Master Thesis S. Golchehr

Page 138


of this land. In order to reach a similar density as the existing blocks of the neighbourhood, a calculation is done for the Floor Area Ratio of the largest block in the plan so it will meet the requirements in terms of density. In this calculation first the FAR of two of the existing blocks are measured (see figure 11.16). The FAR’s of these blocks are approximately 1.5 and 1.85. The FAR of the new block is approximately 1.7. This is the average of the two existing blocks ((1.5 + 1.85) / 2 = 1.675), so in other words it complies with the aimed density for this urban area. The third block from the right is located along two first order streets. This means that this block will house a number of mixed program along these streets. The plinth of this block will be mostly

FAR = 1.3

FAR = 1.85

for retail and other commercial programs and there will be a parking garage of one layer underneath this block. According to the principles in the proposed method these programs exist of a variety of high and low end retail functions for a broad range of users. The building on the far left is located along first and second order streets. The public space in this plot is developed for the usergroups of the second order. In this plot sport fields and leisure activities for young adults and male inhabitants of the neighbourhood are realised. In the plinth of the building workshops and other male oriented program will be developed.

FAR = 1.7 Fig. 11.16 Floor Area Ratio of existing and new building blocks

50 m

100 m

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