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Award winner F1 page

5 Luis Chumpitaz Questions to


-What is your educational background? After training in arts and graphic design at the Arts IDFXOW\ LQ WKH 3RQWLÂżFLD 8QYHUUVLGDG &DWROLFD GHO 3HUX , ZRUNHG LQ WKH LQIRJUDSKLFV VHFWLRQ LQ WKH now defunct El Sol newspaper in Peru, then implemented the infographics teams at three newspapers within the EPENSA newspaper group before working DW (O &RPHUFLR 3HUXÂśV ELJJHVW SDSHU , WKHQ IXUWKHUHG my education by taking a scholarship with Reuters in Pamplona, Spain and embarked on different courses of journalism and visual communication at the Poynter ,QVLVWXWH , ZDV DOVR LQYLWHG WR WDNH P\ SODFH RQ WKH MXU\ DW WKH 0DORÂżHM VXPPLW RI LQIRJUDSKLFV WKH 3XOLW]HUV RI the infographics and the most sought-after awards in the media recognised by the level DQG TXDOLW\ RI WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV , KDYH WDXJKW at different universities in Peru and been a lecturer around the world, specialising in both infographics and visual communication.


If you weren’t a designer what would you be? $ GLI¿FXOW TXHVWLRQ %HFDXVH DV infographic designers we tell stories, ,œG SUREDEO\ KDYH WULHG P\ KDQG DW VRPHWKLQJ VLPLODU OLNH ZULWLQJ RU EHFRPLQJ D ¿OPPDNHU VRPHWKLQJ WKDW IRFXVHG on narrating visually. Either way it would involve communicating a message to a wider audience.

Our region SND20- Middle East and Africa was featured in two important magazine from SND. Design 0DJD]LQH DQG 61' 6FDQGLQDYLD ,W ZDV SRVVLEOH WR give an overview from design in Middle East and Africa. Thanks to Lars Pryds, Anders Tapola, Suzette Moyer and Sthephen Komives.


-How did you get into design? , KDYH DOZD\V EHHQ LQWHUHVWHG LQ LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG GDWD ZKHUH , IRXQG WKDW , FRXOG H[SUHVV P\VHOI not only in words but through visual elements, which can EH D PXFK PRUH SRZHUIXO WRRO WKHVH GD\V , HQMR\ WKDW the visual is easily recognisable and that it is all about SHUFHSWLRQ , OLNH WR FUHDWH DQG FRPPXQLFDWH DQG DERYH

DOO ,ÂśYH DOZD\V KDG D SDVVLRQ IRU GUDZLQJ DQG WDNH great pleasure in creation.


What projects have you been involved in? 7KHUH KDYH EHHQ D IHZ ,ÂśYH EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ the introduction of infographics sections in newspapers in Peru and have implemented that template in Arabic dailies Emarat Al Youm and EmirDWHV %XVLQHVV ERWK LQ 'XEDL , QRZ KHDG D WHDP for the Al Bayan media organisation and the projects are wide and varied. They include a book on the history of the UAE, one of the largest infographics published on the 2008 Beijing Olympics and a hugely successful guide to the Formula One Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi last November.


What role can infographics play in pushing design forward? ,QIRJUDSKLFV KHOS XV JUDSKLF GHVLJQers use the visual metaphor, which is a powerful aid to the thought process. Because they use a combination of images, words and numbers, they operate in a hybrid system that touches both the visual and the verbal. Therefore, you’re not only creating a design, but also enriching that design to increase the effectiveness of our communication. , IHHO LQIRJUDSKLFV DUH WKH EHVW UHFLSH IRU RU EUDQG RI visual journalism, binding information, analysis and innovation. And, with the advances in technology, the attraction of infographics today lies in thinking of new ways to merge the two. The medium is the message and infographics are the medium of a new era. They provide a new tool to process information; a design for the modern society.

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