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Ladies and Gentlemen, Pull Your Tearsheets: Enter SND’s annual creative competition By SND Headquarters

The 33rd Call for Entries for SND’s annual creative competition is now posted. Click here for the Booklet, Editable pdf Entry Forms and Tally Sheets, and for deadlines and other information about this year’s competition. The Call is posted in English, Spanish, Arabic and German, with more languages coming soon. A printed version will be mailed to members in the next few weeks as well. A Q&A with 33rd edition coordinator Josh Crutchmer about rule changes and key dates this year: Question: When will the judging take place? The general judging will take place Feb. 3-6, 2012, in Syracuse, N.Y., and the World’s Best Designed Newspaper judging will take place Feb. 10-14. What are the major changes this year? You will notice several changes to this year’s Call. SND’s print competition director Marshall Matlock, the print competition committee and myself spent much of 2011 working RQ UH¿QLQJ WKH HQWU\ UXOHV LQ D PDQQHU ZH hope makes entering easier and more appealLQJ DFURVV WKH ERDUG 7KH PRVW VLJQL¿FDQW updates this year follow: World’s Best Designed Newspaper no longer requires mandatory dates: The new rules require one Sunday paper, three daily papers, and one paper from any day of the week, and the rules require that each entry be from a different month. The purpose: We realize that as space, staff and production have changed that mandatory dates can have a chilling effect on entering this category moreso than ever. The purpose of World’s Best Designed is just that, and we felt that simply requiring a cross-section of a paper’s best work throughout the year will increase the quality of this category across the board. All portfolio categories now also include subcategories for staff portfolios: Fear not, the individual portfolio categories have not changed, and they still require six pages. We have added optional subcategories to enter work produced by a single staff. Staff entries will require eight pages. The purpose:

The individual portfolio categories are annual highlights during judging, with such strong work shown annually that the bar for ÂłH[FHOOHQFH´ LV UDLVHG E\ WKH \HDU )UDQNO\ as teamwork and collaboration is at more of a premium than ever, a similar category for the work of a staff is long overdue. We hope these categories will be extremely competitive and that we can adequately articulate the level of honor it will be for those whose work wins in here. Special News Topics now includes a subcategory option for features content: The purpose: Had a multi-part travel series on your state’s bicycle trails? Maybe ongoing FRYHUDJH RI \RXU FLW\ÂśV IRRG VFHQH" ,Q WKH SDVW WKHVH KDYH EHHQ GLIÂżFXOW WR HQWHU DV D series. We added the subcategory to Special News Topics to give these projects a home. Special Coverage categories have now been broken down into news, features and sports subcategories: The purpose: No longer will, for example, a special section on the opening of a new sports venue or theater be judged alongside a special section about a natural disaster. We feel this is fair to both those who enter these categories and the integrity of the judging itself. When is the deadline to enter? Jan. 11 for U.S. entries. Jan. 18 for non-U.S. entries

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