SPOILER Magazine STAR WARS Special Edition 2023

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Writer / Creator






Almost Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror-drama adventure about triumph, growth, and the resiliency of the human spirit. With their cinematic comic book series which depicts vicious and visceral events in a raw yet beautiful way, Galaxy has redefined the genre and nearly invented one of their own. Infusing the perilous and unexpectedly exciting journey with absolute horror and an attention to detail that’s rooted in and dedicated to realism, the creator and writers have established a nexus point between exhilaration and terror.


Hello readers, both old and new! We are extremely excited to bring you this special STAR WARS edition of SPO!LER Magazine! Many of you grew up super fans of the ever expanding Star Wars Universe, remembering the joy and excitement that came with seeing such fantastical effects when the original movies came out. We feel so lucky to bring you such a thick edition that covers all aspects of exactly what you love about this Fantasy Space Series! Within these pages will be breakdowns of a multitude of things, from locations to characters to how to be a Jedi/Sith. Our team of writers contain some of the biggest fans of the Star Wars Universe and you can feel the love, care, research, and fandom that went into every article. As always, your loyalty and your fandom is greatly appreciated. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as you check out this wonderful edition of SPO!LER. We hope the remainder of your 2023 is full of prosperity and health!


Editor-in-Chief Galaxy Print Editor Sara Hope

Art Director Kent Klarks

Design and illustration Supervisor Ronald Garcia Design Manager Zerologhy Copy Editor Rob Lockett

Staff Writers The Greatest Writing Team in Our Universe Tom Tormey Graveyard Rebeca Nishi Rob Lockett Chris Georges Tyson D. Yurait Gabe Estrada Stephanie Galan James Navarro Moses “Gamer” David Grande Social Media Manager Thor the all mighty Advertising Ads@SpoilerMagazine.com Sponsorship Sponsorship@SpoilerMagazine.com Press Please send all press releases to: Press@SpoilerMagazine.com Please send all review material to: Review@SpoilerMagazine.com Subscriptions For all subscription enquiries please contact: Sub@SpoilerMagazine.com Check out our website for details on how to get our DIGITAL EDITION

Thank you and May the Force be with You,

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Galaxy EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @ComicConRadio

SPOILER Magazine is printed in the USA SPOILER Magazine 7095 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood, California 90028 “Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening” - Galaxy












A Guide on How to Embrace the Sith in the Star Wars Universe






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THE ORIGINAL QUOTE BY JOHN DONNE ORIGINALLY STATED: “No man is an island”, but the original intent was most likely for everyone. Everyone seeking a sense of belonging in an otherwise bleak and detached world. With this in mind, we introduce you to the first volume of Almost Dead. Almost Dead is set in our not-too-distant past- a time when the internet was in its infancy, where modems would gurgle out that electronic garble like a zombie, and when phones were only for ringing and texting.


The year is 2005, and our protagonist Sara is busy flying back to Maryland for a sorely needed reunion with her brother Jake and her uncle Owen. The flight itself is relatively normal and breathes a false sense of security to the reader. But this is where the fun begins. Before facing the daunting prospect of hiring a rental car, and making the last leg of her trip, she decides to visit the bathroom and freshen up. During this time, Sara passes a person who is not quite what he seems, and the various scratching is just a glimpse into what

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this thing is capable of, as this commotion soon turns violent, and we learn that this is one of the first waves of the undead. It may not be patient zero, but it would come close. When Sara goes to investigate, she is knocked to the ground and is rendered unconscious, only to wake up to an almost empty airport. Days later, Sara manages to escape annihilation and wakes up with a concussion that leaves her foggybrained and disoriented. There are echoes of the classic Zombie trope here, and not necessarily Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead, but more of Cillian Murphy awakening to find a deserted London at the beginning of 28 Days Later or a groggy Shaun trying to make his way hungover to grab a cornetto, almost oblivious to his surroundings. One can only gleam some insight into why Sara seems to be in this state of limbo (other than the aforementioned concussion). Perhaps there is a trail of breadcrumbs left in the mysterious childhood flashback that takes place during her state of unconsciousness. If the tattoo of the wolf is anything to go by, Sara is

not all of what she seems, and this symbol could betray a dark past, where only the prospect of a new world free from banality and driven only by the strong and the chaotic would allow Sara’s true id to bloom, awakening her inner wolf, her warrior goddess, much in the same way characters like Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor do not fear trauma but thrive in it. She manages to leave the airport, only spotting people from a distance. Cars outside the exit are abandoned and almost all are out of gas. Sara manages to find a taxi that still runs but passes out before she can drive anywhere. She’s oblivious to a nearby woman screaming for help as the woman is attacked by a flesh-eating zombie. But we digress- lets journey back to that nefarious flashback. This is the world beyond, which the writer Galaxy is crafting – elusive but a threat of something sizable, with hints of conspiracies, secret cults, monsters, and historical allusions to Aztec societies. From this flashback, we quickly glean that Sara has had no ordinary childhood, and

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perhaps the traumatic events of a zombie-like apocalypse may awaken the sleeping giant within. The story concludes with her returning home, only to find everything abandoned, but a lingering threat is growing nearby.


One of the key themes of Almost Dead is the overwhelming feeling of isolation, as Sara begins her journey in the pre-undead world detached and yearning for a sense of belonging, only to find this feeling repeated in a world emerging from catastrophe; a once thriving airport filled with nothing but the refuse, in a very ubiquitous sense; only to discover that the rest of the world may be the same – has society completely collapsed? And what do we know of the undead? Tonally, the first volume is a series of contrasts, with visually stunning images carefully crafted by Ryan Benjamin, (the renowned graphic artist of both Marvel and DC acclaim) and yet in its beauty is a world of grotesque violence and a deep sense of foreboding. What also stands out in the writing is the characterisation of its protagonist and Galaxy’s world building, offering a multilayered world of both horror and intrigue that lays just beyond our vision. The first volume tonally is a slow burn, giving its intended readership time to absorb the richness of the world offered in Almost Dead. Almost Dead Volume One clearly asks more questions than it answers, but isn’t that one of the joys of being a volume 1? We look forward to seeing more of this exciting new addition to a world so scarily familiar.

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in the Star Wars universe is a near impossible task, harder than making the Kessel Run in less than 12 par secs, or hitting a small thermal exhaust port, as there are just simply too many brilliant scenes throughout the known SW universe – and certainly by no means is this list complete or finite. I’ve tried to cover each of the three trilogies in one shape or form. So without any further hesitation, here is a list of some of the most iconic, and some of the best scenes in Star Wars history, whether they be signature duels, deep emotional reveals or ones that boast an epic score by John Williams. 15. STAR WARS EP VIII: THE LAST JEDI - SNOKE IS HALF THE MAN HE USED TO BE Many audience members did not see this one coming, including yours truly. Yes, I felt Snoke would meet his demise eventually and that Kylo Ren would seek some form of redemption or at least a power grab for the keys to the kingdom in the First Order, but

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we didn’t think this moment would arrive until Episode IX. Quite a shock when this scene first hit theatres; Snoke is caught completely unaware when Kylo Ren ignites Rey’s lightsaber instead of his own, immediately piercing Snoke’s torso and floating it across to cut the man in two- Darth Maul style. From there, Kylo- Ren and Rey face off against the Imperial guards, who prove themselves to be much more capable than those that guarded Palpatine against Yoda. After their ensuing lightsaber battle, Ren surprises once more by refusing to spare the lives of the Resistance and continuing to bombard them, much to Rey’s dismay and subverting our expectations for a further opportunity for redemption, and rather a power grab for Kylo Ren to become the autocratic leader of The First Order. From this point, we get another fantastically heated, dramatic exchange and more hints towards Rey’s true parentage, as well as the emblematic message Ren declares, “let the past die.”

14. STAR WARS EP VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS HAN CONFRONTS KYLO REN I’m sure many fans would skip this heart-breaking moment. Harrison Ford finally got his wish to kill off Han Solo, but the moment it transpires in The Force Awakens is truly heartwrenching. Many would question whether Kylo -Ren was considering turning to the light side or whether it was just a ploy to lure his father closer to make the final death-stroke. From the self-serving and sometimes callous smuggler, Han goes out the best way possible, sacrificing himself like a Jedi to allow others a chance to escape, but also looking into his son’s eyes one last time, filled with love and touching his cheek one last time before falling into oblivion. Sorry, is someone cutting onions? Both Ford and Driver are excellent in this powerful scene. 13. STAR WARS EP II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES YODA VS. DOOKU After various iterations of the wonderful puppet work by Frank Oz and crew,

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we were yet to see Yoda in combat. While Obiwan and Anakin lay on the floor wounded, a confident Yoda saunters in Clint Eastwoodstyle for an epic showdown with Count Dooku. After a brief exchange of words, and a show of the force, they challenge each other to a contest of lightsabers, only to watch Dooku outmatched by an amusing whirling green frenzy of power reminiscent of the Tassie Devil character. Dooku barely escapes with his life as the Jedi Master proved that nearly 900 years of age cannot prevent a good Jedi from revealing the warrior within. 12. STAR WARS EP III: REVENGE OF THE SITH THE TRAGEDY OF DARTH PLAGUEIS THE WISE One of the highlights of this film was seeing the ultimate manipulation of Anakin Skywalker through a series of scenes, with none more poignant than a night at the opera. Here McDiarmid delivers a note of Shakespearean villainy of the highest proportions, channelling his inner Iago or Richard III, as he circles Anakin like a predator about to pounce on its prey, before focusing on his innermost weaknesses. Palpatine’s cautionary tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise serves a number of purposes including: Embedding the power of the dark side as a pathway to prevent loss, foreshadowing the power of Palpatine’s cunning, and the inherent

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flaws in the Sith’s Master and Apprentice system. McDiarmid puts on a master class here – is it possible to learn this power? 11. ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY ‘EVERYTHING WE’VE DONE WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR NOTHING. I CAN’T FACE MYSELF IF I GAVE UP NOW. NONE OF US COULD.’ This scene feels even richer now that the show Andor has been released. This is the iconic moment not only when Jyn Erso makes a stand, but Cassian Andor and other battle-hardened members of the rebellion are determined to join her on the desperate mission to seize the death star plans. Each of these people know the stakes, they know that this will be a suicide mission, but as Andor says, they’ve had to sacrifice too much for this moment. It’s the face of the rebellion we rarely see, and it reveals the great toll the intergalactic war has cost on the rebel alliance, not only the lives lost in the turmoil, but their very souls. As soldiers like Andor, they have had to do some dark things all in the name of the cause. A great exchange and some wonderful dialogue that show the true commitment of people to the rebellion. 10. STAR WARS EP VI: RETURN OF THE JEDI “YOU’RE GOING TO DIE HERE YOU KNOW“ – FIGHT AT THE SARLACC PIT. The moment we were waiting for, the unravelling of the alliance’s plan to rescue Han, and to see Luke in beast mode,

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Images courtesy of Lucas Film, Walt Disney Production Studios, 20th Century Fox Productions, Disney Plus

unleashing some of his Jedi powers. From the moment Luke gestures to R2-D2 we know it’s on, and what ensures is a series of action-packed moments where we see the Jedi in action, destroying Jabba’s small army of henchmen and with the satisfaction of Leia strangling Jabba the Hut. A series of wellchoreographed and stunts reveal to the audience that the Rebel alliance are as powerful as suggested and have evolved from the final act of The Empire Strikes Back. Instead of licking their wounds, they are a force to be reckoned with, and easily dismantle a once powerful Hutt empire.

9. STAR WARS EP III: REVENGE OF THE SITH I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND It was the climactic battle that had been built up for decades, where on the lavaflowing banks of Mustafar, the showdown between Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader would take place; After an epic duel, with bitter rivals replicating each other’s moves, they would reach the end where Obi-wan would declare the words that have been the source of so many memes, “It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground,” and what was once Anakin Skywalker would be decimated, leaving nothing but a disfigured walking

carcass of blind hatred and evil. Emotions ran high as Obi-wan bursts into tears when his once dearest friend, squirming in agony after being dismembered and burnt alive curses “I hate you!” while an emotionally defeated Obiwan retorts, “You were my brother Anakin, I loved you!” It was both a disturbing and emotional conclusion to Anakin’s downfall, and ultimately justifies Obiwan’s lament in ROTJ: ‘ He’s more machine now than man, twisted and evil.” 8. STAR WARS EP I: THE PHANTOM MENACE DUEL OF THE FATES After viewing the dual

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light saber igniting in the trailers, excitement was at fever-pitch after the long awaited first prequel erupted onto cinemas, and fans were greeted with one of the best light saber battles in the whole star wars. With the epic stunt choreography and sword play of Ray Park, and the amazing Duel of the Fates by John Williams combined together to make one of the best scenes in the film, and a pulse pounding climax to the Phantom Menace. The use of the power gates, also builds tension and when Qui-Gon is killed, Obi-wan unleashes his full fury at Darth Maul, ultimately cutting him in two following the improper use of the high ground.

Han and Greedo. While this is hotly contested now, in the original version, Han Shooting first was changed with Lucas feeling it necessary to make this alteration in the revamped versions of A New Hope. Original fans could argue that Han loses some of his moral ambiguity in this change, however, it should also be noted he has a blaster in his face and is threatened the entire time. The scene is reminiscent of Tuco in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly when he reminds his enemy, ‘If you’re going to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.’ The scene is unforgettable and a firm reminder of how much Star Wars can overlap the western genre.

7. STAR WARS EP IV: A NEW HOPE - CANTINA SCENE AND HAN SHOOTS FIRST In a wretched hive of scum and villainy is where we first meet Han Solo and Chewbacca. The Cantina scene plays out like something we see in a western, as we see a multitude of weird alien creatures and the catchy cantina music playing in the background like a viola amongst space cowboys having a drink at the saloon. Dr Evazan and Ponda Baba threaten and assault Luke, before being ‘neutralised’ by Obi-wan, and we see the famous exchange between

6. STAR WARS EP V: EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ‘SIZE MATTERS NOT.’ Another wondrous episode where audiences are given a glimpse into some of the larger aspects of the force as Yoda gives Luke (no pun intended) a crash course in Jedi training. It’s a moment of self-realisation for Luke, that despite his eagerness, knows his limitations as he struggles to move his X-wing out of the Dagobah swamp. Now adopting the mentor role, Yoda comments to Luke, ““Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? And well you should not. For

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my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.” The monologue suggests a number of things to Luke as a student including the power of the force, selfbelief, being one with the universe and the power of untapped potential. What is more mesmerising is how Yoda follows this wisdom with action, effortlessly lifting the X-wing up and out towards the land. Once again accompanied by some John Williams magic with the emotional “Yoda and the Force” score. 5. ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY - VADER HALLWAY SCENE It could be a scene straight out of a horror film, and for a rebel officer on board the Tantive IV – the stuff of nightmares. Audiences looked on in horror to see a bacta-refreshed Vader unleash hell on the crew fleeing with the stolen death star plans on board the MC75 Star Cruiser, heading for the Tantive IV. A darkened hallway, with mist gathering and the haunting sounds of Vader’s cacophonic breathing set the mood before he ignites the menacing red lightsaber and does on a rampage. This tremendous scene was added in as some of the reshoots during Rogue One’s post-production phase but it’s all the better for it, as fans get to see Vader at his most physically menacing

Images courtesy of Lucas Film, Walt Disney Production Studios, 20th Century Fox Productions, Disney Plus

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4. STAR WARS EP IV: A NEW HOPE - OBI-WAN VS DARTH VADER It was a day long remembered. And one of the best scenes from the original Star Wars, as the wise mentor from The Hero’s Journey faces off against the ultimate shadow/villain in Darth Vader. Imagine a 1977 audience watching light sabers ignite for the first time and bringing a new edge to sword fighting. What also makes this scene so iconic is that is not just a physical sword fight but a battle of words, with Obi-Wan delivering one of the best lines of the entire series. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”, and from the moment Obi-Wan is struck down, people were captivated by his moment of transcendence into a being of a higher plane of existence, confirming our suspicions of this transformation with a voice now in Luke’s head, “Run, Luke, Run.” 3. STAR WARS EP III: REVENGE OF THE SITH ORDER 66 “Execute order 66.” Once Palpatine’s iconic words are broadcast, one of the greatest and most tragic montages takes place, as we see the horrific genocide of the Jedi order at the hands

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of their closest ‘allies,”. This is heightened by the imperialist marching of newly ordained Darth Vader and the clone troopers of the 501st advancing upon the Jedi temple. By now Anakin has truly turned to the dark side, which is further revealed by his off-screen slaying of the younglings that were hidden in the Jedi council chambers. This is interspliced with some of the most powerful Jedi from the clone wars meeting a tragic ending, most notably Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo-Koon and Aayla Secura being ambushed by the clones surrounding them. A truly Shakespearean tragedy; only further enhanced by Williams’ score ‘Anakin’s betrayal,’ and ‘Jedi Temple March’. It was very tempting to place this number 1 on the list, and you will see that numbers 1 to 3 are almost interchangeable in this list. 2. STAR WARS EP VI: RETURN OF THE JEDI VADER’S REDEMPTION It’s a poignant moment; and the point where Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker had experienced more pain than he could endure any longer, as his love for his son overpowered the dark side and his loyalty to his Sith master. Watching Luke experience force lightning bolt after lightning bolt, begging for mercy, “Father please,”

was too much for even Vader to bear. In a clutch moment, he lunges for Palpatine, enduring some of the force lightning bolts himself before plunging the dark lord down the main shaft. For initial fans of the story, it was a triumphant moment and based on the Jedi lore, the moment where Anakin Skywalker would bring balance to the force, well, from a certain point of view. If this moment wasn’t dramatic enough, the next scene where Vader tells Luke to take his mask off, and ‘let me look on you with my own eyes’ is cinematic magic, allowing fans to see him

Images courtesy of Lucas Film, Walt Disney Production Studios, 20th Century Fox Productions, Disney Plus

and adds further to the sense of sacrifice the rebels have made in preparation for the events of A New Hope.

warnings from both Yoda and Obi-wan that he isn’t ready, Luke continues to face destiny in an epic showdown with Vader. He is completely outmatched by his opponent, from lightsaber duelling to force powers, with Luke unable to counter the numerous objects propelled at him from Vader’s strong use of the force. Finally, Vader breaks Luke’s will before severing his hand in true Skywalker fashion. To add insult to injury, Vader reveals this stunning emotional blow after taking Luke to the brink of physical exhaustion. A true watershed moment not only in the Star Wars universe, but the entire history of cinema. HONORABLE MENTIONS finally become the Anakin Skywalker we once knew. 1. STAR WARS EP V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK LUKE’S TRUE PARENTAGE The grand spoiler alert, and one of the best cliffhanger endings of all time, the immortal words ‘No, I am your father’ still resonate in cinematic history today. In an age of spoilers, leaks (Thankyou Tom Holland) and film rumours, this one is the grand-daddy of them all. Audiences in 1980 were stunned by the sudden confession that one of the greatest villains of all time was actually the biological father of our beloved hero Luke Skywalker. Despite

1. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones - Shmi’s death and Anakin’s reaction 2. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Yoda’s final lesson to Luke 3. Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Han returns 4. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Lando’s redemption and Leia’s fury 5. Solo: A Star Wars Story - Han meets Chewbacca in the pit

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IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS NOTHING... And then Midichlorians formed from the Spring of Life and began the forward march that would birth generations of beings in the galaxy far, far away. The story of Star Wars doesn’t just begin when a young slave is taken in by the Jedi order and tragically becomes a Sith Lord, or when his moisture farming son follows in his original footsteps and destroys the oppressive Empire - instead, 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), the first seeds of conflict began to sprout throughout the Galaxy. The Old Republic Era was characterized by the first inklings of government between the various races throughout the galaxy, run by politicians who wanted to unite under the banner of peace between the various races with trade routes and open communication. Founding planets of the Galactic Republic, included Alderaan, Chandrila, Corellia, Coruscant and Duro. This period was rife with conflict and war, and

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its effects would continue to be felt in the galaxy for centuries to come. Originally, the Sith were a horned, red-skinned species from the planet of Korriban who were later subjugated by Ajunta Pall, a dark Jedi who would use his newfound power to create the Sith Empire and become the first Dark Lord. This began an eternal conflict with the Jedi order with both sides fighting for centuries and suffering heavy losses on multiple fronts in their various wars.

JEDI MANDALORIAN Wars: As with most complications between differing ideologies, the peaceful, monk-like nature of the Jedi conflicted heavily with the warmongering bloodlust of the Mandalorians. This led to a centuries-long conflict between both sides which led to grand levels of destruction on both sides, devastating the old Jedi order and invigorating the Mandalorians, after finally

discovering a worthy adversary in quite some time. This period saw the rise of Revan and Malak, a pair of powerful young Jedi who would lead the Order to victory despite disobeying and eventually being hunted down by the people who they were raised by. After defeating Mandalore the Ultimate and hiding

their ceremonial mask, Revan and Malak became disillusioned with the old Jedi order and left it only to be later corrupted by a Dark Lord of the Sith known as Vitiate. Due to the high levels of darkness in their hearts after the war, both Jedi were made easily susceptible to the power of the dark side.

However, the JediMandalorian war was only a smaller conflict of the larger scale Great Galactic War between the Sith and the Republic. This war lasted a total of twenty-eight years and left worlds on the Core and Outer Rim absolutely devastated. The Republic was nearly destroyed and the Jedi themselves had to

make a strategic retreat, removing themselves from Coruscant and moving to the planet Tython. The Republic is forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant, ceding territory to the Sith Empire and beginning an eleven year Cold War, which saw tensions rise as each side kicked their wounds before blowing up into a new Galactic

War. The Fighting would continue in much the same fashion for centuries after with the Jedi-Sith War and a third Galactic War before the age of the High Republic. The High Republic Era is fairly new in terms of Star Wars canon, lasting from 500 BBY to about 100 BBY and is characterized as being the era where

the Republic expanded towards the worlds on the Outer Rim and the Jedi had a surge of activity with possibly some of the Order’s highest numbers ever. Considered a time of great peace, in comparison to the other eras at least, The Galactic Republic sought to bridge the various gaps between worlds, increasing the sharing of resources between planets, and fostering relationships that could be used to make life better for everyone living in planets allied with The Republic. Kyong Greylark and Orlen Mollo were the most prominent Co-Chancellors of this era with Greylark dedicating most of her time to politics on Coruscant and Mollo actively going on Outer Rim Expeditions with crews of Jedi, being one of SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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Image courtesy of DICE, Criterion Games and Electronic Arts, Juho Salila, Artstation, Kornux and Steamcommunity.com

the first leaders to bring a small bit of stability to the lawless lands beyond the Core worlds. That’s not to mean that the era was mostly a time of politics and paperwork as the Jedi themselves were hard at work trying to better connect with the force and help keep the peace in the Galaxy. Based on the holy moon of Jedha, many different groups of Force users lived in prosperity with each other until ideological conflict began bubbling towards the surface. As the years went by, prominent Jedi of this era followed and utilized the force in unique ways that would serve as archetypes for later Force users and retroactively lay the groundwork for Jedi who weren’t part of the Council like Ahsoka Tano. Avar Kriss, who felt and interpreted the Force as a song was one of the stronger Knights of this era, being able to create a network between her and other force users, allowing them to combine their effort and might. Vernestra Rwoh, at the age of 15, was one of the youngest Jedi Knights of the time, showing leadership and aptitude for the force that others her age wouldn’t learn until their late teen years or adulthood. Ty Yorrick was a Jedi who left the council to become a mercenary and monster hunter and managed to avoid turning to the dark side in the process due to her nature of wanting to save people instead of hurting them. And

finally, Orla Jareni could be considered to be the first of the Grey Jedi, a Wayseeker who thought to find her own path serving the force and ignoring the council when she chose to do so. Of course, no era of Star Wars is complete without some conflict and this time period, despite being more peaceful, has had quite a number of them. The Path of the Open Hand were an extremist sect of missionaries who believed that no one should use the Force out of fear that it would cause death and destruction throughout the Galaxy. They tried to destroy the Jedi order through various means, including using a being known as The Leveler who could nullify Force energy, manipulating a war where the Order would be seen as the antagonists and their battle concluded with the Night of Sorrow which saw The Path’s leader defeated and its members scattered to the wind. The Nihil were a collective of anarchists and pirates that stood opposed to the order that the Galactic Republic was trying to establish in the Outer Rim territories. They often fought the Republic and Jedi and even caused the Great Hyperspace Disaster which saw the Republic restrict hyperspace travel after a ship known as the Legacy Run was destroyed and began causing issues for other ships in the hyperspace lanes with its debris striking and killing many. They were defeated eventually by the

Jedi, but were successful in making sure that the Republic lost many of the footholds gained in the Outer Rim. One of the many consequences of the aforementioned Disaster was the awakening of the Dregnir, a race of plant-like monsters who infected and overtook worlds with their chlorophyllic influence. Avar Kriss and other Jedi were tasked with ending this threat. The Republic Era is the one that most younger fans are familiar with, consisting of the Prequel movies and the Clone Wars television show. This was one of the shorter eras in Star Wars, but certainly one with varied events and tumultuous political proceedings. After an age where the Sith practically ruled the Galaxy and another where the Jedi and Republic were able to flourish, the Republic Era was a good combination of both with the Sith now beginning to work in the background and the Jedi becoming more politically minded. In the past, there was an entire empire of the Sith, but due to their selfish nature and lust for power, they were very prone to betrayal, murders and lack of ability to cooperate with each other. Thus, it was up to one Sith to make a change. At around 1032 BBY Darth Bane, towards the end of the original Jedi-Sith War, organized the eradication of all of the other Sith. He went on to establish the Rule of Two that would govern how the

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Sith operated from that point on. The Jedi also made a change to their status quo, becoming active in the affairs of the Republic, almost becoming their own branch of the government with the Jedi Knights acting as something of a standing army that could be called on in case of conflict. Prominent Jedi of this era included - Qui-Gon Jinn, a grey Jedi who wished to stay out of the political affairs of the Senate and rejected the dogmatic nature that the Order had adopted in regards to following their codes; Obi-Wan Kenobi was the apprentice to Jinn before his master fell to Darth Maul. He would then become the master and brother figure to a young Anakin Skywalker and part of a love that couldn’t be with Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore; Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi Knight who was “destined” to be the one to destroy the dark side, though the problem with prophecy is the haze surrounding the exact details. Skywalker was a respected leader in the Clone Wars and had every chance to find happiness away from the Jedi order, but his bubbling anger and corruption by Palpatine turned his heart dark, leading to him becoming Darth Vader. Mace Windu was a strong minded member of the Jedi Order who had the gift to see how people fit into the narrative of the Force, all he did was analyze the actions of those around

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him, seeing that the force hinged on Kenobi, Skywalker and Palpatine, but didn’t know what to make of his sight until it was too late. Finally, Jedi Master Yoda was the oldest member of the Council and absolutely the wisest: he guided both Kenobi and Skywalker on their journey through the force and would do the same for Luke Skywalker years later. While initially choosing to stay out of the Separatist conflict, they changed tact when it is revealed that one of their own, Count Dooku, was one of the leaders of the movement. They felt obligated to atone for the actions of Dooku and their duty to protect the Republic upon discovery of the illegal Droid army being built by the Separatists. Little did they know, every single piece of the conflict was being manipulated by Palpatine, a Sith Lord who was able to emerge due to the Jedi’s arrogance in believing that they had destroyed the Sith for good during the Jedi-Sith War. The Clone Wars was a long period of the Republic Era where the Galactic Republic fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These battles would be the final nail in the coffin for the Republic and the Jedi order as the Galaxy knew them. When the Droid army was activated, the council made use of its own secret army of Clones, made from the DNA of bounty hunter Jango Fett, and both sides waged war for three years until the

death of Count Dooku. Without their leader and the continued means to produce the droids, the Separatists crumbled and the Republic was left picking up the pieces. This is until Palpatine is discovered to be the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. He accuses the Jedi order of attempting to assassinate him after a failed arrest by Mace Windu and activates a kill order installed in the brains of the clones which targets all known Jedi. Palpatine uses the chaos to instill martial law and elect himself Emperor with no dissenting votes. The Imperial Era occurred just after the end of the Clone wars. This was the age where the Empire fully rose to prominence with the burgeoning Rebel Alliance coming soon after. This is where Star Wars: Rebels, Fallen Order, The Bad Batch, Kenobi, Rogue One and the Original Trilogy take place. This was an era of absolute darkness with Emperor Sheev Palpatine ruling over the galaxy with absolute terror, using Darth Vader as his right hand of violence. It’s during this time that the Empire finds itself at the height of its power, not seen since the Age of the Sith during the Old Republic. Both Core and Outer Rim Worlds remain in the control of the Empire, with Sidious allowing some of the criminal elements of the Outer Rim to conduct their business as normal as long as they give proper contribution to the Empire. 19 years before the Battle

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of Yavin, Clone Force 99 completes a series of missions just as Order 66 is issued to all Clone Troopers. The crew, consisting of Hunter, Echo, Crosshair, Tech and Wrecker, being defective Clones, didn’t have their implants activated properly and managed to escape taking part in the Jedi Purge only to be betrayed by Crosshair who believed that “good soldiers follow orders.” This led to The group striking out on their own and trying to avoid being captured and reprogrammed by the Empire. Soon after, they pick up their clone sister, Omega and presumably continue having adventures throughout the galaxy. 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, Cal Kestis hides away on the planet Bracca, hoping to continue avoiding the Jedi Purge. He is soon discovered by Imperial Inquisitors and goes on the run with former Jedi Cere Junda and pilot Greez Dritus, unlocking aspects of the force that he lost due to the trauma of the Purge before doing his part to take down the Empire. 9 Years before the Battle of Yavin, ObiWan Kenobi lives as a hermit on Tatooine and watches over his former apprentice’s son, Luke Skywalker and later Leia Organa as well. Also hunted by Inquisitors and his former protege, he faces down Darth Vader for the first time since they last saw each

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other on Mustafar, both of their feelings still raw from the battle. At the same time, Ezra Bridger, a force sensitive child, joins up with a crew of early Rebels. He trains in the ways of the Jedi with his master, Kanan Jarrus, and is instrumental in one of the earliest defeat of the Empire. By sacrificing himself he ensured that Grand Admiral Thrawn would no longer threaten his home of Lothal, his friends and the Galaxy. He fights Thrawn and sends the both of them and the Grand Admiral’s fleet into exile with the help of hyperspace traveling whales. And of course, Rogue One sees the crew of the famed ship stealing the plans for the Death Star before heroically sacrificing themselves so that the Rebellion is

able to gain a significant advantage over the Empire. The New Republic Era is the period that Star Wars fans currently find themselves in, consisting of The Sequel Trilogy, The Mandalorian, Ahsoka and the Book of Boba Fett. This era is mostly characterized as being a time of relative peace with small pockets of imperial remnants straddling along until the creation of the First Order. In The Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin is tasked with delivering a package to a few remaining imperial

holdouts and discovers that it’s a child - a member of Yoda’s force sensitive race. Remembering his own youth, Djarin scraps the job as he begins to develop paternal feelings for the child and takes him on as a Mandalorian foundling, just as he was. Their journeys take them across many planets and adventures with them crossing the paths of an old Boba Fett and Ahsoka Tano while also continuing to foil the return of the

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Empire in their spare time. On Tatooine, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand pick up the remains of Jabba’s crime ring while offering support to Djarin and elsewhere, Ahsoka Tano tries to intercept the return of Thrawn and his fleet while also continuing the story of Rebels, giving

fans answers to many of their questions almost a decade later. Some time after all of these events, The First Order is founded by Supreme Leader Snoke after almost two decades of continued covert marshaling of forces, leading into the sequel Trilogy.

The history of Star Wars is vast. Between the current canon and very interesting Legends stories, there isn’t enough time to cover every wonderful aspect of this amazing galaxy. So hopefully this small taste was more than enough to open one’s mind to just

how much media there is to consume from this universe. Between all of the movies, television, books and comics, there are so many avenues with which one can enjoy the storytelling of Star Wars, one just has to open their mind and feel their way through The Force.

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UNKNOWN PLACES CAN BE SCARY FOR SOME PEOPLE. What is it about a place that makes it scary? Is it the unknown? or is it lizard part of your brain triggering the flight or fight response? Whether real or a place of fiction, unknown creatures or locations can be terrifying for reasons you just can’t explain. The Star Wars universe is no different. So grab your lightsaber, get into the X-Wing, and journey forth into the unknown and known parts of Star War’s scariest locations.


It is a dark and forever stormy planet. Or so it would seem. Kamino, first seen in Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, is portrayed as being a planet forever stuck in a storm. To some, a place that never sees the sun and is in constant waves or rain and a watery surface, can seem like a nightmare. This would be changed a little in The Clone Wars tv show. Despite this, there are also other reasons

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why Kamino can be considered terrifying. Kamino is home to the cloning facility that creates the clones used in the fight against the Trade Federation and their droids. The cloning facility will come into play later in the lore of Star Wars, such as The Mandoralian and Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Cloning itself has led to raises the potential for future moral and ethical issues. The clones were created in secret by a previous Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who was then killed by Count Dooku. The clones are made to grow up fast and therefore their lifespan is severely limited. A secret backdoor program was installed into them to execute all Jedi upon Order 66. The implications can have a real life nightmare scenario of the idea of designer babies, where a parent can add or remove genetic markers, and a lot

of people are concerned about the idea of creating the “perfect human” reminiscent of creating the perfect race. The technology created at Kamino comes into play with Moff Gideon using the same tech to create clones of himself, which also leads to the cloning of Snoke. This process is also used to create clones of the Emperor, who is a Sith that keeps coming back over and over again, somehow. So between the idea of clones and the storm, some may consider Kamino to be scary in its own right.


A planet full of big and small creatures. A swamp teaming with space malaria. A crazy green creature called Yoda and a cave that is filled with Sith/Dark Side created nightmares. These are some of the things that Luke Skywalker has to face when searching and training for Master Yoda, in the swamps of Dagobah, first seen in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. When Luke first lands in Dagobah, he crashes into the swamp, as the vegetation is so thick he cannot see nor can his sensors help him. R2-D2 falls into the muck and is pounced upon by a creature we barely see and is quickly spit out, however if it had been Luke, he would probably have been eaten. Yoda picked this planet because of the amount of lifeforms that would help mask him from anyone using the

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force to search for him. The real part of Dagobah that is the most terrifying in the dark side cave. When Luke goes to venture into it, Yoda warns him to not take his lightsaber in with him, but Luke ignores it, stepping into what some can consider a step to the dark side. Once inside, Luke is confronted with a visage of Darth Vader. He quickly dispatches him, cutting off his head. This alone is enough to scare some in a family-friendly franchise.


A galaxy not quite so far away, including space whales, snail people and witches, oh and a blue Chiss. Whether traveled via space whales, or a giant jump ring, going to a place no one has returned from seems like it can be a one-way ticket. Going to new places can always be scary, especially when you don’t know you will return. In Ahsoka, we travel to a galaxy outside the known Star Wars galaxy. When Ahsoka and team travel to Peridia in search of Sabine and Ezra, they have no clue what they will find when they reach their destination. In the show, we learn the fate of Ezra and Grand Admiral Thrawn as last seen in the end of season 4 of Star Wars Rebels. Thrawn himself is a force to be reckoned with, let alone with the help of the Night Sisters. On top of that, we must discuss the zombie troopers. In the final two episodes of Ahsoka, we see that the Night Sisters SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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are loading cargo into Thrawn’s ship, and they have teamed up with one of the most strategic forces in the Star Wars Universe. Sabine, Ahsoka and Ezra seem to cut through the two squads of storm troopers, who seem to have seen some stuff and are tough enough as is. After they seem to defeat them, the Night Sisters raise the troopers from the dead to the point they are zombies and near unkillable (they first appeared in the book Death Troopers). So by the end of the show, Ahsoka and Sabine are stuck on Peridia, and Thrawn, the Night Sisters and (whatever remaining of the cargo load) get back to the main galaxy, to unleash unknown terror.


A fortress sits above a raging lava flow. Images of a past battle where

someone nearly burns to death. A master having the higher ground over his apprentice. One might wonder with nearly losing all limbs, and his last remnant of humanity, Anakin Skywalker would pick a different world to build his fortress on, but his black fortress sits on Mustafar. Mustafar is a planet that has a dark sky due to the constant volcano eruptions. First seen in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Mustafar is a place of immense power. We see an epic battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. From

that fight, we see Anakin lose two legs and an arm, and gets very crispy. This scene alone was reported to have scared children to see such graphic depictions of body horror. From this act, Anakin becomes one of the most fearsome villains in the Star Wars movie franchise. In the Legends books, and various other Star Wars properties, Mustafar is revealed to be the fortress that Dath Vader

uses. He moved into an ancient Sith temple that had existed hundreds of years before. Mustafar is an immense source of Dark Side energy. Vader built his castle over the lava flow as a testament to the ancient Sith to help harness more dark side power to help try to heal his wounds. He also picked Mustafar as a

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fortress location because that is why Anakin Skywalker died and Darth Vader was born, and fed his hatred from that battle into focusing more on the dark side of the force. Mustafar was also used in The Clone Wars as a base of Palpatine in meetings with Darth Maul and where the plans for the Death Star was revealed.


Coruscant, the home of the Jedi Temple. The old Jedi/Sith War of years past. Imagine a planet that is considered the birthplace of the Sith. Korriban, also known as Moraband, is that planet. First mentioned and revealed in Tales of the Jedi -Dark Lords of the Sith, this place is considered to be the

creation of the Sith themselves. In video games, it is a place that is part of the ancient Jedi/Sith War that is explored in Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic. Even in The Force Unleashed, you can input that into the computer and travel there. Imagine a planet of nothing but Sith; one might have thought that two alone were bad, but an entire planet who live and worships completely in the dark side of the force, would be very bad to have sprung back into the Star Wars Universe. On Korriban, even

the plants and fauna are affected by the dark side. Everything on the planet has evolved to be the biggest killer of anything it can. In the Extended Universe of the now Legends books, Jacen Solo also known as Darth Cadeus took up residency there under the tutelage of Vestere in learning more about the dark side in hopes to be able to break the cycle of light vs dark. After his death, Luke Skywalker purged all records of it, but in the Fate of the Jedi book series, we see the planet of Sith return and a disciple tries to understand and turn Ben Skywalker, and we see the ancient god of Abeloth come forth and try to destroy the Jedi.


Somehow, the Emperor has found a way to come

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back. Those words are scary no matter what people may think about The Rise of Skywalker. A planet that hid the massive fleet of the First Order, the birthplace of Snoke, and where Palpatine hid in waiting, gathering strength in troops and power. Thought to be a Sith planet, after his defeat in Return of the Jedi , Palpatine got a cloned body and was put back in through his teaching of the dark side of the Force. In Episode 9, the final battle takes place on Exegol where we see dozens of Sith Star Destroyers. Also Rey also has to fight Palpatine where he uses the power of all Sith past while Rey uses the power of all Jedi past. It is a dark and stormy planet. The Resistance seems like they would surely meet their end and that the First Order would rule again with the newly built Empire. Rey had to battle not only physically, but also mentally. Even the strongest Jedi, when surrounded by the dark side, can be tempted nonstop. Rey has to use all her will, strength, and training to be able to resist, not become who she saw in her Force Vision.


Rancors, witches, and a deadly Sith alliance. Dathomir was once considered to be the home planet of the Night Sisters. The Night Sisters are witches that use the force in dark ways, but whose magic seems to be older than the Jedi or the Sith.

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First seen in The Courtship of Princess Leia, Han Solo won the planet in the card game of Sabacc . Dathomir became the base of many intergalactic travel due to the Night Sisters having come from another galaxy. We see in Ahsoka that they originally came from Peridia. In the Extended Universe, during his training of all things Force related, Jacen Solo goes there to learn about the power of the Night Sisters. A little before the time of the Sith Emergence, Luke, Han and Leia travel there before an alliance could be made between the Sith and the Night Sisters, and those two together would make the Sith almost impossible to beat. The Night Sisters and the planet were even too powerful in the New Jedi Order for the Vong to even beat. Also Rancors are native to the planet and are a very fearsome creature.


Raxus Prime is a pit. It is a garbage planet that has become so inhospitable that the residents need to live in sealed living quarters as the air is too toxic to survive in. Imagine a world that looks like a giant junkyard and you have Raxus Prime. First appearing in The Clone Wars video game in 2002, it was shortly established to have been the base of Count Dooku. In The Force Unleashed, Vader’s secret apprentice travels there to hunt down a former Jedi Master that went into hiding after

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Order 66. In the game, you learn that the Empire is using the scrap planet to make new Star Destroyers. On Raxus Prime, Starkiller fights the Jedi Master who has been driven insane from the planet. For anyone who looks at the Rust Belt of America, Raxus Prime shows what can happen when industry destroys a planet. Raxus Prime became an ally to the Separatist Army, which kicked off The Clone Wars. This led to the rise of the Empire, which destroyed the long last peace of the Republic.


“I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating” - Anakin Skywalker. Once a planet that was covered in huge oceans, Tatooine is a hot and hostile planet. It is a mainstay in the Star Wars Universe. There are crime lords, Krayt Dragons, and we can also find the dreaded Sarlacc Pit. Tatooine is the Wild West of the Star Wars Universe. But let’s focus on the crime and the punishment, the Sarlacc. Jabba the Hutt was a big crime lord, part of the Black Sun. He was a huge part in the spice trade, an illegal narcotic. When Han Solo dumped his payload, he was hunted by Boba Fett and taken

to Jabba. We get to see what happens between Episode 5 and 6 thanks to Shadows of the Empire. When Lando, Leia, Luke and Chewbacca rescue Han, we are introduced to the Sarlacc. A creature that eats you, but more swallows you whole and can digest you for a thousand years. Most consider it to be a fate worse than death. In Return of the Jedi we assume Boba Fett met his demise, but we got in the Extended Universe his escape, which we got to see in The Book of Boba Fett. Between the crime, the heat, and monstrous creatures it is no wonder why the Empire or the Republic paid little attention to the planet, enough that Obi-Wan Kenobi is able to hide so successfully there along with Luke.


Finally we come to the space around the known Star Wars galaxy. Throughout the Star Wars lore, we learn very little of the space outside the Outer Rim. We have a species like the Chiss that come from the Unknown Regions, and one of the most fearsome being Grand Admiral Thrawn. He is a brilliant strategist, who was so popular after his first appearance in Heir of the Empire , that he was made canon with Star Wars Rebels and we got a live action version in Ahsoka.

Image courtesy of DICE, Criterion Games, Electronic Arts, Alex Mordovets, Artstation.com, Lucas Film, 20th Century Fox Studios, Disney Plus, Lucas Film, Walt Disney Production Studios, Chris Trevas and Starwars. Fandom.com, Snatti89, alphacoders.com, George Rushing and Fandom

The Unknown Regions also became the place in the Extended Universe that the Imperial Remnant hid for years. But they are not the biggest threat to come from the Unknown Regions. The Yuuzhan Vong are a race that have no presence in the Force. They have grown without it to the point that they even have creatures that can extend a bubble that dissipates all connections to the Force itself. First identified in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime. The had living ships and were able to terraform any planet to their will. With shows such as Ahsoka showing that there are other galaxies outside the known galaxy, we also learn that the Night Sisters also come from that region. With such formidable foes that we know of, who is to say what else is found in the Unknown Regions.

As the world of Star Wars continues to expand, or you are looking at the Star Wars Legends, one can see worlds, creatures and people that are truly terrifying. If there is a phobia, there is most likely a Star Wars planet that will spark that fear. What future terrors does the Star Wars Universe hold for us, time will only tell.

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A COUPLE OF FLASHLIGHTS FOR LIGHTSABERS, a bucket for a helmet, and towels as capes. As kids we all dreamed of owning real lightsabers; Star Wars helmets and blasters and fans have been using creative ways to replicate the props we saw on the screen for over 40 years. But what if you wanted something more accurate? After the release of Star Wars in 1977, Lucasfilm quickly realized there was a demand for life size toy lightsabers and blasters. However, Star Wars replicas were born when Lucasfilm gave a company called Don Post a license to recreate life size helmets and masks. The Don Post Darth Vader and Stormtrooper helmets were the first officially licensed prop replicas in the market and gave fans an opportunity to elevate their costumes to a new level. The Don Post Deluxe helmets continue to be in high demand because they were made using references

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and molds from the official movie props. Don Post also offered extremely accurate life size statues of C-3PO, R2D2, Stormtrooper, and Boba Fett, that were made using original Lucasfilm molds and references. The Don Post Star Wars Replicas have been a staple in high end collections. The costume license eventually went to a company called Anovos that elevated the accuracy of the helmets to a whole new level by digitally scanning the original helmets in the Lucasfilm Archives. Anovos released helmets from all the films until Denuo Novo took over the license. Denuo Novo is owned by Rubies

Costume Company, which has been making Star Wars costumes for decades. Denuo Novo continues to make extremely accurate Star Wars costumes and their helmets are coveted by Star Wars collectors. What about the Star Wars weapons? Well in 1996 a company called Icons Authentic Replicas obtained the license from Lucasfilm to make replica weapons and ships. They were the first company to offer exact replicas of the lightsabers

used by Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. These replicas came in museumstyle cases and were marketed as high-end collectibles. Icons also introduced special versions of the lightsabers that would include a display plaque with the actor’s autograph which were more exclusive. Icons only had the license for about 5 years before going under, but they produced some of the most iconic lightsabers and studio scale replicas fans had ever seen. After Icons, a company called Master Replicas obtained the license to make Star Wars life-size prop replicas. From about 2002 through 2009, Masters Replicas released a massive catalog of replica lightsabers, helmets, blasters, and studio scale models. The Master Replicas era was truly the “golden age” of Star Wars replicas. They released all the lightsabers from the original trilogy and the prequels, which all came with museum style displays and plaques. Master Replicas also made helmets using original molds and 3-D scans of original Star Wars helmets. That’s because they were given access to the Lucasfilm archives where they were able to scan, photograph, and color match the original props. Master Replicas also expanded their line to include the Studio Scale model ships that were used in the film. Often they would release a “Limited Edition” version, a “Signature Edition” version, and sometimes an “Elite Edition” made with finer materials. Master Replicas are now some of the most sought-after Star Wars collectibles and fetch thousands of dollars in the aftermarket. SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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Around 2009, a new company called EFX Collectibles took over the license from Master Replicas. EFX Collectibles took the replicas to another level as they focused on making extremely accurate props. The licensed prop replica companies before EFX would generally make “idealized” versions of the props, meaning they would clean up the imperfections that were on the screen used props. Most of the helmets that were used in the film were made out of plastic and had a wonky look and were rarely symmetrical. EFX Collectibles wanted to keep the essence of the props as they sat in the Lucasfilm Archives, so they started making “Legend Edition” replicas, which were intended to be as close as possible to the real film props. EFX Collectibles did extensive research and had access, not only to the Lucasfilm Archives, but also to props and molds that were in private collections. This allowed EFX Collectibles to make some of the most accurate and exclusive prop replicas ever offered to the public. EFX Collectibles continues to have the license to make Star Wars Replicas and make some of the most iconic lightsabers, blasters, helmets, and Studio Scale prop replicas

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from the original trilogy, prequels, sequels, and the current shows like The Mandalorian. Star Wars replicas are not only just weapons and helmets because there is so much more in the Lucasfilm Archives. Regal Robot obtained the license from Lucasfilm to make replicas of artifacts in their Archive Collection. These pieces are more than just statues, they are history. They use highresolution scanning and work with the original artists to create extremely unique and limited creations like no other licensee has ever done. Regal Robot released some of the most iconic creatures in Star Wars like a replica of the Rancor puppet that was used in Return of the Jedi. Regal Robot also digitally scanned almost every concept maquette in the archives. These are the small sculptures that the artists would present to George Lucas for him to choose which creatures he wanted made into full size costumes and characters. Regal Robot is the first company to offer replicas of these sculptures and even

pays tribute to the amazing artists at ILM by including autograph plaques signed by these iconic artists. Regal Robot also offers life-size busts of some of our favorite characters, with a level of accuracy that makes you feel like you are looking at the original prop. Regal Robot continues to make amazing prop replicas from the entire Star Wars universe, including the films and the newer shows. EFX Collectibles and Regal Robot are currently the only officially licensed prop replica companies. They are the only ones that have access to the Lucasfilm archives which allows them to make extremely accurate prop replicas. These high-end Star Wars replicas allow fans to bring those props we always dreamed of, that have been locked away in the Lucasfilm Archives, into our homes.

You can find their current products at EFXCollectibles.com and RegalRobot.com.

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INTERVIEW BY GALAXY SPOILER: Tell us about yourself and what inspired your love for Star Wars? GABE ESTRADA: I’ve been a collector since I was a kid: from rocks, baseball cards, coins, and action figures. But I also grew up in a traditional, single income, immigrant household so my parents didn’t have the means to buy the toys I always dreamt of. In fact, my love for Star Wars is heavily intertwined with my family’s immigration journey to the United States. I grew up in the 80’s and just like most other kids, I became fascinated with Star Wars. In Mexico, you had the option to rent the movies in English (with subtitles) or dubbed in Spanish. I would always ask my parents to rent them in English and I memorized most of the dialogue. So when we came to the United States, the only English I spoke was Star wars lines that I memorized. Star Wars was really my first introduction into “American Culture.” Growing up, we lived in a one-bedroom apartment, so I never had my own room. My mom was so understanding of my passion for Star Wars that she allowed me to display all of my Star Wars figures in the living room since I didn’t have my own room. I was very conscious, even as a kid, that everyone that came over would be looking at my Star Wars collection so I made sure to neatly organize them to highlight their importance. I think my current Star Wars collection is a product of my upbringing and love for Star Wars.

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interview interview


SPOILER: How did you start collecting official Star Wars prop replicas? GABE ESTRADA: In the early 2000s, I discovered a company called Master Replicas that had the license from Lucasfilm to make replica lightsabers, blasters, helmets and ships. I always dreamed of owning something like that as a kid, so I immediately became a fan of that company. These replicas were not cheap, and at that time I couldn’t afford most of them. However, one Christmas my wife bought me one of their Stormtrooper helmets and I have been hooked ever since. I slowly started collecting the original trilogy props, and expanded into other licensed companies like EFX Collectibles, Anovos, Denuo Novo and Regal Robot. I’ve now been collecting licensed prop replicas for almost 20 years! SPOILER: What was the inspiration for your collection room? GABE ESTRADA: As I previously mentioned, I didn’t have my own room growing up, but displaying my collection was very important to me. I was collecting these prop replicas while I was working full time and going to school but they remained in boxes because we didn’t have the space. After years of hard work and perseverance, I graduated from law school, became an attorney, and we were able to afford our first home. My wife knew that I always wanted a collection room and was very supportive, so I wanted to make my room look as classy and uncluttered. I wanted my collection room to look like a museum, so I made sure that each piece was individually displayed and lit. It took a few months to build, but I finally had the collection room I always dreamed about. My Star


Wars collection room represents my “American Dream” because it takes me back to when I was a kid, daydreaming about Star Wars toys, and reminds me that through hard work and perseverance you can achieve anything. SPOILER: What are your top 3 favorite items in your collection? GABE ESTRADA: I get this question asked a lot and I always have a hard time answering because I love my collection as a whole. But I would say that the Regal Robot Rancor replica is definitely top 3. Regal Robot was able to digitally scan the original puppet in the Lucasfilm Archives and only made 83 replicas. The piece is not only very exclusive but the Rancor happens to be one of my favorite creatures from Star Wars. Another favorite item is the Illusive Concepts Han Solo in Carbonite replica. Illusive Concepts was given permission to make a cast of the screen used Han Solo in Carbonite in the Lucasfilm Archives and released them as a limited edition. The company disappeared in the early 2000s and this Han Solo in Carbonite is extremely difficult to find these days because it is the only one directly pulled form the original prop. Finally, the Master Replicas Millennium Falcon Studio Scale replica. This is a replica of the 32” model that ILM used in filming The Empire Strikes Back and it has become a grail for most collectors. SPOILER: Tell us about your passion for sharing your collection and educating people about these collectibles. GABE ESTRADA: When I started collecting these prop replicas, there wasn’t a lot of references or education about these pieces. I started a YouTube channel called Star Wars Replicas so I could

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show other collectors what to look for in the box, since most of these prop replicas were made by companies that were no longer around. I also started posting my Star Wars collection on social media (@ starwarsreplicas) on Instagram and TikTok, which eventually grew to over 600,000 followers. That’s when Lucasfilm started reaching out and I started getting sponsorships. Now I get to work with so many of my favorite Lucasfilm brands to review their Star Wars products. But one of the biggest highlights was when I had my own Star Wars Replicas panel at Star wars Celebration 2022 and Lucasfilm also invited me as a special guest on their High End Collectibles Panel, which was an amazing experience. But what’s really special is being part of the Star Wars community and being able to share my collection with other fans! SPOILER: What is some advice you would give to a collector that wants to take their collection to another level? GABE ESTRADA: I would tell them to collect what they love not what they think is worth money. Some of our most cherished collectibles in our collections are toys from our childhood or something that takes us back to a memory in our childhood. The collection is for them to enjoy so they should have things that they have a strong connection. The other thing we would tell them is to really focus on the display. Try to get inspiration from other collectors but do something original to showcase their collectibles. A good clean display will make any collection look like it belongs in a museum. Most people can do that without spending a lot of money by just giving each piece the respect and focus it deserves. But most important, have fun with your display.

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IF SPOILER MAGAZINE AND COMIC CON FANS will indulge me, it seems impossible to write a history of Star Wars without including a small but personal history, albeit love affair, with Star Wars. For the millions of Star Wars fans out there, it’s personal for everyone and after reading, I’m sure some of you will feel a sense of similarity with your own.


Whether you’re a fan of the original series, the prequels, or the sequels, it all starts some time, and my history with Star Wars, like many others, started at a drive-in movie theatre. One of my earliest possible memories was sitting in the back of our Dad’s Holden Commodore, drive-in speaker hanging off the side of the driver’s

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car door, with my eyes glued to the awe-inspiring shot of seeing the dark and lumbering vision of AT-AT walkers marching across the icy Hoth landscape and towards the screen in a double feature of the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Before too long, I was scribbling caricatures of Vader defeating the emperor, and watching the rebels celebrate with the Ewoks while chanting about Yub-nub. My mum, an enthusiastic primary (grade school) teacher would make light sabers, using cardboard rolls and cellophane for my brother and I to joust endlessly with, and in the aftermath of our post Star Wars viewing, I would often go to sleep listening to read-along adventures on

a cassette tape. So, it’s safe to say I was initiated into the Star Wars Galaxy, like many of you, at a very early age.


The impact of George Lucas and the legacy he created with Star Wars has spanned multiple decades and found its way across millions of screens. And to grapple with the history of Star Wars, is a task both rewarding and a little overwhelming. For all the George Lucas

history, including things such as THX 1138 and American Graffiti, please check out our George Lucas article for his life before the battle of Yavin. As for now, we will start with the screenplay and the many pop-culture references and Joseph Campbell inspirations that enveloped George’s vision. Without the success of American Graffiti, we

would not have Star Wars today. The film grossed over $115 Million, of which Lucas profited $7 million directly, which made him one of Hollywood’s hottest directors of the time. From this point, he quickly started developing his next project- A Space Opera called Star Wars, which was fuelled by many of Lucas’ inspirations

including: Serialised 1930s Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers episodes, Akira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress, John Ford films like The Searchers, WWII air force clips, and many others. Lucas sought to make his vision come to fruition and see a complete revamp of the type of films Hollywood was producing, and yet still paying homage to

these past influences. Despite his new-found fame and reputation as a director, Lucas still faced a number of rejections by major studio heads until Alan Ladd, Jnr, the newly appointed creative head of Twentieth Century Fox, decided to roll the dice and take a measured gamble on Lucas’s Space opera project. At this stage Lucas only had a

14 page treatment, but Alan Ladd jr believed in the man, not necessarily the movie. After the success of American Graffiti, Lucas and his agent went to negotiate with 20th Century Fox and after having turned down the original offer, re-negotiated for a shot at the sequels, and surprise surprise, creative control over the merchandise.

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There was also an opportunity to press against the typical Hollywood films at the time. In the days before films like Star Wars and Jaws, most of the films in the 1970s were stylised by gritty realism and films like Taxi Driver, Serpico and Easy Rider were more common than Science Fiction films; despite the outlier of 2001: A Space Odyssey, sci-fi films were pushed back into B-movie and grindhouse production territory. It was clear that a more modern audience craved more, and people like Lucas, Spielberg and Ladd Jnr recognised that. After the sensation of American Graffiti, Lucas was determined to pursue a different genre that was more reminiscent of his childhood fondness for serialised science fiction adventures such as Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. Lucas also re-read Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces and set out to make a Sci-Fi fantasy, that was inspired by the works of Akira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress, some splashings of the antihero Yojimbo and the John Ford film, The Searchers. Other

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inspirations can be drawn from the likes of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (the design of C-3PO) and aerial footage of WWII fighter planes, or the influential costuming of Samurai culture. Lucas drew heavily from Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, which can be seen in the film’s narrative structure and Luke Skywalker’s character arc and featured a number of character tropes including the wise mentor in Obi-wan Kenobi and the feisty damsel in distress. Keeping this in mind, he continued to draft his epic saga on paper. At first, studio executives were resistant to move forward with the film, as they initially could not comprehend what the director was trying to create and what the story was about. From here, Lucas would turn to concept artist Ralph McQuarrie, who was mainly working in television, to produce the initial concept art based on key scenes from his script. In addition to an expansion of

his early treatment, (into the second draft of a complete script) Lucas finally wowed studio heads by showing them the incredibly vivid and intricate concept artwork produced by Ralph McQuarrie. While the screenplay would go through many further drafts and iterations, the key ideas and inspirations were there, only Lucas felt that the film would bomb at the box-office and elected to start

the film in the middle of the story and shift the climactic death star ending to the end of the first film, eventually tying the story together into a complete 5 act narrative.


Casting the film also led to some provocative decisionmaking. Lucas insisted on auditioning relatively unknown actors to the main roles- using a very freshfaced Mark Hamill who had some previous work on television in recurring roles on General Hospital and Texas Wheelers, though he was unknown in the film industry. Lucas tried a number of actors for the role of Han Solo, including Kurt Russell, Christopher Walken and Burt Reynolds. He was initially against casting Harrison Ford (Who he used previously as Bob Falfa in American Graffiti) but still insisted he help with script reads, feeding the other actors lines form the script, only to discover that he was perfect for the role of our beloved smuggler and scoundrel. The role of Princess Leia was also a coveted one: and after trialling actors such as Sissy Spacek, Meryl Streep, Sigourney Weaver (to name a few) finally settled on Hollywood royalty, the child of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher- our beloved Carrie Fisher, to play the role of Star Wars warrior Princess, Leia Organa. In addition to newcomers, Lucas cast veteran actors Alec Guinness and Peter Images from DICE, Motive Studios, Criterion Games, Lucas Film, Walt Disney Production Studios, 20th Century Production Studios

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Cushing to add more dramatic gravitas, with Guinness best known for his Oscar winning turn in The Bridge over the River Kwai and Peter Cushing as a legendary horror actor, playing Van Helsing in Horror of Dracula. Despite using bodybuilder David Prowse inside the suit, Lucas opted for classically trained stage and screen actor James Earl Jones to boom out the bone chilling dialogue of Darth Vader. And the rest of the cast quickly came together, especially once filming took place in England, giving the film a number of British actors to fill the secondary roles, including Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, Anthony Daniels as C-3PO and Kenny Baker as R2-D2.


Once 20th Century Fox had greenlit the film, Star Wars was four years in production and the movie would be shot across a number of locations including: Tunisia, Death Valley, Guatemala, Mexico and Elmstree Studios in Hertfordshire, just outside of London, England. Second Unit photography in Tunisia was problematic from day one, and the crew suffered several setbacks including the weather, the sand’s corrosion of C-3POs costume, sandstorms affecting R2D2, numerous droid malfunctions (Not just a bad motivator) and potential war between Tunisia and Libya, as

soldiers of the Libyan army mistook the sandcrawler for a military vehicle. Despite many arduous months of filming and reshoots, Lucas was able to shoot the desert scenes of Tatooine, giving the desolate look he craved for the home world of both Luke and Anakin Skywalker. In order to give audience members the iconic special effects and examples such as the opening shots of the Star Destroyer quickly descending on Tantive IV, George Lucas had to experiment with a number of visual effects to create such an iconic use of cinematography. From there, Industrial Light and Magic, a modest workshop in Van Nuys California was created, under the guidance of veteran film supervisor John Dysktra. Lucas was inspired to recreate shots reminiscent of WWII aerial photography and needed to produce a new style of camera system that would capture intricate shots of moving spacecraft. It was here the groundbreaking crew invented the camera system called the ‘Dykstraflex’; its precision and flexibility was utilised to capture all the aerial dogfights and breathtaking flybys around planets as well as the climactic Death Star battle.


Once Principal photography had wrapped up in England, came the tumultuous task of cutting together all the film and adding

all the diegetic and nondiegetic sound. The latter task was orchestrated by the wondrous music of composer John Williams and the superior sound design of Ben Burtt. Both elements coming together to produce sound effects and music that gave the spectacle of the symphony orchestra and the other worldly elements of lightsabers clashing and soaring engine noises of TIE fighters. Editing proved to be troublesome and even though Lucas originally hired editor John Jympson, after seeing his work on the Beatle’s Hard Day’s Night, the rough cut proved to be very disappointing and resembled little of anything Lucas had envisioned for his film. After parting ways with Jympson, Lucas hired a new team of editors including his wife Marcia Lucas, Paul Hirsch and Richard Chew. Each member of the editing team significantly improved the film, and despite not having the VFX tools taken for granted today, were able to cut the film into a visual and narrative masterpiece. Of particular note is the significant contributions of Marcia Lucas, who made key alterations to the plot and pacing, especially in the climactic death star battle of Yavin. As a result. the team would later receive one of the six oscars earned by Star Wars in the category of best film editing.

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May 25th 1977 – It would be a day long remembered in the annals of Star Wars History. From the moment the devastator advanced upon the Tantive IV and John Composer’s score opened up, audiences were hooked. Despite a limited theatrical release on its opening weekend(only 42 screens), the film was a hit and audiences queued around the block so see the new blockbuster. In the weeks that followed, the film quickly shattered box office records and grossed over $100 Million over the summer. It received a number of Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and won six of those oscars in the technical categories. As critics have said, it was a chance for America to change the way they viewed films, lifting it out of its cynicism and forging a new hope for a different kind of cinematic experience. When adjusted for inflation, Star Wars: A New Hope boasts a box office of $3.8 Billion, making it one of the most successful films of all time.


As well as setting the box office on fire, Lucas’ lucrative decision to retain all merchandising rights proved a master’s stroke, and one that 20th Century Fox may have come to regret in hindsight. At the time, merchandising was not very common,

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and seemed only for television shows. But with the assistance of Kennar making the iconic action figures, and with Lucasfilm pushing an assortment of merchandise including t-shirts, games and other toys, the film’s merchandise would make billions of dollars, now totalling $32 Billion dollars and breaking a Guinness World Record as the highest grossing merchandise business of all time.


Without the success of Star Wars: A New Hope, and subsequent original trilogy sequels, we would not have the Star Wars universe as it is today. The franchise has been expanded further after Disney purchased the rights from George Lucas, and from that we have seen another 5 films, and a host of television shows, among other streams of entertainment including the Galaxy’s Edge attraction. The merchandise empire continues to build, and one can wonder whether the sky, or the universe is the limit when it comes to Star Wars. And whether you were introduced as a fan of the original series, the prequels or the Disney Sequels, no doubt there will be more stories to come, and further generations to pass on this heroic journey. And it all started a long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away.

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IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY, THE JEDI are revered for their wisdom, discipline, and unwavering commitment to the Force. Their journey is one that resonates with many fans of the Star Wars franchise, inspiring them to emulate the ways of these legendary peacekeepers. While we can’t wield lightsabers or tap into the Force, there are valuable life lessons to be learned from the Jedi, helping us navigate the complexities of our own world. Let’s explore the theme of “How to Be a Jedi” by delving into the key principles and moments from the Star Wars canon.


One of the fundamental lessons the Jedi teach us is the importance

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of self-discovery and self-improvement. Jedi apprentices, (known as Padawans), undergo rigorous training to better understand themselves and the world around them. Their journey towards enlightenment can be likened to our own quest for personal growth. Just as Luke Skywalker ventured to the remote planet of Dagobah to train under Jedi Master Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, we must be willing to seek guidance and wisdom from those more experienced than us. This could involve finding mentors or learning from the collective knowledge of society.


In the Star Wars universe, the Jedi are known for their remarkable ability to maintain emotional balance, which sets them apart from their Sith counterparts. The Sith are driven by unchecked emotions, often leading them down a path of darkness. This contrast serves as a powerful lesson for us in our own lives.

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y Productions, Luminescent Beings are We, Fabian Schlager, Bosslogic@instagram.com

Emotions are an integral part of being human, and it’s vital to recognize and understand them. However, it’s equally crucial to prevent them from controlling our actions and decisions. The Jedi teach us that our emotions, whether positive or negative, have the potential to shape our reality. Just as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn advised Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace, “Your focus determines your reality.” This sage advice underscores the importance of maintaining a clear and focused mindset. When we allow our emotions to cloud our judgment, we risk making hasty decisions that may not align with our true intentions. To follow the Jedi way, we can start by practicing emotional awareness. It involves acknowledging our emotions without judgment. This process allows us to better understand what we’re feeling and why we’re feeling it. Much like a Jedi’s ability to perceive their surroundings and the flow of the Force, emotional awareness gives us insight into the inner workings of our minds. By doing so, we can make more deliberate

choices, steer clear of impulsive actions, and maintain our emotional equilibrium. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, in his confrontation with the formidable Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, embodies the Jedi ideal of acting with purpose and restraint. Despite the intense emotions that such a battle could elicit, Obi-Wan remains composed and focused, allowing him to ultimately emerge victorious. This illustrates how emotional balance not only leads to better decision-making, but also empowers us to face life’s challenges with resilience and grace. In essence, the Jedi philosophy on emotions encourages us to master our feelings rather than be enslaved by them. Just as the Jedi’s serenity and discipline are their source of strength, our own emotional balance can be our greatest asset in navigating the complexities of our world and achieving our goals, whether they be purchasing land, establishing multiple streams of income, or improving our credit score, or enhancing our wellbeing.


Mindfulness is a core element of the Jedi way, emphasizing the importance of being fully present in the moment, tuned in to one’s surroundings, and attuned to the Force. This concept has strong parallels to real-world practices like meditation and self-awareness. In the Star Wars universe, Jedi are expected to maintain constant awareness of SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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their surroundings, their emotions, and the Force, which binds all living things together. Practicing mindfulness in our daily lives, we can emulate the Jedi’s unwavering presence. By paying close attention to the details of our environment, we sharpen our focus and heighten our ability to make informed decisions. This heightened awareness, much like Rey’s ability to use the Force to guide her actions in The Force Awakens, enables us to navigate life’s challenges with a greater sense of clarity and purpose. Jedi training involves exercises that promote mindfulness, such as meditation and mental discipline. Just as Jedi Masters like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi guide their apprentices in these practices, we too can benefit from incorporating mindfulness techniques into our routines. Simple meditation practices can help us remain calm under stress, and by being fully present during our day-today activities enhances our ability to engage with the world around us. Incorporating mindfulness into our lives is akin to embracing the Jedi’s connection to the Force, albeit in a metaphorical

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sense. By doing so, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, allowing us to make more thoughtful and compassionate choices. Jedi mindfulness serves as a reminder that the present moment is where our power lies, and by harnessing it, we can achieve a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment, just like our Jedi heroes in a galaxy far, far away.


Jedi are renowned for their selflessness and unwavering dedication to the service of others. Their commitment to the greater good is a core element of their philosophy, and it’s beautifully exemplified through their heroic actions, like Luke Skywalker’s daring rescue mission in A New Hope. The concept of selflessness resonates deeply with us, as it encourages a focus beyond our own desires and urges us to contribute positively to our communities and society. Emulating the Jedi’s dedication to serving others in our own lives can be a transformative experience. Volunteering, supporting charitable causes, and helping those in need are ways to embody this principle. These actions can have a profound impact on our communities, mirroring the Jedi’s commitment to making the galaxy a better place. Just as the Jedi protect the innocent and stand against oppression, our efforts to serve others can promote justice, equality, and a brighter future for all. Serving others is not

only about making grand gestures; it can be as simple as offering a listening ear to a friend in need or lending a helping hand to a neighbor. The Jedi teach us that every act of kindness, no matter how small, contributes to a more harmonious and compassionate world. Just as the Jedi dedicate their lives to the protection and well-being of the galaxy’s inhabitants, our own service can ripple outwards, fostering positivity and change on a larger scale. By serving others, we become active participants in creating a better future, echoing the Jedi’s commitment to the Force and its influence on the galaxy.

THE FORCE: A METAPHOR FOR CONNECTIVITY AND UNITY The concept of the Force in Star Wars serves as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all things, a truth that has been further explored in

Disney+ Star Wars series like The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. In these series, characters like Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) and Boba Fett find themselves navigating the complexities of the galaxy, just as Jedi have done for centuries. While they may not be Forcesensitive in the traditional sense, their journeys highlight the significance of interconnectedness in the Star Wars universe. In The Mandalorian, Din Djarin’s transformation from a lone bounty hunter to a protector of Grogu, the beloved Child (often referred to as Baby Yoda), underscores the power of connection. This unlikely bond illustrates how the Force connects individuals, drawing them together in unexpected ways. This connection transcends species, race, and culture, serving as a reminder that our shared humanity can unite us, even in the most challenging of circumstances. The Book of Boba Fett takes viewers on an exploration of Boba Fett’s evolution from a feared bounty hunter to a crime lord on Tatooine. Along this journey, he forges alliances and seeks to bring order to the criminal underworld. His experiences demonstrate that even those with dark pasts can find redemption through connection and cooperation. Just as Jedi like Luke Skywalker worked with those who were once considered enemies, Boba Fett’s path shows us that unity SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023| Images from Lucasfilm, Walt Disney Productions, Luminescent Beings are We, Fabian Schlager, Bosslogic@instagram.com

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and collaboration can lead to positive change, emphasizing the broader theme of connectivity found throughout the Star Wars canon. These series serve as valuable additions to the Star Wars narrative, highlighting that the message of the Force as a metaphor for connectivity and unity is not limited to the Jedi alone. It extends to all individuals in the galaxy, emphasizing the idea that we are all part of a larger whole, responsible for one another and the world we share.


Jedi often find themselves confronted with insurmountable challenges and fears, mirroring the struggles we encounter in our own lives. These moments of adversity are not just tests of one’s physical abilities but, more importantly, tests of character and inner strength. One of the most iconic examples is Luke Skywalker’s confrontation with his deepest fears within the cave on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back. This powerful scene is a metaphorical representation of the internal battles we all face. In our own lives, the “caves” may manifest as personal doubts, insecurities, or past

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traumas. The Jedi teach us that it is essential to confront and acknowledge these fears, for it is only by doing so that we can transcend them. The Jedi philosophy also emphasizes that fear can be a path to greater understanding. Just as Jedi Master Yoda once wisely stated, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” This profound wisdom is a reminder that our responses to fear are pivotal in determining the course of our lives. By recognizing fear as a teacher, we can choose to respond with courage and resilience instead of being consumed by negative emotions. An example from the Star Wars canon is Rey’s journey in The Last Jedi when she faces her fears and learns from her own vulnerabilities, ultimately becoming

a stronger and more enlightened individual. Moreover, the ability to confront fear headon and move beyond one’s comfort zone is central to personal growth. It’s reminiscent of the Jedi’s dedication to their training and their unwavering commitment to facing adversity. As individuals, we often find ourselves in situations that test our boundaries, be it in our careers or personal lives. These

moments of challenge, akin to the Jedi trials, offer us opportunities for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. In The Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker’s journey from a humble slave to a skilled podracer exemplifies the courage to confront adversity. His determination to overcome formidable odds illustrates the idea that adversity can serve as a catalyst for transformation, inspiring

Image courtesy of Dying Light game, Warner Bros, Interactive Studios, Getty Images and Los Angeles Times, Tarman image courtesy of Return of the Living Dead film and Orion Pictures

us to embrace change and move forward in our own lives, no matter the obstacles we encounter. Through the lens of the Jedi’s determination in the face of adversity, we are reminded that it’s not the absence of obstacles that defines us, but rather our response to them. The Star Wars saga encapsulates the message that adversity, far from being insurmountable, is often the crucible that forges our character,

making us more resilient, empathetic, and capable individuals, ready to face the challenges of the universe, both known and unknown.’


In conclusion, the Star Wars universe offers a rich tapestry of lessons on how to be a Jedi in our own lives. These

iconic characters and their journeys teach us to embrace wisdom, mindfulness, emotional balance, selflessness, and the interconnectedness of all things. As we navigate our own paths, we can draw inspiration from pivotal moments in the Star Wars canon to make better decisions, cultivate resilience, and foster empathy. Just as the Jedi dedicated their lives to serving the greater good and protecting the

galaxy, we, too, can strive to contribute positively to our communities and the world. By understanding the timeless wisdom of the Jedi, we take a step closer to our own hero’s journey, guided by the enduring principles that have captivated Star Wars fans for generations. May the Force be with you as you embark on your own quest for personal growth and self-discovery, forging a brighter future for yourself and those around you. SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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IN A UNIVERSE WITH POWERFUL space wizards and monsters the size of small continents, there’s an argument to be made about what makes something the most feared. Is it their proficiency with a lightsaber, a blaster or the fact that they can crawl across an entire planet without fear or worry of any opposing predators? In a galaxy far, far away there are far too many beings to say that there’s merely one that could be considered the most feared, and that number increases drastically. THE MANDALORIANS are a warrior race with a history stretching back nearly as far as the Jedi. With their survival of the fittest mentality and multitude of wars, there’s a reason people tend to stay far away when they hear Mandalorians are nearby or have a contract on their heads. Their weapons and armor are built into their religion and creeds. Their use of beskar, a powerful

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ore that was only found on Mandalore and its moon Concordia, made their vestments strong enough to resist multiple rounds of blaster fire and lightsaber strikes. Given their warlike nature and various wars with the Jedi, it only makes sense that they could stand on equal footing with just about anyone they encountered. It took the likes of powerful men like Darth Revan or Darth Maul to divide and conquer their people in the past, with Revan having defeated Mandalore and dissolving the war parties in the Old Republic Era and Maul taking the title of Mandalore, and leading Death Watch after taking the Darksaber from Pre Vizsla in the New Republic. However, it took the full might of the Empire to bring down the Mandalorians because they would have been too strong if they were to become enemies to Palpatine’s rule. In the past,

one might have been able to say that the Mandalorians were the most feared in the galaxy, but their smaller numbers has reduced their overall strength. THE RANCOR made its first appearance in 1983’s Return of the Jedi and was presented as a terrifying beast befitting the nature of a monster like Jabba the Hutt. It was imposing, but he did. Change this to imposing, powerful threat to even the likes of Luke Skywalker. Throughout the years, viewers have seen even more instances of these

creatures and they never cease to be absolutely terrifying. In Jedi: Fallen Order, the almost hidden boss fight against one of these creatures is pretty tough as it deals a massive amount of damage and doesn’t go down easy. When it comes to smuggling goods, Han Solo and Chewbacca making it through the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs is often cited as one of the strongest feats any starship crew has ever managed to accomplish, even if many don’t believe that they managed to do it at all. However, one thing that made it even more unbelievable and definitely one of the lesser mentioned parts of that voyage was the appearance of the Summaverminoth, a creature of massive size that attempted to eat the Millenium Falcon as they ventured through the powerful storm around Kessel. First seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story, the creature was a mass of tentacles and eyes that stood over 7,400 meters long, or about 4.6 miles, that lived inside the eye of the Akkadese Maelstrom. No other member of the species has been seen before or since this film, but they were rumored to be a legend that other starships have seen over the years.

THE SUMMA-VERMINOTH What makes the summaverminoth so horrifying is absolutely a combination of its size and its terror inducing visage. A standard Star Destroyer stands at about 1,600 meters, meaning that the creature is equivalent to around four and a half Destroyers lined up against each other, back to back. That’s a staggering size, especially when a single Star Destroyer houses enough personnel to attack a planet on its own - so imagine the destructive force that a creature like the summaverminoth is able to summon by itself with no measurable means to stop it, outside of the storm that killed it in the movie! As with most creatures with a nigh-unpronounceable name, the verminoth was inspired by the eldritch horrors of HP Lovecraft, beings so far beyond human comprehension with power unknown to most men that merely seeing them would drive most insane. However, in a galaxy where alien races are quite common, it makes sense that the verminoth is likely seen as a larger version of most creatures that are common on some planets. Its many eyes, inducing slight trypophobia, wriggling tentacles and gaping maw with razor sharp teeth make this thing look like something that could be found on Felucia or Dagobah in smaller form, but because it’s merely a creature of legend, it’s far and away not the most feared being in the Star Wars Universe. THE HUTTS are well known throughout the galaxy for their very powerful crime network, spanning entire planets through the various Hutt clans. Jabba the Hutt, being the most prominent of these,

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controlled most aspects of Tatooine’s economy through his various ventures including slavery, piracy and trafficking of illegal goods. He also dabbled in the Pod Racing circuit on the planet, likely fixing races or betting on winners to increase his own coffers. While rarely committing violent crimes himself, people’s fear of Jabba is likely a result of his massive wealth which gave him the ability to collect debts from people by the way of the various Bounty Hunters he was able to hire like Boba Fett and Cad Bane. These men were the top of the line when it came to getting the job done and Jabba hiring them was almost always a death sentence for whomever his target was. Of course, the Hutt Criminal empire extended far beyond Jabba, as others were introduced in the older Legends Canon and as well in the Disney era. Based in the outer rim planet of Nal Hutta, the Hutts are ruled by a council that manages and monitors the criminal activity of the various clans, striking deals and securing alliances to expand their influence. One such alliance was between that of Jabba the Hutt’s uncle Ziro and Count Dooku, resulting in the kidnapping of Jabba’s son Rotta during the events of the original CGI Clone Wars movie, which introduced Ahsoka Tano. This was so that Ziro could take over the clan

from Jabba, but ultimately his plan failed miserably. Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi, ruled the “smuggler’s moon” of Nar Shaddaa and used his power and wealth to acquire rare objects and remnants of the Jedi Order after the beginning of the Imperial Age, eventually including Luke Skywalker himself after knocking the young Jedi out with a massive punch (Star Wars comics #9 - #12, 2015). Another prominent Hutt was Bokku, a wildly buff Hutt whose arrogance managed to get the entire Hutt council killed by Darth Vader after he tried to refuse giving up Han Solo after he was frozen in Carbonite. While these Hutts were very powerful in their own realms, no one could say that they were the most feared beings in the universe, but they certainly did come close. THE EMPEROR Sheev Palpatine, rose to political prominence during the Clone Wars, but had been a feared figure in the shadows for years prior. As detailed in Star Wars Legends: Darth Plagueis, Palpatine had always had darkness in his heart. He didn’t need to be greatly seduced by Plagueis in order to kill his family and traverse the dark side of the force as a Sith Apprentice. He embraced the role like a fish to water, revelling in chaos and villainy he was able to cause with the power of evil. Eventually he took on the position of Master by managing

to usurp Plagueis, getting him drunk and using Force Lightning on his master’s breathing device while he slept, a similar tactic he would use when Vader similarly betrayed him. As Supreme Chancellor and eventually Emperor, Palpatine terrorized the galaxy with his tyrannical rule; toppling democratic or independent planets in order to add them to the Empire while also exploiting them for their resources, imprisoning or outright killing dissidents, hunting down the last remnants of the Jedi order, including children who were either killed or turned into Inquisitors and finally, committing horrible acts of genocide in order to simply send a message. He held the galaxy in his iron grip for decades, and would have found ways to keep his rule going forever by nearly crushing the Rebel Alliance and snuffing out the last candles of hope in the Galaxy, however, the combined efforts of the crew of the Rogue One, Ezra Bridger, his friends and the later exploits of Luke Skywalker finally managed to dethrone this absolute monster. Of all of the people listed, Palpatine has the chance of actually being the most feared man in the Galaxy…possibly. THE BOUNTY HUNTER One of the most profitable ventures in the Star Wars Universe is being a bounty hunter. These rough and tough rogues take on contracts to steal, kill, or transport

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anything throughout the galaxy as long as the credits are worth their time and effort. These people only respect two things; money and reputation. If you can afford them, you have their loyalty until the job is done and unless they gain strong moral codes along the way, they’re guaranteed to be a great long term investment. While people like Dengar, Fennec Shand, Black Krrsantan, Embo and Bossk are feared in their own right, the fear they elicit pales in comparison to that of Cad Bane and The Fetts. Cad Bane was often considered the number two bounty hunter/mercenary in the galaxy until the death of Jango Fett during the Clone Wars. Bane had already been highly regarded, but his stock grew higher in the wake of his rival’s demise and he became one of the most sought after names in the underworld and beyond. Taking on clients of all stripes, he always completed his jobs, whether that be stealing or killing, which is why he was often hired by Lord Sidious and Count Dooku. Cad Bane was a reliable man if he could be afforded. He often went toe to toe with Jedi Knights such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and also acted as the mentor and later rival to Jango’s son, Boba Fett. Bane would continue his career across three eras of the galaxy from the end of the Galactic Republic, into the Empire and later in the early years of the New Republic before dying at the hands of Boba. Jango and Boba Fett are

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Mandalorian bounty hunters and were the top of the line in their respective eras of activity. Jango Fett was a foundling who later made his name during the Republic Era as an expert assassin, thief and bodyguard. Under the tutelage of his surrogate father Jaster Mereel, Jango would master the ways of the Mandalorians, eventually taking the title of Mand’alor for himself. He was a strong leader and would find many victories, but even greater defeats, eventually deciding to live a solitary life as a bounty hunter. Utilizing his own code of honor, he would do whatever he needed to do for reputation and money, including allowing his DNA to be used as the template for the Republic’s Clone army based on Kamino. While the clones were primarily aged to adulthood and filled with knowledge of war, Jango’s one caveat was that he be given a child Clone so that he would be able to leave a legacy, a way for the Fett name to live on and it certainly did. After Jango’s death at the hands of Mace Windu, Boba would train to become a feared bounty hunter under Cad Bane and far exceeded the reputation of his father. He was ruthless, feared by any who heard his name or the roar of his ship, The Firespray. While he maintained a similar honor code as his father, the Galaxy that Boba grew up in was slightly more cruel and he had to fight even harder for his piece of the Galactic pie. He killed friends, stole from the innocent and

worked for the worst of the worst like Jabba the Hutt, even becoming a priority one hire for him and Darth Vader alike. He was efficient and survived for longer than his father did, continuing to work well into middle age. They certainly were known intergalactically and they come very close to being some of the most feared men in the galaxy, but there are still one more scary than they. DARTH VADER Spoken mostly in hushed whispers, the name of Palpatine’s apprentice is almost that of a boogeyman - a creature lurking in the shadows, an unstoppable killing machine, a beast spat out from the dark side of the force with no hint of remorse for any of his violent actions: Darth Vader is, in fact the scariest and most feared man in the galaxy. Vader has this crushing weight about him, so much so that his presence is felt even when he’s nowhere to be found. People cower in fear at the mention of his name, Tusken Raiders worship his visage as this bringer of death after he slaughtered one of their villages years before and some imperial officers even commit reckless and dangerous acts in order to avoid earning his disappointment and their own deaths. He has massacred entire cities, collapsed civilizations and ordered the destruction of a planet. It is no simple matter to trifle with Darth Vader and many have tried and died in the process.

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WE ARE THE DISTANCE NERDING PODCAST AND WE HAD THE DISTANCE NERDING: We’re so honored to talk to you on behalf of SPOILER Magazine, can you set the stage for us to give us a quick rundown of your STAR WARS STORY? How did you end up in the most iconic movie of all time!? TIM DONALDSON: It was January of 1977; I just had my 5th birthday. To set the stage, the Star Wars shoots were completed in Tunisia, not that I knew where Tunisia was, and not that anyone knew what STAR WARS was and what a cultural phenomenon it would become! The film crew returned to the United States. Part of the reason why I ended up in STAR WARS is that some of the film had been damaged on the return trip. George Lucas, or as I called him “Mr. Lucas” wanted some shots picked up to replace the ruined footage. Being over budget, the crew was tasked to find a similar location for the additional Tatooine scenes. Enter Death Valley…

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Images courtesy of Lucas Film and 20th Century Fox Productions and Sideshow Collectibles

pleasure to talk with an actor from the original STAR WARS film! Tim Donaldson wasn’t just in STAR WARS, he’s the youngest actor to be in the original film from 1977!

interview interview DISTANCE NERDING: What were you doing in Death Valley? TIM DONALDSON: Who the hell lives in Death Valley you ask? well, we did. My mother and father were employed by the National Park Service in Death Valley National Monument as Park Rangers. So, the film crew began to not only need a new Tatooine for a location, but they needed Jawas! VERY specific sized Jawas… The costumes had already been created and the other Tunisian Jawas scenes were already in the can; we needed to measure up, literally! DISTANCE NERDING: How did you get picked or did you audition for STAR WARS? TIM DONALDSON: Mr. Lucas, aka George Lucas, and crew came to the elementary school in Death Valley asking to borrow 8 children of a specific height. We were all lined up in a row and the measuring tape came out. Eight of us were



picked to be in a Hollywood movie! I was in kindergarten, Joe Weber was in 1st grade, Andrea Wickman Miller, Johnny Bushell, Lisa Curtis, Clare Boland, Jenny Payne, and Kelly Cohan were all in 2nd grade. DISTANCE NERDING: WOW! What was it like being on the set of STAR WARS? TIM DONALDSON: Our first day we were taken to the local motel where we were fit in our appropriate costumes, the Tunisian Jawa costumes. A vivid memory for me from this day was trying on the Tusken Raider helmet and holding their weapon. The second day was the actual filming. I remember a few things about this day. I remember running up to R2D2 (the costumes were very bulking and made running extremely difficult) This scene did not make the final cut, they used the Tunisia film instead. DISTANCE NERDING: Any fun stories from filming the movie? TIM DONALDSON: In the film, we then had to carry R2D2 up the hill to the Sandcrawler. During this part of the filming R2s head kept falling off, infuriating the crew. As I remember the eventual “movie magic” fix was to- just tape it on! R2 wasn’t particularly heavy, keep in mind it was meant to hold Kenny Baker who played R2 in the movies! Carrying R2, more awkward than anything. I also have a memory of walking up the stairs into the Sandcrawler (my memory is of stairs up on to a flatbed trailer). This must have been filmed somewhere than other than the hill, but I am not sure. They also filmed some canyon scenes of us peeking out here and there, although I do not remember much of that! Quick side story, the picture of me with the cheesy grin was taken by my sister, she was on set as a chaperone. When we

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were measured, she was 1/2 inch too tall and still upset. LOL. DISTANCE NERDING: Being in a Hollywood movie is awesome enough, did you catch the acting bug? Did you realize you would be in the biggest movie of all time? TIM DONALDSON: We were paid a handsome $25 and sent on our way. Our heads were swimming, we were going to be stars! Until our teacher sat us all down and explained that “the film would probably not make the box office, so do not get too excited”. My mother wrote to my grandmother and stated that I had been an extra in a “2nd rate B grade sci-fi film”. No one believed in Star Wars, it was an unknown venture. DISTANCE NERDING: What was it like seeing yourself on the big screen? TIM DONALDSON: I don’t remember my first-time seeing Star Wars. Death Valley was a remote location; we may have gone to Las Vegas to see it but I am not sure. In 1979 we moved away; I told my story wherever we went. I’m not sure that anyone believed it. Later in life I tried it as a pickup line for girls… It never worked! So, the story was put away in the closet and told on very infrequent occasions. DISTANCE NERDING: Incredible, how did you

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get back into your “STAR WARS Story?” TIM DONALDSON: 40 years had gone by, when I was contacted on Facebook by some autograph collectors. I was skeptical to say the least, who would want to pay me for my scribble after all? Well, they did! And so it began. 41 years later, I got to do my first comic convention. It was an amazing experience! How did I miss out on this for so long! DISTANCE NERDING: What has it been like meeting fans, attending Comic-Cons and doing appearances? TIM DONALDSON: It’s amazing to meet Star Wars fans, I never thought I’d be doing this or that people would want to take a picture with me or get my autograph! I’m so blessed to be a part of the STAR WARS legacy. It’s giving me the opportunity to meet so many amazing fans, reconnect with some cast mates from the Death Valley STAR WARS shoots, attend many ComicCons here in the US and even in Europe- twice actually! DISTANCE NERDING: It’s been a pleasure to hear your story! Tim, where can people find you and connect with you? TIM DONALDSON: Thank you! You can find me posting and sharing the various comic cons and events I’m attending via Instagram @ cool_jawa DISTANCE NERDING: Any parting words? TIM DONALDSON: Yes, just one… UTINNI!

Images courtesy of Lucas Film and 20th Century Fox Productions and Sideshow Collectibles



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personified by a group known as the Sith. The Star Wars universe, with its rich tapestry of characters and lore, has long been fascinated with the enigmatic allure of the Dark Side of the Force, and the Sith stand as its most notorious adherents. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey through the annals of Star Wars history, seeking to understand the very essence of the Sith and explore how one might embrace their philosophy. The Sith are not mere villains; they are complex individuals, driven by ambition, greed, and the darker emotions that lie within us all. To become a Sith is to walk the path of power without boundaries; to tap into the potent, seductive energies of the Dark Side, and to relentlessly pursue one’s own desires. This path often leads to moral ambiguity, but it offers its own form of liberation

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from the constraints of traditional Jedi teachings.


At the core of Sith philosophy lies the belief in the transformative power of emotion. The Jedi Council preaches detachment and emotional restraint, whereas the Sith champion the idea that emotions (particularly those rooted in the darker spectrum), can be a wellspring of strength. The raw, untamed power of emotions like anger,

hatred, and ambition fuels the Sith’s connection to the Dark Side of the Force. A fundamental tenet of Sith ideology is the rule of two. This ancient doctrine decrees that there should be only two Sith at any given time: a master to embody the power and an apprentice to crave it. This code of secrecy and mentorship

ensures the continuity of Sith teachings while safeguarding the lineage. It was the legendary Darth Bane who first established this rule, a pivotal moment in Sith history, immortalized in the Clone Wars animated series. Join us on this dark and captivating journey through the annals of the Star Wars universe as we

Images courtesy of Mizuri @alphacoders.com, Ademir Leal, artstation.com, Ben Judd @alphacoders, LucasFilm and 20th Century Fox Pictures

unravel the secrets of the Sith, their rise to power, and the philosophy that drives them to defy the Jedi Order.


The Sith defy the Jedi by recognizing that

emotions are not mere weaknesses to be quashed but rather potent sources of power. Anger, hatred, ambition, and even fear are harnessed to fuel their connection to the Dark Side of the Force. This stark contrast with the Jedi teachings, which advocate for emotional detachment, epitomizes the fundamental divergence

between the two orders. Sith often view their emotions as pathways to insight and power. Embracing anger, for example, can heighten their combat abilities, making them formidable adversaries. Hatred, on the other hand, can be used as a motivator to achieve their goals, no matter the cost. This willingness to

tap into the wellspring of their emotions is a defining characteristic of the Sith way.


At the heart of the Sith philosophy lies the Rule of Two, a doctrine that emphasizes the importance of a master and an apprentice. Established by Darth Bane, this rule serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it ensures the continuity of Sith teachings. When the master is ultimately overthrown by their apprentice, the Sith lineage endures, allowing the apprentice to take on their own disciple. This secrecy and exclusivity preserve the Dark Side knowledge and techniques that the Sith hold dear. Secondly, the Rule of Two amplifies the competitive nature of the Sith. Each apprentice aspires to surpass their master, not only in terms of raw power but also in their grasp of Sith philosophy. This unending cycle of power struggles keeps the Sith constantly evolving, searching for more potent sources of strength and knowledge.


Darth Bane’s role in solidifying the Rule of Two is a pivotal moment in Sith history. He recognized that the old ways of the Sith, characterized by infighting and the pursuit of immediate power, led to their downfall. In contrast, the Rule of Two allows the Sith to adapt, bide their

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time, and accumulate strength in secret until the moment is ripe for them to seize control of the galaxy. This transformation in Sith philosophy, largely introduced in the Clone Wars animated series, reflects the wisdom and pragmatism of Darth Bane. It symbolizes a shift from reckless ambition to a more calculated and patient approach to achieving their goals.


The Sith, often portrayed as the antagonists in the Star Wars universe, are far from one-dimensional villains. They represent a diverse range of individuals, each with their own unique motivations, backgrounds, and character traits. This complexity adds depth to the Star Wars narrative and challenges the notion of a clear dichotomy between good and evil. Here, we delve into the multifaceted nature of Sith characters and the layers that make them more than just evil adversaries.


While the Sith, as a group, are united by their pursuit of power and mastery of the Dark Side, the motivations driving individual Sith can vary significantly. Some are driven by a thirst for personal power and

domination, seeking to control others and impose their will upon the galaxy. Others are motivated by a desire for revenge, seeking to settle personal scores or right perceived wrongs. Consider the case of Darth Sidious, also known as Emperor Palpatine. His motivation to control the galaxy was driven by a lust for power and a vision of ultimate authority. In contrast, characters like Darth Vader (formerly Anakin Skywalker) were swayed by a mix of fear, a desire to save a loved one, and vulnerability to manipulation. This complexity in motivation adds layers to the characters, making them more relatable and human.


Many Sith have backstories that are tinged with tragedy. These backstories often involve personal losses, betrayals, or experiences of suffering that push them toward the Dark Side. Anakin Skywalker’s fall to become Darth Vader is one of the most poignant examples. His tragic backstory includes the loss of his mother, the manipulation by Emperor Palpatine, and his fear of losing his wife, Padmé. These experiences contribute to his journey down a dark path, making him a character with whom audiences can empathize.


The Star Wars saga, with its epic battles between the forces of light and darkness, has been celebrated not only for its mesmerizing worldbuilding, but also for its profound exploration of the theme of struggles and redemption. This thematic undercurrent is especially evident in the journeys of Sith characters who, despite their descent into the Dark Side, grapple with internal conflicts and ultimately seek redemption. In this narrative exploration, we will delve deeper into the concept of struggles and redemption within the Star Wars universe, shedding light on its emotional and philosophical significance.


Sith characters, often depicted as malevolent figures consumed by darkness, are not devoid of inner turmoil and moral dilemmas. In fact, it is their internal struggles that add layers of complexity to their characters and make them more relatable to the audience. Anakin Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader

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exemplifies this theme of inner conflict. Anakin’s journey is fraught with fear, love, and the constant struggle between his loyalty to the Jedi Order and his desire to save those he cares about. His attachment to Padmé Amidala, combined with his inability to prevent his mother’s death, drives him toward the Dark Side. This emotional turbulence, amplified by his visions of Padmé’s demise, creates a deep inner battle within him. This inner conflict is a common thread among many Sith characters. Whether it’s anger, fear, or a sense of betrayal, these emotions fuel their descent into the Dark Side. The narrative invites the audience to empathize with their struggles, emphasizing that no one is immune to the allure of the Dark Side when faced with personal pain and inner turmoil.


The path to the Dark Side is not one taken lightly. It is often paved with inner turmoil, moral dilemmas, and personal struggles. The characters who become Sith are not inherently evil; they are often driven by intense emotions and external circumstances that push them towards the Dark

Side. Anakin Skywalker, who later becomes Darth Vader, exemplifies this inner conflict. Anakin’s struggle stems from his fear of loss, particularly his fear of losing his loved ones. His attachment to Padmé, his mother’s death, and the Jedi Council’s reluctance to accept these attachments all contribute to his internal turmoil. Anakin’s desire to save Padmé leads him down a path of manipulation and dark deeds. This inner battle between his love for Padmé and his loyalty to the Jedi Order is a central element of his character arc.

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, he sacrifices himself to save Luke, killing Emperor Palpatine in the process. This act symbolizes the enduring possibility of redemption and the triumph of light over darkness. Kylo Ren’s character, introduced in the sequel trilogy, is another example of the struggle for redemption. His internal conflict, driven by the memory of his parents and the pull of the light, sets the stage for a character arc that explores the complexities of choice and redemption. In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Kylo Ren ultimately chooses to embrace the light and becomes Ben Solo once again.

THE POTENTIAL FOR REDEMPTION: A RAY OF HOPE IMPACT ON THE STAR One of the most significant aspects of the Star Wars WARS SAGA narrative is the potential for redemption, even for characters deeply entrenched in the Dark Side. This theme challenges the binary view of morality and good vs. evil. Characters like Darth Vader and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) are prime examples of Sith who confront their actions and seek redemption. Darth Vader’s redemption arc is one of the most iconic moments in cinematic history. His internal conflict, combined with his love for his son, Luke Skywalker, ultimately leads to his redemption.

The theme of struggles and redemption has a profound impact on the Star Wars saga as a whole. It transforms the narrative from a simplistic battle between good and evil into a more nuanced exploration of the human condition. It invites the audience to empathize with characters who have made terrible choices and demonstrates that redemption is not only possible but an inherent part of the human experience. This theme also underscores the idea that individuals are not

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defined solely by their actions, but by their ability to change and seek forgiveness. It provides a message of hope, suggesting that even in the darkest of times, one can find the strength to choose a different path and make amends for past transgressions. In conclusion, the theme of struggles and redemption within the Star Wars universe is a testament to the depth and complexity of its storytelling. It highlights the internal conflicts and moral dilemmas that shape the destinies of characters, even those who have fallen to the Dark Side. This theme not only enriches the characters but also resonates with audiences by emphasizing the enduring possibility of redemption and the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.


Sith personalities are not homogenous. They exhibit a wide range of characteristics, from cunning and manipulative (Darth Sidious) to brutal and ruthless (Darth Maul). Some are strategic and calculating, while others are impulsive and driven by their emotions. The diversity of personalities among Sith characters adds depth to their interactions and motivations, making them engaging and unpredictable.

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The Sith also leave behind a legacy through their teachings and philosophies. While the Sith Code emphasizes personal power and freedom, their interpretations can differ. Some Sith value individualism and rule through fear, while others believe in order and discipline within the Sith ranks. These variations in the interpretation of Sith teachings lead to ideological conflicts and power struggles within the Sith Order.


The portrayal of Sith as complex individuals is an essential element of the Star Wars narrative. It challenges the notion of absolute good and evil, inviting audiences to empathize with their struggles, motivations, and even their potential for redemption. It is this complexity that elevates the Star Wars saga beyond a mere battle between heroes and villains, making it a timeless and thoughtprovoking exploration of the human condition and the lure of power. As we continue to explore the Sith philosophy and key moments in their history, we must remember that the characters who embody this philosophy are not mere caricatures of evil, but rather multifaceted beings with their own stories and destinies.

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YOU ARE ON A SHIP. IT GETS HIT, ALL THE POWER GOES OUT. Metal scraping, then silence. Suddenly the door opens, and you see a vibrant red light piercing the darkness. Then the attack happens. You shoot, but the shots get reflected back at you. You feel an unseen force grab your throat and choke you. The Sith: the ultimate evil in the Star Wars galaxy. They use an ancient power that most do not see or know. They are the opposite to the light of the Jedi and are some of the most feared people and make for great villains. Today we will go over some of the top Sith in the Star Wars galaxy.


Thousands of years before Darth Vader, there was another SIth Lord that donned a breathing apparatus and served a Sith Emperor. Darth Malgus can be seen as the precursor to Lord Vader. His first appearance was in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Just like Vader, an attack led him to become the visage in the Old Republic and was more ruthless than Vader ever could be. As a young child, Malgus found his way into working with the dark side and

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killed a servant. After that he went into the Sith Academy and his power and rage only grew from there. He would then go on to fight for Korriban, the Sith homeworld. This war between the Jedi and the Sith was intense and claimed many many lives. Malgus was so successful in his fight that he helped lay ruin to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and was able to kill more than half of the Jedi Masters. What made Malgus so terrifying was his full understanding of both sides of the Force. He believed that the Jedi were only using part of their potential so he viewed them as weak. He would not tolerate any failure and was a man of his word. He would even kill his own friends due to their perceived failure. Malgus lived to be on the front line of the war. His powers surpassed many SIth at the time and included the ability to absorb blaster shots with his hand; he had Force Screams that would destroy anything in their path. His rage was so powerful that he was able to withstand buildings being dropped on him, and the more angry he got, the stronger his shield would get.


The rule of two. Whether you have read all of the books, or just seen the movies, most people know about the Sith Rule of Two. There was always an acting Sith Lord and their apprentice. The apprentice would then secretly train their own apprentice and overthrow their master to take over. While this does create a perpetual fear of backstabbing and create many secret apprentices, Darth Bane is the reason this exists and this helped the Sith become rulers many times throughout the Star Wars timeline. First mentioned in the novelization of Episode I The Phantom Menace, Darth Bane would get the start of his own story in Bane of the Sith. He would also get his own series and was set a thousand years before the Galactic Empire. After the Jedi/ Sith war, Bane was from the ancient Sith world Moraband/ Korriban. Bane had seen what the Sith were like when there was an Empire and that all the constant internal fighting was going to make the SIth vulnerable to the Jedi. He enacted a plan that would be seen throughout

the Star Wars timeline: the Rule of Two. This rule was what would eventually lead to Palpatine becoming Emperor. Bane killed all the other Sith in order for this rule to take place. In the Legends books, Bane learned all he could from ancient Holocrons, and was even able to be killed and take over the body of another Sith. His cunning and fierce determination helped lead to Order 66 and the downfall of the Jedi Order.

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A being so ancient and powerful, Abeloth is the mother of the Ones, the earliest known gods in the Star Wars Galaxy. Abeloth is hundreds of thousands of years old and was once human, but became immortal by drinking from the Font of Power. Until that point in time, she was good, but became corrupted. Abeloth was first seen in the Fate of the Jedi book series, where she was the main villain. Abeloth was so powerful and destructive that she had to be imprisoned for thousands of years by her own family. During Jacen Solo’s turn to the dark side, he destroyed Centerpoint Station, which imprisoned Abeloth and she was once again free to reign terror across the galaxy. During her newfound freedom, she was able to control people. Abeloth split herself, was able to become Chancellor of the New Republic and became a threat across all fronts. She was almost able to kill Luke Skywalker himself, if not for Jaina

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Solo. Her power was so immense that she was able to mind control many Jedi. Jacen’s daughter had nightmares of a galaxy controlled by Abeloth, which helped Jacen become Darth Caedur to prevent this vision from coming true. Throughout the series, Luke and Jaina hunted down many avatars of Abeloth. But she was never truly dismissed. This led Luke to begin his journey to find the complete history of the Force to help prepare himself for her inevitable return.


The Son: the embodiment of all the Dark Side. First appearing in Star Wars the Clone Wars TV show, the Son was shown to be ruthless,cunning and selfish. He was always at odds with his Father and his Sister. The Son would also be depicted in murals in Ahsoka. What makes the Son scary, is his ability to put Force Visions into Force users. While not a physical match for Anakin Skywalker, he was able to put visions into his head which is what led him on the path to the Dark Side. Once Anakin was manipulated into the

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temptation, the Brother used him being part of the prophecy of balancing the force, to bring him fully over to the Dark Side. His own greed led him to try to kill the Father, but instead killed his sister as she was protecting the Father. Some believe that Anakin Skywalker was the embodiment of the Son, while Ahsoka was the Daughter.


Sheev Palpatine. AKA Sheev Palpatine: the Emperor. Somehow he found a way to come back. While Vader was terrifying in his own right, the man that controlled him was even worse. Sidious was a man that had a plan. He would use all of his knowledge from his master, the rule of two, and become a ruler of a galaxy and the creation of the Empire and Death Stars. Many consider Sidious to be among the most powerful of force users.

His knowledge of the Force and his thirst for power was unmatched. Sidious was able to turn the galaxy to war, positioning himself into power, from a Senator, to a Chancellor, to the Emperor in a short time frame. He was cold, calculating, and had no issues biding his time. He implanted Order 66 to the programming of the Clone Troopers, he used the Kamino to create clones of himself in case of death.

It is believed that his force powers are great enough to not only cheat death, but to create life itself. It is proposed that he effectively manipulated the midichlorians in Anakin’s mother to create Anakin himself. After Anakin’s defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan, Sidious put force energy to create Darth Vader, who by being cut down and more machine than man, became reliant on the Emperor to survive. Even after being killed by Vader, Sidious moved his consciousness to another body, used a clone of himself to be his son, and was able to amass forces on Exegol. In the movie world, there is no one as big of a threat as Sidious.


FIrst seen in Star Wars the Old Republic, Vitiate or Tenebrae is considered to be the most powerful Force user in history. He was born as a Sith, already immersed in the Dark Side. He is said to have lived over 1500 years and became one of the first Sith Emperors. His ultimate goal was to destroy the galaxy and live forever. In his quest for power, Vitiate called all Sith Lords to a planet for a meeting on how to beat the Galactic Empire. This was all a ruse, and he wiped all of them out, becoming the ultimate Sith Emperor in the process. He would then lead the remaining Sith for a long time. His powers are unmatched. Not only when he wiped out all the Sith Lords, he also completely removed the Force itself from the

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planet, creating a void in its place. His powers were combined with sorcery. He had such control over the living, he was able to completely change the atmosphere of a planet. Other powers include being able to create replicas of himself, to a point of manifestation. He was also able to use this power to possess others, making them his children and bending the galaxy to his will. Finally, his telekinesis and telepathy was enough to mind control and take over others and created the ultimate force shield, shielding him from all attacks including energy.


The Lord of Pain. Held together by sheer hatred. First seen in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Darth Sion quickly showed why he deserved to be the villain. He is part of the Sith Triumvirate. What makes him powerful and terrifying is how he keeps himself alive. His body was torn apart and is in pieces, however he is not dead. He uses pure hatred and determination to hold his body together with the Force. When struck down, he would just get angrier and come back to life. This made him immortal and he would only die when he was willing to. He did a lot of physiological force attacks, which in turn made him immune to fear based attacks. By the end, he became immune to pain and who knows what

would have happened if he was not convinced to end his reign. In the end, he became part of the dark side of the Force.


The Lord of Hunger. Darth Nihlius is part of the Sith Triumvirate. His first appearance is also Darth Sion in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Darth’s Nihilus’ hunger was never satiated. Darth Nihilus was able to consume the force energy of anyone or anything he touched. He was able to overthrow his Sith Master by just removing her from the Force by severing the tie, and then absorbing it. He was near immortal as he was able to implant his consciousness into his armor, which is similar to what we see in other legends with Sith merging themselves in holocrons. What made Nihiuls so terrifying was his appetite for the Force. The more he ate, the more he needed. With each power he took, the stronger he became. Imagine if he was not destroyed by this need? he could have lived forever.


The son of Princess Leia and Han Solo. A twin like his mother before him. Jacen Solo was introduced in the Thrawn Trilogy. His entire life was seeing war and conflict. Jacen served a light in the darkness. He had a natural inclination towards animals and wanted to learn the complete balance of the force.

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At a young age, he joined his Uncle’s academy with his twin sister Jaina. He lived through a childhood friend turning to the dark side. He helped fight off Imperial attacks. In The New Jedi Order he became a leader against the Vong. As he grew, he learned both sides of the force, light and dark and changed the way Jedi think about the Force. He became a philosopher of sorts, determining the force was never good or bad, it was just the user. Even after losing his younger brother Anakin to the Vong and Chewbacca, he became the right hand of Luke against the Vong leader and helped bring him down by using disease and decay through the Force. Growing up with war around him, he eventually became a father. His

daughter would have dreams of a great Sith coming back and ruling the galaxy. The fear of a father raising a child in this galaxy led him to become Darth Caedus. He realized that the cycle was never going to end unless he stepped up and controlled the galaxy. He is relatable to parents who want a safe world for their children. He went to Korriban to learn the ways of the dark side. He destroyed Centerpoint Station and released Abeloth. He killed his Aunt, Mara Jade Skywalker. What is terrifying is his stance, viewpoints and

determination to make the galaxy a safe place. We grew up in the Legends books to see him go from a pure hero, to something worse than his grandfather Darth Vader. Even in the end, as Jaina, his twin sister has to kill him, he knows what he did was wrong but still tries to protect his kid no matter the cost.

10. DARTH VADER The O.G. Sith. Black

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suit, black cape, with a fearsome voice and blood red lightsaber. The very first Sith that the world was introduced to, Darth Vader caused nightmares in kids, but people loved to quote him and dress up as him. First seen in Episode IV: A New Hope , Darth Vader quickly became a household name and was

heavily engrained into the modern zeitgeist. We first see Vader mow down Rebellion fighters aboard Princess Leia’s shuttle and then later we see him use the Force to choke somehow without laying a hand on him. Part of an ancient religion, he was believed to have killed Luke Skywalker’s father

in the Clone Wars. In the typical Hero’s Journey, he dispatches the wise mentor. In The Empire Strikes Back we learn that he is in fact Luke’s father, causing inner turmoil in the hero and partially making him touch the dark side of the force. While he eventually turns against the Emperor to save his son, Anakin becomes redeemed, but through other media, we see how truly terrifying Darth Vader actually is.

Through the Legends books, such as Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, we learn that he is trying to breathe on his own, filling his body with rage and diving deeper into the dark side. Being born of pure midi-chlorians, he was destined to be the most powerful force user, however losing both arms and legs, and becoming “more machine now than man” hindered his connection to the Force. His sage is one of loss, sadness and fear. He even trained secret apprentices such as Starkiller in The Force Unleashed. The world may never know

how powerful he could have been had he been whole and not reliant on machines and the Emperor to keep him alive. While we all root for the hero, sometimes it is fun to be the villain. For as many Luke Skywalkers there are, there are as many Darth Vaders and Kylo Rens There is something attractive about having absolute power that intrigues us that we want the hero to win, but love seeing the villains prevail. The Sith are shown to have tortured their kyber crystal to make it bleed, which causes the bright crimson blade. So while we eagerly await the next hero in the Star Wars galaxy, we are also excited to see what villains come with them.

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THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE IS ALWAYS expanding, and in a world where little information lays concealed, it’s a tall first order to find facts that aren’t merely trivial to your usual Star Wars afficionado, so here’s a list that most general audiences don’t know, and, no I’m not talking about Luke’s true parentage, or if Han shot first. If you knew all these beforehand, then you may have to check your midichlorian count, because the force is very strong with you. Star Wars lesser known facts, revealed to you in no particular order: A NEW HOPE NEARLY TRIGGERS CIVIL WAR Believe it or not, filming of the first Star Wars: A New Hope was delayed during production due to civil war almost breaking out. Filming in Tunisia, there were high political tensions between neighbours Libya and Tunisia. A squad of Libyan shoulders spotted

the Jawa’s massive Sandcrawler and thought it was a Tunisian military vehicle. This was during the reign of Qaddafi, when the threat of war between the two nations was high, which prompted Lucas to move the location to prevent any further heightening of diplomatic tensions, or civil war. KENNY BAKER TO PLAY WICKET The universally beloved Kenny Baker was originally meant to play dual roles in Return of the Jedi: Both R2D2 and the lovable ewok Wicket. Unfortunately, he was struck down with a bad case of food poisoning at the last minute, and Lucas and director Richard Marquand scrambled to find his replacement: then 11 year old Warwick

Davis. Davis was originally cast as an extra after his grandmother heard the casting call on British radio. He soon caught the eye of Lucas with his performance, adding nuance to the ewok’s movements, including beign able to move his tongue through the mask and various head movements that implied a sense of curiosity. With Baker out, they called Davis in to play Wicket. This would not be the last time Davis would grace the screen for Star Wars.

GREEN SOLO Han was originally a green alien in the first iteration of A New Hope. Yes, you read that right- In Lucas’ original vision for the character he would resemble something more like Swamp Thing than the handsome rogue we all know today. With each further draft of the script, the character changed, and we are Images courtesy of Lucas Film, 20th Century Fox Productions, SNL, NBC studios, Steam Community, Imgur

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forever grateful for that fact. Originally a green alien character – a slimy reptile member of the Ureallain species, and also a member of the Jedi Bendu (the original Jedi name), Han was not known for his sarcastic humour or roguish nature. Instead, and as the script evolved, he became the famous antihero we know today.

BLUE HARVEST The original working title production name for Return of the Jedi was indeed Blue Harvest, and the reason why the first Family Guy Star Wars special has this as its title. Blue Harvest is of course a fake name used during shooting for two purposes: 1. A ruse for any prying journalists, fans and autograph

hunters desperate for a behind the scenes expose of Return of the Jedi. 2. A way to keep costs down from external agencies. As Lucas has advised, once you attach the title Star Wars to anything, suddenly prices skyrocket for any minor thing needed.

(anyone trying to organise a wedding can confirm this fact.) The title Blue Harvest is also an homage and parody of Red Harvest, a novel that has been adapted into films like Yojimbo, A Fistful of Dollars and Last Man Standing. The ruse mostly worked, though a few

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dedicated fans saw beyond this and gatecrashed filming in Arizona to receive autographs and pictures with the cast and crew. THE ORIGINAL EMPEROR Fans who have seen the original version of the Empires Strikes Back, in the years before the special editions, will remember seeing a different Emperor to the one played years later by Ian McDiarmid. For an appearance that is only fleeting for the original Empire Strikes Back, the original Emperor’s casting backstory is quite complicated. Marjorie Eaton originally played the physical aspect of the role, using significant amounts of makeup to cover up her face. The original voice was provided by renowned stage and film actor Clive Revill (who comic fans may recognise as the iconic Alfred Pennyworth in Batman: The Animated Series). In addition to all these elements, Eaton’s eyes were also digitally replaced with Chimpanzee eyes to give an even more sinister look and feel to the character. The issue of credit has been one of

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some debate, since Eaton’s appearance was uncredited, as to whether it was her or not in the role. Official crew members have since stated that it was actually special effects artist Rick Baker’s wife, Elaine Baker, who was officially the person behind the makeup. And while Eaton was filmed, her original scenes were scrapped when Kirshner could not receive the desired look. DARK JEDI LUKE Return of the Jedi could have been much darker than its theatrical release. Luke was meant to rule the empire as Vader predicted, but not as father and son. Producer Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas originally conceived of a much darker denouement to the film. In reference to a brief transcript of the conversation between them, Each discuss that upon Vader removing his helmet and dying, Luke Skywalker put son the mask himself and says the line: “Now, I am Vader.”

The original concept was that Luke would reveal his decisive plan to eradicate the rebel fleet and take over both the empire and galaxy. That particular ending was eventually removed in favor of the ending we seen in the films, with Lucas reinforcing his belief that Star Wars is for kids, and a darker ending would have alienated his young audience. It would see Star Wars go down a similar vein to the Dune series. Lucas’ wish for a darker ending would have to wait until Revenge of the Sith 22 years later. ATTACK OF THE N-SYNC Did you know that George Lucas’ daughter Katie was, and probably still is, a massive fan of N-Sync? So much so that she begged Lucas to put them in the next Star Wars film, which so happened to be EpII: Attack of the Clones. While Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass passed on the offer, the rest of the group donned the Jedi robes, eager to fight off the droid army in the climactic battle at Geonosis. They were given few directions, with Joey Fatone remembering their basic instruction were to “pretend they were fighting droids.” If your thinking about re-

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watching the film to try and spot their cameos, think again, as sadly their scene was cut. CHEWIE TO HAVE CLOTHES We all know that Chewbacca likes to live, work and fight ‘óh naturelle’ and is very much liberated from wearing clothes, but did you know this wasn’t always the case, and the titular character was originally meant to wear shorts, or even worse, lederhosen? While George Lucas’ vision for Solo’s navigator Chewbacca may have seemed suitable within for the Star Wars universe, it sparked concerns and heated debate among the Fox studio executives at the time. During the late 70s, the film industry operated under very strict censorship protocols, which meant that any shift away from the norm could become a significant issue. Lucas’s insistence that Chewbacca remained naked, or rather, unclothed became a focal point of discussion with the studio. Mr Luke Skywalker himself - Mark Hamill recounted some of the the odd requests from the studio execs, revealing that memos from the studio included suggestions such as:,“Can you put a pair of lederhosen on the Wookiee?” This shift in focus to Chewie’s lower attire and nether regions led to concept and costuming sketches

featuring the character in culottes and baggy shorts. Despite this controversy, cooler heads like Lucas’ prevailed, and Chewy remained unclothed and true to his iconic appearance seen in the film, allowing Lucas’ unwavering stance to be recognised. NOT THE ORIGINAL SOLO Despite being perfect for the role, Harrison Ford was not the original choice to play Han Solo. At the time, Lucas did not like to use actors he had worked with previously, (Solo had a supporting role as Bob Falfa on American Graffiti) and so Ford was one person to receive such a letter as notice. And the auditions line-up to play Han Solo was extensive, and saw a number of household names step up to the plate and run lines from the original script. This included the likes of Christopher Walken, Burt Reynolds, Nightmare on Elm Street’s Robert Englund, Al Pacino, Glynn Turman, Nick Nolte, Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell. Actors like Burt Reynolds, Nick Nolte and Stallone have admitted that they weren’t a good fit for the role either because they didn’t really understand it, or because they felt they would have played it too differently. A close second was Kurt Russell, who many believe could have done the part justice after seeing the

screen test footage. Luckily for Solo, George Lucas asked Solo to come in and run lines for the other actors, which probably gave the man an advantage of being able to rehearse multiple times. Whatever the method, we got the best outcome, as Ford was ultimately the best choice to play the iconic character. HAMILL’S CHANGE Did you ever notice the distinct change to Mark Hamill’s appearance from A New Hope to The Empire Strikes Back? No he didn’t just mature or get older; there is a very distinct reason. In the months between the final wrap of production and Star Wars release into theatres, Mark Hamill was involved in a near fatal car accident. It happened on a remote highway in California, Hamill negotiated an off-ramp while driving too fast and lost control, tumbling off the road. When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital bed with some drastic changes to his face, initially disfigured and with a fractured nose and right cheek. Mark was in shock at the face that greeted him from the mirror that was presented to him, and he felt at the time his film career could be well and truly over. Lucky for audiences worldwide, Mark persevered, and Lucas was able to rewrite scenes from The Empire Strikes Back to include Hamill’s surgery.

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LIKE MOST AUTEURS AND CINEMATIC ARCHITECTS, Lucas is very much a product of his surroundings. He is one of a core group of new Hollywood directors, comprising a group of highly influential filmmakers, including: Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, and Stephen Spielberg, George set out to make films that would rebel against the classic studio system and transcend the world of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Born in 1944 as George Walton Lucas Jr, George was raised on a walnut ranch in Modesto, California. George was the son of George Walton Lucas Snr, and Dorothy Ellinore Lucas and is one of four children raised by the couple. His father owned a stationery store in Modesto and his mother was often gravely ill for long periods of

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time. His upbringing was not always easy, and often there was tension between George’s ambitions and what his parents hoped he would pursue as a career. In fact, his father wanted him to go into the family business of stationery and his mother once told him that he wouldn’t amount to much. Despite this adversity, George continued to pursue his passions, which for a young man living in Modesto soon turned to fast cars; a passion that becomes selfevident in the autobiographical nostalgia illustrated in the iconic film American Graffiti. So, before he turned to a career in filmmaking, George

already had his sights set on car racing, and in fast and furious adolescence, spent a large part of his high school days in racing competitions and underground street racing circuits. This dream came to an abrupt end on one fateful day on June 12th, 1968, when George had a near-fatal car accident. George was driving home in his yellow AutoBianchi Bianchina, a small Italian car inspired by the Fiat 500, when a friend Frank Ferreira tried to overtake George as he was turning onto the family ranch. Ferreira’s car, a much heavier Chevy Impala broadsided the Bianchina, causing Lucas’s car to roll several times and flinging the young man out of the car just before the vehicle wrapped around one of the walnut trees. Lucas was very lucky to be alive after the incident, and clearly shaken by it, and soon gave up his dreams involving race cars. Of the incident, Lucas has said this about car racing, “You see what the future is there, and you realize that you’ll probably end up being dead. That’s where most of them end up; it’s inevitable because the odds are if you stay with it long enough that’s what will happen to Images Coutesy of ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP/Getty Images., Lucas Film, 20th Century Fox Studios, The Associated Press 2008, Fandom.com, EFE, Tonica.la, Fandom.com

you. And I just decided that maybe that wasn’t for me. I decided I’d settle down and go to school.” (Culture Slate) Lucas would not let this incident keep him down, however, and before long he set sights on another passion: filmmaking. Following the advice of mentor and cinematographer Haskell Wexler, Lucas went to film school at the University of Southern California (USC) and quickly proved himself as a talented young filmmaker, taking out the coveted first prize of The National Student Film Festival 1965 for his student film: Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB, and graduating with a bachelor’s degree. During his time at USC he made friends with other up and coming directors including Stephen Spielberg and John Milius. It was John Milius (Conan the Barbarian, Red Dawn) who first introduced George to the films of Akira Kurosawa. The auteur’s cinematic style would influence Lucas years later when he started to develop Star Wars. Following his success at USC, Lucas served a six-month internship at Warner Brothers, where he assisted legendary Francis Ford Coppola on the film Finnian’s Rainbow. Lucas continued to thrive in this internship and would make meaningful contributions to the industry by shooting a documentary about Coppola’s film The Rain People. In addition, he contributed to the controversial Rolling Stones documentary Gimme Shelter. After completing his internship, Warner Bros. signed Lucas on to direct the fulllength feature version of his acclaimed student film, titled THX 1138. The film cast Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasance SPECIAL star wars EDITION 2023|

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and was a mature and sobering dystopian science fiction film with clear nods to other famous dystopian texts such as 1984 and Brave New World. The plot follows Duvall as the titular character THX 1138, a loyal factory worker tasked with building the robotic police force of a totalitarian regime that forces conformity and has outlawed desire and love. While the film was met with critical acclaim and was nominated for an award at the Canne Film Festival, THX 1138 was ultimately a commercial flop, which lost money at the box office, and it soon put George Lucas on the outer with Warner Bros. Though he was initially discouraged by this, it was Francis Ford Coppola who encouraged George to make something more personal and closer to the heart, something that encouraged George to write more, and produce something to evoke more personal enjoyment from a contemporary audience. George was inspired to write and direct American Graffiti as a love letter to the early 1960s, an era before the Vietnam War and the turbulence of later decades, taking audiences back to his hometown roots, and shows a more innocent time for teenagers wholly interested in driving hot

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rods and pursuing youthful romance. Taking his business elsewhere, and with the help of Francis Ford Coppola, Lucas was granted a $700,000 budget (much tighter than THX 1138) to produce his new film. With a very small crew and a cast of very fresh Hollywood faces including Ron Howard and Richard Dreyfuss (and a small supporting role from a carpenter known as Harrison Ford), Lucas set off to the San Francisco Bay area for a gruellingly short 28-day shooting schedule. What was even more remarkable was that the film was shot entirely at night and with Lucas editing during the day. Despite his exhaustion and numerous technical difficulties, Lucas was able to shoot the film in a short amount of time and stay on budget much to the delight of his new investors. Over an exhausting sixweek baptism of fire, the Lucasfilm cast and crew endured a series of night shoots in what was often freezing summertime weather. As the months followed, George Lucas and the rogue squad of editors hastened to finish the movie, the final cut was seized by Universal and reduced without Lucas’ input, and they delayed a release for months. But by the time it hit theatres in August 1973, the US audience gave it one of the hottest receptions of all time, with American Graffiti ultimately grossing $115 Million in theatres nationally and worldwide. American Graffiti became one of the most lucrative films in history, its recordbreaking profits rocketing Lucasfilm’s growth as a company, giving it the

necessary funds to develop its headquarters in San Anselmo, California. Lucas received a number of glowing responses to his story of youthful aspiration, some from critics, some from fans. He took them to heart as he mused on his next project, which was another tale of teenagers breaking out of their surroundings, although this would shift Lucas’ imagination to a whole new galaxy and hail from a different part of Lucas’ childhood fascination.


For a more detailed account of A New Hope and the Birth of Star Wars, check out our article: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Not So Far Away – A Brief History of Star Wars Fast forward to the end of production and postproduction; with Star Wars: A New Hope in theatres, and after a brief sojourn in Hawaii with his friend Stephen Spielberg, Lucas quietly announced

his retirement from the directing chair, adopting more of a producer role and electing to use Lucasfilm as a sanctuary for both seasoned directors and aspiring filmmakers working under his tutelage. Sadly, Lucas was also going through a divorce and elected to spend more time as a doting father to his first child Amanda, and later Katie and Jett. He had famously stated however, that he could envision returning to the director’s chair “about 20 years from now,” preconceiving a filming schedule for an ambitious prequel series to be born from Star Wars. Lucas worked as executive producer for the next two episodes in the Star Wars saga, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It was also during this creative period that Lucas first conceived of the beloved archaeologist Indiana Jones (originally named Indiana Smith), who was played by Harrison Ford in a series of films, which started with the iconic Raiders of the Lost Ark , which was directed by Steven Spielberg and with Lucas acting as executive producer. Working almost exclusively as a producer throughout the entire 1980s and throughout the majority of the 1990s, Lucas had a few minor successes with Willow in 1988 (which has spawned a new series on Disney Plus) and some disasters (namely Howard the Duck in 1986). Lucas also fulfilled a long-standing desire to work with Kurosawa by serving as executive producer on Images Coutesy of ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP/Getty Images., Lucas Film, 20th Century Fox Studios, The Associated Press 2008, Fandom.com, EFE, Tonica.la, Fandom.com

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Kagemusha. Lucas would also use profits from his original Star Wars trilogy to construct a new business headquarters for Skywalker Sound at Skywalker Ranch. Developed since 1978, Lucas has expanded the land parcel by parcel. It now spans 4,700 acres and has cost over $100 million in development. It is here that employees of Skywalker Sound can have a working refuge. Boasting real vineyards, an outdoor pool, a 300 seater cinema with world-class sound and a man-made lake, to name but a few key features. Lucas was also innovative as a tv producer, having created the iconic television series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992–93), about the adventures of Indiana Jones, (or Henry Jones jr) as a child and teenager in the early 20th century. The series was not a ratings success, but it would later garner some cult status and also allowed Lucas and ILM to experiment with some new special effects gadgetry and technology. In 1997, he added cutting edge computer effects to the Star Wars films and rereleased them to great box-office success among die-hard Star Wars fans. The re-release of those iconic films produced a groundswell of interest for the highly anticipated release of Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace, so much in fact that audiences would clamber to see the Brad

Pitt film Meet Joe Black, just to see the trailer for The Phantom Menace: the first instalment in a prequel trilogy about the young Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker before his fall to the dark side. The Phantom Menace, which received mixed reviews but reaped enormous profits, saw Lucas’ return to the director’s chair for the first time in more than 20 years; the circle had now been complete. Complete with an all star cast including Liam Neeson, Ewan Macgregor and Natalie Portman and boasting a wonderful return for John Williams roles as composer, The Phantom Menace would usher in a new age for Star Wars fans.


Lucas continued the prequel saga with Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith, both of which he also directed, and the latter which would go on to garner critical acclaim and see the long-awaited transition from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. This was before returning to an executive production role on the fourth Indiana Jones film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which Lucas’s friend and peer Steven Spielberg directed. Lucas also created two animated television series, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003–05) and Star Wars: The Clone

Wars (2008–13). In 2012, Lucas was also executive producer of Red Tails, a dramatic account of the Tuskegee Airmen and his first film in nearly twenty years that was not affiliated with either of the coveted Star Wars or Indiana Jones film franchises. In 2012, the Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm for $4 billion, and it made a third Star Wars trilogy: Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: Episode VIII—The Last Jedi (2017), and Star Wars: Episode IX—The Rise of Skywalker (2019). Disney also created A Star Wars Story series, which has comprised two standalone movies in Rogue One and Solo. Lucas had also found love again in 2006 and decided to tie the knot with Melody Hobson, before they had a child together in 2013. Lucas decided to spend more time with family again, prompting one of the key reasons in selling the Lucasfilm rights to the Walt Disney Company. Fans continue to watch the master’s career with great interest and will hopefully see Lucas grace the director’s chair again in the not-too-distant future, perhaps for a Star Wars feature, or perhaps another slice of California life reminiscent of one of the man’s past passions. Only time will tell, but once again, we will live in a new hope that the saga will continue.

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Spoiler Book Review

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IN 2020, SMACK-DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PANDEMIC lock down, I joined the world of Bookstagram. For those of you who have not heard of it, it is in fact Instagram, but for those of us who read, review, recommend, and overall just love books. Not only was this an escape from the socially confined world we lived in at the time, it also provided me with so much variety that I would not have otherwise been exposed to. Enter independently published and self-published works, [which for today’s purpose I will label as indie books and indie authors.] While I love books in all shapes, sizes, and levels of popularity, I have to admit I find myself pulled to those independently published! There are so many amazing authors with stories oozing out of their pores and every ounce of that ooze is absolutely worth the read! What sets an independent work apart is that they are published by an independent publisher instead of one of the main publishing houses(for example, Penguin Random House). Think of this as a movie being produced by A24 Films instead of Paramount Pictures. Many independent authors have even gone on to create their own independent press. Though you may be on the road less traveled, you will most definitely enjoy the

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journey. Similarly to reading traditionally published books, you have to find the genre or author that works for you, and one thing is for sure there is an indie book out there ready to be your next favorite! This is my reason for showcasing independent authors, books, and works. One of the first authors whose work I absolutely loved is Marcus Hawke. This author writes dark fiction with striking characters and compelling plots. So, without further adieu, I present to you the first Indie Spotlight in the form of a review of his latest release: Grey Noise. This book is dreadfully alluring! It follows the main character Evan Grey as he opens his retro video store: Rewind Video. His fortune takes a turn when he stumbles across a tube television he feels will be the perfect touch for his store’s grand opening. The neverending static of the dragging day soon drives Evan on a path through memory lane. Evan soon loses himself in memories of lost hope and defeated dreams. The noise takes control and those deserving pay the price. Death and humor collide in this one of a kind novella with a prevailing notion of nostalgia that is not for the faint of heart. Marcus Hawke has done it

yet again with a captivating mix of nostalgia, horror, and humor. His words cut through the bone and pulverize the meat of existential dread. He magnifies the fears and static in our minds we dare not succumb to. He highlights the doom in retrospection. He also uses his main character as the vessel you need to step through the story. He walks you through each scene vividly and his introspect helps depict desperation. Alas, this book would not be complete without Marcus’ signature afterthought, where you realize fiction is only a mirror of reality! This author not only opens his imagination to the readers, he also shares with us his darkest fears and feelings. Reading a book by Marcus Hawke is more than a passtime, it is an entire experience! This book is exceptional, to the chapter headings, to the commercial break inserted with perfect timing you will be transported into the world of Grey Noise. An absolute must-read for lovers of Insular by Jamie Stewart, Damned to Hell by Mike Salt, the Potted Plant by Thomas Gloom. This book can also be compared to shows like Black Mirror and the Twilight Zone. I hope this convinces you to take the plunge into the world of Indie Works!

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Images of Marcus Hawke and Amazon.com


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STAR WARS HAS ENCHANTED FANS OF ALL AGES with its amazing stories, unforgettable characters, and catchy lines. The dialogue in Star Wars can make us laugh, cry, or gasp, depending on the situation. In this article, we will look at some of the best lines in Star Wars and what makes them so special. One of the most wellknown lines in Star Wars is “May the Force be with you”. This phrase is a way of saying goodbye or good luck by the Jedi and their friends, who believe in the mysterious power that holds the galaxy together. The line was first said by General Dodonna in A New Hope, and has become a signature of the franchise, showing up in every Star Wars movie and many other works. The line shows a positive attitude and a sense of teamwork, as well as an acknowledgment of the role of the Force in the Star Wars world. Another classic line in Star Wars is “No, I am your father.” This shocking statement was made by Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back, after a intense lightsaber fight that left Luke injured and hanging

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from a ledge. The line was one of the biggest surprises in movie history, and altered the direction of the saga forever. The line exposed that Vader was once Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight who fell to the dark side and became a cruel agent of the Empire. The line also tested Luke’s identity and fate, as he had to deal with the reality about his origin and his link to the Force. What makes the original Star Wars trilogy so amazing? It’s not just the stunning visuals, the epic struggle of light and dark, or the cool gadgets and weapons that make us wish we lived in a galaxy far, far away. It’s also the characters and the dialogue. The trilogy is full of unforgettable moments and lines that have become part of our culture and language. Whether they make us laugh, cry, cheer, or think, these lines are more than just words - they are part of our history. Here are some of the best and most iconic lines from the original Star Wars trilogy. Star Wars is a saga full of unforgettable quotes that have inspired generations of fans and become part of

our pop culture. Here are some of the greatest lines in Star Wars history: “Do or do not. There is no try.” - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back “No. I am your father.” Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back “May the Force be with you.” - Various characters, throughout the films “I love you.” - Leia Organa, The Empire Strikes Back “I know.” - Han Solo, The Empire Strikes Back “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” - Leia Organa, A New Hope “It’s a trap!” - Admiral Ackbar, Return of the Jedi “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” - Darth Vader, A New Hope

“Never tell me the odds.” - Han Solo, The Empire Strikes Back

“Chewie, we’re home.” - Han Solo, The Force Awakens

“The Force will be with you. Always.” - Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope

“This is the way.” Various characters, The Mandalorian

“You were the chosen one!” - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Revenge of the Sith “So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.” - Padmé Amidala, Revenge of the Sith “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” - ObiWan Kenobi, A New Hope “You’re a jittery little thing, aren’t you?” Leia Organa, Return of the Jedi “There’s always a bigger fish.” - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

These are the 29 Best Lines In The Star Wars Original Trilogy, spoken “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...” 29. “SO THIS IS HOW LIBERTY DIES... WITH THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE.” Padmé Amidala: Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith (2005) As Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declares the emergence of the first Galactic Empire, senators Amidala and Organa look on in disbelief.

“This is where the fun begins.” - Anakin Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith

28. “YOUR FOCUS DETERMINES YOUR REALITY.” Qui-Gon Jinn: Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999)

“Rebellions are built on hope.” - Jyn Erso, Rogue One

Qui-Gon’s quote is a great mantra for positive thinking. He was a wise

Jedi who didn’t follow the rules of the Council. He saw Anakin as the Chosen One and wanted to train him. But Anakin was scared and unsure of his future. Qui-Gon told him, “Remember, Anakin. Your focus determines your reality.” He meant that Anakin could shape his own destiny by being mindful and optimistic. 27. “LUMINOUS BEINGS ARE WE, NOT THIS CRUDE MATTER.” Yoda: Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back (1980) [Luke can’t levitate his X-Wing out of the bog] Luke: I can’t. It’s too big. Yoda: Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.

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26. “FEAR IS THE PATH TO THE DARK SIDE. FEAR LEADS TO ANGER. ANGER LEADS TO HATE. HATE LEADS TO SUFFERING. I SENSE MUCH FEAR IN YOU.” Yoda: Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999) The scene is set in the Jedi Council chamber, where the young Anakin Skywalker is being tested by the Jedi Masters. They ask him questions about his past, his feelings, and his visions of the future. Anakin is nervous and restless, feeling the pressure of their scrutiny. He tries to answer their questions, but he also reveals his fear of losing his mother, who is still a slave on Tatooine. Yoda, the wisest and most powerful of the Jedi, senses the turmoil in Anakin’s mind. He warns him of the danger of fear, and how it can lead to the dark side of the Force. He speaks in a calm and authoritative voice, but also with a hint of sadness and pity. He knows that Anakin has great potential, but also great vulnerability. He says: “FEAR IS THE PATH TO THE DARK SIDE. FEAR LEADS TO ANGER. ANGER LEADS TO HATE. HATE LEADS TO SUFFERING. I SENSE MUCH FEAR IN YOU.” 25. “TO ANSWER POWER WITH POWER, THE JEDI WAY THIS IS NOT. IN THIS WAR, A DANGER THERE IS, OF LOSING WHO WE ARE.”

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Yoda: Star Wars: The Clone Wars* (2008) The series, not the movie. Yoda urges the Jedi to stay true to themselves and their values, even in war. He knows they might be tempted to do things that are not “the Jedi way.” But he warns them that this would have terrible consequences for them and the galaxy. 24. “SOMETIMES, WE MUST LET GO OF OUR PRIDE, AND DO WHAT IS REQUESTED OF US.” Anakin Skywalker: Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999) Anakin Skywalker is in the Jedi Council chamber, where the Jedi Masters test him. He wants to impress them, but he misses his mom on Tatooine. He is confident, defiant, skilled, fearful and angry. The Jedi are impressed and concerned. They feel a disturbance in the Force. Qui-Gon Jinn thinks Anakin is the Chosen One, who will balance the Force. He wants to train him, but the Council says no. Anakin is too old and attached. Qui-Gon says Anakin will destroy the Sith, the Jedi’s enemies. The Council doubts him, and tells him to protect Queen Amidala from the Trade Federation. Qui-Gon and Anakin leave. Anakin is sad. Qui-Gon tells him to wait outside. Anakin asks if he failed. Qui-Gon says no, and that he has a destiny.

He also says that we must do what we are asked, not what we want. 23. “THE ABILITY TO SPEAK DOES NOT MAKE YOU INTELLIGENT.” Qui-Gon Jinn: Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (1999) Qui-Gon isn’t quite sure what to make of Jar Jar Binks when he meets the excitable Gungan, and this memorable line is a bit of a snub (even if it is also a fact). 22. “WHO’S THE MORE FOOLISH? THE FOOL OR THE FOOL WHO FOLLOWS HIM?” Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope (1977). Obi-Wan and Luke need a ride to the rebels. They meet Han and Chewie in a shady bar. Stormtroopers attack them. Obi-Wan fights with his lightsaber, Han with his blaster. They run to the Falcon. Obi-Wan says this to Han, teasing him for not trusting the Force and Luke for trusting him. 21. “THIS IS THE WEAPON OF A JEDI KNIGHT. NOT AS CLUMSY OR RANDOM AS A BLASTER; AN ELEGANT WEAPON FOR A MORE CIVILIZED AGE.” Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope (1977). While clearing R2-D2, Luke discovers the message to

Obi-Wan. after going after R2-D2 and being attacked by the Sand People, Luke is taken to Obi-Wan’s house, where the sage explains that he was a Jedi Knight just like Luke’s father. “Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn’t allow it. He feared you might follow old ObiWan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.” “What is it?” “Your father’s lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age.” The lightsaber, the Jedi’s weapon, is not only similar to the samurai’s katana, but also inspired by the kendo martial art. Kendo is the way of the sword, practiced with bamboo sticks for spiritual and mental improvement. 20. “NOOOOOOOOO!” Luke Skywalker screaming no in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. This line is powerful because of when and how it’s said: “Noooooo!” Luke says it when Vader reveals he’s his father in The Empire Strikes Back. He can’t believe it and he’s in pain. Vader says it when he saves Luke from the Emperor’s lightning in Return of the Jedi. He loves his son and he sacrifices himself. And he also says

it when he wakes up in his suit in Revenge of the Sith. He hates his new life and he’s angry. 19. “WHEN I LEFT YOU, I WAS BUT THE LEARNER. NOW I AM THE MASTER.” Darth Vader and ObiWan Kenobi duelling in Star Wars A New Hope. Vader and Obi-Wan face each other for the first time since Obi-Wan cut off Vader’s limbs. Vader says, “When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.” This line shows their mentor-protegee relationship and Vader’s dark side mastery. It also hints at their past, which we see in the prequels. And it makes Vader a badass villain. 18. “PASS ON WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED. LUKE… THERE… IS… ANOTHER… SK… SKY… WALKER…” Yoda on his death bed in Star Wars Return of the Jedi. This line reveals two things: Luke has a sister who can use the Force, and he trained new Jedi before Kylo Ren destroyed them. The sister is Leia. Both are important for the new trilogy. Luke tells Yoda this when Yoda is dying on Dagobah. 17. “THE EMPEROR IS NOT AS FORGIVING AS I AM.” Darth Vader and Commander Jerjerrod in Star Wars Return of the Jedi.

Vader surprises Jerjerrod on the unfinished Death Star. He says the Emperor will come soon. Jerjerrod panics and promises to work faster. Vader warns him, “I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.” And we know Vader is very unforgiving, so the Emperor must be worse. 16. “I AM ALTERING THE DEAL. PRAY I DON’T ALTER IT ANY FURTHER.” Darth Vader saying I am altering the deal in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Vader freezes Han in carbonite and tells Lando to bring Leia and Chewie to his ship. Lando protests, saying they had a deal. Vader could kill Lando, but he just says this line, warning him not to mess with him. Then Vader walks away and the extent of this Faustian pact made by Lando is fully realised and is the crucial moment where he changes to the path of redemption. 15. “LAUGH IT UP, FUZZBALL.” Han Solo saying laugh it up fuzzball in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Han tells Chewie to stop laughing when Leia insults him. It’s a funny line that shows their friendship and Han’s attraction to Leia. It

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also foreshadows another great line later. Chewie can laugh at Han and call him “fuzzball” without getting hurt. 14. “I THOUGHT THEY SMELLED BAD ON THE OUTSIDE.” Han Solo saying I thought they smelled bad on the outside in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Han finally finds Luke in the snowstorm on Hoth. Luke is barely alive after a wampa attack. Han’s tauntaun dies too. Han cuts it open with Luke’s lightsaber and shoves Luke inside the stinky beast. He says to himself: “I thought they smelled bad on the outside.” While this scene provides comic relief, it also highlights the extent of which our heroes will go to survive. 13. “THAT’S NO MOON. IT’S A SPACE STATION.” Luke Skywalker, ObiWan Kenobi and Han Solo seeing the Death Star for the first time in Star Wars A New Hope. The original movie, A New Hope, is about the Death Star, a huge weapon that can blow up planets. Our heroes see it for the first time when they follow a fighter to a big round thing. Luke thinks it’s a moon, but Obi-Wan says, “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.” This line shows how scary the Death Star is and how hard it will be to stop it.

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12. “IT’S THE SHIP THAT MADE THE KESSEL RUN IN LESS THAN 12 PARSECS!” Millennium Falcon Here’s a shorter version of the text: Han Solo is a cocky smuggler who claims his ship, the Millennium Falcon, can do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. This is a cool way to introduce him and his skills, but also to hint at a mysterious and dangerous space route. The quote also sparks a debate about what parsecs mean, which are actually a unit of distance not time. 11. “I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH DISTURBING.” Darth Vader Force choking Admiral Motti in Star Wars A New Hope. Vader is in a meeting with some Death Star officers in A New Hope. They’re worried about the Rebels and their unfinished weapon. Vader says the Force is more powerful than the Death Star. Admiral Motti mocks Vader and the Force. Bad idea. Vader chokes him with the Force and says, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” He lets him go. It’s a cool line to use on doubters and it became a meme. 10. “WHY YOU STUCKUP... HALF-WITTED... SCRUFFY-LOOKING... NERF-HERDER!” Princess Leia calling Han Solo a nerf herder

in Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. Leia is witty and sassy. She says things like, “You’re too short to be a Stormtrooper” and, “I’d rather smooch a Wookiee.” But this is her best comeback ever. Han says, “Laugh it up, Fuzzball,” in The Empire Strikes Back. Leia had already shut him down once, but he keeps bragging about their kiss. She can’t stand his gossiping. She yells, “You stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerfherder!” She insults him with a weird alien term. We don’t know what a nerfherder is, but it sounds bad. Han only cares about one thing: “Who’s scruffy looking?” 9. “HELP ME, OBI-WAN KENOBI. YOU’RE MY ONLY HOPE.” Obi-Wan and Luke watch Princess Leia’s hologram in A New Hope. Leia’s hologram asks Obi-Wan for help with the Rebellion. Luke sees it when he fixes R2-D2. He gets curious about the pretty lady and her cause. This starts his journey with Obi-Wan, Han, and Chewie. 8. “USE THE FORCE, LUKE.” Luke Skywalker hearing Obi-Wan Kenobi say use the Force Luke. Luke hears Obi-Wan’s voice after he dies. It’s weird, but it shows Luke’s Force

power. He needs it to blow up the Death Star. Obi-Wan says, “Use the Force, Luke.” Luke listens, turns off his computer, and trusts his feelings. He shoots at the right moment, and the Death Star explodes. It’s an awesome line that Star Wars fans love to say. 7. “IT’S A TRAP!” Admiral Ackbar saying it’s a trap in Star Wars Return of the Jedi. This line became a meme because of Ackbar’s funny fish face and voice. He says it when he sees the Empire’s trick in Return of the Jedi. It’s perfect for his weird look and sound. 6. “I LOVE YOU.” “I KNOW.” Han Solo saying ‘I know’ to Leia on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back. Han is about to be frozen in carbon. He kisses Leia and she says, “I love you.” He doesn’t say it back. He says, “I know.” It’s a cool line for him, but not for anyone else. Well, it wasn’t a common situation though. Han is just about to be dropped into the carbon-freezing chamber in The Empire Strikes Back. Nobody is really sure if he’s able to survive that, so tensions are high, Chewbacca is freaking out, and Leia and Han prepare to say goodbye. 5. “I HAVE A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS.” Luke Skywalker saying I

have a very bad feeling about this in Star Wars A New Hope. The Star Wars saga has a famous line: “I have a bad feeling about this.” Luke says it first in A New Hope, then Han says it again. It’s repeated in every movie by different characters, like Leia, C-3PO, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and even a droid. Fans look for it in each film. Will Rogue One have it too? Who knows! 4. “THESE AREN’T THE DROIDS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR.” Obi-Wan uses the Force to trick the stormtroopers in Mos Eisley. He says, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” The stormtrooper repeats it and lets them go. This was a cool way to show us what the Force can do. Many fans tried to copy Obi-Wan and make people do what they want. It was also a funny line that many shows made fun of later. 3. “DO. OR DO NOT. THERE IS NO TRY.” Yoda saying do or do not there is no try in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda was a wise and funny Jedi master. He taught Luke Skywalker many things, but one of his best quotes was, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” He said this when Luke was struggling to lift his X-wing from the swamp

using the Force. Luke said he would try, but Yoda wanted him to be more confident and believe in himself. This line is still popular and inspiring today. 2. “NO. I AM YOUR FATHER.” Darth Vader saying no I am your father in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back. Vader and Luke just had an awesome lightsaber fight. Luke is trapped and thinks Vader killed his dad. Vader says, “No, I am your father.” Boom! Mind blown. Best twist ever. 1. “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.” Star Wars may the Force be with you poster. Everyone knows the phrase “May the Force be with you.” It’s a Star Wars classic and a pop culture icon. It even has its own day: May 4th. But did you know it’s not said very often in the original movies? It’s a way of wishing someone good luck with the help of the Force. The first time we hear it is before the Battle of Yavin, and the last time is at the end of Empire Strikes Back. In Return of the Jedi, they say “May the Force be with us” instead.


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this ranking is subjective and not definitive. There is no official way to measure a Jedi’s power level, and different sources may have different interpretations. This is just one possible way to rank them based on what we have seen so far. With that said, let’s begin with the 30 most powerful Jedi in Star Wars canon, from weakest to strongest.

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One of the most respected and knowledgeable members of the Jedi Order was Jocasta Nu, the chief librarian of the Jedi Archives. She appeared in the prequel trilogy, portrayed by the late Alethea McGrath, and had a crucial role in preserving the legacy of the Jedi after their downfall. Although she was not known for her combat skills or Force abilities, she had a wealth of wisdom and insight that made her a valuable asset to the Order. She was also one of the few Jedi who escaped the massacre at the Jedi Temple in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, and managed to hide a collection of Jedi holocrons and records that would later help Luke Skywalker restore the Jedi. However, her survival did not go unnoticed by Emperor Palpatine, who feared her knowledge of the secrets of the Force, both light and dark. He sent Darth Vader to capture her when she returned to Coruscant, hoping to extract information from her. But Jocasta Nu was

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fascinated by the Jedi, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy who can tap into the mysterious Force. The saga created by George Lucas focused on the Skywalker family, but there are many other Jedi who have shown incredible feats of power and skill in different media. However, ranking them is not an easy task, as there are many factors to consider. How do you measure power? Is it by wisdom, strength, speed, or something else? How do you account for different species, eras, and styles? And what about the role of the Force itself, which can guide or hinder a Jedi’s actions? These are some of the questions that make this ranking a challenge, but also a fun exercise for Star Wars enthusiasts. Before we begin, we need to clarify some ground rules. First, this ranking is based on the current Star Wars canon. Second, this ranking is not for any Force user. That means that Sith, Dark Jedi, Grey Jedi, and other Force-sensitive groups are excluded. Third,

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too clever for him, and provoked Vader into killing her before he could learn anything from her. She sacrificed herself to protect the Jedi’s legacy, and proved that power is not the only measure of a Jedi’s greatness.


Meet the Youngest Jedi Knight Ever: Vernestra Rwoh! You may not have heard of her yet, but Vernestra Rwoh is a name you’ll want to remember. She’s a Mirialan Jedi who achieved the rank of Knight at the astonishing age of 15, making her the youngest ever in the history of the Order. But don’t let her youth fool you - she’s a Force prodigy who can wield a unique weapon: a lightwhip. That’s right, a lightsaber that can transform into a whip! How cool is that? She used this awesome skill to fight off nasty enemies like the Nihil pirates and the Drengir, a race of hungry plants that want to devour everything in their path. Vernestra - or Vern, as her friends call her - is one of the heroes of the High Republic Era, a golden age of peace and prosperity for the galaxy. But her story is far from over - she will face many more challenges and adventures in the future. Rebecca Henderson has been cast as Vernestra Rwoh for The Acolyte, a Disney+ show that explores the dark side of the Force in the final days of the High Republic. So get ready to cheer for this amazing Jedi and her lightwhip!


Aayla Secura, a blueskinned Twi’lek Jedi, fought bravely in the Clone Wars. She led clone troopers, including Commander Bly, against the Separatists on many planets. She was friends with Anakin, ObiWan and Ahsoka. She died when Bly betrayed her on Felucia, following Order 66 from Palpatine, a hidden Sith. Yoda and Rey heard her voice later. Aayla Secura was an amazing Jedi and a hero of the galaxy. Aayla Secura was a Twi’lek Jedi Master from the old Star Wars Expanded Universe. She appeared in the prequel trilogy and

some Clone Wars episodes, where she showed her amazing martial arts skills. Sadly, Disney erased most of her feats from canon. She died on Felucia when her troopers betrayed her during Order 66. Her death was very harsh. She is a fan-favorite Star Wars character who deserves more attention.


Ezra Bridger is a young Jedi with a rare gift: he can connect with animals. He uses this skill to bond with Loth wolves, sense other beings, and even call purrgil to help him defeat Thrawn. Ezra also faces many

Images courtesy of Lucas Film, Disney Plus, Giuseppe Camuncoli and Francesco Mattina, NARVEL.COM AND LUCAS FILM, Pixai.art, 20th Century Fox Productions, Fandom.com, DeviantArt, Walt Disney Production Studios

challenges, like learning from Kanan, resisting the dark side, and fighting powerful enemies. Ezra is a brave and heroic Jedi who wants to free Lothal and find his destiny. Fans are excited to see Eman Esfandi play him in the Ahsoka series on Disney+. Ezra Bridger is a powerful Jedi who learned from amazing sources. He met Yoda, Bendu, Ahsoka and explored ancient secrets of the Force. He was always keen to learn and used his knowledge to help and fight.


Stellan Gios was a shining

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example of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era, a time of peace and prosperity for the galaxy. He was not only a master of the Force, but also a skilled diplomat and leader who helped shape the Republic’s vision and values. He bravely defended Chancellor Lina Soh from the ruthless Nihil pirates who tried to ruin the Republic Fair on Valo, earning him the admiration and gratitude of many. He met his heroic end when he gave his life to save countless others from the Nihil’s final act of terror: crashing the Starlight Beacon space station on a populated world. Stellan’s full potential was rarely revealed, but he was known to be in the same league as Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann, two of the most gifted and influential Jedi of his time. Stellan Gios was a true legend of the High Republic.


Depa Billaba was a remarkable Jedi who lived during the tumultuous times of the Galactic Republic and the Clone Wars. She was a Chalactan, a human-like species from the planet Chalacta, who had a strong connection to the Force and a natural talent for lightsaber combat. She was chosen as a Padawan by Mace Windu, one of the most powerful and respected Jedi Masters of his era. Under his guidance, she learned

the rare and dangerous lightsaber form known as Vaapad, which channeled the user’s emotions into a ferocious attack. Depa was one of the few Jedi who could master this form without succumbing to the dark side. Depa rose to become a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council, the governing body of the Jedi Order. She witnessed many important events in galactic history, such as the discovery of Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One who was prophesied to bring balance to the Force, and the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master who found him. She also participated in many battles of the Clone Wars, leading clone troopers against the separatist forces that threatened the Republic. One of Depa’s greatest achievements was training Caleb Dume, a young Padawan who would later become Kanan Jarrus, a hero of the Rebel Alliance. Depa and Caleb formed a close bond as master and apprentice, and fought side by side on several planets, including Kaller. Unfortunately, their partnership was cut short by Order 66, a sinister plot by Darth Sidious to wipe out the Jedi. Depa sacrificed her life to save Caleb from the betrayal of their clone troopers, and urged him to run and survive. Due to Billaba’s sacrifice, Dume survived

the Great Jedi Purge, a brutal campaign by the newly formed Galactic Empire to hunt down and exterminate any surviving Jedi.


Saesee Tiin was a Jedi Master of the Iktotchi species, who hailed from the planet Iktotch. He wielded a green lightsaber and was a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), where he witnessed the presentation of Anakin Skywalker, a young human boy who was strong in the Force. He later participated in the Battle of Geonosis, where he fought against the Separatist forces led by Count Dooku. He survived the battle and continued to serve as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars, piloting a starfighter and leading his clone troopers into combat. He met his end in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005), when he accompanied Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar to arrest Chancellor Palpatine, who revealed himself to be Darth Sidious, the Sith mastermind behind the war. Sidious swiftly killed Tiin and his companions, leaving only Windu to face him. Tiin was known for his exceptional telepathic

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abilities, which gave him an edge in lightsaber duels and starfighter maneuvers. He could sense his opponents’ intentions and react accordingly, making him a formidable warrior. However, his telepathy also made him vulnerable to Sidious’ dark side influence, which clouded his mind and prevented him from anticipating Sidious’ attack. Tiin was a loyal and dedicated Jedi, who devoted his life to serving the Republic and the Force.


Yaddle was a female Jedi of Yoda’s species. She lived for 500 years and became a High Council member. She was wise, kind, and powerful. She learned rare Force skills while imprisoned by a warlord for 100 years. She met Anakin Skywalker on Naboo and left the Council after that. She died a hero on Mawan, saving millions of people. She was a legend and a vision to some. Yaddle was a remarkable Jedi who had a unique appearance and abilities. She had auburn hair that she wore in long braids, green and gold eyes, green skin, and was six feet tall. She wielded a green lightsaber and wore brown robes. She was one of the few Jedi who mastered ancient and deadly arts like morichro. She was also one of the most wise and compassionate members of the Order,

who dedicated her life to serving others. Yaddle’s most notable appearance to date was in the animated series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, where she was shown as a young Jedi Knight during the golden age of the Republic. She was part of a team of Jedi who went on various missions across the galaxy, facing threats from pirates, slavers, and Sith cultists. She also mentored a young Padawan named Lula Talisola, who admired her greatly.


Kanan Jarrus: The Jedi Knight Who Saved the Rebellion Kanan Jarrus, formerly Caleb Dume, was a Jedi who survived Order 66 and became a rebel hero. He hid his Jedi past and his Force connection until he met Hera Syndulla, a rebel leader, and Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive orphan. He trained Ezra as his Padawan and fought the Empire with the Ghost crew. He overcame his fears and sacrificed himself for the greater good. He was tortured, blinded, and haunted, but never lost hope or faith. He learned from other Force users and became a wise and powerful Jedi. He died saving his friends from the Empire, but his spirit and legacy lived on. He inspired Ezra to free Lothal and Hera to raise their son Jacen. Kanan Jarrus was

a hero, a teacher, a lover, and a friend. He was a symbol of hope, courage, and redemption. He was a Jedi Knight who saved the rebellion.


Luminara Unduli was a brave Jedi Master in the Clone Wars. She was a green-skinned Mirialan with facial tattoos. She appeared in the prequel movies and many Expanded Universe stories. She was skilled with a lightsaber and the Force, and followed the Jedi code strictly. She trained Barriss Offee as her Padawan, and fought in many battles like Geonosis and Kashyyyk. She was betrayed by Barriss, the clones, and the Empire, who killed her and used her body as a trap. She was a great Jedi and a fan-favorite character. She should be honored and remembered.


One of the most remarkable Jedi of his time, Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean master who served on the Jedi High Council and fought bravely in the Clone Wars. He was renowned for his mastery of the lightsaber, especially the rare and elegant form of Makashi, which made him a formidable opponent for any Sith or Separatist. Ki-Adi-Mundi wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber that

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reflected his calm and noble spirit. Born on the peaceful planet of Cerea, Ki-AdiMundi was discovered to be Force-sensitive at a young age and taken to the Jedi Temple for training. He excelled in his studies and became a respected Jedi Knight and later a Jedi Master. He was appointed to the Jedi High Council, where he offered his wisdom and insight on many important matters. He was also a devoted husband and father, as he was allowed to have a family due to the low birth rate of his species. Ki-Adi-Mundi fought in the Clone Wars as a Republic general. He survived Geonosis and destroyed a droid factory there. He won many battles in the Outer Rim Sieges, but died on Mygeeto when his clones betrayed him. His lightsaber was found by Dok-Ondar, who admired his Makashi skill and his bravery. He was a fast and smart Jedi who used the Force well.


One of the most fascinating and controversial Jedi of the High Republic era is Elzar Mann, a master of the Force who often sees things that others miss. Elzar has a knack for discovering new ways of using the Force,

experimenting with different techniques and applications that sometimes defy the traditional Jedi teachings. He is not afraid to challenge the status quo, or to follow his own instincts, even when they lead him to trouble. Elzar’s unconventional approach to the Force has earned him both admiration and criticism from his fellow Jedi. Some see him as a visionary, a pioneer, a genius. Others see him as a rebel, a maverick, a rogue. Elzar himself does not care much about labels; he is driven by his curiosity and his passion for the Force, which he considers to be a living and ever-changing entity. Elzar Mann is a confident and curious Jedi who loves to experiment with the Force. But he also makes rash decisions and overestimates his skills. He learned this the hard way when he failed to stop a Nihil attack on Valo’s Republic Fair, a huge event celebrating peace in the galaxy. He also broke the Jedi Code by having a romance with Avar Kriss, the Jedi Marshal and his old flame. Elzar is now struggling with guilt and doubt, but he still has a chance to redeem himself and find his balance in the Force. He will face more trials and discoveries in the next part of the High Republic saga. Fans can’t wait to see what happens to Elzar in this thrilling and epic Star Wars adventure.


Ahsoka Tano is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. She was once a Jedi Padawan, trained by Anakin Skywalker, and fought bravely in the Clone Wars. But after being

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framed for a crime she didn’t commit, she left the Jedi Order and became a fugitive. She later joined the Rebel Alliance and helped to overthrow the Galactic Empire. And now, she has made her liveaction debut in the hit series The Mandalorian, played by Rosario Dawson. Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta with head-tails and colorful skin, was found by Jedi Master Plo Koon on Shili. He took her to the Jedi Temple, where she became Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan. Ahsoka and Anakin were close, but different. She was brave, impulsive and kind, but sometimes broke the Jedi Code. She fought with two lightsabers, green and white, and was friends with Captain Rex. She left the Jedi after being falsely accused of a crime. She escaped Order 66 and joined Bail Organa’s rebellion as Fulcrum. Ahsoka Tano is an amazing hero who helped the rebels fight the Empire. She met old and new friends, like Rex, Maul and Baby Yoda. She also faced her former

master Anakin, who became Darth Vader. She escaped death thanks to Ezra, a Jedi who saved her from time. She looked for him and Thrawn in space, and for secrets of the Force. She met a Mandalorian and his child, and told them where to find other Jedi. Ahsoka is a brave and wise warrior who never gave up on the galaxy or the Force. Ahsoka Tano, Anakin’s former Padawan, is a powerful Force-user who left the Jedi Order. She survived the Empire and fought Darth Vader with Ezra’s help. She is now in The Mandalorian era, played by Rosario Dawson. She may become more than a Jedi. Ahsoka Tano — much like Grogu — has left the ranks of the Jedi, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the potential to be one of the Jedi greats. As a Padawan learner, Ahsoka had the benefit of having two wildly different masters. Frequently passed between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, she learned to break rules and follow her instincts from Skywalker and to focus, strategize, and sass from Kenobi. Her promotion to Padawan during the height of the Clone Wars allowed her to shadow multiple Jedi Masters outside of her own, exposing her to many different interpretations of Jedi practice.


Shaak Ti was a wise and brave Jedi Master and Council member. She was a Togruta from Shili who Images courtesy of Lucas Film, Disney Plus, Giuseppe Camuncoli and Francesco Mattina, NARVEL.COM AND LUCAS FILM, Pixai.art, 20th Century Fox Productions, Fandom.com, DeviantArt, Walt Disney Production Studios

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cared for her people and the Republic. She fought in the Clone Wars against the Sith and their Separatist army. She discovered a dark secret about the clones’ brain chips that could make them kill their Jedi leaders. She tried to stop it, but she was killed by Darth Vader, a fallen Jedi who joined the Sith. Shaak Ti debuted in Attack of the Clones (2002) and fought in the Battle of Geonosis. She oversaw the clone production on Kamino in The Clone Wars (2008-2020). She cared for the clones and defended them from threats. She learned about the inhibitor chips that would make them kill the Jedi. She tried to help Fives reveal the truth, but Nala Se stopped her. Fives fled Kamino and told Anakin and Rex about the chips, but clones chased him as a traitor. Shaak Ti followed him and met Nala Se, who lied that the chips stopped Jedi gone bad. Shaak Ti doubted her, but had no evidence. Fox killed Fives before he exposed Sidious. Shaak Ti went back to Kamino with Nala Se and Fives’ corpse, feeling guilty and curious. She found out the chips were in clones and droids, and Sidious controlled everything. She told the Jedi Council, who wanted to find Sidious. Shaak Ti guarded Palpatine, who was Sidious, during Coruscant’s battle. Grievous captured Palpatine and beat Shaak Ti. She woke up and fought at the Jedi Temple. She felt

a Force shock when Anakin became Vader, Sidious’ apprentice. She was sad and angry by his betrayal. Before dying, Shaak Ti meditated and recorded a holocron. She hoped for the Jedi and the galaxy, and forgave Anakin. Vader killed her and destroyed her holocron. She was a great Jedi and a Togruta hero. She became one with the Force.


One of the most remarkable Jedi of the High Republic Era was Silandra Sho, who had a unique view of the Force and the Jedi Order. She was a fearless warrior and a compassionate protector, using both a lightsaber and a light-shield in combat. Her light-shield was a rare and impressive weapon that she could control with her mind, sending it flying around to deflect enemy fire and shield innocent bystanders. She demonstrated this skill on the holy world of Jedha, where she fought against hostile forces with her lightsaber in one hand and her light-shield in the other. Her ability to focus on multiple tasks at once was astounding, making her one of the most powerful Jedi ever.


Kit Fisto was a famous Jedi master from the Nautolan race. He had a green lightsaber and a smile that cheered everyone up. He first appeared in Attack of the Clones (2002) and

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fought in the Battle of Geonosis. He was played by different actors, like Zachariah Jensen, Daniel Zizmor and Ben Cooke. He was good at lightsaber fighting and using the Force. He was a general in the Clone Wars and a Jedi Council member. He trained many padawans, like Nahdar Vebb and Bant Eerin. He faced many enemies and problems in the war. He met General Grievous, who killed his old padawan Vebb and almost killed him too. He helped the Mon Calamari against the Quarren on Mon Cala, where he was caught and hurt by Riff Tamson. He got away with Prince LeeChar’s help and fought the separatists again. He also tried to arrest Chancellor Palpatine, who was a Sith Lord and the cause of the war. He went with Mace Windu and two other Jedi masters to Palpatine’s office. But Palpatine was too strong and killed Fisto and the others, except for Windu, who was later turned on by Anakin Skywalker. Fisto died when the Jedi Order fell and the Empire took over. He was a brave and kind Jedi, who fought for good until he died.


If you’re a fan of Star Wars, you probably know Plo Koon, the blue lightsaberwielding Jedi Master from the planet Dorin. He was one of the most respected

members of the Jedi High Council and a brave leader in the Clone Wars. He fought in many battles against the separatists, such as Geonosis, Malevolence, Felucia, Lola Sayu, and Kadavo. He also had a close bond with Ahsoka Tano, the young Padawan he discovered and brought to the Jedi Order. Here’s a brief overview of his life and legacy in the galaxy far, far away.


Porter Engle was a badass Jedi back in the day. He fought in many wars and did some amazing stuff with his lightsaber. People called him the Blade of Bardotta because he sliced up a bunch of enemies in one battle. But he got tired of all the violence and killing, and he lost his connection to the Force. He decided to retire and become a chef at some Jedi Temples in the Outer Rim. He was happy to cook and serve his fellow Jedi, until one day he had to pick up his blade again and face a new threat.


Grogu Force Choke Grogu, the adorable 50-year-old child who stole the hearts of millions, is also a force to be reckoned with. He has displayed amazing feats of the Force, such as lifting a massive Mudhorn, choking enemies, and shielding himself and his friends

from a fiery blast. In the third season of The Mandalorian, Grogu survived an explosion caused by a crashing ship, something that even a seasoned Jedi like Kanan Jarrus could not do. Grogu has left Luke Skywalker’s training to stay with his adoptive father, Din Djarin, but he still has a strong connection to the Force and the Jedi. He could be one of the greatest Jedi ever, if he chooses to follow that path.


Avar Kriss is not just a Jedi, she is a legend. She has a rare gift of sensing the Force as a melody, and tuning in to the notes of her fellow Jedi. This allows her to coordinate their efforts and amplify their abilities, creating stunning displays of power. She once saved a star system from annihilation by channeling the Force of every Jedi in the galaxy to divert a massive asteroid. Her saga will go on in Star Wars: The High Republic Phase III, where we will witness more of her amazing deeds.


He was a brave and rebellious Jedi master who discovered the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, and fought against the evil Sith Lord, Darth Maul. He was also the teacher and friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the greatest Jedi of all time. But do you know

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everything about him? Here are some facts you might not know about QuiGon Jinn. Qui-Gon Jinn was born on Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic and the home of the Jedi Temple. He was trained by Count Dooku, who later turned to the dark side and became Darth Tyranus. He Jinn had a green lightsaber, which symbolized his connection to the living Force. He was one of the few Jedi who could communicate with the Force ghosts of deceased Jedi, such as his own master. Qui-Gon Jinn was not a member of the Jedi Council, because he often disagreed with them and followed his own intuition. He believed that the Jedi had become too rigid and dogmatic, and that they should be more flexible and compassionate. He met Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine, when he was looking for a part to fix his ship. He sensed the immense potential in Anakin and freed him from slavery by winning a podrace. He wanted to train him as a Jedi, but the Council refused, fearing that Anakin was too old and had too much fear and anger in him. Qui-Gon Jinn died on Naboo, when he was fighting Darth Maul. He was stabbed in the chest by Maul’s double-bladed lightsaber and fell into Obi-Wan’s arms. With his

last breath, he asked ObiWan to train Anakin and fulfill his destiny. Obi-Wan promised to do so, and later cremated Qui-Gon’s body in a funeral pyre. QuiGon Jinn was a remarkable Jedi who changed the course of history. He was a visionary who saw beyond the surface and trusted in the will of the Force. He was a hero who sacrificed himself for a greater cause. He was a legend who inspired generations of Jedi to come.


Cal Kestis: The Jedi Who Defied the Empire Cal Kestis is not your typical Jedi. He survived Order 66, the brutal purge that wiped out most of his kind. He lived as a scrapper, hiding his Force abilities from the Empire. He befriended a loyal droid, BD-1, and embarked on a perilous quest to restore the Jedi Order. He faced deadly foes, ancient mysteries, and his own inner demons. He proved himself as a brave and powerful Jedi, one who dared to challenge the Empire and inspire hope in the galaxy. In this article, we will explore Cal’s journey from a young Padawan to a formidable Jedi Knight. We will look at his unique Force powers, his skills with a lightsaber, and his personality traits that make him stand out among his peers. We will also discuss

his role in the upcoming game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, where he will continue his fight against the dark side and discover new secrets of the Force.


Mace Windu was a Jedi prodigy from Haruun Kal. He made his own lightsaber form, Vaapad, that used his dark side. He led many Jedi in the Clone Wars and found out Palpatine was a Sith. He almost killed him, but Anakin betrayed him and Sidious threw him out. He was a brave and complex Jedi. Mace Windu was not only a master of the Force, but also a master of the blade. He wielded a unique purple lightsaber that symbolized his balance between the light and the dark side. He was the only Jedi who could use the deadly Vaapad technique, which channeled his inner passion and anger into his strikes. He was also gifted with the rare ability to see shatterpoints, the weak spots in any situation or opponent. He used this skill to defeat many foes, such as Jango Fett, Mother Talzin, and even Darth Sidious himself. Mace Windu almost ended the Sith threat once and for all, until Anakin Skywalker betrayed him and allowed Sidious to kill him with Force lightning. Mace Windu’s death was a tragic loss for the Jedi Order and the galaxy, as he was one

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of the most powerful and respected Jedi of his time. Samuel L. Jackson brought this character to life with his charisma and intensity, making him one of the most memorable Jedi in Star Wars history.

7. REY

Rey is a remarkable Jedi who defied the Sith’s plans and embraced the light side of the Force. She inherited the legacy of the Skywalker family and became a symbol of hope for the galaxy. Her connection to Ben Solo, the other half of the Force dyad, allowed her to access incredible abilities that few Jedi ever mastered. She also learned from the ancient Jedi texts and crafted her own lightsaber, a sign of her personal journey. Rey’s story is not over yet, as she will

face new challenges and opportunities to grow as a Jedi in the future..


Are you ready for more Star Wars adventures? Disney has just announced a new animated spinoff series featuring one of the most complex and fascinating characters of the franchise: Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo, as he was known before turning to the dark side. The show will explore his backstory, his training with Luke Skywalker, his fall under Snoke’s influence, and his redemption in the final

battle against Palpatine. You will witness his inner struggles, his relationships with his parents and Rey, and his legacy as the grandson of Darth Vader. Don’t miss this thrilling opportunity to learn more about the man behind the mask! Ben Solo: The Jedi Who could have been before he became the fearsome Kylo Ren, Ben Solo was a promising Jedi student under the

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guidance of his uncle, Luke Skywalker. He was born with the Skywalker legacy and the power of the Chosen One, as well as a rare bond with Rey, a Force dyad that granted him extraordinary abilities. Ben Solo had the potential to be one of the greatest Jedi in history, but he was corrupted by the dark side

of Emperor Palpatine. In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, he redeemed himself by joining Rey against the Sith and giving his life to save hers. Ben Solo’s story was a tragic and heroic one, but also full of unrealized possibilities. We only see a glimpse of his Jedi skills when he

senses Luke’s attack in his sleep and brings down a hut with a burst of Force. He doesn’t show much more before turning to the dark side, but that alone is a remarkable feat of power. If he had remained loyal to the light side, he could have rivaled Luke in his mastery of the Force.


Obi-Wan Kenobi is more than just a Jedi Master. He is a legend, a hero, and a

friend. He has been part of the Star Wars saga since the beginning, and his story is full of adventure, tragedy, and wisdom. From his humble origins as a Padawan learner to his mentorship of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, ObiWan has always been loyal to the Jedi Order and the Force. He has faced many enemies, from the sinister Darth Maul to the ruthless Darth Vader, and he has always fought with courage and skill. He has also witnessed the rise and fall of the Galactic Republic, the Clone Wars, and the birth of the Empire. Obi-Wan Kenobi is not

only a great warrior, but also a wise teacher. He has taught us many valuable lessons, such as the importance of patience, humility, and compassion. He has shown us how to be true to ourselves and to our destiny. He has inspired us to be brave, hopeful, and kind. Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most beloved characters in Star Wars history. He is a symbol of hope, justice, and peace. He is the ultimate Jedi.


One of the most intriguing Jedi of the Clone Wars era was Quinlan Vos, who possessed a rare gift of psychometry. This allowed him to see the past events and emotions associated with an object by touching it. He used this ability to track down criminals and enemies of the Republic,

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often going undercover and infiltrating their ranks. His most dangerous assignment was to team up with Asajj Ventress, a former Sith apprentice turned bounty hunter, and kill Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists. Along the way, he developed feelings for Ventress and learned some of her dark secrets. He also faced the temptation of the Dark side and became Dooku’s new apprentice for a brief time. However, he was able to overcome his inner darkness with the help of Ventress, who sacrificed herself to save him from Dooku’s wrath. Vos returned to the Jedi Order and redeemed himself, but his fate after Order 66 remains a mystery. He was once spotted on Tatooine in the background of a podrace, but his name was not revealed until later.


Anakin Skywalker is one of the most tragic characters in the Star Wars saga. He started as a slave boy with a bright future, but ended up as a ruthless Sith Lord who betrayed everything he loved. His story is a cautionary tale of how the Dark Side can corrupt even the most powerful and noble Jedi. Anakin was born on

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Tatooine, a harsh desert planet, where he and his mother Shmi were owned by a greedy merchant named Watto. Anakin had a natural talent for mechanics and piloting, and he also had an unusually high connection to the Force. When he was nine years old, he met Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, two Jedi who recognized his potential and freed him from slavery. Anakin became Obi-Wan’s apprentice and joined the Jedi Order. Anakin’s life changed when he met Padmé Amidala, a young senator from Naboo, whom he fell in love with and secretly married, breaking the Jedi code. Anakin also formed a close bond with Chancellor Palpatine, who was secretly Darth Sidious, the leader of the Sith. Palpatine manipulated Anakin’s fears and ambitions, and seduced him to the Dark Side. Anakin turned against the Jedi and helped Palpatine execute Order 66, which wiped out most of the Jedi Order. He then fought ObiWan on Mustafar, where he lost his limbs and was severely burned. Palpatine rescued him and encased him in a black suit of armor, giving him the name Darth Vader. Anakin spent the next two decades as Palpatine’s enforcer, hunting down the remaining Jedi and crushing any resistance to the Galactic Empire. He also lost Padmé, who died giving birth to their twins, Luke and Leia. Anakin only redeemed himself when he saved Luke from Palpatine’s lightning attack, sacrificing his own life in the process. He died as Anakin Skywalker, not as Darth Vader.


The Star Wars saga, created by George Lucas, has captivated millions of fans around the world with its epic story of good and evil, heroes and villains, and the mysterious Force. One of the most iconic and beloved characters of this saga is Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Master who played a key role in the fight against the Galactic Empire and its dark lord, Darth Vader. But who is Luke Skywalker, and what is his story? Luke and Leia were twins born in an asteroid hospital. Their dad was Anakin, a Jedi gone bad, and their mom was Padmé, a queen and senator. They were split up and sent to different planets. Luke grew up on Tatooine with his aunt and uncle. He met two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, who had a message from Leia, a Rebel leader. The message took him to ObiWan Kenobi, a Jedi who knew his dad. Obi-Wan taught him about the Force and gave him a lightsaber. They hired Han Solo and Chewbacca to fly them to

Alderaan, where Leia was. But Alderaan was blown up by the Death Star, the Empire’s big weapon. They saved Leia from the Death Star, but Obi-Wan died fighting Vader. Luke joined the Rebels and blew up the Death Star with the Force. Luke went to Dagobah after Hoth and met Yoda, who taught him the Force. He left early to save his friends on Cloud City, where Vader cut his hand and said he was his dad. Luke escaped and got a new hand. He saved Han from Jabba and fought the Empire on Endor. He gave up to Vader and met Palpatine, who zapped him. Vader killed Palpatine but died too. Luke saw his face and buried his armor. He partied with the Rebels and Ewoks and saw ObiWan, Yoda, and Anakin as ghosts. Luke tried to make new Jedi, but his nephew Ben turned evil and killed them. Ben became Kylo Ren and followed Snoke, who led the bad guys. Luke hid on a planet and stopped using the Force. Rey found him and wanted to learn from him. Luke taught her a bit and then helped the good guys by tricking Kylo Ren with a fake image of himself. He died doing that, but he was happy. Luke Skywalker is a Star Wars legend. He trained with Yoda and Obi-Wan, and turned his dad, Anakin, back to the good side. He blew up the first Death Star, made his own lightsaber, and fought Darth Vader twice. He saved the Resistance by projecting himself across space, and became

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a Force ghost. He is a powerful Jedi and a brave hero. Luke Skywalker: The Last Jedi, he saved the galaxy, turned his dad from evil, and was the Jedi’s last hope. Luke Skywalker went from a nobody on Tatooine to a Force master. But what did he do after beating the Emperor and his dad? He looked for old Jedi stuff and taught new students. He met friends and foes. He was a star, a teacher, and a boss. But he also messed up: his nephew Ben became evil Kylo Ren. Luke felt bad and ran away to AhchTo. He stopped using the Force and talking to anyone. Rey, a brave scavenger, found him and made him teach her. She got him to fight Snoke and Kylo Ren. Luke used the Force to trick Kylo Ren from far away, and helped the Resistance run. Luke Skywalker was the last Jedi, who joined the netherworld. but his spirit is still with us.


Yoda: The Most Powerful and Mysterious Jedi of All time. If you are a fan of Star Wars, you surely know who Yoda is. He is the small, green Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker and fought against the dark side of the Force. But how much do you really know about him? In this article, we will explore some of the secrets and mysteries that surround this legendary character.

Yoda’s origin is one of the biggest enigmas in the Star Wars universe. He belongs to an unknown species and comes from an unknown planet. Even George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, never revealed any details about his background. Yoda is also very old, living for 900 years and witnessing many events in the galaxy. Yoda is old and powerful. He uses the Force better than anyone in Star Wars. He can do many things with the Force, like lifting, healing, talking, and seeing. He is also good at fighting with a Lightsaber. He is fast and brave. He fought strong enemies like Dooku and Sidious. Yoda is also a teacher, a leader, and a mentor. He was the boss of the Jedi Council. He trained many Jedi, like Luke, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon. He taught them how to be good and use the Force well. Many Jedi looked up to him. Yoda had many adventures and problems. He first met Luke on Dagobah and helped him fight Vader. He died and became one with the Force in Return of the Jedi. He was in the prequel movies too, where he fought in the Clone Wars and saw the Jedi fall. He also talked to Luke as a Force Ghost in The Last Jedi. Yoda is a famous and loved Star Wars character. He is strong, smart, and hopeful. He never gave up on his friends or his beliefs. He is Yoda, the best and most mysterious Jedi ever.

Yoda: The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, He is not only a powerful Forceuser, but also a wise and compassionate teacher who trained many of the greatest Jedi in history. For 800 years, he served on the Jedi Council and guided the Order through peace and war. He taught legendary Jedi such as Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, KiAdi Mundi, Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. He helped Luke master the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the Force and become a true Jedi Knight. He also learned the secret of becoming a Force Spirit from QuiGon Jinn, and was able to communicate with other Jedi after his death. He is one of only four known Jedi who achieved this feat, along with Anakin, ObiWan and Qui-Gon. Yoda is a symbol of wisdom, courage and hope for all Jedi and Star Wars fans. He embodies the best qualities of the Jedi Order and the Force. He is truly the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

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Writer / Creator






Almost Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror- drama adventure about triumph, growth, and the resiliency of the human spirit. With their cinematic comic book series which depicts vicious and visceral events in a raw yet beautiful way, Galaxy has redefined the genre and nearly invented one of their own. Infusing the perilous and unexpectedly exciting journey with absolute horror and an attention to detail that’s rooted in and dedicated to realism, the creator and writers have established a nexus point between exhilaration and terror.

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