8 minute read


Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 11 a.m.

PRELU DE Since I Have Been Redeemed Callahan Verleen Baerg, organ



Let us worship the eternal God, the source of love and life, Who creates us. Let us worship Jesus Christ, the Risen One, Who lives among us. Let us worship the Spirit, the Holy Fire, Who renews us. To the one true God be praise in all times and places, through the grace of Jesus Christ.

HYMN NO. 215 Rejoice, the Lord is King DARWALL


SCRIPTURE Psalm 139:1–12; 23–24 Bill Gabbard

Leader: O Lord, You have searched me and known me.

People: You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You discern my thoughts from far away.

Leader: You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.

People: Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, You know it completely.

Leader: You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me.

People: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it.

Leader: Where can I go from Your spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?

People: If I ascend to Heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there.

Leader: If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me fast.

People: If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night," even the darkness is not dark to You; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to You.

Leader: Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.

People: See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.


HYMN NO. 71 Be Thou My Vision SLANE


HYMN NO. 493 Have Thine Own Way, Lord ADELAIDE

HYMN NO. 426 Tell Me the Story of Jesus STORY OF JESUS

Worship Of God

Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 11 a.m.

Worship Of God

Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 11 a.m.


Andy Anderson

OFFERTORY Here I Am to Worship arr. Berry Joy Callaway, piano

Please use this time to reflect on your gifts and service opportunities. Note that the offering plates are currently located at the front and back entrances to the Sanctuary.


Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

We Love Meeting New People


Children K–5 may leave during this time for Kids Worship. Parents, please pick up your children in room C-305 of the Children's Building after the service.


SCRIPTURE Romans 8:12–25 Jennifer Uldrick (p. 919 in your pew Bible)

SERMON The Revealing Dr. Dock Hollingsworth

HYMN OF RESPONSE Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me* TOPLADY

*Please refer to your hymn sheet

Those wishing to join Second-Ponce today are invited to come down front at this time.



Dr. Hollingsworth

Dr. Hollingsworth

POSTLUDE Jesus, Priceless Treasure Bach Verleen Baerg, organ

Sharing His Spdl Story

Andy Anderson, a member of the Worship Council, serves as an active Deacon and on the Executive and Finance Committees. A part of the Second-Ponce video production team, he led the task force related to communications during the pandemic. Andy and his wife, Kelly, have been members of Second-Ponce for 25 years and have two children, Nate and Avery. Andy enjoys hiking, pickleball, tennis and Georgia Tech sports.

Welcome to worship at Second-Ponce! We hope you find this hour to be joyful and transformative. Our church has something for everyone, and not just on Sundays. During the week, we have special dinners, small groups and Bible studies. Wednesday evenings, we share Fellowship Supper followed by adult discipleship and ageappropriate activities for children and teens. We hope you'll join us! And now that you know a little about us, help us get to know you better by completing the blue or green card located in the pew rack and hand it to a minister or drop it in the offering plate.

How To Join

Second-Ponce enthusiastically welcomes you to make a commitment to Christ and our community of faith. At any time during the Hymn of Response, simply walk to the front of the Sanctuary where a member of our ministry team will greet you with warmth and joy. If you're uncomfortable being "in the spotlight," but still want to join–that's ok! Speak with of one our ministers after worship and they'll walk you through an alternative plan.

Additional Sunday Information


We love to see children at Second-Ponce, and we have a Kids’ Club area just for them! It's one floor up from the Sanctuary, and our greeters will be happy to show you the way. In the Kids' Club, there’s a nursery and Kids Worship for babies–5th grade. You may take your children to the Kids' Club before the service or, if you prefer, they can stay with you in the Sanctuary for the entire hour or until the Doxology (when kids leave with children's ministry leaders). After worship, pick them up in the Kids’ Club.

Sharing Prayer Requests

At Second-Ponce, you have a church family who welcomes the opportunity to join you in prayer. Let us know your prayer needs by filling out a request card located on the back of the pew rack. You can drop it in the offering plate or give it to a member of the Second-Ponce ministerial staff after worship.

Giving An Offering

Your financial support of Second-Ponce allows us to carry out the mission God has for our church. There are giving cards in the pew racks that utilize a QR code for making gifts online. You may also drop your offering in the offering plate.


Dr. Dock Hollingsworth, Senior Pastor

Verleen Baerg, Organist

Joy Callaway, Pianist

Anneliese Depenthal, Music Ministry Intern

Bill Gabbard, Minister of Music

Jonathan Hall, Minister of Community and Student Discipleship

Rev. Allie Osborne, Minister of Missions and Children's Discipleship

Richard Rogers, Director of Orchestra

Rev. John Uldrick, Associate Pastor

Church In Conference

Today 12:15 p.m. | Fellowship Hall Lunch Cost: $8/person (RSVP required)

Our summer Church in Conference is today after worship. We'll gather in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and then move through a brief, but important agenda. Even if you didn't RSVP, we'd love to have your participation in the vital work of the church. Stop by the Fellowship Hall and let your voice be heard!

Happening At Spdl

All SPdL events requiring an RSVP along with info and links are online at www.spdl.org/rsvp.


Beginning in Psalms Chapter 1, we find guidance to meditate on God, “Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on (God’s) law day and night.” How, then, shall we pray? What are the words we use to talk to God? The Psalms teach us guidance. We invite you to pray the Psalms; use a complete Psalm as a prayer or choose snippets of Psalms as brief breath prayers. Learn more about our July prayer focus at www.spdl.org/prayer.


Sunday, July 30 | During and After Worship

Join us Sunday, July 30 for a back-to-school celebration! We'll maintain our regular Sunday School routine. Then, in worship, we'll present Bibles and offer a blessing for students, teachers and other school personnel as they embark on a new year. Students are encouraged to bring their backpacks as part of this blessing. After the service, everyone is invited to stay for a potluck, fried chicken lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite side and/or dessert to share. RSVP is not required. Don't miss this encouraging and important Sunday!

August Young Adult Dinner

Tuesday, August 1 7:15 p.m. | Bartaco (969 Marietta Street NW)

Young adults, come hang out and eat dinner with us at Bartaco! We'll meet at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1 for a relaxing and fun night together. RSVP by Monday, July 31 at www.spdl.org/rsvp.


Wednesday, August 2 Beginning at 5 p.m. Meal Cost: $8/adult; $5/child Fellowship Hall & Zoom

We can't wait to gather again for Wednesday night supper and SPdLU! August 2 will kick off a new adult discipleship series—Daniel: A Pattern and A Promise—led by Rev. John Uldrick. Throughout this five-week study, we'll learn about the entirety of the book including themes and messages that are still relevant for us today. On the menu for Fellowship Supper: Chicken enchiladas, rice, black beans, salad, chips & dip and dessert. RSVP is required for the meal, so sign up by Noon, Monday, July 31 at www.spdl.org/rsvp.


Tuesday, August 8 | 11:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch Cost: $10/person (BBQ pork, baked beans, cole slaw & dessert Fellowship Hall

SPdL seniors, join us Tuesday, August 8 for a yummy BBQ lunch and fellowship with the rest of the Prime Timers! Our special guest will be Patrick Cagle, husband of church receptionist Angie Cagle, who will share the latest scams being perpetrated on the older adult population in our area. We will also discuss new artifical intelligence advancements and technologies. Sign up at www.spdl.org/rsvp by Thursday, August 3.


Friday, August 18 5:30–9:30 p.m. | 0-5th Grade | $20/child

Surf's up at our August Kids' Club FriYAY! Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt and join us for games, crafts, food, Bible stories and fun! Sign up by Monday, August 14 at www.spdl.org/rsvp.

Join The Broadcast Team

Every Sunday, our dedicated broadcast team produces a live stream of our church worship to reach people near and far. We broadcast live on YouTube, Livestream and Facebook, and our service is also replayed on AIB network the following Sunday at 11 a.m. We're excited and encouraged by the growth of this ministry and we're looking for volunteers to keep the momentum going!

We're currently seeking folks to help with camera work and graphics. If you're interested in joining our team, we'll provide you with easy training and get you into the Sunday rotation as soon as possible. Here are the roles we're seeking help with:

• Camera Operators: We have two directly controlled cameras (the ones you see in the balcony) and a few remote-controlled cameras that are managed in the control room. In this role, you'll ensure that our broadcast looks great and captures all the key moments of our service.

• Graphics Managers: These volunteers are responsible for managing graphics that are displayed in the bottom 1/3 of the screen during the broadcast, including names, titles and hymn lyrics. By joining our team, you'll gain new skills, meet new people and contribute to the church community in a meaningful way. If you're interested in learning more, please email us at community@spdl.org to get started.

Summer Giving

For Good Measure

The busyness of summer can take us away from church activities, and in turn, can lead to a decline in giving. Church ministries and expenses don't take a vacation, so for good measure, we're asking you to make continued giving a summer priority. There are a variety of ways you can set up your gifts to post automatically each month, from setting up a recurring donation to submitting post dated checks to the church office. Learn more at www.spdl.org/give.

Looking Ahead


Sign up early for the delicious Fellowship Suppers happening each Wednesday in August. Service begins at 5 p.m. The cost is $8/adult; $5/child. RSVPs are due by Noon, the Monday before. Sign up at www.spdl.org/rsvp.

• 8/2: Chicken enchiladas, rice, black beans, salad, chips & dip and dessert

• 8/9: Meatloaf, mac & cheese, vegetables, salad and dessert

• 8/16: Roasted chicken, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, salad and dessert

• 8/23: Burgers & hot dogs, baked beans, French fries, salad and dessert

• 8/30: Chicken cordon bleu, rice, vegetables, salad and dessert

September Is Nomination Month

Each September, we go through the process of nominating fellow church members to serve as Deacons and in various other leadership positions. In these weeks leading up to the nomination window, we ask you to be in prayer for those whose talents and skills could elevate our church ministries and further the mission of Second-Ponce.

Week At A Glance


12:15 p.m. Church in Conference*


9:15 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship

9:45 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study*

11 a.m. Worship*

12:15 p.m. Churchwide Potluck Lunch

*Online (Zoom or YouTube video) and in person

Romans 8:12–25

Dr. Dock Hollingsworth Senior Pastor

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