The West indies in 1837

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offences of slaves, except such as were of a verj' heinous character or committed against the public peace. The crop had commenced on this estate; being from four to six weeks earlier than usual. We inspected, with much interest, the various processes at the mill, boil足 ing house and distillery. The buildings were large, well ventilated, and cooler than we had expected to find them. 10th. We paid a second visit to the gaol. The condemned cells are small, exceedingly ill ventilated, and quite dark. There are at present two occupants of them, capitally convicted ; one whose sentence has been changed to banishment; and another, waiting the result of an application to the authorities at home, on a point of law. We visited also the refuge for female orphans in St. John's ; an institution similar to the one at English Harbour, but in more active operation. The little girls, seventeen in number, were engaged in making strawplait. They appeared to be very com足 fortable and kindly attended to. The President of the institution told us, that the number of applications for them, as servants, was four times greater than they could supply ; and that those whom they had brought up had usually done credit to their care. Thej;^ have been, of late years, limited in their funds ; in conse足 quence of the numerous demands made upon the benevolent portion of the public, by schools and other more recent institutions. In the present condition of Colonial Society, establishments like these are deserv足 ing the warmest encouragement ; as they not only provide a maintenance and education for a particular class of orphans, but rescue them from a life of almost inevitable degradation and profligacy. One institution would suffice for this small island. We suggested a

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