Surface & Panel - Q4 2021

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“This was my first time coming and I got exactly what I was looking for.” DIKO KIROKIAN, DIKO KIROKIAN HOME DESIGN

“We had a good amount of leads and they were way more serious this year.” MARK CRAIG, SCM




ndustry professionals who attended AWFS Fair 2021 in Las Vegas might tell you that when they walked into the Convention Center this past July, they didn’t know what to expect. It turns out attendees and exhibitors alike were pleasantly surprised. “Attendance was understandably lower than other years, but the turnout was excellent, and I think we’ve been received quite well, especially considering COVID and all that happened in 2020,” said Matthew Mance of Salice. Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers Fair 2021 was one of the first major industry events since the return of tradeshows, and one thing many showgoers agreed on was that the overall quality of the event was much stronger and unlike previous years. “The show certainly surpassed our expectations,” said Ken Frye from KCD. “We came in thinking the turnout might be a little low. We anticipated good attendance but not great.” Frye explained that while the event’s smaller footprint concerned him at first, he was thrilled with the traffic and the PR response the company received. “We invested a lot in our display here and it was definitely the right time to do it.” Many exhibitors agreed that, despite the lower attendance numbers, engagement was much more meaningful. “It was unpredictable,” said Josue Miranda from Mockett. “The show really ramped up towards the end and we were able to get so many great leads. It definitely surpassed 2019.” Mark Craig of SCM agreed, while adding that not only did he get a lot of leads, but they carried much more weight than previous years. “No doubt our leads are stronger this year,” said Craig. “I think the show was really good.” In addition to a lively tradeshow, the event featured the AWFS Visionary Awards—an impressive showcase of outstanding products—displayed at the entrance lobby of the show.

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