1 minute read


…Eat more seeds

Often cheaper than nuts and great for your gut, adding seeds to your diet is an easy way to get more protein and fibre. Switching snacks high in saturated fats (like biscuits and crisps) for seeds can support maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.

Did you know?

Seeds contain essential fatty acids, amino acids, plus vitamins A, B, C and E and the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese.

Seeds are a source of protein. Eating them in combination with other protein sources (like pulses, tofu or meat) helps you get a variety of amino acids, which the body uses to build and repair cells*

As seeds are high in fibre, add them to your diet gradually to avoid bloating. Start by sprinkling over porridge, using to add texture to stir-fries or creating a seedy crumb for fish before baking.

You may have seen these seeds on the shelves, but do you know their perks?

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of potassium, which contributes to normal blood pressure and functioning of the nervous system, and magnesium, which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Flaxseeds support regular bowel movements. It’s worth buying them ground rather than whole, as they’re easier to digest.

Chia seeds are a source of ALA, which is a type of omega 3, but it gets converted in the body to EPA and DHA, which are the same omega 3 fatty acids we find in fish.