The Pride | Spring 2015

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(above) Biology teacher Mark Adame leads iGEM students in a lab.

Arriving at St. Mark’s, Halbert found a science program built

Inside labs and classrooms in the Science

on experiential learning. Students don’t just study theories,

Quadrangle, learning is truly hands-on. Lower

solve equations, follow preset experiments, and read about their subjects. Teachers at St. Mark’s bring science to life.

Schoolers stare up in awe at the planetarium’s domed ceiling as Dr. Steve Balog, Cecil H. and Ida Green Master Teaching Chair, takes them on an interactive tour of the zodiac.

“The inquiry-focused curriculum prepares Marksmen for the real world,”

Middle Schoolers hold their breath as they

Halbert said. “Having the content we learn in the classroom be applied through

release meticulously crafted spaceships

hands-on experiments allowed us to learn skills we could not attain just by

made of paper and straws, hoping their small

listening to lectures or reading textbooks.”

marshmallow astronauts won’t bounce out on impact. And Upper Schoolers use centrifuges in college-level labs to identify missing ions.


Features | THE PRIDE

St. Mark’s School of Texas

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