TU Berlin Study Tour

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Integrated Sustainable Development of the Southern Coastal Region

Models on Urban Conservation for Traditional Villages Study Tour-Himara, Albania The Integrated Sustainable Development of the Southern Coastal Region program funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂźr Intenationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), in collaboration with the Urban Management Master Course TU Berlin offer a unique experience for students/recent graduates.

Who is the program for? Who can apply? th


Highly motivated 4 or 5 year students (master) or recent graduates, preferably students of architecture and urban planning, but applications from other fields are also appreciated.

What does the program consist of? Within the framework of the Integrated Sustainable Development of the Southern Coastal Region programme implemented by GIZ, some expertise on different economic models for urban conservation in traditional villages in Himara is requested. This expertise will be offered by the TU Berlin. It is actually the Urban Management Master Programme, in Technische Universität Berlin, that will take over this task. http://www.urbanmanagement.tu-berlin.de/menue/home/ They are a group of 22 [twenty two] students – experienced professionals from different disciplines, such as planning, architecture, engineering, economic, administrational and coming from all over the world, accompanied by a research assistant, who will visit the southern Coast / Himara and Tirana, in May 2-12, 2017. The TU Berlin team will focus on 2 traditional settlements in Himara: Vuno and Qeparo, recently declared historic centres, and provided with a set of documents / reports / data. As a concluding step of this process, a report book will be published from the TU Berlin Master Course. For checking similar researches please follow the link below: http://www.urbanmanagement.tuberlin.de/menue/masters_course_urban_management/student_reports_theses/

What is requested from the selected candidates? The selected group of applicants will be attached to the TU Berlin students in order to develop a comprehensive work process. Each of the working groups will include local and international students (in a ratio of 1(local student) to 3(international students). -A close collaboration with the TU Berlin Students, exchanging experiences and introducing them with the Albanian context. -Study the context carefully (an earlier short trip in March-April will be organized). -Full availability for the Workshop Period (2-12 May). -Some follow-up might be requested.

Why should you apply? -A multi-disciplinary, hands on programme focused on sustainable urban development and cultural heritage. -Close collaboration with international experienced professionals. -A wonderful experience in a fascinating context both in terms of natural and cultural assets. See: https://issuu.com/southcoastal *Participants will be handed out a Certificate of Participation by the programme.

Timeframe: -28 February: deadline for application - 7 March (only) selected candidates for interview will be selected via e-mail -8-10 March: interview days -13 March: final candidates are announced (7-10 candidates will be selected) -2-12 May: workshop (Site surveys, work in groups, discussions on strategies, developing models)

Where? Hostel accommodation in the city of Himara will be provided, from where there will be site trips to the villages of Vuno and Qeparo. There will also be activities in Tirana; meetings and lectures provide by various institutions (MDU, NTPA, AA, MC, ICM, RDA, MEDTTE and other actors of interest). Final findings will be presented in Tirana th on 11 of May.

What is needed to apply? -Curriculum Vitae -Letter of intent (max 1 page). No restrictions for its content. It can be a short text, but other graphical means can also be used (images, sketches etc.; it can also be a combination of both- use your imagination ď Š). -Good English skills are a must (will be evaluated during an interview). *Costs of travelling and accommodation as well as a daily remuneration (for all meals) are covered by the programme. P:S: While in the South, participants of the Study Tour will have the opportunity to attend The Outdoor Festival in Pilur from 5-7 May. See: https://www.facebook.com/southoutdoorfestival/?fref=ts

For Further Information: Website: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/39273.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Mysterious-South-760364967443574/

*Send your application via e-mail to: isdscr@giz.de

䈀攀  瀀愀爀 琀   漀昀   琀 栀椀 猀   攀砀瀀攀爀 椀 攀渀挀 攀  渀漀眀℀ 匀攀渀搀  礀漀甀爀   愀瀀瀀氀 挀 愀琀 椀 漀渀  琀 漀  椀 猀 搀猀 挀 爀 䀀最椀 稀 ⸀ 搀攀

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