Master Thesis S. Golchehr

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The title of this graduation project is: ‘Is integration and Empowerment of the Excluded needed?- A review on the sociospatial integration and empowerment of (arriving) migrants and other disadvantaged groups in urban restructuring plans in the Netherlands’. The migrants in this case are economic migrants. These are the groups that left their country for economic reasons and now live in the Netherlands. These groups mostly consist of the guest-workers that moved to the Netherlands in the 1960s-1970s. These groups are primarily from a Turkish and Moroccan origin. In this project these groups are referred to when the subject of migrants comes up. The choice for these groups will be elaborated later in this thesis. First I will introduce briefly the content of this Master Thesis. In the motivation I explain the reasons for the choice of the theme and the framework of the project. Also in this chapter I will explain the theme and the context of the project. From this I will conclude some problems that my project will be based on. Then follow the aims of the project. Here I address the aforementioned problem statements and the related aims within the graduation project. This is followed by the societal, scientific, ethical and studio relevance. In the methodology I propose how I plan to reach the aforementioned aim and how this research will lead to a proposal. In this chapter I show where the theme of this project lies within these frameworks and how it can add to the existing body of knowledge. In the theoretical and analytical framework these themes are elaborated. After this the project location is analyzed with by the introduced analytical tools. These chapters form the research part of the thesis. This is followed by the proposal part of the the project. In this part the developed method will be handled first. Then a proposal for a new planning framework is introduced. By using these two proposals a demonstration design is developed. After these demonstration projects are eloborated, the evaluation and recommendations to the planning system and proposed instruments follow. Lastly the literature which has been used for this Master’s Thesis can be found in the last chapter.

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