The Pride | Spring 2015

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as the photography editor and editor-in-chief of

St. Mark’s. While his teachers saw the incredible

The Marque literary magazine, was a member of

potential in this science student, Halbert was

St. Mark’s top-ranked photography program, was

encouraged to embrace an interdisciplinary

named a Texas Imagemaker, and was a winner in

education. In the end, this approach paid off as

the national YoungArts competition.

Halbert picked up concepts and lessons from other fields that he then applied directly back to science.

When photography instructor Scott Hunt, Arnold E. Holtberg Master Teaching Chair, remembered

Now the School looks forward to the next

Halbert in the 2014 Marksmen yearbook, he

generation of students who will embrace the

made it clear how Halbert’s scientific passions

sciences as part of their education and ultimately

crossed over to the arts: “Halbert has a passion for

shape the future. In his commencement address to

researching and finding out the latest technological

the Class of 2010, Silicon Valley venture capitalist

advances—looking at what other contemporary

Steve Jurvetson ’85 told students that “we are

photographers are doing.”

entering an intellectual renaissance, interwoven across the sciences. Consider your destiny on this

Halbert quickly found his pursuits into the artistic

planet as something grand. Change the world for

world not as diversion or recreation, but as solid

the better.”

building blocks on which to grow his academic education.

Thanks to the vision of the Winn Family, St. Mark’s stands ready to prepare its students for

“My work in the arts provided challenges and opportunities that I could not find in the academic classroom,” he said. “The skills I learned in the photography lab have given me a different set of mental tools to approach complex problems.” By branching out into so many areas with ambition and success, Halbert has truly embodied the interdisciplinary ideal that is at the core of

St. Mark’s School of Texas

this renaissance.

(below) Halbert posing with his camera for a yearbook article.

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