Tama County Murder Mystery - Week 5

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5 of 8 Part Series

MURDER AT WHISKEY BOTTOM Written by: Zane Dreesman This is the fifth article in the Whiskey Bottom Murder. We have talked about the local people, the estate, and food so far. Today our article is about the clothing that the people of 1929 would have worn. The men would have worn overalls, a button-up shirt, and boots. Women generally wore either a long skirt and blouse or dress, both of which would have touched the floor. The women also usually had their hair pulled back in a bun.

CLUE: A piece of...

Those of you who are coming to the play please come in wearing what you think someone from the late 1920's would have worn. Those who are wearing what we think are the most authentic will be given door prizes. So remember your long skirts and overalls!

...left on the front door of the crime scene. Come help solve the murder at Whiskey Bottom. The original Tama County Mystery from 1929 has never been solved, by that may all change at the estate full of characters, and good old fashioned Tama County food and hospitality. Each attendee will be given a 1929 character inspired by the Tama County history books, info to share, and secrets to protect (but no lies allowed!!!). For eight weeks, Starting Sept 9, 2010, clues to the story and your character will appear in the Tama/Grundy Newspapers and/or online: www.tamacountyiowa.org/mystery2010.

Tama County Iowa Convention & Visitors Bureau and Historic Preservation Present

The Whiskey Bottom Estate Sale, 1929

MURDER MYSTERY DINNER Sat. Oct 30, 6-9 p.m. Pilgrim Heights, Montour Iowa $25 Ticket includes dinner and a character Contact Tama County Convention & Visitors Bureau: (641) 484-3108 or joanne@tamacountyiowa.org

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