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Celebrating Excellence: Preston H. Albury High School Awards !

Preston H. Albury High School celebrated with students and staff at their prefect installation, honour roll awards, teacher cadets and nurse cadets recognition ceremony, hosted on the grounds of the school on Thursday morning, January 26th, 2023.

The theme for the morning’s awards event was, ‘progressing one step at a time’. The program, which got underway at 9:30 a.m., was opened in prayer and with the national anthem and pledge recited by all, before Head Boy, Ashton Butler, welcomed the healthy crowd of parents and community members out to support their achieving students.

Principal Sharon Scott, embattled by recent administrative and disciplinary challenges at the school, stood tall and noted that despite challenges, all could be overcome with the help of God, and she congratulated the students who would be recognized for numerous achievements during the morning. She also challenged those students who had not quite made it as yet to continue to push and press on, encouraging them, that they could achieve their goal, one step at a time.

Guest speaker on the morning was Pastor Jerome Hill, who brought a powerful message about the mean- ing of true leadership, impressing upon the students that - doing the correct and appropriate things, even when no one is watching - is a key characteristic of a good leader. His message targeted all students, and especially student leaders at all levels in the school, from prefects to academic leaders, and those choosing to take part in programs like the teaching and nursing cadets. He advised students that whatever goals they had, they should expect that there would be those people in life who would want to help them, hurt them or hinder them. Using the story of Joseph from the Bible’s Old Testament, he illustrated how Joseph dealt with all those different types of people, through his faith in God, and his decisions to do the right or appropriate things, even when no one was watching.

Student leaders, chosen to be prefects at the Preston H. Albury High School marched in, performing a practiced drill session, to the delight of the audience, and recited their prefect pledge. Parents and guardians were then invited to get involved by coming as a group to the front stage to pin their students with their prefect pins.

The select students from the P30