Seaside Magazine March 2024 Issue

Page 1





Special Feature WOMEN to WATCH A Crucial
Those Who Serve

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EVERY MONTH 9 First Word 18 Peninsula Voices 24 Inside Out 28 Meet Your Neighbours 33 In Fashion 34 One Food, Three Ways 39 Trade Student Spotlight 40 Arts Scene 43 Common Cents 44 Living Off the Land 51 Screen Scene 54 Steph's Day Out 57 Pet Talk 63 Out for a … Wild Ramble 64 Book Wrap-Up 67 Little Adventures 68 From the Kitchen 71 The Natural Path 76 New & Noteworthy 79 Off The Vine 80 West Coast Gardener 84 Seaside Book Club 87 Seaside Homes 97 Take Note 102 Last Word Contents MARCH 2024 TOP STORIES ON THE COVER Silvia Bonet. See story pg 18. Photo by Janis Jean Photography TRAILBLAZERS The Women Who Serve 13 A HEALTHY HARVEST Rake and Radish Farm 44 2024 WOMEN TO WATCH Celebrating Our Local Women in Business 16 PENINSULA VOICES Designing a Sustainable Future 18 POTATOES THREE WAYS Spicing Up a Staple 34 28 40 33 54

Talk to an advisor today about a plan that helps you retire on your terms.





In This Issue

MARCH 2024


"Caring, community and tradition" were the values that came to mind when I learned about the women who volunteer with the Saanich Peninsula Hospital Auxiliary. And if you're interested in growing vegetables but don't know where to start, a little planning goes a long way.


I want women to embrace all aspects of their lives. Around menopause, many find the changes in their bodies confusing and frustrating; with limited sciencebased information, they are suffering unnecessarily. I hope to help women be curious to try new things and find themselves energized and resilient!


After visiting a place for years, it's great to get a behind-the-scenes look at the person who started it. Sea Cider's Kristen Needham tells us how her environmental education and work in food security led to a business that engages and supports our community. So, take a read, and then raise a glass!


Getting tired of your tried-and-true potato recipes after a long winter of root vegetables?

Read on for three simple-to-follow potato recipes that will elevate the potato on your plate. Giving new life to the potato will be sure to entice your family to the dinner table.


Kathryn Alvarez, Jo Barnes, Don Descoteau, Jamila Douhaibi, Shelley Dumais, Scottee Giles, Tabatha Golat, Heidi Hackman, Ryan Hayter, Janice Henshaw, Jesse Holth, Christina James, John Kernaghan, Jackie LaPlante, Tilar J. Mazzeo, Nancy McMillan, Colleen McNamee, Jacqueline Nicoll, Cassidy Nunn, Kelly Pacheco, Deborah Rogers, Joan Saunders, Marita Schauch, Stephanie Staples,


















P.O. BOX 2173, SIDNEY, B.C. V8L 3S6

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12 times a year by Mitchell Press. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Reproduction requests may be made to the editor or publisher via the above means. Views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the policy or
of the publisher and editor. Staff of the magazine cannot be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. We acknowledge and thank the W̱SÁNEĆ people on whose traditional territory we live and work.


Whether you are new to the area, going through a life transition, or unhappy with your current situation, you will find that Deborah takes a unique approach when working with her clients.

Her 25 years of experience in the investment industry is her guide when working with investors. Deborah realizes that building a strong client relationship is rooted in trust and transparency is key to an investor’s success. The foundation for a strong relationship is ensuring compatibility and effective communication. Investors want to know that their financial advisor is committed to their success and willing to take the time to listen to what is important to help them determine their goals.

It may surprise many to learn that investing is often not about achieving the ‘highest rate of return’, but rather having confidence that their financial advisor understands their goals and will prepare an investment plan that will help achieve those goals. What one investor considers important, another may not, therefore, goals, plans, and solutions are as unique as the individual, so too should be the portfolio!

Experience matters when it comes to guiding investors through turbulent markets. Although setting goals, determining the appropriate asset allocation, implementing a strategy, building a portfolio, and monitoring investments are essential to successful investing, the most important factor is the amount of time that the professional spends with the investor. The more investment knowledge and understanding of the markets that an investor has, the greater the chances are for success. When investors are prepared for volatility and understand the emotional roller coaster that can be experienced during market corrections, the less chance they have of making decisions based on emotion rather than discipline and logic.

A financial advisor who has experience guiding investors through these market corrections is an invaluable asset to achieving one’s financial goals.

Don’t take chances with your financial success because experience truly does matter!
Raymond James Ltd., Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


First Word from the Publisher

As March 8 approaches, a special day on the calendar invites us to celebrate the incredible women entrepreneurs who weave magic into the fabric of our beloved Saanich Peninsula. As the proud owner of Seaside Magazine , I am thrilled to share my admiration for the inspiring women in business who make our community shine.

Having the privilege of knowing many of these dynamic leaders, I am continually in awe of their tenacity, creativity and unwavering dedication. International Women's Day is not just a date on the calendar for us: it's an opportunity to applaud the achievements of these remarkable women who shape the essence of our Peninsula.

The Saanich Peninsula is not just a geographical location –it's a community that thrives on the passion and hard work of its people. Our local women entrepreneurs, from charming boutiques to cutting-edge startups to unique services (and let's not forget our local storytellers) are the driving force behind our economic vitality. Their businesses are not just the storefronts you see; they are truly the heartbeat of our community.

In celebrating International Women's Day, we are honouring the personal stories that inspire us all. These entrepreneurs are not just colleagues: they are friends, mentors and role models, creating a collaborative environment where dreams flourish and success is shared. I've lived here for many years – raising a family and establishing my business – and these women may not know it, but they have helped me with my personal growth from all the wisdom and the support they have given me. When I find myself feeling down or confused, with one call or two, I'm uplifted again!

To the amazing ladies in our community, I raise a toast to your achievements and the collective strength you bring to our community. Your businesses are not just contributing to the local economy, they are shaping the aspirations of future entrepreneurs and fostering a spirit of unity.

As we mark International Women's Day, let's celebrate these incredible women who make the Saanich Peninsula a place we are proud to call home.

Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Clothing provided and styled by Lily Pad Lingerie, Mattick's Farm.
Seaside Sue

Women to Watch — Terry Stockus

Stockus & Parry, your gateway to luxury real estate in Victoria. With our determined pursuit of perfection, we redefine the concept of luxury marketing. We understand that price does not set luxury, rather luxury sets the price. It is not about what you pay; it is about the exceptional experience you receive. The Agency, a global leader in luxury marketing, ensures that your property receives the spotlight it deserves on the world stage.

What sets us apart?

We’re not just comparative; we’re superlative. Our outstanding track record exemplifies our deep appreciation of luxury marketing. We meticulously craft every detail, from stunning photography, cinematic videography, and exquisite print media, to captivate discerning buyers. We understand that personalized service is paramount. When you choose Terry and David, you’re not just hiring agents; you’re gaining trusted advisors dedicated to your success.

In a world where time is the ultimate luxury, we prioritize being present and available to our clients. Your dreams deserve undivided attention, and we are here to turn them into reality. Experience the pinnacle of luxury real estate with Stockus & Parry at The Agency. Your journey to extraordinary starts here.

— Luxury is more than a price point, it’s an experience.


Luxurious contemporary residence situated on 0.8 acre, offering the ultimate in construction and design. Presenting a lifestyle opportunity close to marinas, ferry and airport! MLS #952467

Macdonald Realty Ltd. 755 Humboldt Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1B1 250.388.5882 Leslee Farrell, Associate Broker 250.514.9899 Kristel Walker, Realtor® 250.888.1503


Prior to WWII, there were not many women enlisted in service – but everything was about to change. From flight mechanics to code-breakers, women became a crucial workforce that turned the tide of the war. Meet some of the trailblazing women in our local community who carved their own path, from WWII to today.

Veronica "Ronnie" Bennett-Butcher, Women's Auxiliary Air Force, Flight Mechanic

Ronnie is a self-described "small but mighty" 98-year-old who lives at Veterans Memorial Lodge in Broadmead. She signed up for service in WWII as soon as she could, at just 17 years old. "My father was in the Air Force and I wanted to serve too," she explains. "I went to the training unit and was taught what to do by the instructors, then would send out to an aircraft unit and work on planes that were flying in combat."

As a flight mechanic, Ronnie worked on aircraft engines – from changing the spark plugs, to making sure the engines worked properly, to installing them in the planes. She also had to do test flights in the planes she worked on, alongside the pilots, to make sure everything was functioning. "I had to fly in every plane I worked on – which could've been scary if I wasn't a good mechanic!" Ronnie laughs.

One of her most cherished memories is when she finally realized her father was proud of her. It meant a lot, considering he had been against the idea of her enlisting. "We were having a visiting plane with some high-ranking officers come to our base and I had to meet the plane. I stood at the bottom of the step, and who should come off the plane but my father! I saluted and winked, and then I heard him whisper to the guy in front of him: 'That was my daughter!'"

There were some frightening moments, too, during the war. "Of course, at that time, the bases were targets and the German planes would come over to bomb us." But despite the challenges, it was worth it. "They were days I wouldn't have missed for anything," Ronnie says. "It was a hard life but very rewarding."

Ronnie still remembers the day the war was over. "I was coming back from a date and the lights were on at the base, which was unusual because we'd had blackouts for six years. And then we heard Churchill shouting: 'Peace has been declared! Peace has been declared!' Everybody crowded into the Sergeant's mess and started drinking – they even built a bonfire in the middle of the mess!"

After WWII, Ronnie remustered to drill instructor, where she got the nickname "The Dreaded Drill Instructor." "I was pretty tough on them," Ronnie laughs. "I had to be tough, because they would take advantage of me otherwise – everybody was taller than me! But my bark was worse than my bite," she adds.

photo by Leah Gray


for patios, balconies & small garden spaces.

Susan Frisby, CFB Esquimalt Base, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1)

Susan grew up in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, where she enlisted at the age of 18. "I tried a semester of university and immediately discovered it was not for me," she explains. Whether it was the long hours stuck in a classroom or the lack of adventure, Susan decided to join the Royal Canadian Navy as a Tactical Acoustic Sonar Operator. "I figured why not get paid to travel and see the world?"

In April 1998, Susan packed her bags and boarded a plane to Quebec for Basic Training. "Adventures, opportunities and experiences beyond my expectations filled the next 26-plus years of my life," she says. "I joined young and have had the fortune of having many people throughout my career who have inspired, coached, mentored, and believed in me – including my family, who raised me to understand respect and compassion."

According to her kids, one of the most interesting moments of her career happened as a Ship's Team Diver. "I got to jump out of helicopters in the middle of the ocean and swim over the Mariana Trench," says Susan. "[But] my entire career has been a memorable adventure." Part of what makes it so special is the people, and having a team that supports each other through good times and bad. "Those moments in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles away from home, are when we need our CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] family to show up. I have made friends who will always and forever be my Navy Family, without them I would not be who or where I am today."

Susan lives her life by the philosophy that "one simple act of kindness can go a long, long way." Photo by Sailor 1st Class Melissa Gonzalez, Canadian Armed Forces Imagery

José Goold, Auxiliary Territorial Service, Driver

101-year-old José Goold was born in Erdington, England, and now lives at Veterans Memorial Lodge in Broadmead. She was 20 years old when she enlisted to serve with the Auxiliary Territorial Service in December 1942. Training as a driver, José was stationed in Beaumanor, Leicestershire, with the Royal Corps of Signals.

"I drove ambulances, 15-cwt troop carriers, staff cars, and various other military vehicles," explains José. "They had these engines which we had to maintain ourselves – they were covered in oil, so our hands were always filthy." She says the driving could be perilous, too, with traffic on the roads including large tank carriers.

One of her most important jobs was to drive intercepted Nazi messages from the "Y" Station to the now-famous Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire, so they could be decoded. An English country house and estate, Bletchley Park was a top-secret location during WWII – it was the hub of Allied code-breaking and became vital to the war effort. "It shortened the war by two years," adds José's daughter, Johanna.

During these missions, José was responsible for transporting the messages along 70 miles of slow back roads. "There were no signposts," José explains, "so you had to study your maps well." She says there was always a soldier accompanying her for protection, a Redcap Military Policeman with a Sten gun. José could always be counted on to do her job. "We found her war records," says José's daughter Johanna. "Trustworthy, honest, and reliable. Those were the words they used to describe her."


June Estes, Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (Wrens), Communications

June Estes and her husband Ron, who are both in their 90s, live together at Sidney All Care Residence. June had been working and living in Vancouver with her family when she joined up in 1951, around age 20, taking a train over to New Brunswick. She decided to follow in the footsteps of her older sister, May, who had been in the Wrens during WWII and was stationed in Halifax.

As a Wren, June worked in Communications. "We had special training in high school," she explains. "In the Navy, you had to be able to talk to one another back and forth – you had to know Morse code in those days." Most Wrens were stationed at Coverdale, and those who worked in Communications would copy Morse code messages, perform transcription, listen to dispatches, and intercept signals. During the Cold War era, they would listen for "spies" within Canada and intercept Morse code signals from Russian submarines and ships.

June met her soon-to-be-husband, Ron, who was also in the Navy, during her time as a Wren. "There was a naval radio station outside of Moncton," says Ron, "and we were both in Communications. It was pretty much the day I met her, I said I wanted to marry her." The following year, in January 1953, the couple were indeed married. "I made him wait for a little bit," jokes June. "It's interesting how you run into different people at different times – how you manage to meet them or miss them," says June. Ron continued to serve in the Navy for 37 years after that, while June left the Wrens to start a family. "It's good times to look back on," she adds.

Featuring handmade, sustainable & small batch from local designers & artisans
Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney BC
photo by Tanya Murchie


2024 marks 13 years of Seaside Magazine celebrating the success of women in business with our Women to Watch feature! We choose March because International Women's Day is March 8, a day that we believe it is still important and necessary. We salute the women in our community who have passion and commitment to their careers. You inspire us and all the women who come behind you.

As you read through the following pages you'll

SUPPORT. GROW. Women in Business: Inspiring and Celebrating Your Success.

discover the faces behind many of the businesses that you know and love on the Peninsula. You will probably recognize friends and neighbours, and you may be surprised at just how many businesses are owned by women, or run with a female leadership team. Each of them will have their own story: of how they came to their career; of the compromises and concessions they had to make to achieve it; of the pleasure and satisfaction their work brings.

Shelley, Emma, Kayla, Monika & Star ACTIVE BALANCE PHYSIOTHERAPY


Shelley, Emma, Kayla, Monika and Star are passionate about people, enthusiastic about active lifestyles, and are dedicated to our clients’ health and well-being.

We love connecting with people and staying active. We believe exercise is medicine! We know that we can help our clients prevent injury and achieve optimal health. We look at you from a holistic approach by looking at your function in a variety of tasks that affect what is meaningful to you in your activities of daily living, your hobbies, your sport, and your work. We have an active approach to your recovery and keep you doing what you love. We believe in the philosophy that exercise will keep you younger as you age.

We are avid cyclists, runners, hikers, skiers, golfers, surfers and paddle boarders! We love weight training, exercise classes, dance and yoga. We even like to incorporate activity into our holidays … bike trips in France, walking tours in England, and hiking trips to the Grand Canyon!

We would love to meet you and help you with a hands-on exercise based approach to your injury and your health!

2024 to SEASIDE
103 - 9816 Seaport Place, Sidney | 250.208.5942 | 16 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MARCH 2024

I’m excited to share with you that I have relocated to Parksville and am taking clients at Aqua Terre Spa in Nanoose Bay at the Pacific Shores Resort Hotel & Spa.

I’d love to see you! Come up and stay or make a day trip up for a special treat in this amazing space! Visit for service prices and descriptions. It is a total spa experience! Hot tub, sauna and pool use is included with every treatment.

I miss you Sidney clients, and hope to see you again in my new location.

250.468.2404 |

Robyn and her team of professionals take a meticulous approach to ensure your financial affairs are in excellent hands. Baker Tilly –expert advice, personalized service.

Lianne Macdonald, Paula Bowering and Brittany Buna are the Women to Watch at Beacon Law Centre. These three women provide a unique way of delivering quality services in the areas of real estate, business law, and wills and estates.

Legal matters can be complex and intimidating. Let Lianne, Paula and Brittany maximize your prosperity and peace of mind by helping you navigate significant life events.

Visit our website for more information or call us to book an initial consultation.

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What does tomorrow look like? It's hard for any of us to predict the future, but sometimes it's part of the job. I chatted with architect Silvia Bonet, of Finlayson Bonet Architecture, about housing, sustainability and accessibility.

We have a housing deficit and an affordability crisis – how do we address these in the context of sustainability?

Affordability and the housing deficit are intrinsically connected. Governments at all levels can influence processes and contribute to solutions – by facilitating zoning bylaw changes, streamlining the applications for multiple residential buildings, and assisting with infill projects. There are also financial measures that can be used as tax incentives, such as the elimination of GST for rental projects.

Our city structures reflect post-war economic affluence and the impact of the automobile, with new suburbs spread around urban cores. Low densities appealed to homeowners looking for spacious gardens, and the quietness of being away from the commercial districts. This urban structure is questioned today due to its environmental impact, including the high cost of infrastructure services (power, water, roads, sewer) that only serve a few dwellings. This is a model that we must revisit in order to address sustainability.

Can you explain the term "greenwashing" as it relates to infrastructure? Is this something we can avoid?

"Greenwashing" happens when industries make false claims of using green technologies, especially with the rising awareness around sustainability – companies, technologies and practices need to be scrutinized to verify these claims. As a society, we often try to use sustainable practices but we are not always aware of the collateral impact of practices claiming to be "green."

SILVIA BONET: Designing a Sustainable Future

For example, suburban living could be mistaken as a "sustainable" approach due to a multitude of treed and green areas. But the low densities, along with a lack of amenities and public transportation, creates a non-walkable community that enforces the use of singleoccupant vehicles and its associated greenhouse gas emissions. There needs to be a reduced reliance on cars and car-centric infrastructure, while preserving and maintaining greenspace.

People might have different concepts in mind when the word "density" is mentioned. What does it mean to you?

In simple terms, urban density is the ratio between the number of dwelling units and the footprint of a defined area. But density is also rooted in our memories from an early age, through our exposure to cities, towns or villages. Context also matters – for example, a medium density in Manhattan is very different than a medium density on the Saanich Peninsula. It all depends on existing infrastructure, closeness to amenities, walkability, health services and education – the existing urban layout with all its complexities provides the guidelines of how density can be supported.

Some towns in the Middle Ages had houses with the second and third floor expanding onto the streets, in order to gain additional space. The city grew organically within its protective walls, an old concept like today's "urban containment zone" but with different reasons.

While concepts like density and building height seem to be quite literal, they are profoundly subjective. In my opinion, urban sprawl negatively impacts the growth of cities because it forces the infrastructure to extend farther, lose efficiency, increase costs and be less sustainable. Densification allows for more compact and liveable cities.


You said architects try to address problems that currently exist, as well as those that could arise in 20 years. Can you speak to the necessity of long-term vision when it comes to new developments? Architects design the built environment – it is our job to understand the societal changes of the future. This is not a small task, but a properly built structure will stand for 100 years or more. We can see this in buildings around Greater Victoria that are older than the 1920s, for example. But how do we forecast what comes next? How do we address the problems of tomorrow? How do we predict technological changes and their impact on everyday life?

Today's problems will be old tomorrow – we need to envision and consult with planners, engineers, geographers, sociologists and anthropologists to know where, why and how these changes will happen. For example, we currently have large parking lots where cars sit 80% of the time. This could be addressed with car share, public transportation, and driverless cars in the future. We are slowly changing the approach to parking, but the number of units in a building greatly depends on the number of parking spaces available, rather than how many people could be housed.

If drones will deliver goods to a building, is a loading bay still necessary? These kinds of questions are what architects must think about in their designs. How will technology affect our lives? Will artificial intelligence give us a chance to work less and have more leisure time, and how will that extra time be spent? Will we need more communal spaces, parks or recreational hubs?

Our vision as architects must be far past what we can see today –we need to have the capacity to see how society will function in 50 years. What are the things we should address that are permanent to human beings? What do we need to provide? In our built environment, what activities will actually take place?

Accessibility is important to consider when building new neighbourhoods and upgrading old ones. What is the connection between accessibility and sustainability?

These concepts are not opposed – striving for equality requires the inclusion of everybody. A sustainable city plan will include accessible pathways and reliance on public transportation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. A more compact city is the most sustainable approach, as it permits more people to live in a smaller area. It allows people to walk and use alternative modes of transportation, and to access all types of services within a confined footprint.

The town of Sidney is a great example of this – it's an ideal place to promote higher density in the core and scale down as it spreads toward the boundaries. This means the urban typology changes into different housing types, from condo buildings to townhouses and duplexes.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

As architects, we must approach problems in a creative way, providing options that allow the community to continue growing –because we want it to grow! We want more young people, and more viable housing. This means we need to accommodate infills, fourplexes, and a variety of housing types in order to fill real needs.

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Courtenay Neville-Rutherford and Molly Smith are now at Dogwood Therapeutics on Sidney Avenue offering Registered Massage Therapy with direct billing!

They have been RMTs in Sidney for several years and are looking forward to continuing to serve the community. They are both taking new clients and hope to see some familiar faces

Jessica O’Brien Cameron
CIBC logo and “CIBC Private Wealth” are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc. INVESTING 101-
CIBC Private Wealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBC Wood Gundy, a division of CIBC World of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc. If you are currently a CIBC Wood Gundy client,
OSC Investor Experience Survey Final Report (2021)
Sidney Avenue, Sidney
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as well.

As a trusted Certified Financial Planner

Kelly provides her clients with:

1. Guidance to help them achieve wealth

2. Assistance for individuals and business owners transitioning into retirement with cashflow strategies

3. Help to navigate through life transitions such as separation, divorce or death

She partners with clients to understand what’s important to them, whether that be family or financial goals. She uses a established process to help them achieve their financial milestones.

250.655.6392 |

In the dynamic world of heating and cooling solutions, Ashley Gulevich stands out as a driving force behind the success of Coastal Heat Pumps.

As the Co-owner and Director of Administration, Ashley brings her unique perspective and experience shaped by her background in the travel industry and the arts. Despite the unconventional transition into the heating and cooling sector, Ashley seamlessly transferred her skills, enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency.

Rooted in a passion for details, customer focus, and high standards, Ashley’s principles define Coastal Heat Pumps’ ethos, fostering a culture embraced by both customers and the team. Notably, she spearheaded the company’s modernization, aligning it with current trends and technological advancements.

As a locally owned and operated family business, Coastal Heat Pumps has remained true to its roots. Under Ashley’s leadership, the company continues to uphold the commitment to excellence that her parents initiated almost 20 years ago. Ashley’s dedication ensures the continuation of the legacy established by her family in guiding Coastal Heat Pumps towards continued success.

Leslie Hunter


Coaching makes better humans. As an Executive Coach my driving force is to empower people's core strengths and soft skills to grow into their best selves. The seed of coaching has always been there and it took over 50 years to grow that seed into my calling. Coaching is my calling.

Accredited by Royal Roads University and the International Coaching Federation, I work with people within organizations, developing leadership, 360 reviews, personal or corporate values, as well as the realization of organization or individualized goals. I am driven to serve and support those who work with me. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you would like a free initial session.

250.216.5735 |

250.656.6868 | 3-2042 Mills Road West, Sidney |
Ashley Gulevich – COASTAL HEAT PUMPS
KELLY PACHECO , CFP Financial Advisor | Edward Jones

With over 40+ years of experience in the financial industry, including over 26 years of mortgage experience and 25 years of Financial Planning, Fran brings a wealth of knowledge to help you reach your financial needs.

Passion to provide the best customer service experience allows her to combine these skill sets to bring a knowledgeable and comprehensive approach to her clients’ needs.

With so many products available to help address our financial needs Fran can help you select the best option to reach your financial goals.

778.445.5561 |

Island Pedicure was established in November 2021. Our mission is to provide a relaxing experience to every customer, and to serve clients with quality products at a reasonable price. A diversified team of five nail care assistants (and growing) are available to assist you seven days a week.

Owner/operator Jennifer started her career in nails 10 years ago. She learned and trained in a salon and became more interested in gaining knowledge in doing pedicure and manicure. She developed her knowledge and skills through work experience and continuing education courses. She and her team are dedicated to delivering the best nail care.

102-9842 Second Street, Sidney 778.351.2188 |


With over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, specialising in indoor cycling, strength training classes and personal training, I am dedicated to staying at the forefront of fitness trends and techniques.

Continual education is a cornerstone of my approach, ensuring that I deliver the most effective and up-to-date strategies. My commitment to ongoing learning enables me to provide the highest level results to my clients.

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Our dedicated fitness instructors and supportive community of Garage Cyclers are committed to guiding and encouraging every Individual throughout their journey, ensuring they feel empowered and motivated every step of the way.

Garage Cycle classes offer an intimate setting with small class sizes, complemented by ambient lighting and uplifting music, creating a personalized and inspiring workout experience for every participant.

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Your Wellness Team

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Embrace wellness in Sidney at iSpa Wellness – three sisters from Thailand who, due to our experience and reputation, were personally selected by Samantha Whitney to take over her business, Stem to Stern.

With over 10 years of experience and a passion for supporting wellness, we provide the best massage for all age groups.

Looking for deep tissue massage? Tiny but mighty, that’s how people describe us!

As a dedicated real estate professional, my goal is to provide exceptional service to my clients with a focus on building long-lasting relationships.I know what it takes to work with others to achieve our goals.

I want to be your partner and advocate throughout the real estate process, supporting you through my proven success and experience. My approach allows me to build strong relationships with colleagues in the industry while employing streamlined systems to concentrate on getting your home sold fast and for the right price.

Together with the extensive support of the unique Newport Realty brand, I use my skills in marketing and my passion for real estate to provide both Buyers and Sellers with the experience, professionalism and integrity required to market or aquire a home regardless of size or location.

Odette Laroche Art Gallery is packed with original oil paintings in various styles painting from intuitive, impressionistic, expressive, abstract and realism.

The Gallery features small en Plein Air paintings, and larger paintings to suit your décor. Visit and meet the artist!

“Innate sense of design and colour has always drawn me to oil painting. Although mostly self-taught, in the fall 1999 I found myself on Vancouver Island and enrolled at Victoria College of Art. This was an enlightening experience.”

Roses are Yellow is an intuitive painting dictated by a palette knife and brushes, with no photo reference.

“Real Estate is my passion; people are my priority!”

* personal real estate corporation

250.656.4626 | 2444 Beacon Avenue, Sidney |
Ingrid Jarisz*
304-2453 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 778.269.5699 |
~ Odette Laroche Odette
203-2527 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 250.655.8278 |


My life is greatly enriched by my participation in community. Thanks to my connection to community leaders, I became involved in my most ambitious project ever. In February 2023 I was invited to take on a director position with Victoria Hockey Legacy Society, the local organizing committee to bring Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada to Victoria in January 2024. I am proud to be the only female director and the treasurer for the society. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with a group of dedicated and talented volunteers, who represent the best-ofthe-best in their respective positions.

In my work life, it is my privilege to collaborate with clients to plan for their financially comfortable future. My academic training in business and finance has prepared me to guide our clients through their professional and personal milestones. I have attained the Elder Planning Counselor designation, to allow me to advise our clients on mature life stage needs.

Before working for IG Private Wealth Management, I worked primarily with physician clients. Their financial needs required complex tax and investment planning. I am now offering full financial planning services to clients of all occupations. My experience with complex investment, tax and retirement strategies translates well to affluent investors, incorporated professionals, physicians and those approaching retirement or recently retired.

778.549.5144 | Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Trademarks, including IG Private Wealth Management, are owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to subsidiary corporations.
Brenda MacFarlane

Mastering Menopause

Are you dreading your early 50s, and beyond? It is said that in menopause you might experience hot flashes, mood changes, insomnia or achiness; gain weight (especially belly fat); lose bone density; leak urine when you cough or sneeze; and have a greater risk of heart disease.

Even though females make up 50% of the population, there is little scientific research on them. Dr. Stacy Sims advocates that "women are not small men," and she is passionate about researching females in all stages of their lives. The good news is that there are things you can do to keep yourself healthy, fit and strong as you enter this next phase of your life.

Hydrate and Eat Quality Food at the Right Time

It's important to drink water and eat healthy and get enough calories, protein, carbohydrates (especially fibre) and fats to support our daily activities and recovery from exercise. Carbohydrates are necessary to give you the fuel for your activities and are the preferred fuel source for our brain. The fiber in carbohydrates helps to keep our bowels regular and cholesterol low. Healthy carbohydrates include fruit, berries, grains, vegetables, beans and lentils. For muscle recovery, it is important to have enough protein in your diet and make sure you eat adequate protein within 30 minutes of exercise. Protein sources include Greek yogurt, protein powder, fish, tofu, poultry, pork, beef, lentils and beans. It is also important to eat healthy fats, including vegetable oils, avocado, nuts, seeds, omega-3 oils, and eggs.

Exercise Smarter With Sprint Intervals

High intensity sprint interval training is powerful medicine for an

aging female. This type of training is very different from the "max cardio with low calorie" training era which left us constantly tired, hungry and disappointed with our lack of weight loss. These high intensity sprint intervals are bursts of 30 seconds or less and they help to reduce anxiety, increase lean muscle, improve cardiovascular fitness and help you sleep. This trains your fast twitch muscle fibres, increases your energy mitochondria, and helps your body burn more fat for energy when you are not exercising.

Breathe Deep and Pay Attention to Your Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is the layer of muscles located at the base of the pelvis that helps control urinary, bowel and sexual organ function as well as core stability. Your diaphragm (your breathing muscle) and your deep abdominal and back muscles make up your inner core and are important for stabilizing your back, posture, and enhancing your performance in activities. Did you know that it is possible for your pelvic floor muscles to be too tight? It is not always a case of needing to do more kegels!

Lift Heavy

Research shows that heavy weight lifting three times a week is beneficial, giving us increased strength and reduced body fat as well as benefits such as improved posture and a better chance of improving bone strength. Of course heavy is relative, and each of us needs to start with an assessment to determine what weights to start with to be safe!

Cervix self-screening is an alternative to the Pap for routine cervical cancer screening. The test looks for the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer and does not require a sample from your cervix. It can be done wherever you feel safe and comfortable.

INSIDE OUT 250-656-2948 Goodbye PAP tests, hello swabs
The PAP screening test for cervical cancer has been replaced. In BC you can now self-screen for cervical cancer using a highly e ective, self-administered test.
Scan this QR code to request a cervix selfscreening kit Get your self-screen kit: bccancer/cervix-screening-kit or by phone, 1-800-702-6566 24 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MARCH 2024

Sheana Loxton


Lily Pad Lingerie at quaint Mattick’s Farm provides a warm, welcoming, boutique shopping experience where mothers, daughters and partners all feel comfortable shopping. At Lily Pad you will find beautiful and unique collections of lingerie, sleep, lounge, swim and activewear. We are proud to offer many of the finest lingerie brands in a full range of cup sizes ranging from A-K and bands from 30-50. Our sleep, lounge and activewear collections feature sizes ranging from XS – XXL. We look forward to helping you find the perfect fit!

About Sheana: Owner + Fit Specialist

Owning Lily Pad Lingerie for nearly three years has been a wonderful experience both personally and professionally. It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to help women find a fit that allows them to feel beautiful, comfortable and confident.

Come visit me and our wonderful team at Mattick’s Farm. We would love to see you!

Open 7 Days a Week!

250.590.8032 | 113-5325 Cordova Bay Road, Victoria |
PAD LINGERIE @lilypadlingerie @lilypadvictoria

PERSONALIZED ESTHETICS, CRAFTED FOR YOU. So much more than skincare; it’s about creating a tailored experience that nurtures your soul and nourishes your skin. Guided by skilled hands and attention to detail, Rachel’s warm and professional touch brings a deep understanding that everyone’s relationship to their skin is unique and intricate.

Rachel has been at the forefront of the Sidney esthetics and beauty scene for over a decade. Her downtown studio –Miss Penny Esthetics– opened in 2022 where she’s been delivering curated experiences and growing her business in beautiful ways.


Customized Care:

Rachel listens, curates and delivers. Finding the right treatment for your skin, from rejuvenating facials to advanced medical grade skincare recommendations.

Skincare Wisdom:

You’ll gain insights and tips for nourishing your skin from a seasoned expert.

A Moment To Pause:

Calm and serene, the studio is a moment to exhale and pause in the heart of downtown Sidney.


Enhanced facials, expanded service offerings, deeper collaborations, and much more!


Begin your journey with Rachel this spring. Call 250.882.1530 or book online at MissPenny.Studio



With the spring market underway, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted Mortgage Professional by your side. I can help make sense of the the financing options available and make sure you have a Mortgage Plan in place that is catered to you and your goals.

Putting your needs at the centre of what I do is something I take great pride in. If you are renewing, refinancing, or purchasing a home, get in touch with me today.

#103-2423 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 250.216.8375 |

Mona Palfreyman

A diligent and client-focused real estate agent, Mona is dedicated to delivering unparalleled service with unwavering professionalism.

Known for exceptional communication skills and a keen understanding of client needs, Mona consistently goes above and beyond to ensure complete satisfaction. With a deep knowledge of the market and a commitment to personalized attention, Mona guides clients through every step of the buying or selling process, earning trust through transparency and integrity.

Committed to achieving the best possible outcomes, Mona prioritizes client goals above all else.

2444 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 250.508.3732 |

Marion Evamy – RED ART GALLERY

Do you crave original artwork that mirrors the dynamic reflection of your journey, and captures the flavour of your passions?

Marion Evamy is the owner and artist behind the Red Art Gallery, and she understands and shares your sense of creative individuality with her joyful paintings!

Marion’s distinctive artwork has found thousands of art enthusiasts in her 20-year career as a full-time artist. She continually donates a generous portion of sales proceeds to community and charitable causes.

Marion also has “Master Status” with multiple wins at the prestigious Sidney Fine Art Show and awards with other International galleries. Her paintings range from bold midcentury style abstracts to textural still-life and figurative works.

Her many collectors describe her work as a visual “zest for life” recreated on canvas. Art lovers are welcome to schedule an appointment to visit one of Sidney’s best kept secrets, the oceanfront Red Art Gallery. Over 100 “me!” paintings available at all times!

Caution: Marion’s artwork is highly addictive!

Visits by appointment: 250.881.0462 | |

KRISTEN NEEDHAM: A Masterclass in Cider

When Kristen saw the 10-acre plot – with its beautiful forest sloping down towards the water, overlooking James Island across Haro Straight to the San Juan Islands and the distant snowy tip of Mount Baker – she didn't notice the view as much as see a canvas for her to create a heritage apple farm that would become the home of some of the most delicious cider in the province.

Sea Cider, founded and owned by Kristen Needham, boasts over 1,300 apple trees that make up over 50 varieties of heirloom apples. And though Kristen has travelled the world for school and her work in international development and food security, as a sixthgeneration farmer, cider was always in the back of her mind. Born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Kristen won a scholarship to a United World College in Wales when she was 17. The purpose of the school was to "engender international understanding," which was a springboard to her undergraduate degree in economics at McGill, grad school in environmental management and international relations at Yale, and working on food security in Ethiopia.

Having grown up surrounded by apple orchards, Kristen has long understood the hard work that farming involves. One of her fondest, though most challenging, memories was when the family's 1977 Kabota tractor got stuck in the mud one November. With thousands

of pounds of chicken manure that needed to be blended into the soil before planting apple trees, Kristen says "one by one I pushed 1,000 wheelbarrows up the hill." In comparison, she believes that everything else has been easy!

Moving to Victoria in 1997, Kristen was finding that her career in foreign affairs and international development didn't sync with having kids and new family obligations. This was part of the catalyst that led her to buying the farmland on Mt St Michael Road in 2004. Celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, Kristen says what started as a modest, "small amount of very good cider," catapulted after receiving the attention of a cider connoisseur.

A certified organic farm that homes a small-scale cidery with a far reach, Kristen says "we punch higher than our weight category," selling cider across Western North America, including Alberta, Alaska, and Mexico. Kristen says it "took years to find a blank slate great for growing apples," but the micro-climate that the Peninsula offers is perfect for this purpose.

"The vision was to change the way people thought about cider," says Kristen. Moving in the opposite direction to what was once thought of as just a college drink, she is proud that she has created an upscale cidery that doesn't take shortcuts and sources fruit from Vancouver


Island and B.C. farms. Her continued dedication to food security and the environment can be seen in the way she creates her different cider varieties. She designed the Invasion Series to raise awareness about invasive species, with partial proceeds going to support organizations like the Nature Conservancy, Habitat Acquisition Trust and other local organizations working on environmental management and protection. Her newest venture has been the Temperance Series (a non-alcoholic offering), with proceeds going to support organizations involved in mental health and wellness.

To Kristen, cider is more than just apples, it's also a "platform and voice to engage people" and raise awareness. She has been able to "respect many traditional cider styles with a West Coast twist," providing cider that has been influenced from the past but also evolves with the future.

Not only community-minded, Kristen has also created a space that focuses on family and teamwork. Kristen's daughter is the pastry chef and her son works on crop protection in the orchard. Many of the three dozen year-round employees have worked at the cidery for years, and Kristen says that providing staff opportunities for professional development is something she values. Though life on a cider farm is never easy, with the support of the local community and everyone she has worked with, for 20 years Kristen has felt lucky to continually become a greater part of the fabric of the Saanich Peninsula, making cider that she and her community can be proud of.

Born and raised on Vancouver Island and with over 25 years’ experience as a realtor, Maryan van Stolk knows local real estate.

As a member of the Newport Realty team, she is committed to delivering the highest level of customer service possible. Maryan loves helping people and is committed to developing a plan with her clients to turn their dreams into reality. If you’re thinking of making a move or relocating, she would love to meet you!

When not helping her clients buy or sell a home, you can find Maryan exploring the Saanich Peninsula with her dogs, boating with her husband and entertaining friends and family.

* personal real estate corporation

2444 Beacon Avenue, Sidney 250.881.0418 |


Anna Kerevan, owner/operator of Teddys Boxing & Fitness, has been in the fitness and boxing industry for over 15 years.

Anna started boxing in 2008 as a way to relieve stress from work and fell in love with the sport, which is one of the most challenging, and arguably therapeutic, workouts possible. Her goal is to make boxing and fitness accessible to those who may not have the desire to step in the ring while still keeping it authentic!

In the late spring of 2023 she opened Teddys Boxing & Fitness in Sidney, B.C. They offer a mix of group classes and private sessions in boxing, kickboxing and strength training. Sessions are designed to make you sweat, have fun and learn something new.

Classes are accessible for all levels of fitness and experience, for the first time boxer to the seasoned pro. They also offer two beginner classes each week for those brand new to boxing, with the first class being only $12.

van Stolk *
@annakerevan @teddysboxingfitness


Aynslie, Jessica & Jennifer


Indulge in pure comfort at our inviting spa in Sidney! Celebrating our 10th anniversary, we are grateful for our loyal clientele and are excited to welcome new customers!

Our skilled estheticians provide a variety of services such as manicures, pedicures, nail extensions, waxing, lash extensions, lash lifts and tints, IPL skin rejuvenation, and permanent hair removal.

Led by Jessica and Jennifer, a dynamic mother-daughter duo, our team is dedicated to continuous education, holding certifications in esthetics, nail care, lash enhancements, and beyond. Join us for a luxurious experience in our cozy and welcoming sanctuary.

9774 Third Street, Sidney

250.881.3787 |


Gaye, Inez, Lisa & Wendy – PEMBERTON HOLMES

Pemberton Holmes is a family-owned Island Company established in 1887. It is one of the largest independently owned Real Estate Brokerages in North America with over 300 Realtors in offices all across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.

Pemberton Holmes Sidney was established in 2016 to better serve the community. We are conveniently located in the Garden Courtyard (beside Home Hardware) with plenty of parking off James White Boulevard.

With a combined expertise of 117 years in the profession, these four women are dedicated to the highest ethical standards, always keeping your best interests in mind. Give Gaye, Inez, Lisa or Wendy a call and let them put their experience and knowledge to work for you.

#107 - 2360 Beacon Avenue, Sidney |
Gaye Phillips 250.213.2521
Inez Louden, FRI 250.812.7710
Herrick 250.589.5899
Lisa Redding 250.882.0868
• Professional • Affordable • Reliable
home to a house that Sparkles is everything!
do the
you truly enjoy! Sparkleffect
take care of cleaning your home from top to bottom. Reap the benefits of more free time, to
Residential • Airbnb • VRBO
Vacation rentals • One time cleans
Occasional • Weekly • Bi-weekly
Monthly • Move
• Yachts
• Post Construction
• Stats & Weekends

Laura Kumpf & Lauren Muirhead BUSINESS LAWYERS

Reed Pope welcomes Laura as a co-owner and director of Reed Pope.

Laura is a business lawyer who supports entrepreneurs, private companies and family-owned businesses. Laura’s expertise includes acting as general corporate counsel, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts, representing clients acquiring or selling businesses, implementing corporate reorganizations and facilitating business succession.

Reed Pope welcomes Lauren as a recent addition to the team.

Lauren is a commercial real estate lawyer who assists clients with land development, purchases and sales, leasing, financing and strata governance. Lauren enjoys working with developers at all stages of the development process and brings a solutions-oriented approach to complex real estate transactions.

202-1007 Fort Street, Victoria | 250.383.3838 |

Yanna King


“A home should cater to your needs, reflect your taste and suit your lifestyle.”

Yanna first opened her Interior Design Studio in Sidney in 2020. Her love for people and her passion for design have been driving her business forward. In April she will open a beautiful new showroom one block north of Beacon Avenue. Here you can shop for custom area rugs, wallpaper and fabrics for your next drapery or upholstery project. You can also view custom cabinetry and closet organizers and work with Yanna on a new kitchen or bathroom design or ask her about closet organization.

Yanna offers a wide range of interior design and decorating services. She can recommend colours, select finishes and materials, provide you with guidance on space planning and make suggestions for custom furniture, lighting, art and accessories. Yanna also has extensive knowledge to share about downsizing and aging in place.

However big or small your design needs may be, Yanna will take good care of you. Give her a call today or drop by the new showroom to meet her and her adorable dog Remi.

We understand the emotional rollercoaster that comes from the death of a spouse or a divorce. Your financial picture has changed and brings with it the question “Will I be OK?” We strive to create an environment where women feel safe and encouraged to build their confidence in making wise financial decisions on the path to the life they envision.


National Bank Financial - Wealth Management (NBFWM) is a division of National Bank Financial Inc. (NBF), as well as a trademark owned by National Bank of Canada (NBC) that is used under license by NBF. NBF is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NBC, a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: NA).
join us for a free women’s workshop to discover your financial purpose and to start your Life By Design.
meet monthly, on the third Wednesday of the month. Scan the QR code for event details.
be okay?
Now that
own, will I

SEASIDE talks with Christina James, Holmes Realty Ltd, about what's in


the winter and my sparkly sneakers from Aldo. When adding sparkle to your outfit? I put on some sparkly jewelry and my sparkly belt. When it comes to your go-to "uniform?" Zara forest green pantsuit for the win! When you need more than a clutch? My Coach purse. When you want to throw fashion out the window and be all about comfort? Lululemon or my fuzzy housecoat. In your closet? Banana Republic navy double breasted blazer is a staple in my closet. I have way too many jackets!

When you want to smell irresistible? Goddess Blend Chakra Therapy by OnYa Naturals from Toronto. On your skin? Eminence Organics Skincare for the face. In haircare? Aveda. In your bathroom cabinet? Castor oil and lots of bath and body products. In your makeup bag?

Lumi Glotion

kitchen? Fresh herbs and spices; love my air fryer for just about everything! When you want a night out? Deep Cove Chalet or I head into Victoria to catch a ballet or a symphony performance. On your playlist? Anything from classic rock to Country, Jazz or Classical. On your luxury wish list? Perhaps a Land Rover when I decide to trade in my Murano? In home décor? Faux fur throws, toss cushions and candles. On your Netflix queue? Chelsea Does; love her! When you don't care how much it costs?

Good wine when at a fine dining restaurant. On your walls? I love ornate mirrors and some art that I have painted myself! On your bedside table? A book by local author Lisa Kythe Johnson titled: Authentic Women Power.

Photos by Janis Jean Photography. Hair by Jamie Poll at Haven Spa; styled by Shai Thompson, House of Lily Koi.


1/4 cup butter

1 shallot, sliced

6 black peppercorns

1 1/4 tsp salt

3 sprigs fresh thyme

2 cups table cream

1/4 cup milk


After many months of eating winter vegetables, you may have grown tired of cooking the same dishes week after week. It's always fun to try a new recipe when you are out of ideas, or wish to spice up your catalogue of meals. Potatoes are a staple in many diets, and they happen to be a favourite in our household. There are numerous varieties of potatoes, and each has its own distinct flavour. Although most varieties are interchangeable, they all have unique qualities that are well suited to different applications. Red and new potatoes are great for boiling and salads, russets are best for baking and frying, and yellow potatoes are wonderful for roasting, mashing and soups. Choosing the best potato variety for your dish is a simple way to enhance your dining experience. Find my potato, cheddar, and thyme soup served often at our café; it's a staff favourite!


2 lbs russet potatoes (approximately 4 large potatoes)

1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

3 egg yolks (dark yolk/ free-range eggs are best)

2 tbsp Kosher salt


1 medium yellow onion

1 rib celery

1/4 cup butter

1/2 tbsp fennel seed

1/4 tsp smoked paprika

pinch of cayenne pepper

1/2 tbsp white sugar

2 medium yellow

1 litre water

1 tbsp chicken soup base

1/2 cup grated


125g Philadelphia cream cheese

1 cup heavy cream

For full recipes visit SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA & click "Food" tab or email NEWS@SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA

Peter Dolezal is a semi-retired Sidney resident. He offers INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES to individuals, couples and companies.

To date, he has assisted more than 325 clients across Canada, principally in Greater Victoria and the Lower Mainland.

No Financial Products to Sell Leads to Truly Independent Advice.

Author of The Smart Canadian WealthBuilder (Third Edition)

Included in the curriculum of several Canadian Colleges.


Most adult Canadians have both an RRSP and a TFSA. Many also have mortgages and other debt. In the lead-up to retirement, the challenge becomes how to deploy ongoing savings for the greatest possible long-term benefit. The solution is not always straightforward.

Firstly, if you hold a significant TFSA balance, while at the same time servicing mortgage or other debt, consider deploying those funds toward debt repayment. Although TFSAs are a superb perpetually tax-exempt investment vehicle, they are best used after debts are liquidated, and RRSPs fully utilized. While intuitively, accelerated repayment of debt would seem a sensible priority for deployment of excess cash, there are exceptions. If the sole existing debt is a mortgage, extra lump-sum payments make sense, but only after RRSP eligibility has been fully utilized.

In this case, the solution could be to prioritize the top-up of the RRSP, followed by the almost immediate deployment of the resulting tax refund as a lump sum payment on the mortgage. Not only would the RRSP contribution result in a significant tax refund, but also the newly invested funds would compound and grow, tax-free, until withdrawn many years in the future.

long-term investment. The combined impact of these benefits far outweighs the option of contributing the entire $10,000 of surplus cash to accelerated mortgage repayment.

Recent statistics show that although TFSAs have been available only since 2009, they now attract more annual contributions than RRSPs, which have been around for more than 65 years. Undoubtedly part of the reason is that retirees, now mostly debt-free and no longer eligible for RRSP contributions, are major contributors to TFSAs. However, many working Canadians are utilizing TFSAs despite having unused RRSP contribution eligibility.

Even young working adults saving for a down payment on a first home are wise, before contributing to their TFSA, to fully utilize RRSP eligibility. Once the down payment is required, the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) allows interest-free borrowing from the RRSP, up to $35,000. This can be added to any funds available in a TFSA. The bonus is the tax refund that was received after the RRSP contribution was made.

For personal financial consulting services, contact or visit for Client Testimonials and more!

An example: You are in a 30% marginal tax bracket; your $10,000 RRSP contribution results in a $3,000 tax refund which can immediately be applied as a lump-sum on your mortgage. Effectively, it costs you only $7,000 to make a $10,000

For aspiring first-time home buyers, however, the new FHSA (First Home Savings Account) also needs to be considered as an option to both RRSP and TFSA contributions. Up to $8,000 annually can be contributed to a maximum $40,000. All contributions grow tax-free until withdrawn and, as with an RRSP, can be written off by the account holder in current or future years.

Deployment of surplus cash toward one’s eventual debt-free retirement is paramount. However, the strategic allocation of savings amongst debt repayment, RRSP, TFSA and a FHSA will deliver greater long-term benefits.

Register through Panorama Rec Centre (250.656.7271) for Peter’s Next Seminar : FINANCIAL STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT

Wednesdays 10am - 12pm, March 6 & 13, 2024

Finding Her Way: Megan Vesterback

Curiosity is a great way to find your way. Megan Vesterback knew in grade 10 that she wanted to discover what trades were all about. Her rationale was simple: she "didn't want to spend lots of time and money in university" and enrolled in the TASK (Trades Awareness Skills and Knowledge) program. This unique approach is a partnership between the Saanich School District and Camosun College and begins in the first semester of grade 11. During this program, students receive hands-on learning experiences in eight different trades, and it was during this program that Megan fell in love with welding. She had found her "way."

When she came back to Stelly's in her second semester, she applied to do the welding program at Camosun College as a South Island Partnership (SIP) student. This would allow her to get the high school credit she needed to graduate and have the program paid for. She had the Math and English marks, but also needed 30 hours of hands-on experience to get into the program.

Last summer Megan arranged to do these 30 hours at Titan Boats. She did such a great job that they hired her on full time. Rather than come to Stelly's this past September to take her English 12, Megan elected to continue working at Titan Boats and take her English 12 online through SIDES. While working at Titan Boats, Megan was also earning high school credit through the Youth Work in Trades Program. As an additional bonus, the hours she logged while working were also counting towards her Red Seal.

worked with have been very encouraging and supportive."

Camosun College Women in Trades also offers support for female students and will be providing funds for Megan's textbooks and other incidentals. Having these supports, and other supportive women on her side, has made Megan feel less apprehensive about attending Camosun. Her mom Selena has also been a huge supporter of Megan and her journey. She feels these programs are "an excellent approach for kids to get some practical knowledge and experience in the trades. Megan will be done her foundations program around the same time that most kids graduate Grade 12 – so she's ahead of the curve in gaining full time skilled employment. Plus she has certification for fork lift operator, confined spaces, first aid etc."

But Megan was not alone on her career journey, and had wonderful support from other women. There were two other female welders at Titan Boats who provided motivation and insight into what the profession is all about. Megan is quick to add that "the men I've

Step into Spring with a new pair of shoes from Wonders –always made with love in Spain.

Megan's advice to other future females who are interested in going into the trades is to "not be afraid to go into a male dominated industry; if you're passionate about something then the opinions of others don't matter. You'll learn that in any workplace you'll find people who have your back no matter what." Sounds like Megan's curiosity has paid off and she will no doubt be helping others to find their "way" as they begin their career journey.

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JESSICA GLOVER : This Art Rocks!

Have you ever discovered something that you instantly fall in love with and it completely captivates you? That happened for local artist Jessica Glover. In fact, you could even say she's "dotty" about it!

For Jessica, owner of Mystic Mandala, it was mandala stone painting – the art of painting intricate patterns of dots on stones. She not only developed her own mastery of it, but is now teaching and inspiring countless others to learn this unique art form.

"I came across stone painting on Pinterest, and it really appealed to my eye," shares Jessica. "I started painting stones and eventually made 500 of them. Customers were placing orders and asking if I taught classes. There was a very big reception for this."

This type of detailed art requires time and patience. Jessica attests to the way it can reduce personal stress. "You need to be centred and patient and allow yourself to breathe. This art calms you down and helps you enjoy your time and being present."

Initially, Jessica began to create with supplies she could easily access. She collected stones while hiking and used paints she already

had in her home. Her enjoyment of the craft increased, and she began to source tools, paints, stencils and ideas further afield. "I sourced out tools through Happy Dotting Company in Australia and later from DIY Mandala Stones, a Vancouver supplier," relates Jessica.

By 2015, her hobby was gradually transforming into a profitable venture. "I wanted to try to do a market, so I signed up for the Sidney Market," she says, adding with a smile: "I had made 500 stones. It was a real assembly line!"

Her success at the market and the positive feedback she received was just the kind of nudge she needed to expand her artistic activity. Jessica began hosting home parties and classes at McTavish Academy of Art, and now offers classes at her home studio as well. She teaches groups of up to 12 people, and all supplies are provided including a stone, pattern, tools, paints and clear step-by-step instructions.

Along the way, Jessica has discovered her affinity for teaching others. "I never considered myself as a teacher," relates Jessica. "I love helping people get to the point of understanding what they're doing. When they have that 'aha' moment, it's so satisfying."

The process of mandala stone painting involves many stages. Mandala, a Sanskrit word, means circle and completion. It represents the universe and is used as a guide for meditation and mindfulness. The technique used is pointillism, whereby dots of colour are applied to a surface to eventually create unique and striking geometric patterns. Rather than an artist's brush, unique


dotting tools are used. "You use flat rods that are various sizes and specialized ball-ended dotting tools," shares Jessica.

It's precise work, and the length of time to complete a stone can vary. "It usually takes a couple of hours for beginners to do a stone," says Jessica. "I can do one in a half hour to 45 minutes, but I have done so many."

Like any art endeavour, it takes practice to master the skills. Sometimes a dot is askew from the pattern or an accidental colour choice is made. It's all part of the process, as Jessica shares. "You start working on your rock, and sometimes things happen. I don't say they are mistakes; they are lessons. I relate dot art to life. Life is what you make it; it's a process."

As Jessica has discovered, the joy in art can happen during the journey. One unplanned act, such as an unintentional dot of paint, can change the artistic direction and produce something special. "One time I found out that the centre mark I had made was not centred, so there was significant room on one side of the stone and not the other," she relates. "I started dotting a half crescent in that space. Now, you don't even notice the mistake. It's my favourite painted stone."

Sharing this art with others has meant the opportunity to build community, something she wants to build upon for the future. "I'm passionate about connecting people and community in a positive upbeat place to learn," she shares. "I want to have a storefront space not only for my own classes on stone painting but for other artists to share their art."

Stone by stone, person by person, Jessica is building her own skills, those of others, and creating a community of artistic learners. Now that's connecting the dots.

Those wanting more information or to sign up for a class can visit or

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it's about nurturing and elevating the intrinsic character and vitality of your outdoor space.




You and your partner may agree on many key issues facing you at your current stage of life, such as your lifestyle and financial issues. But what if your visions for retirement differ?

It can be a challenge. After all, each of you have many possibilities: You can pursue your hobbies, volunteer, continue your education – there's really no limit to the ways you can add meaning to your lives.

Communication is key. You probably know the importance of communication in any relationship, and this same skill is essential for agreeing on your shared retirement lifestyle.

So, to get on the same page, take the time to have an open discussion, following these suggestions:

Be Open. Create and share a list of characteristics for your retirement vision. Some characteristics you may want to consider are the type of living arrangements, what kind of activities you want to do, whether or not you'll work and how close to friends and family you want to be.

Be Specific. You and your partner may want many of the same things, but perhaps not to the same degree. For example, maybe you both want to travel – but one wants to drive around the country, while the other wants to visit foreign shores.

Be Ready to Share. Share your plans with others who have an interest in your decisions to help shape your final visions. Friends and family may have influence in what you choose to do.

Be Ready to Compromise. You and your partner have already travelled a long way together and probably have an interest in finding common ground, so, if you're each willing to move a little bit in the other's direction, you should be able to enjoy spending time together for many years to come.

Be Prepared for More Dialogue. The discussion of your shared retirement lifestyle should not be a one-time event. As the years go by, you each may have new ideas about what you'd like to do. So, revisit the conversation every so often

Planning together is twice as fun. You and your partner have accomplished many goals together and have much in common. It can be advantageous to plan together, even if you don't want to comingle assets. There can be efficiencies (tax savings) now or in retirement. Talk to your advisor to help you determine a strategy to reach your shared retirement vision.

For more information email


RAKE & RADISH FARM: Healthy Harvest in Hand

While many people started backyard veggie gardens during the pandemic, Saanich's Ardeo Mann decided, at the age of 23, to start an actual farm!

The half-acre Rake and Radish Farm on Cordova Bay Road had its beginnings right when the entire country seemed to shutting down with Covid precautions.

"It was March 2020 when I signed the lease for my land and then the pandemic lockdown happened!" shares Ardeo, adding with a laugh: "I had a bare field, and I had a moment of 'Oh wow, do I go ahead with this?'" The answer was an emphatic "Yes!"

Since signing the lease for the land, Ardeo has worked tirelessly to transform the half-acre plot into a thriving market garden. Rake and Radish Farm produces a wide variety of vegetables including carrots, kale, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, beets, lettuce, salad greens, peas, beans, corn, and of course the namesake radishes. In addition, Ardeo grows sunflowers, snapdragons, dahlias, zinnias, cosmos, statice and strawflowers.

Produce is distributed to Ardeo's growing list of clients in small and large size harvest boxes which can be picked up on site or from a Fernwood location. The response has been very positive and, as Ardeo shares, the opportunity to feed a diverse group of customers throughout the community has been satisfying. "At first, 25 people had signed up for CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) boxes.

They signed up quickly, and in the end, I had 50 households." Ardeo's dream of becoming a farmer goes back to childhood and is something that has only intensified over time. "I've wanted to be a farmer since I was 10. My friends and I would say to each other ‘Let's have a farm when we grow up.' It was like a game that we played. The idea, though, stuck with me."

As a teen, Ardeo began reading and researching about organic methods and shared these findings in school projects. After grade 12, an opportunity came up to do a farm internship on Salt Spring Island where Ardeo spent a season learning about growing vegetables and farmers' markets. Later, a three-year position at City's Edge Farm provided another opportunity for Ardeo to further develop skills and knowledge under the mentorship of owner Sol Kinnis. "I learned so much about production," says Ardeo. "Sol was really great. In fact, she came out to look at the field where I am presently, and she helped me with sourcing items like organic fertilizer and irrigation parts."

Starting a farm can be a daunting task at any time. However, the arrival of the pandemic brought even more challenges such as strained services and supply and equipment issues. "It was a hay field, and there was a lot of work to be done to convert it into a vegetable farm," says Ardeo. "My friends came and helped me with building fenceposts and putting up deer fencing. We had to socially distance ourselves, but it was great to see each other during that stressful time."


With plenty of research, determination and hours of hands-on labour, Ardeo has met each challenge along the way, including installing new greenhouses and irrigation systems. "I looked at a lot of YouTube videos. My friends and I built two greenhouses. They are really important for the seedlings and especially the tomatoes because they need a good head start," relates Ardeo. "I constructed all the driplines by myself. It was a lot of work, but it provided focus during the pandemic."

Farming approaches at Rake and Radish Farm include low till methods, avoidance of pesticides, composting, minimal use of plastic on fields, and cover cropping, all with the goals of helping to preserve biodiversity, enhance the soil and promote sustainability. The work is physically demanding and farm life poses other challenges like pests and weather. Ardeo admits that the journey hasn't always been easy.

"In the first year, there were so many flea beetles at one point that I needed to figure out what to do and the best course of action. I was almost wishing I had a desk job when my asthma was triggered by the wildfire smoke."

As well as earning an income from the land, Ardeo relishes the rewards of hard work and the benefits of working on this land. "I really like being able to see tangibly what I have done. I love to see how many people I am feeding. The farm is tucked up in the wood, and it's so quiet. There is a family of owls here, and eagles soaring overhead. I get to experience so many special moments."

It's been a winding road since the lease was signed, but this intrepid young farming entrepreneur is ready, with rake in hand, to take on whatever lies ahead in the farming journey.

For more information visit

In 2023 Help Fill A Dream was the recipient of a $2,000 grant for a community charity road hockey tournament. The grant supported fitness, sportsmanship and fun on the Saanich Peninsula.

Proceeds om the tourament helped fill dreams for critically ill kids.

This event will be back again this year at Iroquois Park on June 8th. It’s an event that’s proof that your donations score big for our community!

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AVOCADO Avocado halves stuffed with shrimp cilantro, tomatoes and mayo. Served with naan. $15.95


A Selection from the Menu at the Dickens Public House

Soups & Salads

SEAFOOD CHOWDER Creamy, classic and chock full of seafood. $13.95

DAILY SOUP & GARLIC TOAST Ask your server about our daily special. $9.95

PECAN PEAR SALAD Tuscan greens, sangria poached pear, candied pecans, goat cheese and cranberries. $18.95

ROASTED SALMON COBB SALAD Wild salmon, hard boiled egg, smoked bacon, cherry tomatoes, blue cheese, avocado on field greens with maple balsamic dressing. $24.95

golden rings and tentacles of tender squid marinated in buttermilk, topped with jalapenos, onions, tomatoes & served with tzatziki. $18.95


BITES Pork button bones deep fried, tossed in garlic butter. $15.95


Hand-cut deep fried corn tortillas topped with jalapenos, green and white onions, black olives, tomato and cheese. $21.95


FRIES Golden crisp fries tossed with parmesan cheese, green onions and truffle oil. Served with garlic aioli. $21.95

BEEF DIP Thinly sliced Canadian roast beef piled high on a crusty baguette with horseradish aioli, crispy onion straws and au jus for dipping. $20.95


Grilled flour or corn tortillas with seasoned cod, pico de gallo, cilantro slaw. Sriracha lime crema with a touch of tequila. $17.95


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SANDWICH SGrilled chicken breast, thick smoked bacon on a fresh sourdough with pesto mayo, lettuce, tomato and swiss cheese. $21.95

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63 Acres AAA ground beef, peas, carrots, topped with mashed potatoes, gravy and a sprinkle of cheese served with a side salad. $19.95


YORKSHIRE Sliced roast beef stuffed into our famous Yorkshire topped with gravy, crispy onions and horseradish aioli. Served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. $21.95



prawns in a creamy parmesan cream sauce with tomatoes and chives over fettuccini noodles, topped with bread crumbs. $21.95


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Golden Milestone for Saanich Peninsula Hospital Auxiliary

This year, the Saanich Peninsula Hospital Auxiliary celebrates a golden milestone: 50 years serving the hospital's patients and residents.

Composed of volunteer women from the local community, the Auxiliary held its first regular meeting and adopted its interim constitution on January 9, 1974 (one month before Saanich Peninsula Hospital opened its doors). Since then it has been providing patient care and comfort, and raising funds for hospital equipment and furnishings.

The Auxiliary's inaugural year five decades ago established the organization as an important part of the hospital care team. The volunteers participated directly with elder patients by holding birthday parties, special anniversaries and music sessions, and making rounds to patients' bedsides with books on a library cart. The Auxiliary held its first Fall Bazaar, and that year raised $1,800.

Fast forward to 2024: there are now 95 women who volunteer with the Auxiliary, some who have been volunteering for 30 years. Pauline Dance, president of the Auxiliary Board of Directors, has been volunteering with the organization for eight years. Like many volunteers who join the Auxiliary, Pauline was introduced to it through word-of-mouth, by a neighbour who was also a volunteer and invited her to a monthly meeting. These personal connections within the organization have made the Auxiliary a tight-knit community working to support the needs of "our hospital."

100 percent of funds raised by the volunteers directly supports Saanich Peninsula Hospital, and patient and resident care and comfort. The Auxiliary works closely with the Saanich Peninsula Hospital Foundation, which provides the volunteers with a wish-

list of items to fundraise for. Since the Auxiliary's inception, volunteers have raised more than $2.1 million for things such as a blanket warming cupboard; a portable monitor; a patient bath lift; a floor lift; a hospital bed with adjustable air mattress; and, during the COVID pandemic, furniture in extended care that could be wiped down and sanitized. This outstanding achievement has been made possible through the volunteers' hard work, enthusiasm and dedication.

The Auxiliary raises funds through the annual Christmas bazaar, bake sales, garage sales and raffles throughout the year. The next raffle fundraiser is for a child-size car! The draw is on April 30, 2024 and tickets are available at the hospital gift shop.

The gift shop, however, is the Auxiliary's largest fundraising endeavor. Established in 1978 and entirely staffed by volunteers, it carries handcrafted items, gifts, patient necessities and snacks and beverages. Pauline, who volunteers in the gift shop, says: "The gift shop is the Peninsula's best-kept shopping secret."

There are many ways the Auxiliary offers care and comfort to patients and residents: personal care kits to emergency patients who are unexpectedly admitted for overnight stays, and the volunteers hold birthday parties once a month for residents in Extended Care. Auxiliary crafters also create hand-crafted treasures such as knitted or crocheted articles, quilts, embroidery, stuffed toys and other crafts, which are sold in the hospital gift shop and at events throughout the year. The Auxiliary provides two annual bursaries of $2,500 each to post-secondary students entering medically related fields.

The Auxiliary is like a family, Pauline says, and together they share a common purpose to give back to their community's hospital. "We are proud of our little place."

Prima Donna Swimwear Fashionable designs with impeccable support. Prima Donna swimwear is sized by cup and band, so go to the beach full of confidence! Bikinis, Tankinis, One-Pieces & Swim Accessories – We’ve Got It All! @lilypadlingerie @lilypadvictoria Open 7 days a week! 113-5325 Cordova Bay Rd at Mattick’s Farm | 250.590.8032 MARCH 2024 | SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA 47

What's Happe i ening

Comedian Julie Kim

March 14

Julie Kim performs her topical and very women centered comedy in this 19+ show that’s not for the faint hearted. Covering all the topics women know and love to hate, this show is funny for all genders! This is one for you, your Mom, your sister, your friends. Anyone who loves a good laugh and doesn't cringe at jokes. So come celebrate International Women’s Day…the week after… well, they are comedians!

Julie Kim is one of Canada’s top stand-up comedians and an international headliner. She has been a gala performer at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal and made her debut at the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. In 2022 Julie toured across North America doing 40 theatre shows with Ronny Chieng (Crazy Rich Asians, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah). Over the past decade, Julie has performed at all major Canadian comedy festivals with multiple televised. Julie is also a writer and producer. Julie received three nominations for writing and producing by the Canadian Academy in 2023 and one win. Julie has contributed to the writing rooms of Kim’s Convenience, Run the Burbs, and Still Standing. Julie has been part of the writing and creative consulting team at the Winnipeg Comedy Festival for the past three years. She was also a writer for Just for Laughs Montreal in 2022. Julie was a producer and writer for Simu Liu (Marvel’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings) as he hosted the 2022 Juno Awards. She ideated Liu’s now well-known ‘I am Canadian’ monologue, which has gone viral on the Internet and social media. Julie returned as a writer and producer for the 2023 Juno Awards.

Joining Julie is Vancouver Islands own Syd Bosel. Syd spills her life out onto the stage as she shares her tales of "adult" children, surviving breast cancer, menopause, and other glories of nature. Syd did her comedy training and cut her comedy teeth in Vancouver, BC and recently moved to Comox, BC. She is a regular at Yuk Yuk’s, Heckler’s and clubs throughout Vancouver Island and Vancouver. She can be heard on the Just for Laughs comedy album, “Poor Man’s Hummus”; Syd placed first, and was voted Fan Favourite in the 2018, "BC'S Funniest New Female Comic" competition and recently received “four yesses” on Canada’s Got Talent.

Become a Member

Fans of the Charlie White Theatre listen up! Did you know that we offer an annual membership called Friends of the Mary Winspear Centre that offers discounted tickets to shows. With the purchase of a membership, members receive 10% discount to any ticketed theatre event, up to two tickets per performance. They also receive exclusive pre-sale for eligible events and MPS voting membership. By purchasing a membership you receive special benefits while contributing to programs and services offered at the Mary Winspear Community Cultural Centre. For more information please contact the box office.

Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Royal Wood has established himself as a true musical talent. Since being proclaimed “Songwriter of the Year” by iTunes (2010), Wood has continued to evolve and hone his musical craft while maintaining a unique identity.

Royal Wood grew up in Lakefield, Ontario in a family that was supportive of his interest in music. Wood started playing piano by ear as a preschooler before beginning formal lessons a few years later. By his teens he was playing other instruments as well, including guitar, drums, and trumpet. His main instrument remained piano, however, and he played jazz in clubs around Montreal while attending McGill University, where he studied business.

With his eighth full-length studio album, 2022's What Tomorrow Brings, Wood reaches new emotional depths and delivers his most powerful collection of music to date. Royal Wood continues to expand on the success of What Tomorrow Brings, approaching 200,000 Monthly Listeners on Spotify and garnering fans from around the world.

Singer-songwriter pianist Jeffery Straker grew up taking piano lessons in smalltown Saskatchewan and has gone on to perform over 100 shows per year across Canada, Europe and Latin America. The rootsy-storytelling of his songs has the power to transport a listener - out onto a lake in Canada’s North or to the main street of a prairie town. A clever lyricist with an energetic approach to the piano, his song writing has drawn critical comparisons to the likes of Harry Chapin, Kris Kristofferson & Billy Joel while maintaining a style distinctly his own.

A classically trained pianist, Straker swears he was born under the piano on the family grain farm. He was raised by a church-organist mother and auctioneer father which might explain his natural ability to share songs with audiences. He was a student of the Royal Conservatory of Music and received his licentiate diploma in piano performance from Trinity College, London when he was only 19. Straker has showcased at major events including Canadian Music Week, NXNE, Breakout West (Western Canada), & JunoFest. He was an official showcase artist at Folk Alliance International 2022 in Kansas City.

Upcoming Events Royal Wood and Jeffery Straker March 15 March 2 Allegro Dance Extravaganza 2 South Island Vinyl Show 7 Grant Lawrence & Friends 8 The Comic Strippers 9 Allegro Solo & Small Groups 10 The Commodores Big Band 10 James Keelaghan & Jez Lowe 14 Comedian Julie Kim 15&16 Crafted Farmhouse Market 15 The Piano Men Tour 16 The Arrogant Worms 21 Completely Creedence 22 The Men in Black 23 Sofiane Pamart 24 Sidney Rotary Bingo 25 Blood Donor Clinic 26 Louisiana Hayride Show 31 Easter Vintage Retro Show 2243 Beacon Avenue, Sidney | 250-656-0275 | April 5 Palm Court Broadway & Beyond 5-7 Victoria Bridge Spring Sectional 7 Valdy 20 Matt Dusk Sings Tony Bennett 20&21 VI Rock & Alpine Garden Show 21 Matt Masters 21 CÒIG Trio 22 Blood Donor Clinic 27&28 SPAC Spring Art Show
3 Parkland Secondary 50th Celebration 3-5 Peninsula Singers That’s Entertainment! 16-18 Halfway There 23 Steve Middleton 25 Psychic & Spiritual Arts Fair 26 Sidney Concert Band Broadway on Beacon
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My favourite films are the ones that sit with you long after the lights have gone up – the stories that twist their way into your thoughts, unexpectedly resurfacing at random moments, sparking contemplation and stirring emotions. It's been a long time since I've seen a film that left me pondering its plot weeks later. This month's Screen Scene recommendation, Society of the Snow , has done just that. After the film debuted on Netflix's top10 list in early January, I knew it was worth a watch and settled in to view the survival thriller directed by J.A. Bayona.

Society of the Snow draws inspiration from a chilling chapter in history – the 1972 plane crash involving a Uruguayan rugby team on a chartered flight to Chile. Based on true events, this gripping narrative chronicles the survival of 16 individuals who found themselves stranded in the unforgiving Andes mountain range. The film navigates their tale of survival, focusing not only on the physical challenges faced by the survivors but also on their remarkable ability to band together in the face of unimaginable adversity. From the initial crash landing on a remote glacier to the grueling 72-day ordeal of starvation, extreme weather, and ultimately, the decision to resort to cannibalism, the film captures the raw essence of the human spirit of endurance and survival.

Through compelling performances and haunting cinematography, Society of the Snow offers a stirring tribute to the strength of human will and the power of friendship in the most difficult of circumstances. Adapted from Pablo Vierci's book of the same name, it's worth noting that Vierci had a personal connection to many of the 16 survivors from childhood. This close relationship surely accounts for the intimate translation to film by director Bayona. Despite the shocking story of cannibalism and perseverance, the true heart of the film lies in its depiction of the survivors' friendships, an admirable feat when faced with such dire circumstances.

Notably, Society of the Snow has been nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best International Film and Makeup & Hair. With the Oscars screening on March 10, 2024, it will be interesting to see if the film garners an award, which, in my opinion, it deserves. Available on Netflix in its original Spanish language or dubbed in English, it's a film not to be missed.

For those looking for more thrilling true story adaptations, or a list of inspiring films, check out my recommendations below.

1) The Impossible, Netflix (also from Director J.A. Bayona)

2) 127 Hours, Disney+

3) Catch Me if You Can, Netflix

4) Wild, Prime

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Raising the Bar

Buying and selling Real Estate can be quite a journey. The women of Holmes Realty work tirelessly, protecting their clients’ interests, ensuring their clients’ success. Your move is our passion.

Deanna Kirk, Brittany Jew, Shelley Mann, Kai McCaig, Christina James, Michele Holmes,
Holmes, Debra Bartlett, Josee Brien, Mariann Abram-Photograph by Joshua Lawrence

A Tisket, a Tasket

I will never look at another basket the same way. It was my first time at the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP) and since I was early for my day-long course, I decided to putter around the grounds and explore. While it wasn't prime time for gardens, I strolled the grounds and found art, a bustling café, a well-stocked library of gardening books for both adults and children, and a lovely little gift shop which made it quite easy to part with some money. I could imagine how this unique place could attract volunteers, tourists and locals who love getting their hands dirty.

But getting my hands dirty was not on the menu for me today: I had signed up for Basketry! It was one of the many workshops that HCP hosts and this one, led by basket-maven Joan Carrigan, fills up quickly! Joan, a gifted artist who resides on Salt Spring, has been teaching her craft for over 30 years. Participants have come from a long way to learn from her and you can tell she is in her glory as she is smiling almost the entire time she is teaching.

There were first timers in the room (moi) and other experienced weavers of every type and level. I couldn't quite imagine how basket weaving would take an entire day but in fact the day flew by.

We started off with some history of basket making – no, I had no idea that this was an ancient art and every culture in the world has their own form of basketry, and I sure didn't know (or ever think about) the fact that every basket we have ever seen has been handmade. Every basket! Nor did I appreciate all the natural fibres that baskets are made of.

Armed, as instructed, with a pair of trusty scissors, an old towel and a spray bottle, I had absolutely no idea how I am going to leave with a basket like what Joan has on display.

But there was no need to worry: Joan had not only a plethora of beautiful, colourful and natural materials to utilize, but also the knowledge of how to teach so that, even non-crafty I, could figure it out.

It's slow, exacting work but Joan warned us early on that this experience should come with an "addiction warning;" the more seasoned people in the room agreed. It seems that she may have been right because after we chose our colours, soaked our materials and followed her step-by-step guidance (complete with take-home written instructions) we were so engrossed with "in, up, over, around, cross,


repeat" – most of us "worked" right through our lunch hour.

I can 100% see why they recommend basket weaving in treatment for, among other things, PTSD. The tactile benefits of the natural fibres, the repetition, the level of concentration (focused but not overly demanding) already feels so good for reducing stress and anxiety and stepping out of the world for a bit. I found it quite easy to get into an almost meditative state while weaving. Additionally, abilities like eye-hand coordination, gross motor skills, creativity and following directions all make for a really great brain-health activity, not to mention connecting with nature and the social aspect when done in a group.

It was quite interesting to watch the perfectionist Type As in the room make their baskets, as opposed to me, a high Type B. My expectations are low and as long as someone can look at my finished product and tell that it was supposed to be a basket, that's pretty much all I'm going for.

But watching these loops and fibres turn into something that was beginning to look like a real, functional basket was so exciting that upon completion I went directly to Red Barn and filled it up with groceries to ensure it worked! I felt very Red Riding Hood-ish, practically skipping along with pride!

Joan is a full-time basket weaver creating extraordinary pieces that go well beyond baskets. You can tell teaching and educating people on the art jazzes her up just as much as selling her one-of-a-kind pieces. Her joy is palpable when she sees her students learning. She

estimates one can get into the craft for a relatively low investment of about $150. You can find more about Joan and her offerings at

If basketry is not your thing, HCP is a great little day trip and has may other learning opportunities available. Find out more about them at

And it's true: I will never under-value, under-appreciate or look at a basket in the same way again!

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We could tell you what makes Amica different from other senior living residences. But we’d rather show you. After all, what makes us different is different for everyone.

Please join us for a private tour of our residence so we can tell you about the care options available at Amica Jubilee House, including Long-Term Care and Memory Care. With our unique discovery process, we create a personalized wellness plan for each resident so you’ll always have the care you need, even if those needs change.


Ruffing It: Tips for Hiking Vancouver Island with Your Pup

As spring approaches on beautiful Vancouver Island, many are gearing up for a hike with their four-legged companions. With your next adventure just around the corner, take note of some essential tips that can help you both have a blast out there on the trails.

First up, while heading out on a hike with your dog can account for some of the best times of your life, keeping them safe and happy can take some prep work, especially when it comes to their health. Before you lace up those boots, make sure your pup is feeling fit and healthy enough for the journey. You'll not only want to gauge their physical health, but also consider whether or not your best friend is up to speed with some basic commands, such as sit, stay and come. It might sound a bit basic, but it's a good idea to be prepared ahead of time so that random houdini acts will be less of a potential problem.

Another common issue on the trails is encountering marijuana, by way of another animal's feces, or garbage left. If you suspect your pup got into some marijuana, keep an eye out for signs of trouble– they usually show up about 30 to 90 minutes later. Symptoms can vary, but mild ones include your dog acting lazy, stumbling around like they're drunk, having big pupils, a slow heartbeat, and leaking pee. But if they've had too much, things can get serious with vomiting, confusion, seizures, or worse, death. So, when you're out hiking together, watch out for any strange behaviour that might signal marjiuana poisoning. Next, despite there being many places where of- leash hiking can occur, it is best to keep your dog on a leash unless you're in an area where they can run free and you are knowledgeable of the terrain. Using a strong harness instead of just a collar can give you better control and keep them comfy. Keep an eye out for critters like ant colonies, bears, or other dogs that might not be as friendly.

Deaths have occurred before on tricky spots like steep cliffs or sharp drop offs, so even though you're out enjoying the freedom of nature, staying aware is super important for the both of you.

Lastly, bringing along plenty of water for both you and your dog(s) is always a good idea. Don't allow your dog to drink from stagnant bodies of water as they can be excellent breeding grounds for bacterial disease, such as leptospirosis. If you're going on a longer hike, consider packing some collapsible bowls and don't forget the snacks! Bring along some tasty treats to keep your dog's energy up along the way. While you won't want to feed them right before or during intense activity to avoid any tummy troubles, it's still a good idea to bring some sustenance, especially if you're really out to set records that day. Remember: whether you're navigating winding paths or scaling steep slopes, hiking with your dog is not just about the destination, but the journey itself! Enjoy!

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Jacqueline Nicoll

The term osteopathy comes from the Ancient Greek word osteon, meaning bone, and pathos, meaning pain or suffering. As a discipline, Osteopathy has four main tenets: the body is an integrated unit of mind, body and spirit; the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms, having the inherent capacity to defend, repair, and remodel itself; structure and function are reciprocally interrelated; and rational therapy is based on consideration of the first three principles.

Linda Walker of Peninsula Physiotherapy & Massage explains what Osteopathy means in practise and how it can help with the holistic treatment and healing of your body, from preventing injuries to focusing on rehabilitation.

"Happily, spring is just around the corner and many people will start to get outside more often to be active! Usually this is the time of year we see more low back strains, as people become active in the garden again," explains Linda. "After all my years as a healthcare professional, I'm still surprised at how infrequently we think about injury prevention, which helps us learn how not to get hurt in the first place! Learning some simple, effective stretches and key core strength exercises help prepare you for any activity you're looking forward to this spring and summer. Our team's collective knowledge of the body is custom built to help you prevent injuries, and also help cure them when the unexpected happens."

What is Osteopathy?

"With injury prevention in mind, I'm very happy to announce the addition of Osteopathy treatment to our practice. It is an extremely helpful piece of the rehab puzzle, and is becoming more well known here in Canada. Our Osteopathic Practitioners are both very well educated in Ontario.

Osteopathy is a hands-on manual assessment and adjustment of the tissues that comprise your musculoskeletal framework. It is non-invasive, drug free, gentle and accessible to nearly all individuals, regardless of age or ability."

How Does it Help the Body Heal?

"An Osteopathic Manual Practitioner endeavours to find and treat the source of pain or altered function in a person's body; it is not simply a matter of treating symptoms. Manual Osteopathy is concerned with removing restrictions in order to restore movement

Osteopathy : Peninsula Physiotherapy & Massage IN GOOD HEALTH
PENINSULAPHYSIO.CA 9733 4TH ST, SIDNEY 250.656.4717 BACK PAIN? TRY OSTEOPATHY! CALL TODAY OR BOOK ONLINE Family & Implant Dentistry Now Offering Sedation #104 - 9845 Resthaven Dr, Sidney 250.656.1199 | SIDNEY CENTRE FAMILY DENTISTRY Dr. Loren J. Braun New Patients Welcome • Emergency Treatment Insurance Accepted • IV Sedation Available 250.655.7188 | #215-9764 Fifth St. | 58 SEASIDEMAGAZINE.CA | MARCH 2024

and function, thus optimizing the body's own ability to heal. A restriction is regarded as anything that is causing pain and/or impeding function such as tight ligaments, muscle spasms and knots, or small osteo-arthritic bone spurs.

"In Manual Osteopathy, the body is regarded as a whole unit in which form governs function and thus the whole body is treated as opposed to just the affected parts. The treatment is safe, gentle, and implements osteoarticular techniques as well as soft tissue work and muscle energy techniques. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. The goal of the Manual Osteopath is to provide long-lasting, long-term relief to clients and to activate the body's own capacity to heal."

We'd also like to introduce Teagen Wiechnik, Reg. Massage Therapist. The need for massage therapy continues to be in high demand, and helps keep you supple and mobile. Teagen shares a love for horses with Linda and looks forward to working with riders, and equine athletes in the future.

The practice of Osteopathy can help with the holistic treatment and healing of your body.

Tyler Lawson, Physiotherapist, continues to enjoy his position of Head Therapist with the Peninsula Panthers and you'll find him on the bench at their Friday night home games. This has built his experience for treating athletic injuries of all kinds. Linda continues to enjoy treating her dedicated clients in the clinic, as well as equine athletes at local barns. She is the only Registered Equine Physiotherapist in B.C., and one of only five in Canada! She continues to pioneer this area of Physiotherapy by doing research and lecturing on the topic, both locally and at professional conferences. Look for her upcoming lectures at Greenhawk tack store, which are advertised with in-clinic posters, on Facebook, and Instagram.

What Conditions Can be Treated?

We use our combined knowledge of Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Osteopathy, and Kinesiology to customize each individual client's treatment needs. Our combined skills, experience and postgraduate studies allow us to treat all conditions of the body including a number of areas of specialization. These include Vestibular (Dizziness) rehab, Chronic Pain, IMS/Dry Needling, Acupuncture, Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Equine Physiotherapy, Equine Rider Biomechanics, Post-surgical rehab, Sports Injury rehab, Sport Performance Exercise Training, and Balance/Fall Prevention programs. Book online at or call 250-656-4717."

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& Compassionate

Brown's The Florist

LOCAL … Love


You are investing in your community by supporting its unique businesses. Appreciate what makes our neighbourhoods different. Our one-of-a-kind shops and services are an inherent part of the distinctive character of our Saanich Peninsula neighbourhoods; that is what brought us here and will keep us here. Stay local and stay connected to the merchants in your community. By supporting them today, you are investing in a unique and sustainable future for the Saanich Peninsula community.

Charlotte Yardley, originally from England, became an integral part of the Brown's The Florist team upon her relocation to Vancouver Island in 2020. With a background in wedding coordination and a natural knack for décor, Charlotte seamlessly transitioned into her role as Store Manager of Brown's The Florist in Sidney, having been mentored by Kathy Blaine for two years prior to her retirement.

Charlotte holds a significant presence within the community. She loves working with customers, creating fun designs, and stays up to date on trends while eagerly exploring new floral techniques. During a trip to the U.K., Charlotte attended McQueen's Flower School to learn about large-scale floral installations, further enhancing her floral expertise.Outside of work, Charlotte enjoys exploring the Gulf Islands, organizing events and workshops, and considers herself a bit of a connoisseur of local Island cuisine.

Charlotte's enthusiasm at work is a testament to the whole Brown's The Florist team's mission to provide exceptional experiences for the visitors and residents of Sidney while nurturing meaningful connections. Her humble leadership style has made her a cherished member of the team. If you haven't had the pleasure yet, come and enjoy the scents and hues of spring, and say hello to Charlotte!

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Deep Cove Customs

Local, affordable custom cabinets … right here on the Saanich Peninsula! We offer a full-service shop, from design and manufacturing through to the installation of our exceptional product. We’ve expanded our business to include full home renovations! Deep Cove Customs is so much more than Cabinets now.


9544 Aurora Pl, N Saanich (call for appt.)

Deep Cove Customs

Deep Cove Customs (DCC) has now expanded the services that we provide. While still supplying custom millwork and cabinetry options for the kitchen, bathroom, closets and living spaces of your home, we are now offering full renovation services to our clients. We have truly set ourselves up as a one-stop shop for clients who wish to keep things simple. Whether you are a home owner, contractor or commercial developer, we can provide the personnel and services to complete your project, all while working with your budget. For the DIYers out there we also provide ready-to-assemble cabinetry options that will allow you to assemble and build out your own projects. All RTA projects come with detailed design plans, 3D models, and support from DCC from start to finish.

Stop by our new expanded showroom at 9544 Aurora Place in North Saanich for a free consultation and let us help you make your dreams into reality. If you're truly looking for a place to help you that can be practical and affordable while still providing all the benefits or a custom supplier, then DCC is the right fit for you. Be sure to ask about our warranty program that allows us to provide a 15 years warranty on all installations that DCC provides, giving you the reassurance that your investment is covered.

Botanique from St. Geneve, digitally printed onto pure soft cotton.

Browns' Wood Trail

Mount Newton's southern slope is home to a network of hiking trails that weave through coastal forest, offering beautiful views of the Saanich Peninsula. The Browns' Wood Trail is a great place to start exploring.

Our little group met at Thomson Place where the trail entrance is well marked with a sign. Locals Dorothy and Bill Brown generously donated this corridor of land for public hiking access so that generations to come could connect with nature. We headed east along a sturdy boardwalk through cedar, Douglas fir, grand fir and alder, birds chattering overhead and a squirrel scampering away through the salal. The peaceful feeling of the woods quickly settled in to lift our spirits.

The Saturday morning conversation oscillated between our upcoming plans and the scenery all around: the many shades of moss, tiny mushrooms, a tenacious arbutus sapling, a large Garry oak in a clearing, and oemleria buds unfurling – a sure sign of spring.

The boardwalk ended, giving way to an earthy trail with plenty of roots and rocks to clamber over, and we began to rise in elevation. We passed some marshy ponds, sword ferns and snowberry, and hopped over a stream that cut several paths down a rocky hill, rushing full after recent rains.

The face of a hand-carved bear at the base of a tree peered out at us, perhaps just waking up from a long winter nap. Around another bend we caught glimpses of the distant ocean, and a neighbour's sweet donkeys watched us curiously from their pasture, the pair of them nuzzled together like the best of friends.

After half a kilometre the trail comes to a T-junction where tree roots grow wildly over a rocky outcropping. Turning right, to the south, will take you to the end of Thomson Road, only a few hundred metres away. Turning left, northeast, the trail continues another 700 metres, joining the road again at Thompson Place and Newton Heights. Allow an hour or more to range over both options in a 3km route before heading back to your starting point. Most of the trail is easy going but there are a few steep hills.

Things to Note:

• To get there, take Mount Newton Cross Road to 8069 Thomson Place in Central Saanich and park along the side of the road

• There are no washrooms or garbages

• Please respect private property on either side of the trail

OUT FOR A … WILD RAMBLE story and photos by
Scottee Giles

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Every donation counts, please donate today.

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2024 Spring Book Wrap-Up

Dominion: The Railway and the Rise of Canada

Stephen R. Bown

Connecting Canada's East and West Coasts by rail was a major driver in the creation of Canada. Stephen R. Bown's fresh look at this milestone era is directed by the lessons we, as a society, are coming to understand. This is not only a tale of transport success: Bown also investigates the previously unacknowledged ill effects suffered by Indigenous peoples, foreign labourers and the environment alongside the politics that financed the massive endeavour.

The Jazz Club Spy Roberta Rich

Giddy Brodsky was a child when Cossacks torched her village. Now re-settled in New York City and working in a jazz club, Giddy, amazingly, catches sight of the man who annihilated her family. When a well-connected club patron offers Giddy an opportunity for revenge, she jumps at the chance and faces adventure and betrayals. Vancouver author Roberta Rich's historical fiction takes us through the grit and splendour of 1930s NYC, guided by a smart-talking, likeable main character.


Moon of the Turning Leaves

Waubgeshig Rice

In this sequel to Moon of the Crusted Snow, Evan Whitesky and his people are still embracing a traditional way of life in the bush necessitated by a cataclysmic world event. Successful thus far, but with resources becoming scarce, Whitesky and his scouts move south in search of food and community, imperiling their survival. Waubgeshig Rice's novel is a smooth blending of modern tone and traditional mores, offering a positive depiction of the resilience of human nature.

Mind Over Matter: Hard Won Battles on the Road to Hope

Jordin Tootoo with Stephen Brunt

41-year-old Jordin Tootoo had a successful on-ice hockey career that was marred by office turmoil. Dogged by family trauma, substance abuse and a tendency toward on-ice violence, Tootoo's discussion of his healing journey imparts the message that only you can fix yourself. Well-known for his work with other Inuk and Northern youth, this book is almost a manual for self-help, and includes Tootoo's own charming lists of personal guidelines from "Rules for Success" to "Rules for Failure."

Followed by the Lark

Helen Humphreys

Henry David Thoreau's two years on Walden Pond are illuminated by Helen Humphreys through fictional episodes that detail his grief over the death of his brother, his bumpy friendship with Ralph Waldo Emerson and his thoughts on modernization and the disruption it causes in nature. Thoreau's appreciation of the natural world is beautifully complemented by the author's lyrical, gentle writing that draws the reader into the slow-paced family life of the Thoreaus.

The Lost Supper: Searching for the future of Food in the Flavors of the Past

Taras Grescoe

Taras Grescoe believes that food diversity is the path to food resiliency. In an effort to re-educate himself away from environmentally stressful mono-culture crops, he seeks ancient and diverse foods, from ancient Turkish grains to edible insects and the camas bulbs treasured by the Coast Salish. Descriptions of delicious, revered foods and the beautiful countries he finds them in make this book as much a travelogue as a thoughtful investigation of improving our global food security.

Scandal at the Savoy

Ron Base and Prudence Emery

This second book in the Priscilla Tempest Series continues the Swingin' 60s adventures of the young Canadian secretary of the Savoy Hotel in London – a position once held by Emery. When a showgirl is murdered in the hotel, Prudence finds herself blackmailed by Scotland Yard, mixed up with the notorious Kray twins, and entwined with a Canadian Prime Minister. Swift-paced with a delightful amount of name-dropping, this light-hearted mystery is worth the read.


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Stephen Postings Inez Louden Lisa Redding Wendy Herrick Patrick Achtzner Gaye Phillips Ian Massender

Learning to Live with Kid Chaos

"Ahhh, incoming! Look out, look out!" My dad shouts as he shakes his hands, cowering into the couch in feigned fear. "Here comes the tornado!" My almost four-year-old daughter comes barreling into the room, her arms filled with an assortment of random toys, a long blanket trailing behind her. "Opa!" she cries. "You want me to make you a cake?" She deposits the pile of her treasures on the couch beside him, runs to the toy corner and proceeds to dump her basket of various toys, digging through the pile for her baking bowl, or so she tells me. I watch on, knowing that yes, indeed, the tornado has landed. Pretty soon my living room will go from its current state of – well I don't know if I'd ever call it perfectly clean, but tidy isn't too much of a stretch – to looking like a storm has wreaked havoc on it.

My nine-month-old daughter joins in the chaos as she army crawls her way across the carpet, squealing loudly. It's the specific high-pitched squeal she makes when she's discovered something she wants to grab, usually something that is supposed to be off limits. She makes it to the coffee table and pulls down every book that's within reach and chucks it behind her. The floor is soon littered with books of all shapes and sizes and the dog, sensing the apparent fun the kids are having, emerges from his kennel, towing a large blanket with him. He drags it into the middle of the kid chaos and shakes it back and forth. The baby delights in this and her attention switches from book-tossing to now chasing after the dog's paws, another one of her favourite games. In the meantime, my older daughter has dashed to the kitchen and is rummaging around in the cutlery drawer. "What are you doing in there?" I ask her, scooping up the baby and strapping her into the bouncy chair that currently takes up most of one entrance into the kitchen. "Oh, I just need some spoons for baking my cake," she says before racing off again, several pilfered spoons

in hand. I trip over the stool that sits below the sink for her handwashing as I notice every single tea towel we own has been laid out across the kitchen floor. "What's with the tea towels?" I call out. "Those are our camping blankets, Mama!" she says, a hint of annoyance in her voice. I bend over to pick them up and hear the thud of yet another of the baby's teething toys hitting the ground. I turn around and sure enough, there's a glimmer of delight in her eyes as she bounces in her chair and watches me collect the toy, give it a rinse and hand it back. Two seconds later, another thud echoes.

I straighten up and sigh. The counters are cluttered with bottles, teething toys, a pile of preschool artwork and there's always at least one stuffed animal sitting amongst the mess, observing. It's first thing in the morning and the house is already making me feel overwhelmed. It's one of the many things my kids are teaching me (but that I still struggle with). It's okay to make a mess – in fact, it's an important part of their education in the school of life –discovering, playing, embracing curiosity and imagination. So I'm learning too; learning to let go of the anxiety that sneaks in when I see the disarray unfolding in front of me. Sometimes all you can do is have a spontaneous dance party in amongst the mayhem. Try to embrace the creativity in the chaos, grateful we have a safe place to play in. At the end of the day when it's time to sing the "Clean Up Song" I get the satisfaction of cleaning up the mess alongside my older daughter. "Clean up, everybody clean up," she sings while tossing toys into a basket. The baby entertains us with her coos, practising her own version of the song for now. After all the tidying is done and the kids are off to bed, I wonder what they're dreaming up for the next day's version of kid chaos!



2/3 cup kosher salt

1/3 cup sugar

1 garlic head, halved crosswise

2 tsp peppercorns

2 tbsp red pepper flakes

1/2 tsp ground cayenne

1 lemon

5 bay leaves

1 boneless, skin on, turkey breast (about 3 lbs)

olive oil

pancetta or bacon

(enough to wrap breast)

cooking twine

meat thermometer

Brine On

Cooking and baking, for me, is sometimes an interesting, not always successful, experiment – I like to try out new dishes and new techniques, so I'm not continually wallowing in a recipe rut (as has often been known to happen). I also write any resulting comments and ideas in my cookbooks, so I don't forget what worked and what didn't with a particular dish; I can't always assume that I will remember how something was augmented or altered.

But a few years ago, when my son was keen to try brining, which was new to me, I figured that the process would just turn expensive meat into a salty blob. Truthfully, it sounded weird. I discovered, however, that it most definitely isn't.

What I learned was that brining helps to produce a gorgeously flavourful and juicy turkey. We initially tried brining with a turkey breast roast, as it seemed more manageable than dealing with a whole turkey; let's just say that I was very pleasantly surprised. Apparently the salt dissolves protein in the muscle fibres and allows the roast to absorb the brine and retain moisture during cooking. Then when you wrap it in bacon, you get a crispy addition to an already fabulous roast turkey breast.

What I also like about cooking a turkey breast roast is that it's perfect for a smaller crowd. It also makes the most amazing sandwiches (if you happen to have any leftovers). So, for Easter dinner this year, I'll be making this tasty option again, along with a pan of roasted vegetables.

You can substitute whatever veggies you would prefer in the dish, as the secret ingredient is balsamic vinegar. The vinegar helps to caramelize the veggies, and adds a tangy, earthy sweetness to the recipe, which is a perfect accompaniment to the turkey.

My advice, in the end? Brine on. You'll be so glad you did.


Put salt, sugar, garlic, peppercorns, pepper flakes, bay leaves, cayenne in large pot with 4 cups of water. Remove lemon zest from lemon in large strips (use knife or vegetable peeler); halve the lemon. Squeeze juice from lemon into pot, then add both lemon halves and zest. Bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer; stir occasionally. When salt and sugar have dissolved, remove pot from stove; add 8 cups cold water. Cool brine to room temperature. Submerge turkey breast in brine; cover, refrigerate overnight, or up to 24 hours.

Two hours before cooking, remove breast from brine; sit at room temperature. Preheat oven to 425°. Take wrapping off breast and tie up with twine. Wrap brined breast with bacon or pancetta; tuck meat under twine wrap or use toothpicks to hold in place.

Put a tablespoon of olive oil in Dutch oven or oven-proof pan. Heat pan on stovetop for couple of minutes; place turkey breast in hot pan. Then put hot pan into oven for 10 minutes at the very back – the hottest part of oven. The heat blast ensures it starts to brown. Turn oven down to 350°. Cook breast for about 30 minutes per pound (1½ hours for 3 lb breast), or until it registers 160° at thickest point.

Remove breast from oven and from pan. Wrap with foil; rest meat at least 10 minutes before slicing. To serve, slice against the grain, crosswise.


1 small squash (butternut, acorn) peeled, seeded, cut into 3/4 inch cubes

2 medium potatoes, peeled, cut into 3/4 inch cubes

2 red bell peppers, seeded, cut into 3/4 inch cubes

2 sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 3/4 inch cubes

1 red onion, peeled, cut into eighths

(can add or substitute other veggies: carrots, zucchini, as desired)

1/4 cup olive oil

3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary

1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme salt, pepper

Adapted from: Salt Fat Acid Heat, Samin Nosrat, Simon & Schuster, 2017

Preheat oven to 450°. Place all veggies in roasting pan. Combine oil, vinegar, rosemary, thyme together with some salt, pepper. Pour over veggies; toss until well coated. Spread out in pan in even layer. Roast in oven 35 to 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until slightly caramelized, cooked through. Can be made ahead, reheated.


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Mindful Munching: The Art of Snacking with Intention

With on-the-go lifestyles and hectic schedules, the concept of mindful munching often takes a backseat. However, the art of snacking with intention can be a transformative practice, aligning your nutritional choices with health goals and fostering mindful eating habits. Let's explore the importance of mindful snacking, providing strategies and ideas for nutrient-dense snacks that not only satisfy your cravings but also contribute to your overall well-being.

The Essence of Mindful Munching

Pause and Reflect: Mindful Awareness. Mindful snacking begins with a moment of pause. Before reaching for a snack, take a deep breath and assess your hunger level. Are you truly hungry, or is it a response to boredom or stress? Developing awareness around your eating habits is the first step towards mindful munching.

Savour the Flavours: Appreciate Every Bite. Engage your senses while snacking. Take the time to truly savour the flavours, textures and aromas of your chosen snack. Whether it's the crunch of fresh vegetables or the creamy richness of nut butter, relishing each bite enhances the overall experience and promotes mindful consumption.

Nutrient-Dense Snack Ideas

Trail Mix Magic: A Balanced Blend. Craft your own trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruits and a touch of dark chocolate. This nutrient-dense snack provides a perfect balance of healthy fats, protein and natural sweetness, keeping you energized and satisfied between meals.

Greek Yogurt Parfait: Protein-Packed Delight. Layer Greek yogurt with fresh berries, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of granola

for a satisfying and nutritious snack. The combination of protein, probiotics and antioxidants makes it a delicious treat that supports both your taste buds and your health goals.

Vegetable Sticks and Hummus: Crunchy and Nourishing. Chop up colourful vegetable sticks like carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers and pair them with a generous serving of hummus. This snack is not only rich in vitamins and fibre but also provides a satisfying crunch that makes it a mindful delight.

Mindful Eating Habits

Portion Control: Quality Over Quantity. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Instead of mindlessly reaching into a large bag of snacks, portion out a reasonable serving to avoid overeating. This practice not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also encourages mindful consumption.

Hydration Harmony: Water as a Snacking Sidekick. Stay hydrated throughout the day, and consider having a glass of water alongside your snack. Sometimes, our bodies can confuse thirst with hunger. Hydrating adequately supports digestion and ensures you make mindful snacking choices.

Mindful munching is not just about what you eat but how you eat it. By incorporating intentional snacking strategies and opting for nutrientdense choices, you can transform your snacking routine into a mindful and health-supportive practice. So, the next time you feel the urge to snack, take a moment, choose wisely and savour each bite. In the art of snacking with intention, you'll discover a pathway to both nourishing your body and cultivating a deeper connection with the food you consume.

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What’s Your Story 2 !

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Pianist extraordinaire Kinza Tyrrell grew up on the Island, but only recently settled in Sidney after many years of world travelling and performances, and living and conducting across the country. Kinza has been the South Island Harmony Chorus' Artistic Director since November of 2022. She started playing piano at four, and says that she began playing at such a young age because of a "pushy and persistent parent" that forced her and her other siblings to learn instruments.


Cello, violin and piano were the chosen instruments. Kinza says her mother's goal was to "create a family string quartet that would travel the world performing classical music." But Kinza was the only child that continued playing into her teenage and adult years, with her siblings choosing other professions in computer tech, nursing and teaching. At 16, Kinza decided that music would be her passion and profession and she has "not taken a single break from music since."

Focusing for many years on classical opera, Kinza has worked for opera companies as a chorus master, conductor and accompanist. She has also been a language coach in French, German and Italian. Opera companies she's worked with across Canada include Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and at the Banff Centre, and Kinza is so grateful to have worked with such notable singers in these provinces. Locally, outside of her Artistic Director position, she teaches at the UVic School of Music and also leads worship at two different churches; about the latter she says "it's a huge part of who I am and greatly affects me as a musician and artist." She also enjoys seeing other musical groups on the Island, like the South Island Harmony Barbershoppers, sing together. She says the "energy and excitement is visceral and contagious!"

Her fingers have also danced along keys around the world. In the U.S., Kinza toured numerous states playing live each night alongside a violin and fiddling duo, performing everything from classical to jazz. She also had a whirlwind tour as a solo pianist in China in the 90s on an invitation with the UVic Chamber Singers. There were fewer cars on the road at that time, but masses of people on bikes, making it difficult for the bus to drive. Kinza fondly remembers how breathtaking it was to visit and stand on the Great Wall of China, but says that one of the most interesting parts of the experience was playing in a concert hall while people were eating, smoking and chatting away during her performance, rather than the quiet focus that attendees often have during shows.

Music has also taken Kinza to Italy, France, Finland and south to Australia and New Zealand. She says that one of her strongest memories was performing in front of a captivated audience at the Christchurch cathedral in New Zealand and then the "juxtaposition of going back 15 years later" to see how the earthquake in 2011 had devastated the building.

Because Kinza started playing piano when she was four, she doesn't know what it's like to pick up an instrument and learn to read music later in life, but highly recommends it to anyone with both the desire and a decent amount of self-discipline. Her advice: "if you love it, and can't live without it, do it – no matter what stage you are in life!"

A pianophile to the core, Kinza says she also delves into other areas of creativity, including stained glass, upcycling furniture, sewing, photography and woodworking. And, of course, international travel. At the end of the day, it all goes back to the beginning, and her first love. Kinza says "it's like having another organ (pardon the pun) in my body. I'd die if it stopped." The moral of her story is: if you love something, work hard at it and don't let it go.

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Beacon Community Services Opens New Resource Centre in Brentwood Bay

submitted by Beacon Community Services Beacon Community Services is thrilled to announce the grand opening of our Central Saanich resource centre, a dynamic hub for community empowerment and connection.

The centre offers a wide range of resources and referrals tailored to address various needs, including wellness and support groups, meal delivery and housekeeping services, phone check-ins, volunteer opportunities, income tax services, disability parking permits and more! Whether individuals are seeking employment opportunities, childcare, or support during difficult times, our new resource centre is here to help. Located at 1209 Clarke Road in Brentwood Bay, the centre is poised to provide access to essential resources and services in Central Saanich.

"We are thrilled to launch the centre and contribute to the betterment of our community," says Tricia Gueulette, CEO at Beacon Community Services. "Our goal is to create a welcoming space where individuals can access the resources and support they need to thrive."

The centre's holistic approach emphasizes collaboration with local organizations, businesses, and volunteers to maximize its impact.

Through partnerships with community leaders and staffed by dedicated volunteers, the centre aims to create a supportive network that fosters meaningful connections. "We believe in the power of community and

collaboration," adds Gueulette. "By working together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve."

2024 represents a special year for Beacon Community Services, as it celebrates 50 years of service to the community. As part of our 50th-anniversary celebrations, we will soon be sharing our updated logo and website. These enhancements reflect our commitment to embracing the future while honoring the legacy that has defined Beacon for the past 50 years. For more information about the Central Saanich resource centre, including hours of operation and available services, call 250-652-8695 or email

L to R: Volunteers Ina Timmer, Petra Allen, Shelley Burnham

Agents with The RE/MAX Collection are known for a higher level of service and cater to clients with discerning taste. Our extraordinary listings will exceed expectations with sophisticated marketing resources backed by the brand strength of the #1 name in real estate. For all your real estate needs whether buying or selling, contact one of our RE/MAX agents, 250.655.0608. l l 14-2510 Bevan Ave, Sidney, BC


News, changes, updates, launches? Email

These Dog Days Were Great Days

When North Saanich council folded quickly on the notion of pickleball court construction at the leash-free dog park, Cy Hampson, it was a major win for dog owners up and down the Peninsula.

But in the midst of that was another victory for pet lovers, one that is repeated often and rarely reported on.

It was the story of little Lara, adopted just hours earlier, who slipped her leash and was lost in the worst of January's storm.

A plea by owner Chloe Parsons on the "This is Sidney" Facebook page loosed a whirlwind search for the pup in Sidney's Resthaven-Ardmore area. Volunteers by the

score trudged through snow and leaned into the wind for three hours til Lara, a rescue from Iran, was sighted and secured.

"We couldn't be prouder of the little town we call home," said Chloe.

The hunt for Lara got a big boost from ROAM (Reunited Owners with Animals Missing), a go-to non-profit assisting pet owners.

Women on the March, in March

The group 100+ Women Who Care sure know their multiplication tables. They meet four times a year and typically turn 175 individual commitments into $17,500 each time.

That's more than $70,000 annually to

good causes. Their next meeting is March 6, at 6 p.m. for coffee and 7 p.m. for the meeting, at Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney.

Brentood Bay's Ready to Play

Organizers are looking for ideas and volunteers for the June 1 Brentwood Bay Festival and Music in the Park, the seven Wednesday performances in July and August.

The music events, entering a 26th season, are looking to book with a vision of diversity equality and inclusion.

Send band submissions and interest in the Festival to

LifeRing Set to Help at Three Locations

It's secular, it's non-judgmental and it's anonymous, three appealing factors for folks seeking a way out of addiction. LifeRing Canada provides free forums offering support and advice, though donations are welcome.

Interested parties can join others who have achieved abstinence or are still seeking it Mondays at noon at Sidney's Work BC location, 9860 Third Street; 7 p.m. Thursdays at Recovery Addiction Services, 1125 Pembroke Street; and Fridays, 7 p.m. at Saanich Neighbourhood Place, 3100 Tillicum Road.

Sidney CAO Signing Off After 25 Years

Randy Humble, public servant, is leaving the town in late June after a 12-year run as Chief Administrative Officer.

Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith said Humble's "exceptional leadership has created a great team … and has helped Sidney blossom into the lively seaside community we enjoy today."

Humble spearheaded zoning bylaws which fostered a vibrant, walkable downtown, an effort that in 2013 was cited in the Gold Award by the Planning Institute of BC.


Seabreeze Sending Out Aromatic Gusts

Sidney's latest culinary addition has brightened up the former Boondock's location on Fifth Street and added another new option to the town's dining scene.

The Vietnamese restaurant was bustling on its second weekend of operation, with diners digging into healthy fare at decent prices.

The Grilled Spring Rolls were a crunchy and spirited start while two giant Vegetable Pho bowls offered a fragrant broth with big wheels of carrot and super-fresh broccoli. There was plenty left for a next-day lunch.

100,000 Bowls of Soup Later …

That's the tally organizers of St. Andrew's Anglican Church expect to reach soon from their weekly Neighbours Lunch.

The weekly event has served the Sidney community for more than 20 years with 98,949 bowls and countless buns consumed each Wednesday at noon.

Last year 114 Christmas turkey dinners were served, making the total 2,274 turkey dinners served over the past 20 years. Neighbours Lunch also prepares soup for the Friends of St. Andrew's, the other church outreach program. It takes nourishment to the streets twice a week to feed those in need. That added up to 839 bowls of soup.

To learn more about legacy giving, visit

You can say ‘thank you’ to her, and veterans like her, with a legacy donation of 1% of your estate.



At Amica Beechwood Village, the day is yours to spend any way you wish Whether you like to keep busy and stay social or relax and take things at your own pace, we’ll work to discover what makes you, you Together we’ll create a senior living experience that ’ s all yours, including personalized, professional care that evolves to meet your needs, even as those needs change. And, like spending the afternoon shooting the breeze, that never gets old. Join us for a complimentary lunch & private tour.



The winter doldrums are upon us, though La Niña has made them a bit less dolorous. Still, the entrance of JetBlue into the Vancouver market has opened up some tempting winter getaways, so we grabbed a non-stop flight to Boston and quick onward connection to Bermuda.

Bermuda in a nutshell? Pink beaches, turquoise sea, friendly locals, heady rum cocktails. Also: not inexpensive, not the Caribbean, and, thankfully, not over-touristed if you steer clear of the big resorts.

The big-resort tourism on the Island is puzzling. We rented a house with views of the sea in the historic village of St. George, a UNESCO heritage site, and hardly saw another visitor. Apparently, the other tourists were gorging themselves on beachfront buffets and commandeering golf carts somewhere behind gates and security cameras. Perfect!

The iconic drink of Bermuda is the Dark 'n Stormy. Rum became the signature spirit of Bermuda when the Gosling family opened a distillery in the 1850s and began producing "Black Seal," a favourite tipple of officers in the British Navy. Legend has it that the Dark 'n Stormy – dark rum, lime and local ginger beer – gets its name after its resemblance to a forbidding storm cloud at sea. Goslings continues to produce rum more than 150 years later, with a flagship tasting room in Hamilton.

The "official" national drink of Bermuda, however, is the Swizzle, a blend of rum, pineapple and orange juice, "Bermuda Falernum" and a dash of bitters.

Bermuda Falernum? The origins of this syrup date back to the 1700s and Barbados. There are some commercial brands, but, if you want to try an authentic Bermudan Swizzle, it's easy to concoct some. Toast a few tablespoons of slivered almond and add them to a 3/4 cup

of rum along with the zest of a few limes (reserve the lime juice); a few tablespoons of peeled, chopped ginger; and a few tablespoons of whole spices – some mix of cloves, allspice, star anise, mace, or even peppercorn. Steep overnight then strain. From there the proportions for Falernum are one part lime juice, two parts simple syrup, three parts spiced rum and four parts water.

The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club is reputed to have the most timbershiveringly authentic Swizzle, and members of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club will be pleased to know they have reciprocal cocktail privileges, making Bermuda the perfect winter out-station. If you're not a blue-blazer mariner, it's Bermuda's oldest pub, the Swizzle Inn (, that you'll want to head to.

Rum features in many of the Island's signature dishes, ranging from the ubiquitous Bermuda Fish Stew to Bermuda Rum Cake. Gosling's rum is readily available on Vancouver Island, and you can try your hand at Bermuda Fish Stew at home ( bermuda-fish-chowder/). On Bermuda, the best places to try a Wahoo sandwich (local fish), conch chowder (sea snail), or curried mussels include Tom Moore's Tavern ( or The Three Kings. Tom Moore's Tavern is date-night dining in a circa 1652 heritage building. The Three Kings ( is Bermuda-fusion.

From Tom Moore's it's a short stroll from the celebrated Blue Hole swimming spot. A bit further along the path through a nature preserve is the Grotto Bay Resort, home of the underground sea-cave spa known as Prospero's Cave ( Bermuda was the inspiration for The Tempest, and Shakespearean references abound on the island.

Photo courtesy Jia Jia Shu


Spring is upon us, and now is a good time to plan your summer vegetable garden. If you've never had a vegetable garden before but are interested in growing food for you and/or your family and don't know where to start, read on.

Pick the Right Location

Do you have a space in your yard that can be converted into a vegetable bed, or an existing bed you could use for vegetables? Or do you have a patio or balcony on which you could grow food in containers?

How much sun do you get from March to September in your proposed spot? Many vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and other heat-lovers need about six to eight hours of sun each day. Lettuce and other leaf vegetables can grow in shadier gardens as long as they have about four hours of sun during the summer (although they will grow more slowly).

Soil should be nutrient-rich, well-draining and be free from rocks and roots. If you're not able to remove the rocks by yourself, if the garden bed has encroaching roots from nearby trees or hedges, or if the soil drains poorly so that water pools, plant veggies in a raised garden bed.

Keep deer and rabbits in mind when choosing the best site for your vegetable garden as they can – and will – eat your veggies (especially tender, sweet seedlings). You may want to consider installing mesh netting around your vegetable garden so you can access the garden but critters can't.

Design Your Vegetable Garden

Garden beds in the ground can be any length or shape but should be narrow enough so that you can reach the centre of the bed without stepping onto the soil; compacted soil is not optimal for growing seeds and seedlings.

My vegetable garden faces south, and gets plenty of sunshine in the summer. However, I'll need to dig out all those bluebells before I start planting.

If you choose a free-standing raised garden bed, think of the type of material you have to build the frame – rocks, bricks or wood (if wood, stay away from painted or pressure-treated wood that may leach chemicals or lead into your soil). For raised beds, you'll need to add at least 12 to 18 inches of good quality soil. Alternatively, you could build a raised bed without a frame: mound the soil six to eight inches high, and flatten the top.

When selecting pots for your container veggie garden, choose containers that provide at least 12 inches of soil (or more, for larger plants) so that the roots have room to grow and ensure there is a hole in the bottom of the container for drainage.

Keep irrigation in mind. Will you be hand watering or delivering water through drip irrigation? Vegetable gardens need a lot of water, especially in the hot and dry summer months.

Choose What to Plant

Ultimately, grow vegetables that you like to eat. You can either grow veggies from seed (which is economical) or buy veggie starts/ seedlings and transplant them into your garden bed (which is easier). For beginner gardeners, there are vegetables that are easier to grow than others in our region: lettuce and other salad greens, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, kale, zucchini, beans, peas, radishes, beets, turnips, potatoes, Swiss chard and herbs. Plants with small root systems and those that produce over a long growing season are ideal for container gardens. These include tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, bush varieties of squash, pole beans, herbs, strawberries, and various salad greens.

Develop Your Garden Plan

Make a list of what you want to grow and the dates you need to sow seeds or transplant starts, and when to harvest. Sketch a plan of your veggie bed and pencil in where each crop could go. Keep a record so you can improve on your planting plan for the next year; note varieties of vegetables, garden plans, planting dates, harvest dates and any pest problems. Happy planning!

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Tell us about an act of kindness you experienced and get a cup of coffee on us!

Share your story with until March 31, 2024


Nancy's Sew Creative

Warm Weather is Around the Corner!

More humidity could mean more frizz, creating a need for lighter-weight products and frizz tamers. A new season also calls for a fresh trim. Book your next appointment now and create the perfect hair care routine for you!

Thank you for your support!

Yes we can help you with upholstery, blackout blinds & draperies for your bedroom or for your WHOLE strata

This is part of a rotating series of articles about some of the Saanich Peninsula's unique shops and services.

As I write this, I am hoping we have winter on the run. My bulbs are sprouting and the days are getting longer. We have pruned and sprayed our fruit trees and look forward to April blossoms. We are so blessed to live here on the Peninsula where spring comes early.

I have been in business, here on the Peninsula, for 30 years. I have had the pleasure of serving many of you during this time. During the winter months, I manufacture slipcovers for sofas and chairs. Slipcovers just make sense in our wet climate. They are fully zippered – just remove and toss in the washer and dryer.

My two large dogs love to lounge on my couch. They come inside wet and muddy; I was forced to slipcover my slipcovers! I manufactured waterproof covers for my cushions. I then made a fitted sheet-style cover for the cushions. I can now easily remove these two layers to wash. I can remove them when I entertain as the cushions underneath are fresh and odour free. I can also make large arm covers to keep furniture arms clean. I must admit that I eat in my chair and accidents happen.

In order to maintain the integrity of your quality furniture piece, it needs to come to my shop for patterning. I can pattern your piece as close as possible to its original pattern style, or make changes to create a new look. It is possible to add or delete a skirt or make changes in style.

I love what I do and work hard to keep prices down. I have sourced a 20-ounce, 100% cotton fabric available in many colours. I also have a 10-ounce 100% cotton twill available in bright white, winter white and natural.

At this time of year, I am getting ready to switch over to recovering and refurbishing outdoor-furniture cushions. I have ordered in stuffing to plump up flattened cushions and Sunguard thread which resists rotting from the sun. I have a brand new Sunbrella Furniture Fabric sample book with some new colours and patterns. Sunbrella Furniture Fabric resists fading, mold, mildew and moisture.

Feel free to bring your outdoor cushions to me for a free quote. It does not matter if they are dirty or have rips from rotting. They can be refurbished and kept out of the landfill. Sunbrella cushions will last for many, many years. It is available in colours, textures, stripes and patterns.

Be sure to visit my website prior to your visit and check out my gallery to see some of the work I have completed. There is absolutely no stress here and I look forward to your visit.

For more information visit

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The First Ingredient to Good Home Cooking

Ready to stir things up in your kitchen this Spring? Tanner’s Books has a huge selection of cookbooks to help keep you inspired. With over 300 titles on the shelves, and many more available to order in-store or online, the choices are endless.

Variety is the spice of life! Whether it’s international cuisine, healthy eating, gluten-free, desserts, baking and all the celebrity chefs you love - we have something for every kitchen.

Book Club

February Meeting

In a reimagined American west of the 1890s, women are judged for their ability to have children. Those discovered to be barren are deemed ill-omens, witches even, and become the scapegoats of their communities – blamed for whatever misfortunes happen. What could become of such wretched women? Those not tried and jailed on spurious charges are sent to nunneries. Either way they are locked up and out of sight for the rest of the law-abiding, child-providing citizens.

Anna North's take on the classic western sets up the perfect conditions for the outlaws of society to be women, or anyone else who doesn't closely fit with the restrictive gendered roles of the time. In Outlawed, North presents a world where a flu pandemic has diminished the population, and childbirth becomes a priority for all females. Her hero, Ada, is happy to get married at 17 and fulfil her duties, but after a year of marriage and no pregnancy, Ada starts to fall under the suspicion of the residents of her town. Ada's mother is the town's midwife, so Ada is more informed than most about women's bodies and the complexities of childbearing and birth. Nonetheless, she is condemned and sent away.

It's Ida's curiosity about what causes women to be barren that spurs the story. In a quest for knowledge, Ada ends up at Hole-in-the-Wall, as the de facto doctor for a rag tag group of outlaws led by the charismatic and non-binary "the Kid." The gang are misfits from society, looking for a place that they can be themselves. North's characters include those who are mixed-race, gender fluid, and gay, not the usual strong and silent male stereotypes you expect in a western. They embark on a dangerous plan to rob a bank and liberate the townsfolk.

Our group found Outlawed unusual. It required work to understand the time and setting, though it's not a difficult read. There's some real humour woven into the set pieces and Ada's voice makes for a strong narrator. There are beautiful passages too, including a buffalo stampede, and the blossoming relationship between Ada and another outlaw, Lark.

We were divided on whether it was a successful exploration of feminist themes of power and autonomy because many found the ending weak. But we all agreed that the story illuminated the pain and complexity of infertility as well as the stilltopical subject of how women without children (for whatever reason) are judged by society.

At our March meeting we will discuss The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters. Join us on Tuesday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sidney/North Saanich Library. Sign up to our email list to stay up-to-date with any Book Club news or meeting changes:

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Builder Basic Transformed into the HOME WE WANTED!

Daniela and Francesco spent four years looking for the perfect home in the greater Victoria area. They had owned homes in the White Rock/South Surrey area for 40 years, but as their retirement from the public service drew near, they wanted to move closer to their grandchildren. Their list of "must haves" was small: Daniela wanted a home with an ocean view, and Francesco wanted an artist studio and workshop. The Central Saanich house they settled on was builder-basic from the outside –beige stucco and not a lot of architectural details. Their daughter, Adrienne Francesco Hempstock, a senior designer, tells their story.

"On the inside, the previous owners had done some updates to the kitchen that were starting to look a bit dated but didn't require a full gut reno – my parents are very pragmatic and wanted to salvage as much of the kitchen as they could while still making updates. On the outside, my dad's always dreamed of having a shop (and my mom's dreamed of having a car parked in a garage!), so finding a place that accommodated an addition was fantastic.


"Kitchen updates were simple – the upper cabinets were removed from around the window to bring in more light. In their place, we added open shelving to match the existing millwork. We used a favourite Daltile tile with visible ridges that don't actually have a ton of physical texture, so they're easy to clean, and replaced all the backsplash tiles, bringing them to the ceiling around the window. The dark granite countertops were replaced with a white quartz that really brightens the space. We replaced the old hardware with rectilinear (straight) bronze pulls and matched the bronze finish in the new sconces over the open shelves. Beautiful hand-blown pendants were mounted over the island.

"For the outside of the house, I took over the permit drawings (not in my typical wheelhouse!) and designed the addition to appear, as much as possible, to be a continuation of the existing house. The original facade was pretty lacklustre, so we added another gable over one of the garage windows, added new black-trimmed windows and beefed up the trim everywhere. My mom's only requests for the exterior were that she wanted a rooftop deck over the addition and a really clean aesthetic, so we used white Hardi Plank siding and bronze sconces to give it a farmhouse feel."

The general contractor and builder, Paul Hemstock, who the couple is fortunate to have as a son-in-law, added new windows


and doors to the home and an extra beam in the garage to satisfy the structural engineer's seismic requirements. Francesco laughed as he said the rest of the house might fall down in an earthquake, but the garage and addition will be left standing! Paul, a Red Seal carpenter who owns his own business, Alcyon Construction, also built the addition and the floating Timber Tech composite rooftop deck. Paul says he loves to work on home renovations and additions because there is a lot of problem-solving involved, and he gets to be intimately involved with every aspect of the project.

Behind all the lovely new features that Adrienne designed, the house was also updated electrically. A heat pump was added to the

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attic, another in the art studio, and a new one to replace the main one in the two-storey, 2,400-square-foot home. "Summer and winter, we are so cozy now," says Daniela. There was already an induction stove, so they were pleased not to be heating with fossil fuels.

Francesco's new workshop is 24 by 28 feet, and the art studio within the shop is 10 by 10 feet. He will be building shelves and is in the middle of organizing things now that the renovation and build are over. At first glance, the shop looks in a bit of disarray. Still, once your focus sharpens, anyone who likes to work with wood will begin to see all its treasures – wood-working dream tools and machinery, projects underway, and wood waiting to be transformed into something special. I admired the large, lathed wooden button and was immediately given one. I laughed at the metal UFO with its motion sensor light and was given one of them, too. Francesco passed me a bag, and in it went other wooden handicrafts he had made for school kids and special events – tiny painted birdhouses on stakes, wooden Christmas ornaments, Canadian flags. I had to stop admiring his crafts! Francesco says he tries to save artistic things that are valuable to him and give them a second life. "I'm happy if someone likes my work, and it's not so much about the money; it's about whether it brings you joy. What's better than money is friendship."

Other changes in the home included soft off-white carpeting called "Linen" and an updated powder room. Plans are underway to add a spacious ensuite with a soaker tub and a new walk-in closet. Daniela spoke of how wonderful it was to have found this house: "I saw the listing online, and when I drove up here and saw this area, I saw the potential. I could see my grandchildren riding their bikes on this long driveway and playing in the neighbourhood park. I didn't even come down the driveway because it looked so private. I just parked on the street and called Francesco, who was still working in Surrey, and I told him he had to be on the next ferry! We're buying this house!"

Daniela and Francesco are delighted with how the renovations and addition turned out. Daniela's car is parked in the garage, and the small bathroom window upstairs has given way to a new deck that provides seating on hot days and has a lovely view of the ocean and coastal mountains. Francesco loves his spacious new workshop and art studio.

One final note about his artwork is that Francesco creates hyperreal paintings that are on display throughout the house; two standouts include daisies and a beluga whale. His fruit paintings are so real that they make viewers feel like sinking their teeth into a crisp apple or a juicy pear. When I left, I headed to the nearest grocery store and bought an apple!

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URBAN OASIS $1,299,900

The Lyra penthouse, built in 2020, boasts stunning views of the Olympic Mountains, Sooke Hills, downtown Victoria, and Mount Newton. Its spacious interior features 11' vaulted ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows, a 362 sq-ft balcony, gourmet kitchen, and luxurious bathrooms with heated tile floors. Secure parking ensures daily convenience in this urban oasis. MLS 949867

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TEN MILE POINT $1,199,000

3985 Medway Street, Saanich

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Karen Dinnie-Smyth Personal Real Estate Corporation 250.655.0608


4556 Gordon Point Drive, Saanich

Step into the refined world of this stunning home. Defined by the impeccable construction quality & attention to detail. Lofty ceilings, 4+ bedrooms, all boasting ensuites, including two primary suites, one on the main floor, this residence combines comfort with sophistication. Call to arrange your private showing.

Karen Dinnie-Smyth Personal Real Estate Corporation 250.655.0608

For Sale on Vancouver Island



Almost 5 acres, sunny privacy, close to all amenities.

Panoramic views!

Ready to start construction: septic in, underground power in to level building site, connection to water system in, driveway to site in. Significant holding property for your future.

MLS: R2777183.

Li Read | 250.537.7647



Architect-designed studio plus classic AirStream. Dramatic waterfront. Create main home (2+ acres on prestigious Old Scott Road), or retain as significant holding property. S/SW/W exposures. Sellers have plan for main home. Enjoy! MLS: R2792076.

Li Read | 250.537.7647


Incredible Willis Point one acre ocean front property with foreshore rights, wharf, deep water moorage, concrete swimming pool plus very rare boathouse / ramp with electric launch / retrieve.

Fergus Kyne* 250.385.2033 (personal real estate corp*)



MATTICK'S WOOD! $1,748,000

You will be impressed with this immaculate 2000 custom built, 3BD/3BA, 2,410sf home with commanding entrance, incredible natural light, excellent finishing with recent upgrades. Fantastic layout, option for Primary Bedroom on the Main, entertainment-sized living room, gas FP, separate dining room, spacious kitchen w/eating area & easy access to a sunny, south patio. MLS 951222

Ingrid Jarisz* 250.656.4626 (personal real estate corp*)


Spectacular custom built, 1992, 3 BD/3 BA, 2,230sf home has been meticulously cared for with updates over the years. Over-sized skylights flood the open concept plan with natural light and views to the private landscaped, sunny gardens. One of the best locations atop Cordova Ridge, with easy access to walking trails, biking, golf and sandy beaches. MLS 952368



This STUNNING near-new suite is positioned with 360 Degrees of unsurpassed views of Cordova Bay/Ridge Golf, Salish Sea, Mt. Baker and incredible sunrises & sunsets from every angle. All the designer elements you can dream of including custom upgrades plus private elevator to your rooftop patio with outdoor kitchen and private hot tub.Bonus- secured Double Garage & extra Storage! MLS 951282

Ingrid Jarisz* 250.656.4626 (personal real estate corp*)


For Sale on Vancouver Island

Enter the front gates and appreciate the beauty of this 5 acre sanctuary. A well-maintained 3,504 sq/ ft West Coast home which includes a chef's kitchen, an artist's studio loft, extensive outdoor decks for entertaining and plenty of parking. Grow your own grapes, veggies or flowers on this stunning private property. MLS 937552

Ingrid Jarisz* 250.656.4626 (personal real estate corp*)


West Coast Contemporary 2015 custom built, this is one of the few newer homes in this sought-after seaside community resort. Recent updates. impressive grand entry & staircase, 11'6" coffered ceilings and maple hardwood. Primary Bedroom on the main, over 3,300 sf, 3 BD/3BA + den. Inspiring views to golf course & Gulf Islands. MLS 952817

Ingrid Jarisz* 250.656.4626


Discover this lovely rancher on a spacious lot at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac in Saanichton offering 3 bedrooms, a comfortable living/dining area and family room overlooking a private patio. Convenient location adjacent to Centennial Park and within walking distance to all amenities. Don't miss this gem! $949,000. MLS 952699.

Stephanie Peat 250.656.0131

Jarisz* 250.656.4626 (personal real estate corp*) (personal real estate corp*)



PH7-2285 Bowker Ave, Oak Bay

GORGEOUS OAK BAY PENTHOUSE built by Abstract in 2020 with beautiful top-of-the-line finishing. Take in stunning sunsets & a view of the mountains from a quiet 440sf private balcony at back of the building. This spacious 2 Bdr+ large Den + 3 Bth suite has A/C and a concierge and is a short walk to Willows Beach, shops, cafes & groceries MLS 953192

Nicole Burgess | 250.384.8124

BREATHTAKING OCEAN VIEW! $2,795,000 9344 Lochside Drive, Sidney


OCEAN VIEW! Gorgeous 2019 built Jenny Martin designed home with ALL THE EXTRAS!

7 Bdr, 5 Bth, (2 Bdr legal suite) 4014sf finished, SPECTACULAR floorto-ceiling windows & vaulted ceiling, Dbl garage with workshop, custom greenhouse, built-in outdoor Twin Eagles BBQ system. Right across from the beach! MLS 947617

Nicole Burgess | 250.384.8124 Help

ONE-BEDROOM CONDO 106-10459 Resthaven Dr.

Resthaven by the Sea welcomes you to resort-style living with a variety of amenities and a backdrop of ocean, parks, and walking trails. This 1-bedroom condo boasts a beautifully updated kitchen, open plan living/dining and east-facing balcony with partial ocean views. Enjoy this easy-care lifestyle and make downsizing a breeze! $499,000. MLS 953248.

Stephanie Peat 250.656.0131

Bough Burl &

Peter Bion (aka Bough & Burl) has a passion for working with hardwoods sourced from several suppliers. His extensive list of wood species includes black walnut, maple, cherry, mappa, olive wood, bubinga, jatoba, zebra wood and many others!

A number of his tables feature unique and creative metal legs sourced from California, and he hand carves bowls of various sizes from cherry, basswood and maple. He recently began building jewelry and keepsake boxes of varying sizes and wood species, epoxy resin tables and smaller epoxy pieces.

The projects Peter would like to build is too numerous to mention and is restricted only by his imagination!

Shop online or request a custom build at

give them the life they deserve. Donate ∙ Adopt ∙ Foster ∙ Volunteer
Hand Crafted Live Edge Woodworking at its Finest

Our family serving your family for over 50 years Real Estate Conveyancing Mortgages Estate Planning Notarizations



Find the image of the box hidden somewhere in this issue.

Visit by March 31st to let us know where you found it.

*one entry per person, per issue. Each entrant is eligible to win the Seaside box giveaway no more than once per calendar year.

Thanks to January’s Community Partners:

• Brentwood Bay Village Empourium

• Burl & Blossom

• Country Bee Honey Farm

• Ecotopia Naturals

• McTavish Academy of Art

• muffet & louisa

• Provenance Fine Things

Creativity is only limited by the imagination

Let us show you what we’ve been dreaming about!


This phrase defines our culture, our values, ethics, fundamental goals and our agenda. If you’re in Open Water, the sky is the limit. We pursue excellence in the acquisition and delivery of seafood to maintain long-term relationships. We are devoted to traceable seafood and the health of our oceans and ecosystems. We love what we do and the chefs we serve consider us part of their team. We are proud to be working alongside Vancouver Island First Nations communities.

Monday - Saturday | 10am till 6pm

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Take Note

What to See & Where to Be

Find the social or physical activity that suits you at this vibrant community hub.

For more than 40 years, the Central Saanich Senior Citizens Association has provided opportunities for seniors to gather, have fun and stay socially and physically active. With a multitude of programs and activities happening at the volunteer-based Centre for Active Living 50+, the association's heart and home, members have plenty of ways to keep their social and physical muscles working.

Many come for the Centre's structured activities such as bingo, yoga and aerobics, dance lessons, guest speaker sessions, games mornings and more. Equally valuable are the social connections made over a cup of coffee or tea. On any given day, week or month, local seniors can find something to enhance their physical well-being, creativity, social connections and mental stimulation.

There truly is something for everyone.

Activities originate from ideas and input shared by members, many of whom volunteer to lead programs or help behind the scenes. Given the impact the pandemic had on seniors' health and wellbeing, the presence and vibrancy of the Centre today is helping reinvigorate people. Membership is a modest $60 per year, which keeps activity drop-in fees as low as the cost of a cup of coffee.

To learn more, visit and click on the activities heading, or drop by during office hours 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday, Wednesday or Friday

TAKE NOTE MARCH 2024 | Community Events
Centre for Active Living 50+ OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY
1229 Clarke Rd (beside the public library), Brentwood Bay

Various Exhibitions

ArtSea Gallery

9565 Fifth St, Sidney


10am-4pm Daily

Awakening – Intersections of Colour and Texture, felted and painted works by artists Jenny Hildebrand and Kathleen Busch, running through March 7, kicks off a busy month in Tulista Park. March 7-14: In Terra Spective – individual and clustered ceramic vessels by Cordova Bay artist Terrice Bassler; March 15-21: 90 Years of Fibre Arts – Victoria Handweavers and Spinners Guild 19342024, including pieces from the guild's permanent collection and current works by members.

What's Your Story 2!

Star Cinema


1 & 3:30pm

9840 Third Street, Sidney

Enjoy a unique and delightful afternoon of stories, live and on film. With CBC Radio's Gregor Craigie live, plus new short films featuring Dr. John Elliott, Peter Chance and Marilyn Loveless. For more information and full details visit Tickets $15 in advance at Star Cinema and Eventbrite: ($20 at the door).

Line Dancing for Beginners



McTavish Academy of Art

1720 McTavish Rd, North Saanich

A natural progression for those who have attended the academy's Absolute Beginner class, or anyone with basic knowledge of line dancing but want to build upon the skills already learned. You'll learn low- to mediumlevel beginner dances using more than your basic steps and introducing additional sequencing patterns. $68 for eight classes.

The Ecclestons

MARCH 8 7:30PM

Deep Cove Folk Society

St. John's United Church, 10990 W. Saanich Rd, North Saanich

After 25 years touring together all over Western Canada and the U.S., siblings Colleen (guitar and vocals) and Kelt Eccleston (bass, penny whistle, vocals) and adopted brother Greg Madill (bouzouki, mandolin, bodhran, vocals) have never lost their spark as a band. Tickets $10 each at the door, visit for more.

Have something for Take Note?


Submission deadline: 1st of the previous month (eg March 1 for April issue events)

The Commodores Big Band: Music from the Movies

Mary Winspear Centre

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney


The Commodores Big Band returns to the Charlie White stage with the dynamic sound only an 18-piece big band can produce. You'll hear everything from "Over the Rainbow" ( Wizard of Oz ) and "Little Brown Jug" (Glenn Miller Story) to "Skyfall" (from the James Bond movie) and "Soul Bossa Nova" ( Austin Powers ). Also performing are dancer John de Pfyffer and a vocal quartet including Kim Greenwood and special guest Diane Pancel. Visit or call 250-656-0275.

The Socrates Café

Beacon Brewing

9829 Third St, Sidney

MARCH 12 & 26 2-4PM

Looking for a place to discuss philosophy and explore a variety of topics and perspectives with others? The Socrates Café, part of a global movement designed to inspire curiosity and to nurture self-discovery and grassroots democracy, invites you to drop by, have a listen, share your thoughts and meet new people.

CSSCA Speaker's Series

Centre for Active Living 50+

1229 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay


The Central Saanich Senior Citizen's Association brings in a guest speaker on the third Friday of each month. In March, Pearse Moroney shares his knowledge with guests during his presentation of Ireland – Land of Saints and Scholars. Admission is $2 and tea and coffee is available for $1.

Sidney Art Walk

Various sites in Sidney


The ArtSea Community Arts Council and Sidney BIA present this fourth annual event, featuring the work of local artists and artisans exhibited throughout the Town of Sidney at local businesses and retail establishments. This showcase of local artists is sure to make your stroll through Sidney even more pleasant! Visit calendar for a full ArtSea events listing.

Repair Cafe

North Saanich

Deep Cove Elementary



10975 West Saanich Rd, North Saanich

A crew of able volunteers is on hand to help community members learn more about making minor repairs to everything from electrical appliances and fixtures to bicycles, wood furniture, electronic items and more. Repairs are by donation, with all proceeds going to local community groups. Find more details at


Volunteer Recruitment Fair

Centre for Active Living 50+

1229 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay



Beacon Community Services receives so many requests for volunteers, it decided to host an event where potential volunteers can find opportunities that fit their interests and skill sets. Learn more by emailing

Sea Shirt Sunday



Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea

9811 Seaport Pl, Sidney

Create your own fish fashion and make your visit memorable with this all-ages creative activity inside the Shaw Centre! All you need to get started is a pillow case, cloth bag or t-shirt (or t-shirts or bags can be purchased for $7) and $2 for fabric paint. Fish moulds will be provided to help the creative process along. No registration required, and regular admission to the centre applies, including those with memberships and annual passes. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Visit for a full event listing.

Blood Donor Clinic

Mary Winspear Centre

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney



Do your part and donate and help save a life. With the clinic set up at the Bodine Hall, you can do so at the Mary Winspear Centre allows you to do so closer to home. For more information, or to book your Sidney appointment visit and type Sidney BC in the location box. You can also call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283).

CFUW Speaker Series: Neil Squire Society

Mary Winspear Centre

2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney


The Canadian Federation of University Women's monthly event features Brian Pritchard, past president of the Neil Squire Society, which uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower Canadians with disabilities. The talk is free to attend for members and their guests, $10 admission for non-members.

TRC Speaker Series: Cherokee Earth Dwellers


Saanich Peninsula Stroke Recovery Association Communication Group

Mondays | 10am-12pm

Seventh Day Adventist Church

10-11am: Social time – coffee/tea/cookies. 11am-12pm: Individual groups for:

• those requiring speech improvement led by a Speech Language Pathologist

• those with physical disabilities led by a Kinesiologist

• caregivers, led by an experienced convenor

Seniors Speak Toastmasters (virtual)

Tuesdays | 10-11am

Saanich Peninsula Toastmasters offers a great way to speak and socialize from the comfort of your home. For details about this online opportunity, email with the subject line: Seniors Toastmasters.

Afternoon Bingo

1st & 3rd Wednesday | 1-4pm

Centre for Active Living 50+

These everyone welcome games take place in the lower hall, next to the public library. The third Wednesday features hot dogs and pop for sale starting at noon.

Caregivers Connect: BC's Virtual Caregiver Café

2nd Thursday | 2-3:30pm

This peer support group is open to all caregivers. Please register at 230336162808251 or email cgsupport@

Grief & Loss Circle

Fridays | 12–3pm

Holy Trinity Anglican Church



Virtual talk by author Christopher Teuton

Join this online lunchtime talk by Prof. Teuton, a scholar of Indigenous oral and written literary studies at the University of Washington-Seattle, in which he will discuss his book, subtitled Stories and Teachings of the Natural World. Arranged by the Sidney/North Saanich Library, this online presentation is part of the Learning with Syeyutsus Speakers Series. Register for the talk at https://

If you're needing a place to talk about your feelings, perhaps after losing a loved one, Holy Trinity offers a supportive, non-judgmental place to talk and hear how others are processing grief and loss in their lives. Lunch will be served during the break. For details, call 250-656-3223 or email admin@

LGBTQ2+ for 55+ Seniors

1st Saturday | 10am St. Paul's United Church

A safe place for community members to make new friends and connections and support each other on their personal journeys. This is not a counselling group. Participants are encouraged to register, but walk-ins are welcome. For details email


Peninsula Panthers

Panthers put regular season behind them

The 2023/24 season in the Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League is in the books as is the P M H A/Fan Appreciation Game and most popular Awards Dinner. Of course, we are into the 1st Round Best-of-7 PostSeason and that now takes precedence over everything else. To follow the Post-Season for the Panthers and the entire Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League, check out our Panthers website at or the V I J H L website at You will find articles and schedules and the Club is hopeful you will be in the seats in the friendly confines of the Panorama Recreation Centre to support the Club.

On Saturday, February 17th the Panthers held their Annual Awards Dinner to a packed house at the Mary Winspear Centre. The Dinner was provided by Island Culinary Service. The Panthers have always tried to give back to the businesses on the Saanich Peninsula, those same businesses that help support and keep the Club a viable entity. It has been and always will be ‘Community First’. If you peruse the opposite page you will see the Award winners who were celebrated at the Dinner. A number of rookies were also given an award for their first ever Junior Goal or in terms of the two rookie goaltenders in Silas Currie and Tanner Ferrill, they received an award for the first ever Junior win between the pipes. The evening lasted three hours but when the crowd filtered out into the parking lot, they were still talking about how highly entertaining and exciting the event was that just took place.

On Family Day Monday, February 19th the Panthers held their Annual Peninsula Minor Hockey Association and Fan Appreciation game in which they cracked open a brand new red 3rd Jersey The Club welcomed in V I J H L leading Campbell River Storm for the 2:00 pm start and in short, the game was an absolute barn-burner. The Storm had been running roughshod over the rest of the competition and they were the only team

that the Panthers had not beat in three previous match-ups. But there was a lot of fire in their collective bellies and in an emotional and physical game held in front of 350 fans, the Panthers out-hit and out-scored the Storm Hockey Club winning by a 5-1 lopsided count. And they were full value for this win. Once the game was in the books, Cats Owners Pete and Coreen Zubersky, with the help of Jacquie Dawes, attended out onto the ice after the Storm had departed. The Jerseys were front and centre with 25 P M H A players and 5 Fans taking one home after their names were pulled in a draw. There were a lot of young wide eyes as P M H A player after player found their way onto the ice to join in the ceremony and to receive their gifted jersey

The following Friday, February 26th the Club won their final Regular Season game by beating the visiting Nanaimo Buccaneers It was a great way for the Panthers to roll into the post-season having won their last four consecutive games. Staying healthy for the post-season was front of mind going into the game with the Buccaneers and Head Coach and General Manager Tyler Stanton chose to bring up seven players from the farm system to fill out the roster A total of 12 veterans sat out the game neatly attired in suit and tie.

“We had such a roller coaster type of season,” said Pete Zubersky “We were as hot as we could have been over the first 15 games but then ran into an incredible streak where player after player went down due to injury We made a couple big trades in early January and it took a bit of time for the Club to gel but we are now there. We are fully healthy and ready to go on a protracted run. We had a Championship two seasons ago and would love run it back again.”

Visit our website:

P.M.H.A. / Fan Appreciation Game - February 19, 2024 This Year ’s Lucky Winners of the Panthers 3rd-Jersey Draw
Sponsored by:

Jr. Hockey Club

2023/24 team awards

Presented February 17, 2024

Most Valuable Player - Silas Currie

Rookie of the Year - Ty Barrie

Top Scorer - Gaetz Barrie

Best Defenceman - Evan Crawford

Steve Simpson - Character, Courage & Heart - Ethan Lingard

Grant Gilbertson Memorial - Friendship

Unsung Hero - Tanner Ferrill

Most Improved - Jason Sekulich

Community Leadership - Malcolm Fletcher

Most Sportsmanlike - Colton Trotter

Fan Favourite - Carson Harris

Scholastic Achievement - Robson Scott & Cameron Sneek & Risto Ringma

Volunteer of the Year - Hans Kossman

All Photos courtesy of Christian J. Stewart Photography & Ethan Lingard

PMHA / Fan Appreciation Game

February 19th - Panorama Recreation Centre

Playof Performer - T.B.A. f - Reid Fryer


Last Word from the Editorial Director

How do you feel about having your photo taken? Do you get camera shy – always position yourself tucked behind someone else? Do you say "I always look awful in pictures!" when your family tries to capture a special moment? I hear you. I was one of those people too.

I didn't get into writing to have my photo taken; in fact, I thought there was a good chance that I'd be able to hide behind words forever. If you can find a photo of me as a teenager, I will look embarrassed, with a closed mouth smile to hide my braces. I was self conscious and it hung around even after the braces were gone and the hair and clothing started to look more put together.

When I joined Seaside and started adding my contribution to Last Word, we had a small head-and-shoulders photo to accompany the text, and that suited me just fine. But then Sue had the great idea of having local clothing stores dress us for our editorial column photos. These photo shoots are terrifying to contemplate, and yet so much fun, and totally life-affirming. It would be hard to think of a situation further outside the comfort zone of a 30-year-old Deb than "we're going to dress you in pajamas and have you pose for a full page photo." I would have died! But look, here I am, genuinely having fun, hamming it up; that's a real smile on my face (though a pretend cocktail in the shaker).

What changed? Well, I got older. Why didn't older women tell me when I was 15 and 20 and 30 that the way you feel about yourself doesn't have to be set in stone? It's been a revelation to reach my mid-40s and discover that actually it's not mortifying to have some grey hair. Nobody ever comments on my short legs or round tummy or all the imperfections I find in myself. If people comment it's about the clothes, and then only to say that they like them. I'm not saying that people aren't at home judging me; they could well be. It's just that I find I can't make myself care about that anymore.

I know many of the women who had their photos taken for our Women to Watch feature will have found being in front of the camera difficult. I'm proud of them all for putting themselves to the forefront of their businesses. You are beautiful, every single one of you!

Photo by Janis Jean Photography. Fabulous PJs provided by Lily Pad Lingerie; self-confidence by me!

If you have an impor t ant message that you need to effec ti vel y communicate to V ic toria and Vancou ver Island consumers, we are here for you.

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Meet the Centenarians

“Life and aging are the greatest gifts that we could possibly ever have.” - Cicely Tyson

These amazing women have lived through history including the Great Depression, the Second World War, landing on the moon and the leadership of 15 Prime Ministers. They have listened to radio, seen black and white television turn to colour and experienced the technology revolution.

We celebrate our centenarians for their interesting lives, past accomplishments and for the joy they find each and every day. They are an inspiration.

To learn more about Sidney All Care, please contact our Community Relations Manager Claire Sear at or 778.351.2505.

778.351.2505 • • 2269 Mills Rd, Sidney Proudly Offering Long Term, Respite and Palliative Care
Left to Right: Elsie Milner, who turns 100 in May; Eva Fevang, 103; and Madeline Harper, 100.

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