Master Thesis S. Golchehr

Page 96


Saba Golchehr

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proposed method In the last chapter several analytical methods have been used to study the project location. All these methods and conclusions are part of a system. This chapter will handle the assemblage of the theoretical and analytical framework into a methodological system. This system is a proposal of a different way to deal with developments used to upgrade deprived neighbourhoods. This system is illustrated in a diagram spread over the next four pages. The method is initiated by an intervention in the morphological structure of the neighbourhood. By creating new connections a new hierarchy arises in the street network of this area. This street network is divided into three orders. These orders will each have a different guideline for their spatial and functional development. Before heading to the output it is necessary to address the theoretical concepts which were used in order to develop this system. In the theoretical and analytical framework chapter these theories have been introduced, therefore I will merely summarize these concepts shortly here. The network theory states that in order to achieve a social mix of different communities within a neighbourhood, it is necessary to create a centered neighbourhood. Accordingly, the center of the neighbourhood should be connected to the supergrid of the city. With this intervention a situation is created that will enhance interaction and integration of different community groups in the society. Rapaport (1987) also talks about different communities moving on different scale levels of the city. He shows a distinction between lifestyles and user patterns of high and middle class groups next to working class inhabitants of Paris. These last groups are mostly dependant on their neighbourhood for their daily user patterns. Also the difference of uses and networks between male and female groups within the islamic culture are handled. From his studies he concludes that the user patterns of women are very closely related to the location of their house and its immediate surroundings (see previous chapter: p.88). The men are more independent of their dwelling location and use spaces further away from the house, but still often within the borders of the neighbourhood. The concept of beneficial concentration is based on theories about cultural enclaves and social capital, which I used to elaborate my concept of a more progressive form of integration. The conclusions from these theories I will summarize briefly. Marcuse (1997) describes the cultural enclave as a place where the migrant community is strengthened in their position in the

host country. With this strong structure of ethnical bonds within a neighbourhood, new migrants are received and supported in their first steps of integration in mainstream society. The overall position of the migrant community is strengthened which leads to the emancipation of these groups in the new country of residence. Putnam (2000) handles the different types of social capital of human beings. In the case of the ethnic minority groups, the bonding social capital are the ties with others from the same cultural background. The bridging capital are the social ties with the indigenous population. Studies on these forms of human capital have now shown that an increase of bonding social capital will automatically lead to the increase of bridging capital. This bridging capital is needed for these groups in order to integrate into mainstream society. I also introduced the emancipation concept and the ladders of human capital. The diagram shows these steps in the orders of the hierarchical system. Also the conclusions from the theory are placed in this diagram. This indicates what level of social mix, answering to this situation, is wished for in each order of the hierarchy. All these features result in proposed principles for the spatial approach.

Criteria The next step following the theoretical concepts is their translation to physical outputs. In order to do this I have summarized criteria for each order of the hierarchical system. These criteria I have first set in the form of attributes and program belonging to the order. After setting these guidelines, the analytical dimension is introduced in the diagram. Here the clusters and the daily systems are categorised into the different orders. The aforementioned criteria are used to make this taxonomy. The next step is the translation of the analysis and the criteria into principles for the development of the neighbourhood. The next paragraph will elaborate further on these principles.

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