Master Thesis S. Golchehr

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Saba Golchehr

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scenario development

As explained previously, the design proposal is a scenario of the possible developments. This design is based on the translation of the interests of the involved stakeholders combined with the proposed design principles. Some of the interests incorporated in this design are for instance the Kocapte mosque organisation who wishes a suitable entrance to their building which is located on the square. The interest of the market stallholders is to have a large number of consumers, that is stable in any weather condition. In this way the interest of all involved stakeholders are reviewed and translated into this design proposal. The map on the next page illustrates the proposal for the new layout of this market square. In the design a market hall is incorporated, which has an open structure so it can be used at all times for different programs. The programmatic features located on and along this square now have a stronger relation to this important public space. In the current situation these features are all focused inward and form fragmented parts with no relation to the square (see page 124). In the new proposal the emphasis is on the relation of these parts with the square. The entrances of the programmatic parts are located at the square so that these fragments are part of one public space.

Lastly the configuration of the market is reorganised on this square. In order to answer to the changing regulations of food retail in open space and in order to stabilize and increase the number of consumers of this market, a construction is made in order to cover the market area (see figure 11.9). This new market hall will be an open construction and will partly contain a fixed interior. This interior will exist of multifunctional components that will answer to a flexible use of the market hall. On market days the central path in the hall is open to allow market stalls to be located, while the fixed components can be used as tables to set out the selling goods. On non-market days the hall can be used for expositions, events, picnics, cultural markets and so on. The market hall will function as an attractor of the square and neighbourhood on the scale of the city and the region. Therefore this space will become the place for interaction and engagement of the ethnic groups and the indigenous population. The square and market hall will enhance the progressive integration and the emancipation of the ethnic minorities by exposing their cultural lifestyles to the mainstream society and therefore letting the indigenous population get acquaintance with the rich culture of this ethnic enclave in a positive way.

The layout of the square is based on a monumental character with the main axis shaping the entrance of the mosque. This layout is inspired by Middle-Eastern designs of public squares located in front of great mosques (figure 11.8). The cross axes are located strategically at either important monumental buildings or at streets leading to the square in order to increase the flow of public in this wide open space. Another feature of this square is the translation of the proposed principles in the second order. A combination is made between the visitors of the mosque (the islamic men) and the younger male inhabitants in the neighbourhood, by locating sport fields along the main route of the visitors and near the mosque in order to create a condition for a natural social control that will enhance the safety and maintenance of the square.

Fig. 11.8 Example of a park towards the entrance of the Badshahi Mosque in Pakistan

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