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Bal Tashchit and Beyond: Shalom Green Offers New Youth Programs

By Summer Minchew

Though climate change affects everyone, we will leave the Earth to today’s children and to future generations. As the effects of climate change intensify with each passing year, more young people are joining the movement for positive change.

The power of the youth climate movement is undeniable. Most of us have heard of Greta Thunberg, one of the foremost spokespeople in the fight against climate change. In August 2018, at the age of 15, she sat outside Swedish Parliament every school day of the three weeks leading up to the Swedish election, demanding urgent action on climate — and Fridays for Future

was born. What started with one person, Fridays for Future climate strikes have since engaged 16 million people in 218 countries globally. Thunberg has received three Nobel Peace Prize nominations for climate activism and was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2019. Her actions have inspired interviews, films, and books.

It is quite clear that young people are valuable contributors to climate action. Motivated by Thunberg , the youth in action around the globe, and the caring, daring young people in our own lives, Shalom Green is excited to launch two new programs aimed at youth environmental education and activism in 2022.

Shalom Green Sprouts is a monthly meetup for students ages 8-11 and their siblings featuring one hour of action for young environmentalists. Each month, participants will meet with community and environmental experts to learn how they can make a difference. From increasing biodiversity to reducing waste, Shalom Green will host fun, hands-on activities that will help youngsters heal the world.

All events will take place on Sundays from 2 to 3 p.m. and will be held in the Shalom Park Community Garden. Our kickoff event will be held on March 20, and the theme will be “Be Green!” Participants will learn about ways they can save the planet, sign the Shalom Green Pledge, and decorate an eco-ideas notebook to take home. Future event themes include protecting pollinators, global citizenship, and local foodways. Events are free, but space is limited, participants must register in advance. Sibling participants under eight must be accompanied by an adult. Visit www.shalomgreenclt. org to learn more.

Shalom Green REgeneration is a self-paced program for teens ages 12-18. Over the course of this eight-part program, student participants will work under the guidance of the Shalom Park Community Garden coordinator to learn about the importance of environmental stewardship and advocacy. Participants will research and implement an environmentally based service project that addresses a need within the community. To express interest in this program, visit www. shalomgreenclt.org/education.

With the launch of these programs, Shalom Green hopes to inspire and engage the next generation of doers, thinkers, agents of change, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Every country, every school, every friend group, every family, and every community needs an outspoken environmental activist to motivate change for greater good.

Jewish tradition teaches the importance of caring for the environment, for we must act as partners in preserving creation. If you are interested in supporting Shalom Green or have ideas for educational programming, please contact us at info@shalomgreen- CLT.org. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ShalomGreen_CLT and visit our website at www.shalomgreenCLT.org.