June 2022

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Cleats for Kids has provided equipment to over 180,00 children athletes.

Cleats for Kids celebrates 10 years BY J A K E D U R H A M

EQUALITY IN EDUCATION IS NOT A GUAR ANT E E . All too often, schools lack funding to support programs such as music, the arts or sports. Programs like sports require active student participation, which is shown to have numerous benefits: promoting healthier lifestyles, learning teamwork, setting goals, enhancing skills, improving coordination, learning the value of discipline — and most importantly, having fun. Sadly, a school’s or student’s geographical location may directly affect the financial ability needed to provide or participate in these essential outlets. Oklahoma ranks among the top eight states with a large number of school districts: more than 540. Approximately one in four Oklahoma families lives in poverty, and some students will inevitably be left behind due to a lack of financial resources. However, this should never play a role in determining a child’s ability to better themselves and rise to greatness. Coach Mark and Stacy McDaniel noticed that some student participation was short-lived or non-existent due to a lack of 110

JUNE 2022

financial means for equipment and gear. In some instances, students outgrew items, and their families did not have the disposable income to replace them. In 2011, the McDaniels founded Cleats for Kids (C4K), whose sole purpose was to provide kids in Oklahoma with the equipment necessary to participate in a variety of sporting activities. Kids need more than a primary education to succeed, and they require a life full of productivity, as well as ways to promote health, social development, cooperation and critical thought. To ensure this, Cleats for Kids’ mission has been to provide shoes and equipment to those in need so that each child can be afforded the same opportunities as everyone else. Since its inception, Cleats for Kids has provided over 180,000 items to kids in need, which helped over 40,000 in 2020. Currently, 225 school districts participate in the program. On April 30, Cleats for Kids celebrated its 10th anniversary with the Gamechangers Tailgate event. “The $200 ticket includes $100 worth of goods and services. The rest of the funds raised will support our mission of empowering kids through sports,” said Taylor Self, director of communications and donor relations.

“Everything C4K does is done with kids in mind,” Self said. “When it comes to fundraisers and events, we try to find unique and creative ways to incorporate kids into the program to illustrate our mission. The Gamechangers Tailgate is no different.” Attendees experienced an array of festivities, including live music from The Wavetones, dancing, stories and U.S. Olympian Bart Conner acting as the event emcee. Attendees were also able to donate to the C4K Booster Club, where 100% of the proceeds go directly to programs intended to equip and empower kids. “One of our favorite parts of being a part of the incredible 405 community is the collaboration that occurs everywhere you look,” Self said. Organizations, businesses, individuals, agencies and more all find ways to work together and make the community stronger.” To learn more about Cleats for Kids, to contribute or to volunteer, visit okc.cleatsforkids.org.


Equipping and Empowering Kids

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