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Welcome to Antigua & Barbuda

The exquisite white-sand beaches, turquoise waters and spectacular scenery make Antigua & Barbuda one of the most beautiful places on the planet, but although its attractions are more than evident at a simple glance, its beauty certainly isn’t skin deep. So, what sets these islands apart from your run-of-the-mill paradise?

Anyone who has been to Antigua & Barbuda will agree that the islands have that je ne sais quoi; that certain something that is difficult to put into words. And that certain something lies beyond the picture postcard views and world-class hotels, facilities and infrastructure and comes from the warm welcoming smiles of its people, their music, their food and their traditions, old and new. As Mahatma Gandhi so wisely said, “A nation’s culture resides in the heart and soul of the people”.

The twin islands are truly made up of a mosaic of cultures; starting with the Amerindian people who populated the islands until the British arrived in the seventeenth century, to the West African slaves brought to the islands by the colonialists to work the sugar plantations. Each of these have brought their own traditions, customs and food creating a hypnotic blend of cultures. Today, the islands are a cosmopolitan melting-pot with citizens from all over the globe who have chosen to make their home on these magical islands and who have brought their own cultures to the mix.

With world-class health facilities, top-notch education to university level, an incredible climate and a healthy lifestyle thrown in, more and more people are choosing to become citizens in paradise.

Antigua & Barbuda has one of the best Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes in the Caribbean and is in the top five of the Global Citizenship Programme Index in Henley & Partners’ Global Residence and Citizenship Programmes 2018-2019 report. Citizenship to the islands allows visa-free travel to 165 jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and Schengen area.