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Eco stories

Eco stories Hero the zero

Imagine a world where there was no food waste… A lofty goal, but cer tainly one wor th aiming for

January – a time for setting good intentions for the year ahead. And there’s one New Year’s resolution we can all commit to that will save us money and help save the planet too: reduce our food waste.

An estimated 6.4 million tonnes of edible food are thrown away in the UK each year. Shockingly, one in six shopping bags and one in eight prepared meals ends up in the bin, which amounts to £730 per household every year. This has a huge environmental impact, and is very costly.

Tesco knows it isn’t just up to individuals to make the change – so it too is on a mission to tackle food waste. Any produce that’s safe for human consumption but can’t be sold on the shop floor is redistributed to charities and community groups that feed people in need. It’s also offered to colleagues through the Colleague Shop. An impressive 82% of Tesco’s surplus is redirected to humans or animals. No Tesco food waste is sent to landfill. So how can you reduce your food waste? Follow these easy steps…

Plan your food

Make a weekly meal list with everyone from your household. Then check what you have in the fridge, freezer and cupboards before you shop.

Store it right

Check labels to find out where products should be kept, so they stay edible for as long as possible.

Portion perfectly

Dish up smaller portions and eat what’s on your plate before getting more.

Love your leftovers

Cool your leftovers before storing in the fridge or freezer. Then check out tes.co/leftovers for ideas on how to use them.

Fill your freezer

From bread to cheese, freezing food will help you store it for much longer. Use airtight containers to prevent freezer burn and spillages – and label before freezing to make things easy to find later.

B I N T H E R E , D O N E T H A T

T h e s e a r e 1 0 o f t h e m o s t - w a s t e d f o o d s i n t h e U K* – h o w m a n y d o y o u c h u c k ?

1 Potatoes (fresh) 2 Bread 3 Milk 4 Ready meals 5 Fizzy drinks 6 Smoothies and fruit juice 7 Pork, ham, bacon 8 Poultry 9 Carrots (fresh) 10 Potatoes (processed) GIVE ME MORE!

Need a recipe for a handful of ingredients? Visit tes.co/recipefinder.