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In the last Earth Week, The National printed the entire edition in a special green paper. The result was impressive. How was the plan for it? We wanted to do something hight-impact to mark Earth Week and to ODXQFK RXU QHZ HQYLURQPHQWDO FDPSDLJQ FDOOHG Š(DUWK 0DWWHUVÂŞ And the more we worked on it, the greener it got. The planning for the themed edition began last year with print tests on green-coloured newsprint and discussion of story ideas that might relate to all seven of our sections in the Saturday paper. Over the last few months we engaged all the section editors to come up with green-related content and we worked on several cover options. 7KH LOOXVWUDWLRQV E\ RXU IDEXORXV LOOXVWUDWRU 0DWKHZ .XULDQ RQ D VROLG JUHHQ background ended up holding the themed edition together. And we fully committed when we turned the nameplate and all the furniture green as well. The Saturday team worked closely with Deputy Art Director, Nathan Estep, to pull RII WKH Ă€QDO SURGXFW , WKLQN WKH Ă€QDO UHVXOW LV G\QDPLWH – Laura Koot, 0DQDJLQJ (GLWRU DQG $UW 'LUHFWRU 7KH 1DWLRQDO

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