Issue 16 of Stencil Mag

Page 64

This year marks five years as Me Vs Hero, with that in mind, how happy are you with where you are now as a band as well as what you have achieved so far? Five years! That's a long time to do anything for! We started out just wanting to play shows and tour with a hope of one day being able to do this a career. I'm really happy with where we are right now, we have to put a lot of time and effort into what we do, but its so rewarding when things come together.

Over the summer you toured Japan on the Beyond [the] Blue tour, so how was this experience for you, and do you have any particular highlights that you could share with us? Touring Japan was huge for us, it's the furthest we've been away from the motherland. It opened our eyes to the way touring should be done. The kids are crazy over there, they really see you as their idols and cry when you leave, which is a bit surreal to a band of our size. We went to a big arcade with the boys from WTP and signed up for this gamer card. We played this mental game that took up the whole floor! The Japanese know how to do arcades.

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