heard so that those rejoicing the murders and rapes will not. Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

Follow us

Dear Friends, We pen this heartfelt letter in the wake of the recent attack on Israel, an event of unprecedented magnitude not witnessed in the last half-century. Over the past week, we have been witnesses to unimaginable horrors, affecting both military personnel and innocent civilians. We share in your shock and disbelief at the sheer brutality inflicted upon the State of Israel by the Hamas terrorists. During these dark hours, we have also borne witness to remarkable acts of bravery. Parents shielding their children, community leaders confronting terror head-on to protect their communities, and our courageous members of the IDF, who continue to risk their lives to safeguard the land we hold dear. These acts of courage will not be forgotten; they will be recounted through the ages to inspire future generations. Since 2012, our dedicated friends and donors have steadfastly stood by our side, ensuring our ability to provide crucial financial support for the daily operations at the state-of-the-art Beit Halochem facilities across Israel. Now, more than ever, the services we offer to those who have sacrificed so much for our nation are critically needed. Even as we pen this letter, our 51,000 members and their families continue to receive the vital support they so desperately require. The management team in Israel, under the steadfast leadership of Chairman Edan Kleiman, has shared the following updates: • • • •

The establishment of a 24-hour helpline Personal check-in calls to 10,700 of our most vulnerable members living in the South and lowland regions of the country. Active involvement in evacuating families from their homes along the Gaza border. The broadcasting of messages of solidarity to our members through Beit Halochem’s online digital platform.

We also acknowledge that this conflict is regrettably likely to expand our membership. We have already received reports of numerous soldiers injured in the line of duty, and over time, they, along with many others, including victims of terror will require the services of Beit Halochem. Please rest assured that our facilities will be prepared to look after these new casualties of terror. Our older members will be there to lend a helping hand and reassure them that, regardless of their injuries, with the support of Beit Halochem, they can rebuild their lives. These are undoubtedly challenging times, but it is imperative that we maintain our optimism, believing that the sun will shine once more over the State of Israel, and peace will ultimately prevail. With profound gratitude for your unwavering support,

Andrew Wolfson BHUK Chairman

Spencer Gelding BHUK Chief Executive

For more information about Beit Halochem UK, how to get involved or to make a donation, visit our website, email or call us on 020 8458 2455


Letters to the Editor Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

IS THERE ANY HOPE Dear Editor As a former presenter of Jewish Spectrum Radio and Shalom FM, I met and interviewed several Arabs and the leader of the PLO in London, but I never believed that any group of people could become such monsters. Some years ago, the world was appalled when ISIS members beheaded hostages and sent their evil video across the world. ISIS was taken down and defeated. What Hamas is doing now is so much worse. These people are thugs and murderers. They don’t have a cause except the killing of Jews which they are doing with relish. The world reacted to ISIS and eliminated them. Also, the murderous barbarians

12 OCTOBER 2023

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that flew 2 planes into the twin towers at 9/11 were also taken down. The world forces, especially the US acted to neutralise these entities. It is the duty of the world not to just give vocal support but to join forces with the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) to defeat this monster and end Hamas for ever. The US and British forces engaged the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS in Syria etc. and now it is their duty is to support Israel to defeat this monster which, make no mistake, also threatens the whole world. The rest of the Palestinians are no friends of Hamas and I’m sure they can continue very well with out them. Hamas were only able to become inhuman monsters with the help of Iran, Russia, and China. One can see the mentality of the Russians in the way they are murdering the Ukrainians and the

Iranians who have funded and planned Hamas. Hamas could not have built thousands of deadly rockets or received arms on their own. If there is any hope for the world, then we must all unite to neutralise all these monsters. Richard Ford, Edgware SEARCHING FOR AN ANSWER Dear Editor There are two books in Tanach that deal with the question of ‘tzadik v’ra lo’ - ‘why do bad things happen to good people’: Iyov and Koheles. Iyov, painted initially as a completely righteous individual, encounters tragedy after tragedy when the Satan asks Hashem to test his faith: he loses his family, wealth, and is smitten with the most awful skin afflictions. Iyov’s three friends gather to comfort him: “They sat with him for seven days and seven nights, and no one said a word to him about his suffering. Then Iyov arose and cursed the day he was born.” The next 35 chapters detail the complex to-and-fro of Iyov and his companions - some of the most intensely complex language in all of Tanach, almost inscrutable without intense study of the mefarshim. Hashem appears, finally, in Perek 38: “Who is this who gives dark advice, words without knowledge… Where were you when I founded the earth? Speak if you have understanding!” In the next few chapters, Hashem speaks with Iyov about the utter wisdom inherent in Creation

and the limitations of the feeble human mind. The sefer concludes with Hashem rebuking Iyov’s friends and then returning life’s blessings to Iyov: “Hashem restored Iyov’s fortunes when he prayed on behalf of his friends and Hashem gave him twice as before.” Koheles deals with the great questions of life in a completely different manner, but the issues discussed are similar: the limits of faith, purpose of life, and, as before, the role of suffering in life. Koheles much like its opening lines - goes around and around. Koheles never seems to get an answer. The gemara acknowledges the danger in interpreting Koheles: “The Sages wanted to declare the book of Koheles as being outside of Tanach (lit. to hide it) because its words contradict one another. Why did they not - because its beginning and end are words of Torah…” Koheles’ appearance as the megillah for Sukkos is somewhat difficult to understand: dating to the times of the Rishonim, and possibly the Geonim (according the girsa of the Gra on Meseches Sofrim 14), its themes and despairing tone seem to contradict the themes of joy and emuna that are central to Sukkos. Many mefarshim attempt to answer the question of why it is thus read on Sukkos: the Avudaraham says it is to prevent frivolity. Others answer, based on the midrash, the Shlomo HaMelech gathered everyone together on Sukkos as part of Hakhel to read Koheles. However, it seems that really the question is not why do we read Koheles


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12 OCTOBER 2023 on Sukkos. Rather, Sukkos is the answer to the question of Koheles. One of the key themes of Koheles is that how can we experience joy when everything is futile: we grow old, we suffer, bad things happen, so how can I experience the moment. Yet Koheles said, “Go, eat your bread in gladness, drink your wine in joy…” Sukkos gives us that permission: we can enjoy life in a Sukkah, looking up to Heavens as we eat and drink. A sukkah brings us together: ‘all of Yisrael can sit in a single Sukkah’ (Sukkah 27b) (except the one in Legoland). A Sukkah can turn what is normally a public domain into a private domain (Sukkah 7) The mistake of Iyov’s friends is that they tried to confront the worst suffering with philosophy and theology. That will fail, particularly at a time of stress and sadness. Koheles and Sukkos tell us we can weather the winter when we are together - as friends, as a community, as one people - sharing a cup of coffee and slice of mezonos whilst acknowledging what goes around comes around, there is a time to kill, a time to heal, a time to break, a time to build, a time to be silent, a time to speak, a time to love, a time to hate, a time for war, a time for peace. Written with a bruised heart, teary eyes and a deep tefilla for Mashiach. Anonymous


Jewish people have been murdered, mutilated and abducted over these past grave days. These atrocities are in the place where Jews should be the safest in the world – in their ancient and eternal homeland of Israel. This horrific reality is one which pains us all. Hamas has unleashed war crimes so unthinkable that I have had to refrain from detailing their barbaric and insidious nature. We have seen terrible images of the slaughtered innocents – and the murderers who have been permitted, for over a decade, the means to arm themselves with the tools and training of terror. Among the dead and injured are Israeli Arabs proud to defend Israel alongside their Jewish neighbours. When I visited the beautiful and lush Kibbutz of Kfar Azza on a delegation with Conservative Friends of Israel, I could not have imagined the bloodbath that ensued over the past days. Now, its salt-of-the-earth residents are among the 150 hostages taken by Hamas. Others have been lost – and this is merely a sample of the horrors that unfolded. This moment will shatter the status quo

forever. In 1948, Jews took their security into their own hands – and here lies the secret of the Jewish success. It is a scornful failure of the modern world – of the United Nations and the West – that has led to this necessity again. We must not repeat the failures of past decades. Together – we must accept that it is the responsibility of us all to uphold the values of our shared international society: to defend the rights of the State of Israel and to grant its people and Government our unequivocal support. That means the sanctions and proscriptions of terror groups such as the IRGC and full support in its fight against genocidal terror groups. We must also support Jewish communities worldwide, as they again contend with antisemitism relating to events in Israel and Gaza. Only in the past 24 hours we have seen the Israeli flag ripped from the town halls of Rotherham and Sheffield. We have witnessed viscerally anti-Israel


It is time we all step up! OPINION PIECE BY DANIEL BURGER

It is less than a week since the horrendous terrorist atrocities that claimed at least 1,200 lives and sparked the war that will redefine Israel for generations to come. There is no point in me giving you a facts and figures update regarding the unbelievable lifesaving work of our teams in Israel. Because, by the time you read this, those figures will be out of date. With every rocket, siren and missile, they are changing by the minute. But what I ask you to understand is that Magen David Adom is responding in the here and now. Without hesitation, we are running into the most dangerous situations. One of our paramedics has already been murdered. One of our ambulances has been hit. Our teams are becoming accustomed to operating whilst being shot at. Let all that sink in. Whilst we try and save lives, we become targets too. The people of Israel have responded in the most unbelievable way. Volunteering, packing food parcels and donating much-needed blood. As you can imagine, the sheer number of casualties being treated both in the field and in hospitals across the country has stretched MDA’s blood supplies. We cannot collect units fast enough. Thankfully, there are queues around the block to


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donate and we were honoured that the UK’s Ambassador to Israel Simon Walters gave earlier in the week. The initial response from our community here in the UK has been overwhelming. So many people are asking how can they help, what can they do? I have told everyone the same thing and I make no apology for doing so. The people of Israel are giving their blood. We can give generously. The cost to Magen David Adom for every day that Operation Swords of Iron rages is ONE MILLION SHEKELS. That is near enough £250,000 every single day. This is not a general running cost. This is the additional amount to cope with the war. Because do not forget that the ‘normal’, everyday occurrences like women in labour, heart attacks or the elderly falling over at home do not suddenly stop when Hamas declares war. We need to raise these funds over and above to ensure that we can continue to provide the emergency medical services that Israel needs. Today, tomorrow and for as long as is needed. Wherever and whenever it is needed. Most importantly, for whoever needs it. Rockets do not discriminate between Jew and Arab, Christian and Druze. And nor do we. Magen David Adom is supported by everyone, staffed by everyone and is for everyone. Right now Magen David Adom

marches celebrate the massacre of innocents. That is why our Government has been demanding the police use its full capabilities to ensure the highest standard of prevention and security for our Jewish communities. I pledge that I will stand beside the Jewish Community of this country – as a staunch ally and as a defender of our shared ideals. Am Yisrael Chai. Lord Pickles

The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper

urgently requires a supply of blood bags, blood testing kits, bandages, tourniquets, oxygen masks, resuscitators and breathing equipment. We are also in desperate need of protective equipment such as helmets and flak jackets.

generously. Donations to the Magen David Adom UK ‘Operation Swords of Iron’ Emergency Appeal can be made at or by calling 020 8201 5900.

We might feel helpless when speaking to our friends and family in Israel but please do know that you can make a lifesaving difference in these difficult times. Please give

Daniel Burger Chief Executive Magen David Adom UK



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12 OCTOBER 2023

BBC, they ARE terrorists If ever there was an event which demonstrates the centrality of Israel to our Jewish community, it was the horrific terrorist murders and kidnappings of 7th October 2023 – a date which will forever be associated with grief and mourning. Fifty years to the day since Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur, it happened again, this time on the Festival of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. A period which is traditionally filled with happiness and rejoicing was transformed into one of profound sadness. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole of the Jewish world has been traumatised by these events, constantly replayed on social media, with images of men, women and children being murdered, kidnapped, wounded in their cars, in their homes and in the streets of their hometowns during a festival which should have been a joyous occasion.

Many of us have friends and family in Israel. Very few of us do not know someone who has lost a relative or a friend or is anxious about family members currently risking their life to defend Israel as part of the IDF. We at the Board of Deputies, in association with our colleagues at the Jewish Leadership Council, quickly decided that the community would appreciate the opportunity to come together and pay tribute to the victims of these horrible crimes. We held a vigil outside Downing Street on Monday evening and were joined by more than 4,000 people who came to pay their respects to those who were brutally killed in their hundred by Hamas terrorists and to show solidarity with everyone in Israel still attempting to come to terms with this nightmare. They came in such numbers that the Police were forced to close Whitehall to traffic for the event. Those who attended were reassured by the response of our guests on Monday – Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick and Security Minister Tom Tugendhat - both

of whom emphasised their commitment to Israel and their condemnation of this disgraceful premeditated act of mass murder. These words were reinforced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak later the same evening when he said, “We stand with Israel, the United Kingdom stands with Israel against this terrorism today, tomorrow and always.” Not everyone has been on message. Despite the callous murder, rape and kidnapping of innocent civilians, among them children and grandmothers, the BBC has still chosen not to describe the attacks as “terrorism”. Rather the corporation clings to the idea that these murderous gangs should be referred to as “militants” or perhaps “gunmen”. We wrote to Lucy Frazer, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, urging the Government to request an urgent review into the BBC’s editorial guidelines, which currently make no provision for groups proscribed as terrorist organisations in this country. She replied that, seeing as Hamas have been proscribed by the Government as a terrorist organisation, they should be described as such by the BBC. At the time of writing we await a reply from the corporation.

We are also concerned about an increase in hate crimes against Jewish people in the UK which in the past has always coincided with violence in the Middle East. Already, there has been offensive graffiti and attacks against property in Golders Green. We must all be vigilant and look out for our neighbours. There will be dark days ahead and more families will experience the loss of a loved one before this war is over. Our brothers and sisters in Israel are experiencing an unspeakable catastrophe – we must do everything we can to support them in this hour of need.

Marie van der Zyl is President of the Board of Deputies

Far-Reaching Impact of Hamas’ Invasion of Israel On October 7, 2023, the world witnessed a devastating terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli soil. The significance of the date was not lost on anyone: it was Shabbat, Simchat Torah, and the day after the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. The loss has been catastrophic, with more than 900 Israelis killed and thousands injured at the time of writing this. This dreadful event casts a long shadow that stretches far beyond the borders of Israel, its effects palpably felt in Jewish communities around the world, including the United Kingdom. The implications of this event for Jews in the UK are far-reaching and troubling. There are individuals and groups in Britain who openly support Hamas, flouting the UK Government’s designation of Hamas as a terrorist organisation. Under the Terrorism Act 2000, supporting a recognised terrorist entity is a criminal offence. The failure to hold these individuals and groups accountable is more than just a legal oversight—it is a breach of the social contract that places the safety and well-being of all citizens at its core. Accountability isn’t just the responsibility of legal institutions; it is also the remit of

the media, which plays an outsized role in shaping public perception. Take the BBC, for example. An organisation that prides itself on impartiality, the BBC frequently fails to live up to its own standards when it comes to reporting on issues concerning Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah too. When media outlets fail to refer to Hamas operatives as terrorists, or imply that the root causes of their violent acts are attributable to broader geopolitical issues like the failure of the peace process, they blur the lines of culpability. This irresponsible journalism not only muddies the waters but also creates an environment where antisemitism can and does flourish. The involvement of external actors like Iran in funding and supporting Hamas and Hezbollah further complicates the landscape. There is ample evidence to suggest that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps plays an active role in aiding Hamas. The UK Government must act decisively and label this entity as a terrorist organisation. Failure to do so undermines international efforts to combat terrorism. When Israel is attacked by one of the many genocidal Islamist extremist organisations at

its borders, the aftershocks are felt globally. In the United Kingdom, these tremors manifest as increased antisemitism, emboldened by a media that is often less than impartial and individual actors who openly support Hamas. The British Jewish community finds itself between the proverbial rock and a hard place: vulnerable to both physical violence and a toxic, biased narrative. For Britain to remain true to its principles, it must enforce existing laws that proscribe support for terrorist organisations like Hamas and the IRGC. At the same time, it must hold media organisations accountable for how they shape public perception around these grave issues. The hatred that fuels the rockets in Gaza is the same hatred that fuels antisemitism on the streets of London, Manchester, and other cities across the UK. This is most demonstrably manifest in the pro-Palestine rallies taking place across the UK staged by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement. Defending “Palestinian resistance” writ large at this moment is indistinguishable from supporting and condoning Hamas.


These tragic events serve as a grim reminder that as Jews, we are all interconnected in a global ecosystem where acts of terrorism in Israel invariably fuel hatred and violence closer to home. It is imperative that we act, and act decisively, to sever the tendrils of the terror actors and their sympathisers who relish the thought of harming us. As we navigate these unfolding events, and mourn in the immediate aftermath of that fateful day, let us be guided by a commitment to justice, truth, and the shared values that bind us as a democratic society. The fight against terrorism and bigotry is not someone else’s problem; it is a collective struggle that we must all engage in. Complacency is not an option; the stakes are simply too high. Steve Winston is the Managing Director of the National Jewish Assembly.


12 OCTOBER 2023

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We need your support The personal tragedy arising from the inhuman slaughter of innocents affects everyone and grows worse with every discovery no one is spared here. The only difference is in degree. JNF UK can already confirm that a staff member who lived in Kibbutz Nir Oz, just one of the many targeted communities is unaccounted for and assumed kidnapped into Gaza. Sagui Dekel-Chen courageously ventured from the safety of his shelter to try and protect his family and community from the infiltrating terrorists. You will have seen the photo of Tamar Kedem also from Kibbutz Nir Oz, pictured with her husband Jonny and their beautiful daughters and son. All were viciously murdered. Tamar was the manager of the music school JNF UK established in Kibbutz Magen for young students - in a renovation project of an existing kibbutz building.

Tamar, Jonny and their three children

Tamar was also due to run for the position of regional mayor in upcoming elections later this month. Kibbutz Nir Oz is just one of the many communities JNF UK has supported that

was targeted by the murderous Hamas on Saturday. To get a sense of the tragedy, of a population of 400, only 160 have survived. 240 people have either been brutally murdered or kidnapped by members of this evil regime. That is the reality of where Israel is right now. For decades, JNF UK has focused its efforts in the Negev, including helping some of the vulnerable communities closest to the Gaza border. Here, people are under the constant threat of terror from Hamas rocket fire and JNF UK has worked tirelessly to build and strengthen these communities so the residents can have a better quality of life. Kibbutz Sufa, on the southernmost border with Gaza was the subject of a wonderful JNF UK DIY renovation day earlier this year. Many energetic young volunteers came to renovate the external communal areas, only for them to be totally destroyed. We ran similar projects at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom and Moshav Netiv HaAsara, where we ran a DIY programme with the youth of the community to renovate a club specifically for them. Again, both of these vibrant communities have been wiped out. Other targeted communities include Nahal Oz, where JNF UK established a leadership programme for students. The only relief we can express for now is that Hamas decided to launch its brutality during Succot which meant that thankfully most of the resident students were away at home with their families. Yahini is a moshav where JNF UK

renovated an after-school centre; it was targeted and destroyed. As I write, JNF UK with our dedicated team on the ground, is working 24/7 with the organisations we partner with to provide all possible support to the people of Israel. We are speaking with leaders from the communtites along the Gaza border, which were attacked. Survivors from these communities have been evacuated with nothing but clothes on their backs and need urgent assistance. Thus far, we have transferred almost 200,000 NIS to 17 Kibbutzim and Moshavim, including all those m e n tioned above. The funds will cover their immediate needs, with many Kibbutz Sufa - Hard at work more request coming through. Together with volunteers from leadership programmes we have distributed over 4,000 activity packs to children in the south, who are spending days in safety rooms and shelters. These kits include arts and crafts, games and toys. The growing tensions on the Northern border have led us to initiate Operation Ir Miklat (City of Refugee) together with one of our partner organisations, Osim Shchuna, to clear, clean and fix bomb shelters in

apartment buildings, in Israel’s northern towns. We are aiming to clear thousands of unusable bomb shelters by recruiting tens of thousands of volunteers in a very short time, so they can be used to protect the people living in the North from rocket attacks. Over the past two days, dozens of shelters were fixed in Nof Hagalil, Nesher, Tzfat, Nahariya, Haifa, with many more planned for the days ahead. JNF UK has already committed 200,000 ILS for supplies, materials and logistics. In parallel JNF UK continues to support the same programme in the south where thousands of bomb shelters have already been restored. With the growing tensions on the Northern border, this project is of utmost and critical urgency and continuing financial support for all our immediate projects is crucial and will make a significant difference to Israeli lives now. As JNF UK is working tirelessly to assist with Israel’s immediate needs, we hope to turn our attention very soon to rebuilding the Negev, just as we have for many decades. With the help of British Jewry and the strength and resilience of the people of Israel, we will succeed in rebuilding what has been destroyed and see the Negev flourish again. Support JNF UK and donate here: www. Yonatan Golan is the Managing Director of JNF UK.




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With Harold Schogger

Head Teacher: Head of Kodesh:

Mrs H Hunter Rabbi S Jay

Head Teacher: Head of Kodesh:

Mrs H Hunter Rabbi S Jay


W 8742 KQJ52 95 A6

Principal: Rabbi Y Hamer

Principal: Rabbi Y Hamer


Principal: Rabbi Y Hamer

At Menorah Foundation School our children are at the heart of everything we do. Recognising each child’s unique contribution and building on their self-esteem, we learn, grow and succeed together in a community rich in the values of Torah and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to reach their The Governors of Menorah Foundation Schoolschool welcome applications for entry to potential. By achieving together as a whole community we encourage both the Nursery and life-long Reception Classes 2024. everyone to become learners and ‘reach for their star’. The Governors of Menorah Foundation School welcome applications for entry to At Menorah Foundation our children are atare thefor heart of everything we do. Applications for entry toSchool the Nursery Class 2024 children born between both the Nursery and Reception Classes 2024. and building on their self-esteem, 1Recognising Septembereach 2020 child’s and 31unique Augustcontribution 2021. You will need to submit an Application we learn, grow and succeed together Form in a community rich inofthe values of Torah Form, a Supplementary Information and a copy the child’s At Menorah Foundation School our children are at the heart of everything webirth do. and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to2023. reach their certificate. The closing date for applications is Thursday 7 December Recognising child’stogether unique contribution and building on their potential. Byeach achieving as a whole school community weself-esteem, encourage we learn, grow and succeed together a community rich in the values of Torah everyone to become life-long learnersin and for their star’. Applications for entry to the Reception Class‘reach 2024 are for children born between and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to reach their 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Applications for Reception must be potential. By achieving together as a whole school community we encourage Applications entry to theBorough Nursery Class 2024 are children between submitted to for the London of Barnet, or for your Local born Authority, by everyone to become life-long learners and ‘reach for their star’. an Application 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. You will need to submit Monday 15 January 2024 ( All supplementary Form, a Supplementary Information Form and a copy of the child’s birth information forms mustto bethe submitted to the school nofor later than Wednesday Applications for closing entry Nursery Class 2024 are born between certificate. The date for applications is Thursday 7children December 2023. January 2024. 110September 2020 and 31 August 2021. You will need to submit an Application Form, a Supplementary Information Form and are a copy of the child’s birth Applications for entry an to the Reception Class for children We will be holding open morning for 2024 prospective parentsborn on between Thursday certificate. The 2019 closing date for applications is Thursday 7 for December 2023. September and 31 August 2020. Applications Reception be 91 November 2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see themust School submitted to the London staff Borough of Barnet, or your Local Authority, by and meet School and governors. Please contact Applications entry to the Reception Class 2024 are for children born between Monday 15forJanuary 2024 ( All2023 supplementary by Applications Friday 3 November if you would September 2019 and 31 August 2020. for Reception must be information forms must be submitted to the school no later than Wednesday like to attend. submitted the London Borough of Barnet, or your Local Authority, by 10 Januaryto 2024. Monday 15 January 2024 ( All supplementary Both the Nursery application form and supplementary information form information must be open submitted to the school no later than Wednesday We will beforms holding an morning for prospective parents on Thursday can be downloaded from the school website 10 January 2024. 9 November 2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see the School ( and meet School staff and governors. Please contact We will be holding an open morning by forFriday prospective parents Thursday 3 November 2023on if you would 9like November to attend.2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see the School and meet School staff and governors. Please contact Friday 3 November 2023 if you would and supplementary information form Both the Nursery application form by like canto attend. be downloaded from the school website ( Both the Nursery application form and supplementary information form can be downloaded from the school website ( Abbots Road, Edgware, Middx, HA8 0QS Tel: 0208 906 9992 Fax: 0208 906 9993

Abbots Road, Edgware, Middx, HA8 0QS Tel: 0208 906 9992 Fax: 0208 906 9993


KQJ95 6 KJ4 Q 10 4 3


The Governors of Menorah Foundation School welcome applications for entry to Head Teacher: Mrs H Hunter both the Nursery and Reception Classes 2024. Rabbi S Jay

A A 10 9 A Q 10 8 7 6 2 K9

10 6 3 8743 3 J8752

If you would like your school to be involved please email Natasha at #AmYisraelChai 0208 905 3877

Dealer: North Vuln: E/W

Calling all children across the community to express love and solidarity through heartfelt letters or a piece of art, showing global unity and empathy. Share a letter, or a drawing, of support to soldiers currently in Israel. Let them know they’re not alone during this difficult time.

Head of Kodesh:

12 OCTOBER 2023

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

Pass Pass End


1d 4NT 5NT


1s Pass Pass


2h 5s 6h

After South had bid 2h, North asked for key cards with 4NT. When South admitted to two key cards plus the queen of trumps, North made a grand slam try by bidding 5NT, guaranteeing all the key cards and the queen of trumps. He was hoping that his partner would show him the king of diamonds. When South denied holding that card by bidding six hearts, North gave up on the grand slam. As North had made a grand slam try, West saw that it was pointless to lead his singleton diamond: it might well guide declarer into a winning line. So, West led a third-highest three of spades. After winning the first trick with the ace of spades, declarer cashed the ace of trumps to make sure that trumps were not 5-0. When both opponents followed, declarer decided to try to set up the diamonds. Rather than risk a finesse in the suit, declarer played the ace and another diamond. After winning with the jack of diamonds, East forced dummy by playing a high spade. Declarer ruffed this with the nine of trumps, then drew a second round of trumps with ten. Next, he ruffed a diamond high, thereby establishing the suit. All that remained for declarer was to draw West's two remaining trumps and claim twelve tricks: 1 spade, 1spade ruff, 5 trumps, 2 clubs and 1 established diamonds. Had trumps had been 5-0 declarer would have needed to negotiate the diamonds for one loser without being forced to ruff a diamond in hand.




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ASK THE RABBI Looking for answers? Send your question to ISRAEL REALITY CHECK

Dear Rabbi Why is everyone bemoaning this war? It was to be anticipated what with the Palestinian people just wanting a state of their own and fighting for their rights. Christine Dear Christine I’m not sure what you know or what you believe beyond what you watch or read in parts of the biased media. Firstly, even if you are right, in which world is it ever acceptable to deliberately murder innocent civilians? In which world is it ever acceptable to kidnap women and children? In which world is it ever acceptable to molest and parade women through the streets to jeering crowds? The last time that happened in the Western world was at the onset of the Holocaust. What you and other ignorant haters need to understand is that the Palestinian ethos at its core negates Jewish self-determination in any part of the land “between the River and the Sea.” Of course many will argue that this is a narrow view-point and that there is a wide range of views among Palestinians. Perhaps so. So I pose the following challenge: Bring me

12 OCTOBER 2023

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

publicly stated words (not mediated) by a Palestinian that say “we Palestinians recognise the equal right of the Jewish people, as a people, to self-determination in their historic homeland. We seek nothing more than a state of our own in the West Bank and Gaza next to the Jewish state of Israel. We understand that this means that we will never settle inside Israel in the name of ‘return’ and that all such talk of ‘return’ is over”. I think you’ll struggle to find anyone making such a declaration. The point is, they’re not fighting for “freedom” against “occupation.” They’ve made it crystal clear, especially now, but long before as well, through their words and actions, that their goal is no Jewish state in the land. The day we will hear Palestinian voices publicly and clearly recognising the equal Jewish right to self-determination in at least part of the land is the day we will have peace.


Dear Rabbi At 87 years old I am filled with so much pessimism. I have lived through it all

since Israel’s founding in 1948. But the current situation in Israel is so dire. We have never known there to be so much loss and devastation. I don’t know if we will ever be able to recover? Sidney Dear Sidney It’s easy to be pessimistic. Here we are, in the 21st century and we have experienced the single biggest loss of Jewish lives in a day, since the Holocaust. We wonder when will it all end? So it’s easy to be pessimistic. But being pessimistic never got us anywhere. If there is anything we can learn from history it’s that we have a tremendous knack for survival. We truly know survival better than any other nation. Perhaps it’s our souls which, when threatened with extinction, it goes into overdrive. I therefore prefer to be an optimist. It was after we endured the ineffable events of the Holocaust, that brave men and women, notwithstanding the trauma endured, made it their life’s mission to rebuild once more. They returned to then Palestine, they turned a desert into a land that flows with milk and honey, they created a place that every Jew, everywhere, can call home, thus ensuring never again. I therefore prefer to be an optimist. Alas such commitment comes at a price. There will always be those who could not accept; always be those who will harbour the hate no matter; always be those who exist just to try to ensure that we don’t exist. And so, even as we have our homeland we pay a heavy price in the process. We think back to so many wars, so much terror, so many lives lost. Israeli poet Tzur Erlich once reflected on the proximity of Yom Hazikoron Israel’s Memorial Day and Yom Hashoa - Holocaust Remembrance Day. He said this: “Yom Hazikaron is about the terrible price we pay for having a State of our own; Yom Hashoah is about the terrible price we paid for not having a State of our own.” The Hebrew language has two words for strength: Koach and Gevurah. Koach is the strength you need to win a war. Gevurah is the courage you need to make peace. Israel has shown both kinds of strength and made huge sacrifices in doing so. But Am Yisroel Chai – we the Jewish people, have, are and will live on! I therefore prefer to be an optimist.


Dear Rabbi A number of schools have circulated to their students about safety measures. One of the recommendations is that they wear baseball caps rather than yarmulkes on their heads. I remember some years ago a newspaper report about you decrying this and wonder about your stance on this in the present climate. Jeffrey

identity. Safety in numbers, absolutely. But “try not to look too Jewish,” NEVER! The greatest most forceful response to the pending threats that lurk out there is to stand tall and proud in your identity as a Jew – because it is only when you hold your head high and you respect yourself – and you believe in who you are and what you represent that the world takes notice. We need to summon the courage, to stand proud and tall, to speak the truth with dignity and conviction, for when we do the world listens and respect us. We have tell the world: With every ugly protest you hold condemning Israel while simultaneously attacking Jews, we stand that much straighter. With every Anti-Semitic, ignorant, malign hash-tag you tweet, we wave our banner of pride that much higher. With every prevarication you bring to the United Nations, hoping that maybe Israel will disappear when denounced on a political platform, we are reminded once more how fortunate we are to be Jewish. With every odious demonstration; every violent aspersion; every savage attack; with every lie fabricated and every abuse, we are that much prouder that we belong to a religion and to a nation where our optimism replaces pessimism and our faith exceeds our fears.

Dear Jeffrey I’ll say now what I’ve always maintained. It is wrong to advise kids to hide their Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:


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12 OCTOBER 2023

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Weekly Dvar Torah F R O M E R E TZ Y I S R A E L


After the transgression committed by Adam and Chava, each perpetrator is punished. The first punishment is assigned to the nachash (snake). It is destined to slide on its belly and be satiated with dust. There will be hatred between snakes and mankind. Then the Torah uses the following phrase – ‫ׁשּופּנּו עָ ֵקב‬ ֶ ‫ׁשּופָך רֹאׁש וְ ַא ָָּתה ְְּת‬ ְ ְ‫הּוא י‬, he will crush your head, and you will bite his heel. Literally this may be understood that man will hit the snake on the head to kill it and the snake will bite man’s heel. The Kli Yakar offers an alternative explanation that is quite appropriate for this time of year. The nachash symbolizes the evil inclination – the satan and the yetzer hara. This pasuk provides us with the strategy to overcome the yetzer hara. When the yetzer hara starts to entice us, he is like a spider web – loose strings through which one can maneuver. If we fight against the evil inclination from the

beginning, as the pasuk states: ‫ׁשּופָך‬ ְ ְ‫הּוא י‬ ‫ – רֹאׁש‬then man will be victorious. However, if we enable the yetzer hara to influence us and we follow those temptations day after day, we become entangled in a thick rope from which it is quite difficult to escape. If we wait until later to fight the yetzer hara, it will be difficult for us to overcome – ‫ׁשּופּנּו עָ ֵקב‬ ֶ ‫ – וְ ַא ָָּתה ְְּת‬that is when the “snake” will be victorious. This is the secret to overcoming the yetzer hara. We have to prevent its influence from the beginning. Once we are manipulated by the yetzer hara it is much more difficult to overcome. Often people get set in their ways. As we get older it is harder to change. This is who I am! We are in the period known as “‫ַא ֲח ֵרי‬ ‫”ה ַחִּגִ ים‬ ַ – it is a time on the one hand to try to get back to a normal schedule. Yet, it is also a time to reflect on all the items we contemplated on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The behaviors we undertook to improve our actions – both bein adam l’Makom and bein adam l’chaveiro. The

key to accomplishing our new year resolutions is to begin implementing them immediately. To take control from the start – as the pasuk states: ‫ׁשּופָך‬ ְ ְ‫הּוא י‬ ‫ – רֹאׁש‬man will be victorious if he starts off strong! In Sefer Shmuel (Shmuel II 7:5) in the middle of the night Hashem appears to Natan HaNavi and instructs him to immediately inform David HaMelech that he cannot build the Beit HaMikdash. Why did Natan have to share this disturbing news with the king in the middle of the night? Rashi suggests that David HaMelech was a “doer” – “‫מ ִהיר הּוא‬.” ָ He acts immediately. If Natan would not inform David HaMelech quickly, David HaMelech would likely initiate the construction of the Mikdash that very night. We need to execute and not just contemplate change. As we begin the new year, let’s start off on the right foot and immediately take concrete measures to implement all our undertakings. The

longer we wait the less likely we will be able to successfully fulfill our pledges. Strong beginnings lead man to victory! Rabbi Shalom Rosner is the rabbi of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh in Beit Shemesh, and teaches at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavne and Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (

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12 OCTOBER 2023

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

The Deeper Purpose of Torah Wisdom BY RABBI SHMUEL REICHMAN

As we begin the new Torah cycle, let’s take a moment to contemplate the deeper purpose of Torah. Some may refer to the Torah as a history book; others may think of it as a book of law or a source of Jewish wisdom. While these are all true, they only scratch the surface of the Torah’s true nature. Torah is not simply a guide to living a life of truth within this world; it is the blueprint and DNA of the world itself. Our physical world is a projection and emanation of the deep spiritual reality described in the Torah. This is the meaning behind the famous Midrash, “Istakel b’Oraisa u’bara alma — [Hashem] looked into the Torah and used it to create the world.” (Bereishis Rabbah 1:1). Torah is the spiritual root of existence; the physical world is its expression. Imagine a projector: the image that you see on the screen emanates from the film in the projector so that everything you see on the screen is simply an expression of what’s contained within the film. So too, every single thing that we see and experience in the physical world stems from the spiritual root — the transcendent dimension of Torah. To illustrate further, the trees you see outside originally stemmed from a single seed. Similarly, each and every one of us originated from a zygote, half a male and half a female genetic code. From that single cell ultimately manifested a fully developed and expressed human being. You are the expression of your original seed, just like the world is the expression of its original seed and root — the Torah. Thus, the world in which we live is an avenue to the spiritual; we can access the spiritual, transcendent world through the physical world because the two are intimately and intrinsically connected. To relate to this concept, think of the way in which other human beings experience and understand you. All they can see of you is your physical body. They cannot see your thoughts, your consciousness, your emotions, or your soul. All they can see are your actions, words, facial expressions, and body language, i.e., the ways in which you express yourself within the world. They cannot see your inner world, but they can access it through the outer expressions that you project. The same is true regarding human beings trying to experience Hashem and the spiritual. We cannot see the spiritual; we cannot see what is ethereal and transcendent, only that which is physical. However, we can use the physical to access the spiritual; we can study the Torah’s expression in this world to understand its spiritual root. To fully grasp the depth of this concept, we must understand the nature and purpose of a mashal. A mashal is an analogy, an example one gives in order

“They cannot see your thoughts, your consciousness, your emotions, or your soul. All they can see are your actions, words, facial expressions, and body language.” to explain an abstract, conceptual idea to one who does not yet understand it. If a teacher wants to share a deep principle with his or her students, they might share a story or analogy that depicts the idea through a more relatable medium. While the mashal does not fully convey the idea itself, it leads the listener toward it, aiding him or her in the process of understanding. Deep ideas cannot be taught, as they are beyond words. They can only be hinted to and talked about. The job of the teacher is to guide the student toward the idea until the idea falls into the student’s mind with clear understanding. A mashal serves as a guiding force in this process, leading the student toward an understanding of that which defies simple explanation.

the physical world and understand how to trace ourselves back to our ultimate Source, Hashem. And as we begin the new parsha cycle, I invite you to get a copy of my parsha sefer, “The Journey to Your Ultimate Self,” and take this journey with me into the deepest and most inspiring ideas of Torah thought. This sefer serves as an accessible and inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish wisdom, living a life of higher truth, and achieving your ultimate purpose. It is organized according to the weekly parsha, providing a consistent for learning and spiritual growth. The ideas in this sefer are rooted in the full range of Torah wisdom, spanning Tanach, Gemara, Midrashim, and the writings of

classical Jewish thinkers, including the Maharal, Ramchal, Nefesh Ha’Chaim, R’ Tzadok, and Sfas Emes. And each chapter concludes with a summary to help you remember the main concepts and ideas, as well as action points and discussion questions to help close the gap between intellect and action. I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you as we continue journeying to our ultimate selves! . Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:

This process itself can be understood through a mashal. You cannot teach someone how to ride a bike. You can only help them, holding on while they practice, and perhaps showing them an example of how it is done. Ultimately, though, you must let go, and the student will have to learn how to ride independently. (This is a mashal to help explain the concept of a mashal. Think about that.) Once you learn how to ride a bike, it’s hard to imagine not being able to ride one. We often can’t understand what took us so long to learn. Yet, despite the fact that we now know how to ride a bike, we will not be able to explain how to ride a bike to someone else. It is simply beyond words. A mashal is the only tool a teacher can use to teach spiritual truths; the learning and understanding must be done within the inner mind of the student. If this is true, how can we relate to and understand the spiritual world? We cannot see, touch, or feel the spiritual. Thus, if all learning occurs through the use of analogy, what mashal did Hashem give us to help us access spiritual truths? The ultimate mashal is the world itself. The physical world guides us toward deeper, spiritual truths. Everything in this world is a mashal — a tool guiding us toward a deeper reality. Every physical object, every emotional phenomenon, every experience in this world is part of a grand mashal leading us toward the root of all existence. With the Torah as our guide and teacher, we can navigate

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TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

12 OCTOBER 2023

Torah from Israel Avinu Malkeinu BY RABBI MOSHE TARAGIN

No words. No breath. Our hearts are dizzied with shock and trauma and burning tears stream down our cheeks. Our people and our land suffered their worst day in the 75-year history of our state. More Jews were killed on this one day than on any single day since the Holocaust. The pain and suffering are indescribable, the fear is palpable, and the mourning is overwhelming. I feel uncomfortable writing anything. There is absolutely nothing to say while so many are still suffering, while so many are being buried, while so many are fighting for their lives, and while so many are in the line of fire. This is not the time for “ideas”, or the time to draw larger conclusions, or to search for meaning. It is a time to cry and cry. For our people and for our land. For the name of Hashem which was so horribly desecrated. I only write to provide basic “guidance”, and to recommend a few responses, not that there is any protocol for a catastrophe like this. Most of these “responses” to this disaster are self-evident, but on the slim chance that they aren’t, it is worth repeating them. Larger conversations about the ramifications of this tragedy will have to wait until a more appropriate time.


Though tefilla is always central to our relationship with Hashem there is a specific mitzvah to daven during a time of crisis, or an eit tzarah. The Torah describes the prototypical eit tzarah as ‫ל־הַּצַ ר ַהֹּצ ֵֹרר ֶא ְתכֶ ם‬ ַ ַ‫י־תבֹאּו ִמלְ ָח ָמה ְְּב ַא ְרצְ כֶ ם ע‬ ָ ‫וְ ִ ֽכ‬ The most severe form of national crisis occurs not only when we are at war but when the war assaults our country. It has been 50 years since we last experienced war in our own country during the Yom Kippur War. This is far worse. During the Yom Kippur war the battles were waged along empty borders in sparsely populated areas, limiting the amount of civilian casualties. Sadly, we have currently suffered a massive pogrom directed at our own people. There is no other word to describe this vicious premeditated attack designed solely for the purpose to kill and kidnap as many innocent people as possible, including elderly and babies. If there ever were an eit tzarah, this is it. The special mitzvah to daven during an eit tzarah can be accomplished by adding tefilot, and some have added avinu

malkeinu Though every perek of tehilim is effective, the perakim which most directly petition Hashem for salvation from heartless enemies include: 2,7,9,13, 20,22,23,27,44,55,59,60,70,74,79,80,83,12 1,and 130. Even without adding extra tefilot, the mandate of eit tzarah demands that we invest more deeply in our routine tefilot. This extra commitment can be attained through better minyan attendance or better decorum and discipline while davening. Mere awareness that our tefilot possess an added dimension can often deepen the experience, even without any inserting additions. There are lives hanging in the balance and a Jew’s first response is to daven to the Redeemer of our people to send us redemption.


The scenes are already apocalyptic and will only get worse. Thousands of lives have been shattered by senseless hatred of our people. Hundreds of funerals in the span of a few days is unfathomable. Even for those who haven’t been directly impacted by the tragedy, there is a basic human and religious responsibility to sympathize and identify with the suffering of the direct victims. Obviously, with few exceptions, any celebratory events or even enjoyable social events should be cancelled. Additionally, until the intensity of our national mourning subsides recreational media consumption should be curbed. It is unthinkable that while we are burying hundreds of korbanot a Jew is relaxing and watching a sporting event or a movie. Part of living Jewish history is the responsibility to identify with tragedy.


Whenever a tragedy occurs moral introspection is mandated, and certainly a catastrophe of this magnitude requires self-examination. It is impossible to play G-d and to know what causes such tragedy. It is always easiest to critique others and to lay the blame on someone else or something else. Instead, each person should look inward, at themselves and their communities to identify areas for improvement. Hashem is sending us a message. Though we don’t exactly know the specifics of the message, it is crucial to personalize the experience and look for individual paths for improvement, and not just harp upon collective issues which are always less manageable. Hashem expects us to respond to a crisis

by improving our religious behavior.


The ways of Hashem elude human comprehension and we certainly can’t wrap our minds around this catastrophe. Yet, our bitachon assures us that Hashem has some purpose for allowing this to occur. Faith also demands that we have confidence that, in the long run, Hashem has our best interests in mind and cares for and redeems His people. This is a dark hour in modern Jewish history and is not a time for simple faith. We cannot be afraid to ask genuine questions but also cannot be dispirited when we are thwarted in attempts to uncover answers.

“These horrific events These horrific events cannot shatter our cannot shatter our deep belief that our return to our ancient homeland is part of a larger historical redemption. Our country has seen very deep belief that our dark days before, and though the trauma of this day far surpasses anything we return to our ancient have endured in the past, the wheels of redemption continue to turn. homeland is part of a For some reason over the past few days, witnessing the grotesque and nauseating larger historical images, I kept thinking about the pogroms which battered our people about redemption” 120 years in 1905. According to some


reports we suffered over 600 pogroms in one year. There is one difference though between 1905 and 2023. We have our land and we have our army and despite whatever shortcomings were exposed, our army, with Hashem’s help will punish the murders and continue to protect us. In the aftermath of the Yom Kippur war my Rebbe, Harav Yehuda Amital cited a midrash which would become a staple of his as he wrestled with demoralizing national events. Commenting on the fact that in Shir Hashirim Hashem is compared to a gazelle, the midrash elaborates: ‫ גואל האחרון‬... ‫מה הצבי הזה נגלה וחוזר ונכסה כך‬ ‫נגלה להם וחוזר ונכסה מהם‬... A deer is so swift and furtive that almost immediately after it appears, it disappears from view. Its disappearance doesn’t mean that it has entirely left the scene. Redemption can have lags, and lulls, and even terrible setbacks but once the process begins is unfolds with inevitability. This tragedy tests us to maintain our resolve and our vision that we are part of a larger historical trajectory. Our faith survived the Holocaust and I”h we hope


and daven that with His help our faith will survive this incalculable tragedy. It takes great faith to participate in the final chapters of history. We pray to Him to give us strength and faith to navigate the sorrow and pain of this process. There is a fabled song with ancient roots, which was sung by many European Ashkenazic communities on Simchat Torah. This song describes Hashem observing us celebrate Simchat Torah and remarking that our love for Him is so impressive “that we even ignore our suffering and celebrate His Torah“. We ask Hashem to allow us to celebrate His Torah without any more suffering. (written Sunday, October 8)

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

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For the latest updates on events in Israel and to learn how YOU can assist, refer to our comprehensive resource hub for the UK's Jewish Community. The Jewish Leadership Council is actively collaborating with our members across the community to provide robust support and address the evolving situation in Israel and its significant ripple effects within the UK Jewish community. The JLC stands ready to support the Jewish community and all those impacted by the horrifying attack on Israel. Am Yisrael Chai.

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was created, with land masses forming. On the fourth day it was time for the sun, moon and stars to be set and on the fifth day, the fish, bird and reptiles. On the sixth day of creation, Hashem created animals and man. Formed from the dust of the ground the first man was named “Adam”. Hashem saw that it was no good for man to live alone and therefore created a wife for him. She was named Chavah. Hashem places Adam and Chavah into the Garden and Eden and informs them that they may eat the fruit from any tree they wished...besides for one. The Tree of Knowledge was off limits. The famous snake, which could then walk and talk and do a host of other things, was jealous of the marriage which was enjoyed by Adam and Chavah,

Welcome back to a fresh start! We begin the Torah once again with Bereshit! The Torah gives a description of the very beginning of time. All religious or not - agree today that the world had a beginning, and we can see from the complex design of the creation that the world had a Creator. The Torah describes creation as taking 6 days and to remember that, for six days a week we engage in activity and on Shabbat, we rest as did G-d in His Own way, rest on Shabbat. On the first day, Hashem created light and darkness and uttered the famous words, “Let there be light”! This light, we are told, was hidden away until the Moshiach comes. On the second day, the heavens were separated from the earth. On the third day the vegetation


to Hashem, but when Hevel brought a more choice offering and Kayin a stingy one, it was obvious to them that Hashem had accepted Hevel’s over Kayin. Kayin was very angry (anger which stemmed from jealousy) and did the unthinkable – he killed his brother. He too was punished, but his ultimate punishment was postponed for seven generations, when his descendant accidentally killed him. Finally, the Sidra lists the ten generations between Adam and Noach. They were in decline throughout and their warnings to repent fell on deaf ears. This leads to next week’s Sidra where we learn all about the epic flood

approached Chavah and convinced her that it would be ok for her to eat from the forbidden fruit. When she did so, she approached Adam and convinced him to do the same. Now that both had eaten, they feared Hashem. Their fate was sealed though. Man had committed his first sin, disregarding boundaries and disobeying the word of Hashem and was therefore subject to punishment. Adam and Chavah were both banished from the Garden of Eden and Adam was cursed with having to “sweat” in order to feed himself (and his family) and Chavah with physical suffering and difficult childrearing. Adam and Chavah had two children at first – Kayin and Hevel. Both of the children wanted to bring an offering

Parasha Stats









































































Number of Lines in the Sefer Torah - 241

























Number of Verses - 146

















































Facts about Parashat Bereshit.

Number of Words - 1931 Number of Letters 7235












6 Answers

1. A drop in the ocean 2. Scrambled Eggs

3. Three wise men 4. Pie in the Sky



5. Travel over seas 6. Doctor Dolittle

12 OCTOBER 2023


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Tangram Challenge! Using all the shapes on the left can you make the helicopter shape on the right?

Word Wheel The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Use the area below to write the words you have found.






Last week’s words


Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more! aim ain ais ami ani cis ins ism

iss mic min mis nim sic sim sin

sis uni aims ains amin amis anis asci

cain inca inia isms main mica mics mina

mini miss muni nims nisi sain sics sima

sims sins unai unci acini amici amins amiss

amnic animi cains cumin incus mains manic micas

minas minis minus mucin munis music nisus sains

sasin simas sinus umiac unais uncia acinus amicus

aminic animis animus anisic casini cumins manics mucins

musics saimin simian umiacs saimins simians musician musicians



Q: What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A: A stick!

1. What has a neck but no head? 2. What 5-letter word typed in all capital

Q: How does a cucumber become a pickle? A: It goes through a jarring experience!

3. I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. What am I?



Q: Why can’t Elsa from Frozen have a balloon? A: Because she will “let it go, let it go.”!

1. A bottle 2. SWIM 3. A Feather

Q: What did one toilet say to the other? A: You look a bit flushed!

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12 OCTOBER 2023




Moving to a care home for people with low to moderate care needs Many people who decide to move to a care home find that there are many benefits to making the decision. It could be that they have been living at home on their own and are feeling less confident in living independently. Their carer may be leaving, they may have had a fall or been unwell or in hospital and can see their care needs are changing. Jewish Care’s Kun Mor & George Kiss home has a new residential care household that opened in June and is a beautiful place to live for people who aren’t living with dementia and who have low to moderate care needs. It can be reassuring and bring peace of mind for older people and their relatives to know that there are dedicated, caring staff who know you and are there to support your wellbeing and independence. There is assistance available 24 hours a day if you need it. The social aspect of being part of a community can be stimulating and there are opportunities to be independent and active, taking advantage of all the facilities in a home with a range of enriching, meaningful and varied onsite activities. At Kun Mor & George Kiss home, part of The Betty & Asher Loftus Centre, these are organised by Jewish Care’s dynamic Living Well Team and include concerts, the beautiful gardens and involvement in the Shabbat and festival services at the Wohl Synagogue, as well as welcoming visits by family and friends. There’s also the added warmth of living in a Jewish care home with Jewish life and traditions to and delicious Kosher food as part of a community. The new household on the top floor of Kun Mor & George Kiss home opened in June and benefits from a private terraced area and patio and each bedroom has its own ensuite shower room. If you would like to find out more information or to book a private tour, please contact our Living with Jewish Care Team, or call 020 8922 2200 or visit

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