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Is Solar Right For You?

Tri-County Electric Cooperative is seeing a rise in the number of solar installs and we want to continue to be a trusted source of information. With over 100 systems installed throughout our territory we have compiled tons of data from the solar usage of our members and want to use that information as a resource to continue helping members make the best decision for their household.

The 3 most popular sizes members are installing are small (0-5 kW DC), medium (6-10 kW DC), and large (11-15 kW DC) with the most popular being the medium (6-10 kW) system. Interconnected service uses net metering, which routes power through a single meter that measures the TCEC delivered electricity you receive and subtracts the amount of electricity exported by your equipment. This saves you the expense of purchasing an additional meter and allows you to receive a credit for any surplus electricity generated by your equipment.

The credit is reflected on your monthly bill towards your usage that month. If a member generates more than they use throughout the year, TCEC will purchase any excess energy generated at Seminole Electric Cooperative’s avoided costs. The average credit members are receiving on their electric bills shown as GREEN POWER GENERATION is $18.75, $40.17, and $63.02 per month for the small, medium, and large PV systems respectively.

How do you know if solar energy is right for you? Here are the factors to consider when adding solar panels to your home.

First, solar works well in all parts of the country. The key is to ensure that the system is sized correctly for your location and climate.

Some people wonder if a south-facing roof is a must. South-facing is best, but east- and west-facing roofs work well too. North-facing roofs aren’t really worth installing solar panels.

Does your roof have to be new? Solar panels can last for 25 years or longer. So, while your roof doesn’t need to be brand new, it should be in good shape before installing panels on top of it.

What types of roofs can support solar panels? Most popular types of roofing (such as vinyl membrane, concrete/clay tile and asphalt) work great, but wood shake roofs present too many challenges to make a good surface. Also, if your roof isn’t ideal, it’s also possible to mount panels on a ground-mount racking system instead.

The last thing to think about is obstructions. Shade on even small portions of a solar panel can dramatically reduce its output. Make sure there isn’t too much shade on your roof from buildings or trees.

Remember, a reputable solar installation company will offer you a free assessment and estimate so you’ll know for sure whether solar is right for your home.