OhBaby 2016

Page 66

Hospital Bag


Reduce your stress by packing for your trip to the hospital a few weeks before your expected due date.

____ Bath Robe

For Mom

____ Lotion

____ Night Gown

____ Hair Ties and Pins

____ Pajamas

____ Pillow

____ Loose Comfy Clothing

____ Tennis Ball for Labor Massage

____ An Outfit to Leave In

____ Cell Phone and Charger

____ Slippers

____ Camera and Charger

____ Nursing Bras

____ Music Player/Laptop/Tablet

____ Several Pair of Comfortable Underwear

____ Snacks for Husband/Family

____ Socks

____ Coins for Vending Machine

____ Nursing Pads/ Nipple Cream

____ Birth Plan

____ Toiletries and Makeup

____ List of Family Contacts

____ Brush and Blow Dryer

____ Magazines/Books

____ Glasses/Contact Lenses

____ Identification

____ Chapstick

____ Insurance Card/Info

____ Going Home Outfit

For Baby

____ Baby Finger Nail Clippers

____ Onesie/Sleepers

____ Car Seat

____ Baby Socks

____ Receiving Blankets

____ Baby Mittens/Hat

____ Newborn Diapers and Baby Wipes

Call List ________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________








66 | Oh BABY!

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