The Jewish Weekly Issue 295 - September 28th

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Israeli Tourism minister visits Saudi Arabia

Israel has taken a landmark step in its hopes of agreeing a normalisation agreement with Saudi Arabia.

Tourism Minister Haim Katz is the first Israeli minister to formally visit Saudi Arabia.

Katz began a three-day visit on Tuesday and is attending the conference of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation in Riyadh. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu authorised the trip.

Katz reportedly told Kan News, “The prime minister understands that tourism is a bridge to peace, a bridge to economy, that dialogue does that.”

He also told Israeli media, “After 48 years, Israel was chosen to lead a strategic delegation. We

were warmly received in Riyadh by officials. I estimate that we will meet many delegations at the conference, those with whom we have relations, and, I estimate, also with those with who we don’t really.”

Katz is expected to meet ministers from Arab nations.

“Cooperation on matters of

tourism is a bridge between peoples,” he reportedly said. “This partnership has the potential of economic prosperity. I will work to advance Israel’s foreign and tourism relations.”

It has been reported Minister of Communication Shlomo Karhi and Likud’s David Bitan will visit the Gulf nation next week.

Saudi Arabia’s first Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Nayef al-Sudairi, meantime, visited Ramallah to meet with the PA Chairman, noting it was the start of strengthening relations.

Katz’ visit follows growing hopes of a deal with the Saudis. Netanyahu and President How Biden spoke of their aspirations for peace when they met in New York last week.

SUCCOT SHABBAT & YOM TOV BEGIN SHABBAT ENDS YOM TOV DAY 2 ENDS London 18:29 19:27 19:25 Manchester 18:36 19:38 19:35 Leeds 18:30 19:39 19:36 Liverpool: 18:36 19:44 19:41 Birmingham: 18:32 19:39 19:36 Antwerp 19:07 20:13 20:10 Bournemouth 18:32 19:38 19:35 Gateshead 18:30 19:40 19:37 Jerusalem 17:51 19:03 19:01 28 SEPTEMBER 2023/ 13 TISHREI 5784 @TheJewishWeekly 295 WISHING ALL OUR READERS A CHAG SAMEACH! NEXT ISSUE ON THURSDAY 12TH OCTOBER
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‘Yids’ daubed on pub before derby clash

Jewish organisations have condemned graffiti, including the word ‘Yids’, daubed on a pub used by Arsenal fans close to the Emirates Stadium before the north London derby between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur last Sunday.

It has been reported that images of The Brewer pub sprayed in paint on the front door and a window along with ‘THFC’ were taken the night before the derby clash and removed by Sunday morning.

Jonathan Metliss, Chairman of Action Against Antisemitism, said: “This is wholly unacceptable and creates a dangerous precedent. If caught the perpetrators should be severely punished.

“Sadly, there are echoes here of historic antisemitic and racist activity. The ‘Y’ word are three letters that are often thrown away by people who may claim that they don’t fully appreciate their collective meaning but everyone should be aware that it is a racially offensive word. Its use is a disparaging and belittling sense a hate crime. This word and variants have been used throughout history by extremists to demonise and persecute a minority.”

Metliss added: “AAD has consistently and vigorously campaigned for the abolition of the chanting of the ‘Y’ word and variants such as ‘Yiddo’, ‘Being a Yid’ and ‘Yid

Army’ by Tottenham supporters as provoking and acting as a catalyst for antisemitic behaviour. Tottenham Hotspur FC have themselves endorsed this view as have the Community Security Trust.”

Dave Rich, CST, reportedly wrote: “Daubing ‘YIDS’ like this is antisemitic. It’s the same graffiti my grandparents had to put up with from Mosley’s fascists and the idea that Spurs fans are ‘reclaiming’ it is nonsense. It has to stop.”

Arsenal hold an antisemitism workshop for employees on October 12. Sessions will be delivered with the help from the Jewish Gooners group.

Barry Frankfurt, Jewish Gooners, reportedly said: “The motivation is irrelevant. This is antisemitism and it must end. Yid is not an appropriate nickname and to see graffitied like this is shocking.”

Metliss praised Arsenal and Tottenham for wishing supporters a peaceful and meaningful Yom Kippur.

He also noted the establishment of the new Chelsea Jewish Supporters group to promote Jewish identity and culture at Chelsea is encouraging.

Arsenal FC recently banned five supporters for antisemitic behaviour and obtained a conviction and sentencing of a supporter for chanting ‘Hitler should have finished the job’ at last season’s north London derby at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

Thousands to take part in Jerusalem march

Tens of thousands of people from around the world are set to take part in the annual 68th Jerusalem march on Wednesday.

IDF soldiers, groups, marching bands, street artists and dance troupes will participate.

Entertainment includes the Mayumana troupe and singer Dudu Aharon, dance performances and children’s activities. The Old City walls and Chords Bridge will be illuminated.

The largest and oldest march in Israel is a tradition of the city of Jerusalem during the intermediate days of Succot. The march is divided into three routes.

In a statement, the Municipality of Jerusalem said, “We invite all the residents of the city as well as visitors to come to the traditional Succot celebration, breathe the mountain air that is clear as wine, march in the scenic and historic streets of Jerusalem, and enjoy the festive celebration for children.”

The Mayor of Jerusalem’s Succah in Safra Square is also set to be a smash hit again this year.

The ‘biggest’ succah in the world holds up to 650 people and opens after Shabbat with family activities. It closes on Friday, October 6.

During the intermediate days of Succot admission is free (10.30am to 11pm) with plays, musical performances, virtual reality activities, a balloon workshop and Jerusalem Quiz.

Klezmer performances take place at Jaffa Gate and the Jewish Quarter.

In a statement, the Municipality of Jerusalem noted: “We have invested a lot of thought, attention and resources to bring joy to residents of the city and visitors, enhance the

special experience in our capital and welcome the Succot holiday in a festive manner. We have prepared a rich and diverse program for the whole family throughout the city, with events and ceremonies in the spirit of the holiday, along with cultural and art events for the whole family.”

The sides of the succah are covered with verses about Jerusalem from the Bible and photos of the city.

President Isaac Herzog and First Lady Michal host celebrations in an open Succah at their residence on Tuesday under the theme ‘Sport: A Game For All in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sport. The event includes a ninja track, paralympic goalball, acrobatics display, graffiti wall and a chance to be photographed with Israeli soccer’s State Cup.

Herzog noted: “This is an educational event celebrating Israeli sporting achievement, and at the same time a chance to stress the importance of eradicating violence and discrimination in sport.”

Minister of Culture and Sport, Miki Zohar added: “Sport represents a whole world of experience, society, education, values and teamwork. Only by listening and showing restraint and kindness can we all unite and enjoy quality and valuable sports.”

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Mayor of Jerusalem Moshe Lion PHOTO: GOV.IL The succah in Safra Square, Jerusalem PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK

Israel commemorates 50 years of Yom Kippur War

Memorial ceremonies have commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant attended a state service on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on Monday.

President Isaac Herzog addressed a ceremony at Yad LaShiryon, Latrun to mark the war.

Netanyahu recalled the hasty mobilisation, shelling, forces’ distress calls on radio then radio calls within a few days by IDF forces as they stormed toward the Arab capitals.

He also recounted an uncompromising commitment to the land and State of Israel.

Netanyahu said: “Under the command of then IDF Chief-of-Staff David Elazar, ‘Dado’, we did what almost no other military in the world has succeeded in doing, to turn the first blow that we received on two fronts into a crushing campaign deep in the enemy’s territory.”

Netanyahu linked the conflict to today in terms of potential peace accords.

He noted: “Today, many countries in the Middle East want peace with Israel. Together with our friend the United States, we are striving to realise this agreement (with Saudi Arabia), knowing that it will dramatically change the face of the region and strengthen our country’s status for generations. Expanding the circle of peace is a

historic opportunity and I am completely committed to it, while upholding our country’s vital interests, especially security.

“None of this would be possible without the spirit of sacrifice and heroism displayed by our soldiers in the Yom Kippur War. But the turnaround they brought was achieved at the terrible price of thousands of fallen and wounded. The lesson that we learned from the Yom Kippur War is always before our eyes. We must not make light of the threats before us. We will thwart those who rise up to kill and destroy us. We will always do everything necessary to defend our country and we will always remember our loved ones who have fallen in the campaign for our existence.”

Herzog addressed regional developments and ongoing challenges faced by Israel before the festival on Sunday.

He said: “These are challenging and difficult, even dangerous, days for us as a society and as a country. Socially, economically and most importantly from a security perspective, the internal crisis poses a threat.

Herzog added: “At the time when we mark the anniversary of that terrible war, it is time for soul-searching. If we don’t draw lessons from the war, if we continue to be held prisoner to paradigms, if we continue to walk with our heads in the sand, if we miss opportunities for a peaceful home within there will be a heavy price to pay. National resilience and state security are

directly related to the internal Israeli situation. Our elected officials must internalise this well.”

Herzog paid tribute to the sacrifice of IDF soldiers, noting: “Never must we be caught unprepared. We must not slump into arrogance, with a lack of deterrence and lack of warning. But an equally central lesson, is in the readiness for peace, the recognition of opportunities, which we later learned can change the face of the entire Middle East. The peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, and the Abraham Accords, have proven that the Israeli yearning for peace is just, and that the State of Israel has reached out and will continue to reach out to all its neighbours near and far.”

Herzog welcomed the possibility of a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia. He concluded: “The heroes of the Yom Kippur War could scarcely have imagined such developments. But the historical process of the integration of the State of Israel in the Middle East, a process that began with the peace agreement with Egypt and stretches to the existing stage of contacts with Saudi Arabia, is due to you. To your heroism, thanks to your sacrifice and thanks to the uncompromising belief in the justness of our path, in the defense of our homeland and pursuit of peace.”

“Generations upon generations have built a wondrous country and society here. So many have sacrificed for this country, that which they loved most of all. Let’s rise above the differences, reach out, make every effort to understand, respect, listen and accommodate.”

Prime MInister Netanyahu at the Yom Kippur War ceremony PHOTO: AMOS BEN GERSHOM (GPO)

Bibi addresses UN Congress

Saudi Arabia will create a new Middle East and bring Jewish and Muslim religions closer together Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly in a keynote address.

A sparse gathering included a Saudi Arabian delegate who applauded his speech.

Netanyahu’s UN speech was broadcast live in Saudi Arabia and culminated a week-long visit that included a meeting with US President Joe Biden. Overviewing the high-profile trip, he observed: “I think we achieved much on the visit and intend to bring good things for Israel.”

Netanyahu warned the Assembly when he last addressed them in 2018 about the “tyrants of Tehran” who were a curse to their “own people, region and entire world”. At the time he explained that the threat of Iran had brought Israel and Arab states closer than in his lifetime and a day would come when Israel expanded peace beyond Egypt and Jordan to other Arab neighbours.

Delegates, then, dismissed his optimism as “wishful thinking” as only a peace agreement with the Palestinians would see agreements from Arab states. That narrative, however, had changed due to peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. Netanyahu still seeks peace with the Palestinians but they must not be given a veto over new peace treaties with Arab states.

He explained. “Making peace with more Arab states would increase the prospects of making peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinians are only 2% of the Arab world. When the Palestinians see most of the Arab world has reconciled itself to the Jewish state, they too will be more likely to abandon the fantasy of destroying Israel and finally embrace a path of genuine peace with it.

“The Abraham Accords were a pivot of history. Trade and investment with our new peace partners are booming. Our nations cooperate in commerce, energy, water, agriculture, medicine, climate and many other fields. There's no question, the Abraham Accords

heralded the dawn of a new age of peace.”

Netanyahu hailed a visionary corridor across the Arabian Peninsula and Israel connecting India to Europe with maritime links, rail links, energy pipelines and fibre-optic cables.

And he said that antisemitism must be rejected on the left or right, halls of universities or at the UN.

Netanyahu said that he and President Joe Biden shared the same optimism for what can be achieved in terms of peace and then castigated the Iranian regime.

“Iran continues to spend billions to arm its terror proxies,” he said. “It continues to extend its terror tentacles in the Middle East, Europe,

Asia, South America, even North America. Iran continues to threaten international shipping lanes, hold foreign nationals for ransom and engage in nuclear blackmail. Iran’s drones and missile program threaten Israel and our Arab neighbours. And Iran's drones have brought and bring death and destruction to innocent people in the Ukraine.

“Yet the regime’s aggression is largely met by indifference in the international community. Sanctions must be snapped back and above all, Iran must face a credible military threat. As long as I am Prime Minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons.”

Netanyahu talked about the AI revolution where developments will be spearheaded by a handful of nations including Israel. But there were perils that included a disruption of democracy, minds, crime, hacking systems and AI-driven wars.

Israel’s leader said there could be tailored healthcare, genetic composition and predictive medicine, and an end to traffic jams, personalised education, clean energy and natural resources for all nations.

Netanyahu called on world leaders to shape the future in a “responsible and ethical way”.

During a series of meetings with world leaders Netanyahu met UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, calling on him to change the organisation’s criticism of the State of Israel and to condemn Iranian and Palestinian terrorism against Israelis. Netanyahu discussed international issues with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, global AI implications with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and a highlight was meeting former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Henry Kissinger PHOTO: GPO



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CAA’s ‘Waters’ documentary

A Campaign Against Antisemitism documentary showcases e-mails and interviews from an investigation into allegations of antisemitism by Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters.

CAA has tracked Waters’ views on Jews. Waters insists he is not an antisemite, but CAA reveal e-mails from Waters and interviews with his former saxophonist, Norbert Statchel, and music producer Bob Ezrin recounting incidents.

Gideon Falter, CAA Chief Executive, said Waters had used his enormous platform to bait Jews. “The release of The Dark Side of Roger Waters puts the evidence we obtained in the hands of the public,” he noted. “It is hard to imagine a rock star emblazoning the N-word above their concerts, but Mr Waters demanded that his crew do exactly that with the K-word. Not only that, but he seems to have spent time humiliating and harassing his Jewish staff. One cannot help but watch this film and wonder what kind of person uses their power to this effect. Is Roger Waters an antisemite? People can make up their own minds.”

CAA’s scrutiny was led by investigative journalist John Ware.

Waters plays London Palladium on 8th and 9th October. CAA has written to Palladium owner, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Live Nation Events, the organiser. View the documentary on antisemtism. org/rogerwaters or follow @antisemitism on X or YouTube.

Herzog welcomes new ambassadors

President Isaac Herzog has officially welcomed the latest diplomatic credentials of new ambassadors to Israel.

Emissaries from Cote d'Ivoire, Peru, Cyprus, United Kingdom, France, Ireland and Brazil attended official ceremonies at Herzog’s Residence.

Each ambassador was welcomed by an IDF honour guard. After presenting diplomatic credentials, Herzog met with each ambassador and delegation. First to present credentials was the incoming Ambassador of Cote d'Ivoire, Fe'ni Kouakou. During their conversation, Herzog said: “The relations between our countries are excellent and we have built historic cooperation that stems from the love of the Bible, humanity and a pursuit of peace. I hope we can advance relations between our countries.”

Kouakou invited Herzog to his country for a state visit.

Herzog spoke with the new Ambassador of Cyprus, Kornelios S. Korneliou about ongoing efforts to expand cooperation in energy and strategic relations between Israel and Cyprus as an example for the region.

The incoming Ambassador of the UK, Simon Walters, presented his diplomatic credentials to Herzog, who said: “Britain has an important standing in the Middle East. There are many areas for our governments to discuss, chief among them the

issue of Iran.”

Herzog added: “Iran is not only a threat to the Middle East, but a threat to the entire world. The British Government's position regarding Iran has been very firm.”

French Ambassador Frederic Journes told Herzog: “The challenges facing our country, among them Hezbollah's activity in Lebanon and Iran's refusal to cooperate with IAEA inspectors, must be a red alert for your government.”

Herzog told Journes there was a particular “historical connection” with France as his late great grandfather was the Chief Rabbi of Paris.

He noted: “The relationship between our countries is like no other. It is an intellectual

and strategic friendship.”

Journes was followed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland, Sonya McGuinness.

Herzog congratulated the Ambassador, noting: “Ireland and Irish culture are deeply respected in Israel. You can do much to promote relations between our peoples.”

Last to present diplomatic credentials was the new Ambassador of Brazil, Frederico Meyer.

Herzog commented: “Brazil is a popular and beloved country among the Israeli public. We would be happy to host your leadership in Israel and assist in promoting trade and diplomatic relations between our countries.”

President Herzog with Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Simon Walters PHOTO: HAIM ZACH (GPO)

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At Menorah Foundation School our children are at the heart of everything we do. Recognising each child’s unique contribution and building on their self-esteem, we learn, grow and succeed together in a community rich in the values of Torah and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to reach their potential. By achieving together as a whole school community we encourage everyone to become life-long learners and ‘reach for their star’.

The Governors of Menorah Foundation School welcome applications for entry to both the Nursery and Reception Classes 2024.

At Menorah Foundation School our children are at the heart of everything we do. Recognising each child’s unique contribution and building on their self-esteem, we learn, grow and succeed together in a community rich in the values of Torah and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to reach their potential. By achieving together as a whole school community we encourage everyone to become life-long learners and ‘reach for their star’.

Applications for entry to the Nursery Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. You will need to submit an Application Form, a Supplementary Information Form and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The closing date for applications is Thursday 7 December 2023.

The Governors of Menorah Foundation School welcome applications for entry to both the Nursery and Reception Classes 2024.

At Menorah Foundation School our children are at the heart of everything we do. Recognising each child’s unique contribution and building on their self-esteem, we learn, grow and succeed together in a community rich in the values of Torah and Mitzvos, where every child is not only encouraged but inspired to reach their potential. By achieving together as a whole school community we encourage everyone to become life-long learners and ‘reach for their star’.

Applications for entry to the Reception Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Applications for Reception must be submitted to the London Borough of Barnet, or your Local Authority, by Monday 15 January 2024 ( All supplementary information forms must be submitted to the school no later than Wednesday

Applications for entry to the Nursery Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. You will need to submit an Application Form, a Supplementary Information Form and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The closing date for applications is Thursday 7 December 2023.

10 January 2024

Applications for entry to the Nursery Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. You will need to submit an Application Form, a Supplementary Information Form and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The closing date for applications is Thursday 7 December 2023.

We will be holding an open morning for prospective parents on Thursday 9 November 2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see the School and meet School staff and governors. Please contact by Friday 3 November 2023 if you would like to attend.

Applications for entry to the Reception Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Applications for Reception must be submitted to the London Borough of Barnet, or your Local Authority, by Monday 15 January 2024 ( All supplementary information forms must be submitted to the school no later than Wednesday

10 January 2024

Applications for entry to the Reception Class 2024 are for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020. Applications for Reception must be submitted to the London Borough of Barnet, or your Local Authority, by Monday 15 January 2024 ( All supplementary information forms must be submitted to the school no later than Wednesday 10 January 2024.

We will be holding an open morning for prospective parents on Thursday 9 November 2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see the School and meet School staff and governors. Please contact by Friday 3 November 2023 if you would like to attend.

Both the Nursery application form and supplementary information form can be downloaded from the school website (

We will be holding an open morning for prospective parents on Thursday 9 November 2023, when applicants will have an opportunity to see the School and meet School staff and governors. Please contact by Friday 3 November 2023 if you would like to attend.

Both the Nursery application form and supplementary information form can be downloaded from the school website (

Both the Nursery application form and supplementary information form can be downloaded from the school website (

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Head Teacher: Mrs H Hunter Head of Kodesh: Rabbi S Jay Principal: Rabbi Y Hamer
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Dayan marks Vilna ghetto anniversary

Yad Vashem Chairman Dani

Dayan marked the 80th anniversary of the Vilna ghetto liquidation in a special ceremony in Lithuania.

Dayan was invited to address the independent Lithuanian parliament and commemorations of the ghetto and victims of the Holocaust in Lithuania in Vilnius.

Lithuania’s leaders recognise their nation’s Holocaust past, are committed to Holocaust education, remembrance and fostering tolerance and understanding.

Yad Vashem Academic Advisor Prof. Dina Porat participated in historic events.

Dayan said: “I feel deeply sad, because the legendary Yerushalayim de-Lita, Lithuanian Jerusalem, the metropolis of Jewish culture that once was home to the Sage of Vilna and the place where Abba Kovner and his fellow Jews strolled through the old Jewish marketplace before the Holocaust, no longer exists.

“Over 200,000 Lithuanian Jews were murdered in this country by the German Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators. Yet in

this place where the blood of my people once flowed I am encouraged by gradual but substantial progress made over the years in Lithuania, including important initiatives regarding Holocaust remembrance and preservation of the Jewish heritage."

Dayan also addressed a state ceremony at the Paneriai Memorial attended by the Lithuania Prime Minister. The memorial site is the location where mass executions took place between June 1941 and July 1944.

Over 70,000 Jews were murdered in the Ponar Forest outside of Vilnius. The memorial is a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by the Nazi Germans and Lithuanian collaborators during the Holocaust.

Dayan said there must be zero-tolerance towards antisemitism.

“That zero-tolerance policy must also apply towards the glorification of war criminals associated with the massacre of Jews,’ he said.

Dayan's visit to Lithuania illustrated the global importance of Yad Vashem to preserving the memory of the Holocaust.

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CER’s new headquarters

Last week, the new offices of the Conference of European Rabbis were inaugurated in Munich in a building that belonged to the Jews before the war. The move to Munich from London took place after Brexit.

Susanne Droux, who manages the building where the office is located, told Maariv: “It's exciting that in a place that once belonged to Jews, they are returning with a rabbinic center that will decide on Judaism and help prevent atrocities like the one in the Holocaust from happening again.”

A couple of Christians from Munich who were also present at the event told Maariv: “We are doing actions and events in collaboration with the Jews of Munich, the horrors that were in the Holocaust - they must not forget and that way those who know Jews understand that there is no difference from them, and therefore we must work together, so that they do not forget. We hope that thanks to the Conference of European Rabbis that here in Munich we can learn and teach more about Jews and thus fight the growing phenomenon of antisemitism.”

Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of Rabbis of Europe

emphasized the symbolic significance of the establishment of the main headquarters: “Moving the headquarters to Munich and opening the Center for Jewish Life of the Conference of Rabbis of Europe (CER) is a symbol of hope and a message to all the dark forces that threaten the Jewish people. Munich, a place with history tragically, today presents a thriving Jewish life. This development is proof that antisemitism will not succeed and will not raise its head. We would like to thank the Prime Minister of Bavaria and his Bavarian State Government for their commitment.”

Dr. Florian Herrmann, Member of Parliament, Head of the Bavarian State, Chancellor and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and communication, emphasized: “The Conference of European Rabbis has reached the heart of Munich. It is a great honour to witness how another beacon of Jewish faith has found a home in Bavaria. We keep our promise to protect Jewish life in Bavaria. “Never again” is our goal in politics and society. Bavaria supports the new 'Jewish Life Centre' to the extent of 1.5 million Euros per year, thus setting a visible sign against antisemitism and for the promotion of Jewish culture and history. We will make sure that Jewish life in all its splendour and diversity has an eternal home in Bavaria.”

Prof. Dr. Michael Piazzolo, Member of Parliament, Minister of Education and Culture in Bavaria said: “We will not tolerate hatred, intolerance and antisemitism in our schools. Our teachers in Bavaria have been trained to deal with anti-Semitic incidents and have recently been supported in their work against antisemitism with a new web portal. Our regional representatives for democracy and tolerance also do important work: in addition to their prevention work, they also intervene when incidents occur.

This is unique in Germany.”

Dr. Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Jewish community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, added: “With the coming of the Conference of European Rabbis, Munich will strengthen its position as the capital of Jewish life in Europe: the heart of European Jewry beats in Bavaria today. As the president of the Jewish community in Munich, I look forward to further deepening the cooperation with the Conference of Rabbis of Europe. In order to strengthen the Jewish presence in Europe and in the fight against hatred of Jews, we must join forces - and that is exactly what we want to do.”

Guests of honour and speakers at the opening ceremony included Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER), Dr Boris Mints, Chairman of the CER Board of Patrons, Joëlle Aflalo, Vice-Chair of the CER Board of Patrons, Dayan Menachem Gelley, Chairman of the European Beth Din of the CER, Dr Charlotte Knobloch, President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, Dr Florian Herrmann, MP, Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery and Bavarian State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media, Professor Dr Michael Piazolo, MP, Bavarian State Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, Katrin Habenschaden, Deputy Mayor of the City of Munich, Dr Ludwig Spaenle, MP, Antisemitism Commissioner of the Bavarian State Government, Thomas Gehring, MP, Vice-President of the Bavarian Parliament, Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch, MP, Vice-President of the Bavarian Parliament and Talya Lador-Fresher, Consul General of the State of Israel.

Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis PHOTO: ROBER GONGOLL, CER
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The dawn of something better

The Jewish People are, amongst other titles, referred to as “The People of the Book”, but I think that in many Jewish homes, we would more accurately be described as “The People of the Calendar”.

The cycle of the year, with its feast and fasts; its resting days and busy days; its customs and traditions is coming to an end shortly. Although for many of us, we can view Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as high points in the cycle, there are those in the community for whom the closure of the year is not bidden farewell with either nostalgia or gratitude.

5783 has been a hard year for many clients. Most ended with full or partial resolution to their problems which were presented to Paperweight and we held their hands through all their ups and downs, but without a Providential hand, 5784 may not start too well for some.

The three pillars of the Service in these days are Teshuva, Tefillah and Tzedoka

– Repentance, Prayer and Charity. These three terms are very simplistic and seem designed for a society well removed from Paperweight’s clients’ experiences.

Repentance requires one to have done wrong, but what of the wronged partner, through no fault of their own, ejected from their home and battled in Court and Beth Din ?

Prayer - the Paperweight clients well of tears is full. They pray for some respite, some let up, from the daily problems, but nothing seems in too much of a hurry to change.

Charity? When their purse is empty,

financial assistance to others is out of the question and even the get-up-and-go to help out others in a tangible way is deflated.

Beyond the Services are the celebratory aspects - the food with its nostalgic memories; the get-togethers; the new clothes for Shul; the family. The customs have developed for a close community, a warm family home and happy participants. Sadly for some, these are, for the moment, just fairy stories.

So how will Paperweight make 5784 better?

We are attuned to society’s concerns,

For the New Year, Paperweight is adding

Herzog welcome British Ambassador

Walters, who recently assumed his role as British Ambassador to Israel.

“We had the privilege of hosting the first public Jewish communal event with Ambassador Walters earlier this year, a week before his departure for Israel to commence his distinguished posting,” said a spokesman. “Ambassador Walters showcased a profound understanding of the Jewish community’s concerns, values, and contributions.”

The National Jewish Assembly has applauded the welcome extended by President Isaac Herzog to the new British Ambassador to Israel, Simon Walters.

The cordial reception underscores the enduring and robust relationship between the Jewish community and the UK.

President Herzog expressed deep-rooted connections between his family and the UK, highlighting the honour of representing Israel at the Royal funeral and coronation. He reiterated the commitment of Israel and the UK to maintain and enhance their excellent relations.

The NJA takes great pride in announcing its association with Ambassador Simon

A native of Northern Ireland, the Ambassador previously served in Israel as Consul in Jerusalem from 2008 to 2011. His ties to Israel, including the birth of his younger son at Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital during his tenure, reflect a deep appreciation for the country.

A spokesman added: “Ambassador Walters has consistently praised the strategic partnership between the UK and Israel. He has emphasised the significance of the trade relationship between the two nations and expressed his commitment to strengthening these bonds in Tel Aviv. We extend best wishes to Ambassador Walters as he embarks on this vital role in nurturing the bilateral relationship between the UK and Israel.”

The NJA is confident the Ambassador’s extensive experience will contribute significantly to an enduring friendship between Israel and the UK.

especially when it comes to looking after the vulnerable. Of late, much noise has been made about the difficulty of navigating the additional burdens that may come when being or looking after an older loved one. The UK has a dismal record in this regard. So for the New Year, Paperweight is adding another taut string to its bow - our Eldercare Hub – a resource to help cut through red tape and stubborn bureaucracy, providing a listening ear and clear advice.

Our expertise and our reputation for stamina and initiative have helped improve the lives of over 15,000 clients in the past 12 years, and our three pillars have become four: Debt, Legal, Welfare & Benefits and now, Eldercare, staffed by some 200 caring individuals who will help steer a path to a brighter, more positive 5784.

Paperweight wishes all its clients and wonderful supporters a happy, healthy and fulfilled year.

NJA applauds Netanyahu’s peace vision

The National Jewish Assembly commends Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his recent address to the UN General Assembly where he expressed optimism about the potential for peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Netanyahu’s vision for a new Middle East, characterised by diplomacy and cooperation, is a significant step towards regional stability.

In his address, Netanyahu highlighted the historic agreements in 2020 that led to the establishment of formal ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco. These groundbreaking agreements marked the beginning of a new era of peace and cooperation in the Middle East, and Netanyahu believes that a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia could further enhance regional stability.

NJA Managing Director Steve Winston sai:, “We wholeheartedly applaud Benjamin Netanyahu’s vision for a new era of cooperation in the Middle East. His address at the UN General Assembly reflects the aspirations of many who yearn for stability and diplomacy to prevail. The National Jewish Assembly stands firmly behind these efforts towards peace.”

The NJA supports efforts of the United States and other states including the UK to facilitate discussions between Israel and

Saudi Arabia. The organisation believes that diplomatic initiatives aimed at forging stronger ties between these nations are critical for regional stability and prosperity.

It also appreciates Netanyahu’s dedication to regional security and his vision for a more peaceful Middle East.

The NJA calls upon world leaders to support initiatives that promote dialogue, cooperation, and diplomacy, with the goal of achieving lasting peace and stability in the region.

12 OPINION 28 SEPTEMBER 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM – 0330 174 4300 –
OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper
another taut string to its bow - our Eldercare Hub – a resource to help cut through red tape and stubborn bureaucracy, providing a listening ear and clear advice.
Benjamin Netanyahu PHOTO: GPO Simon Walters PHOTO: LINKEDIN

h, North asked for key cards with 4NT. When South admitted to two key cards plus the queen of trumps, North made a grand slam try by bidding 5NT, guaranteeing all the key cards and the queen of trumps. He was hoping that his partner would show him the king of diamonds. When South denied holding that card by bidding six hearts, North gave up on the grand slam.

As North had made a grand slam try, West saw that it was pointless to lead his singleton diamond: it might well guide declarer into a winning line.

So, West led a third-highest three of spades. After winning the first trick with the ace of spades, declarer cashed the ace of trumps to make sure that trumps were not 5-0. When both opponents followed, declarer decided to try to set up the diamonds. Rather than risk a finesse in the suit, declarer played the ace and another diamond. After winning with the jack of diamonds, East forced dummy by playing a high spade. Declarer ruffed this with the nine of trumps, then drew a second round of trumps with ten. Next, he ruffed a diamond high, thereby establishing the suit. All that remained for declarer was to draw West's two remaining trumps and claim twelve tricks: 1 spade, 1spade ruff, 5 trumps, 2 clubs and 1 established diamonds.

Had trumps had been 5-0 declarer would have needed to negotiate the diamonds for one loser without being forced to ruff a diamond in hand.

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Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre Dinner raises £150,000

Last night, over 220 guests gave a standing ovation to 91-year-old Holocaust survivor and educator, Ivor Perl BEM, a member of Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre who lives at Jewish Care’s Selig Court Retirement Living apartments at the Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Campus. Guests enjoyed listening to Ivor, in a warm and honest conversation with Dov Forman, who is responsible for his great-grandma Lily Ebert BEM’s TikTok account, which regularly has millions of views.

The fundraising dinner raised over £150,000 for Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre, the only centre of its kind in the UK which supports 300 Holocaust survivors, refugees and their spouses through social, therapeutic and outreach programmes. For them, the Centre is a vital lifeline, supporting their wellbeing with a social, therapeutic and outreach programme, as well as providing support to survivors who wish to share their legacy and speak about their experiences during the Holocaust. However, the charity receives no government funding and is reliant on the support of the community to keep it running.

Speaking with Dov, Ivor said, “The Centre is even more important to me and fellow survivors as we get older. The memories of the Holocaust never leave you and talking about it brought back many traumatic moments, so what followed was me becoming a member of the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre many years ago where we also have support from the wonderful Shalvata (therapeutic service). I’ve since moved to Jewish Care’s Selig Court Retirement Living to be closer to the Centre. The Centre offers us so much care and support, a place to be together and what we really need right now, which is an abundance of love that we receive from the staff and volunteers there, who I can only describe as angels.”

Linda Bogod, Holocaust Survivors’ Centre Dinner Committee Chair, gave an emotional appeal at the Dinner, which was held at St John’s Wood Synagogue, saying, “My involvement with the Centre is very personal,

it is a service that is extremely close to my heart, and I am immensely proud to be here this evening to help raise vital funds for this very special place.”

“Both my mother and my father were born in Germany, my mother in Berlin in 1932 and my father in 1923 in Frankfurt. Whilst my mother’s family managed to leave in the mid 1930’s and settled in Israel, my father did not manage to escape until June 1939 when he was 16, just under a year after his father was brutally murdered on Kristallnacht simply for being Jewish. He was one of the 91 Jews killed that night. His family were not able to escape in time and his younger brother and mother were hidden in an attic in Belgium for several years during the war.

“My father who was able to lead a very happy and fulfilled life in the UK, sadly died eight years ago, and after his death my mother started attending the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre. I am immensely proud to have my mother here with us tonight. The Monday morning Hebrew speaking group she attends at the Centre is the highlight of her week, and the support she and the Holocaust survivors and refugees who are members get from the wonderful volunteers

MDA-Red Cross deal

wonderful speakers who come, attending Yiddish singing, Yiddish discussion, Hebrew discussion, current affairs talks, music, being taken to the theatre or a boat trip or recently to the Old Bailey, celebrating Jewish festivals or marking Holocaust Memorial Day – the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre staff and dedicated volunteers support them to do this together.

Hannah Lewis, who is a member of the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre thanked guests for all their support and after the Dinner, Jewish Care’s Director of Fundraising & Community Engagement, Adam Overlander-Kaye, said, “I want to thank our speakers for kindly giving us their time, our dedicated Dinner Committee for creating such a special and successful evening and our guests for their generosity in raising over £150,000.

and staff makes a huge difference to their lives.

“The Centre receives no Government funding and costs over £375,000 a year to run, so please can I ask you tonight to give as generously as you can.”

Established over four decades ago for survivors of the Holocaust, the Centre was a safe place, a haven for those who had experienced the worst of humankind.

Today, the Centre continues to be a place where Holocaust survivors, refugees and spouses are understood, can find companionship, come together and be themselves with professional support available if needed, for as long as they need it. The specialist team at the Shalvata Centre, which is part of the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre offer counselling and social work support for all those members dealing with trauma.

Many of the 300 members, who come to the centre and those who Jewish Care reaches out to through challah deliveries and tea parties, are on their own. The centre remains a second home and a lifeline to be together and enjoy stimulating, engaging and uplifting activities as well as time to socialise and enjoy the Kosher food. From listening to the

Magen David Adom and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have signed an agreement for continued collaboration.

The deal will focus on improving emergency preparedness, strengthening community resilience to disasters, ad the development of the next generation of humanitarian leaders.

As part of the collaboration, a project will take place in areas that are likely to be affected by a disaster, through which MDA will train local authority’s teams in the assessment of humanitarian needs of the population, based on the vast experience gained on ICRC missions in disaster areas.

It was also agreed that MDA’s disaster response capabilities would continue to be bolstered, for complex incidents such as earthquakes, through joint training as well as sending MDA teams as part of ICRC deployments to disaster areas, such as was done last year in Ukraine.

“These vital funds will go a long way to helping us to continue to run the Centre which is a lifeline, supporting over 300 survivors, refugees and their spouses who rely on the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre programmes of social, therapeutic and outreach programmes for their well being and so that they can continue to share their experiences as part of their legacy.”

The evening was kindly hosted by Rachel Riley MBE, who has visited the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre several times this year and she introduced guest speaker, Dame Maureen Lipman DBE, actress, writer and comedian, who also generously donated her time.

Dame Maureen plays Evelyn Plummer in Coronation Street and recently performed in the compelling one woman show, Rose, in the West End, the harrowing story of a Holocaust survivor born in Ukraine who went from the Warsaw ghetto to the USA.

She said, “We will all need Jewish Care in our lifetime, and times are especially tough at the moment. We are here for the Holocaust survivors’ and we are blessed to have some of them here tonight. The Holocaust Survivors’ Centre is so important and we have to continue to give them our support.”

As part of the building of new humanitarian leaders, a specialised body will deal with strengthening MDA humanitarian activities in Israel and as part of the Red Cross Red Crescent movement.

Alessandra Menegon, ICRC head of delegation, welcomed the news, noting: “The MDA provides an essential service. We are proud to have MDA as a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement family. This continued cooperation will mean improved preparedness and response in the face of complex emergencies that positively impact the most vulnerable communities.”

Eli Bin, MDA Director General: “The long-term partnership between us is based first and foremost on the humanitarian values shared by both organisations. This partnership improves the preparedness for complex emergency and disaster situations, and this way we can strengthen the humanitarian response capabilities for the population, both here in Israel and across the world.”

Alessandra Menegon and Eli Bin Ivor Perl BEM member of Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre interviewed by Dov Forman at Jewish Care Holocaust Survivors’ Centre Fundraising Dinner PHOTO: JUSTIN GRAINGE

Dedication to Glauber

The unveiling of a headstone memorial at Ipswich Old Cemetery took place to commemorate Kurt Glauber.

Kurt was an Austrian Jewish refugee who after settling in Ipswich in 1938, and signing up for the Pioneer Corps and Royal Artillery, volunteered with SOE/MI6 to undertake operations back in his native Vienna. He was eventually betrayed, and executed in Mauthausen in 1945, just a few weeks before the camp’s liberation. His body was never found.

The event was led by Rabbi Geoffrey Hyman, of the Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Synagogue and held under the auspices of AJEX JMA, The Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation (JASHP) and the Ipswich War Memorial Project.

AJEX National Chair, Dan Fox said: “Jewish men and women like Kurt showed courage beyond belief, dropping themselves back into the jaws of Nazism. Their role was

Star of the Netflix hit “Jewish Matchmaker” LIVE in London for one night only!

crucial in the eventual allied victory. This memorial is yet another opportunity for us to admire, remember and learn from such bravery, ingenuity and selflessness.”

AJEX Archivist, Martin Sugarman added:

“To recall such a brave Jewish man as Kurt, who is virtually unknown except to students of MI6 and SOE history, is a great privilege. He was a shining example of our people 'fighting back' and at the age of over 40, parachuting into the 'lions den' of Germany and Austria, where chances of survival were small. It was a great honour to represent the JASHP as their UK representative and continuing the link between AJEX and JASHP.”

The stone was unveiled by Kurt’s nephew Tony and great niece in the presence of His Excellency H.E. Bernhard Wrabetz, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the UK and the Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk, the Mayor of Ipswich, historian Rachel Field, the Japhet family and distinguished guests.

Giving made as sweet as honey

Brace yourselves for an unforgettable experience as Aleeza Ben Shalom, the renowned host of Netflix’s hit series “Jewish Matchmaking,” takes center stage LIVE in London on 17th October. This exclusive event promises to transport attendees into the captivating world of Jewish matchmaking, offering a unique opportunity to gain insights, uncover secrets to successful relationships, and explore the intricate art of finding the perfect match.

Aleeza Ben Shalom has gained international acclaim as the face of the widely popular Netflix series, where she skilfully guides individuals on their quest for love and companionship. Now, she brings her expertise and magnetic presence to the stage, providing an intimate glimpse behind the scenes of the show that has taken the world by storm.

A woman with a big heart and a big mission, Aleeza has dedicated her life to helping Jewish singles find their perfect match. She got her start in her 20s as a mother of young children, when she began looking for work that would allow her to have a flexible schedule.

Her enormous success led her to officially register her matchmaking business in 2012. She has made more than 200 couples ranging in age from 18 to 89, utilizing her unique skills, warm personality, and commitment to Jewish values.

Aleeza and her husband Gershon moved to Israel in 2021. Aleeza takes the audience on an enchanting journey, sharing her vast knowledge, personal experiences, and invaluable advice on matchmaking, relationships, and love. With her unique blend of warmth, wit, and wisdom, Aleeza will delve

into the intricacies of the matchmaking process revealing what it truly takes to find a lifelong connection.

Mrs Roizy Gancz, event organiser at Chabad of Finchley shared “For the past 10 years of working with the Finchley community, we have engaged with singles who expressed their need for a more focused dating scene in London.

Aleeza has been on speaking tours all over the world. From Sydney to Peru, United States and Israel, we are delighted to have Aleeza visit us in London!

Her expertise and passion for empowering individuals in their search for love align perfectly with our mission of strengthening community bonds.”

Titled ‘Get married and stay married’ , this event will take place at St Johns Wood Synagogue and is an opportunity not to be missed. Aleeza Ben Shalom will leave you captivated, inspired, and empowered to embark or continue, on your own journey towards lasting love.

Jewish New Year kicks off to a sweet start with hundreds of Rosh Hashanah packages made and distributed by GIFT volunteers. In a heartwarming display of community spirit, Central Synagogue and Hendon Giving Kitchen volunteers joined hands to bake 650 delectable honey cakes. These sweet treats were then packed and delivered by over 60 dedicated young professionals to individuals and families who both support and are supported by GIFT.

“I really enjoyed the honey cake packing event and it was such a pleasure to help out and play our part. The event was so well-organised and it was lovely to meet new people in such a meaningful environment!” Young Professional volunteer, Eli Brecher Registered Associate Nutritionist and Gut Health Specialist exclaimed. But the kindness didn’t stop there! Over

100 volunteers rallied to pack and deliver special Yom Tov food support parcels to GIFT recipients. This concerted effort ensured that those in need could celebrate the holiday season with joy and abundance, spreading warmth and unity throughout the community.

“Thank you GIFT for your constant support, care & attention. Your food parcels are always varied, thoughtful and help me get through the week and the Yom Tov bag is such a treat!” one GIFT recipient said.

GIFT’s Manchester branch came together with members of the Friendship Circle – a Jewish charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and adults with disabilities through inclusive social and recreational programs - to assemble beautiful flower arrangements and decorate honey jars.

Two members of the Manchester Kehillah, Elliot and David pictured checking the Lulav and Etrog. They are longtime friends and members of the Shrubberies, the Prestwich Hebrew Congregation.
PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Taking a closer look at their Arba Minim The unveiling of a headstone for Kurt Glauber GIFT volunteers PHOTO: STAN KAYE PHOTOGRAPHY Aleeza Ben Shalom PHOTO: LINKEDIN

AJEX reunites families with war medals

The AJEX 'Claim Your Medals' campaign has reunited Jewish families with over 100 war and service medals lost or overlooked.

The campaign has identified and returned medals across 49 sets to families, ensuring the legacy of Jewish service. Eight cases are still being investigated.

The ongoing campaign encourages individuals to delve into family histories and claim well-deserved medals. It has been a remarkable journey of rediscovery with heart-warming case studies.

Among many remarkable stories Holocaust survivor Henny Franks celebrated her 100th birthday. Henny regularly attends Jewish Care’s Holocaust Survivors’ Centre who organised her special birthday party, where it took place. As part of the celebrations AJEX National Chair Dan Fox surprised Henny and presented her with The Defence Medal and War Medal 1939-45 that had been rightfully earned but never given.

These medals hold immeasurable sentimental value to the family, symbolising her service but also the indomitable spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

AJEX member Paul Hyams is a retired RAF veteran with 31 years of service.

Paul's quest to uncover his family's military history led him to a remarkable discovery. After finding a photograph of his grandfather, Harold Crozier Hyams, he realised he would have been entitled to WWI and WWII medals. Thanks to the AJEX medals campaign, Paul was not only reunited with his grandfather's WWI medals but also his Commonwealth War Graves headstone, ensuring that legacy of his grandfather's service would continue to be honoured.

Paul said, “I am hon oured to have served Queen and Country in the RAF, now my honour is doubled by having my grandfather's medals.”

Paul received the WWII medals posthumous ly through an aunt as his grandfather died in 1945.

He said: “He was com missioned into the Army Pay Corp during WWII. His WWI medals were lost so I had replicas made. He was in the Dur ham Light Infantry. The only military photo I had was from WWII and he was wearing ribbons so they must have been from WWI. I found his medal award document in the archives on the internet. The medals are a blessed memory and I will honour him by wearing them at the AJEX parades.”

Not only have medals been reclaimed but has spurred people on to ask about war service.

Elliot Goodman knew his grandfather served in WWII. When his father, Bernard Goodman, visited from Israel recently, he passed on medals of great grandfather, Mick Goodman, who served as a Batman during WWII. Elliot will march for the first time in this year’s parade with sons Jonah, Aaron and Jake who will be wearing their other great grandfathers’ medals.

Charles Gershuny was in the Royal Navy and commanded a minesweeper. He was awarded the 1939-45 Star, Atlantic Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal and 1939-45 War Medal.

Charles’s granddaughter, Natasha, said: “The parade this year is going to be extra special, not only will our sons be wearing their great grandfathers medals but Charles paraded many years ago.

Charles’s son, Jonathan Gershuny, said: “My father’s medals were stolen and thanks to AJEX we now have them to continue his legacy.”

National Chair, Dan Fox commented: “Medals are iconic and a key visual reminder of the service veterans gave to secure our freedom and protect our society. It has been so meaningful to help families not only reclaim medals but learn more about their family history. Many of the research efforts have uncovered for the enquirers service records and paperwork that has added to peoples understanding of their family's history.

It's been a niche but meaningful service we have provided, and one we plan to return to once the Chaplaincy

Cards are digitised.”

As the number of Second World War and National Service veterans dwindles, families and descendants cherish their legacy through AJEX. The organisation hopes more first-time parade goers will march at the Annual Remembrance Parade & Ceremony on November 19th, 2023.

Fox noted: "Medals are personal and iconic artifacts of military service. For individuals and families, they are markers of commitment and bravery. As a community, they are collective badges of honour and pride in the Jewish contribution to our nation. It has been so meaningful to help families reclaim medals and learn more about their family history.”

The campaign has unearthed remarkable finds including a WWI Military Medal, BOAR commemorative medal, Cyprus General Service medal and Commemorative Medal of the Czechoslovak Army Abroad with VELKA BRITANIE bar.

To acquire replica medals, AJEX has negotiated discounts with medal minters. Visit for instructions,

Full list of medals:

Parade tickets: There is

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Jake wearing his Great Grandfather Charles Gershuny's medals Paul Hyams dons his and his grandfather’s medals


Looking for answers? Send your question to


Dear Rabbi

I paid more attention this year than ever before to the story of Jonah and whale. To be honest, I don’t understand much of the story. If he’s really a holy man, that G-d appears to him, then why is he running away? The whole story sounds fishy to me.

Dear Andrew

When you think about it, Jonah is in a fascinating Catch 22. If he succeeds in convincing the people of Nineveh to atone and then no harm befalls them, many will immediately question whether the whole thing was real. After all, nothing happened – maybe nothing would have happened. Maybe the penitence was never really necessary. Jonah would be labelled an alarmist. But, what if the people of Nineveh ignore the warning and the city meets the same fiery fate as Sodom and Gomorrah as foretold by G-d? Then Jonah, as a prophet, will have failed.

Think about it! That is the paradox of prophecy for Jonah was, for him, a lose-lose situation. No wonder he runs away! So he flees to the sea, only to be swallowed by a gigantic fish, and then

thereafter he flees to the desert, cowering under a gourd. But, in the end, the fish coughs him up and the gourd withers. The moral is: In life, there is no avoiding Jonah’s paradox. Once elected by G-d, whatever the risks, he must act.

To use a more contemporary example: Take Winston Churchill. During the 1930s, he warned the world of the dangers of the rapidly rearming German Reich. The British people ignored Churchill - worse they scorned him, only to learn later that he was all along prescient and wise. But what if Churchill had become Britain’s Prime Minister five years earlier and had ordered a pre-emptive strike against Germany? Those same people might have concluded that the Nazis never posed a real threat and that their Prime Minister was merely a warmonger.

It’s the same in all our lives. We often find ourselves in catch-22 situations. But knowing the right thing to do and rising to the challenge regardless goes to the core calling of every Jew. There is no escaping the responsibility - as Jonah learned thousands of years ago. What better a time than Yom Kippur to reflect on the personal Ninevehs in which we might find ourselves and then to summon the courage, not to run and hide but

be present and determined in the year ahead.


I love the symbolism of the festival of Succot. But the idea of actually sitting in a hut in this British weather is beyond me. The law was given to the Jews going into Israel. I’ll happily eat and sleep in an Israeli Succah. But I fail to see the rationale of keeping the ritual in most, colder places in the Diaspora.


Dear Jemima

Maimonides, the 12th Century, rabbi, physician, and “rationalist”, who is regarded by many as the greatest Jewish philosopher, wrote that the world is built by the audacious acts of meshugaim – crazy people. Anyone you can think of that boldly stepped where no man stepped before – that took leaps of faith against the odds and transformed the landscape of Judaism – they’re part of the meshugaim gang, by whom, Maimonides writes, the world is sustained.

That then would be one of the reasons we go into the Succah right after Yom Kippur. Because we’re meshugah. Despite the cold and the wet, we walk out from the High Holidays with a conviction and a faith and a willingness to take the leap into those new undertakings and positive resolutions, knowing the rest will take care of itself.

We may have failed in the past; we may have disappointed ourselves and others. Indeed, who has not felt that? But the single most important lesson of stepping from Yom Kippur into the Succah is that it is never ever too late to change; to start again, to climb higher and live differently from the way we’ve lived before.

Succot is our national antidote to learned helplessness appreciating that G-d is there to hold our hand every step of the way. Something to think about. What have we silently given up on, in our lives? What have we compromised in our Jewish living? Succot, post Yom Kippur, is when we come to know that we are capable of much more than we think. We need to be meshugah. Let’s go crazy together!


Dear Rabbi

I am a secular Jew. I don’t believe in much but the situation in Israel over Yom Kippur was incredibly dire. I am embarrassed to be Jewish when I see fellow Jews behaving like that. What hope is there for us as a people when we behave like that in front of the world? And on the holiest day of the year!

Dear Ronnie

“On the holiest day of the year.” You said it, not me. So don’t go identifying yourself as “secular” or “not believing in much” when in fact even you feel intuitively that

Yom Kippur is a holy day. And that’s key. On the surface we all label ourselves as more observant, less observant; charedi, chiloni, and whatever else besides. But labels are for clothes. Even as we may be so different on the surface, at the core we are a spiritual family.

Alas, we find ourselves in one of the most divisive and polarising times the likes of which we haven’t seen in a generation. It is truly a very sad state of affairs. But as Jews we must seek and find ways to rise above it. As brothers and sisters, we have to learn to love each other, or at the very least tolerate one other, above whatever the politics, above whatever external issues that interfere with the essential bond that unites us.

Ever since that fateful moment when we stood together at Sinai and submitted to a collective existence as a people under the sovereignty of G-d – all Jews became interconnected and responsible for one another, physically and spiritually.

The hard fact speaks for itself. We are all deeply concerned about what’s going on in Israel. Why? It affects us collectively and individually in a deep and personal way even as we are some 3500 miles away. Why? Because being Jewish is not something individual and personal; it’s something collective and historical. Being Jewish means being part of this family.

As we enter into a year of uncertainty and unknown, with all the precariousness that surrounds us – we all need to remove whatever bad feelings from our hearts; park our prejudices; open our eyes and realise that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. From birth until the very end of our journey, we are a people, we are a religion, we are a community, but above all, we, are, family.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

Legacy supplement

Leaving a Legacy: Anita Regal – a Woman of Worth

(Regal Goodman), Jonathan, Daniel and Deborah (King).

Rachelle continues, “Throughout her life, Mum gave generously to many charities, and we only saw the extent of her giving after she passed away. She considered charity purely as a duty to perform discreetly and without seeking any glory.

“It gives us great pleasure to honour our mum, Anita, in this way,” Anita Regal’s children said when they came together to dedicate a plaque in her memory in the beautiful multi-sensory room at Jewish Care’s Rosetrees care home at The Betty and Asher Loftus Centre.

“It’s a Mitzvah (commandment) to continue to honour your parents, even after their death” said Rachelle, one of Anita’s daughters, “and it felt like a special way to do this because of our mum’s long connection with Jewish Care.”

Anita had four children, Rachelle

“Many years ago, Jewish Care made it possible for Mum to support a family that she knew when they were in crisis. Mum recognised the excellent work that Jewish Care continue to do to support those in need in the community. When she passed away in April 2021, our mother remembered Jewish Care in her Will. We hope that others will consider doing this too.”

Having worked for over 50 years in the legal profession in Jersey, Anita made history in becoming the first female advocate in the island’s history. In her spare time, she used her legal expertise to co-establish the local woman’s refuge, give free legal aid to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and many others.

In addition, Anita, together with her late mother, Doris Bloom, her late husband, David Regal and his family, were founders of the Jersey Jewish community

and Anita voluntarily taught children preparing for their Bar and Bat Mitzvah for at least four decades, in addition to her other commitments to the community.

“She was a true Woman of Worth (Eshet Chayil) who we are honoured to have had as our mother,” says Rachelle. “May her memory be blessed.”

Jewish Care’s Legacy Lead, Sarit Shahar-Simon, said, “We are so touched that Anita’s family came to dedicate the activity room at Rosetrees with the gift in her Will that their mother, Anita z’l, left to Jewish Care. Leaving a gift in your Will is a special way to express gratitude for the love and care you, your relatives

and friends have received from Jewish Care’s incredible staff and volunteers and to support older people in our community who rely on our services. It is also a meaningful way to express support for the causes that are important to you. With a gift in your Will to Jewish Care, you can make sure that future generations of our community get the care they need when they need it most.”

For more information about our free Will Writing Service leaving a gift in your Will and, please call Sarit on 020 8922 2819 or email or visit

Brian’s mum Bertie loved being around people. That’s why she used to say that volunteering for Jewish Care was the happiest time of her later life. Before Bertie passed away, she did not get the chance to amend her Will and leave a gift to Jewish Care. Brian has since told us that he has included Jewish Care in his Will on her behalf; “I don’t want to leave it until it’s too late, like Mum. I’m doing this for her”. With a gift in your Will to Jewish Care, you can make sure that future generations of our community get the care they need when they need it most.

Charity Reg No. 802559
“Jewish Care meant everything to my mum, Bertie. That’s why I’m leaving them a gift in my Will”.
Legacy advert JN 165x260mm - Brian Rose v2.indd 1 08/11/2022 09:59
Brian, Legacy Pledger
The Regal family dedicated a plaque to their mother Anita Regal z’l at Jewish Care Rosetrees care home Anita Regal a”h

Elisheva’s journey with Shalva

Elisheva’s smile shines bright as she welcomes all into her orbit. She touches the hearts of everyone around her without saying a word. Elisheva was born with Angelman syndrome. A neurodevelopmental disorder that causes delayed development, severe speech impairment, intellectual disability, and problems with movement and balane.

Despite these challenges, and through her radiant smile and expressive gestures, Elisheva conveys emotions and thoughts. Her desire to connect transcends words and she inspires all those who she encounters to be more compassionate and understanding. Elisheva spends each afternoon at Shalva, which gives her a framework to thrive.

Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities provides an all-encompassing range of services for thousands of individuals with disabilities like Elisheva, and their families throughout the lifecycle.

Believing that the care of children

with disabilities should not be left to the family alone, Shalva’s founders Malki and Kalman Samuels created a therapeutic environment in which children with disabilities could grow and thrive. This approach was based on the Samuels’ own experience with raising their son Yossi

who was left blind, deaf and acutely hyperactive as the result of a faulty vaccination. When Yossi experienced a miraculous breakthrough in communication, Malki recalled her promise to God to help other children with disabilities, and with Kalman’s help, Shalva was founded in 1990.

What began as an afternoon program for eight children in a local apartment has grown into a national center serving thousands of people with disabilities from infancy to adulthood from the entire spectrum of Israeli society. Over the course of over thirty years, Shalva developed transformative programs to fill needs that were previously neglected.

Shalva’s programs include rehabilitative therapies, inclusive educational frameworks, social and recreational activities, employment training and independent living, as well as respite and family support. The Shalva model is comprehensive, and supports individuals with disabilities with the rehabilitative and recreational

programming they need to thrive and grow from birth into independence. The success of these programs has received government and cultural recognition, inspiring grassroots changes in public policy and social inclusion.

Shalva is a champion of social inclusion and partners with communities worldwide as well as government, academic, and cultural institutions to create a more inclusive society. Shalva gives equal access and opportunity to all participants regardless of religion, ethnic background, or financial capability. The Shalva National Center in Jerusalem is one of the largest and most advanced centers of its kind in the world; offering unprecedented opportunities to people with disabilities in Israel, and welcoming thousands of visitors from around the world who come to learn about and experience disability inclusion at its best. Through the Shalva Institute, Shalva shares learned knowledge from our 30 years of experience in the field of disability care to communities around the world, playing an important role in the development of disability services globally. Shalva’s disability awareness projects, inclusive initiative, consultative status to the United Nations, and educational programs continue to expand the organization’s reach and impact beyond all borders.

28 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUPPLEMENT C TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM SARIT'S YOUR LEGACY! Join us in planning today for the future wellbeing of thousands of individuals with disabilities in Israel and beyond. A gift in your will to the Shalva National Center in Jerusalem will open the door to a future of opportunity for thousands. With proper planning and a variety of giving options, Shalva ensures that your gift will serve as both a merit to your legacy and have long lasting impact. Official Consultant to Shalva, the Israel Association for Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (R.A.) 020 83871221 | |

Hope for a brighter

Each year around 600 children in Israel are in emergency care due to the harshest forms of neglect, abuse, violence, or other traumatic circumstances. This Rosh Hashanah, JNF UK is raising vital funds to expand the Emergency Centre facilities at Neradim Village in Arad, southern Israel, which are currently old and unfit for purpose. The facilities are essential for the care and wellbeing of the children who, due to their situation, are unable to leave the campus. Every child deserves the warmth of a loving family, the comfort of a safe welcoming environment and devoted care to ensure a bright future. Without adequate facilities, Neradim can’t give the children all they need to thrive.

D SUPPLEMENT 28 SEPTEMBER 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM LEAVE A GIFT IN YOUR WILL TO JNF UK TO SUPPORT ISRAEL FOR LIFE WISHING THE COMMUNITY A HAPPY AND SWEET NEW YEAR LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY INHERITANCE TAX PLANNING PASTORAL CARE WILL SERVICES EXECUTORSHIP KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000). 020 8732 6101 • ENQUIRIES@KKL.ORG.UK WWW.KKL.ORG.UK
Registered Charity Number 225910 Visit Call 020 8732 6100 DONATE NOW Whatever you can give makes a difference. TO DONATE SCAN ME Stay connected: jnfuk jnfuk @jnf uk jnf uk

A Sukkot Message for Us All – Rifka Simon (Meyer)

Twelve years I waited. Each year as the High Holy days came around, I waited and prayed, and prayed some more. I watched the families gather outside the shul and walk home together, I watched new families form and grow. My heart sang for them but cried for me. I was so lonely. Even when I was surrounded by the warmth of my community, for which I was so grateful; I was lonely. On the outside I smiled, but inside I was screaming yet one could hear me.

Then, one day, completely unexpected, I received a call to come in for my Gett. I was stunned. Shocked. But I wouldn’t believe it until the Gett was in my hands. Three days later, the spiritual chains around me were broken. I was free. The nightmare I had just woken up from was behind me. I could breathe again. I couldn’t believe the physical affect a spiritual mitzva had on my body. I felt my lungs reach their full capacity again and the heavy chains I had metaphorically been wearing were broken.

The High Holy days came around again. I prayed and I thanked Him for this new lease of life.I prayed for my chained sisters that were in a place I had been in only days before. I watched the families gather outside the shul and this time, I thought, “Now I have a future. One day that will be me with my family. Now I can dream!”

Sukkot came around and as I stood in the Sukka and held the lulav and etrog in my hands, I thought of all the different types of Jews the four species represent, all united as one. United. Unity. Two words that bring so much positivity yet for me, and all those in chains, so much pain. Where are the united voices when it comes to Gett refusal? Where was the unity?

The lulav and etrog underscore the importance of fragility and vulnerability. These ritual items are delicate,

representing the impermanence of material possessions. Similarly, the agunot issue highlights the vulnerability of women trapped in untenable marriages, unable to move forward with their lives. The juxtaposition of fragility and strength is a powerful message during Sukkot, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, the Jewish community should work together to provide support and resolution.

United. If we stand as one, shoulder to shoulder, speak as one voice, we have the

strength together, to create change. Like the Lulav, we are all different yet we are bound together and one person’s pain hurts us all.

Thank you GETToutUK! GETToutUK has succeeded in helping close 30 cases in 3 years. Freedom is a right, not a privilege.

GETToutUK is a registered charity in the UK. To help support the work we do, please contact Rifka at gettoutuk@gmail. com

Registered Charity no. 1105845 Help us to support deaf people in crisis as only we can. To donate: Scan the QR code, visit or call 020 8446 0502 Paralysed by a stroke, Eva can no longer sign. JDA became a lifeline for her and her family.
“Our family would be
in every conceivable way
JDA. In a world that doesn’t speak the language of the Deaf community, nor understand the challenges that it creates, JDA literally saves people’s lives.”
deaf association
Eva and Ross’s daughter
This photo was taken when Eva and Ross were celebrating their 57th wedding anniversary and, for the first time since her stroke, Eva was able to give Ross a smile.

Nightingale Hammerson – putting residents first

Nightingale Hammerson is an independent charity who has cared for the older Jewish community for over 180 years.

Within our Homes, Nightingale House (Clapham) and Hammerson House, Wohl Campus (Hampstead), we provide Residential, Nursing, Dementia, Rehabilitation, Respite and Palliative Care.

With a compassionate and skilled Team of Care Professionals, Nurses, GPs, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, a Psychologist, Spiritual Care Leads, a Pharmacy Technician, Engagement Specialists, Volunteers and others we are able to provide outstanding care to the most vulnerable members of our community. The daily commitment from our Teams led Nightingale House to become the first ever Care Home of Jewish faith to be rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission; an achievement that was repeated in 2023.

We focus our mission in four main pillars: care for the Resident, support for the ones around the Resident (which includes Relatives, Team Members and Volunteers), education and research. The well-being of our Residents not only depends on their own health, but also the environment where they are living. This is why Hammerson House, Wohl Campus, in Hampstead was rebuilt in order to meet the highest standards of care for the decades to come. But care is about

people, and we need to be there, next to the Relatives, when the time comes to bring their loved ones into care and support them along the journey. Together with our Team Members and Volunteers, we become part of the new extended family.

Education plays a crucial role in our culture of excellence. Nightingale Hammerson is endorsed by Skills for Care for the education provided by our expert

Team Members. This is one of our key strategic priorities going forward, supporting the Jewish community through education.

Research comes alongside the education, as a way of putting in practice our aim of continuous improvement. In the past three years Nightingale Hammerson engaged in 27 different research studies. Extremely important topics were included, such as human rights,

intergenerational engagement, infection control, mobility, staff well-being, dementia, palliative care and more. We have built strong connections with the best universities in the country. As research is so important for our community we are now organising, for the third consecutive year, a Care Home Research Forum. The Forum brings together groups of social care researchers, social care providers, care professionals, CQC representatives, government representatives, care home Residents and their Relatives. The event is held in person and via a live feed with experts from the US, Australia, Israel, South America, Asia, and Europe. We proudly help our Residents to live better and more fulfilled lives and we can only do this through our holistic and extensive additional services which you will not find in any other social care provider. Help us to continue to provide and extend the support we deliver to the Jewish community.

Nightingale Hammerson

Nightingale House 020 8673 3495

Hammerson House 020 3838 8090

28 SEPTEMBER 2023 SUPPLEMENT G TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM Wishing you Shana Tova To find out more, to become an ambassador or to make a donation, please visit New year, new date for your diary Registered charity no. 215398 EMUNAH CROWDFUNDER 22 & 23 OCTOBER 2023 LEGACY eNABLeD Registered Charity No. 259480 Leave the legacy of independence to people like Hayley. PLease remember us in your wiLL. Visit or call 020 8371 6611 KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000). A LIGHT IN DARK PLACES KKL, JNF UK’s legacy department, has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. To find out more, call 020 8732 6101 or email HELP US CONTINUE TO BE THERE FOR OUR COMMUNITY WITH A GIFT IN YOUR WILL. Call our Legacy Team on 020 8922 2840 for more information or email Charity Reg No. 802559 Legacy advert JW 69x62.5mm.indd 1 04/10/2022 13:02 Promoting gifts in wills to our charity partners

Israel Bonds Wishes You A

This advertisement has been issued by the Development Company for Israel (International) Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and registered in England No. 01415853. This is not an o ering, which could only be made by prospectus. Your capital is at risk, the rules under FSMA for the protection of retail clients do not apply. An investment in any of these bonds will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation scheme, nor by any similar scheme. Israel bonds are intended as a long-term investment as they are not listed or admitted to dealing on any recognised investment or stock exchange nor is there any established secondary market, as a consequence Israel bonds are not readily realisable before their maturity date. DCI (International) Ltd is not the issuer of these bonds, they are issued by the State of Israel. 09-23

Happy &
New Year
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Best wishes

our supporters and
New Year 5784
a happy, healthy
Yad Vashem UK Foundation
| | The picture is from the Yad Vashem campus © Yad Vashem
Simon, Esther, Evelynne, Sandra, and Sophie

Leaving a lasting gift to Jewish Blind & Disabled

Jewish Blind & Disabled is the only charity in the Jewish community offering housing and support for people living with physical disabilities and / or vision impairments. At least £1 in every £3 of Jewish Blind & Disabled’s income comes from legacies.

Recent legacies have come in all different shapes and sizes, including: a generous gift that allowed us to refurbish the entrance foyer at one of our developments from a family who wanted to thank Jewish Blind & Disabled for transforming the life of a friend who lives there, and a smaller more unusual gift in a will whereby we receive regular royalties from the sale of children’s books by the author Bettina Ehrlich.

Whatever the size of the legacy, these gifts are crucial to enabling us to deliver high quality housing and support to vulnerable members of our community and their families now and for years to come.

Our specially adapted apartments remove the barriers that people with disabilities or vision impairments face when living in inappropriate housing and our Independent Living Advisory Service helps people to retain their independence in their own home in

the wider community.

We know that many people put off making a Will and it can be expensive. However, it is the only way to ensure that the people and causes you care about are looked after and that your wishes

are known. Jewish Blind & Disabled has recently partnered with the National Free Wills Network.

This partnership gives you the opportunity to make or update your Will conveniently and easily. An experienced

solicitor will write a Will at no cost to you. You just need to give your details and consent to pass them on to National Free Wills Network. They will then contact you with information on how to proceed, including a list of six local participating solicitors for you to choose from.

There is no obligation to leave a gift in your will to Jewish Blind & Disabled, however, a gift of any size will enable us to transform more lives.

Rachel Barres, Director of Fundraising said: “With thanks to recent legacies we have been able to support some of the most vulnerable people within our community. As an independent charity that does not receive any government funding, legacies are vital to us. It is only through legacies and donations that we are able to continue to develop and provide our unique offering and transform the lives of people with physical disabilities and / or vision impairments.”

For more information about the difference that your legacy could make, or if you are interested in having a Will written, please contact Rachel on or 020 4548 8692.

“My diagnosis of MS was like a hammer blow but I am happier now living here than I’ve ever been. Especially in current times, there is nowhere else I would want to be.”
If you or anyone you know could benefit from living in a JBD apartment or to support us, visit or call 020 8371 6611 Registered Charity No. 259480
Neil, Jewish Blind & Disabled tenant
Example of Jewish Blind & Disabled mobility apartment
Arnold Aaron Specialist Inheritance Tax Planning & Investments 78 York Street, London, W1H Tel: 020 7692 0884 Wishing all our clients and the whole community a הבוט המיתח רמג

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Hatzola Northwest, a fully registered CQC health care provider, operates a 24/7 community service 365 days a year and receives over 6,200 calls annually.

This is only possible due to our 52 fully trained responders, 21 dispatchers and current fleet of 8 ambulances.

As we do not charge for our services, our mission to provide swift and life-saving emergency medical care would not be possible without your generous contributions.

Your support truly makes a difference to the lives of those who depend on our services.

This Rosh Hashanah, please continue to answer our call so we can respond to yours.

Fully funded CYP – IAPT Trainee in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at Noa Girls

Full time post (12-month fixed term) from 9th January 2024

Noa Girls is a charity supporting adolescent girls in the Orthodox Jewish Community

The responders were professional, sympathetic and concerned. I can’t express how good the service was.

We have an exciting opportunity for a motivated and enthusiastic mental health practitioner to join our team as a Recruit to Train Trainee, part of the NHS England (NHSE) funded Recruit to Train Programme in partnership with the Anna Freud Centre and University College London. You will be training on the Children & Young People Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP IAPT) Therapy Course and carrying out clinical work in our service to complement your studies and use your developed skills in order to receive your Post Graduate Diploma (PGDip). The training post will equip you to provide interventions for children, young people or families using evidence-based intervention consistent with the course you are attending.

The successful candidate will receive a full-time salary whilst undertaking two days of training and three days of working clinically at Noa Girls each week.

The salary is commensurate with a band 6 NHS salary (up to midpoint). Your university fees are fully funded

The training placement includes supervision by clinicians specialising in CBT as well as in-house support by a clinical psychologist.

More information and application details can be found at Closing date 9am on 9 October 2023.

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RELATIVE OF PATIENT, HAMPSTEAD Charity Registration No. 1041441 calls received house calls attended ambulances despatched 6243 4460 2645

Interview with Reb Eli Stefansky


Reb Eli, tell our readers about your background and how you ended up in Ramat Bet Shemesh.


I was born in America and grew up in Far Rockaway, a neighbourhood in New York. My parents tried to make aliyah three times, and as a result of this I ended up learning in a wide variety of different places.

Even though I am a litvish guy, who went to litvish yeshivos, I also attended many chasidish chadarim, therefore I am very familiar with different groups which helps me now connect with so many different types of people.

I spent thousands of hours learning Torah with my dad throughout my youth: ‘He is a very holy kind of guy’ and indeed he still sits and learns all day every day, bedecked in tallis and tefilin till sunset.


Why do you think that so many people from all walks of Jewish life connect with you?


I think there are several reasons why people connect with me. Firstly, because of my upbringing, I am as comfortable conversing in Yiddish with a chasidish guy as I am talking Ivrit to an Israeli wearing a kippa serugah.

Size or colour of cappel, length of beard and attire make no difference, I passionately believe that each and every single Jew is capable of learning more Torah than they currently do.

I myself don’t represent any one group or fit into any one particular box, therefore a lot of different people connect with me. As well as English, I speak Yiddish and Hebrew, and I don’t have a beard!

Another main reason is that I constantly promote it, and talk about how important it is to constantly learn Torah, and people feed off that.

I push it both verbally and by advertising in print, online and social media. People post clips on WhatsApp status and highlights of the shiur get passed around

to many people.

When people come in I make them feel comfortable, say hello to them, ask them their name. I’ll treat a chassid the same as everyone else so he shouldn’t feel like an outcast. The singing and schtick help as well!


The shiur is followed daily by over 20,000 people around the globe, more than any other maggid shiur in the world. The charts, pictures, diagrams and shtick are clearly a huge part of the shiur, and also include an amusing selection of videos and animations. Today you stood on someone’s back during shiur!


Only Hashem can answer the numbers it’s unbelievable. I gave up a lot for the

shiur, my business is mostly down to my partner now and I put my heart and neshamo into it.

Regarding pictures, my father in law Dr Friedman is a surgeon in Chicago, who has also been giving daf hayomi shiurim for many years. He always makes hand drawn charts, so I took the idea from him. Like everything else in the shiur, we had to ignore the backlash, the different things that people threw our way. People said it’s not traditional, it’s not the normal way of doing things: there will always be people that do and say things. You have to do what’s right and what you believe in. I am always looking out for ways to make learning Gemoroh more enjoyable.

Using huge cardboard cut-outs of people in the shiur, making Super Mario videos, mini cartoon movies and even walking on

people, all help to spread Torah in a fun way, as does sitting atop a (very expensive stuffed) lion, and bringing in live goats and sheep!


What is your message to people who have many reasons why they can’t learn the daf?


I really think that if a person understands that it will help them they will join. I read daily emails from people who say that the daf is literally changing their lives. Why would you not want that for yourself? You literally become an improved human being. Everyone wants that. Its not just a regular chumash shiur, it’s a shiur that transforms lives.

The Yetzer Harah will always give you excuses. Making money is a popular one; people feel the massive need to work 15 hours a day to keep making more and more money.

When I switched from being a caterer and went into property, Baruch Hashem I was blessed with great success and wanted to enjoy it all.

I became a pilot, bought and renovated a huge house in Chicago complete with an elevator, bought Tesla cars, went scuba diving, skiing and on safari, I jumped out of planes. I literally did it all!

Yet one day I turned round to myself and asked where I was heading in life? Would I take my money with me to the next world? How much Torah was I learning? I uprooted and moved to Israel within a few weeks and now Baruch

In the build up to Succot, Jewish Weekly editor Yossi Saunders caught up with the world famous and ever popular daf hayomi maggid shiur, Reb Eli Stefansky א”טילש. Reb Eli’s shiur has a daily following of over 20,000 people around the globe.

Hashem I learn most of the day whilst my business partner takes care of the properties.

I live in a much smaller apartment but am much happier.


Are you saying that everyone should uproot and make Aliyah?


If someone doesn’t have Parnassa that they can transfer to Israel, then of course they must do what is right according to their situation but on each individual level, there is always more time to learn Torah as opposed to working round the clock.

Take the leap of faith in Hashem and He will repay you. You see clearly how that financial success does not necessarily depend on how many hours you work.


One of your amazing accomplishments is how the shiur travels the world with you. You obviously work very hard to keep on top the daf across continents and from the ocean to the mountains with animals in between. Yet some people look past the global siyumim and say it puts off people that can’t afford to join you abroad. The gala Shabbaton for the next siyum in New York that you are currently promoting is an example of this. What would you say to those people who would love to go globe-trotting with you but simply don’t have the means?

Reb Eli makes the learning of the daf engaging and fun using intriguing images and animations, including using famous characters from games or TV shows. He says of his father-in-law, who also gave daf yomi shiurim, “He always makes hand drawn charts, so I took the idea from him… I am always looking out for ways to make learning Gemoroh more enjoyable. Using huge cardboard cut-outs of people in the shiur, making Super Mario videos, mini cartoon movies and even walking on people, all help to spread Torah in a fun way”.


The $800,000 shabbos is for everyone. Even if you can’t afford it I have offered a simple way. Approach someone for sponsorship, even if it’s uncomfortable and then if certain amount is given, you can get a free ticket too. Raffles are being done for free flights.

When I give shiur live on safari, or from Ski slopes; people always have their opinions. Some emails said it’s not fair that they have to explain to their son why they can’t go skiing, whilst others asked for more shiurim live on safari, as their kids loved the animals in the background! If I thought no one was interested I wouldn’t do it.

I think it’s interesting to see a maggid shiur on a snowboard, going down a mountain screaming “good morning raboisai”.

We always get both sides. Some people say why did you bring a goat into shiur, it’s cruel? Others say they have never seen Reb Noson Tzvi Finkel on a snowboard or holding a goat so there are always pros and cons.

To find out more, you can sign up at and receive a free gemoroh or search on Youtube, Alldaf, Torah Anytime, Kol Haloshon and other streaming sites.

continue in a future edition.
facinating interview with Reb Eli Stefansky will

Weekly Dvar Torah FROM ERETZ


The Jewish Weapon

The 1973 Yom Kippur War was actually also the Succot War because it continued through Succot. A few years ago, a 40th anniversary of the war was held at Yeshivat Hakotel. The attendees – many of whom had fought in the war – remembered how, during the battles, they had sang the verses of Hallel. Some told of how they had lost friends in the mornings and then tried to rejoice and dance in the evenings, an attempt to recreate the simchat beit hashoeva of Succot. A holiday that is all about joy and nature had become a tense time of fears and bloodshed. It is interesting though, that even within the inferno, what bothered these religious soldiers were the halachic details of their situation. Hundreds of soldiers found themselves on Succot without the arba’a minim (Four Species), without holiday prayer arrangements, without Torah scrolls and, most importantly, without Succot.

For example, then Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yeshayahu Hadari, told the following story: “It was Tuesday evening in the Suez Canal. The tension was tremendous. After two days of intense fighting and heavy casualties, Brigadier Avraham Baram briefed his soldiers before the next battle. He finished his brief by asking: ‘Is everything clear, does anyone have any questions?’ ‘Yes,’ said Yitzchak Tzfatman, a soldier from Yeshivat Hakotel. ‘Tomorrow night is the holiday of Succot. We would like you to get us some arba’a minim.’”

Rav Hadari continued: “After the war, this commander – who considered himself far from being Torah-observant – said that if the earth had been shaking beneath his feet and swallowing him up, he would have been less surprised than from this strange request. The arba’a minim in the middle of a war?

“But Tzfatman insisted: ‘We must have the arba’a minim.’ And indeed, When Brigadier Baram submitted the request for equipment that evening, he added: ‘And send the arba’a minim too.’

“The next morning the arba’a minim arrived with the rest of the equipment.

“Tzfatman asked Baram to shake the lulav and say the beracha and explained to him that the fighters would merit from him doing this mitzvah. They would win the war. Along with the lulav, the aravot, hadassim and etrog, he also gave him a book written by IDF Chief-of-Staff Yigal


“At the time, Yadin’s archaeological discovery of an ancient epistle had just been published. The fragment they had found described how during a battle during Succot, Bar Kochba insisted he had the arba’a minim. He had written a letter to a man named Yehuda Bar Menashe, informing him that he will send two of his own donkeys to the Ein Gedi area to be loaded with lulavim and etrogim for his entire camp.

“Tzfatman wanted to show Baram that even 2,000 years ago, during the war with the Romans, Bar Kochba also had the commandment of arba’a minim on his mind and was determined that his soldiers could observe the mitzvah.”

Sivan Rahav-Meir is the World Mizrachi Scholar-in-Residence and an Israeli journalist and lecturer.

On Pesach we remember how G-d took us out from Egypt and we eat Matzah to recall the swift Exodus. On Shavuot we recall the giving of the Torah, and we stay up all night learning to show our commitment to it. On Succot we sit in a Succah to remember the protection G-d granted our ancestors during their 40 years in the desert.

But Succot has another mitzvah that seems to have nothing to do with that protection, the Arba’ah Minim – the Four Species: Lulav, Etrog, Hadassim and Aravot. What do they have to do with protection?

There is a famous idea from the Sages of the Talmud that the Etrog (citron) is edible and has a pleasant smell. The Lulav (palm branch) has no smell, but it does bear fruit. Hadassim (myrtle) bear no fruit but have a lovely smell. Aravot (willows) have no fruit and no smell.

These represent four different types of Jews. The Etrog symbolises Jews who possess both Torah learning and good deeds. The Lulav symbolises those who possess Torah learning but lack good deeds. The Hadassim represent Jews with good deeds but without Torah learning. Aravot represent Jews who have neither. This shows the value of each Jew and how we are all bound together like the Lulav and Etrog. Why is this mitzvah on Succot?

When the Children of Israel encamped at Mount Sinai before receiving the Torah, they were, as our Sages explain, k’ish

echad belev echad, like one person with one heart, everyone together. Maybe, then, we should be shaking the Four Species on Shavuot, the festival of the giving of the Torah?

At the Pesach Seder, we speak of four sons, four different personality types. Maybe it would make more sense to shake the Four Species on Pesach?

Perhaps we shake the Four Species on Succot because it comes hot on the heels of the High Holidays, after we repented and told G-d we would change our ways for the better.

We are told that the Four Species have to be beautiful. The Lulav should be tall and straight and the Torah refers to the Etrog as a Pri Etz Hadar, beautiful fruit. Yet the S’chach (Succah roofing) is different.

Regarding Succot, the Torah writes in Devarim 16:13, “When you gather in from your threshing floor and from your wine vat”. Our sages in the Talmud say that this verse is referring to the S’chach for the Succah which can be made up from the residue of corn and grape clusters (Succah 12a). Why does the S’chach not have to be beautiful too?

Although it is ideal for us to always be upright like a Lulav and beautiful like an Etrog, this is not always easy to attain, or to maintain our high standards reached during the High Holidays.

We must therefore remember that the Succah, no matter how plain it is, is still protected by the presence of G-d. Even if the roof is made from the simplest chaff, G-d protects the Succah.

We wave the Four Species together, specifically on this festival, to remind us that ideally we should aim high and be as beautiful as these, but if we fall short of the targets represented by the Four Species, we remember the lesson of the S’chach, that, no matter what, we will always be afforded protection by G-d.

… what bothered these religious soldiers were the halachic details of their situation. Hundreds of soldiers found themselves on Succot without the arba’a minim, without holiday prayer arrangements, without Torah scrolls and, most importantly, without Succot.

Mirrors and Windows: The Secret of Schach

A father set out one day to teach his young daughter a powerful lesson. When she woke up in the morning, he took her in front of a mirror and asked her, “What do you see?”

She smiled and answered, “I see myself!”

He then took her to the window, and asked her, “What do you see now?”

“I see houses, and trees, and grass, and a whole world outside” she said, this time with a sense of wonder and joy in her voice.

That night, before tucking his daughter into bed, the father again brought her to the mirror.

“What do you see?”

“I still see myself” she answered, a bit confused as to why they were doing this again.

He then took her back to the window. “What do you see now?” he asked.

“I see… me?” she answered, suddenly very confused. “Did the window turn into a mirror?”

“Be patient, stay focused, and keep on staring at the window. What do you see?”

After a long, silent moment, her eyes lit up. “ I finally see it! I see houses and trees and the world outside!”

Her father smiled and explained to his daughter:

“Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own lives that we think everything in life revolves around us; instead of seeing the true nature of things, we see everything as a mirror of ourselves. As a result, we project our views onto everything we see and everything we hear. Instead, we each need to learn how to peer past the surface, past ourselves, and see the endless beauty, wisdom, and depth that lies beneath that surface. When we do so, we turn the mirror into a window, revealing a world of depth behind it.


The journey from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Yom Kippur is a forty-day experience of self-awareness, teshuva, and spiritual growth, whereby we come closer than ever to Hashem and our true selves. This process of closeness culminates in the holiday of Succos, which represents the ultimate connection between Hashem and the Jewish People. The center of this connection is the succah, which represents the marriage canopy as Klal Yisrel marries Hashem. As we approach this time of closeness, let us delve into the meaning of the succah and the lessons it holds for us.

Chazal enigmatically compare the schach of the succah to the ideal form of beauty. What does this mean?

The spiritual concept of beauty, and its relevance to marriage, is central to the connection we aim to develop through the process of Succos. In order to understand this connection, let us delve into

the spiritual concept of beauty. To do so, we must understand the unique beauty of Sarah Imeinu.


Sarah Imeinu was the most beautiful woman in the world. We know Sarah was physically beautiful, that her beauty was not just of an ethereal, spiritual nature. When Sarah and Avraham descended to Mitzrayim, the Mitzrim, and even Pharaoh himself, desired her (Bereishis 12:14-15. See Rashi). The Egyptians were steeped in immorality, interested only in beauty that ran skin deep. However, we know that Sarah Imeinu was immensely spiritual as well, that she reached the loftiest of spiritual levels (See Rashi, Bereishis 23:1).

At the end of Parshas Noach, Rashi (Bereishis 11:29) explains that one of Sarah’s other names was Yiscah. A name always reflects essence, so we must ponder the meaning of this name and what it reveals about Sarah Imeinu. “Yiscah” means transparent, and Sarah’s true beauty lay in her transparency. Her inner beauty completely permeated and was loyally reflected through her physical body. Genuine beauty requires the middah (character trait) of transparency, where the physical body reflects the inner and spiritual beauty, something infinitely greater than any external beauty. True beauty is oneness, where the physical and spiritual melt into a oneness, where the physical doesn’t hide the inner self, but reveals it!

It is therefore fitting that the shoresh (root) of the word “Yiscah” is also the shoresh of the word “schach”, the roof of the succah. According to Halacha (Jewish law), the schach is the most important part of the succah, which is why “schach” is the shoresh of “succah” as well. What, then, is the connection between transparency and schach? The answer lies in one of the deepest themes of Succos. Succos is about seeing past the illusion of independent self-security, recognizing that Hashem is our true source of protection. This is why we leave our sturdy homes and enter a diras arai, a temporary dwelling place. We show that our faith and trust lie in Hashem, not our “safe” homes. While on the surface, our security and safety seem to come only from our own efforts and hishtadlus, when

we look past the surface, we recognize that everything comes from Hashem. This is why the schach is the main part of the succah- it trains us to see past the surface. The schach must be transparent, allowing you to see the stars at night. It must also be loose enough to allow some sunlight and rain to enter the Succah. Only when we have a transparent surface can we truly see what lies behind it.


Amongst the Yamim Noraim (High Holidays), Succos is an anomaly. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are overtly spiritual and transcendent days, with intense rounds of prayer and spiritual elevation. Succos, on the other hand, is grounded in the physical. The centerpiece of Succos is a physical object - the lulav we shake, and much emphasis is put on going through our physical routines in a physical hut. It is the “zman simchaseinu”, a time of physical joy and festivities, highlighted by the celebrations of the simchas beis hasho’eivah. How is this the ultimate culmination of the spiritual growth we have worked towards throughout the last month and a half? The answer to this question is the secret behind the power of Succos, as well as a fundamental principle in Jewish ideology.

While the physical can be dangerous if misused, the ideal is not to transcend the physical, but rather to use the physical in order to reflect something higher. Think, how many mitzvos are commandments of the mind? Almost none. You can count them on your hand: Believe in Hashem, love Hashem, be in awe of Hashem, don’t be jealous, and just a few more. The overwhelming majority of mitzvos are physical actions which connect you to the spiritual source, Hashem! The act is physical, while the spirituality and mindfulness is contained within that physical act. We eat matzah, shake a lulav, blow shofar, and wear tefillin; all actions, all physical. We don’t believe in transcending the physical, we believe in using the physical to connect to the transcendent.

Succos embodies this lesson in embracing the physical. The purpose of this physical world is for us to use everything it has to offer for a spiritual purpose. This requires us to immerse ourselves in the physical world, but for this immersion to be proper we must maintain control and

focus while using the physical. In other words, our root must be transcendent, grounded firmly in the spiritual, and then atop that foundation we can descend into the physical and use it in a transcendent way. This is the key behind the process we undertake through the Yamim Noraim. We first experience Elul, then Rosh Hashanah, and then Yom Kippur, a developmental process of raising ourselves higher and higher above the physical world and deeper and deeper into the spiritual world. It is only once we create this transcendent root that we then re-immerse ourselves into physical living, but this time on an entirely new scale. We must infuse the totality of our spiritual acquisition into our physical life, elevating our actions and intentions as we move this physical world towards its ultimate spiritual root. Succos is the ultimate expression of this ideal, as we infuse the entirety of our spiritual gains from Elul, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur into a physical life of connection with Hashem inside the Succah. It is in that simple and mundane hut that we draw the connection between the transcendent spirituality we just experienced and the elevated physical existence we are about to throw ourselves into. This is how a Jew lives a life of spirituality.


This is the most powerful message of life. There are always two levels of reality: the surface level and the deeper, spiritual level. The surface is meant to reflect the spiritual, reveal it, emanate its truth and beauty. But often we struggle, we forget, we get caught up in the deception that the surface is all that there is. But even when we fail, even when we fall, there is always hope, there is always a path back to our true selves. This is the message of Succos; this is the message of life. To strive to see more, feel more, learn more, become more. May we all be inspired to not only see past the surface, but to then reveal that truth through the surface, to live holistic lives of truth, spiritual beauty, and true oneness.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:

Succos is about seeing past the illusion of independent self-security, recognizing that Hashem is our true source of protection. This is why we leave our sturdy homes and enter a diras arai, a temporary dwelling place.

The Wisdom and Depth of RashiLike You’ve Never Seen Before!

You’ve learned Chumash with Rashi, and the more you learned, the more you marveled at its brilliance. At both the depth of his work and its simplicity. This new series will take you to a whole new level of understanding of the foremost commentary on Chumash.

· An expanded translation and elucidation, drawing upon the major commentaries on Rashi.

· A short introduction to each Rashi.

· Notes discussing “What’s bothering Rashi?”

· Insights containing in-depth analysis of Rashi’s words.

· Explanations of underlying concepts and deeper looks where the commentators disagree with Rashi.

Series dedicated by Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein and their children, Joey and Lindsay, Jonathan and Nicole, Jeffrey and Ariella

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Torah from Israel Succot – One Step Toward Unity in Israel

The four minim of Succot are fundamentally different from the typical items used for the performance of a mitzvah. Objects which are generally employed for mitzvot, known as cheftzei mitzvah, come in two varieties. Some of these mitzvah objects, such as a sefer Torah, contain the written word of Hashem. While a sefer Torah contains the entirety of Hashem’s word, tefillin and mezuza parchments contain excerpted “highlights” of the Torah.

Other mitzvah objects, while not containing Torah texts, possess historical symbolism. These mitzvah objects recall important historical milestones, moments in history when the very same items were utilized. For example, eating matzo recalls our Exodus from Egypt when we ate the very same matzo, amidst the chaos of our speedy departure. Likewise, our modern Succot are replicas of the actual huts which sheltered us from the harsh desert conditions during our journey to Israel. Consuming matzo or residing in a Succah reconstruct foundational moments of Jewish history. These two brands of mitzvah objects represent the two primary avenues of religious experience: Hashem’s word and Jewish history.

The arba minim of Succot are different. Vacant of any preexisting religious symbolism, they don’t bear words of Torah, nor do they directly recall any historical precedent. There was no historically momentous event in Jewish history which featured the four minim. The four minim of Succot are completely bereft of any classic historical or divine symbolism.


They do, however, conjure a third avenue of religious meaning- the beauty and diversity of Hashem’s natural world. The bouquet of four species incorporates a variety of natural elements. The tall lulav is harvested from a towering date tree, while the aromatic hadassim branches are gathered from a lowly bush. While the lulav grows on a tree which produces delicious and nutritious fruit, the hadassim branches stem from bush which is barren of fruit, but imbued with sweet fragrance. The etrog is a fruit, with both pleasant odor and proven medicinal benefits, due to its high concentration of vitamin C. The sinuous aravot are harvested from whispering reeds which rise alongside murmuring brooks. Together, these

four assorted components encapsulate Nature’s beauty, variety and functionality. Together, they showcase the divine masterpiece of Nature. Clutching these four icons of Nature’s beauty, affirms that Hashem can be discovered not only in His word or in His historical intervention, but through Nature.

Obviously, the most direct way to serve Hashem and to discover religious meaning is to study His written word and to apply His divine will to our daily lives. Hashem Himself lies beyond the reach of human comprehension and expression, and for this reason, Judaism always prioritized Torah study over philosophical inquiry. Alongside Torah, remembering historical milestones and recalling divine miracles also provides us access to Hashem and to religious meaning.

The four minim provide a third route to discovering Him, independent of His word and unrelated to any historical context. We can identify Hashem in the magnificence of His natural world.


If we can discover Him in the beauty of the world which surrounds us, we can, likewise trace Him in the grandeur of the world within us. Just as the beauty of Nature speaks divine glory, similarly, the magnificence of Man reflects divine wisdom. Nature signals G-d through her beauty while Man reflects G-d through his innate human virtue.

For this reason, Chazal associated the four minim of Nature with four major human organs. Establishing this correlation between elegant articles of Nature and human organs underscores that both Nature’s splendor as well as the magnificence of man each reflect Hashem.

An etrog corresponds to a human heart, the seat of our emotions and our consciousness, each of which is exclusive to human beings. The aravot symbolize human lips and the capacity for cognitive communication, a trait which we alone possess. The haddasim leaves evoke human eyes. Though many animals can see, and some have better sight than humans, we are the only creature gifted with vision, allowing us to imagine realties which don’t yet exist. Our eyes work differently. Finally, the lulav corresponds to a human spine which is structured as a double curve, aligning our heads and torso into a vertical line above our feet, allowing us to walk upright. We don’t face the ground, scraping by on our knuckles, but stand upright and noble before Hashem.

The four minim remind us that, as Hashem’s masterpiece, we are delicately crafted and, additionally, are endowed with innate purity and intrinsic virtue. The four minim invite us to trace Hashem both through Nature’s beauty as well as through the grandeur of human potential and the beauty of human virtue. Human kindness and natural moral values are expressions of Hashem’s will and should inspire religious meaning.

As religious people we strive for a more elaborate religious experience which incorporates commandments, Torah study, prayer, and historical consciousness. However, we also accredit the intrinsic moral values of a pure human heart which are divinely installed. Virtue and nobility were downloaded into our hearts by G-d and they should provide religious inspiration.


This concept has particular resonance on Succot and special importance for this coming Succot. Succot is a holiday of unity, one of the three times a year during which the entire population pilgrimaged to Yerushalayim for a national assembly. Additionally, once every seven years, on this festival, the seminal assembly of Sinai, when we all stood united before Hashem was reenacted through the Hakhel assembly.

After a year of social strife and intense and even violent disagreements, we are in desperate need of recipes for national unity. There are many varieties of unity, but the most superior and durable unity must be built upon mutual respect and acknowledging the merits of people with different lifestyles. Appreciating that differing values enhance our own experience fosters greater unity and enables a more profound feeling of solidarity. Appreciating and respecting the “other” is crucial to genuine unity.

However, respecting others who are different doesn’t always come easy for religious Jews. Torah and religion are so primary to our identity that we legitimately struggle to respect those who operate outside the boundaries of classic religious observance. The first step to mending our ruptured social fabric in Israel is learning to respect other members of our struggling democracy, especially secular Jews. Many secular Israelis, though not classically religious, lead deeply meaningful lives of values, moral spirt and patriotic commitment to our people, this land and our joint history. There is something

magical about the encounter between a Jewish heart and the soil of our shared Jewish homeland. When the two meet something deeply spiritual emerges, even if that spirituality isn’t framed in classical religious terms. If we respect their values and lifestyle, even without completely validating a non-religious lifestyle, we must also accommodate their wants and interests. If Orthodox Jews are unable to identify any value in secular Israel, true unity built upon mutual respect will remain elusive.

The “natural” symbolism of the four minim illustrates that natural human goodness is a divine expression even if is accompanied by full religious commitment. We should admire every “good’ human being we encounter and certainly the amazing people with whom we share this land and a common destiny.

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

Obviously, the most direct way to serve Hashem and to discover religious meaning is to study His written word and to apply His divine will to our daily lives.

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips

For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Stuffed Harlequin Squash with Coconut and Mushrooms

This makes a tasty individual vegetarian main course or serve as part of a buffet especially during Sukkot.

Stuffed fruits and vegetables are symbolic for Sukkot. There are a few explanations for the tradition - it’s a way to embrace the abundance of harvest season, and some rolled and stuffed foods also resemble Torah scrolls.

Harlequin squash is a winter acorn squash. Inside it has a large cavity packed with seeds and fibre with not a lot of squash to eat so it is ideal for stuffing.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 45 minutes Serves: 4


4 baby harlequin squash, about the size of a grapefruit

300ml coconut milk

2cm fresh ginger – peeled and finely chopped

1 red chilli – finely chopped

1 garlic clove – peeled and finely chopped

8 brown cap mushrooms – thinly sliced

50g pumpkin seeds

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons desiccated coconut – lightly toasted

2 large eggs

Garnish: Sprigs of fresh thyme


1) Preheat the oven to 180C/ Gas mark 4.

2) Cut the top third off each squash to create a lid. Scoop out the seeds and stringy fibres from the inside.

3) Line a baking tray with baking parchment paper. Place the prepared squash on the tray with the lids beside them.

4) Put the coconut milk in a saucepan with the ginger, chilli and garlic. Bring to the boil

and simmer for 2 minutes. Take off the heat and mix in the mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, salt and coconut.

5) Lightly beat the eggs and stir into the coconut mixture. Spoon this mixture into the prepared squash.

6) Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a skewer can be inserted through the squash flesh easily.

Serve hot or at room temperature and garnish with sprigs of fresh thyme.


Family FunSuccot

Wow! It’s that time of the year again! The delightful sights and smells (and noises) of this time of the year! The 4 species – Lulav, Etrog, Hadassim and Aravot. We have gone through the wonderful High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and we now raise our flag of success with the 4 species.

There are so many wonderful Mitzvot associated with the festival – sitting at the Succah being a primary one. For seven full days (some also sit on the 8th day) we sit in what is described as the “shadow of faith” – basking in the company of G-d. As we look at the S’chach and remember the clouds of glory that accompanied our ancestors in the wilderness for 40 years. We also remember the huts that the Jewish


people built for themselves on their journeys. We beautify the Succah with festive decorations and try to make it a comfortable place to be as many people sleep there too!

We try to eat what we can in the Succah, thereby fulfilling a positive Mitzvah each and every day of the festival.

Each day in Shul (besides Shabbat) we take the Lulav and Etrog, Hadassim and Aravot and circle the Bimah, to remind us of how it was done in the Beit Hamikdash, where the nation would circle the Mizbeiach. We say special prayers on the theme of “Hosha Na” – Save us please! A request that we all know is so much more crucial this year.

Towards the end of Yom Tov, we

have a jolt back to the Yom Kippur atmosphere as we spend extra time praying for a bountiful new year.

Then we have two final days of Yom Tov, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. On Shemini (meaning 8th [day]) we pray for rain. In some parts of England, we have plenty of rain, but we nonetheless pray for it for many reasons and especially that the water should bring blessing, not flooding etc. We may also have in mind the lands that need rain such as Israel.

Finally, on Simchat Torah, we celebrate the conclusion of our cycle of reading the Torah and dance with the Sifrei Torah. However you celebrate it this year, even if you are doing so in your own company in your house, you can take a Chumash and dance around

your dining room table, thanking G-d for the wonderful gift of life He gave us with His Torah and Mizvot.

The final Sidra, Vezot Habrachah is as its name suggests, full of the blessings which our beloved leader Moshe gave the Jewish people and tells how he died immediately thereafter. No leader ever arose as great as he and the Jewish people mourned his death for 30 days. However, in many ways, Moshe lives on, through the Torah we all learn which all came through him. Immediately upon completion of Vezot Habracha we begin Bereishis. Further cause for celebration – we are beginning another round of the Torah! Another opportunity for further insights and gaining new appreciation for everything that is written in it.

Succot Facts

According to some interpretaions, the arba minim represent different parts of the body. The myrtle leaf, which is a small oval, represents the eye. The willow leaf, a long oval, represents the mouth, and the etrog fruit represents the heart.

The mitzvah of sitting in the Succah is the only mitzvah performed with your whole body.
Answers 1. A score to settle 2. Poison ivy 3. Life changing 4. Apply within 5. Blank cheque 6. Who’s in charge
H A K A F O T Q T P Z D A A R C D A O O E B A P D H C A H C S A Z E I C A X C C V L V F C G O R S D C H U O E V N O I X S F A L N S T X S K D Z I C A Q M X R Q G D V M M V F E H M O T I P M C U O O Q D Z G B B J Y L H Z U H U J B O G R B U A Z P F C K A G D U L D A R J B L C H A S D V S Word
Dingbats 1 2 3 4 5 6


Tangram Challenge! Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Last week’s words

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!

led let lob lot old sol belt bled blot

blue bold bole bolt dole dolt duel less lest

lets lobe lobs lode lose loss lost lots loud

lout lust lute oles sled slob sloe slot slue

sold sole soul told belts bless blots blued blues

boles bolts bolus doles dolts duels lobed lobes lodes

loses lotus louse louts luted lutes slobs sloes slots

slued slues soled soles souls stole blouse bluest bolted

Jokes Riddles

Q: What is a cat’s favourite colour?

A: Purrrrple!

Q: Why is Cinderella bad at football?

A: Because she’s always running away from the ball!

Q: What button can’t you undo?

A: Your belly button!

Q: Why was the rabbit so upset?

A: He was having a bad hare day!

bustle double loused louses oldest solute stoles sublet subtle

tousle tussle bloused blouses boldest boluses bustled bustles doublet

lotuses loudest solutes sublets tousled tousles tussled doublets doubtless

1. Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?

2. I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

3. What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?

I Answers

A map 2. Seven

all the shapes on the left can you make the helicopter shape on the right?
Use the area below to write the words you have found. A S U I N S C M 1.
3. Wrong

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Absolutely! Israeli banks are able to issue mortgages to Non-Israeli Citizens, and are able to underwrite loans based on Non-Israeli income.

Interest rates from an Israeli mortgage bank are currently lower than rates in the USA and UK, and foreign residents can easily get up to 50% of the purchase price financed by an Israeli bank. If you plan on making Aliya it’s possible to secure up to 75% financing.

You don’t even need to come to Israel to sign on anything - everything can be done from abroad with powers of attorney, including signing the purchase contract, mortgage documents, and opening an Israeli bank account.

It is usually recommended to borrow in shekels, especially if you plan on using the rental income to cover the mortgage repayment. However, foreign currency loans are also available if this is something you prefer.

Loans are available for a maximum term of 30 years, but banks are hesitant to let the loan term run past the borrower’s 80th birthday.

However, whilst Israeli mortgage products are of a high quality, it can be challenging to bridge the gap between the Anglo mindset and the Israeli Banking mindset. This can sometimes make the process more difficult and fraught than it needs to be. Our recommendation is to make sure to only work with bankers who speak your language, and have a lot of experience dealing with foreigners and foreign income. Alternatively, use an English speaking mortgage broker to bridge the gap for you. They will probably get you a better deal, and shield you from a lot of potential stress.

Aaron Krasner is the owner of Anglo Mortgages




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Spurs & Liverpool fans set for cracker The Championship

Tottenham Hotspur host Liverpool in what could be a Premier League cracker this weekend.

Fresh from a sensational 2-2 draw in the north London derby at Arsenal last Sunday, Ange Postecoglu’s side sit in fourth spot level with the Gunners in an impressive start to the season.

Spurs supporters could be forgiven for being nervous about this campaign but their side, led by Son Hueng-min, who struck twice at the Emirates, have silenced critics.

A win over the second-placed team will be a statement victory that a new era has dawned at the club. Postecoglu has already made his mark after a trophy laden spell at Celtic before his appointment.

Jurgen Klopp’s side, meantime, 3-1 victors over West Ham last time out, have also surprised pundits. Currently two points adrift of leaders Manchester City, who boast a perfect record after six games and will be heavy favourites to win at Wolves, a Liverpool victory will signal intent on

challenging at the top.

Arsenal will look to get back to winning ways at Bournemouth whilst Brighton face a tough task at sixth place Aston Villa to remain in a lofty third place.

Manchester United, 1-0 winners at Burnley, will look for a second consecutive win at home to Crystal Palace whilst Newcastle United, fresh from a record breaking 8-0 win at Sheffield United, should be far too strong against the Clarets at home. Eddie Howe’s side have got over their early inconsistency.

Chelsea, meantime, travel to Fulham desperate for a change in fortunes in the Monday night game, The Hammers should be far too strong when the Blades come to town.

Nottingham Forest and Brentford meet in a mid-table clash. Everton will expect a second consecutive win when they host Luton Town, who picked up a first Premier point at home to Wolves last weekend. Down at the bottom, Luton, Burnley and Sheffield have a point apiece and are looking for a first league triumph.

Leicester recorded back-to-back victories to rise to the summit of the Championship. A 2-0 away win at Norwich , followed by a 1-0 home win against Bristol City was enough to see them leapfrog Preston, who could only manage a 1-1 draw against lowly Rotherham. Ipswich moved into second as they also won both games. They won 1-0 away at Southampton, and then followed that up by edging out Blackburn 4-3 in a very open game at the weekend. They had led 3-1 at half time, but a Clarke own goal and a 5th goal of the season for Sammy Szmodics saw Rovers pull it around, before a late goal by Massimo Luongo guaranteed them all three points.

The top three in the Championship have now opened up a 5-point gap over the chasing pack. Hull sit fourth after a fine 3-1 win at Stoke – this was their third away win on the bounce. Prior to that game, Hull had shared the points with a resurgent Leeds, who themselves moved into the playoff places courtesy of a 3-0 thrashing against a very poor Watford team. Leeds seem

to have put their early season woes behind them and look certain to be involved in the promotion mix come the end of the season.

Southampton seem to be in freefall at the moment. They have lost four games on the bounce now, conceding twelve goals in the process the latest of which was a 2-1 loss away to Middlesborough. The win lifted Boro up to 22nd in the table and it means that Sheffield Wednesday now have the unwelcome tag of being the only team in the league yet to record a win. Their two games were both against fellow strugglers, and after drawing against Middlesbrough, they were well beaten by Swansea. There is still a long way to go, but things look ominous for Wednesday and it looks like it is going to be a very long season for them. Rotherham also look like they are going to find life difficult in the Championship as they sit just above Sheffield Wednesday after picking up just one point for their two matches. That’s all for this week – this weekend Leicester will have to be at their very best to maintain top spot as they travel to Blackburn, whilst both Ipswich and Preston have easier games on paper, as they play Huddersfield and West Brom respectively.

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